IRC log for #android on 20080502

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01:23.12*** join/#android Dougie187 (
01:23.46Dougie187woot. the office is on
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01:29.54jjt009jasta: yhello?
01:30.21jjt009anyone here?
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01:30.32jjt009f00f-: you got server hits?
01:32.00f00f-jjt009: nope, but according to dan the app has been scored.
01:32.35f00f-i might have a clue as to why i have no hits... it could be a firewall misconfiguration, but i won't speculate.
01:32.55Dougie187just think, you will know if you win on monday
01:33.00Dougie187too many people are freaking paranoid.
01:33.07f00f-exactly... lol
01:33.33Dougie187noone knows if they are revaluating the apps or not.
01:34.41KralnI should check my logs.
01:34.43jjt009exactly my question
01:34.51jjt009jasta would know
01:34.55jjt009his server is working
01:35.05jjt009f00f-: how'd you contact morrill?
01:35.21f00f-good ole email on port 25 ;)
01:35.30Kralnnothing since the 27th.
01:35.30Dougie187Jasta doesnt know.
01:35.30Dougie187jasta is just paranoid.
01:35.30Dougie187afaik he hasnt gotten any hits.
01:35.43KralnI got hit at least twice, on the 25th and the 27th
01:36.01jjt009yeah, same here
01:36.11jjt00927th was the weekend right,?
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01:36.51jjt009Kraln: so then I think they'
01:36.55jjt009re not rescoring
01:37.53jjt009f00f-: did you use email address
01:38.01jjt009i tried that and i didn't get any response
01:38.01Dougie187hes in here.
01:38.06f00f-i leeched it off the groups
01:38.08f00f-i think so
01:38.14jjt009yeah, so did i
01:38.14Dougie187just try and talk to him in here
01:38.20Dougie187well not right now at least.
01:38.20Dougie187usually he is
01:38.24f00f-i sent in plain text
01:38.25jjt009Dougie187: he never responds
01:38.41f00f-also the domain i sent from has SPF records
01:38.46jjt009Dougie187: he's not in here now?
01:39.13Dougie187hes not in here now.
01:39.18Dougie187but when he is he responds a decent amount of the time
01:39.28f00f-spam fighting stuff
01:39.38jjt009oh, ok
01:39.42jjt009yeah, i sent from yahoo
01:39.46jjt009that should be fine
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03:06.15Kralnthe docs for android are much more beginner friendly than the apple ones
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03:14.29dmoffettI am pretty sure Apple never intended to release the sdk.
03:14.52dmoffettAnother problem with Apple/NeXT was there was always some good stuff hidden.
03:15.26dmoffettThere is no map api right now for Apple either.
03:15.41dmoffettthat would whack a hold genre of cools apps.
03:16.00Kralnmost of it is like
03:16.10Kraln"If you've written stuff for leopard, this will make a lot of sense!"
03:16.22Kralnand I'm like, buhhh
03:16.28dmoffettIB is very cool btw.
03:16.34dmoffettInterface Builder.
03:16.38dmoffettAndroid needs one.
03:17.39Kralnyeah, that part is cool
03:17.43Kralnbut I have no idea how to make use of it
03:18.47jjt009Kraln: still haven't reinstalled the sdk?
03:19.54Kralnjjt009: nop :-D
03:20.02KralnI grabbed the iphone one though
03:27.42dmoffettIB builder is used to create the interface which is stored in a file which you can load when needed.
03:28.12dmoffettinterface == window, button, text fields etc.
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03:32.17dmoffettBecause Objective C has runtime binding you can connect gui elements to methods (actions) and instance variable called outlets. using IB.  When the nib file is loaded all the elements are hooked up and you are ready to handle events.
03:33.19dmoffettThe funny thing is this tech has been around since the late 80s and still has not really been exceeded for ease of building a gui.
03:33.38dmoffettHail NeXTStep.  :-)
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04:11.12muthuFri May  2 09:29:52 IST 2008
04:12.24skicsonindia standard time?
04:15.37muthumorning folks
04:18.43muthuKraln: hi
04:19.29muthuyou know any rule engine in php?
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04:23.32muthurule engine anyone?
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04:27.30Kralnrule engine? whata?
04:31.51muthuKraln: you know about drools?
04:32.13muthusurprising not many people have heard about rule engines..
04:33.13dueyrule induction?
04:33.15dueydata mining?
04:33.26skicsonbusiness rools
04:33.28KralnI know what a rule engine is
04:33.36Kralnbut apart from that, no idea
04:33.41muthuso anything in PHP
04:34.01dueymuthu: do you know what they are used for??
04:34.16dueybecause they might not be very useful to you if you knew
04:34.18muthuyou can use it for various things
04:34.26muthuduey: why?
04:34.26dueyi know what they are, i have written many
04:34.35dueywhat are you trying to do?
04:34.43dueyhave you got an example dataset?
04:34.55muthui'm writing a shopping cart
04:35.35muthuso as the user makes purchase, we recommend stuff
04:35.40muthuhow's that for an usecase?
04:36.01muthuduey: any php rule engine?
04:36.07dueyit doesnt work like that..
04:36.20muthuduey: but tell me is there anything in php?
04:36.41dueyare you doing product recommendations?
04:37.00muthui'm sure google uses them
04:37.06muthuprobably they are using drools
04:37.21muthuskicson: thx
04:37.27muthubut i'm looking for a rule engine
04:39.24dueyare you looking for product recommendations?
04:39.28dueyor just business logic
04:39.33muthubusiness logic
04:39.37dueyoh ok
04:39.47muthuduey: there are rule engine written for this purpose
04:40.01muthuas i said, they are available for java, ruby etc.,
04:40.01dueyim thinking machine learning..
04:40.05muthubut not able to find for PHP
04:40.16f00f-lol, you're writing your own shopping cart?
04:40.27f00f-they are so 2002 :X
04:40.34f00f-you should be able to find a good quality one out there
04:40.46muthuf00f-: i'm looking for a php rule engine
04:41.01f00f-why not write one?
04:41.10dueyf00f-: why would you want to use someone elses shopping cart?
04:41.32dueya) they are simple
04:41.34f00f-duey: proven & reliable, why write code again if it's trivial?
04:41.47f00f-provided you can legally do that
04:41.53dueybecause it doesnt provide a fluid user experience
04:42.09muthuPHP_Jedi: hi
04:42.11f00f-well i'm talking about a cart that integrates nicely
04:42.17dueyif you layouts changing from page to page because your taking other systems and plugging them together
04:42.25dueyits bad
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04:42.29f00f-i'm talking about a backend more than a frontend =)
04:42.47dueyits all dependent on what your doing
04:42.49muthui'm surprise ruby is so ahead of the curve
04:42.54dueyruby is awful
04:43.02muthuthey have a rule engine!
