IRC log for #android on 20080429

00:01.19*** join/#android jtoy (n=jtoy@
00:02.02Kralnreiser was found guilty
00:03.40jastaprobably is, too :)
00:04.49jastahis wikipedia entry didn't take long to update.
00:11.25f00f-what about reiser4 stability
00:11.35Kralnnamesys is still working on it
00:11.44jastawhat a bizarre story
00:12.04f00f-yeah, he could/should have acted better in court
00:12.13jastamaybe he couldn't?
00:12.22f00f-probably true
00:12.27jastai mean, maybe he acted like a crazy man who had recently killed someone?
00:12.52jastahe tried to throw that defense that he's a software engineer and therefore strange
00:12.55f00f-well judging from his comments in court, he seemed to try to elevate himself as someone who is superior
00:13.07f00f-'excessively logical' you could say
00:13.10jastabut reviewing some of the case information publicly available, he was acting a bit beyond normal software engineer crazy.
00:13.26f00f-doesn't work in court, especially when judges/jury are clewbs and not logical engineers
00:13.38jastai don't think that reasoning would work on me, either.
00:13.43f00f-jasta: yeah, definitely
00:13.49jastabeing excessively logical, you'd also find him guilty.
00:15.00jastawhat strikes me most of all is the extremely short duration of their marriage/relationship leading up to her murder
00:15.47jastait was like, what, 8 months?
00:16.53f00f-oh i thought it was longer
00:17.12jastai dont think so, let me see if i can confirm
00:17.16f00f-"In 1999, while working in Russia, Hans Reiser met and married Nina Sharanova.... The Reisers separated in May 2004, Nina Reiser filing for divorce three months later..."
00:17.19f00f-but that's just wikipedia :)
00:17.56f00f-but dude, that book he bought
00:18.01f00f-was the stupidest thing ever
00:18.03jastaoh, i may have missed that.  i concluded they had known each other only briefly because i knew she had an ex-bf in the same year that she was killed
00:18.30f00f-like, how to kill whatever, any jury is going to notice that's not normal
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00:19.05jastamy point is though, he didn't just like he was guilty
00:19.11jastahe probably was :)
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01:37.16jjt001anyone here?
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04:27.18muthumobeegal demo today.. woohooo!
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05:01.33muthuall the actions are in the forums apparently
05:01.50f00f-who is this incognito guy?
05:02.00muthui have my suspects
05:02.12f00f-guy in android-challenge that has the name Incognito
05:02.13muthumy search is not over yet ;)
05:02.27muthudont know
05:02.31muthuhe says he doesn't come here
05:03.10f00f-seems like an cocky over-confident know-it-all judging from his few posts i've read
05:03.23muthumust be an experienced fellow
05:03.28f00f-sounds like it
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05:55.08muthudroids, are you awake?
05:55.16michaelnovakjri am
05:55.28muthumichaelnovakjr__: you are always awake
05:55.31michaelnovakjri know
05:55.43michaelnovakjri am working on that :)
05:55.43muthuweatherphone is keeping you awake ;)
05:56.19muthui'm wondering when Android would be opensource
05:56.34muthuso we can port it to our own little mobile phones
05:56.49michaelnovakjrwhen it is released i imagine
05:56.57romainguy___be patient :)
05:57.03muthuromainguy_: cool
05:57.12muthuthe reason is.. i'm getting tons of enquiries
05:57.28muthuand i'm saying the same thing.. be patient.
05:58.15muthuone thing for sure
05:58.28muthuif google maintains its orginal vision for android
05:58.43muthuandroid will be running in every mobile device possible
05:59.13muthuit should also run on very low end devices, imho
06:01.36muthui'm getting a feeling, i have unearthed something HUGE
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06:07.50michaelnovakjrmuthu what have you unearthed?
06:08.17muthuif i said it it would be a shameless plug
06:08.57muthui have spammed this channel with enough of mobeegal already!!
06:09.16muthubut there you have it
06:09.47muthudarn, the forum folks are keeping me buys
06:10.27muthujasta: where you been?
06:10.54michaelnovakjri dig it
06:11.13muthumichaelnovakjr__: cool
06:11.27muthuseriously it seems to pique people's interest
06:11.50michaelnovakjri am curious to explore the interface
06:12.02muthuvery early days, though
06:12.19michaelnovakjrhow come you chose 6/30 for release?
06:12.23michaelnovakjrexpecting handsets by then?
06:12.36muthumay be
06:12.57muthubut its only v1.0
06:13.06muthuso must be demoable to interested folks
06:13.14muthumy plan is find a carrier to adopt it
06:13.22michaelnovakjrtrue.... will you be releasing it even if there are no handsets at that time?
06:13.25muthuand bundle it with their offerings
06:14.03muthuto get feedback
06:14.07muthufrom real users
06:16.03muthuif you want your product to be successful, get it out there in front of users
06:16.06muthuso that's the plan
06:16.12michaelnovakjrgood plan
06:16.27muthui have specific dates
06:16.31muthuand can't afford to miss them
06:17.06michaelnovakjrsounds like you have it all figured out :)
06:17.18muthuoh yes
06:17.23muthufigured it out
06:17.47muthuand also know its a tough road ahead
06:17.55muthuthe struggle is with the team
06:18.04muthuyou can't have your dream team, can you?
