IRC log for #android on 20080515

00:01.15*** join/#android rch850_ (
00:19.00jastaneat, the list of judges released
00:21.01jastalol, Nat Friedman was one of the judges!?
00:23.06trigatch4who is Nat Friedman?
00:23.19jastaco-founder of Ximian, and now is some high up at Novell
00:23.41jastaapparently the other co-founder of Ximian, Miguel, was also a judge.  what the hell?
00:23.52trigatch4do you have a link to the article?
00:23.55jastai wonder which of these assholes gave me a bad score ;)
00:24.20dueyjasta, I dont see any music comapnies on the list
00:24.21jastayou mean the android developers blog?
00:24.32trigatch4didnt know thats where it was
00:24.34jastaduey: Well, no music companies exist in the OHA
00:24.54dueythey are not all OHA members
00:24.58jastathere are a lot of judges from Google.  I expected there to be none or very few.
00:26.01dueysomeone from SoniVox voted me
00:26.09jastahehe, interesting:
00:26.57jastai'd really like to know how that CallACab app even works
00:27.13jastado cab companies offer some sort of advanced digital interface that i don't know about?
00:27.13dueyjasta, well it would of been impossible to test
00:28.16jastahmmmmmmm, interesting
00:28.21jastathere is another music app that won
00:30.43jastagoCart and AndroidScan are like the same f'n thing!?
00:30.57jastawhat. the. fuck.
00:31.01dueystop looking at it jasta
00:31.05dueyyou will cry
00:31.07trigatch4weiner. in. a. bottle.
00:31.15dueyhe has a point
00:32.22duey(you have a point i was meaning)
00:32.32dueythey should of removed duplicate apps
00:32.45dueybut i guess that isnt really fair
00:32.47jastayeah, that should have been part of the selection process
00:33.18jastaduey: How isn't it?  It does not benefit anyone involved except the participants to permit blatant duplicates.
00:33.39dueyyesi agree there
00:33.40jastathat Jigsaw app looks kind of neat, though
00:34.13dueybut if they developed it without the other team knowing and were able to please the judges
00:34.15jastai just caught myself doing that the other day.  using my mobile phone to take a photo of a white board drawing to archive it before i erased it to do other stuff
00:34.30jastaduey: right, but one has to be better than the other...
00:34.37dueyi guess
00:39.32jastalol, what the fucking hell
00:39.38jastayoug uys see MyCloset? :)
00:41.05jastakind of a lot of emergency/saefty-type apps
00:41.08jastathat surprises me some.
00:41.48jastaSocial Monster looks like a very cool app, actually.  This one I would actually use.
00:41.56romainguythere are some pretty cool apps in this list
00:41.57jastaI hate trying to get my friends to coordinate on anything
00:42.07jastaThey're impossible :)
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00:44.39jastaTeradesk also looks very nice.  visually probably one of the best looking so far
00:44.58jastai wish more of thes eprojects were open, however.  closed source blows.
00:45.38romainguyif the app is good, I don't mind
00:46.02jastathat's not the point, though.  closing these applications stifles further innovation on top of a sound basic concept
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00:47.06romainguyopen source is not magical
00:47.12romainguyinnovation doesn't happen just because you're open source
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00:48.09jastai didn't mean to imply that opening them will guarantee that they are better.
00:48.35jastai meant to express that closing them will limit the realm of innovation to a much smaller group of people.
00:48.51jastawhich, in turn, is likely to stifle innovation.
00:49.19jastaof course that is no guarantee, but some of these applications are obvious candidates for community-driven extensions.
00:49.35jastalike Teradesk in particular ;)
00:50.00romainguyTeradesk looks like they grabbed the assets from Windows Vista ^^
00:50.14jastait is no wonder why the current mobile landscape is so dead.
00:51.10trigatch4WritingPad is the dumbest thing I've ever seen - sorry if the developer is here.
00:51.11jastaandroid alone won't change that.  only a significant paradigm shift among developers will.
00:51.33romainguytrigatch4: Why?
00:51.35jasta(well, and maybe users too *grin*)
00:51.47trigatch4"Innovative and Fun Way to Type"
00:51.57trigatch4I don't think anybody types to have fun
00:52.11trigatch4They type because they want to input text so they can accomplish something
00:52.15jastaactually, my first impression of writingpad was very positive
00:52.26jastabut after watching the demo i realized that it actually is slower than a qwerty keyboard
00:52.31jastaat least for me...
00:52.46trigatch4and fun? maybe for 2 seconds...
00:52.51jastaadn even slower than most young people can use T9
00:52.54trigatch4until you realize you're bored
00:52.58trigatch4and typing is quicker
00:53.02trigatch4and then you delete the app
00:53.47jastai did like the retina scanning thing.  oh man, i wish they'd create this really hollywood style UI too
00:53.51jastathat would be awesome ;)
00:54.04jastatoo bad retina scanning with a 1 or 2MP camera would be *EASILY* fooled :)
01:00.26*** join/#android Laibsch (
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01:11.57trigatch4yeah the retina scanning thing was sick
01:13.30trigatch4duey: how do you know who judged your submission?
01:14.05dueyone of the judges ips had the company name in it
01:15.04*** join/#android michaelnovakjr_2 (
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01:16.09michaelnovakjr_2hey jasta, around?
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01:55.40spinullsomeone tell me how to get android on my phone
01:56.54spinulli have an htc 8125
01:57.30spinullwith WM6
01:57.39spinullunlocked and custom roms
01:58.54michaelnovakjr_2we don't support android hack installs here
01:59.08dueyandroid-internals might
01:59.26spinullim not really trying to install it permanently
01:59.37spinulli just want to experience it
01:59.54michaelnovakjr_2as do we all :)
02:00.08michaelnovakjr_2have you downloaded the emulator?
02:00.19spinullthe sdk
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02:48.29trigatch4You know what would be really cool?
02:49.13trigatch4Guess not...
02:49.20f00f-who said libraries didn't win?! :)
02:50.08michaelnovakjr_2quiet around here
02:50.18f00f-i guess that slideshow shut people up
02:52.21f00f-well i've identified a few competitors to my app :P
02:54.21f00f-oh damn
02:54.26f00f-that is awesome
02:54.47f00f-forget qwerty, just use a stylus
02:54.53f00f-if it did OCR that would be sweet, too
02:55.13michaelnovakjr_2be back.... ( i am developing two new kickin' applications for android ) !!
02:55.45michaelnovakjr_2one being an RSS Reader with some really neat features
02:56.13f00f-man, some of these have really polised GUI's
02:56.31michaelnovakjr_2that's the way to go!
02:56.31michaelnovakjr_2be back in a few minutes
02:56.33*** part/#android michaelnovakjr_2 (
03:00.17trigatch4yeah i think a lot of people probably undervalued the importance of UI's in Round 1... even based on subconscious value the judges put on them
03:04.03f00f-i think our GUI is perhaps the ugliest most unpolished
03:09.09michaelnovakjrmy new apps are going to have a fresh polished gui
03:09.17michaelnovakjrsomething friendly to use
03:09.45living_swordbut dont Open them !
03:10.22living_swordprovide the source
03:10.37michaelnovakjrof course they will be open source ::P
03:11.21f00f-i have to tip my hat off to Google for great PR
03:11.24f00f-they really know how to use it
03:11.29f00f-making a lot of people cry
03:11.50f00f-and now they're gonna release rankings in one form  :P
03:12.02f00f-read the board
03:15.06michaelnovakjrits unreal how much em-radar looks like my app
03:15.14michaelnovakjrin terms of the listing
03:17.12f00f-closed-source ftw!
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03:18.28michaelnovakjrscrew him
03:18.36michaelnovakjri'm open source all the way
03:26.41living_swordsomeone can upload that pdf to rapidshare or something, cant get it from google.
03:27.16trigatch4f00f: release rankings how?
03:29.08trigatch4living_sword: just upped it to my site for you...
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03:32.02*** join/#android living_sword_ (i=chatzill@
03:32.13living_sword_trigatch4, thanks
03:40.18michaelnovakjri don't like diggin's interface
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03:54.55living_sword_except for one or two, rest is the same social crap
03:58.16living_sword_i wonder how much multiple facets scored for the UI
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04:07.55michaelnovakjri just can't believe how the first screenshot of Em-Radar resembles my app
04:08.08michaelnovakjri guess discussing my app in the irc was a bad idea :)
04:09.22jastanah, that dude has probably never even been here
04:09.40jastamost of the winners didn't seem to be active in the community
04:10.46michaelnovakjroh hey
04:10.49jastamichaelnovakjr: *poke*
04:10.51michaelnovakjrgot that stuff to work
04:11.01jastahow was the experience?
04:11.13michaelnovakjryea it was some gij package that ubuntu installed with java that was screwing up the build system
04:11.21jastai mean, with my app in particular
04:11.45jastathanks :)
04:11.59jastai caught a few really odd bugs last night that i'm not sure how i'm gonna fix with the inotify code
04:12.07michaelnovakjrone sec
04:12.08jastaso that part of the code may not "seem" to work at present
04:12.26jastathough it really does, it's just two unusual cases when you move or delete with a shell that sends to the trash
04:14.00trigatch4I was surprised how much "social crap" were in the Top 50, to be honest...
04:14.22jastayou were?
04:14.27jasta...really? :)
04:14.43trigatch4I know "social networking" is the big thing these days but I mean, cmon?
04:14.51jastathat seemed to be all the rage.  what's so stupid though is that launching a successful social network is actually very tricky
04:15.03jastalots of variables that are hard to predict have to be just right.  you really gotta be sitting on the winning lotto ticket.
04:15.19michaelnovakjri actually want to go on record as saying diggin looks terrible
04:15.26trigatch4and furthermore, too many social networks is counterproductive to the purpose of a social network...
04:15.28jastalike Facebook and MySpace.  something undefinable just resonated with people
04:15.32jastaso hard to capture that on purpose
04:15.48michaelnovakjrtrigatch4 exactly
04:15.50f00f-social is already flooded, too much going on
04:15.57trigatch4exactly... it's hard to build the momentum of "I need to be a part of that or I'm missing out"
04:15.59jastamichaelnovakjr: i'm curious about the idea, but they need to expand on what they mean by "a new way"
04:16.16trigatch4Plus... FaceBook gets an Android App and it's all over for everyone else haha
04:16.19michaelnovakjrthe interface is too busy
04:16.56trigatch4I think the COOLEST ideas are the very NICHE ideas
04:16.56f00f-trigatch4: yes, exactly.
04:17.05trigatch4the Golf application...
04:17.23trigatch4simple yet VERY useful and unparalleled
04:17.36trigatch4to a a very niche, yet huge audience
04:18.05trigatch4it's apps like that which will make android, i think
04:19.23f00f-they didnt change the descriptiorn on my slide
04:19.30trigatch4change it to what?
04:19.33f00f-i guess it's for the app gallery
04:19.39f00f-just reword it
04:19.45f00f-nothing significant
04:19.52trigatch4which is yours, f00f?
04:20.30*** join/#android Dralspire2 (n=dralspir@unaffiliated/dralspire)
04:21.06living_sword_from the results i deduce that the only thing u can do on android is socialise or check the weather.