04:43.10dueymuthu: what are rule engines used for?
04:43.22muthuduey: heh
04:43.33muthuyou thought the product recommendation is a joke?
04:43.40muthuthat's a perfect use case duey
04:43.59dueyi dont think so
04:44.08muthuyeah right
04:44.16dueybecause you want product recommendation to evolve and change
04:44.27muthuthat's my point
04:44.29dueyand you want to apply machine learning heuristics to it
04:44.48dueywhich is a different problem..
04:45.12muthuduey: if you recommend me a php rule engine, i'll listen to every word you say
04:45.23muthunow tell me, do you know of any php rule engine?
04:45.32muthuha, finally
04:45.45muthua straight answer for a straight question!!
04:45.55dueymy approach to product recommendation is different
04:46.08muthuwhat would be yours?
04:46.39dueyyou would create a network neighbor hood of some sort of product->order->customer relationships and then apply some form of ml algo with hueristic funcitons to determine if a customer will or will not like the suggested product
04:47.08muthuyeah thats what rule engines are for
04:47.44muthuduey: your app
04:47.59muthucan i shoot at a random sign, and get it translated?
04:48.06dueynot yet
04:48.10dueybut yeah thats the idea
04:48.18muthuthat would be so useful
04:48.31muthugreat idea.. a sure winner
04:48.39muthuare you confident?
04:48.48dueyi sent int a proof of concept
04:48.53dueynothing thancy
04:49.00muthugood idea
04:49.45muthuhey gooooglers, any suggestion for php rule engine?
04:51.56muthuany other google channel?
04:52.06muthui know only of #google
04:52.22muthulet me try
04:52.55muthudmoffett is there
04:52.58muthuand then me
04:53.19dmoffettSorry I thought that was a hyper link.
04:54.24dmoffettDon't spend a lot of time using irc.
04:55.31dmoffettGuess it just not thought about it much.
04:55.50dmoffettFun though.
04:56.09muthuif you have work to do, you are better off staying away
04:56.13muthuits like twitter
04:56.22muthuanyone using twitter?
04:56.45dmoffettnot much
04:56.52dueynever used it
04:57.02muthuyou can spend a lot of time doing twitter
04:57.20muthuyou can follow and follow and follow...
04:57.23dueylooked really stupid
04:57.29dmoffettnot big on facebook either.
04:57.51muthutwitter is used in smart ways by smart folks
04:57.52dmoffettthere is real power in twitter, in that a group mentality gets going.
04:58.11muthutools are available, how we use them is upto you
04:58.15dueyi have a facebook account never use it though
04:58.27dmoffettthink about a large group of people thinking the same thing at the same time.
04:58.39dmoffettHigh tech riot kind of thing.
04:59.01muthuscoble is a big fan of twitter
04:59.07muthufriendfeed etc.,
04:59.18*** join/#android Dralspire2 (n=dralspir@unaffiliated/dralspire)
04:59.30dmoffettI was thinking about a location based twitter idea that would help find abducted children.
04:59.45dmoffettApparently the first three hours is key.
04:59.46muthulocation based twitter is a great idea
04:59.55muthuand lot of them are doing it
05:00.11muthudmoffett: that would be a wonderful utility
05:00.32dmoffettAs soon as a child goes missing alert all the poeple in the area to be on thier toes.
05:00.53dmoffettGet the kid back soon.
05:01.00muthuexactly.. and since its in your mobile.. the chances are high
05:01.08muthui was thinking about the same thing
05:01.18dmoffettLooked into Amber alerts and it is pathetic that most states still don't have it in place.
05:01.48muthudmoffett: you can use it not just for missing kids, but almost anything
05:01.59muthuyou raise an alert, and people can react to them
05:02.12muthuare you working on something like that?
05:02.20dmoffettin my own time.
05:02.31muthuthat would be widely adopted
05:03.20dmoffettWell hopefully if I don't get it done someone will.
05:03.27muthusure thing
05:03.49muthuactually twitter can be used right away
05:04.06dmoffettthere is probably something similar already I suspect.
05:04.15muthuits twitter
05:04.18muthuthink about it
05:04.26muthuwhat's stopping twitter from being used in such a way
05:04.39dmoffettTwitter is mostly about following people.
05:04.58muthuright.. and twitter bot can do these alerts
05:05.03muthuso it gets to everyone
05:05.15dmoffettI was thinking of turning it about 20 degrees and following and event.
05:05.25dmoffettso you follow amber allerts.
05:05.46dmoffettif one goes off in your area then you get an message.
05:05.53muthuright, it can be focused to an area
05:06.02muthuso only people in that location is alerted
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05:06.31dmoffettseems to make sense.
05:07.25dmoffettTwitter would work of course but it is not an exact fit.
05:07.42dmoffettand twitter is down quite a bit.
05:08.11dmoffettA good location based twitter on GAE would rock.
05:08.54muthuGAE or whatever on backend
05:09.01muthubut the idea is cool
05:09.36dmoffettApparently the guys at Twitter are having all kinds of scaling issues.
05:09.43dmoffettROR implementation.
05:09.46muthuyeah big time
05:09.55muthueveryone knows it
05:09.57dmoffettRails is slow.
05:10.15muthuthe twitter folks raised it very early
05:10.27muthuand am surprised they continued with the same thing
05:10.42muthuthey must have switched on to JAVA or something
05:10.58dmoffettSome of them claimed it was not Rails but their design.
05:11.12muthuthe rails crowd doesn't listen
05:11.21muthuthey beat you on not creating the perfect code
05:11.28dmoffettThat is a broad generalization.
05:11.36dmoffettI am a Rail developer.  :-)
05:11.44muthuthen you must know
05:12.03muthuhope you are not DHH ;)
05:12.04dmoffettsorry I don't follow?
05:12.24dmoffettNo I am just a lowly programmer on
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05:12.53muthuis twitter failing because of rails?
05:14.08dmoffettI don't think so.
05:14.25dmoffettwouldn't you say twitter is growing.
05:14.30muthuthe twitter folks themselves said rails doesn't scale
05:14.32dmoffettHow they make money is a good question.
05:14.56dmoffettI would like to see that.
05:15.11dmoffettWe are thinking of switching to merb.
05:15.18muthureally? why?
05:15.48dmoffettWe like Ruby and merb is much faster.
05:15.59dmoffettRuby will get faster as well.
05:16.35dmoffettLooking a GAE as well.
05:16.46muthuGAE is python atm
05:17.05dmoffettUsed python prior to Ruby.
05:17.13dmoffettPython is good as well.