06:18.10michaelnovakjrsure you can
06:18.15muthuunless you are Google!
06:18.16michaelnovakjrthat just takes time :)
06:18.26michaelnovakjrfinding the right people is very hard
06:18.30muthuif you have funding you can
06:18.41muthui've spend all mine
06:18.53muthuso working with the constrains as of now
06:18.54michaelnovakjri never had any to begin with :)
06:19.01muthugood problem to have
06:19.02michaelnovakjrrunning on pennies over at weatherphone :)
06:19.25muthuright, doesn't make sense to spend a huge fortune
06:19.34muthuyou'll have to keep it small
06:19.40muthuwhen you start, then slowly expand
06:19.59michaelnovakjri have had problems with my laptop
06:20.12michaelnovakjrother than that everything is smooth, so i can't complain
06:20.33michaelnovakjri am looking at getting a dell with ubuntu on it
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06:20.50muthuthat would be cool
06:21.12michaelnovakjrindeed, i want to get it shipped with it because i hate microsoft
06:21.32muthulot of microsoft haters
06:22.04muthui don't hate them.. but i prefer going with opensource
06:22.17muthuwhen you have an option, why choose something expensive?
06:22.21michaelnovakjri have never had luck with them
06:22.39f00f-this is such a cliche convesation :)
06:22.44michaelnovakjri tell my family members I no longer support their windows machines :)
06:23.00muthuthat's the microsoft power
06:23.03michaelnovakjri can't take anymore phone calls
06:23.16muthuthey'll seize your family, take hostage ;)
06:23.39muthuf00f-: welcome to the conversation, throw in your bits
06:23.53muthucliche works!
06:23.57muthuand its proven.
06:24.29romainguy___is a happy user of both open source and proprietary software :)
06:24.43muthuromainguy_: that's the right mix
06:24.51michaelnovakjr^ mac
06:25.02romainguy___I do a lot of graphics oriented stuff
06:25.09romainguy___and Open Source packages just don't do it :((
06:25.16romainguy___mostly yes
06:25.24michaelnovakjrsame here
06:26.02romainguy___there are also tons of small paying apps on Mac OS X that I just really enjoy
06:26.17michaelnovakjrtextmate :)
06:26.27romainguy___not my favorite, but I have a license :))
06:26.38michaelnovakjrwell, nothing beats emacs
06:26.50romainguy___except a good IDE :p
06:27.19michaelnovakjri use emacs on linux :)
06:27.25michaelnovakjrfor c programming
06:28.16jastajust 1 week left until the ADC winners are announced ;)
06:28.17romainguy___speaking of which, I just wrote C code
06:28.23romainguy___it's been a long time since I did that
06:28.25michaelnovakjrc :)
06:28.33jastaromainguy___: then you'd better have someone check it ;)
06:29.06romainguy___especially since it's in adb :p
06:29.07muthuC - distant memories
06:29.19michaelnovakjrah distant is no good
06:29.20muthuhope i don't see C again!
06:29.21michaelnovakjri love C
06:29.31muthuyeah C is great
06:29.37romainguy___it is
06:29.44romainguy___but it depends on what you have to do
06:29.50romainguy___I would certainly not write a UI with it
06:29.54romainguy___(unlike some people here ;-)
06:30.06f00f-i'm toying with python for x-platform GUI's
06:30.07michaelnovakjr::cough:: gtk ::cough::
06:30.15romainguy___PyQT is really cool
06:30.23jastadestroys romain with his awesome C-fu.
06:30.33romainguy___dodges with a Bus Error
06:30.42jastabus errors do not occur with valid C code.
06:30.47romainguy___they just did
06:30.53jastathen your code isn't valid fool :)
06:30.56romainguy___I was just dereferencing a NULL pointer :p
06:31.10michaelnovakjrwell obviously there's memory issues there
06:31.13f00f-i'm working on a nav/media system for an in-car computer and am considering pygame+pysdl+pyopengl
06:31.15romainguy___but a crash with only "Bus Error" in the console, it's not very helpful ^^
06:31.31f00f-C code is scary for GUI's :)
06:31.39muthutry CURSES
06:31.59muthuor is it CURSORS?
06:32.03muthuoh damn
06:32.43jastait's curses.
06:32.52jastaor new curses.
06:33.02muthucool, then my memory serves right
06:33.36jastaromainguy___: really, the problem is that C has just been abused *waaayyyy* too much :)
06:34.29michaelnovakjrjasta, that is because there's a lot of wrong people write C
06:34.29jastacompilers permit a lot of crud they should not.
06:34.29michaelnovakjrwriting C
06:34.29romainguy___michaelnovakjr: same for Java :p
06:34.30michaelnovakjrverrrry true
06:34.30romainguy___jasta: I don't mind that
06:34.34romainguy___I'm more concerned about the C++ crowd :p
06:34.43jastathe ANSI C standard, in particular, is very elegant and if you write knowing it your experience will be much improved :)
06:34.44michaelnovakjrif you know how it is supposed to work then the compiler won't be fed 'crap'
06:34.56jastaromainguy___: oh, well, C++ all bets are off.  that language is bogus.
