IRC log for #android on 20080505

00:24.53*** part/#android Dougie187 (
01:08.35*** join/#android jtoy (n=jtoy@
01:13.44jjt009ayo to all
01:13.51jjt009this is tommy speaking
01:14.08jjt009***jjt0888 cries
01:24.58*** join/#android rhett (
01:25.01rhetthola android!
01:25.19rhettwhat's the over/under on the top 50 being announced tomorrow?
01:26.31dmoffettI would say that 90% of the prediction are 10% correct most of the time.
01:30.01*** join/#android ClassFoo (n=Yolanda@
01:33.53dueynzsuch wise words
01:41.55dmoffettwise == smart ass?
01:42.22*** join/#android yanbe (
02:08.38*** join/#android living_sword (i=chatzill@
02:16.53*** join/#android molkko ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:18.27dueynzdmoffett: no
02:18.46dueynzwise == wise
02:41.58*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
02:47.09*** join/#android mickrobk_ (
03:14.26jtoyi forget, when does do people get notified of the results?
03:14.30jtoyfor this first round?
03:16.03jerkface03this week
03:17.11jtoyi would like to win, hahah
03:17.16jerkface03wouldn't we all
03:17.33jerkface03what plans do you have for the money?
03:17.42jtoybuild a company
03:43.29*** join/#android muthu (n=muthu@
03:46.21muthuMon May  5 09:04:22 IST 2008
03:47.33*** join/#android chumphries (n=chumphri@pdpc/supporter/monthlybronze/chumphries)
03:52.50*** join/#android Lede (n=lede@
03:56.06*** join/#android Dralspire (
04:07.21convivialmy application is not running ... it is simply hell world
04:07.41convivialI just get a a little dot moving across the damn screen
04:07.50convivialok, it ran
04:07.59convivialwhy is it so damn slow to run?
04:08.07jastabecause it's an emulator.
04:08.09jastaand it has to boot.
04:08.11muthuconvivial: it takes some time to boot
04:08.16convivialthat sucks
04:08.22convivialI hope actually phone isn't like that.
04:08.24jastait only has to boot once.  then you just leave it running.
04:08.33muthuphone would be faster
04:08.34convivialand why can't it be faster?
04:08.47jastaconvivial: why should they spend time optimizing that?
04:08.54convivialmy main complaint with Nokia S60 EMU is that it is slow too
04:09.20convivialjasta: because it increases my output ... i program more effectively and I have fewer coffee breaks
04:09.43convivialbesides, do everything well is what I say
04:09.50jastaif the emulator boots faster?
04:09.52convivialdon't half ass any part of it
04:09.58muthuconvivial: once you have the emulator up and running, no issues
04:10.07jastaagain, you can leave the emulator running.  then interact with it.
04:10.08convivialmuthu: sure.
04:10.21Kralnsleep time
04:10.32convivialso I can leave it open ? no need to close? no issues with leaving it open? such as resource constraints on PC?
04:10.35muthuKraln: droid dreams!
04:10.58jastaconvivial: it will not be significant.
04:11.08convivialok, we'll see.
04:11.36convivialwell, i wrote my first app... i too and taking my fat ass pot belly self to bed... night
04:11.54convivial*bald headed self <
04:12.00muthuconvivial: nite
04:17.08muthuwow, heated forums
04:17.19muthuthankfully i'm not posting anymore ;)
04:18.05muthudan clearing up a few judging queries helped a lot
04:20.07muthujasta: you believe may 5 is the day?
04:20.46jastadan has confirmed twice that they are on schedule to hit may 5th.
04:21.13jastalast Tuesday he also said that they were in the final 100.  Which meant they have 5 days and some change to go from 100 to 50.  Is that so hard?
04:21.21muthunot for me
04:21.27muthubut why the forum users are so confused?
04:21.54jastai think they are associating server activity too closely to the judging process.
04:22.12muthufor the top 50, i'm guessing they don't even run the app
04:22.19jastai even claim that i only saw 2 hits to my system, but morrildl confirmed that all 4 judges scored my app, and none reported broken.
04:22.31muthujasta: makes sense to me
04:22.43jastaso that's why i think people are confused.
04:22.50muthuhow hard is it to get your music player?
04:23.01muthui look at your app, immediately understand what its for
04:23.03muthuthen the readme
04:23.13muthuso guess that's the way the judges went
04:23.29jastaperhaps.  but really, let's just wait and see.
04:23.39muthumy cooking app is either a hit or a miss
04:23.40jastai'm going drinking tomorrow, regardless.
04:23.52muthui'm already in may 5.. waiting...
04:23.59rhettjasta, is your media player open now?
04:24.39muthui'm hoping the judges like eating big time ;)
04:24.57rhettwe're pretty excited for them to announce the top 50.  Wow, it will be stressful to try to to make the top 20
04:25.11muthutop 20 would be cool
04:25.46muthu$250k - can set up a startup comfortably
04:27.37muthuby now, dan knows the top 50!
04:29.21muthujasta: how are the winners announced?
04:30.18muthuits not before wednesday
04:30.43muthunow i can get to work :)
04:39.21*** join/#android morrildl (
04:42.34*** mode/#android [+o morrildl] by ChanServ
04:42.51muthumorrildl: hi
04:42.58muthuMay 07, huh?
04:43.21muthuthe suspense goes on for a few more days ;)
04:43.37*** topic/#android by morrildl -> Please visit us at Or else the kitten gets it.
04:45.22muthumorrildl:  new sdk, this week?
04:45.51morrildlNope, not til we can get to it :)
04:46.11muthuhey thanks for the ADC explanation btw
04:46.17muthupeople were all over me!!
04:47.12dueynzwhy were they all over you?
04:47.26muthudueynz: roasting me for saying a few facts
04:47.40muthulike top 100 were filtered
04:47.56dueynzi figured you were just bsing
04:47.59morrildlmuthu: that's what you get for playing your insider's hand ;)
04:48.12muthutrue, learned my lessons
04:48.15dueynzwell stating obv facts
04:48.45muthui'm so tempted to reply, but keeping quiet for now
04:49.03muthusince i know emotions will run high until results are out
04:49.41dueynzah im not to worried about the result
04:49.52muthua lot of us don't
04:50.07muthubut there are a few, who just can't take it
04:50.13dueynzyeah i guess
04:51.12muthumorrildl: is it May 7 for sure?
04:51.42morrildlmuthu: no
04:51.55morrildla lot depends on the attorneys
04:52.03muthuthat much of legal work??
04:52.05morrildlapparently they have to check with the US State Dept
04:52.20dueynzmuthu: there goes all your chances!
04:52.24morrildlb/c we can't give money to terrorists or people residing in a set of forbidden countries
04:52.41muthudueynz: i have a SSN!
04:52.47dueynzmust be stolen
04:52.56muthudueynz: check your card!!!!
04:53.13dueynzI don't live in USA
04:53.17dueynzso I do not have a SSN ;)
04:53.20muthuNZ.. noticed
04:53.50muthumorrildl: so you do the legal work, before selecting 50?
04:54.25dueynzit would be very funny if it gets delayed until next week
04:54.34morrildlwe have to make sure they are not on the list before they can win
04:54.51morrildlultimately taht's why we have the "first 100"
04:55.05morrildlthey are alternates in case one of the top 50 is banned or something
04:55.17muthuyeah, but doubt it
04:55.22dueynzim 99% sure im not in the top 100
04:55.29muthudueynz: how so?
04:55.34dueynzno hits
04:55.43muthuyou have a readme?
