IRC log for #android on 20080427

00:00.57Dougie187How is everyone on this fine evening/;
00:01.19Dougie187or morning, depending on where you are.
00:02.07*** join/#android tmcneal (
00:07.25*** join/#android Yeggstry (
00:09.07*** part/#android Dougie187 (
00:12.32*** join/#android Dougie187 (
00:24.55*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (n=ThePHPJe@unaffiliated/thephpjedi/x-000002)
00:25.25*** join/#android AstainZZZZZZ (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
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00:51.01*** join/#android f00f- (
01:05.02dueymore hits
01:05.45Dougie187its because its the weekend
01:05.51Dougie187so a lot more testing is being done now.
01:06.02duey3 so far
01:26.08*** join/#android jtoy (n=jtoy@
01:30.59*** part/#android tmcneal (
01:42.58*** join/#android pandora-- (
02:49.49*** join/#android living_sword (n=chatzill@
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03:34.06*** join/#android inZane- (
03:36.40*** join/#android ageless (
03:52.18*** part/#android Dougie187 (
03:55.21*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
03:58.08*** join/#android eton (
04:02.18*** join/#android living_sword (i=chatzill@
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09:00.43*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
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10:57.51*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
11:01.05*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
11:07.59*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
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12:35.41*** join/#android mypapit (n=mypapit@pdpc/supporter/active/mypapit)
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13:06.03*** join/#android convivial (
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14:19.30*** join/#android jtoy (n=jtoy@
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15:08.32*** join/#android Kraln (
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17:04.49*** join/#android muthu (n=muthu@
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18:16.22*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
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18:47.29*** join/#android dims (
18:58.12*** part/#android muthu (n=muthu@
19:03.21*** join/#android eton_ (
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19:51.13*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
20:08.06*** join/#android romainguy (
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20:51.58*** join/#android jjt001 (
20:52.34jjt001anyone home?
20:55.14jjt001jasta: you here?
20:55.54jjt001f00f-: xocholo?
21:12.43*** join/#android yeonhoo (
21:16.10*** join/#android cliff (
21:17.09cliffis there a way to put a set of views into a 'group' of sorts (child nodes in xml) so that i could apply a position offset to all of them at once? there an invisible hit detector view?  Or would i just make one with a fully alpha ImageView?
21:29.16jastaerr, jtt: yes, but he's not here
21:29.50jastacliff: for the first question, yes, you'd probably want an AbsoluteLayout contained within some other sort of layout
21:29.53jastaor your own layout if you'd like
21:29.59jastafor the second, what are you talking about?
21:30.02jastaa hit detector?
21:30.13cliffi just got it working with just an absolutelayout in another absolutelayout
21:30.21cliffand then setting android:layout_x and y
21:30.25cliffin the inner layout
21:30.32cliffso, hit detector..sorry like
21:30.38jastayou want to be careful about using an outer absolutelayout btw
21:31.03cliffi want a region of the window to do something when i click, but it's not bound to a specific asset
21:31.13cliffmaybe i can do it with an onclick handler of the viewgroup
21:31.51jastayou could do it with a <Button>.
21:32.03cliffcan you set the button to be invisible?
21:32.06cliff(but clickable)
21:32.16jastawith android:background=@null
21:32.20jastaand no text
21:32.26jastait would have nothing to draw, but it'd still be there.
21:32.27cliffthanks :)
21:32.31jastayou'd need to define a width/height
21:32.52cliffwhy careful about outer absolutelayout?
21:33.09*** join/#android convivial (
21:33.15jastathe idea of android's layouts is that you can specify, generally, layouts that will work well for different screen configurations.
21:33.23cliffoh..that's not an issue for me
21:33.24*** part/#android convivial (
21:33.31cliffbut i understand
21:33.36jastawhile they offer you the ability to define separate layouts for different screens, they do also offer you a way to do this generically.
21:33.50jastaand that involves avoiding AbsoluteLayout for your outer layout
21:33.55cliffi have a highly customized layout for a specific device
21:34.14jastaright, but do you suppose that your app can be usable on other types of screens?
21:34.19cliffno umm..
21:34.21cliffspecific device
21:34.34cliffit won't run on others (without reworking the UI)
21:34.39jastawell, i can't say specifically but i suspect you are being too narrow.
21:35.09jastawell that's my point: you should at least consider whether it makes sense that your app could function on other types of devices.  if it makes sense, then you should design your layouts in such a way that will work.
21:35.22jastabut whatever, this is just a warning for you.
21:35.26cliffnono, i understand :)
21:35.47cliffthanks for your help.
21:36.06jastaback to my project now :)
21:38.24*** join/#android jjt001 (
21:39.10jastajjt001: i am here, btw
21:39.29jjt001got any hits?