06:35.19jastawith C++*
06:36.32f00f-i guess you'd prefer erlang or haskell :P
06:38.49jastai'm gonna go to bed.
06:38.59muthujasta: wait
06:39.04muthuthe name?
06:39.12muthuwhat's your app name?
06:39.47muthujasta:  was contemplating, did he finalize?
06:40.06jastadid i what?
06:41.34muthujasta: name?????
06:41.40jastamy name?
06:41.48muthuyour app name
06:41.54jastamichaelnovakjr already told you, five.
06:42.02muthuyou said, you are changing it
06:42.07muthui know the old name is 5
06:42.19jastano, i'm just probably going to give the music player specifically a name at some point.
06:42.22jastafive is the name of the system
06:42.27jastabut the player can and should have a different name
06:42.34muthuok.. the player name?
06:42.37jastai haven'
06:42.41jastai haven't renamed it yet :)
06:42.47jastafor now, it's titled Five Music
06:42.54jastano, i won't call it hi5.  that is sooooo lame ;)
06:43.01muthuits a great name
06:43.21muthuname it
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09:32.53dueyuh muthu
09:32.59dueystds aye
09:33.06muthuhey duey
09:33.44muthuSTD = long distance calls
09:34.18dueypretty sure its not
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13:41.33vol_I have an IntentHandler. I want to create an intent using the Intent(Context, Class) constructor to call this Handler. Is it possible to register this handler via registerReciever?
13:42.20vol_registerReceiver requires an IntentFilter, and it doesn't seem like IntentFilters will work with Intents created by setting the component
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14:21.54vol_Argh, fuck
14:21.56vol_this is rediculous
14:22.02vol_has anyone else come across an eclipse bug
14:22.09vol_where it simply refuses to accept that classes are where they are?
14:22.21vol_projects that were previously just fine all of a sudden have compile errors
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14:22.28michaelnovakjr__eclipse sucks
14:22.35michaelnovakjr__i stopped using it
14:22.43vol_I've NEVER had this problem before now in the last 3 years
14:22.53ligimichaelnovakjr__: me 2
14:23.01ligimichaelnovakjr__: its tooooooo slow
14:23.06ligimichaelnovakjr__: using emacs here
14:23.07michaelnovakjr__i don't have a need for it anymore
14:23.16michaelnovakjr__hell yea ligi me too!
14:23.59ligii've not even looked at the eclipse android plugin
14:24.38vol_well, I'll take this as a "no" then
14:25.02ligivol_: ^^
14:29.13vol_Anyway, if either of you would like to answer my previous question about intentreceivers, I'd appreciate it
14:29.46michaelnovakjr__i am using aidl
14:30.15ligivol_: sorry couldnt answer that one - i have just one launch intend in my app yet
14:31.10vol_actually, this didn't happen until I used the svn plugin for eclipse...
14:31.17vol_I wonder if disabling it would help.
14:31.54ligiits worth a try
14:33.39vol_also sigh, android shell doesn't have cp or move.
14:35.04*** join/#android AstainZZZZZZ (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
14:35.15vol_I have files in /data/data/ My package is now, and I'm unable to play these files. Boo.
14:35.59ligivol_: you can do cp
14:36.09*** join/#android mnel_work (
14:36.11ligivol_: cat source > destination
14:36.21mnel_workgood morning
14:36.27vol_hmm, good call.
14:36.32ligivol_: for mv + rm
14:36.48ligimnel_work: good evening
14:37.30vol_note to self: the > is important.
14:37.52ligiyes the > iss very important
14:38.07ligivol_: but i had this problem too some times
14:38.14ligijus hit enter to early
14:38.32mnel_workThink we'll see HTC announce android hardware next week?
14:38.39ligii want a real bash - with tab completion and stuff
14:38.44ligimnel_work: no
14:38.51ligimnel_work: some blogs say so
14:38.52vol_yeah, the lack of tab completion is a pain.
14:39.17mnel_workligi: yeah, lots of rumors
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14:39.39ligimnel_work: i want a phone too ... listening to all rumors
14:40.16mnel_workligi: I'd even be happy with an unofficial phone that ran it well...
14:40.32ligimnel_work: N810?
14:42.07mnel_workligi: I've been considering that.
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14:43.25vol_n810 isn't a phone though, unless I'm mistaken.
14:43.31vol_my n800 isn't, at least :\
14:43.36ligivol_: we take everything
14:43.54*** mode/#android [+o morrildl] by ChanServ
14:44.04mnel_workligi: sounds like it sort of works on some HTC hardware as well.
14:44.13*** topic/#android by morrildl -> So many .apks, so little time.
14:44.41michaelnovakjr__morrildl: i thought google hasn't announced a date for the winners?
14:44.51michaelnovakjr__i thought it was in the 'near future'
14:45.17morrildlWell, we won't be providing dates for the winners.  The only prize is cash
14:45.24morrildloh wait
14:45.37michaelnovakjr__good one
14:45.45morrildl5 May is the stated date
14:45.56ligimy silent hope iss that the google guys give a android-phone to the submission-authors wich are not under the first 50 ( or at least to the ones which are open-source - shouldnt be so much ;-)
14:46.03morrildlI can tell you we are working hard to hit it, and leaning on some of the less diligent judges :)
14:46.33morrildlligi: believe me when I say we would love to be able to do that.