04:21.24trigatch4hahahahha nice
04:21.39trigatch4that's hilarious
04:21.43f00f-hehe nice
04:21.55trigatch4I'm pissed about this "application gallery"
04:21.57f00f-TuneWiki's screens look very iPhone-ish... i like
04:22.03f00f-trigatch4: it's not out yet
04:22.04trigatch4I've been working on an application gallery of my own
04:22.33f00f-i thought TeraDesk was gonna be some CAD thing
04:22.39f00f-remindes me of AutoDesk
04:22.44f00f-makers of AutoCAD
04:23.28trigatch4Question: What would you estimate the level of programming difficulty of something like WifiArmy?
04:23.45trigatch4Dififculty, Time investment, etc...
04:23.49f00f-i still dont get what it is
04:23.57f00f-just a game right
04:23.59trigatch4Your android phone is like a laser tag gun
04:24.06trigatch4and the world is the "boundaries"
04:24.31trigatch4Does that explain it better?
04:24.41f00f-sounds like a novel game :)
04:24.50living_sword_wheres the time to play, in the day, u'll be at the office and i bet they havent put a night vision on it.
04:25.08trigatch4i don't think working people will be playing
04:25.13trigatch4kids have phones these days, old man
04:25.28living_sword_i thought kids went to skool
04:25.36f00f-hi' skoo'
04:25.41jerkface03schools for fools
04:25.48trigatch4schoooooooools.... out... for... the summmer
04:25.53jerkface03player hater degree
04:26.11f00f-for shore
04:26.32trigatch4seriously though... any idea on the difficulty level of that?
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04:27.05trigatch4basically of "shooting" someone and detecting a hit or miss
04:27.05f00f-well a few hundred hours
04:27.09f00f-no GUI
04:27.16f00f-with the right expertise in image processing
04:27.37trigatch4screenshots of what?
04:27.56f00f-of wifi army, buddy
04:27.59jerkface03trigatch4: are you just trying to do collision detection?
04:29.00trigatch4they have an indepth website at
04:29.06f00f-ok i saw the first page
04:29.13f00f-not interested, to be really honest
04:29.14trigatch4jerkface03: yes, collision detection
04:35.19trigatch4and then there were none...
04:35.25f00f-ok, next topic!
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04:38.07trigatch4sure, skip right past my collision detection
04:38.13trigatch4;) jk
04:38.33trigatch4f00f nice app concept by the way
04:38.38trigatch4do you live in an urban area?
04:39.54f00f-trigatch4: heh, if you call san jose urban, sure :)
04:40.19f00f-i'd say our app would be useful, especially in a downtown
04:40.27f00f-well also depends *how* you use it
04:40.29trigatch4yeah, agreed
04:42.10trigatch4how meaning 1) get money from atm 2) stop by drug dealers house 3) txt friend to let him know we've "got the stuff" 4) drive to friend's 5) go to undisclosed location to make a drop 6) stop at bank to exchange our ATM $20s for $1s 7) go to strip club 8) contact taxi to drive us home
04:42.24trigatch4something like that, right?
04:42.32trigatch4hehe jk
04:43.13trigatch4I live in downtown Baltimore so yeah, I can appreciate how it would be very useful
04:43.15f00f-dude, you're on the ball
04:43.26f00f-and if we have opening/closing times for all those
04:43.36f00f-we can even optimize your DrugRoute(TM) :)
04:43.42trigatch4haha nice
04:43.47f00f-(that was a joke... for the record)
04:43.55f00f-but technically, lots of possibilities exist
04:44.01f00f-key is to make it simple enough to use
04:44.09muthuand what about th planning after you get home ;)
04:44.24trigatch4Yup, exactly. Simplicity I think will be the key to all these.
04:44.28f00f-such as, travel itinerary to flee the country?
04:46.40trigatch4I have about 10 android app ideas I think would do gang busters... my goal is to somehow get rich between now and the next ADC announcement so I can hire some programmers
04:46.56f00f-they better not be LBS or social net :P
04:47.38trigatch4actually... one of them would be kinda neat. I don't want to disclose too much but basically, no matter where you were, you could always get the 10 day weather forecast.
04:48.28f00f-sounds like you could rig that up in 24 hours easily.
04:48.45f00f-GPS LocationProvider, Weather web service, fancy UI.
04:49.13trigatch4i was joking
04:49.22f00f-clearly :D
04:49.34f00f-still, i didnt see an SMS app
04:49.37f00f-no one made it
04:49.45f00f-now that is like a 72 hour job
04:49.47trigatch4okay... i thought you thought i was a douche for a sec ha
04:49.54trigatch4yeah thats prolly why
04:50.02trigatch4google will just include stuff like that standard i think
04:50.18f00f-well it better >= iPhone's SMS client
04:50.31trigatch4i mean someone commented on they couldn't believe their calculator app didn't make the cut?
04:50.56trigatch4Texas Instruments is an OHA partner... I'm pretty sure they could rig up a pretty nice Android Calculator pretty darn easily
04:51.58trigatch4So unless your "calculator" does stuff like unique like the car calculator for horsepower/speed like the one that made the Top 50... leave the 1+1 to GOOG or an abacus
04:54.37trigatch4so... I'm in the process of securing an interview with Rich Miner on Friday. Anyone have any questions/ideas they want me to ask?
04:55.01f00f-who is that or why you interviewing with him?
04:55.54michaelnovakjrnever heard of him
04:58.27f00f-ask him to wire us some money here, that's about it.
04:59.08*** join/#android Dralspire2 (n=dralspir@unaffiliated/dralspire)
05:05.35trigatch4never heard of him? really?
05:06.17trigatch4He is Google's VP of Mobile Technology
05:09.14trigatch4f00f: wire us some money? if i'm not mistaken you're $25k richer. I don't want to see you with your hands out!
05:09.33trigatch4or is that why you're asking for the wire? ha
05:10.17f00f-well i want everyone in here to win something
05:10.25f00f-ok trigatch4
05:10.27f00f-ask him
05:10.42f00f-what are they gonna do to keep the platform from being fragmented like Java ME
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05:14.57trigatch4k, written down
05:15.19f00f-what else..hmm
05:15.56trigatch4of course I'm going to pressure him about specific handsets, specific dates, etc... but I'm sure I'll get nothing of that nature
05:16.06trigatch4"pressure" is a harsh word
05:16.25trigatch4more like "guilt him into admitting"... pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase mr. miner pleaaaaaaaaaaase
05:17.15living_sword_u can ask him if he visits the android forum
05:17.57trigatch4you mean since he clearly isn't one of the 12 members?
05:20.11living_sword_just to check if he's aware of the issues faced by developers
05:20.32living_sword_especially the android-challenge forum
05:20.58f00f-demand that all the non-top 50 guys get free android devices
05:21.05f00f-of the 1788 - 50
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05:22.06living_sword_u can ask him what was his involvement in ADC
05:22.17living_sword_like at what level.
05:22.37trigatch4living_sword: since I'm not a developer, I must admit I'm a bit ignorant to those issues you mention. If you can broadly explain them I'd be happy to ask.
05:23.59trigatch4f00f: I don't think demanding anything will get the type of reaction I'm hoping for. And if I were to demand something, it would be for the 1788 - 50 + 1(me). And then I would graciously sell one to each of you for an extremely discounted price. haha jk
05:24.24f00f-just suggest it
05:24.28f00f-convey the emotions
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05:24.34f00f-people are crying
05:24.40f00f-actually you know what
05:24.46f00f-dont suggest that
05:24.52trigatch4i won't, don't worry
05:24.53f00f-people that cry or complain dont deserve it
05:25.06f00f-only the persistent ones should be rewarded especially for android loyalty
05:25.10f00f-such as those who entered but didnt place
05:25.17f00f-IF they continue working on their app
05:25.22f00f-that would be ultimate loyalty test
05:25.41f00f-they could create a Forum Nokia-like program (kinda like S60 Ambassadors) but give free stuff to develoeprs who are active on the platform
05:25.49jastaspeaking of, i'm doing some touch-ups and edits to my app's demo video :)
05:25.50f00f-that would really resonate with passionate Android devs
05:25.57living_sword_trigatch, u know majority of developers feel the ADC has been unjust in picking the 50. and if he visits the forum , he would know that.
05:26.14Kralnhow do you speak for the majority of developers?
05:26.23Kralnthey chose what they thought people would want and would make their platform viable
05:26.26Kralnyou didn't have to compete
05:26.28Kralnyou knew the rules
05:26.33Kralnstfu and accept that you are NOT AS GOOD as other people
05:26.40Kralnwah wah I lost cry me a river and stfu
05:26.52jastawhile i understand where you're coming from, i think your basic argument needs some work :)
05:27.05trigatch4yeah but he's a smart guy,  you know what he'll say regardless to that question. they did the best they good, it was hard to judge because all the apps were very good and competitive. unfortunately there has to be losers.
05:27.25trigatch4If there were shortcomings in the first ADC we'll certainly take a look and try to improve future rounds and future challenges
05:27.29trigatch4yada yada yada
05:27.46trigatch4thats a soft question
05:28.11trigatch4although I can ask about SPECIFIC shortcomings and see if he'll address SPECIFIC issues
05:28.21trigatch4but will most likely get a generic response
05:28.29jastawhat are you talking about?
05:28.33jastawho's "he"?
05:28.45living_sword_well, my suggestion was to ask him if he visits the forum,
05:28.55f00f-he wont, forget it
05:28.57f00f-be realistic
05:29.09trigatch4jasta: Rich Miner, Google VP of MobileTechnology
05:29.22jastaare you interviewing him or something?
05:29.27trigatch4yeah hopefully
05:29.30jastaand yes, i agree with f00f, he probably has much better things to do.
05:29.31f00f-top guys like that don't have time to look at that
05:29.34trigatch4they're trying to set something up for Friday with me
05:29.38f00f-they work with executive summaries (1 page or less)
05:29.50f00f-trigatch4: i hope you ask him the tough, hard questions
05:29.51f00f-make him sweat
05:29.53jastawhat is the topic of the interview?
05:30.00trigatch4Android in general
05:30.09trigatch4I'm trying to get some good questions as we speak
05:30.28jastahmm, well good luck
05:30.35trigatch4thanks man
05:30.39trigatch4should be a fun interview
05:31.06trigatch4just want to make sure I';ve got some interesting questions that haven't been asked before... things that will shed some new light on android issues
05:31.24jastai don't see how you could ;)
05:32.24muthutrigatch4: ask him how they are going to work with all of the mobile OEM's and carriers
05:33.59trigatch4muthu: thats kind of broad do you think you could narrow it down a bit? i feel like the question isn't very direct and pointed, it is easy to dance around.
05:34.28trigatch4by saying something like, "we'll work with each one to insure their needs are met within the android framework... etc..."
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05:35.35living_sword_ask him , apart from phones, what other devices might we see android on this year
05:38.32jastai want to see an in-dash car stereo with a GSM radio running my app on the Android stack :)
05:39.13jastaor perhaps not.  just linux and the framebuffer, with all the driver goodness that we are going to as a result of Android
05:39.42jastai would actually pay an extra whatever, $40/mo for that privilege :)
05:40.43romainguy__trigatch4: what's the context of your interview?
05:42.02trigatch4what other devices besides phones... GREAT question
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05:42.20trigatch4romainguy__: no context... just android in general
05:42.43romainguy__trigatch4: sure, but why are you interviewing Rich Miner? Is it just personal, or is it as a journalist, etc?
05:43.08trigatch4As a journalist for
05:43.59trigatch4Just try to get some interesting info straight from the horses mouth... uncover some things that may not have been talked about yet...
05:44.28trigatch4I asked a LONG time ago to interview Jason Chen and they promised to set something up...