05:17.37muthuthere are a lot of good languages
05:17.46muthuchoice is good
05:17.51dmoffettimo 6 of one and a half dozen of the other.
05:18.25dmoffettThe days of programming in one language all day is probably gone to the few.
05:18.38muthucorrect.. it would be mashups
05:19.09dmoffettMore fun to be had by all.
05:19.59muthudmoffett: you submitted the player for vizzvox right
05:20.41muthuoh yeah remembered
05:22.57dmoffettWe are putting it up on a page now so that others can use the VizzVox player for help in their apps.
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05:23.17dmoffettWe used the player in the submssion to explain our application.
05:23.38muthuthat would be cool
05:23.48muthuevery app requires help screen
05:23.55muthuand if we can plugin vizzvox, great
05:24.07dmoffettOthers maybe able to use the player to explain how to use the application.
05:24.33muthuthat would be a great tool
05:25.05dmoffettHopefully I can put it up once my boss has approved the language.
05:25.39muthulet me know
05:25.48muthui'll use that for my help
05:30.25dmoffettHere is the tutorial boss put up
05:30.56dmoffettIt is a bit more theatrical than I would like but he is the boss.  :-)
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05:31.59dmoffettThat is the last VV plug, I will do.
05:33.04muthutwitter is so broken, btw
05:33.19dmoffettWe should jump on that so quick.
05:33.26f00f-have you tried jaiku?
05:33.39dmoffettI don't use any of them.
05:33.44f00f-you could say it's twitter 1.5 or 2.0
05:33.47dmoffettI have played with them but not much.
05:33.56dmoffettMostly hear about them on twit
05:34.01dmoffettthis week in tech.
05:34.25muthulol.. man thats a demo
05:34.32muthuwhatsup with that eeery lady voice?
05:34.45dmoffettDon't ask me that.
05:34.59muthuthat really freked me out
05:35.05dmoffettto bad.
05:35.09dmoffettfor us I guess.
05:35.16dmoffettI would not think it was that bad.
05:35.23muthunot bad
05:35.33muthutaking you for a ride, that's all ;)
05:35.41dmoffettBetter than me doing it.
05:35.53muthubut it needs some volume control
05:35.58dmoffettIt would sound like Larry the Cable guy.  :-)
05:36.02muthusuddenly the female voice is so high
05:36.29muthuis that your boss voice?
05:37.00dmoffettyeah she is one of the professional voice over people.   I am just a programmer.  This is certainly the wrong crowd for that kind of app.
05:37.10dmoffettThe male voice is.
05:37.20dmoffettThe female is Austrailain.
05:38.08dmoffettThey let me do voice overs for trailer parks.
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05:41.30dmoffettMuthu: Can you say what app you submitted?
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05:45.40muthudmoffett: a cooking app
05:47.07dmoffettCool,  I like food.
05:47.37muthuthat's the idea
05:47.42muthueveryone wants it
05:49.12dmoffettOne of the few good eating places in Montrose, CO, USA is an Indian Restaurant.    Not sure if you are Indian but I think that was mentioned a while back.
05:49.15dmoffettGood Night
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05:53.45muthujasta: hi
05:54.05muthuwhat you are eating?
05:54.21jastai'm not eating, what do you mean?
05:54.53jastafor dinner, i had a vegetable stir fry with jasmine rice.  if that's what you mean.
05:55.28muthuyou made it?
05:55.35jastamy gf did
05:57.07jastamy favorite meal, if you're curious, is broiled lemon peppered salmon with mashed potatoes and garlic green beans.
05:57.18muthuhmm yummy
05:57.18jastamy gf's recipe as well
05:57.26muthusalmon.. i'll take it anyday
05:57.52muthujasta: know any php rule engine?
05:58.22muthuguess there must be something wrong with this combo
05:58.26muthuphp + rule engine
06:02.09dueyi think you need to do some research..
06:02.40muthuduey: yes
06:02.49dueyare you sure you dont want
06:02.49muthuwe can always use drools
06:03.35muthuthat's for rating
06:04.03dueyonly the slope one algo is for rating
06:04.10dueyim more talking about the idea
06:04.35muthuright.. almost every ecommerce site uses them
06:04.39dueyyou want to recommend products based on other customers purchases and other purchases made by the customer right?
06:05.12muthuyeah thats one of the use case
06:05.55dueyi dont think "rule engines" as you refer to them are related
06:06.27muthurule engines are for abstracting business logic away from code
06:06.34dueyyes but recommendations are not business logic
06:06.41muthua lot of bpm systems use rule engine
06:07.03muthuduey: i'm not saying recommendations are a compelling use case for rule engine
06:07.31muthuits just that you can use rule engines in different ways
06:07.58muthuthere's one more thing i'm interested
06:09.30muthuduey: thanks for the CF link
06:10.03dueyCF is an area of interest to me
06:10.08dueyso thats why im confused
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06:10.19muthudon't confuse it with rule engine
06:10.25muthuthey are seperate areas
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06:32.03jastajust finished working :(
06:32.46jastaapparently when the owner of the company says he has an imperative project that could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, it's important that i get it done that day. :\
06:34.38umdk1d3mmm ~4 days left till winners announced   ^.^
06:36.33jastaexciting times ;)
06:36.47jastamaybe after they announce they'll release the new SDK too :\
06:37.24muthuwaiting for the new SDK for a long time now
06:37.36f00f-oh, you need new features?
06:37.49muthuno, i need new excitement
06:37.56muthugoogle missed a trick or two here
06:38.11romainguywhat did we miss?
06:38.30muthuif the sdk had been released say last week
06:38.41muthuthe forums would have been more manageable by now
06:38.55f00f-romainguy is in the right place at the right time :)
06:39.11romainguyf00f-: even though I'd like to get some sleep some day :)
06:40.03f00f-that day may be closer than we think!
06:40.19muthu2008 will be busy for android dev team
06:40.22f00f-muthu: you seem to say thing like "Yes, Google needs to let the participants know their score. Since the judges
06:40.25f00f-have scored the 1788 applications it only makes sense to disclose this
06:40.26muthusince there's so much to do
06:40.27f00f-information to the participants. "
06:40.30f00f-and it will probably come true :)
06:40.45muthuf00f-: don't you think so?
06:40.47romainguymuthu: I didn't notice :))
06:40.59muthuromainguy_: haha
06:41.20muthuromainguy_: you'll be busy this year.. no time to sleep. take it from me :-)
06:42.04romainguymuthu: I'm glad you're here to tell me that
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06:42.34muthuromainguy_:  isn't it obivious?
06:42.43f00f-i hope you guys get vacation at google
06:42.46muthui'm kidding.. hope you get some rest
06:42.48romainguyI'm being sarcastic muthu
06:42.59muthuromainguy_:  i know
06:43.01umdk1d3so have many ppl talked about getting together at google io later this month?