14:46.36vol_I work pretty hard to hit it, too.
14:46.38michaelnovakjr__well, good luck morrildl, i think so far on the public facing side of things it gone very well
14:46.54morrildlmichaelnovakjr__: thanks :)
14:46.55vol_not quite the same way as you
14:47.00ligimorrildl: i think it wouldn be bad for u either
14:47.29ligimy submission only makes sense with a real device ^^
14:47.45morrildlligi: I think that's true of them all :)
14:48.02vol_sigh. this is maddening. The only change I've made to this project is refactoring the package name. Now, my File Chooser is all of a sudden throwing null pointer exceptions!
14:48.11muthuis may 5 confirmed?
14:48.20vol_grumbles more
14:48.29michaelnovakjr__yes morrildl: 5 May is the stated date
14:48.34morrildlmuthu: I'm not sure what you mean by "confirmed", but that's always been the stated date
14:48.40muthuoh oh
14:49.00michaelnovakjr__they won't know i guess until they actually finish :)
14:49.27morrildlI think at one point David changed it to "week of", which not coicidentally was the day we looked in the submission queue and saw like 500 entries when there were still a couple weeks left :)
14:49.45muthutake your time
14:49.49muthuits better to judge them well
14:49.51muthuthen to rush
14:49.57michaelnovakjr__i'd rather them get it right than judge too fast
14:50.11morrildlmuthu: yeah we agree
14:50.19morrildlBut, we said 5 May, we're going to try to hit 5 May.
14:50.22michaelnovakjr__i want to see some useful quality apps in that top 50
14:50.26michaelnovakjr__not eye candy
14:50.35morrildlmichaelnovakjr__: oh there are :)
14:50.52michaelnovakjr__i don't doubt that :)  i've seen apps i think are excelletn
14:50.55muthumorrildl: are you categorizing winners?
14:51.14muthulike application type, submission type etc.,
14:51.18morrildlmuthu: nope
14:51.26morrildlWe didn't say we would, so that would be unfair
14:51.43morrildlif we get 49 games and 1 cooking app, we'll have to live with it :)
14:51.57muthuthat's the point i was trying to make
14:52.09morrildlfortunately that's not at all the case
14:52.24muthu1 cooking not bad, what you talking about?
14:52.28michaelnovakjr__let's hope theres a weather app in there ;)
14:52.49ligihope there's an UFO app in there ;-
14:53.03muthuok, droids here's my latest android love
14:53.21muthuhad a mobeegal demo
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14:53.31muthuwith a SF company
14:53.49muthuone question they asked: when is android opensourced?
14:54.09morrildlmuthu: very nice:)
14:54.25muthumorrildl: android is rocking already
14:54.43muthupeople are excited in general
14:54.51muthudevice manufactures etc.,
14:57.16muthuandroid is going to run in more than mobile phones
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14:57.19vol_morrildl: so there's a Cooking Mama app for android?
14:57.26ligimuthu: not to forgett us developers ^^
14:57.53muthuligi: oh yeah.. no android without us :)
14:58.25morrildlmuthu: yeah, we are stoked
14:58.30morrildlThis time is like TORTURE
14:58.43morrildlthings are mostly nailed down, but we have to actually deliver a device :)
14:58.53muthuyeah do that soon
14:58.54morrildlso it's the "in between" time where everyone is waiting
14:59.04muthuyup, with a lot of questions
14:59.22morrildlvol_: maybe, but I don't mean a game, I mean actual cooking apps
14:59.45muthuvol_: haven't you heard about the wonderful cooking application that i did?
14:59.47muthucome on!
14:59.50morrildlI certainly haven't seen all the apps
15:00.16muthumy cooking app is a simple utility
15:00.18muthuit must win
15:00.20muthuif it does not
15:00.25vol_morrildl: I know, I was joking.
15:00.34muthuthen the judges are not human.. they are really droids!!
15:00.35vol_muthu: I guess not
15:00.42morrildlvol_: anyway I'd rather have Diner Dash
15:00.42ligimorrildl: then what are you doing in IRC - LOOK AT THE APPS ;-)
15:01.25muthuligi: it gets boring after watching a few apps
15:01.27morrildlligi: I am not a judge, anyway :)
15:01.47morrildlmuthu: oh no. no no.  no sir.
15:01.50morrildlIt doesn't get boring
15:01.55morrildlit is addictive :)
15:02.06morrildladded a "Show me a Random App" mode
15:02.09michaelnovakjr__you can send us judging info and we can confirm that for you haha ;)
15:02.19morrildlI did this for testing, to make sure that submissions work correctly and so on
15:02.28morrildlbut I can tell you that it is super-easy to get sucked in :)
15:02.33michaelnovakjr__i bet
15:02.53morrildlI laughed, I cried, I said "wtf?" more than once
15:03.12muthuit should be fun
15:03.18ligimorrildl: hehe - I can imagine that ,-)
15:03.58muthumorrildl: google must be already talking with enkin dudes
15:04.05muthuisn't it cool?
15:04.16ligii think the WTF-Factor was very high with my submission - but its really usefull in the field when u know what this is all about
15:04.48michaelnovakjr__enkin..... muthu i don't really see that as so amazing
15:04.58muthumichaelnovakjr__: what's your pick?