05:44.51trigatch4Never heard back, e-mailed them again like "you dissed me" and they said, "how about Rich Miner on Friday"
05:45.26f00f-is in this chan buddy
05:45.35f00f-just privmsg him
05:45.46f00f-jasonchen: someone wants to interview you, whoever you are
05:45.55jastayeah, Jason Chen is just a dev advocate.
05:46.03jastashouldn't be hard to have a conversation with him
05:47.04trigatch4*uses AndroidScan to scan barcode of "Detective Work for Dummies*
05:47.45trigatch4oh well... now I'll have 2 interviews hehe
05:48.00trigatch4Miner is the guy that said "Android will outsell the iPhone"
05:48.09trigatch4that in itself is reason enough for an interview
05:48.17jastawell, he has to say that
05:48.29romainguy__Android is not one product, it's a platform
05:48.42jastasome windows mobile exec said recently they will have 40% of the cell phone market world-wide by 2010.  you know, it's just rhetoric ;)
05:49.17living_sword_u could ask about Flash, is google working with adobe or is it completely left on adobe to pursue it.
05:50.01jastareally, we don't need Flash on mobile devices.  what we need is popular sites creating alternate delivery vehicles for their content that don't rely on Flash
05:50.07jastalike native mobile applications, for one.
05:50.54jastaadobe has their head too far up their ass, and content providers are likely to figure that out way before adobe does.
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05:57.18f00f-what does xpp.getAttributeValue(arg0, arg1) return and accept?
05:57.31f00f-is it attribute name, default value?
05:59.44romainguy__what is the xpp object?
06:01.01romainguy__then that would be the namespace and the attribute name
06:01.15f00f-ah ok nvm
06:01.24f00f-so to get attributes, i just need to do a loop for each one
06:07.15f00f-corona+lime ok time to code
06:13.12f00f-romainguy__: can open like res/values/strings.xml from code?
06:13.18f00f-i want to parse it using XPP
06:13.36dueynzlooks like ill be stopping my project :)
06:13.52f00f-openNonAsset() or openXmlBlock() ?
06:14.07f00f-why dueu
06:14.09jastadueynz: why?
06:14.31dueynzive decided mobile ain't for me
06:14.38dueynzmoving into the parasite world
06:15.11romainguy__f00f-: why would you want to do this?
06:15.46f00f-romainguy__: i want to define a part of my application's menu hierarchy in XML, so to have an XML file recognized and give an error in eclipse if it's malformed, it should be under res/ ?
06:16.03romainguy__you can put it in asset/
06:16.06romainguy__(or assets/)
06:16.19f00f-it's in assets/ and has a .xml extension yet it doesnt give an error if it's malformed
06:16.20jastagah, i am way too self conscious to record a demo video :)
06:16.28jastai keep saying stupid things and stuttering
06:16.50dueynzjasta, computer voice lol
06:17.10f00f-cut the voice
06:17.12romainguy__f00f-: note that in our current builds it is possible to define menus in XML :)
06:17.41f00f-i mean the icons on my main screen (so using XML to define a simple state machine)
06:18.02f00f-romainguy__: but that is cool, too... i gues i should make use of menus more than just for Help and Exit
06:19.07romainguy__You have an Exit menu?
06:19.57f00f-sorry only on the main screen
06:20.02f00f-since back button just sits there
06:20.08f00f-we dont want the user to accidentally Back out and exit the app
06:20.14f00f-sinceback button is used to navigate the hierarchy
06:20.18f00f-how should itbe done?
06:20.25romainguy__The Android philosophy is to not have an exit/quit menu
06:20.28f00f-(that is, to go up a level in the hierarchy)
06:20.40romainguy__and preferably let back do that
06:20.56f00f-in this case, Back could be bad for usability, imho
06:21.04f00f-or maybe we should use back, but confirm the exit?
06:21.07romainguy__why your application in particular?
06:21.13romainguy__back doesn't exit applications in Android
06:21.16romainguy__it just goes back
06:21.16f00f-cause back is used for navigation
06:21.29romainguy__then it's fine
06:21.42romainguy__I know I'd be really pissed to use an Android app which would change the behavior of the back button
06:21.44f00f-but when you reach the top-level of the app (the main screen), what should back do?
06:21.53romainguy__you let back do whatever it does
06:22.01romainguy__that is go back to what the user was doing before your activity
06:22.07f00f-well i just disabled it for now, just in case the user accidentally presses back one too many times
06:22.30romainguy__that's ok
06:22.30romainguy__he jut has to click your app icon again
06:22.30romainguy__since the app is not killed
06:23.20f00f-ok so i should just hide it... basically call super
06:23.37romainguy__just use the default behavior
06:24.05f00f-so is it safe to assume that this will go back to a screen with an icon for the app?
06:24.10f00f-or a way to get to it with one click
06:24.18romainguy__if your app was launched from the home screen yes
06:24.27romainguy__but if your app was invoked from another app, it will go back to this other app
06:24.35romainguy__(which is exactly what you want actually)
06:24.35f00f-ok, that's fine
06:24.46f00f-ok i will make this change now, thx
06:25.00romainguy__No pb :))
06:25.26romainguy__Sorry to insist on that, but since I've been using android 10 hours a day for the past 12 months, there are some things I kinda take for granted in apps ;-))
06:26.16f00f-the fastest way to get back to the top level in my app is tpo hit the Back button a million times :P
06:27.04f00f-i really need to fix application lifecycle issues in my app
06:27.19f00f-should obey those guidelines!
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12:54.03Dougie187good morning everyone
12:54.12muthuDougie187: mornin
12:54.20Dougie187how are you muthu?
12:54.40muthui'm ok
12:54.56muthuyou know its one of those days
12:55.12Dougie187you excited to get your prize money?
12:55.37muthui'll be excited when we actually deliver them on gphones :)
12:56.23muthuhave you looked at the winners slideshow?
13:00.40Dougie187i didnt know there was one
13:01.00muthuits in the android website
13:01.25Dougie187yeah i found it.
13:01.26Dougie187thats cool
13:04.39Dougie187man, some of these are totally dumb
13:04.46muthuwhich ones?
13:05.49Dougie187i think breadcrumbs is kinda usless
13:05.59Dougie187and beetaun
13:06.15muthui donno
13:06.15Dougie187i dont see the point in the iris scanning one, but i guess it could be cool.
13:06.42muthubio wallet is a nice app
13:07.09Dougie187yeah, but whats the point?
13:07.39muthuso you can control who sees what
13:07.47Dougie187are you going to scan your iris to check your email?
13:07.58Kralnmuthu: the reason your vm was messed up: you got hacked
13:08.01Dougie187i thought of it like a keyring.
13:08.14muthuKraln: really, bummer!
13:08.23Kralndid you disable root login? =/
13:08.50Dougie187i am disappointed by the number of social networking apps
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13:08.55muthuKraln: guess so, my sysadmin did that
13:09.44muthuhe's a learner though
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13:10.05muthuDougie187: yeah, mostly lbs backed apps
13:10.23Dougie187some just seem completely useless.
13:10.40Dougie187like, i cant imagine the number of people who would use it to be more then ~100
13:10.49Dougie187and even they wouldnt use it for that long.
13:11.04Dougie187i mean of them are great ideas.
13:11.08Dougie187like i really like the barcode one.
13:11.11Dougie187i think thats a cool idea.
13:11.17Dougie187and i like your cooking one.
13:11.24Dougie187because i wont need my laptop in my kitchen.
13:11.31Dougie187and i can use my phone as a shopping list.
13:11.43Dougie187thats a feature you should add.
13:11.48Dougie187i dont know if you have it or not.
13:11.56Dougie187but can you make your own shopping list in it?
13:11.59Kralnmuthu: I still haven't heard from mary-ann
13:12.07muthuKraln: i did my job
13:12.11muthushe needs to decide
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13:12.23Kralnmuthu: she hasn't even contacted me, is my meaning
13:12.27Dougie187man, there are repeats of apps too
13:12.31Dougie187thats freaking stupid.
13:12.42muthuKraln: i've send her some 20 profiles
13:12.49michaelnovakjr_1diggin is ugly
13:13.01Kralnmuthu: that's too bad for me, i guess
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13:13.19muthuKraln: honestly, she owns the whole thing
13:13.25Dougie187they have two barcode scanning apps.
13:13.31Dougie187two weather monitor apps
13:13.32Kralnanyway, what do you want to do about your hacked vps
13:13.37liginamaskar muthu
13:13.45muthuligi: halo
13:13.47ligiand hello to all the others here
13:13.50muthuKraln: set it straight man
13:14.06muthuKraln: and send some instructions to my sysadmin, on how to prevent these in future
13:14.13KralnI can't set it straight
13:14.15Dougie187i think the free family watch is kinda cool too
13:14.16KralnI sent you an email
13:14.22Kralnthe vz is going to be destroyed
13:14.27Kralnif there's any data files you need, let me know
13:14.34muthuoh ok
13:14.53muthushit, hope he learns from this
13:14.57muthui'll have a word with him
13:15.04Dougie187michaelnovakjr how are you liking the winning apps?
13:15.16michaelnovakjr_1not really liking them at al
13:15.22michaelnovakjr_1diggin looks like crap
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13:16.12Dougie187what does it do?
13:16.18muthua lot of the winning apps are pretty simple
13:16.45Dougie187i am just disappointed by the shear number of social networking apps and the number of repeat ideas in the winning 50
13:17.10Dougie187they could have cut a lot of those out and put new ideas that would be indispensable to users.
13:17.23Dougie187maybe add really cool new features to the phone people hadn't thought about
13:17.35Dougie187but now, they have like 3 choices for getting their weather on their phone
13:17.54muthuyeah, there are 3 weather apps
13:17.56Dougie187two ways of checking prices by barcodes.
13:18.29Dougie187did duey win?
13:19.07muthuduey did not win
13:19.15Dougie187see. his app would be really useful.
13:19.23Dougie187and it would have been an awesome feature to have on a phone.
13:19.41Dougie187they could have dumped one of the weather apps or one of the billion social networking apps and put his in there.
13:19.57Dougie187locale seems cool too. but i think thats a feature most phone os's come with nowadays
13:20.47Dougie187someone should make a bluetooth network app
13:20.53Dougie187that links phones together with bluetooth.
13:21.00Dougie187and lets you talk to each other.
13:21.13muthusomeone actually did
13:21.21muthuguess fluidnexus
13:21.53Dougie187thats cool.
13:22.23Dougie187i wonder if you could allow a phone to use your phone as a bridge to make calls.
13:22.44muthuso you get billed!
13:22.56Dougie187well no, but like if your camping on a weekend for instance.
13:23.02Dougie187and verizon gets coverage but Att doesnt.
13:23.14Dougie187and the verizon person has free nights and weekends.
13:23.29Dougie187then they can allow people to "tether" their phones to his phone, and make calls through his line.
13:23.33muthuwould be useful in emergency etc.,
13:23.35michaelnovakjr_1i am writing an awesome rss reader
13:23.44Dougie187granted only one person would be able to do it at a time.
13:24.09Dougie187for android michaelnovakjr?
13:24.42michaelnovakjr_1it syncs up your feeds with feedburner
13:25.02michaelnovakjr_1so you don't have to re-enter them on your phone, and you can also manage them from either a computer or your phone
13:25.07michaelnovakjr_1its almost done
13:25.17muthua feed reader would be cool
13:25.36Dougie187just some of these apps are completely useless.