06:43.17romainguyf00f-: I'm going on vacation at the end of the month
06:43.18jerkface03f00f-: i hear google is worse than a nike childlabour factory
06:43.33dueyi dont think its that bad :|
06:43.43jerkface03f00f-: if you ask for a vacation they beat you with sticks
06:43.46f00f-romainguy: nice. some place exotic?
06:43.53romainguyf00f-: France, home :)
06:44.13f00f-ah, exotic enough :)
06:44.27romainguyit will be for my girlfriend :)
06:45.16muthugoogle is a nice place to work straight out of college
06:45.27jerkface03why? because they beat you with sticks?
06:45.38f00f-muthu: you said you used to work at MSFT?
06:45.46muthuf00f-: no
06:45.49muthui didn't say that
06:46.04f00f-perhaps i was dreaming then
06:46.07muthuthe only big company i worked was mci-worldcom
06:46.29muthuthen its all startups and smaller ones
06:46.34f00f-ah, they are still alive last i checked
06:47.35muthui graduated 97
06:47.49muthucould've worked for google, yahoo, ebay, etc.,
06:47.53muthuif only i had brains!!
06:48.08f00f-well this is the year of our bubble...
06:48.20f00f-android/mobile bubble
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06:48.28muthuand i'm riding it
06:48.30f00f-it'll burst but the POP! won't be as loud or painful
06:48.40muthuoh noooo
06:49.03f00f-for every high there must be a low, somehwere :P
06:49.19muthu2000 will never come
06:49.27f00f-but competition and saturation in a market is good
06:49.39muthumobile is a great place to be in now
06:50.14muthui'm betting heavily on my  mobile search
06:50.35muthuexecution is the key
06:50.36f00f-are you in talks with operators already?
06:50.47muthuyes, i'm in talks with anyone and everyone
06:50.53muthuwho is willing to listen
06:51.09f00f-what kind of content are you 'indexing' -- if that is the right word?
06:51.54muthuyou can search for whatever stuff
06:52.00muthulike google
06:52.04f00f-cp -f google mobeegal
06:52.33f00f-you must be further along than google mobile search then
06:53.03f00f-search to me seems very 1999, but maybe you have a novel take on it :)
06:53.04muthuits a new thinking
06:53.18muthua novel take.. exactly!
06:53.36f00f-so are you aiming to be a portal in a browser or more?
06:53.47muthuno browser
06:53.53muthuwho want's to be in a browser?
06:53.57muthupure native mobile apps
06:54.19muthustarting with android.. might pan out to others shortly
06:54.44muthuyou can see a few excting apps
06:54.53f00f-i'll eagerly await the shakeup in the search industry
06:55.02muthucommandro, zinfo, spotx, pocketjourney etc.,
06:55.11muthuthe shakeup is coming
06:55.13muthuits happening
06:55.24muthuone mobile at a time :)
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09:24.46Sicentanybody here?
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09:26.10Sicentso any news? winner?
09:26.29muthuno news
09:26.53Sicentjudging finished?
09:27.07Sicent100 selected?
09:27.17Sicent50 selected?
09:27.21muthuits all million$$ questions
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09:33.23ligihi all
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09:33.48muthuligi: hi
09:37.49ligimuthu: namaskar
09:39.10muthuligi: what's the plan for weekend?
09:39.53ligimuthu: making a video of my new hack form yesterday
09:40.05ligiwas a great day yesterday
09:40.12muthuha you seem to be the movie guy
09:40.21ligiim a coder
09:40.25muthui know
09:40.48muthubut you seem to have fun hacking and making movies about the hacks ;)
09:41.06muthuwhat was the hack?
09:41.33ligiflying the mk with souch a device:
09:42.26ligii always have to make movies because only a view people have the equipment to reproduce
09:42.33muthulooks interesting
09:42.50ligiwas a nice flight with this device
09:43.21muthucan that be used with a laptop?
09:43.37muthuinstead of touchpad?
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09:43.46ligiactually its only possible with the laptop at the moment
09:44.04ligii never piloted the mk with a touchpad
09:44.52muthuligi: i'm doing a mobile search engine, what would be a cool search category for german market?
09:45.09muthuindia ex: is big in matrimony
09:45.27muthulot of arranged marriages, so people search for brides etc.,
09:45.47ligicars i think ^^
09:45.56muthuok.. auto
09:46.06davidwbeer and sausages
09:46.10ligibut i dunno - i'm not exactly knowing what the mainstream iss searching for
09:46.26muthudavidw: restaurants are included
09:46.41muthudavidw: give me some suggestions here
09:46.55muthuright now i'm including dating as a search topic
09:47.00ligimuthu: gasoline stations
09:47.09ligi(cuz they are always open)
09:47.24muthuligi: gas stations.. you think they are fun?
09:47.41liginot fun - but people are searching for them
09:47.46ligiwhen they need stuff
09:47.52muthuoh ok
09:47.56muthuthe nearest gas station
09:48.04ligiall other shops are closing too early
09:48.37muthubut don't you know where the gas stations are?
09:48.52ligisometimes not
09:51.43ligiT-3 to judgement day
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14:25.00Dougie187morning everyone
14:25.15dmoffettGood Morning.
14:25.38GodsMoo1good morning
14:28.49Dougie187how are all of you?
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14:33.08GodsMoo1I'm going very good
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14:33.18Dougie187thats good
14:33.46GodsMoo1its a beautiful morning on the east coast
14:33.52Dougie187yes it is
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14:56.09dmoffettGreat day here on the Western slope of Colorado, considering it was snowing yesterday morning.  :-)
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15:04.53GodsMoo1I really need to go snowboarding
15:04.59GodsMoo1I haven't been in a couple years
15:05.11GodsMoo1it doesn't snow much in Tennessee
15:05.27dmoffettWhat does a snowboarder and and vacuum cleaner have in common?
15:05.37GodsMoo1not a clue
15:05.52dmoffettThey both have dirt bags attached.
15:06.22dmoffettLame ass Tele skier myself.
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15:33.34dmoffettI am ready lay it on me.  :-)
15:33.42jastaI'm just asking.
15:33.49jastaYou're a sad, lonely bunch :)
15:34.19dmoffettNot anymore I make my seven year old ski with me.  :-)
15:35.43jastawell that's one way to make friends.
15:36.00Dougie187at least he hopes thats a friend
15:36.22jastaonce he is old enough to appreciate how much cooler snowboarding is, he'll leave you :)
15:36.46dmoffettfor sure
15:36.59dmoffettGot twenty bucks Dad.
15:37.29dmoffettsee you later.