21:39.45*** join/#android duey (
21:39.51jjt001duey: helo
21:39.59jjt001got any hits yet?
21:40.09dueyyeah a few
21:40.28jastajjt001: yes.
21:40.34jjt001how many?
21:40.38dueyi have 5
21:40.50jjt001i have 2
21:41.13jjt001duey: what was your app?
21:41.34jastait looked like i had 1 judge connect
21:41.36jjt001that's right, translation]
21:41.44jjt001yeah, same here
21:41.59jjt001with the ip 24.x.x.x
21:42.01jastabut it's hard to say with my app, and unfortunately due to a bug in the emulator only one can truly function with it at a time
21:42.21jastait wouldn't fail catastrophically, it just would do something a bit awkward during the sync
21:42.34jjt001but you only have log of one judge?
21:42.36jastait's because the emulator has IMEI:0, and my server keys on IMEI
21:43.03jjt001my server actually had an error in it when the first judge tried to access
21:43.09jastajjt001: Yeah, looks like it.  Only one completed sync and then transmission of media to only 1 host.
21:43.12jjt001but i fixed it before the other judges came by
21:43.41jjt001i guess we might see more activity later this week
21:45.22jjt001did you get an ip of 24.x.x.x?
21:46.07jastamy server doesn't log the IP
21:46.14jjt001oh ok
21:46.18jjt001duey: what about you?
21:46.48jjt001jasta: you think judging will continue until end of next week?
21:48.30jjt001are you working on any open source projects?
21:50.58jastamy adc app is [going to be] an open source project.
21:58.00dueyjjt001: im not going to annouce what ips they are coming from...
22:04.14poffy_Has romainguy or the other google dev on here said anything about the new SDK?
22:04.36dueypoffy_: they never do
22:07.30jerkface03poffy_: if you complain about something long enough, they'll add it in.
22:07.56romainguy_jerkface03: not necessarily
22:08.19jerkface03romainguy_: So you mean it wasn't my constant whining about NIO that got NIO added in?
22:08.32romainguy_lol, no :)
22:08.48dueyi want bufferedimage
22:08.59romainguy_why do you want bufferedimage?
22:09.39dueyso at some stage i can port my ocr stuff to on-device without to much effort
22:09.55dueyi understand bufferedimage uses the GPU?
22:10.05dueyhmm i read somewhere
22:10.08romainguy_only where they are in managed mode
22:10.15romainguy_and even so, it is not guaranteed
22:10.23dueyyeah thats it
22:10.36romainguy_cf Chapter 4 of my book :))
22:10.47romainguy_VolatileImages are GPU accelerated
22:10.51romainguy_but it helps only for blitting
22:11.07dueymy ocr stuff does a heap of convolutions
22:11.16romainguy_then a managed image would not gain you anything
22:11.21dueyi made my own image classes but its slow
22:11.30duey(compared to that of buffered image)
22:11.57romainguy_BufferedImage convolve ops use fast native routines
22:12.03romainguy_even better
22:12.29romainguy_I pestered the Java2D team so much about this that in Java 6u10, some convolve ops are accelerated with OpenGL/DirectX shaders
22:13.02romainguy_what you need on a device is OpenGL ES 2 with shaders support ;)
22:13.16poffy_romainguy_, new SDK?
22:13.25romainguy_poffy_: what about it?
22:13.30poffy_when can we have it?
22:13.38poffy_Remember the AnimationDrawable
22:13.49poffy_I took a break from Android-side stuff to work on server side stuff
22:13.53romainguy_I cannot tell you, ask Dan Morrill
22:13.55poffy_and now, I'm ready to do Android-side
22:16.27jastaDan won't be able to tell you either, he's just throwing up a diversion ;)
22:17.17dueyi am pretty sure i told him they won't say a thing
22:17.45jastapoffy_: your only option is patience.
22:19.56poffy_I understand
22:25.49*** join/#android eton (
22:40.58*** join/#android Ruzza (
22:59.48*** join/#android mickrobk (
23:01.25*** join/#android soulreaper_ (i=soul@
23:44.26*** join/#android raid_5 (
23:44.28Kralnpoffy_: : hi
23:47.32jjt001Kraln: hellop
23:47.47jjt001good old friend
23:47.55jjt001would you like to test my app now?
23:48.06Kralnstill no sdk. I've been busy, ask poffy
23:48.08jjt001you've probably reinstalled the sdk at this point?
23:48.18jjt001ok, no problem
23:48.26jjt001poffy_: can you test my app?
23:48.37jjt001Kraln: did your server get an judge hits?
23:49.55Kralnhaven't logged in to checl
23:53.38*** join/#android parti (n=parti@

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