13:25.38michaelnovakjr_1muthu, a feed reader with Feedburner!!
13:25.51Dougie187it just astounds me how they made it to the top 50.
13:25.53michaelnovakjr_1it is aptly named ... FeedMe
13:26.02muthunice name
13:26.04Dougie187they are completely dispensible.
13:26.16michaelnovakjr_1Dougie187, i totally agree
13:26.43Dougie187i can image a good portion of these apps getting a max of 30 points for the judging.
13:26.57Dougie187and there are so many repeats.
13:28.53Dougie187omg... social network... social network... social network.
13:29.36Dougie187i think about 10% of these have useful ideas and features.
13:30.02michaelnovakjr_1yea, i was disappointed... i expected mor
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13:30.23Dougie187i know.
13:30.37Dougie187and all of these apps are competing ideas.
13:30.41Dougie187a lot of them are.
13:30.46Dougie187few of them are completely unique.
13:31.16michaelnovakjr_1i'm just glad android is open source
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13:31.38michaelnovakjr_1and that i can write my own version of software to make up for this utter crap
13:31.52volmariasOk, has anyone actually used android positron?
13:31.53muthuits amazing how quickly apps can be build on android
13:32.03volmariasI'm having some trouble just getting it to work
13:32.25volmariaseither their documentation is inaccurate, or I'm missing something huge here
13:32.40Dougie187muthu, how did you feel about the top 50 apps?
13:32.43Dougie187aside from your app.
13:32.44volmariasTo run your test suite, call adb shell "/system/bin/am instrument -w bolt.client/.Positron". Here, as will the previous examples, replace "bolt.client" with the name of your own package, and ".Positron" with the name of your positron subclass. Don't forget the leading period!
13:33.01volmariasWhich I did, except that it gives me an INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED error :\
13:33.39muthuDougie187: we have nice apps in top 50.. isn't it?
13:34.15Dougie187im with michaelnovakjr.
13:34.24Dougie187i guess there are some nice apps.
13:34.30Dougie187but over all im disappointed by them.
13:34.40muthubound to happen
13:34.43muthuin all challenge
13:34.54Dougie187i think the judges could have picked a lot more unique and indispensible ideas.
13:35.06volmariassigh. No contact information, either.
13:35.12Dougie187rather than a lot of repeating ideas and social networking apps.
13:35.12volmariasI have no idea how to go about getting help :\
13:35.13muthujudges had their criteria, so they went with it
13:35.16Dougie187sorry volmarias.
13:35.41Dougie187anyways. hey muthu.
13:35.45Dougie187i dont know if you had this implemented.
13:35.50Dougie187but an idea i had for your app.
13:35.55muthutell me
13:35.56Dougie187since you have the "shop" thing.
13:36.07Dougie187that gives you a shopping list right?
13:36.38Dougie187first can you select multiple recipes and get a single shopping list that incorporates all of the recipes?
13:38.21Dougie187hey michaelnovakjr. my laptop should get fixed today
13:38.28Dougie187and possibly shipped back to me.
13:40.40muthuwhat's the idea?
13:40.55muthuDougie187: ?
13:40.57muthutoo much of suspense there....
13:41.05michaelnovakjr_1wow Dougie187, finally!
13:41.57muthuDougie187: good idea
13:42.06volmariasSo, does anyone have any experience with Instrumentation?
13:42.11tomgibaraI'm reading through the deck of winners.
13:42.18tomgibaraDoes anyone have a clear idea of what "City Slikkers" actually involves?
13:43.30muthutomgibara: its a game based on real geo locations?
13:45.16tomgibaraIt says it "changes the way surroundings are seen"
13:45.30volmariasNevermind, I suck, I forgot to push the new version of my code before attempting to run positron :P
13:45.46tomgibaraso is that an AR LBS entry?
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13:46.07muthutomgibara: the screenshots are not giving much info
13:46.44tomgibaramuthu: no, and the web page didn't make much sense to me either
13:47.09muthutomgibara:  guess the idea was innovative
13:47.42muthutomgibara: what's happening with moseycode?
13:48.18tomgibaramuthu: I'm just about to release another version - am currently doing more documentation
13:48.36tomgibaramuthu: it supports the scanning of a wide range of existing barcode formats now
13:48.37muthutomgibara: cool, i've send your info to mary ann
13:49.20muthudid she chat with you?
13:49.55tomgibaramuthu: not yet - should I be expecting an email?
13:50.07muthuok, i'll check
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14:16.28volmariasargh, other problems with getting positron to work.
14:18.10muthuvolmarias: what are they?
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14:58.17Dougie187hey sorry guys. my sysadmins are having network issues
14:59.46Dougie187muthu you here still?
15:00.50muthussup jasta
15:00.57Dougie187did you get my idea earlier muthu?
15:01.07muthuDougie187: yes, that's a great idea
15:01.28Dougie187i was also going to say.
15:01.38Dougie187you should add the ability to add random items to your shopping list.
15:01.49Dougie187that are not relevant to your recipes.
15:02.14muthuyes, you can
15:03.40Dougie187you should see if you could incorporate the bar code scanning thing too.
15:03.55Dougie187then you can scan something at home and have it get added to your shopping list.
15:04.07Dougie187or scan something and have it get removed.
15:04.20muthubrb.. dinner time
15:04.21Dougie187it would be quicker then typing in the names and stuff.
15:04.29Dougie187hows it going jasta?
15:09.28volmariasmuthu: creating a test and trying to run it involves an exception being thrown
15:09.36volmariasI can run an empty test suite just fine!
15:09.43volmariasbut add a testcase to it, oh shit, that's a problem right there.
15:09.57volmariasI'm going to try following the tutorial on]
15:10.09volmariassee if I can get that working
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15:17.22cutmasta700 visitors on my page
15:17.42cutmastamust get a new coffee
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15:18.17tmccrarySo, anything new on the hardware front?
15:18.24tmccraryAny dev hardware available or anything?
15:18.33jastatmccrary: no, and we are not expecting there to be
15:18.40jastaso neither should you :)
15:18.57tmccraryWhy not?
15:19.02cutmastatmccrary, i read in the google blog
15:19.11cutmasta3rd quarter of 08
15:19.21jastatmccrary: Well, do you have reason to suspect there will be dev hardware available?
15:19.28cutmastathey should speed up things because of 2nd generation of iphone
15:19.32tmccraryWell it would be a logical step
15:19.40tmccraryI can't really do anything with android until the hardware comes out
15:19.46jastacutmasta: you can't just "speed up" sometimes.
15:19.47tmccrarythe emulator is flakey and slow
15:19.52jastatmccrary: Then you sit there and wait.
15:19.57cutmastajasta, i know
15:20.02cutmastabut would be good
15:20.16cutmastato have a competitor against iphone early enough on the market
15:20.31tmccraryyeah, I mean even a  developer unit would be fantastic
15:20.39tmccrarydoesn't have to have proper cell phone support either
15:20.49tmccraryjust a "fake" implementation of it or something
15:21.16jastatmccrary: Right, but we have no reason to suspect that will happen, despite how good of an idea you think it is.
15:21.47tmccraryUhh, yeah I didn't say "I have a feeling it will happen" just that it would be great
15:21.57tmccraryYou gotta lay off the coffee my friend
15:22.07jastaActually, I said we are not expecting it, and neither should you, but you asked why.
15:22.31tmccraryYou mean I shouldn't expect google to do things other sensible companies do in the same market?
15:22.40tmccraryThat's a pretty mean thing to say about google
15:23.04tmccraryAnd who exactly is "we"
15:23.06jastatmccrary: Again, your opinion, however agreeable, does not affect the outcome.
15:23.24tmccraryWho else are you speaking for?
15:23.30tmccraryThe "we" people
15:23.35jastaThe OHA has committed to 2nd half of '08 for commercial launch and has not one indicated that they would be early, or would have dev handsets.
15:23.49jastaYour acceptance of that fact is irrelevant.
15:24.26tmccraryOk champ, but "commerical launch" is not the same as "prelaunch developer hardware"
15:24.42tmccraryAgain, who is "we"?
15:25.04jastaThe folks that are keeping up on official news released by Google regarding Android.
15:25.12jastai.e., most of the regulars in this channel.
15:25.18jastaand in this community.
15:25.19Dougie187i would count myself in we
15:25.52jastatmccrary: Like I said, they have also not indicated that there would be dev handsets.  Ever.
15:26.05jastaSo assuming that they have an ace in the hole is probably going to set you up for disappointment.
15:26.23tmccraryYou are a douche, seriously. I asked a simple question and you have managed to piss me off.
15:26.37tmccraryI fear for those who have to live around you
15:26.49jastaPlease keep a civil tongue.
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15:27.19tmccraryGood thing for that ignore list
15:27.31Dougie187i dont see why he made you so mad.
15:27.35Dougie187he was answering your question.
15:27.44tmccraryGood thing for that ignore list
15:28.00Dougie187If you want information about dev handsets talk to plusminus.
15:28.06Dougie187i do know he recently received something.
15:28.08Dougie187i dont know how.
15:28.11Dougie187but he does have something
15:28.29jastaDougie187: Are you sure he didn't just hack one together from the android-internals list?
15:28.29Dougie187granted, i think he just ignored me so he doesnt know what i just said.
15:28.38Dougie187he said he had it sent to him.
15:28.44jastafrom Google?
15:28.52Dougie187he didnt say from who
15:28.57Dougie187maybe ti?
15:29.00Dougie187but its a beast.
15:29.08Dougie187that thing is just about the ugliest thing in the whole world.
15:29.10jastai would be appalled if one of the OHA members sent him specifically a handset.
15:29.12Dougie187and it didnt come with android on it
15:29.22jastaoh, well then who cares? :)
15:29.27Dougie187i wouldnt quite call it a handset..
15:29.32Dougie187it looks more like a brick.
15:29.52Dougie187do you know his site?
15:29.52jastajust about anyone could buy a reference board and put android on it
15:29.52Dougie187he posted a link to it a while ago.
15:30.11Dougie187is that his?
15:30.25tmccraryFantastic, there IS developer hardware
15:31.02Dougie187thank god for that ignore list
15:32.09Dougie187i dont know why he has to be such a jerk.
15:33.11Dougie187i bet plusminus probably made the thing.
15:33.21Dougie187or ordered a dev handset and is putting android on it
15:33.28Dougie187so its probably not "OHA" Dev hardware
15:33.37michaelnovakjr_1of course not :)
15:33.49Dougie187probably just dev hardware he choose to put android on.
15:34.38jastaright, of course you can put Android on existing hardware
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15:34.42jastaif you do it all yourself :)
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15:34.51Dougie187heh yeah
15:34.57jastaand to my knowledge, none of it works right.
15:35.02Dougie187which he has threads in his forums dedicated to that.
15:35.05michaelnovakjr_1and live with the fact its not supported, so when you fuck it up you can't cry to anyone
15:35.10jastasome have no network drivers, some have no touch screen, yada yada
15:35.39jastaafaik, none of them have an accelerometer
15:35.39jastaor bluetooth working
15:36.09Dougie187i dont know.
15:36.20Dougie187im not big into the "black market" of cell developer hardware
15:37.18mazzeni heard that at the end of this year, cellphone with android will be on the market. so android must be released in the next month, or?
15:37.52Dougie187i heard that as well mazzen.
15:37.58jastamazzen: the OHA has officially said 2nd half of '08, which ends in late December.