15:05.34michaelnovakjr__i dig jasta's media player........ i'd like to see screenshots of your LBS search engine, that sounds interesting
15:05.51muthujasta: i nominate him without seeing his app
15:05.59muthuand he did a great job as expected
15:06.14muthuwait for mobeegal.. that'll rock your mobile world
15:06.32michaelnovakjr__....still waiting....
15:06.52muthuthe demo was impressive
15:07.00muthuthe client liked it
15:07.11morrildlhas not seen enkin's app, actually
15:07.12muthui need a google like team though
15:07.32muthumorrildl: what? are you serious?
15:07.34michaelnovakjr__morrildl: not really missing much
15:07.54muthucheck it out right now.. it deserves to be seen
15:08.07morrildlwell, I've seen the video
15:08.11morrildlI mean that I haven't seen their app running
15:08.13muthuoh ok
15:08.26morrildlAnd at the end of hte day, judges have to judge based on what got submitted
15:08.44muthuthere were some submissions, which did only video
15:08.46muthuno apk
15:09.01ligimuthu: was that possible?
15:09.04morrildl...and those submissions are not included in the 1,788 submissions
15:09.09michaelnovakjr__are you serious..... how can you tell its even real?
15:09.13muthuok.. it might have been filtered
15:09.14michaelnovakjr__haha good
15:09.30muthui did like 10 videos ;)
15:09.34ligithey should have packed the video in the apk
15:09.47michaelnovakjr__or submitted an apk to prove it works
15:10.07muthuyou know there's a lot of way we can trick the judges
15:10.19muthuif someone is smart, he can really pull it off
15:10.33michaelnovakjr__i doubt the judges are stupid
15:10.44ligii had problems making a video - i can't stand in front of a camera and be serios - i just made some little demonstrations without speaking
15:11.06muthumichaelnovakjr__: judges are not stupid, that's like saying users are stupid
15:11.53michaelnovakjr__what i meant by that muthu is that i am sure the judges can sniff bs if its submitted.... or at least the googlers that filtered out the crap
15:11.59vol_well, users ARE stupid.
15:12.05vol_hence usability testing
15:12.59muthuusers are stupid, and they can also be very smart
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15:15.06muthumorrildl: when the next SDK?
15:15.20morrildlmuthu: as soon as I can get to it :)
15:15.33muthuok.. it means after may 5 then
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15:15.48ligiwith bluetooth then ?-)
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15:29.25vol_Is there a programatic way to request that an application wait for the debugger to attach?
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15:35.54Kralnmuthu: how's my server working out for you
15:37.00muthuKraln: no issues
15:37.05muthuworking great
15:37.15Kralncool. let me know when you launch so I can start invoicing you
15:37.16leivHi, all. I have got a problem in running a android application, I run it in eclipse and it say: Failed to install xxx.apk on 'emulator-tcp-5555': Local file doesn't exist.
15:37.23leivwhat should i do?
15:37.45muthuKraln: we have just set up, will take some more days to fully hit and test it
15:37.47michaelnovakjr__leiv: don't use eclipse
15:37.53Kralnmuthu: roger.
15:37.59KralnI actually upped the cap on the machine to 20mbit
15:38.05Kralnso uh, you won't run into bandwidth issues
15:38.12muthuKraln: woah.. thanks for the help buddy
15:38.13jastaleiv: try going to project -> clean
15:38.20muthuKraln: you rock man!
15:38.47michaelnovakjr__leiv: if you are on linux good luck.  Mine wouldn't work after trying many many things
15:39.04michaelnovakjr__i have only successfully used eclipse on a mac
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15:39.11leivi work on Windows
15:39.16Kralnif the file doesn't exist there's a problem with the compilation
15:39.24jastaleiv: just clean the project first, as i said.
15:39.25michaelnovakjr__just as bad as linux leiv
15:39.46leivI'm trying jasta's method
15:40.06jastathen hit f5 to refresh it if it doesn't build automagically
15:40.22jastathen it should be fine.  if not, check the project's path in the filesystem and make sure there is a bin/foo.apk
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15:41.50lummieanyone in ?
15:42.00leivjasta:Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1,and there is no apk file in bin
15:42.49jastahas it ever worked?
15:43.26leivthe last time i use, it's works
15:43.45jastais there anything you changed which would cause you to suspect this?
15:43.56Kralncheck permissions
15:44.27jastaoh, wait
15:44.28leivi changed jdk from 1.5 to 1.6, would this be a course?
15:45.17jastaspecifically check the error details to see which file it freaked on.
15:45.25jastait is probably that Thumbs.db file, esp if you are on Windows
15:45.28jastabut it may be anything else
15:45.30lummieIs there a way in the XML layouts to display an image at a size smaller than the resources ?  e.g. with an Image view.  I have a 64x64 png, that I want to dsiplay at 32x32 and setting the layout width/height or max width height doesn't effect it.
15:45.54jastasetting the layout_width and height *does* work.  you've done something wrong.
15:46.07jastathat said, don't ask ImageView to scale the image at runtime.  scale it yourself and save the 32x32 version.
15:46.56leivI have checked that there is no Thumbs.db
15:47.13jastaleiv: check the details of the error, as i said.  let's try not to guess waht the file is.