15:38.13jastahehe, too mean? :)
15:38.43dmoffetton the phone
15:38.45jastafree the heel, free the mind i always say.
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15:45.26GodsMoo1I always say "ride the board and ride..." I got nothing
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16:28.32dmoffettknuckle draggers are good people and some day grow up to be decent free heelers.
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16:32.08Dougie187thats a good post.
16:32.30muthuthat's a much needed post for all of us
16:32.45muthuDougie187: glad you liked it
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16:42.16davidwfor every one of those guys, there are 1000 that were miserable failures
16:42.37davidwjust to get people's hopes back down
16:43.05muthuin fact a few of them died in debt
16:59.35jastayou know, there is the ADC II as well
16:59.45jastayou can just happily keep developing your app and resubmit.
17:02.16jastaand if your app isn't a trivial piece of crap, you stand a much better shot in the second challenge
17:02.25jasta(thought most of them were)
17:02.42muthu(but no one thinks their own app is crap)
17:02.55Dougie187i bet  some people do
17:03.00Dougie187honest people that is
17:03.10muthuhonest are few and far between
17:03.17Dougie187but i bet some of them are honest
17:03.47muthuall of them are
17:03.53muthubut you know emotion gets to you
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17:05.49jastawell, it's pretty easy to determine if your app is a trivial piece of crap.
17:06.00muthutell me
17:06.02jastaif you are done developing it after just a couple of months, it is.
17:06.24jastaotherwise, if you have more you want to do for the next 5 months, then it probably isn't :)
17:06.45muthulooks like no one stopped
17:08.24jastathere are a lot of people who have reported being done, actually
17:08.40jastabut anyway
17:08.46jastai'm finally tired of all these discussions
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17:11.45jastawe'll find out monday, and it won't hardly change anything.
17:11.55muthuis the date final?
17:12.09jastanothing's final, but it's been confirmed several times that they are on track
17:12.21muthunow i'm feeling it might be delayed
17:12.56michaelnovakjr_2i am all confused about the adc and rumors.... so i think i am going to try to turn my ears off
17:13.28muthuturn volume down
17:13.45muthui'm using 5.. so its auto off ;)
17:14.28michaelnovakjr_2anyone get hit since tuesday?
17:14.50muthui've seen only one report in the forum
17:16.08michaelnovakjr_2my take on this is that the top 100 aren't tested anymore and the judges decide based on notes from using the app before. If you are tested this week maybe its due to the 'tie' they mention could have happened
17:16.27muthui have a clear idea now
17:16.34muthuon what exactly happened
17:16.34jastalet's just stop talking about it
17:16.51jastareally, let's just stop
17:16.53muthuyeah its getting boring
17:16.59jastaso what are you all doing this weekend? :)
17:17.14muthui'll go to beach
17:17.17muthusee some movies
17:17.24muthuwatch some cricket
17:17.31muthudrink some beer
17:17.39muthueat some briyani
17:18.30jastai'm helping my buddy move on saturday
17:18.40Dougie187im going to hang out.
17:18.44Dougie187play some mario kart
17:18.45jastawhich normally would suck, but he doesn't have much stuff and repays handsomely with beer and free food
17:18.49Dougie187thats pretty much it
17:18.54muthuDougie187: biriyani - yummy
17:19.02michaelnovakjr_2Call of Duty 4 this weekend!!!!!!
17:19.24muthui'll do all that with  my family & kids of course
17:19.25jastaDougie187: i don't play hardly any video games.  i get addicted every now and then to 1 game in particular
17:19.35jastamuthu: you drink beer with your kids?
17:19.52Dougie187which game?
17:19.54michaelnovakjr_2i do, my fiver year old loves corona
17:20.06muthujasta: drink at home, the kids are young
17:20.25jastaDougie187: Most recently, I played a lot of the WarCraft III mod called DotA, before that I played Heroes of Might and Magic 5.
17:20.35muthujasta: and its usually late, so they are asleep
17:20.38jastaAnd then I played a bit of Half-Life 2 (beat all the single player content and played some CS2)
17:21.00Dougie187oh man i love Dota
17:21.04Dougie187DotA is freaking awesome
17:21.08jastai was really, really good at it.
17:21.30michaelnovakjr_2i play this game called tetris..... anyone heard of it?
17:21.31Dougie187did you play AR?
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17:21.32jastame and my friend used to play the Slayer + Necro combo.  OMG it owned.
17:22.07jastathe necro's ultimate could instantly kill them if they went below half their life, and the slayer can get them down that low almost instantly
17:22.13jastaso we'd just gank the hell out of people
17:22.32jastaand then if you lane push together you can kill any creeps in just 1 spellcast each
17:22.42jastaso you can literally *WALK* through.  you don't even have to stop.
17:23.02muthuany nice game on android.. that you liked
17:23.26jastaDougie187: and that's even at low levels.  level 8 or 9 or so you can do that.
17:23.30michaelnovakjr_2i am porting world of warcraft over to android
17:23.41donomomichaelnovakjr_2: sweet
17:23.49Dougie187lol good luck with that
17:23.54jastai think he was kidding, honestly
17:23.57Dougie187thats like making a facebook app
17:23.57michaelnovakjr_2haha, i am being really sarcastic today...
17:24.08Dougie187i know.
17:24.15michaelnovakjr_2its one of those fridays
17:24.16jastaso anyway, no android talk today, ok? :)
17:24.22jastalet's do none at all
17:24.31michaelnovakjr_2jasta, how about until monday
17:24.41jastawe can all just pretend we like each other instead
17:24.49Dougie187i wish my freaking laptop would get done
17:24.50michaelnovakjr_2lets get dan to change the topic
17:25.28jastaso, i just spent a fair amount of time creating a small icon for some project at work
17:25.32michaelnovakjr_2topic: android is on vacation, no android discussions until monday
17:25.33jastaand when i went to save it gimp crashed
17:25.34jastathat sucked
17:25.39donomojasta: dou!
17:25.57jastawhich is weird, because i've never known gimp to be unstable.  lame.
17:26.13muthui can never get around gimp
17:26.22jastaGLib-GObject-ERROR **: g_type_plugin_*() invalidly modified type `GLocalFileEnumerator'
17:26.27michaelnovakjr_2gimp is cool
17:26.56jastai like that way back in the 1.5.x series, the gimp splash logo was a picture of the Tacoma Narrows bridge when it fell down.
17:26.56muthuits a nice tool if you can use it
17:27.05muthui'm such a poor designer anyways
17:27.07jastai used to drive on the rebuilt version of that bridge every day back when it was released.
17:27.18michaelnovakjr_2nice :)
17:27.23jastai mean, back when gimp 1.5.x was released hehe
17:27.50Dougie187do a lot of people here like centos?