15:38.00Dougie187i dont know that your conclusion is true.
15:38.26jastaso if they don't have handsets by the end of December, then they are late on their promise.  Otherwise, not :)
15:38.48jastamy bet is they will go as close to the end of 08 as they possibly can ;)
15:38.55jastawithout generating bad press, that is
15:38.56michaelnovakjr_1mazzen, why in the next month??
15:39.00jastathat's probably November or so
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15:39.19mazzenhuh, sry michaelnovakjr i wanted to say month*s*
15:39.30michaelnovakjr_1android won't be released until its ready for handsets
15:39.43michaelnovakjr_1what's the point in releasing something that can't be used?
15:39.55Dougie187but they can also develop a handset without the "release" version of android.
15:40.04tmccraryIt runs on already existing hardware. I already have an android capable device :) :) :)
15:40.17michaelnovakjr_1i'm sure google is providing pre-release builds to manufacturers
15:40.26mazzentmccrary: did you compile android for the device yourself?
15:40.32Dougie187so i was just saying that his conclusion isnt really true.
15:40.33tmccraryI can't believe I didn't think of this earlier
15:41.05Dougie187me either.
15:41.26jastamazzen: You cannot compile Android for there is no source.
15:41.48tmccraryI am following a howto:
15:42.31michaelnovakjr_1compiling is the act of building source code
15:42.41michaelnovakjr_1without source code there's nothing to compile :)
15:42.54tmccraryMy god
15:43.03tmccrarythis channel is filled with pedantic douche bags
15:43.29Dougie187i believe there is only one.
15:43.37Dougie187and his name starts with a t and ends with a  y
15:43.46michaelnovakjr_1dude, you are trying to work with unsupported technology
15:43.58Dougie187he doesnt understand what people are saying
15:44.03michaelnovakjr_1doesn't have a clue
15:44.15michaelnovakjr_1i don't see what is wrong with the emulator
15:44.18michaelnovakjr_1it works?
15:44.19mazzenjasta: the kernel is available at
15:44.32tmccraryFor my purposes, the emulator is too slow and crash prone
15:44.32michaelnovakjr_1that is just the kernel
15:44.34mazzentmccrary: thanks for that hint.
15:45.04tmccraryIts fine for most simple apps though
15:45.05mazzentmccrary: is your device a nokia?
15:45.09michaelnovakjr_1tmccrary, if the emulator is too slow you are probably doing something wrong
15:45.11tmccraryyeah, n810
15:45.31tmccrarymichaelnovakjr_1: No, I am not doing anything wrong I assure you
15:45.50jastamazzen: yeah, but there is a lot more code beyond the kernel that has no source.
15:45.55tmccraryThe emulator does not handle lots of complicated matrix transforms, vector calculations, etc
15:46.01michaelnovakjr_1i haven't heard any complaints of a slow emulator.... and i have seen some intensive apps
15:46.32tmccraryIf I explained it to you, you wouldn't understand.
15:46.41tmccraryI'm not working on some silly little text chat applications :)
15:46.44michaelnovakjr_1i dont think you understand
15:46.58mazzenjasta: if i understand it correctly, you can use the current filesystem from the sdk for the missing part. i hope that is right
15:47.00michaelnovakjr_1regardless the sdk is the sdk
15:47.15michaelnovakjr_1whether its run on an emulator or device you are still working with the same sdk interface
15:47.27tmccraryListen chap, I understand all that
15:47.38Dougie187he loves to talk down to people.
15:47.40michaelnovakjr_1^^ is this guy for real?
15:47.49michaelnovakjr_1dude, are you 12?
15:48.08tmccraryLike I said, you would have a tough time understanding what I'm doing
15:48.09Dougie187i dont know that 12 year olds call people champ.
15:48.18Dougie187its people who think everyone else is wrong.
15:48.22Dougie187he is just an arrogant prick.
15:48.24michaelnovakjr_1i'd love to know what is sooooo complicated it can't run in an emulator..... certainly not something i'd run on my phone
15:49.10tmccraryLike I said before, it doesn't handle a lot of complicated matrix transforms, vector calculations (dot products, cross products, etc) well
15:49.13Dougie187but michaelnovakjr. its above your head.
15:49.24Dougie187noone can understand.
15:49.25michaelnovakjr_1i know... what do i know?
15:49.28Dougie187only tmccrary
15:49.40Dougie187he is the only one smart enough.
15:49.41davidwdamn I'm tired
15:49.45tmccraryThe hardware should be able to handle it better, qemu has problems
15:49.46michaelnovakjr_1i still would love to know what language these complicated matrix transforms are in
15:49.48Dougie187just let him turn an n810 into an android device.
15:50.00michaelnovakjr_1ok, Java runs on the emulator
15:50.11tmccraryyeah, which is slow
15:50.16davidwtmccrary, the emulator is probably a *bit* slower than real hardware, but not that much
15:50.19davidwit's a phone, not a Cray
15:50.28michaelnovakjr_1thank you :)
15:50.40tmccraryyeah, because matrix math and vector calculations require a cray
15:50.41michaelnovakjr_1the phone doesn't have a dual core processor in it buddy
15:51.00Dougie187btw, he ignored jasta and i
15:51.04tmccraryFor whatever reason, the emulator sucks at doing this stuff
15:51.08Dougie187so he doesnt know what we say.
15:51.16tmccraryI'm not the only person who has noticed this
15:51.18davidwtmccrary, well, only you can be the judge of what the limits of your app are, but if it takes 5 minutes to run on the emulator, you're not going to get it down to 5 seconds on real hardware...
15:51.19Dougie187maybe you should look at your code.
15:51.29tmccraryIf you weren't a newb (which you are), you'd know other people have had the same issues
15:51.46mazzenthis is really funny here :)
15:51.54davidwtmccrary, so what kind of measurements do you/they have?
15:52.01Dougie187i cant believe people come into the android irc to get into fights.
15:52.01michaelnovakjr_1dude you are a moron..... you are completely talking out of your ass
15:52.07tmccraryWhat do you mean davidw?
15:52.12tmccraryLike performance metrics?
15:52.19davidwtmccrary, yeah
15:52.28michaelnovakjr_1obviously slow one ;)
15:52.36tmccrarymichaelnovakjr_1: Shouldn't you be out studying a hello world app or something?
15:52.45davidwmichaelnovakjr, I could see FP or some other thing being a *lot* slower on an emulator
15:52.55davidwespecially if there's a bug
15:53.17michaelnovakjr_1that still doesn't excuse the fact you are developing for a mobile device
15:53.26michaelnovakjr_1with a battery and mobile processor
15:53.31tmccrarydavidw: I'm dealing with affine spaces in 3d
15:53.39michaelnovakjr_1for what
15:53.42Dougie187On android?!
15:53.54michaelnovakjr_1so you have something to look at as you smoke your brain away?
15:54.09michaelnovakjr_1dude, this is a cell phone
15:54.18tmccraryI can get a approximately 10-20 points projected into space before the emulator becomes unusable slow, stutters and dies
15:54.21michaelnovakjr_1learn from those enkin guys.... overkill is bad on a phone
15:54.28Dougie187What is he trying to do?
15:54.30tmccraryBase level android hardware should be able to handle far more than that
15:54.33Dougie187Affine spaces in 3d?
15:54.38tmccraryI know because I've done it on similar hardware before
15:54.45michaelnovakjr_1using android?
15:54.51Dougie187ask him what the point is.
15:54.56Dougie187since he cant hear me
15:54.58tmccrarycutie, go back to your sandbox or whatever
15:55.02michaelnovakjr_1dude what is the point of affine spaces in 3d?
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15:55.13davidwtmccrary, did you file a bug report?
15:55.20tmccrarybefore I have to beat you to death with a clue bat
15:55.21davidwtmccrary, that's the first thing to do
15:55.28michaelnovakjr_1romainguy_ affine spaces in 3d on android?!?
15:55.36Dougie187im curious what hes trying to do
15:55.40michaelnovakjr_1me too
15:55.52Dougie187davidw can you ask him?
15:55.57Dougie187since he will respond to you?
15:56.09romainguy_michaelnovakjr_1: what's the problem with that?
15:56.17michaelnovakjr_1what's the point?
15:56.24tmccrarymichaelnovakjr_1: You're an idiot, I need to ignore you now
15:56.28Dougie187brb flre alarm
15:56.28romainguy_do apply 3d transformations?
15:56.32michaelnovakjr_1you need to get lost
15:56.45davidwromainguy, apparently tmccrary has a problem with the emulator
15:56.53michaelnovakjr_1this dude says the emulator crashes when doing that
15:57.04michaelnovakjr_1and runs slow
15:57.15romainguy_slow, I can expect that
15:57.18romainguy_but a crash...
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15:57.25romainguy_that said without the logs, it's hard to tell what's going on
15:57.26michaelnovakjr_1the guy's an ass
15:57.55michaelnovakjr_1and running hacked android on hardware will solve all the problems :)
15:58.07michaelnovakjr_1some people just don't get it
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15:59.22mazzenhave to go, bye to all!
16:00.33michaelnovakjr_1i am curious if we should expect big code re-writes with the upcoming sdk
16:00.47muthuwhen's the sdk coming?
16:00.55romainguy_muthu: when it's released
16:00.58michaelnovakjr_1i don't believe it has been said
16:01.08muthuromainguy_:  you guys never change!
16:01.21michaelnovakjr_1^^^ muthu, its a true statement :)
16:01.28cutmastait seems that every app won which just used the gps stuff
16:01.30michaelnovakjr_1the when it's released that is
16:01.33romainguy_michaelnovakjr_1: So far I would say you can expect a transition similar from M3 to M5 (I'm just talking about APIs, the UI won't change as much :))
16:01.41cutmastathe simplest app, but with gps, winner
16:01.50muthugoog's get the new sdk by this week
16:02.08michaelnovakjr_1romainguy_ not bad
16:02.14muthuso we can get to work
16:02.39michaelnovakjr_1muthu, did your buddy incognito tell you that :)
16:02.43cutmastamuthu, where did you get the info?
16:02.52michaelnovakjr_1incognito man
16:02.53muthuwhere's incognito?
16:02.57michaelnovakjr_1he's here
16:03.03muthuwho's that?
16:03.17muthulove him
16:03.18michaelnovakjr_1muthu, he's incognito
16:03.39muthuhe's the only one who understood what i said ;)
16:03.42Dougie187did he ever explain why he was using affine spaces in 3d on a cell phone?
16:04.00romainguy_why wouldn't you?
16:04.07Dougie187what is a use of it?
16:04.16Dougie187thats what im curious about.
16:04.29romainguy_to apply 3d effects?
16:04.35Dougie187like what?
16:04.36romainguy_or more precisely 2.5D effects
16:04.41michaelnovakjr_1i'm curious not so much of why he's using it but why he is crashing an emulator all the time
16:04.50romainguy_you've seen CoverFlow on iPhone or Mac OS X?
16:05.03romainguy_well you could implement it that way
16:05.14michaelnovakjr_1seems to me like a poor implementation of it, if it is crashing an emulator constantly
16:05.15Dougie187but woudlnt there be better ways of doing that?
16:05.32romainguy_you could use OpenGL
16:05.45romainguy_but that would be a lot of work for a very simple transformation you can easily apply with the 2D API
16:05.57romainguy_michaelnovakjr_1: I've never seen it crash anything
16:06.05michaelnovakjr_1that is what i mean
16:06.26michaelnovakjr_1this guy is complaining about crashes, but yet knows he is coding everything perfect :)
16:06.51romainguy_well I'd be glad to investigate our code if I could get my hands on the log for the crashes
16:07.09michaelnovakjr_1i'd be curious to see log files
16:07.27Dougie187look out romainguy. he is kind of a jerk.