04:56.12muthuis your readme out of the world?
04:56.26dueynzno its to the point
04:56.27muthuis it really impressive?
04:56.43muthui'm trying to tally your no hits to your readme
04:56.50dueynzoh i had 5 hits
04:56.54dueynzjust no hits recently
04:56.58muthuha come on!
04:57.01muthuyou had 5
04:57.17muthuand you say 99% you are not in top 100
04:57.22muthuyou are BIG pessimist!
04:57.26dueynzyeah i am
04:57.54muthudueynz: the OCR right?
04:58.08muthuwhat? that's a winner man!!
04:58.11dueynzthe app was pretty simple on the outside
04:58.26muthusuch a useful app
04:58.29dueynzwill see
04:58.38dueynzanyway doesn't bother me either way
04:58.49muthuyou can easily find out
04:58.52dueynzas i have to do it to get honours
04:59.14muthumorrildl: you didn't check out dueynz app?
04:59.37dueynzmuthu: my app was pretty basic
04:59.43dueynzit doesnt have a camera interface
04:59.53dueynzand it doesnt support complex pictures yet
04:59.58dueynzbbl home
05:00.12muthumorrildl: did you see my cooking app?
05:00.37muthu* our *
05:00.41muthuits a team submission
05:01.22morrildlhas checked out a lot of apps :)
05:01.28morrildland yeah, I saw the cooking app
05:01.33muthuyou like it?
05:02.42muthunot much of an innovation.. but a useful one
05:03.37mickrobk_@morrildl: now i have to ask if u saw my painting app - fingerprint
05:03.57jerkface03morrildl: results tmrw?
05:03.58muthumickrobk_: what does it do?
05:04.29morrildlalso so fingerprint
05:04.31mickrobk_vector based finger painting... + a more thats a secret :P
05:06.40muthuhoping the winners list are diverse
05:06.47muthuand not 50 games!!
05:07.15jerkface03i'm sure it will be
05:08.24muthu1 cooking, 1 painting etc.,
05:10.25muthumorrildl: are you planning to send the scores to the participants?
05:10.45morrildlwe are not currently planning to share the scores, I think
05:10.50muthuheard scoble is doing an android video? are you in it?
05:11.07morrildldoing an android video?
05:11.10jerkface03how is it sharing if you're just emailing the participant back with their score?
05:11.27muthuscoble tweeted me, that he's soon planning to do an android interview.
05:11.29morrildl^share^reveal :)
05:11.59muthuasked scoble about android coverage, and that's the reply he gave me
05:13.44muthuhe was a bit surprised about ADC? and looks like he hasn't heard about it
05:14.03*** join/#android rhett (
05:15.45morrildljerkface03: mainly because we don't want people to think of this as having "lost"
05:15.50morrildlmuthu: neat
05:15.53morrildlmuthu: are you going to do it?
05:16.01muthuyeah why not?
05:16.14jastahey morrildl
05:16.21morrildlwhassup jasta
05:16.50jerkface03morrildl: sure thing, mom.
05:17.00morrildljerkface03: P
05:17.01morrildl:P even
05:17.06jerkface03morrildl: did you also want to go to school and stop the mean kids from bullying me?
05:17.12morrildljerkface03: it builds character
05:17.20jastamorrildl: are you guys on track to release the results tomorrow?
05:17.28muthujasta: where you been?
05:17.43morrildlhow do you type that fast, muthu?
05:17.55muthui had a typewriting class
05:17.59muthuvery young
05:18.10morrildlgod if your code comes out that fast, why aren't YOU writing Android?
05:18.30muthuAndroid is my saviour, now!!
05:18.37morrildljasta: nah, we have to check with the state department to make sure people aren't known terrorists and such
05:18.56morrildland also, the final-100 judges don't have to have their scores back before Weds
05:19.02jerkface03morrildl: are you joking or are you being serious?
05:19.09morrildljerkface03: about what?
05:19.16jerkface03morrildl: so what you're telling me, is that terrorists can't win prizes?
05:19.27morrildljerkface03: correct
05:19.38morrildljerkface03: also, people who live in Syria, Iran, etc. etc. can't either
05:19.43morrildlCuba I think too
05:19.54morrildlmuthu: that too
05:19.57muthuNOT India
05:19.59morrildljerkface03: no, just Quebec
05:20.07jerkface03no one likes quebec
05:20.07muthuNOT SanFrancisco
05:20.09jerkface03not even the canadians
05:20.34morrildlis trying so hard not to make ethnopolitical jokes right now
05:20.58jerkface03morrildl: so have any peoples names come up on the background terror checks?
05:21.25jastamorrildl: you're serious, you guys haven't heard back from the final judges?
05:21.32jastathey've had the apps for a week?
05:21.48morrildloh I'm sure we've heard from them
05:21.58morrildlanyway it's not quite a week
05:22.03morrildlI think it'll be a week on Weds
05:22.11jastai meant, haven't received their scores?
05:22.11muthui can understand about the delay
05:22.30morrildlit's not a delay :P
05:22.37morrildlit's well within the stated window :P
05:22.40jastadamnit, i really thought we were finding out tomorrow
05:22.54morrildlI don't know why people keep assuming these things are delays
05:22.57morrildlthey did that for M5 too
05:23.16morrildlWe said something like "Yeah, we took everyone's feedback into account and will be releasing M5 in a couple weeks"
05:23.22jastai had actually thought i confirmed with you twice that you guys were on track meet the may 5th date.
05:23.22muthumorrildl:  its not a delay, if we don't count the edit that happened midway
05:23.39morrildland everyone reported it as "ZOMG TEH GOOGEL DELAYS TEH SDK!!1!"
05:24.09morrildlmuthu: well, that edit was not me :)
05:24.18muthuyeah, right!
05:24.34jastathis is agonizing hehe
05:24.37morrildlthere are.... uh.... I think 4 people who know how to edit that page and have permission to
05:24.37muthuhere's the deal
05:24.51muthuyou can make all of us happy, by saying we won :)
05:24.58muthuright now!
05:25.03morrildlThat would make you all happy right now
05:25.13morrildlBut some of you might be pretty pissed off later this week
05:25.18muthuoh oh
05:25.51muthubut do you know?
05:25.53jastamorrildl: so what is the new plan?  any time this week?
05:25.56morrildldo I know what?
05:26.02muthuthe top 50?
05:26.05morrildljasta: Weds-ish
05:26.13morrildlmuthu: what about them?
05:26.31morrildlI should probably go update the script that collates the results
05:26.36muthuif i know the winners, it would be very hard for me to not give hints
05:26.57morrildlmuthu: I think you'd find that when your job depends on you NOT giving hints, it becomes a lot easier ;)
05:27.01jastamuthu: i would assume that if they knew the winners, they would release that information.
05:27.11morrildljasta is correct
05:27.20jastai mean, why would you want to just sit on it if it's final and decided?
05:27.30muthujasta: its the legal work now
05:27.37jastathe legal work of what?
05:27.38morrildlb/c the mktg people want to refine the crap out of the "message"
05:27.48morrildlbut we know how to handle mktg ;)
05:28.13mickrobk_@morrildl: but u do know the top 100..... though ur prbly bound by nda huh
05:28.18jastai must admit, i'm very disappointed that the winners won't be released tomorrow.
05:28.25morrildlI do know the top-100, yes
05:28.35jerkface03join the club
05:28.47morrildljasta: yeah, I hear you
05:28.50muthumorrildl: were you satisfied with the top 100?
05:28.54rhettwe can't know if we're top 100 now?