15:54.35jastawhat is this line all about:
15:54.36jastajava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lentagged/audioformats/AudioFile;
15:55.01leivi can't understand either
15:55.47jastawell, i have no idea.  post to the android-developers group.
15:55.55jastaperhaps this is some new JDK1.6 crud that has confused Dalvik?
15:56.16vol_Sigh. Ok, please point out the stupid flaw here. I'm trying to use PackageManager.getServiceInfo. So, I create a ComponentName with the params ("", "BazService"
15:56.26vol_BazService lives in
15:56.33vol_the base package is
15:56.35jastaComponentName's have to be redundant
15:56.41jastaso, like:
15:57.01leivthanks ,jasta
15:57.04vol_oh, so it has to be "", "" ?
15:57.32jastaComponentName("", "")
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15:58.23vol_er, eh,.
16:00.01vol_yes, that was it, thanks
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16:01.15vol_this brings me to the next issue. PackageManager.queryIntentServices confirms that my intent will match the service I'm trying to run
16:01.27vol_but doing startService(intent, null) does.... nothing
16:01.31vol_as far as I can tell, at least
16:01.41vol_which is slightly frustrating since my other client/server app does this just fine :\
16:01.50vol_I'm just not sure what I'm missing here, since I can bind to it
16:02.47jastavol_: well, what do you expect it to do and how have you tested that it does not do that?
16:03.19vol_I've set breakpoints and logging output on onStart, onPause, and onCreate
16:03.29vol_onCreate is hit when the service is bound
16:03.38vol_but nothing else is ever hit
16:03.56vol_I call startService inside of the onServiceConnected method of my ServiceConnection in the client
16:03.58jastatry invoking it by class, to be sure you have not screwed something else up
16:04.04vol_I am invoking it by class
16:04.16jastahuh, you are starting two services right?
16:04.18vol_Intent i = new Intent(MyClient.this, MyServer.class);
16:04.32vol_no, same service. I'm binding to it, then starting it to keep it active in the background
16:04.42vol_this way when the client closes the service continues to run
16:04.44jastai have implemented this strategy differently
16:04.55vol_if you can suggest a better way, please let me know
16:05.01jastahang on, let me pull up my code
16:05.44jastai wrote:
16:05.59jastaactually let me throw it on pastebin
16:06.22vol_if I replace my bind code with just starting the service, ti works.
16:07.43jastado note that there is a special relationship you construct with this code.  specifically, being bound with BIND_AUTO_CREATE, the service cannot stop until the activity quits.
16:08.05jastabut if the activity quits, the server won't necessarily stop
16:08.34vol_well, in the other app I made (music player) it did stop when the activity stopped
16:08.50jastai assure you, it will not.  check my code.
16:09.28vol_I'm looking at your code. you're starting the service, then binding
16:09.30jastaif the service invokes stopSelf() at any point, it will stop when the BIND_AUTO_CREATE relationship disappears (the activity quits, or unbinds)
16:09.40jastaor if some other component calls stopService.
16:09.42jastabut not otherwise
16:10.14jastathe relatiosnhip i've setup here is a service that synchronizes in the background but that you can open an activity to spy on its progress
16:10.31jastaso it can continually start/bind to it even while it's already running (or not).
16:10.36jastaand disconnect at will and it will stay running.
16:10.45jastabut if the service finishes syncing, it will not forcefully disconnect
16:10.56jastait'll wait until the activity quits to stop itself
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16:11.41vol_What I did as a test was bind the service, then unbind it. The service stopped running.
16:11.55jastaand it would without startService
16:11.57vol_I never called stopSelf, however.
16:12.04vol_alright, I guess I misunderstood you
16:12.17jastathat's why i'm doing both.  but i start the service first.
16:12.36vol_ok, I will try it that way.
16:12.55jastaalso do realize that BIND_AUTO_CREATE is important here
16:14.46vol_yes, I've been using that
16:14.57jastafyi, looking at this now, i have no idea why i create two intents
16:15.08jastai must have refactored the code that way without realizing it
16:16.35leivjasta:i have find the problem, that i defined a same class that has defined in a .jar file."already added: Lentagged/audioformats/AudioFile" is the class
16:18.06jastagood :)
16:20.37vol_Excellent, everything seems to be working correctly
16:20.39vol_thanks jasta
16:20.55jastaoff to work now
16:22.35leivit's middlenight here,i'll go to sleep, bye michaelnovakjr__ , Kraln, jasta and all.
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16:34.24EQUIt's possible to add to system own URI pattern at android ?
16:35.37EQU(after, all activities will link my patern )
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17:05.32jastawow, the new Ubuntu release is pretty nice actually
17:05.39jastaCompiz is improved quite a bit
17:05.42jastalots of polish around the edges
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17:10.42Kralnis there still no quick way to get to a terminal?
17:10.53Kralndoes it still not work right with out of the box?
17:11.14jastawell, i have a key binding to open a terminal and that still works
17:11.15jastaif thats what you mean
17:11.24KralnI mean from the menus
17:11.30Kralnyou have to dig deep for it
17:11.36Kralnand youtube?
17:11.38jastaaccessories, terminal as its always been
17:11.47Kralnit's a great linux distro for people new to operating systems
17:11.59Kralnit's a terrible distro for power users or for people used to windows.