17:27.51jastathey built a new bridge right next to it.  the whole thing is huge now.  2 bridges, 9 lanes total.
17:28.05*** part/#android nsaaman (n=nsaaman@
17:28.12muthucentos is stable
17:28.20michaelnovakjr_2i use it on my mail server
17:28.37davidwis a debian/ubuntu guy
17:28.40michaelnovakjr_2don't like it for workstation usage though
17:28.47michaelnovakjr_2i like ubuntu for desktop
17:28.59Dougie187i remember having this discussion with you michaelnovakjr_2 yesterday i believe
17:29.14michaelnovakjr_2i thought it sounded familiar.... :)
17:29.35michaelnovakjr_2i was up really late last night so everything is meshed together in my brain
17:29.39Dougie187because I was complaining about how centos 5 comes with Firefox which is unsupported
17:29.43michaelnovakjr_2CoD4 until 3am!
17:29.54michaelnovakjr_2ah yes i remember now
17:30.05Dougie187and that makes me believe its not stable.
17:30.07Dougie187for desktops.
17:30.14Dougie187but you dont need that because you have a server.
17:30.18Dougie187which doesnt need firefox
17:30.33michaelnovakjr_2nope... i actually forgot the user name and password
17:30.44Dougie187thats a sham
17:30.45michaelnovakjr_2i really should single user mode it tonight and recover it :)
17:31.05michaelnovakjr_2its rock solid.... doesn't go down
17:31.08Dougie187lol i keep checking the depot status on my laptop.
17:31.12Dougie187about ever 5 minutes.
17:31.16Dougie187just to see if they update it
17:31.26michaelnovakjr_2of course now that i said that its going to get back at me for it
17:31.36Dougie187of course
17:32.11michaelnovakjr_2muthu: sun has some good stuff in their start up program.... waiting on someone to contact me
17:32.43muthumichaelnovakjr_2:  cool
17:32.48muthuheard pretty damn cheap
17:33.09michaelnovakjr_2considering sun machines are usually more than $10L
17:33.22muthuwhat's the price for you?
17:33.31michaelnovakjr_2you can get one for $1200 roughly... depending on what you need
17:33.40michaelnovakjr_2they range obviously
17:33.48michaelnovakjr_2some $8K
17:33.57michaelnovakjr_2some that are $600-$800
17:34.14Dougie187michaelnovakjr_2 you should get on halo and play with a friend and me
17:35.02michaelnovakjr_2sure, you should also run out right now and pick up call of duty 4
17:35.15Dougie187if you want to pay for it. sur
17:35.15michaelnovakjr_2its an entirely different totally awesome experience
17:35.32michaelnovakjr_2you'd never put it down
17:35.57Dougie187did you get gta4?
17:36.02michaelnovakjr_2not yet
17:36.06Dougie187you going to?
17:36.06michaelnovakjr_2probably this weekend
17:36.12Dougie187nice lemme know how it is.
17:36.18Dougie187i wanna rent it
17:36.22michaelnovakjr_2will do
17:36.39michaelnovakjr_2you should rent call of duty this weekend
17:36.49michaelnovakjr_2you'll play one round and want to buy it
17:37.00Dougie187lol then I shouldnt because I dont have money for more games right now
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17:37.16michaelnovakjr_2haha, or you'll forget you rented it and just keep it :)
17:37.34Dougie187Whats your gamertag?
17:38.06Dougie187i just added  you
17:38.22michaelnovakjr_2we play hardcore team deathmatches in cod
17:38.39Dougie187whats hardcore do?
17:38.51michaelnovakjr_2you die easier.... no hud
17:39.00Dougie187i like team swat in halo
17:39.09michaelnovakjr_2its slightly more realistic than non hardcore modes
17:39.24michaelnovakjr_2i had a 15 kill streak sniping last night!
17:39.40michaelnovakjr_2the maps are awesome too
17:39.53Dougie187better than gaurdian?
17:40.05michaelnovakjr_2million times better
17:40.18Dougie187i have a couple of other friends who are addicted to CoD
17:40.49michaelnovakjr_2its fun... you do challenges, unlock weapons all the good stuff
17:41.03michaelnovakjr_2team matches you level up quicker
17:41.17michaelnovakjr_2as opposed to free for all
17:41.31michaelnovakjr_2hardcore... friendly fire is on too
17:41.43michaelnovakjr_2reg team deathmatch they turn it off
17:41.54Dougie187sounds like fun.
17:42.10Dougie187i wonder if anyone in here works for toshiba
17:42.18michaelnovakjr_2i was addicted to halo and then when i got call of duty just have been able to put it down
17:42.57Dougie187heh thats what i hear a lot
17:43.04Dougie187and when they come back to halo they totally suck at it
17:43.09michaelnovakjr_2haha yea
17:43.14michaelnovakjr_2except sniper
17:43.16jastaso, did any of you guys get addicted to WoW at one point?
17:43.21Dougie187hell no
17:43.23michaelnovakjr_2because halo sniper is really easy
17:43.25michaelnovakjr_2jasta, yea
17:43.27jastamy roommate still plays it.  constantly.  he doesn't leave his bedroom.
17:43.28Dougie187i played the 10 day free trial.
17:43.35Dougie187i got bored after 10 days
17:43.39Dougie187actually like 6 days
17:43.47michaelnovakjr_2i played it for about a month
17:43.56jastai never once even sat at the controls.  i have seen it played a handful of times, and was unimpressed.
17:44.10jastabut my roommate *STILL* plays it.  i can't believe it.  it ruined his life.
17:44.27michaelnovakjr_2it was cool, just having to sit at my desk instead of my couch was the deciding factor
17:44.28jastawell, his life sucked before i guess.
17:45.22michaelnovakjr_2and plus they don't make it for linux so, not happening
17:45.49Dougie187it runs in wine though
17:45.57michaelnovakjr_2any good?
17:46.09Dougie187i guess.
17:46.12Dougie187never tried it
17:49.28jastaI wish vmware would run my host browser when i click on links.
17:51.20jastai know it seems obvious, but only just recently did it occur to me that if i buy a second hard drive specifically for vmware, it will run faster
17:51.25jastanow i use it a lot more :)
17:53.43Dougie187is vmware better than virtualbox?
17:54.28jastanever used that
17:54.37jastavmware seems to be free though, so i havent looked elsewhere
17:54.50Dougie187virtualbox is free
17:54.58jastai mean, they try to package it like it isn't, but you can use vmplayer for free after your trial version of vmware has created an image for you
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17:55.15jastaseems like there's no real disadvantage there
18:05.18Dougie187you just need to keep the image around
18:05.26Dougie187incase you want to reinstall your comp
18:06.44jastabut you can just go download another vmware trial
18:06.49jastathey don't seem to protect it very well
18:06.57jastai mean, it's not even a hassle to do
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18:15.00keashFhi all,
18:15.10Dougie187no andorid talk today
18:15.18keashFwhy not?