05:28.56jastayou confirmed twice that you guys were on target to meet the 5th deadline.
05:29.15jastai figured there'd be no problem meeting that date, sigh.
05:29.59muthui too thought May 5 is the day
05:30.11muthusince there's a small window for the next round
05:30.21*** join/#android morrildl_ (n=morrildl@
05:30.52jastasigh, well, i guess there's always drinking for the sake of Cinco de Mayo
05:31.01muthujasta: your plans are all screwed huh?
05:31.18jastanot really, but i am disappointed.
05:31.26muthuyeah.. this wait might be longer
05:31.44jastai mean, no reason to cancel drinking just because of this setback :)
05:31.49muthuoh no
05:31.54muthulife must go on ;)
05:32.04rhettooh cinco de mayo.  I think I'll operate the ATM in spanish today
05:32.05umdk1d4ooh active people tonight  :)
05:32.10jastabut still, i swear morrildl confirmed that May 5th would be the day :\
05:32.13jastajust last week, even
05:32.24muthujasta: he fooled you
05:32.31muthugot it?
05:32.57jastawhat would he stand to gain by misinforming us?
05:33.00muthunow we know May 07 is the date
05:33.07umdk1d4im assuming most people have already found this good writeup about adc results process
05:33.17jastaif he says Weds-ish, I wouldn't conclude that May 7th is the date.
05:33.22jerkface03jasta: it's only a few more days
05:33.27jerkface03i'm not too sure what good sulking will do
05:33.32umdk1d4oh it was in the forums too i guess
05:33.56muthuumdk1d4: oh yeah, that was a nice one
05:34.20umdk1d4im glad dan took the time to explain it
05:34.42jastaalright, whatever.
05:34.44muthuit might be May 09
05:35.04umdk1d4oh heh crazy its may 5th already
05:35.27muthuas i noted earlier, if May 5 skips then it might be May 9
05:37.24morrildl_well, mostly I just found out on Thursday that the judges weren't even due til this Weds
05:37.31*** join/#android logisic (
05:37.45umdk1d4oh lol
05:38.30muthumorrildl: why not fix it for May 09?
05:38.40muthuso people know for sure
05:42.28*** join/#android mickrob1 (
05:42.43morrildl_muthu: b/c nobody asked me ;)
05:42.59muthuyeah i understand
05:43.11muthuit must be a tough job for you
05:43.28muthukeeping tab at both sides
05:44.05umdk1d4"Then we have to tabulate the scores, and I think the legal department has to finish their eligibility review (to make sure no submitters are known terrorists, and that sort of thing. ;)"   rofl
05:45.02*** join/#android morrildl_ (n=morrildl@
05:45.28jerkface03umdk1d4: didn't you know?
05:45.38jerkface03umdk1d4: terrorists enter programming contests all the time...
05:45.44umdk1d4seriously?  lol
05:45.46morrildl_Dear Freenode, My IP changed. Please figure it out.  kthxbye
05:48.15*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
05:48.21muthuWe have a winner, oh wait.. let me check the name.. oh no.. "been laidon".. ah from where.. softghanistan.. what? no winner!
05:48.51muthuwouldn't it be funny, Google announces the winners and the top 10 are terrorists!!
05:48.57jerkface03ya tell me out
05:49.07jerkface03i was held at the peacearch bordercrossing once
05:49.11umdk1d4i dont thinkg they will rank the top 50, just release a list maybe
05:49.11jerkface03does that mean im a terrorist?
05:49.43dueyi am back!
05:49.55muthujerkface03:  US has the definitions and they'll go  by that
05:50.10dueylol muthu
05:50.21dueyyou certainly observe and spew
05:50.26jerkface03muthu: the definition is: anyone who has an arabic-sounding name
05:50.37muthujerkface03: oh right
05:50.50muthui was in US in 2001, and i know how it feels
05:50.50jerkface03i feel sorry for white girls who have the name ali
05:51.21muthuespecially going through the airports at that time
05:51.55muthuyou would be ridiculed, laughed and then insulted - by the airport staff
05:52.36muthuthankfully, guess it quickly disappeared and now we are back to normal
05:52.51jerkface03nope it's still around now, the us border guards have a tendancy to be jackasses
05:53.13muthui expect the worst always
05:53.24muthuso doesn't bother me anymore
05:54.51muthui remember the times when you can carry jars and jars of oily pickles in planes, without any issues
05:55.28jerkface03muthu: before 2001 the us/canada border was a joke
05:55.37jerkface03you could walk across a field and you'd be in the us
05:55.42jerkface03now they have sensors and cameras and all kinds of shit
05:55.57muthuwe went to niagra.. and it was like cakewalk
05:56.05muthu1996.. i guess
05:56.05dueyi want to work on classification of suspects
05:56.08dueythat would be cool
05:56.14dueybut very very evil
05:56.24muthuduey: how you do it?
05:56.37dueywell I guess you could detect stress levels
05:56.41dueyvia facial expressions
05:56.48dueythe tech isnt really around yet
05:56.54dueybut it will happen
05:57.04jerkface03duey: whats to stop the terrorist from taking a xanex?
05:57.26dueydetct they have taken xanex!
05:57.32muthuduey: hope you are not catching me after i have that heavy biriyani for lunch
05:57.41jerkface03and how you going to do that? force everyone in the airport to take a fucking bloodtest?
05:57.48muthufacial expressions!!
05:58.10duey"please stay here for 10 days while we process your blood sample"
05:58.23muthuright there in the toilets
05:58.32muthuwe'll provide with you everything you need.. haha
05:59.42jerkface03they'll give you a nice suite in abugrahb while they process your results
06:00.05jerkface03complete with prison guards to force you naked, rub you down with feces, and pile you ontop of each other
06:00.08jerkface03while they take pictures
06:00.18jerkface03it's like being at the 4 seasons
06:00.22muthuyeah terrible
06:01.29muthuin any travel, the hours you spend at the airport immigration counters are the worst
06:01.48dueymines always been pleasent
06:01.56dueybut i only travel to aus from nz
06:02.27muthuduey:  you need a visa to aus?
06:02.38dueynot if you are from nz
06:03.01morrildlScrew it
06:03.17dueyhome time morrildl :)?
06:03.19morrildlADC2's Terms and Conditions are simply going to be an elaborate game of red-light/green-light
06:03.31morrildlthis whole administration thing, just not worth it
06:03.35dueyi agree
06:03.56dueyyou reads them anyway?
06:04.13muthumorrildl: you set the rules up front and stick to them
06:04.48morrildlmuthu: yeah, that's the problem ;)
06:04.57morrildlnext time the rules are going to be much easier to stick to ;)
06:05.32muthukeep it simple
06:05.49dueyi dont even know what the rules are
06:05.54dueyno copyright is the only one i know
06:06.10morrildlactually the only issue is just automation really
06:06.35muthumorrildl: what's the need for automation?
06:06.38morrildlall jasonchen and I had to do was automate the process of distributing apps for judging
06:07.28morrildlmuthu: fairness
06:07.46muthumorrildl: i can see how automation would complicate things
06:07.52muthueven though the objective is fair
06:07.53morrildlI'm sure some poor bastard judge out there has an 800MHz Pentium III or something
06:08.04morrildlwe don't want him failing everyone b/c his laptop is too slow
06:08.12morrildlso we sent out laptops for judges to judge on
06:08.35umdk1d4did they run linux?  :D
06:09.06morrildlmeanwhile VP of Something/Other at Alliance Member, Inc. is probably not going to know what to do with "start up the emulator, don't forget to use --sdcard if the README file says to"
06:09.20muthunow the judges have fallen in love with the laptop, they don't want to give out the scores fast
06:09.29morrildlumdk1d4: Ubuntu
06:09.37morrildlumdk1d4: whatever the H version was
06:09.46morrildlHello Hairball
06:09.48morrildlsomething like that
06:09.50dueyone thing that might be good is to be less random in the assignment of judges (assuming they were random in the first place)
06:09.57umdk1d4hoary hedgehog  :D  awesome
06:10.13morrildlduey: why?