16:07.34Dougie187he likes to talk down to people a lot.
16:07.45michaelnovakjr_1maybe there's a while(1) wrapping some matrix transformation :)
16:07.49Dougie187and i hope you dont mind your name being "Champ"
16:10.33michaelnovakjr_1Icahn is making this yahoo situation look interesting
16:11.16Dougie187oh yeah?
16:12.29Dougie187i havent heard anything about it.
16:12.31michaelnovakjr_1he said he bought 59 million shares of yahoo and called the board irresponsible in regards to the MS problem
16:13.06Dougie187man. that guy is ugly.
16:13.20michaelnovakjr_1haha yea
16:13.45michaelnovakjr_1he put on pressure during the BEA sale to Oracle
16:14.26Dougie187thats stupid.
16:14.45Dougie187he sounds like a douche.
16:14.48Dougie187i bet hes tmccrary
16:15.04michaelnovakjr_1yahoo just launched a dev challenge too
16:15.50jastahehe, it did occur to me way early on in the ADC that winning the $25k was actually more like fair compensation for my work.
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16:16.09Dougie187I would like to see an issue of the Android developer blog that is the Developers top ADC picks.
16:16.16jastafor the work involved, that's well in line with your average software engineers salary.
16:16.56jastaDougie187: me too, but i don't know if the marketing dept would be ok with that.
16:16.56davidwjasta, lesson: be the one running the contests, rather than the guy entering them:->
16:17.23jastawell, $275k and $100k are not well in line... :)
16:17.23dmoffettthe fact they are giving you anything is good.  It used to be you had to buy the api package and then develop a product.
16:17.26romainguy_and we don't really have time to look at the 50 apps to choose the one we like best :))
16:17.40Dougie187i mean out of the 1788 apps
16:17.43Dougie187not the top 50
16:17.46romainguy_ah well
16:17.49romainguy_forget it :))
16:17.53Dougie187ive already seen the top 50.
16:18.32Dougie187im thinking after the ADC is over.
16:18.37michaelnovakjr_1i think any amount is helpful
16:18.53Dougie187that way a couple of the apps you guys would like to see could get some attention as well
16:19.43davidwI think they're sick of looking at apps
16:20.00michaelnovakjr_1i think the good ones will prevail when the phones are released
16:20.11michaelnovakjr_1some of the useless junk will be discarded
16:20.18davidwalthough I think that highlighting a few non winners would probably be one of those "little that goes a long way" things
16:20.28michaelnovakjr_1i would say so
16:20.30Dougie187thats what im saying.
16:21.00Dougie187because i want to see some different apps.
16:21.32Dougie187i mean we now have. 4 weather apps, two barcode apps, 6 random apps, and 34 social networking apps.
16:21.41davidwwell - there is that directory thing they were talking about, right?
16:22.33michaelnovakjr_14 weather apps not including mine?
16:22.34jastaDougie187: there are even two music apps in there
16:23.24Dougie187heh my list is a rough representation, but i tried to incorporate them into the random apps because i didnt want to type anymore.
16:23.24Dougie187and yeah michaelnovakjr i believe not including yours.
16:23.24Dougie187something like that
16:23.24Dougie187at least 3, but i thought i say another one
16:23.24michaelnovakjr_1yea, mine's dead
16:25.22michaelnovakjr_1i still think jasta has the better playr
16:25.39jasta*grin*, thanks
16:25.58michaelnovakjr_1it'll definitely be replacing my iPod
16:26.08Dougie187i didnt even understand that diggin could play music from the description.
16:26.19jastaDougie187: yeah, i only assumed it could
16:26.19Dougie187i thought it just got album art. stupid if not.
16:26.23michaelnovakjr_1haha, its a piece of crap
16:26.33Dougie187and the tunewiki was to get lyrics.
16:26.54jastai'm sure tunewiki gets album artwork too and stuff
16:26.58jastamy app, btw, gets artist photos as well
16:27.03jastavery few music apps do that :)
16:27.11Dougie187true dat.
16:27.17Dougie187im just irritated by how many repeats there are.
16:27.19jastaits actually totally cool too
16:27.22michaelnovakjr_1Five is going to be the most robust music app out there
16:27.25jastaa lot of them ive never seen before
16:27.34Dougie187but they are all the same app.
16:27.40michaelnovakjr_1Five will be the android iphone competitor
16:27.42Dougie187its like 4 apps that repeat over and over again
16:27.56Dougie187muthu should quote that and put it in a blog thing
16:28.07Dougie187heres the headline.
16:28.13muthuDougie187: i'm too busy planning p2
16:28.17muthunot blogging much
16:28.20michaelnovakjr_1but with an inspirational twist
16:28.24Dougie187"Michalenovakjr_1 says "Five will be the android iphone competitor""
16:28.47Dougie187and then the text can just simply be
16:29.01Dougie187there muthu
16:29.03michaelnovakjr_1with a screenshot, no words necessary
16:29.03Dougie187i wrote you a post
16:29.38jastamuthu: so, i couldn't help but notice
16:29.38muthuDougie187: why don't you write for HA?
16:29.40jastais that your wife in the video?
16:29.58muthuno no no
16:30.00Dougie187lol i asked if it was his partner.
16:30.10michaelnovakjr_1to give it the muthu flare it would have to be ..... "and like rocky the application Five has risen out of the challenge as a true winner..... a success application"
16:30.20jastaok, because i was actually going to wonder why your wife did not look Indian :)
16:30.21Dougie187muthu: i dont liek to partake in journalism.
16:30.42muthumine is an indian
16:30.51jastamuthu: i know, i assumed it would by given your culture
16:31.05michaelnovakjr_1she's not irish?
16:31.08muthuyeah, but you know people marry who they like now
16:31.17Dougie187like me.
16:31.24jastamuthu: even in India?
16:31.29muthuoh yeah
16:31.33michaelnovakjr_1like is an interesting word
16:31.38muthuatleast the urban
16:31.43Dougie187it is very interesting.
16:31.52michaelnovakjr_1not sure it applies to marriage :)
16:31.52jastareally?  that surprises me.  that cultural idea of marrying for status has carried over even among the Indians I know living in Seattle
16:32.03michaelnovakjr_1in NY too
16:32.06muthuindia is a mixed bag
16:32.10Dougie187i would be confusing as hell to a foreign student.
16:32.13muthuyou find everything
16:32.15muthuall extremes
16:32.30jastaalso, a lot of men horny for redheads and blondes.
16:32.39muthuoh oh
16:32.47muthuits a universal trait, isn't it?
16:32.56jastano way, brunettes all the way man
16:32.59Dougie187thats how she got in the video jasta
16:33.01jastamuch sexier look :)
16:33.28muthuwomen are sexy
16:33.58jastai've heard some horror stories from female friends who went to India.  The men literally can't deal with seeing an attractive, white woman with blonde hair.
16:34.12michaelnovakjr_1same here in NY
16:34.20jastahehe, yeah :)
16:34.22muthui told you india has extremes
16:34.25Dougie187do they like rip off their pants and chase them down the streets?
16:34.27muthuend to end
16:34.58jastaDougie187: Most recently, my friend was telling me guys would literally find excuses to grope her.  Like when standing line they would get way too close to her and touch her hip briefly and stuff
16:35.02jastashe was totally freaked out
16:35.14muthuyeah that will happen
16:35.16Dougie187i would carry a knife.
16:35.19Dougie187and 6 guns
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16:35.23jastaher boyfriend was even with her
16:35.33Dougie187he didnt fight people?
16:35.35jastaand he's a big dude.  it seemed men in india did not care about that.
16:35.44muthuyou can't fight the crowd
16:35.47jastawell it was like such an unreasonably common thing, it's like what do youdo?
16:35.49Dougie187they feel its totally worth it
16:36.05muthui mean everyone suffers
16:36.06Dougie187not go to india?
16:36.26Dougie187no offense muthu.
16:36.30Dougie187i dont think im going to let my wife go there.
16:36.44muthuremember, extremes
16:36.50muthuyou have good, bad, ugly everything
16:36.54Dougie187and the extremes are never good.
16:37.14muthuindia is complicated
16:37.30jastaoff to work
16:37.35Dougie187see ya jasta
16:37.49muthujasta: say hi to the brunette ;)
16:38.02jastawe have this new chick that started last week from romania
16:38.18muthuso you've been showing her five?
16:38.20Dougie187and thats the only reason you go to work now?
16:38.24jastai really dont like to be that creepy guy but my god she is gorgeous
16:38.28jastaone of the most beautiful women ive ever seen
16:38.42muthulet me tell your gf
16:38.46michaelnovakjr_1have a few of those here :)
16:38.46Dougie187and... your that creepy guy
16:38.55jastaDougie187: oh yeah, i knew that would make me be :)
16:38.59jastabut normally, i try not to be hehe
16:39.02jastanot this time, wooo! :)
16:39.05jastaanyway, off to work
16:39.14michaelnovakjr_1if she's like mine... she'll say yea so? tell me something i don't know :)
16:44.22cutmastabye all
16:44.45cutmastais away (away)
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17:00.21jastai don't understand this LiMo thing
17:00.36jastais it a smartphone platform?  is it proprietary or open source?  is there a release we can see?
17:01.00volmariasIT IS A MYSTERY!
17:02.42living_swordits just in the air for now
17:03.06living_swordbut yeah its a middleware competing with android
17:04.11living_swordand its already out on fones
17:05.46Dougie187its clever how you spell it fones.
17:07.12living_swordany1 into this
17:07.43jastaliving_sword: how can it be both out on phones and up in the air?
17:07.49jastawouldn't that mean it is currently closed?
17:08.22living_swordits out on fones for the corps. but for us, the sdk is still in the air
17:08.27jastaliving_sword: i for one am not out hunting for some new challenge to slave over, thank you very much.
17:08.44jastagoogle's was more than enough disappointment for me :)
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17:19.04bstockso i tried building a kernel for the nokia n810, directions here:
17:19.41bstockbut when it starts building it, it gives an error saying cannot find file asm/arch/memory.h, pastebin here:
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17:23.44jastamorrildl: *poke*
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17:28.08morrildljasta: LiMo is basically a specification for building a set of system libraries intended for use on phones
17:28.21morrildlIt's sort of like the LSB except for phones/embedded devices
17:28.24jastanot a particular implementation?
17:28.42morrildlIt's a little bit more than the LSB tho, in that they are working on SDKs and so on
17:29.00morrildlbut while there will be a set of reference SDKs, there won't be a reference implementation per se
17:29.14morrildlIn particular, LiMo currently explicitly disclaims control over the UI
17:29.35morrildlcarriers/OEMs are expected to build their own user experience on top of LiMo
17:29.50jastalol, lame
17:30.16morrildlthe analogy I make is that jsut as Red Hat or others can choose KDE or GNOME to put on top of an LSB-compliant distro, so can OEMs/carriers build or choose a UI to put on top of LiMo
17:30.28morrildljasta: well, I guess I wouldn't call it lame
17:30.41morrildlat least, not any more lame than the LSB is
17:31.31morrildlthey're building consensus among phone distro vendors, as opposed to building a product per se
17:31.33jastai suppose, but it seems unlikely that you'd get anywhere with this as an outside developer
17:31.44morrildljasta: well, we'll have to wait for their SDK
17:32.02morrildlor, I guess SDKs
17:32.07morrildlIIRC they have 3 coming
17:32.47morrildlContrast with Android which is^H^H will be a single unified open source project, but that is not a standard per se
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17:36.11muthumorrildl: new sdk?