18:15.19Dougie187just so you know
18:15.23Dougie187noone wants to talk about it today
18:15.28Dougie187they want to forget about android until monday
18:15.33keashFi understand that
18:15.39keashFme too, but i can't
18:15.45michaelnovakjr_2instead this is the Call of Duty channel!
18:15.58Dougie187video games and linux channel
18:16.02michaelnovakjr_2Dougie187: is renting it tonight to become addicted
18:16.03keashFmind if i ask one quik question?
18:16.10michaelnovakjr_2about CoD?
18:16.15michaelnovakjr_2or linux
18:16.20keashFandroid, really
18:17.42keashFi wonder, can anyone confirm that phase one of the judging really is complete. it seems only Muthu knows everything, but how credible is his opinion?
18:17.58michaelnovakjr_2please tell me THAT is NOT your question :)
18:18.16michaelnovakjr_2results are here
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18:19.13michaelnovakjr_2Kraln: no android talk today :) .... linux and games
18:19.33keashFyou're not very helpful.. but thanks anyway
18:19.38michaelnovakjr_2we decided no one wants to talk about android today
18:20.57michaelnovakjr_2Kraln: play call of duty?
18:21.10KralnI haven't had time to play any games in a while
18:21.18KralnI am the project lead on Digital Paintball, however (
18:21.28michaelnovakjr_2paintball :)
18:21.34michaelnovakjr_2i was supposed to do that this weeked
18:22.10keashFah Muthui is here :)
18:22.39michaelnovakjr_2he is probably not paying attention :)
18:22.51michaelnovakjr_2or not :)
18:22.53keashFhi Muthu
18:23.05muthukeashF: hi, how are you?
18:23.21keashFfine, thanks, but tension is high..
18:23.29muthui can understand
18:23.32muthuwe all in same boat
18:23.33keashFi wonder: how do you know that phase 1 of judging is over
18:23.46michaelnovakjr_2because he is a judge that is not talking
18:23.55keashFyeah, right
18:24.09michaelnovakjr_2he also is the admin on
18:24.10muthukeashF: who said the judging is over?
18:24.17muthuits over when 50 winners are announced
18:24.26keashFno not over, only the phase where 100 are selected
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18:24.31keashFhow do you know that?
18:24.33Dougie187we could just drop it
18:24.35Dougie187and see on monday.
18:24.40Dougie187i think that sounds like a good idea.
18:24.46Dougie187how bout some halo guys?
18:24.49Dougie187you like halo?
18:24.51Dougie187or cod?
18:24.53Dougie187or mario kart?
18:24.54michaelnovakjr_2because no one actually knows
18:25.36keashFif no one knows then why is it posted everywhere has phone numbers and addresses of all the judges
18:25.56michaelnovakjr_2keashF: its all rumors
18:26.24Dougie187try it on the forums
18:26.29Dougie187maybe they can answer your questions
18:26.29keashFthought as much.
18:26.29michaelnovakjr_2kinda like back in HS when someone would say you had a bad case of ____ (fill in the blank) and no one dated you
18:26.51michaelnovakjr_2no one knows except google, and they are tight lipped
18:26.58michaelnovakjr_2until monday of course :)
18:27.06michaelnovakjr_2so grab a beer and play some CoD!
18:27.33keashFyeah, but why why why do you, Muthu, keep posting that judging has progressed to the final 100, if you don't know that?
18:27.46Dougie187it doesnt matter
18:27.48keashFbtw. i liked that article on helloandroid
18:27.48michaelnovakjr_2cause its fun :)
18:27.48Dougie187not until monday
18:28.11keashFfun? hmm coding was fun.. this, well..
18:28.12muthukeashF: glad you liked it
18:28.34michaelnovakjr_2this is fun too..... playing non-stop CoD!!
18:28.38muthukeashF: where you from?
18:28.51muthuyeah remember
18:28.54muthuyour app?
18:28.54keashFi think i mentioned it ..
18:29.03keashFalso from austria (rofl)
18:29.13keashFcan't give details
18:29.20michaelnovakjr_2how come?
18:29.22keashFsorry, corporate stuff
18:29.26michaelnovakjr_2no one can steal it
18:29.41michaelnovakjr_2deadline kinda passed a little while ago
18:29.56keashFi know, but i'm not to tell until we go live.
18:30.08michaelnovakjr_2go live?
18:30.09muthuwhen you going live?
18:30.36keashFplan was may 1, but didn't work out.. sometime in may, though should be possible
18:30.49michaelnovakjr_2may 1? there aren't any phones though?
18:31.04michaelnovakjr_2or do you mean just the idea?
18:31.15keashFright, we are working on clients for many platforms
18:31.25keashFbut only in android you can do really cool stuff
18:31.36keashFmaybe in iphone, too, i dont know
18:31.58michaelnovakjr_2so back to CoD... who's getting it today :)
18:32.00keashFbut in java microedition.. forget it.. but thats what we will go live in the beginning
18:32.31keashFok guys, nice evening (at least here it's evening) i'm gonna go for a beer. cu
18:37.28muthuooh the forums are hot
18:38.15muthutake a look
18:38.33muthuhot as in not sexy ;)
18:38.58muthumichaelnovakjr_2: are you for real? you dont know the android challenge forums?
18:39.00michaelnovakjr_2so what's that like... 85 degrees then?
18:39.21michaelnovakjr_2i dont remember it sorry, i book mark things..... not on my usual machine
18:39.36muthumichaelnovakjr_2: you are funny though
18:39.43michaelnovakjr_2haha haha
18:40.06muthuimagine if that's real
18:46.43michaelnovakjr_2people are stupid
18:46.46michaelnovakjr_2that is all i have to say
18:46.55Dougie187it happens.
18:47.00muthuthey are just charged up
18:49.19michaelnovakjr_2give me 5 minutes :)
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18:54.08muthui'm done for the night.. good night folks
19:01.59michaelnovakjr_2check it out.....
19:04.02Kralnpeople are really pissy about the judging
19:04.10Kraln"they only used my application for two minutes!"
19:04.37Kralnwah wah wah.
19:04.44michaelnovakjr_2all i have to say is
19:07.43michaelnovakjr_2wheres incognito.... let's have him post in the forums
19:07.44Dougie187either way.
19:07.52Dougie187hows call of duty?
19:08.05Dougie187so i hear
19:08.09michaelnovakjr_2totally rent it
19:08.24michaelnovakjr_2experience a ton of fun!