06:10.19dueybecause you might get a cluster of judges from the same area with certain favouritism towards some apps
06:10.23morrildlyeah it was pretty random, it was so random I got an interview question out of it
06:10.55jerkface03how random? what algorithm did you use?
06:10.55dueysay for example you were randomly assigned to people all from the same company
06:11.03muthumy guess is a lot of super duper innovative apps will be too hot for the judges to handle
06:11.11umdk1d4so because some of these judges were VP-level at other OHA companies, our scores probably heavily depended on our readme presentation
06:11.54muthuumdk1d4: i would say readme will have to make an impact
06:11.54dueyumdk1d4, all depends on the person
06:12.05muthu* equally just like the apk
06:12.30muthuthe right balance between readme and apk will be a good bet
06:12.40umdk1d4true true
06:13.22muthuhope my partner did a good job with readme ;)
06:13.22umdk1d4the depth of the apk needs to be there, but from the forums it sounds like most judges are just looking at the surface
06:13.35muthufor me its simple
06:13.45muthuyou need to treat the judges like any other customer
06:14.01morrildljerkface03: all in the fullness of time
06:14.20jerkface03morrildl: never heard of it
06:14.55muthuthe standalone apps will never know if they crashed
06:15.11morrildlneither will some network apps I suppose
06:15.21dueyits a mystery!
06:15.26muthuthe networkapps will know
06:15.31muthusince they are trying to connect
06:15.42dueymuthu, i dont know if someone tried to conect and failed
06:15.53morrildlmuthu: ...unless the author is too busy complaining about how the judges aren't judging their app ;)
06:16.41dueyI was actually impressed with the speed at which judging started
06:17.14jerkface03morrildl: so i don't get it, if we ask you personally for our score will you be able to give it to us? or are you not giving them at all no ifs ands or buts?
06:17.24morrildlI can't give out scores
06:17.39morrildlwhether we are going to or not is not yet decided
06:17.48morrildlultimately it's not my decision
06:17.51muthumorrildl: a fun question
06:18.03muthuthere's about 100 that are logged in here
06:18.15muthuwhat's the percentage of them, who are in top 100?
06:18.29dueyspeaking of which
06:18.36dueynever seen this channel at 100 morrildl
06:18.37morrildlmuthu: the submission form asked for email address, not IRC handle
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06:18.51muthuok.. i am going krazy
06:19.13morrildlduey: must be my magnetic personality
06:19.16morrildlor maybe jasta's ;)
06:19.37muthu100 was when we were reaching the climax
06:19.41muthuapr 12, 13, 14
06:20.05muthubelieve me, if i'm to make a movie
06:20.05muthuit would be a blockbuster!
06:20.26morrildlwell, I see a nice list of extras you could recruit for the crowd scenes
06:20.58muthuduey: gets to play the lead ;)
06:21.08morrildlwehre is zhobbs anyway
06:21.19muthuzhobbs is missing!!
06:21.21morrildlI need to talk to him
06:21.28muthumorrildl: why?
06:21.34dueyyeah it will be a picture of my mail box flooding with emails from the mailing list from muthu
06:21.35morrildlhe asked me a Q, I have the answer for him
06:21.53muthui'm his biggest friend, tell me ;)
06:22.30muthuzhobbs is in US, getting accustomed to his new job
06:22.36muthuthat's the last i heard from him
06:22.42morrildlDo you take me entirely for a Windsor?!
06:23.19muthuzhobbs in florida or something
06:25.01muthumay be busy trying to get his SSN
06:25.12muthuor need to check at the immigration ;)
06:27.04morrildlmuthu: where's he from?
06:27.22morrildlwow, really?
06:27.33muthuyou don't know?
06:27.37dueywho is he?
06:27.44morrildlis always vaguely ashamed that other people speak really good English, and he took like a year of French
06:29.23dueyromainguy will be speaking to you in french now :)
06:30.49dueyirc does not help get assignments done
06:31.49jerkface03duey: welcome to the club. i got a small essay on the odssey due tmrw
06:31.53jerkface03and i just finished reading it today
06:32.18dueyah I have to write an algo to classify images into a few categories
06:32.22mickrob1I'm in the middle of finals :( OS test tomorrow morning
06:33.11jerkface03the odyssey even
06:33.42jerkface03mickrob1: multiple choice? just remember to choose C for everything.
06:34.05jerkface03you can't go wrong with C.
06:34.05mickrob1I wish.... mb ill just put c anyways though
06:34.18mickrob1can't hurt
06:34.20dueybut they only means you get 25% if there are A,B,C,D
06:34.30duey(assuming they are evenly distributed)
06:34.30jerkface03when in doubt: c, even if the only options available to you are A and B
06:34.34jerkface03just put down C anyways
06:34.44dueyac dc
06:34.47dueypick b
06:42.36morrildljerkface03: duh, everyone knows Java is the best choice today
06:42.49morrildlmickrob1: forget jerkface03, put Java down for everything
06:43.17mickrob1morrildl: u have to play the man though, this prof is all about c
06:44.47muthumorrildl: you have zhobbs mail?
06:44.52muthuor you need it?
06:45.40morrildllet me check
06:46.55muthuthat's the one
06:47.20muthuthere's one more
06:48.13muthumorrildl: sorry, it should be 'hobbs'
06:48.22morrildlIs my mail broken? There hasn't been a message to android-challenge in like 45 minutes
06:48.40muthupeople are outright dejected
06:49.27*** join/#android chumphries (n=chumphri@pdpc/supporter/monthlybronze/chumphries)
06:49.30dueyAndroid (432)
06:49.33dueyi got plenty to read..
06:49.54muthuduey: is that the challenge forum?
06:50.01dueyits all of them
06:50.22muthuhow to register my name with irc, so i can do private IM?
06:50.35duey/msg nickserv help
06:53.29morrildlwell, bedtime
06:53.31morrildllater all
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07:52.34Lede"o make
07:52.54Lede"to make sure no submitters are known terrorists, and that sort of thing."
07:52.59Ledeuh oh
07:53.12dueyyeah so im so kickedo ut
07:53.17Ledewhat if i a name that sounds like a terrorists name?
07:53.24dueyyour out!
07:53.30Ledes/a/have a
07:53.55Ledesheesh :/
07:54.29dueywouldn't that suck
07:54.45duey"you have the same name as a terrorist, therefore you are not in the compo"
07:58.26varjag"Week of May 5, 2008: $25,000 awards are announced for 50 most promising entries"
07:58.39varjagso do awards start falling today? :)
08:01.42*** join/#android Lede (n=lede@
08:06.30Ledesomeone made a post that starts with "BREAKING" on the android-challenge forum
08:06.38Ledewhat is this? lol
08:08.36*** join/#android davidw (n=davidw@
08:09.09davidwso... no results today
08:09.20davidwlooks like the race is on between the baby and the results;-)
08:10.04varjagbreaking is so 80s
08:10.14varjagdavidw, heh cool :)
08:13.32dueyLede, sometimes i wonder..
08:13.50Lededavidw: congratulations then!