17:12.14Kralnthere's still no good 'newb' linux distro
17:12.38jastaactually, i'm more of a power user than you've probably ever met.
17:12.41jastaand i like ubuntu
17:13.03jastaFirefox is actually one of the only GUI apps I use :)
17:13.13jastaand even then, I am familiar with and often use links ;)
17:13.38Kralnso why do you bother with ubuntu over debian?
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17:13.51jastai use both debian and ubuntu, actually.  i like both.
17:13.59Kralnthat doesn't answer my question
17:14.07Kralnwhat do you like, as a power user, that ubuntu gives you that debian doesn't
17:14.16jastathough i find ubuntu makes me fight less when i try to install it on newer hardware
17:14.47jastabecause they keep the kernel more up-to-date, more aggressively patched, and the restricted drivers system they employ works nice.
17:15.21jastai'm installing the multiverse flashplugin package now btw
17:15.25jastai'll let you know if it works
17:15.35Kralndid that install automagically when you went to youtube?
17:15.44jastayup, worked perfect.
17:15.52jastait opened an automagic box that asked me to next my way through it, yes
17:16.06jastajust like it would've in Windows
17:16.30jastathough i can't say that i like the new firefox.  i'm not sure why they chose to put a beta version on here too
17:16.44Kralnfirefox 3 beta 5?
17:17.00Kralnactually 3b5 looks/runs great on osx. very well integrated
17:17.15romainguy___Kraln: the integration is still lacking on many aspects
17:17.20jastaright off the bat i'm struck that iGoogle looks stupid because the buttons and widgets from GTK are "shaped"
17:17.22romainguy___but it's much better than it used to be
17:17.48jastabut they are not transparently shaped.  they are a perfect gray rectangle with shaped buttons atop that ;)
17:18.16jastai'm gonna test all these firefox performance claims and hit up google docs with a giant spreadsheet
17:18.35jastayuck, the auto history bar that pops down when you start typing looks awful.  way too cluttered.
17:18.40jastaand they use bold and underline!  eww.
17:19.01Kralnromainguy: it's better. I still use safari
17:19.23jastaactually, performance in google docs does seem to be much improved with the new firefox
17:19.25romainguy___I still use safari too
17:19.31romainguy___when I need Gecko I turn to Camino
17:20.00jastaso, i guess my only problem from the dist-upgrade is that urxvt fonts don't look right.  too much letter spacing.
17:20.07jastabut i used to have this problem before.  i just don't remember how i solved it.
17:20.16jastamaybe there's some xft: rendering engine feature
17:20.36Kralnso why ubuntu over, say, opensuse
17:20.50romainguy___and why not?
17:20.56romainguy___Ubuntu offers a nice experience out of the box
17:20.59romainguy___it just works
17:21.05romainguy___it has a nice desktop
17:21.12Kralnhe doesn't use the ui
17:21.21romainguy___then he's not a power user :)
17:21.33KralnI'm curious as to why as a 'more power user than I've ever met' he chooses ubuntu, is all
17:21.38jastaUbuntu's package maintainers are much less stoned than Debian's, too.
17:22.22jastaKraln: Power user doesn't mean I like wasting my time.  If I liked that, I'd use Gentoo or RedHat.
17:22.36jastaOr Windows :)
17:23.20jastaI spent a lot of time fighting with Linux to learn it.  Now that I've got that out of the way, it would just seem tedious to keep fighting.
17:23.58romainguy___that reminds me what I first started using Linux
17:24.11romainguy___making X run on 486 laptops was very very painful at the time :))
17:24.13Kralnlast time I had to mess with ubuntu it was nothing but fighting. especially to get audio working I had to compile up some kernels and soforth
17:24.48Kralnand, as far as 'just works' goes, I'm pretty happy with osx =)
17:24.48mnel_workromainguy___: I had X running on a 386 with 8mb of ram.  It was terrible. :)
17:25.00romainguy___mnel_work: a *laptop*
17:25.08romainguy___the problem was getting X to work with the screen :)
17:25.19Kralnromainguy: I had a 486 touch-screen laptop tablet thingy
17:25.23Kralnthat was a huge pita
17:26.10romainguy___that said thing weren't that great a year ago when I tried Ubuntu again
17:26.19romainguy___it was stuck in 1280x900 on my 30"
17:26.22mnel_workMy old pentium laptop didn't have quite enough memory to do 800x600@16bit color, so in windows you could only do 8bit.  In X, I was able to do a custom modeline at 800x576 and get my full 16bit color. :D
17:26.53Kralnromainguy: yeah, configuring X on ubuntu also required some custom asshattery three months ago when I set it up for the gf
17:27.33mnel_workKraln: I had to do that for my media box, but I've got a rather weird configuration there.
17:29.16jastamy gf uses Ubuntu ;)
17:29.53muthunow we know why jasta uses ubuntu
17:30.02jastaactually, for simple users, it is much better than Windows.  you fight with it a lot less for the basic e-mail and media.
17:30.18Kralnjasta: if they've never seen windows
17:30.22Kralnotherwise it's just confusing
17:30.25jastaalso, for some reason my girlfriend *loves* when it has updates. a nd it has updates like every other day.