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17:44.47plusminus_O_o  rly ?
17:45.20muthuplusminus_: what are you excited about?
17:46.17jastamuthu: no no, he was saying for LiMo.
17:46.23plusminus_muthumorrildl: new sdk?
17:46.41muthumorrildl: yet to answer
17:46.45muthuwe don't know yet
17:47.00plusminus_I heard it will have full TTS capability :)
17:47.02jastamichaelnovakjr_1: *poke*
17:47.03plusminus_just dreaming :(
17:47.41muthuno one knows what's coming in the next sdk
17:48.09plusminus_any rumours when it will be available ?
17:48.27muthujasta: any rumours?
17:48.35zhobbs`I was hoping for a release right after the deadline
17:48.38jastauhh, yeah, next Thursday.
17:48.48plusminus_unfortunately the code-page still says: "Build m5-rc15g"
17:48.55muthuit has to happen this week
17:49.03plusminus_so the changes might be not that big
17:49.06jastamuthu: honestly, i thought it would be weeks and weeks ago
17:49.11jastaso i dont know what is going on.
17:49.17muthujasta: truw
17:49.29muthuyou've been saying since march
17:49.31jastai'm wondering now if they really plan to wait for the ADC to be over
17:49.33jastathat would be just awful
17:50.00muthuno way
17:50.35zhobbs`jasta: I think they might
17:50.41jastazhobbs`: yeah, it's looking like that :(
17:50.52jastai mean, no one would've predicted they'd wait even this long
17:51.18jastawe can reasonably assume they wont release a new SDK near the June 30th deadlin
17:51.57jastaand though elsewhere in google they have been futzing with the ADC, the engineering team responsible for the SDK would otherwise be unaffected
17:52.59muthuit might be coming this week
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17:59.34michaelnovakjr_1they should just release it and leave it up to the developers as to which version they want to use
18:02.06plusminus__anyone knows anything about a (still alive) TTS-Project ?
18:02.27plusminus__i've had contact with a guy, but he seems to have dropped his work :(
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18:11.38plusminus__doesn't seem so
18:16.00michaelnovakjr_1what is the TTS-Project?
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18:18.00plusminus__Text To Speech
18:18.35michaelnovakjr_1was it open source plusminus__?
18:19.17plusminus__dunno, at leaste he wanted to make it usable by other apps
18:19.27plusminus__but no sources as far as I know
18:20.25plusminus__oh eh planned to open the source after ADC
18:20.55muthuplusminus__: any idea on voice commands?
18:21.15michaelnovakjr_1plusminus__, was it ever demoed?
18:21.16plusminus__Speech Recognition ?
18:21.23muthuplusminus__: yeah
18:22.04plusminus__michaelnovakjr_1 dunno, not to me. But he promised to keep me up to date of success on his work
18:22.07tale_anybody know of a java ocr library that I could use within my android program?
18:22.16plusminus__muthu: Not seen any yet
18:22.27muthuwow, the judges list is out
18:22.45michaelnovakjr_1where have you been
18:22.50michaelnovakjr_1it came out yesterday
18:23.23michaelnovakjr_1no addresses or ssn's
18:23.47muthuan angry mob is already out
18:24.00michaelnovakjr_1well, we know who they work for
18:24.22plusminus__michaelnovakjr_1 :-D
18:24.49michaelnovakjr_1now if we find out their scoring cards we'll be all set :)
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18:40.51tmccraryMiguel de icaza?
18:40.55tmccraryWhat is that idiot doing on there?
18:47.46f00f-"Miguel has had cameo appearances in the 2001 motion pictures Antitrust and The Code."
18:48.08tmccraryHe should have stayed acting, what a massive tool
18:48.32f00f-what is wrong with him
18:49.02tmccraryHe promotes microsoft technologies in open source
18:49.04tmccraryhe's a leper
18:50.02f00f-leper con
18:50.19tmccrarynice, lol
18:50.57mazzenirrespective of the fact that this is not true, this is #android or? why is miguel/microsoft discussed?
18:51.10volmariasbecause he's a judge I guess?
18:51.15f00f-ugh, next topic.
18:52.33tmccrarywow, way to read
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18:54.11davanumi know one guy on that list :)
18:55.09michaelnovakjr_1what does it matter what is discussed? we spoke about video games for a half hour at one pont
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19:00.43muthudavanum: who's that?
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19:01.19michaelnovakjr_1incognito muthu
19:01.30muthuha, incognito
19:01.36muthumichaelnovakjr_1: its you!
19:06.10f00f-saw your screenshots muthu
19:06.17muthuf00f-: thanks
19:06.17f00f-whats were you favorites in the slide deck
19:07.32f00f-that's it?
19:07.43muthuand a few others
19:07.48muthuwhat's yours?
19:08.21f00f-i guess there were a few interesting ones
19:09.13muthuAndroidScan is cool
19:10.05michaelnovakjr_1i didn't really see much i liked
19:10.15michaelnovakjr_1the phone book one is cool
19:10.36f00f-a lot of these are novel and nice
19:10.40f00f-but many are just wow factor
19:10.44f00f-and won't be used in the real world
19:10.48zhobbs`Dyno is cool
19:11.00zhobbs`seems really simple, but cool
19:11.06michaelnovakjr_1yea, I am a practical person .... so if it doesn't do anything useful ... i simply wont use it
19:11.26f00f-gimme a game that i can play for 30 to 90 seconds at a time
19:11.28michaelnovakjr_1jasta's music app blow's the others out of the water
19:11.28f00f-that's useful
19:11.37zhobbs`I'm a car guy, so I'll use it
19:12.37zhobbs`if I could set the phone up as a camera and then record the video of me driving and save it with synced g-meter graphs, that'd be cool
19:13.30michaelnovakjr_1if i could record the video of me walking to work, some lonely bald guy sitting in his studio apartment might find it interesting.... he would feel like he's outside :)
19:14.08michaelnovakjr_1his way of living a new life!
19:14.45michaelnovakjr_1i'll call it life squared
19:25.59tale_has anyone heard if there are plans to include a proximity sensor on android phones so that the touch screen won't be disabled when in a phone?
19:26.22tale_so if the phone has a sensor, the touch controls aren't locked
19:26.31f00f-that's up to the manufacturers
19:26.41tale_well, it looks like the api doesn't support it
19:26.50tale_at least the emulator doesn't
19:26.52f00f-it's not finalized yet
19:27.02f00f-next sdk will have some goodies
19:27.05tale_that's what I keep telling myself
19:27.20f00f-just watch and wait :)
19:27.25f00f-aight, imma get some lunch
19:27.35tale_any idea how long I might have to wait?
19:27.53tale_it's been a while since the last sdk came out, right?
19:27.53michaelnovakjr_1tale_ until its released....
19:28.01michaelnovakjr_1very long while
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20:06.02bstockhey i'm following a tutorial here: trying to add busybox ot the emulator and it's telling me 'command adb not found'
20:07.24zhobbs`add the tools folder to your $PATH
20:08.06bstockhappen to know where on the emulator's filesystem the tools dir is
20:09.36zhobbs`no, the tools folder for your sdk
20:18.13bstockhmm, if i add the tools dir to my PATH, then the emulator boots up, it won't be able to find the adb path still since it's a new shell...
20:18.36bstockand from inside the emulator's shell it cannot see the sdk's tools dir
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20:19.05zhobbs`right, so you don't need adb once you're in the shell
20:19.22zhobbs`sorry, I missed that you're working on the nokia
20:19.55trigatch4howdy folks
20:19.57bstockok the tutorial says start the emulator, then once the emulator is fully running use the adb program to add busybox
20:20.08bstockwould i run adb from outside the emulator's shell or inside?
20:20.16zhobbs`run on host
20:20.32zhobbs`adb push <path to busybox> <path on emulator>
20:21.54bstocksweet there it goes
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20:26.10bstockhmm when i try to push the app to the emulator, it skips a bunch of files saying 'skipping special files'
20:28.25zhobbs`don't know about that
20:28.41jastabstock: do you have a log file somewhere?
20:28.47jastaor rather, can you post one? :)
20:30.48bstockwell don't see any logs in /data/logs/
20:33.51jastai mean can you just paste what you see to a pastebin or something?
20:33.53jastaand give us some context
20:34.52bstockthat's what i'm trying to push to the emu
20:35.23bstockit doesn't want to push the folders it looks like
20:36.11bstockwait i think i know what i'm doing wrong. think i have to push the busybox binary not the folder
20:36.48bstockbut damn tutorial never said anything about compiling a binary
20:37.11jastauhh hehe
20:37.17jastabusybox comes as a single binary isntaller initially
20:37.31jastathen you run busybox --install or whatever the switch is to balloon into all the symlinks
20:37.52jastawhat you've tried to do is push the entire project directory instead of the compiled binary
20:38.44bstockright, looking at compiling the binary right now
20:38.48bstockstupid tutorial
20:38.57bstockthey'd prob say stupid me
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20:39.17Lededid you read it?
20:39.40tmccraryverizon sucks
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20:40.17bstockall phone carriers suck really
20:40.26Ledevacuum cleaners suck
20:40.37tmccraryverizon is the worst though
20:40.44f00f-only thing MS made that didn't suck was a vacuum cleaner
20:41.01zhobbs`T-mobile sucks...if first android phone is t-mobile that's going to suck
20:41.05zhobbs`they don't even have 3g yet
20:49.41bstockhigh-speed internet stuff
20:52.03zhobbs`Lede: yeah, high speed internet in the US
20:53.02trigatch4Well you can bet the first won't be on Verizon
20:53.10trigatch4And you can be pretty sure it won't be on AT&T
20:53.22trigatch4So that leaves you with either T-Mobile or Sprint
20:53.25trigatch4for the most part
20:53.44zhobbs`sprint phones don't have sim cards, and t-mobile doesn't have 3g
20:53.57trigatch4To be honest with you, though... if I were Google... I would plan an "Android Day"
20:54.09trigatch4Where about 10 Android phones came out across the 4 main carriers on one single day
20:54.35trigatch4That'd be the way to do it... especially if you expect anyone to use any of these "social networking" apps
20:54.52trigatch4Huge, immediate impact that everyone will be talking about
20:55.04trigatch4You wouldn't be able to escape
20:55.13zhobbs`trigatch4: no one expects people to use those apps :)
20:55.41trigatch4ADC judges seem to
20:55.59trigatch4by the way, anybody hear that Facebook banned Google's Friend Connect from accessing their API?
20:56.10trigatch4social networking wars have officially begun
20:56.15zhobbs`I wish an email client would have won
20:56.25zhobbs`or something boring like that
20:56.29zhobbs`someone people would use
20:56.42zhobbs`but 1/4 of points are for original ideas
20:57.29trigatch4well zhobbs', i think google expects to release those basic tools themselves, cashing in on contextual advertising within your email client kind of like they do (minimally) on gmail now
20:57.45Ledezhobbs`: oh ok
20:57.52trigatch4they'll allow email apps but don't want to encourage a competitor out of the gate
20:58.10zhobbs`well...I'm not going to use gmail...or an email client with ads
20:58.12trigatch4i mean, you have to wonder what apps android handsets will come prepackaged with
20:58.29zhobbs`so we need a strong open source email client or something
20:58.38trigatch4agreed, that would be nice
20:59.13zhobbs`yeah, I'd assume phone will come with an email client
20:59.13trigatch4something i've wondered about but have no clue about (since i don't program)... what are the possibilities of virus' on android?