08:14.13davidwheh, well... it may be a day or two, but it seems as if things are getting started
08:14.25varjag"I suspect very few of the 1788 submissions were in it just for the
08:14.27davidwis definitely rooting for the baby over the android results:-)
08:14.35varjag*cough* *cough*
08:14.40dueydavidw, might get both!
08:14.47dueyat the same time..
08:14.48Lededuey: what is it that you wonder :-o
08:15.31muthudavidw: you win, will you name the baby as "droid" ;)
08:15.40Ledevarjag: well everyone wants to win, so in a sense a lot of people want to get the money
08:15.48davidwdon't think so;-)
08:15.59Ledeor Java
08:15.59muthudavidw: lol
08:16.13davidwLede, I dont want a slow, bloated baby;-)
08:16.19dueyLede, i think most people want to win, but at the same time i am not bothered if i dont win
08:16.40Lededuey: yeah, i'm telling myself not to expect to win
08:16.43muthui thought today it'll be over
08:16.48dueyi didnt
08:17.01muthunow a few more days of restlessness
08:17.07varjagmuthu, they say wednesday's likely now?
08:17.16muthuyeah likely
08:17.18muthubut not final
08:17.21Ledei think friday
08:17.34muthuMay 9 - most likely
08:17.42varjagyeah what we need for good weekend
08:18.00varjag1788 teams drunk
08:18.10muthujust wanted to get over it and move on
08:18.40dueyi reckon May 30!
08:19.05varjagnah, must be may 8/9 - v-day in europe :)
08:19.20Lede"week of May 5, in 2009"
08:19.44muthuoh shit, now it's may 25!!
08:20.49dueymuthu, you should edit that post to say 25
08:22.35muthuha, just kidding ;)
08:24.24Ledemuthu: BREAKING
08:24.32Ledeyou did that,,
08:24.58muthuLede: that's me
08:27.02muthuLede: what's life without some spice?
08:27.02dueymuthu, 15 hits
08:27.10dueythey mean that if you arein the final 100
08:27.14muthuduey: who came up with that number?
08:27.22muthuright, that's what they say
08:27.33duey15 judges
08:27.44muthu1 hit for each judge?
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08:31.58muthunot sure how the judging would be for the top 100
08:32.55dueyyeah neither
08:33.00dueymaybe they just read the docs
08:33.05dueykeep its secret
08:33.30dueywait and see i guess :)
08:33.30muthuwhat's Yahoo thinking?
08:33.38muthu33$ not good enough?
08:33.51dueyquite clear yahoo board doesnt want to be part of MS
08:33.56dueyand i dont blame them
08:34.02muthuthey were at 19$ to start with
08:34.21muthuyhoo is not able to do anything significant by itself
08:34.30dueythey are at 28.67 atm..
08:34.31muthugoogle ate them for lunch
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08:34.44muthuwill be below 20, first thing morning
08:35.19muthuit'll hit new lows now
08:35.40dueyPre-Market: 22.31 -6.36 (-22.18%)
08:35.51dueydoes that means its fallen 6$ prior to opening?
08:36.05muthuyeah.. it'll open a lot less
08:37.10muthuif i was jerry yang, i would have happily taken 33
08:37.45Ledei'm happy microsoft didnt get their stinking paws on yahoo
08:38.22muthuLede: it depends on what yhoo is planning for the future
08:38.37dueymuthu, MS poisens everything it touches
08:38.47dueyim sure lang doesnt want his company to die
08:38.55Ledemuthu: what do you think microsoft will do with yahoo mail?
08:39.27Ledemerge it with hotmails (one of the best free email services turned into shit)
08:39.40muthumy point is, yhoo has reached its peak already
08:39.56Ledepeak of what?
08:39.58dueyyahoo doesnt have a brand
08:40.02dueywell brands a bad word
08:40.06dueythey dont have a stigma
08:40.09muthuyhoo cannot battle google
08:40.14dueylike when i hear google i think search
08:40.16dueymicrosoft i think windows
08:40.21dueyyahoo i think ???
08:40.22muthuyhoo is dead already
08:40.34dueywhat is yahoo?
08:40.40Lededuey: yahoo is really known as /the/ email service and IM in many countries
08:40.49dueyLede, i guess but its not here
08:40.49Ledein like Japan and east-europe
08:41.00muthuand msft merger might be a good thing actually for yhoo
08:41.14dueyprobably would of killed msft
08:41.15dueyso yeah :D
08:41.19Ledemuthu: only good for the shareholders
08:41.24varjagok, i'm from eastern europe, and yahoo there is known as the american thing
08:41.32Ledemuthu: the company yahoo as we know it wouldnt be the same anymore
08:41.51muthuLede: YHOO is going down
08:42.06dueyits partnership with google might be interesting
08:42.15muthuthat's what i said the peak is up for yhoo
08:42.36muthubattling google is not easy
08:43.03Ledethey are even cooperating with google serving ads you know
08:43.04muthumsft + yhoo might be a good competition for goog
08:43.05dueyproblem with yahoo is that have put there fingers in to many things
08:43.12dueyjust like msft
08:43.24dueymsft should be concentrating on fixing windows
08:43.31dueyyet they are off pissing around with yahoo
08:43.55muthuonly goog seems to be focussed now
08:44.02muthumaking all the right moves
08:44.27muthupretty impressed with the android strategy
08:44.56Ledegoogle is looking for more markets to serve other then search/ads
08:45.02Ledei don't think they will succeed
08:45.26dueyor they are looking for more markets to push advertising
08:45.27muthunever know
08:45.36Ledejust like how microsoft fails with their live-search
08:45.59muthuhow goog does mobile ads will be interesting
08:46.14dueywho clicks the ads on google btw
08:46.15dueyi never do
08:46.16muthucan it monopolize like internet?
08:46.19dueydo you guys?
08:46.35muthuduey: there's a crowd which is clicking
08:46.46muthuwhen you have a need, you'll clikc
08:46.47dueyyeah but none of my friends do
08:46.54dueyand i dont know anyone who does
08:47.03varjagi clicked once or twice i think
08:48.17varjagnormally i don't click ads because it filters down to buying something in the end
08:48.21Ledebut doesnt google also serve non-text based ads?
08:48.30varjagbut when im looking to buy something, it's fine
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08:50.09muthugoog need to plan for mobile now, and they are doing it with android
08:51.53Ledei wish them good luck
08:52.03muthume too
09:00.07varjagthey'll tear competition apart :p
09:03.08Ledethis steve ballmer guy does scare me
09:03.20Ledelook at his facial expresion :-O
09:07.59muthuballmer sends an email
09:08.04muthuthen yang sends an email
09:08.12muthuwhy can't they get together and sort it out
09:10.51varjagin a cage match
09:11.03muthuroyal rumble
09:11.16muthuballmer vs yang
09:13.32muthuthe shareholders are angry
09:17.17dueyit would really suck to work at yahoo right now
09:17.26muthuit would be depressing
09:17.38muthuwhen your management is not listening
09:18.42Lededuey: i doubt that
09:18.53dueyhow so?
09:19.02dueyit would be depressing as
09:19.11Ledewhy would they be angry about it?
09:19.22Ledethey would have probably lost their jobs with a merge
09:19.37dueyoh right
09:19.42dueyyeah they are probably happy about that
09:19.47dueybut still its not over
09:19.51muthuLede: if you lose job, because of the merge.. you have a lot of protection
09:20.00muthuthe merge takes care of it
09:20.02muthuthat's the deal
09:20.24muthuyou simply can't be fired because of the merge
09:20.45dueywell they can get rid of your position
09:20.59dueysearch term out the door, ads team gone
09:21.04dueymail too
09:21.09dueynot much left
09:21.10Ledei rather hope newscorp acquires yahoo and leaves the companies technology how it is
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09:48.20muthucan use a few days of vacation now
10:09.42muthuTWINKIE HOUSE!!