19:10.19davidwKraln, well, if you tune out jasta, it's not so bad;-P
19:11.59davidwoh man
19:12.02davidwI didn't win...
19:12.14michaelnovakjr_2me either
19:12.32Dougie187i did
19:12.53Dougie187my website is
19:12.59michaelnovakjr_2nice :)
19:13.16michaelnovakjr_2the more optimistic approach
19:13.24Dougie187my glass is half full
19:13.36michaelnovakjr_2mine's empty... i was thirsty
19:13.52Dougie187go fill it p
19:16.11davidwis busy working on
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20:04.41dmoffettHas anyone heard of porting Android to the iPhone hardware?
20:05.05dmoffettI would guess it would be possible.
20:05.49AstainHellbringshould be possible for about any arm platform
20:10.23dmoffettiPhone has no map api and that is not good for my efforts.
20:14.50jastadmoffett: i doubt such an effort would be that popular.
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20:15.06jastai mean, i wouldn't hope it to be done so that you could meaningfully develop apps for the iphone using android.
20:15.14jastaseems like kind of a frankenstein thing to do :)
20:15.45michaelnovakjr_2speaking about android? all i have to say is
20:15.59michaelnovakjr_2it has all the answers ther
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20:16.43f00f-Sorry, I did not win!
20:16.48f00f-looks like its creator didn't win either
20:16.51jastamichaelnovakjr_2: oh yeah, but at least there's no ADC talk
20:16.54michaelnovakjr_2yea i didn't
20:17.06jastai feel really sick
20:17.13jastai just ate some pizza that tasted a little funny
20:17.18jastaand i feel REALLY sick
20:17.40michaelnovakjr_2: X
20:18.22jastaoh boy
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20:29.14davidweheh, the first time I lived in Italy, I lived above what I think was the worst pizza shop in Italy
20:29.20davidwwhich is a real accomplishment
20:29.36davidwit's hard to find a pizza place in Italy that sucks
20:30.22jastaThai food is like that here in Seattle :)
20:30.38jastayou can usually pick entirely at random and get a good meal.
20:30.53jastaIndian food as well.  It's great :)
20:32.56davidwI think the NW has pretty good food compared to a lot of places in the US
20:33.44jastaYes, I'd agree.
20:34.02jastaExcept Chinese.  Lord it's bad here :)
20:35.14dmoffettLiving in Western Colorado makes going anywhere else a culinary treat.
20:37.22davidwmust be high and cold there
20:37.36davidwI so want to put together the Perfect Place
20:37.49jastathe perfect place?
20:37.58davidwtake bits and pieces from everywhere
20:37.59jastai demand that you explain
20:38.10davidwfor instance, the weather would come from California
20:38.19davidwthe cities would be Italian
20:38.30davidwor city, don't need more than one
20:38.38jastathat seems like it would only satisfy your interests
20:39.05jastaalso, you could move to little italy in california ;)
20:39.08davidwbusiness/rules/etc... Oregon, maybe
20:39.11jastain san francisco, i mean
20:39.15davidwthat's a joke
20:39.27jastaso is what you're saying
20:39.59jastapretty much the only reason i don't live in california right now is because i can't stand the weather.
20:40.46dmoffettBeautiful women would be at the top of my list.  I could live in a shit hole if the women are hot.
20:40.48jastacalifornia has nice weather in the spring and fall.  it has miserably hot weather in the summer.  it's unbearable.
20:41.04davidwyou could always stand under a cold shower in a parka if you miss the NW weather
20:41.07jastait gets to 100 degrees there!
20:41.17f00f-jasta: perhaps in southern california :)
20:41.22davidw100F and dry isn't bad
20:41.35davidwbut in the bay area it never gets that hot, unless you head out way east
20:41.55davidwtry 100 and super humid... you wouldn't like northern italy in the summer
20:42.05f00f-it can hit 100F for 1-2 weeks tops in southern bay area, but that's it
20:42.11jastabtw, i went hiking in the olympics last weekend.
20:42.14jastait was like 75.
20:42.17jastaso shove it :)
20:42.58jastaalso, i like winter sports, of which there are a scarce few there.  you have to drive 4+ hours from the bay area to tahoe, and that's all you get.
20:43.13davidwI bet the news reports lead with "strange yellow disc appears in the sky" too
20:43.18dmoffettTahoe rocks for skiing
20:43.39jastayes, tahoe is awesome.  but 4 hours?  come on.
20:43.39dmoffettbet they got buttloads of snow this winter.
20:43.58jastaif i drive 5 hours, i get whistler, which is better anyway.  and i get 4 other places on the way!
20:44.05jastadmoffett: Yeah, I was there.
20:44.24davidwcould walk to a ski area... if he gave a (**&^^ about skiiing
20:44.26dmoffettWe got a buttload here.
20:44.34dmoffettcrazy snow this year.
20:44.51jastathe pacific northwest is one of the best, though not popular, ski areas in the US.
20:45.08dmoffettBC rocks as well.
20:45.11jastait's consistently good every year, lots of choice for terrain and area
20:45.23jastawhistler and mt hood are both very close, too
20:45.23dmoffettbut I did get rained on while skiing there.
20:45.49jastaStevens Pass is my favorite, and it's still under $50 a ticket.
20:46.02dmoffettUtah is probably the best if you can stand 3% beer.
20:46.18jastalol, what?  3% beer?
20:46.28jastai've never been to utah, is that really all they serve?
20:46.43jastayeah, but surely they must have other beers?
20:47.31dmoffettVery nice people but they don't like you drinking, I guess.
20:47.49dmoffettEven in Colorado the Grocery stores sell 3%.
20:48.10davidwthe US is pretty screwed up in terms of its relationship with alcohol
20:48.19dmoffettYou have to go to a liquor store to get regulare beer.
20:48.39f00f-not really
20:48.49f00f-you can get most average/regular beers at grocery stores
20:48.51dmoffett3% just makes you drink more imo.
20:49.32dmoffettGrocery stores only sell 3% beer in Colorado.
20:49.33jastadmoffett: each state has different liquor control.
20:49.46jastaerr davidw
20:49.50dmoffettYeah just the make things simple.
20:50.11davidwin Italy anyone can buy anything
20:50.23davidwin whatever store
20:50.34davidwthey probably wouldn't serve to a really young looking kid
20:50.57davidwbut said kid could go buy whatever in the supermarket
20:50.58dmoffettimo we are very backwards when it comes to sin business.  Hence Las Vegas is able to exist.
20:54.39jastai actually thought about something the other day...
20:54.51jastathe real reason why the legal drinking age is 21...
20:55.04davidwit's highway money
20:55.08jastabecause nobody wants to go to a bar with high school students.
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