20:59.30trigatch4could you download a virus to your phone that infects other people's phones because of the open source connectivity?
20:59.50f00f-or just a good freeware client
20:59.57f00f-i dont see why people demand open source so much these days
21:00.07f00f-back in the days of DOS, alnmost everything was freeware
21:00.24zhobbs`trigatch4: well, I don't think open source will make it more prone to viruses
21:00.37trigatch4well i just mean viruses in general
21:00.45trigatch4could you download a virus to your android phone?
21:00.55zhobbs`but if the user clicks "yes" at every security prompt he could be in trouble I would assume
21:01.00trigatch4or is there something inherent in android that blocks/protects against viruses
21:01.56trigatch4because if not... thats a billion dollar idea right there.... mobile handset virus protection software
21:02.08trigatch4like mcafee mobile
21:02.11zhobbs`it uses standard linux permissions, but I don't really know much about software security
21:02.12f00f-symantec is already on it
21:02.24f00f-virus protection goes more
21:02.29f00f-it'll be at the kernel level
21:02.29trigatch4haha jk
21:02.48f00f-but it's really open right now
21:03.01f00f-if you provide a good plugin model for AV vendors to pop in their engines
21:03.05f00f-that is possible, too
21:04.08*** part/#android zhobbs` (
21:04.11jastazhobbs`: well, honestly, Google is writing lots of apps we haven't seen yet
21:04.21jastalike e-mail, calendar etc
21:04.24jastai'm sure they're gonna be pretty cool ;)
21:06.42jastaman, i just don't get this SDK delay
21:08.05romainguyno date was ever announced so there's no delay :)
21:09.33f00f-it's coming out in 1-2 weeks
21:10.55jastaf00f-: let's have a lottery pot guessing which day in particular
21:11.02romainguythat's what you guys have been saying for weeks now :)
21:11.39jastaromainguy: do you actually have no idea?  does that decision just come down from the powers that be or are you aware of the date?
21:11.59romainguyI cannot answer that question
21:12.10jastayou can't answer whether or not you know? come on, it's just a teaser.
21:12.23romainguyNo I cannot answer that question :)
21:12.28romainguyAsk Dan
21:12.32f00f-of course he knows, he sees the flood of mails every morning with executives hounding for a release asap.
21:12.50jastacries to morrildl
21:13.20jastastarts tinkering with libfuse to distract himself
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22:33.16Dougie187jola everyone
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23:18.35jastaDougie187: hello
23:18.53jastaDougie187: you are a java developer, right?
23:20.27Dougie187i have written in java bevore
23:20.43jastaare you planning to write anything for ADC II?
23:21.07Dougie187are you?
23:21.56jastawell, i will resubmit my app of course
23:22.10Dougie187are you looking for more project?
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23:22.18jastamore project?
23:22.21Dougie187to, increase your chances?
23:22.23Dougie187more projects.
23:22.28jastaoh, no.
23:22.29Dougie187poor typing skills tonight
23:22.38f00f-"more project"
23:22.42Dougie187are you looking for assistance?
23:22.49jastaDougie187: Yes ;)
23:23.00Dougie187What kinda stuff do you have in mind?
23:23.21jastanothing in particular at the moment, but i am hoping to have contributors at some point
23:23.39Dougie187im down with writing for some other apps
23:23.40f00f-how do you intend to make money jasta?
23:23.54Dougie187f00f- keep the contributors small.
23:23.56f00f-i remember you saying you wanted to make a break into the mobile industry
23:24.00Dougie187also, win the big prize
23:24.15f00f-but working for free isn't exactly worth it for a living
23:24.17Dougie187f00f- you did pednav right?
23:24.38Dougie187i think that was one of the few original ideas in the top 50.
23:25.09f00f-oh i'm glad you agree :)
23:25.21Dougie187i was irritated by most of them
23:25.29Dougie187and how repetitive the themes were on all of them
23:25.45f00f-but a lot of them do have nice/shiny UI's :P
23:25.49Dougie187anyways. jasta i would be willing to contribute as soon as i get my laptop back
23:25.55Dougie187true, but they are all the same thing
23:26.05Dougie187like theres two freaking barcode scanning things
23:26.08Dougie187and 3-4 weather apps
23:26.10Dougie187and 2 music apps
23:26.17Dougie187and like 20 social networking apps
23:26.19f00f-i was surprised by the simplicity of the weather apps
23:26.31f00f-some people took "a new angle on social networking" too far
23:26.33f00f-or too seriously
23:26.50f00f-i mean it's good to have it, but don't make it the #1 focus of your app
23:27.16jastaf00f-: i don't intend to make money with Five.
23:27.48f00f-jasta: oh so you have some other hidden gems cooking ;)
23:27.56jastanot really
23:28.22Dougie187i think he just wants to write a good app for android
23:28.34jastai have two goals running in parallel
23:28.39jastawriting five, and getting a new career :)
23:28.45jastathe two are not directly related ;)
23:29.06zhobbsare they indirectly related? :)
23:29.10jastayes. ;)
23:29.27jastabut only in the sense that i am getting my feet wet with one so that i bring meaningful experience to the table
23:29.35jastai take my career very seriously in that way
23:30.10Dougie187so you could put adc on your resume
23:30.33jastawell, that is nice too
23:30.37jastabut really, it's about experience.
23:30.56zhobbsit's all about connections
23:31.18Dougie187do you have the connections?
23:31.19jastafor some without integrity, sure.
23:31.50f00f-sometimes (probably bad) connections outweigh importance of experience
23:31.58jastasome folks are happy to land a job they don't deserve and poorly perform as long as they can keep it up.
23:32.12jastaand i realize that works great for some people, but for me personally i would not do that ;)
23:33.00zhobbsnothing wrong with getting a job you don't deserve and then working really hard and performing well though
23:33.01Dougie187me either.
23:33.13jastazhobbs: well sure, but how often does that happen? :)
23:35.54jastaand btw earlier i intended "it's about experience" to mean that my work on Five is about experience.
23:36.08jastait was not a comment on the job market ;)
23:37.16Dougie187so what kinda contribution do you need?
23:37.58jastanothing in particular at the moment, but i mean the project will certainly need help moving forward.
23:38.40Dougie187true dat.
23:38.44Dougie187i also want to do that other app
23:38.48Dougie187the "electric fence"
23:38.59Dougie187but i think it needs more features.
23:39.04Dougie187i dont think it could win alone.
23:39.16Dougie187maybe ill add something with the gps
23:39.26jastaperhaps not, but it would be a better app for users if it was kept small and simple
23:39.43Dougie187true. i want it to be simple
23:39.56Dougie187but i just cant think of anymore things to make it a bit more robust.
23:40.01jastaperhaps you could write it not for the ADC but just to exist? :)
23:40.11jastait would be less work that way, since the feature set really is quite well bound
23:40.40jastait's lame that the android calculator project didn't win.
23:40.42jastathat thing looked great.
23:40.48Dougie187there was one?
23:40.50jastathey added graphing calculator support too
23:40.58jastayeah and it looked nice
23:40.59Dougie187with symbolic algebra?
23:41.08Dougie187and calculus?
23:41.16jastanot demonstrated, but i'm sure it was or will be in there.
23:41.23Dougie187thats awesome
23:41.40jastait was clearly written by someone with a strong interest in proper maths.
23:41.56f00f-electric fence .. is like a memory debugger, no?
23:42.00f00f-(the unix app)
23:42.12Dougie187i dont know if its a real app alreayd
23:42.19Dougie187but the idea is not like a memory debugger
23:42.37f00f-fence in your family (like the austrian case) and keep a leash on them
23:42.38*** join/#android matt_c (
23:42.38jastaDougie187: yes, it is.  efence is a C library which triggers fatal errors for otherwise non-fatal but still incorrect usage of memory in C
23:43.01jastawhich i'm quite familiar with, and also probably why i even had the phrase in my head in the first place ;)
23:43.14f00f-nice, yeah you're turning out to be quite a C guy
23:43.21jastaturning out to be?
23:43.45Dougie187C is his fav.
23:43.48f00f-i mean you are one
23:43.53Dougie187but then again, whos fav isnt C?
23:43.56f00f-used all the tools of the C trade
23:43.56jastaf00f-: the process of you knowing something is not what makes it real :)
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23:44.20jastabut yes, i am a real C guy.  learned it at 12.
23:44.27jastaused it heavily for 10 years.
23:44.29f00f-one day we will have some excellent quotes from this channel,mostly from jasta :)
23:44.32jastathen discovered beer
23:44.47jastaf00f-: sarcasm?
23:44.47f00f-heh, and we know the rest!
23:44.54f00f-not at all :)
23:45.24jastaoh, then ok :)
23:45.27f00f-Jasta's Book of Axioms: For Android Developers
23:45.43romainguythe question is whether the axioms are wise or not :)
23:46.08jastaby inference, yes.
23:47.48Dougie187what kinda stuff do you get to do romainguy__?
23:48.05jastaf00f-: It may not surprise you to know that I also have my copy K&R, 2nd edition and a printed and bound copy of the ANSI C standard (C89, in particular)
23:48.25romainguyI work on the Android framework, most of the time on the UI toolkit
23:48.42f00f-i'd love to see a pic of your station at work romainguy
23:48.44Dougie187do you enjoy it?
23:48.53romainguyf00f-: I can't :)
23:49.07romainguyDougie187: Yes, I love my job
23:49.11morrildlf00f-: he shares his cube with a couple of his fellow expats, so they call it the French Quarter
23:49.11davidwlarry and sergey would parachute out of black helicopters and blow him up
23:49.12f00f-proprietary patent-pending desk arrangement? gotcha :)
23:49.19Dougie187How long have you worked at google?
23:49.20romainguymorrildl: I have an office :p
23:49.22f00f-morrildl: hahaha, ooh i see how it is!
23:49.23romainguyDougie187: 1 year
23:49.25jastamorrildl: oh lord no. ;)
23:49.33morrildlromainguy: oh right yeah, that's the other guys :)
23:49.46romainguymorrildl: it's the tools guys who live in the French quarter ^^
23:49.47jastahey, morrildl, romain said to harrass you about the SDK
23:49.54romainguy(but there's a French dude in my office)
23:49.56jastaand always one for blindly following orders, when is the next SD?9$ :)
23:49.59romainguy(another one at least)
23:50.01jastanext SDK?*
23:50.12morrildldon't know yet
23:50.31Dougie187Do you guys write apps for android as well? just to test it out?
23:50.34davidwromainguy, did you guys figure out if that tmmcray guy was full of it or not wrt his funky 3d graphics processing?
23:50.44morrildlgotta boogie, folks
23:50.46romainguyI have no idea, he didn't tell me anything
23:50.47morrildltime to go home
23:50.50morrildlcatch ya later
23:50.51romainguymorrildl: slacker
23:50.53Dougie187it is 5 there.
23:50.54davidwDougie187, "the weather channel" is really a front for romain and dan
23:51.00jerkface03slack is whack, if you're a teen
23:54.47davidwsleep time for me...ciao
23:56.42*** join/#android rch850 (

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