10:10.01LedeHABEEB IT!
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10:12.20muthuMay 7 results are out
10:12.27muthuHabeeb it!
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10:14.12Ledethis should be played on the android home page on friday
10:14.52muthuits a bit wierd though
10:14.58muthunot sure about the origins
10:15.35muthuLede: where did it come from?
10:16.33Ledewhere all internet meme's are born
10:17.13muthuanyways i don't know what it means
10:17.31muthui'll blame it on you, lede
10:18.15mazzenhi! does anyone knows how different languages (english, german, french) are handled in android apps?
10:18.55muthuresources will take care of i18n
10:19.13muthumazzen:  its a work in progress, not yet complete
10:20.04Ledeprobably something like gettext()
10:20.37mazzenmuthu: thanks! is there any resource, where i can look daily for a release? :-)
10:21.08muthuand this channel of course
10:21.14mazzenhehe. thanks muthu, Hai-Fai, Lede!
10:21.32Hai-Faiwould be great to have rfid chips in andy phones =)
10:21.49muthuit depends
10:21.58muthuif you have a compelling app, requiring RFID
10:22.51Ledewhy would you want RFID
10:22.52Hai-Faiwell, I have few ideas based on rfid's I'd like to test out, but I just have to wait for chips to appear on api heh
10:43.44davidwmuthu, may 7th?
10:43.52muthuthat's what dan said
10:44.01muthubut he's also keeping it open
10:44.25muthuhe sounds like a man who doesn't have a clue ;)
10:44.44liginobody has
10:45.02muthuright, google will keep it wrapped
10:45.11muthuuntil everything is completely done
10:45.17dueyim so happy
10:45.29dueyi halfed the processing time on one of my experiments!
10:45.39muthuduey: fantastic
10:45.44duey4500 images in 28 seconds!
10:45.54duey<3 threads
10:46.33muthuseems to be real fast
10:46.46dueycreated a buffer thread which reads the files of disk
10:46.55dueyand one that processes them off of a queue
10:47.02dueynow i just need two more cores..
10:47.46muthuif only you can do something to make android apps runs faster ;)
10:49.27davidw"Larry and Sergey have won.  Everything."
10:49.47muthuha, the big bosses
10:50.02muthumy new goal is to meet them
10:50.08muthuand have a chat over a beer
10:50.30davidw"hey buddy, can you spare a million?"
10:50.44muthumake it a B
10:50.57davidwI think that's real money even for those guys
10:51.07muthuyou got to be in their league
10:51.20muthuhow much they worth?
10:52.00davidw20, according to wikipedia
10:52.19muthusee, i'm asking only like 55
10:52.48muthubut i'll give them a powerpoint
10:52.56muthuthe next big idea!
10:54.21davidwhere's my big idea: "me - rich"
10:54.43muthuwill they be in I/O?
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13:35.28Dougie187Good morning everyone
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13:40.02vol_good morning
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13:40.50Dougie187Hows it going?
13:41.20michaelnovakjr_2im really excited about not getting results today
13:41.49Dougie187did you play a lot of halo this weekend?
13:41.55Dougie187or i mean cod
13:42.01michaelnovakjr_2leveled up
13:42.04Dougie187was that you who got that new name?
13:42.09Dougie187the new gamertag.
13:42.13Dougie187Lol ok.
13:42.18Dougie187I was like WTF who the hell is this guy.
13:42.40michaelnovakjr_2i was watching the office episode with prison mike
13:42.44Dougie187that makes sense now.
13:42.51michaelnovakjr_2and it inspired me being that my name is mike
13:42.57Dougie187Prison mike?
13:43.00Dougie187I dont remember that one.
13:43.21poffyPrison mike
13:43.28poffyKidnapped the presidents daughter
13:43.31poffyand didn't get caught
13:43.33michaelnovakjr_2The convict.... when the guy from stamford was in prison for insider trading and said jail was better than the office
13:43.39michaelnovakjr_2but you were in prison?
13:44.33Dougie187yeah i dont know what your talking about.
13:44.44michaelnovakjr_2it was in the third season
13:44.51Dougie187oh wait.
13:44.54Dougie187i remember that one.
13:45.00Dougie187i just looked it up on wikipedia
13:45.18michaelnovakjr_2totally was hilarious
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13:48.02Dougie187lol he is so dumb.
13:48.24Dougie187stupid michael scott.
13:48.46michaelnovakjr_2yet smart at the same time
13:48.59Dougie187lol i dont think he has ever been smart.
13:49.02Dougie187always dumb.
13:49.07Dougie187very very dumb
13:49.28michaelnovakjr_2sure he has
13:49.47michaelnovakjr_2he's very talented at sales, which is why he still has a job
13:50.05michaelnovakjr_2he does his job, just looks like an idiot doing it :)
13:50.27Dougie187last weeks episode was pretty good
13:52.13Dougie187was last weeks one the one where dwight bought andy's car?
13:52.20Dougie187or was that the previous one?
13:52.23michaelnovakjr_2last week
13:52.51Dougie187and stupid toby getting jim in trouble
13:53.12Dougie187lol i thought he was moving to cube or costa rica anyways
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14:57.13lummiewhat time is it in google land ? were are the results ?
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14:58.22muthulummie: results delayed
14:58.36michaelnovakjr_2not coming
14:58.48michaelnovakjr_2lets not talk about that
14:59.36lummieWHAT !!! your pulling my plonker
15:00.10dmoffettHey let's keep it clean on here guys. :-)
15:00.38lummieSorry didn't mean to use caps...
15:02.42lummiemuthu: are you being serious about the delay ?
15:03.05lummieI can't find anything on the blog about it..
15:03.31ligilummie: in the forums
15:03.49ligilummie: and in the FAQ - "around may 5"
15:04.01ligi7. is some new info
15:04.09ligibut I think it will be friday
15:04.29lummieI'll be in hospital by then.....
15:04.52muthushit, already had one bad news today
15:05.26dmoffettGuess someone pulled your plonker to hard?
15:06.53muthuyeah, really
15:07.05muthuhope google don't do it
15:07.42romainguy__The results are not delayed, the ADC website talks about "week of May 5"
15:07.48romainguy__it never said "on May 5" explicitely
15:08.10romainguy__(that said I have *no idea* when the results will be announced, that doesn't mean it won't be today)
15:08.37muthuromainguy_: what?
15:08.41muthutoday, no way
15:09.01lummielol, just caught up...
15:09.16romainguy__muthu: << read "what are the deadlines" section
15:09.48muthuromainguy_: i know, it says week of May 5
15:10.01Dougie187that means it "could" be today
15:10.05Dougie187or any day this week
15:10.13muthubut its been explained clearly, its not going to be before wednesday
15:10.21Dougie187by whom?
15:10.21muthuin the forums, by dan
15:10.33Dougie187well then you can wait until wednesday
15:10.51muthuno more bad news for me today
15:11.07michaelnovakjr_2muthu: it that is what you want i would come back here wednesday :)
15:11.11Dougie187it might be good news
15:11.13lummiemuthu: it's raining here....
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15:11.31lummiebut good news it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow.
15:11.41muthugood news is we won
15:11.41Dougie187and if you expect to lose, then knowing you lost wont be bad news.