17:30.44Kralnseen this?
17:30.48jastaKraln: i wouldn't agree with that.
17:30.55jastamostly, it is very similar to Windows.
17:31.12jastain terms of its basic user experience assumptions.  you can double click on things.  menus do the same thing.  right click usually does something.
17:31.49Kraln"where's the internet"
17:32.11jastamaybe my girlfriend is just not as retarded as most
17:32.20muthulinux is not yet ready for gf yet
17:32.21Kralndon't denegrate users like that
17:32.45Kralnas a side note, I advocate two tiers of internet (not like the telcos)
17:32.54Kralnone where users can't harm themselves
17:33.03Kralnand then you have to take a test to get to the real internet
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17:33.19muthumostly the real problem with linux is applications
17:33.29jastathis is such a silly conversation though
17:33.38jastai mean really.
17:34.00jastado our opinions even matter to one another?
17:34.03Kralnno =)
17:34.17jastai mean do any of you really care what i think?  do i really care what you think? :)
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17:34.51jastaso, have you guys seen this:
17:35.08Kralnhas seriously considered making an ubuntu derivative that names the applications for what they do and not what their authors think you should call them
17:35.30muthuKraln: go for it, make it simple and easy
17:36.09muthujasta: funny
17:36.35edcbamixing & domains...
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18:25.45jastaeclim is so sweet :)
18:29.30davidwwhat's that?
18:33.33jastadavidw: it lets Vim hook into Eclipse features
18:33.37jastausing a headless Eclipse server
18:33.53jastathen it just defines a bunhc of vim commands and mappings to do all the magic eclipse does
18:34.16jastait's pretty elegant really.  eclipse was designed to run like this.
18:34.36davidwsounds like one of those things like "your problem: you have to use eclipse.  Answer?  vim+eclipse.  Now you have two problems"
18:36.12KralnI'm playing with something called wallsaver. it makes my background run whatever screensaver I want
18:36.19Kralnand in osx? it looks really, really pretty.
19:04.43jastaKraln: compiz has a plugin that does that
19:06.09Kralnare you kidding?
19:06.16Kralnyou could use any application as the root window in X for years
19:06.30jastaKraln: Yes, but this is accelerated through Compiz
19:06.43jastapreviously, this approach would hardly work at all
19:07.06jastathings like translucent terminals would look hideous ;)
19:07.26Kralnyeah, everything is gorgeous - my im client and the dock and irc and everything are transparent
19:07.39Kralnso my snowflake screensaver is just very soothing
19:14.49michaelnovakjr__Kraln: on mac?
19:15.14jastaKraln: i just tried that and it is really, really, *REALLY* distracting :)
19:15.26jastayou'd need a background that is *very* subtle
19:15.31jastalike trees gently blowing in the wind would be nice
19:15.47michaelnovakjr__might put you to sleep on your keyboard
19:16.04michaelnovakjr__you can put an animated window in your cube :)\
19:16.38michaelnovakjr__now theres an idea!
19:16.52jastathe coolest thing about compiz is that the engine is pretty flexible.  you could do lots of bizarre stuff with it :)
19:17.11michaelnovakjr__create a picture frame like device and program it to animate the identical weather for a location you set.... ie where you are :)
19:17.20michaelnovakjr__that way you feel like you are looking out a real window
19:17.57mnel_workor you could do that infinitely recursive mirror effect...
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19:21.18Kralnjasta: that's what I've got.
19:21.41Kralnooh! it'd be cool to make it use the camera on the laptop
19:21.45Kralnso that the screen surface is a mirror
19:21.48Kralnexcept for the windows
19:24.58jastaKraln: trees blowing in the wind?
19:25.31Kralnsomething 'very' subtle
19:25.35Kralnsnowflakes on a light blue field
19:27.14mnel_workKraln: thousands of little virtual cubicle workers toiling away at compiling your programs...
19:27.34Kralnmnel_work: the amount of snowflakes is directly proportional to cpu load
19:28.08mnel_workKraln: will each snowflake be unique?
19:28.37Kralnthis is not a will, this is an is. they're fractally generated
19:34.48f00f-where are the virtual cubicle workers that are generating the snoflwakes?
19:37.07mnel_workf00f-: no snowflakes, jsut virtual cubicle workers that you can sit and watch and "organize".
19:41.11jastaKraln: you know what would make a great animated background?
19:45.06jastaif that tree blew in the wind and those little snowflakes rotated and fluttered to the ground
19:45.10jastavery gently
19:45.34jastathat would be so incredibly relaxing :)
19:47.30dimsjasta: that's beautiful!
19:48.19jastathat's my current background (for one head)
19:48.34jastathe other head uses water-fire, which you can find pretty easily by googling
19:48.48jastait's just that candle flame retextured to look like water
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19:53.32f00f-jasta: ooh, that is the ubuntu tree with a different color :)
19:54.16dimsi usually pick something up from here -
19:54.30dims(see Archive link at the bottom)
19:58.36jastai love apod
19:58.43jastai have hte apod module in igoogle
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22:01.35*** join/#android infobot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
22:01.35*** topic/#android is So many .apks, so little time.
22:22.30*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
22:55.24*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
23:02.17*** join/#android eton (
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23:57.22*** join/#android ligi_ (

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