15:11.48muthubad news is we were so close to winning!
15:12.01Dougie187lol the only way you would know that is if scores were sent out.
15:12.12Dougie187and if you knew the lowest score in the top 50
15:12.13lummieand of course don't forget, no news is good news
15:12.22muthu40 is the max
15:12.35Dougie187maybe 50 people got 40
15:12.45muthudoubt it
15:12.46lummiehope not....
15:12.53Dougie187but i would think if it was all based on the x/40 they wouldnt have two phases.
15:12.55muthuabove 30, you got a chance
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15:13.18Dougie187if it was x/40 they wouldnt need to cut to 100 and then cut to 50
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15:13.39muthuDougie187: you are right
15:13.45*** join/#android TimRiker (n=timr@
15:13.51muthuyou have a valid point, which i overlooked
15:13.55Dougie187thus, score isnt the only thing that matters.
15:14.05muthucorrect, the top 50 filtering will be based on different criteria
15:15.53*** part/#android lummie (
15:23.38muthuam pretty sure, google is the only one who can cheer me up
15:24.00muthujasta: hey, ready for the party?
15:27.26*** join/#android Hai-Fai (
15:29.37Dougie187jasta has been ready for a month
15:29.55*** part/#android TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
15:30.56muthuDougie187: haha, he had a party planned today
15:31.03muthuand then it rained!!
15:32.45michaelnovakjr_2i just want this to be over so I can launch new versions of my server software, without it I can't launch the other parts of the product
15:35.23Dougie187well i guess a party makes sense on cinco de mayo
15:36.08jastai'm not too disappointed that i have to go out drinking tonight lol
15:36.37jastai'm just gonna try to ignore this crap for a few days.
15:36.40jastabbl, gotta go to work
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15:54.42Ledean interesting read!
16:00.50ligiLede: in dead
16:01.31Ledei hope you meant to say `indeed'
16:03.28donomothe openmoko/freerunner linux-phone goes into mass production in a couple weeks.
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16:23.13davidwLede, who wrote that? you?
16:23.56davidwI think it's sort of whiny
16:24.02davidwwe all knew the terms going into the contest
16:24.16davidwI do agree with the subsidized handsets though:-)
16:25.53living_swordkinda funny
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16:28.40jjt009anyone gotten results?
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16:29.40michaelnovakjr_2results don't come out until at least wednesday if not later
16:30.12jjt009michaelnovakjr_2: your server gotten any hits recently?
16:31.00michaelnovakjr_2no, the judges might not be hitting servers
16:31.12michaelnovakjr_2its not a good way to tell where you stan
16:31.49michaelnovakjr_2read the challenge stuff from dan there and you'll understand what i mean
16:32.29jjt009ah, ok, that's interesting
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16:32.53jjt009AstainHellbring: whatup
16:33.12AstainHellbringnot much up just chillin
16:33.55davidw> since that requires a human's brain.
16:34.13davidwqueue image of larry and sergey in their Evil Lab "muhuhahahhahahaha"
16:35.53jjt009nice nince
16:36.07jjt009wednesday, that's a long wait
16:36.54jjt009AstainHellbring: did you submit an app?
16:38.02jjt009it'll be a lot more fun in challenge2
16:38.15jjt009got to go
16:38.19jjt009see ya guys
16:39.00davidwdont know what to think about another challenge
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16:43.22jastai'm so disappointed that they didn't announce today :(
16:43.39michaelnovakjr_2join the club.... i am thinking about making a website for it
16:43.49michaelnovakjr_2i really want this to be over
16:44.21michaelnovakjr_2i want to launch another service that is tied into the android servers and i don't want to until the results are out
16:45.12jastathis was like the longest weekend of my life
16:45.20dmoffettJust think about it that you would want the best judging possible and that takes time.  If Google just rubber stamped the process then it would be over soon and probably not with the best apps.
16:45.24Dougie187it went by pretty quick for me
16:45.27muthugot a winning notification.. but its from nigeria!
16:45.48jastathat would be an awesome prank, btw.
16:46.00Dougie187lol a phishing scam
16:46.05jastacollecting a bunch of addresses from known hopefuls and sending out a fake you win message :)
16:46.06muthureally, i'm madly clicking on anything that has "WINNING" ;)
16:46.07dmoffettcruel based on what I see here
16:46.19Dougie187"Please confirm reciept of the 25k for the ADC prize!"
16:46.30davidwmuthu, ahahaah
16:46.42muthusend your bank account, so we can wire your funds
16:46.48Dougie187heh yup
16:46.52Dougie187and ssn
16:46.52jastai am curious how the transfer of funds happens.
16:46.54Dougie187to confirm you won
16:47.01jastasurely they don't send you a $25K check in the mail? :)
16:47.08davidw"Hi, my name is Larry Page, and I have a check for 10 bazillion dollars for you, Mr. DAVID WELTON..."
16:47.12Dougie187i bet they would direct deposit or something
16:47.15jastathey must get your bank account information and direct deposito
16:47.27davidwthey get in their Google-jet and fly it to you
16:47.37Dougie187and the Google-copter
16:47.48davidwTo the Google cave, Sergey!
16:47.49Dougie187lol they should make a super hero called Google-Man
16:48.00Dougie187he helps people find things.
16:48.01jastawhat about the Google amphibious all-terrain vehicle?
16:48.13Dougie187and the Google-car
16:48.36jastacheck this out
16:48.39davidw"oh no, it's my evil nemisis, Couch Cushions"
16:49.17davidwbetween waiting for the baby, and this, I think I've pretty much given up on doing anything productive
16:49.39davidwcool animated gif
16:50.21Dougie187lol i personally like the "Currently I am at"
16:50.26Dougie187thats where he lives.
16:50.44Dougie187i dont like how the animated gif makes his skin green
16:50.53jastathe animated gif didn't do that.
16:51.16Dougie187something did
16:51.20Dougie187what are you going to blame?
16:51.28davidwtoo much CRT
16:51.29jastahis leprosy.
16:51.53muthuwow, that's the coolest motivational stuff you can ever see
16:52.03jastabbl, now that i'm not going to be rich today, i have to actually perform at my day job
16:52.50davidwI'm a bit more inspired, for some reason, by guys who made something... more attainable
16:53.06davidwGoogle was a winning lottery ticket, like Microsoft or Oracle, IMO
16:53.42Dougie187i hear that stuff blows.
16:53.43davidwwell, maybe not
16:53.57davidwyou get the point though... those huge companies are all outliers
16:53.57michaelnovakjr_2Oracle does blow
16:54.24Dougie187i wouldnt put them in the same boat.
16:54.31Dougie187its disrespectful to google.
16:54.35Dougie187you might anger the goog
16:54.52Dougie187you better apologize before you are evicted.
16:55.08michaelnovakjr_2::evicted by the GOOG;;
16:55.11muthuneed to write a post about sergey's page.. then i'll feel better
16:55.53muthuResearch on the Web seems to be fashionable these days and I guess I'm no exception.  Recently I have been working on the Google  search engine with Larry Page.
16:56.02muthuwho would have thought?
16:56.32Dougie187i don't see too many models wearing google around
16:56.41Dougie187or the web for that matter
16:56.49Dougie187i guess there are fish net stockings.
16:56.58Dougie187ill give him the web.
16:57.00Dougie187but not google.
16:57.21Dougie187i hate being limited to windows and centos
16:58.43*** part/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
16:59.00Dougie187what is this?
17:02.55Lededavidw: i didn't write that
17:04.57*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
17:06.31jastaDougie187: it's for searching microsoft-specific stuff.
17:06.37jastafor contrast, see is all about me!
17:08.04michaelnovakjr_2its down right now.... but i have a page :)
17:08.28*** join/#android pandora-- (
17:09.19Dougie187hmm cool
17:09.21Ledethere was also one with the freebsd thing
17:09.27Lededaemon thing
17:10.02Dougie187thats pretty neat
17:11.03davidwand a linux one....
17:15.12Ledeoh wow
17:17.39Lede(in case you wonder, no there shouldnt be anything there, i have a strange sense of humour)
17:29.33jastathis is going to be intense to submit for the second round.
17:29.41jastathere is less than 60 days from today.
17:29.51michaelnovakjr_2thats nice :)
17:30.17jastaand the due date is the day after my birthday :)
17:30.22michaelnovakjr_2good thing you have 25K, in case you lose your job because of it
17:30.23ligijasta: 60 Days to deadline of ADC II ?
17:30.35michaelnovakjr_2ligi: second round .... ?
17:30.38jastaligi: of round 2 of ADC I.
17:30.45ligiah k
17:31.03jastai have been developing my app under the assumption that i did win the qualifying round, because you don't have any time to lose!
17:31.31jastawe got 4 1/2 months for ADC I, and most of us produced barely more than a workable demo.
17:31.45jastaless than 2 months now to produce a launchable application!
17:31.51Ledewell, not everyone has the time
17:32.04Ledemost (including myself) had only time in the weekend
17:32.09Ledeso it was even less then that
17:32.12michaelnovakjr_2Lede: thats unfortunate...
17:32.26michaelnovakjr_2its going to be tough to compete in round two with the full timers
17:32.34michaelnovakjr_2or those who spend more time on it
17:32.51Ledeyes, well good for them
17:32.56Ledefor not having a life
17:33.06jastaif i win the qualifying round, i fully intend to take a 2 weeks unpaid vacation from work :)
17:33.42jastai already plan to quit once the ADC is over :)
17:34.06michaelnovakjr_2where do you plan to go?
17:34.38Ledework for google!
17:35.01jastanot sure, but the ADC isn't what made up my mind.  i have wanted to quit for a while now.
17:35.13jastamy job satisfaction is in the toilet in 2008 :)
17:35.54jastai would like to enter the mobile industry, but i haven't made up my mind where yet.
17:36.30jastathe manufacturer side (both software and hardware) of the business seems the most interesting to me.
17:37.51davidwdo a startup
17:38.27Ledewhy not?
17:39.01jastai do not have the competencies necessary to start my own company successfully.  i'm extremely disorganized, forgetful, and i prefer to reduce my interaction with business type folks moving forward :)
17:39.48davidwI hate having other people run my life
17:40.00davidwmy wife is more than sufficient for that;-)))
17:40.16jastanobody runs your life just because they sign your paycheck.  if that's true, then you have given entirely too much power to your employer.
17:40.43jastaemployment should be an agreement between you and your employer.  you give only what you're willing to give.
17:40.59Ledeyeah in theory
17:41.18davidwwell, speaking of... it has been comunicated to me that it's dinner time
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18:46.14_Marvin_hello happy developers...
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18:59.43_Marvin_so everything as been said in the forum/mailling list and now there is nothing to say anymore :)
19:00.02_Marvin_nothing to talk about :)
19:01.26f00f-contest is over. go home.
19:02.48*** join/#android trip0 (
19:06.40muthunothing to talk, really
19:06.45muthuhow about a new SDK?
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19:12.55Ledehow about a nice cup of stfu
19:13.19Ledehugs muthu in a non-gay way
19:13.47muthuoh oh
19:14.09LedeHABEEB IT!
19:14.42*** join/#android poffy (
19:17.47trip0where can I go for a quick summery of the technical components of android?
19:19.00muthutrip0: android docs
19:21.26trip0heh, probably the best way is to dl the sdk and browse the directory tree.
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19:33.48dmoffettHere is an app some of our Chinese developers could write and make some pocket change.
19:34.09dmoffettor is there one already?
19:35.56dmoffettOne dollar per Chinese user?
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19:46.57jastayay, google gave me
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19:56.33jastai couldn't register that project name at google code for a long time
19:56.40jastaand they finally e-mailed me back and gave it to me
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20:15.52jastai really need to get in gear writing more code
20:16.01jastathere's so much left to do before launch
20:16.09jastaactually, i should be prepping the project to go open source right now
20:18.57trip0yay for open source
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20:42.54jastahey dan
20:43.12jastagetting excited for I/O yet?
20:43.41morrildlhas to make lots of slides
20:44.01jastaare you presenting?
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20:50.46michaelnovakjr_2hey morrildl
20:52.42michaelnovakjr_2sent a message
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21:03.46Kralnmorrildl: how's life in mountain view?
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21:05.12morrildlKraln: busy :)
21:05.18morrildlmichaelnovakjr_2: sent to where?
21:06.23michaelnovakjr_2morrildl:  outside the channel
21:06.43morrildlhmm, didn't get one
21:06.59Kralnnotes that you have to be identified to send private messages on freenode
21:07.13michaelnovakjr_2oh wait i forgot this one isnt..
21:07.24michaelnovakjr_2my other name is :(
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21:26.28f00f-lol, you know you can just use /nick
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21:33.50dueypoor kitten :(
21:35.21f00f-you squashed it?
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21:50.06jastamichaelnovakjr__: i'm going to see Minus The Bear on Thursday :)
21:57.04michaelnovakjr__jasta, sweeeet
21:57.18michaelnovakjr__i have been listening to them a lot lately
21:57.28michaelnovakjr__its been the work music for the adv
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23:07.21Dougie187hows it going jasta?
23:07.25Dougie187going out to get drunk soon?
23:11.40tomgibararomainguy: not intended for public consumption? :)
23:11.46romainguy_not at all :)
23:12.27Dougie187can anyone submit to phase two?
23:12.31Dougie187or just the top 50?
23:12.34jastai did actually think it strange that he said "you must start using this feature now"
23:12.39tomgibaraAt least it gives us something to look forward to in the next release
23:12.40jastaDougie187: just the top 50.
23:12.56Dougie187thats what i thought
23:12.58jastaDougie187: ADC II, however, will be open to all
23:13.02jastaexcept possibly ADC I winners :)
23:13.12Dougie187whens adc 2?
23:13.23jastasecond half of '08, according to the docs which change at will :)
23:13.57jastaany date google projects more than 5 days out should be taken with a grain of salt ;)
23:17.28Dougie187lol so you mean, other than the release of ADC 1 top 50 list?
23:19.46jastawhatever ;)
23:20.36poffyHaha, what was in that thread?
23:22.18Dougie187maybe ill have to dump that one idea into adc 2 than
23:22.51jastawhat one idea?
23:23.22Dougie187the restricting usage based on plan details
23:24.51jastayou mean the idea i gave you about electric fencing the user?
23:26.42jastaperhaps you mean that?
23:27.02Dougie187well i guess im not sure what you mean by electric fencing the user, but it was the idea we talked about a couple of weeks ago
23:27.32Dougie187not your "secret weapon" but the other one
23:27.52jastayeah, about warning the user when they are in excess of their plan limits
23:28.04jastaand optionally providing parental controls to set hard limits and such
23:28.30jastalike caging yourself in an electric fence.  it will shock you if you touch the edges ;)
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23:37.10Dougie187do you have an issue with that?
23:37.16Dougie187since your probably going to win adc1
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