IRC log for #android on 20080416

00:05.15*** join/#android yanbe (
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01:57.20Kralnquiet in here
01:57.40michaelnovakjr__haha, everyone is passed out
02:22.46ClassFoojava.lang.Package.getPackages() failed
02:28.24zhobbsmy computer runs soooo much better now that eclipse and the emulator isn't running
03:03.52rektideget more ram
03:03.54rektideyou need more ram
03:05.40Kralneclipse + the emulator takes more than a gig of ram on my machine
03:05.52Kralnif it ever starts swapping, the whole system crawls
03:05.58poffyIt eats a lot..
03:06.20rektideincreasing the memory for eclipse is recommended
03:06.26Stephmw... was about to say that's way too much ram, but then saw I'm in #android and not #j2me ;)
03:06.57rektideotherwise it starts with 256mb maximum space or something and swaps incessantly
03:07.19rektidethats always been one of my least favorite things about java, having to specify max program size
03:07.21AstainHellbringyou need more ram
03:07.26AstainHellbring4gb of ram ftw
03:07.52michaelnovakjr__i have 4 gigs in my machine
03:07.52rektideyeah i'm only at 2GB.  :(  so sad that i /need/ more now a days.
03:08.06KralnI have 4gb too =)
03:08.29michaelnovakjr__memory is can get 2 gigs for $99
03:09.01rektidei'm worried populating all four slots would slow down my ram access
03:09.12Stephmwscratches his head
03:09.27Stephmwhow so?
03:09.56rektideit demands considerably more design work on the part of your motherboard to do properly
03:10.21rektidesome motherboards just refuse to do dual channel interleavaing altogether if all four are populated
03:10.32AstainHellbringI got 4gb for my laptop for 88
03:10.58AstainHellbringsome mb's do dual channel on all 4
03:11.00rektidepulling ram off dead hookers again?  did you get your blood test back yet?
03:11.10rektidemost should, to be fair
03:11.44AstainHellbringmake sure you are on the most up to date bios for your mother board too ftw
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04:10.55leivhi,i start a activity,but this activity stop quickly,just flash and quit,why?
04:11.10michaelnovakjrwhat do you mean?
04:11.15michaelnovakjrwhat is the activity doing?
04:11.44leivshow some detail
04:12.08michaelnovakjrdoes it extend Activity?
04:12.45michaelnovakjrpastebin your exception from the log file
04:14.04leivsorry, what your mean?
04:14.22michaelnovakjris this your first project?
04:14.39*** join/#android jkilb_ (
04:15.01michaelnovakjrare you using eclipse?
04:15.32michaelnovakjrrun adb logcat and copy the results to and post the link here
04:15.42michaelnovakjryou run adb logcat from the command line
04:19.49leivthank you :)
04:20.25michaelnovakjryou cut off the actual exception.... you have to scroll up in the log
04:23.42leiv like this ? i'm sorry
04:24.58michaelnovakjrwhat is it you are trying to do?
04:26.01leivi click a music in a list,and start a activity to show the detail of the song
04:26.38michaelnovakjrcan you paste your code?
04:26.57michaelnovakjrif not try running your debugger in eclipse
04:27.03michaelnovakjrthat should point out the problem
04:30.24leivthe code
04:31.15michaelnovakjryou aren't calling any other activity here?
04:31.39leivthis is the cativity being called
04:32.01michaelnovakjrwhere's the calling activity?
04:32.11michaelnovakjrdo you actually get to this page?
04:32.54leivi show the page ,but it just flash and back to the previous activity
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04:33.45michaelnovakjrcomment out your onClick code and give it a run
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04:36.13leivit's the same
04:40.51leivmichaelnovakjr: if this has something to do with the calling activity,or it's totally the problem of the activity being called?
04:41.37michaelnovakjrits trying to play music too i assume
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05:23.12poffyAny ideas when judges will start looking at apps?
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05:43.03jjt009quick question
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05:43.15jjt009directed to romain_guy or morrildl
05:43.28jjt009at what times will the judging occur?
05:44.00jjt009i was hoping to be able to turn off the machine i'm using as a server at night (i live in the pst time zone area)
05:44.11jjt009will the judges be located only in mountain view
05:44.21jjt009or will they be in all parts of the world?
05:44.31AstainHellbringmost likely all parts of world
05:45.13*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
05:45.22jjt009ok, so then i have to keep my machine on at all times
05:45.32jjt009so much power wasted
05:46.01jjt009Astain: so what's the best app you've seen so far?
05:47.21AstainHellbringnot looked a lot yet where are they at again?
05:49.54AstainHellbringoh yah thanks
05:50.21*** part/#android jjt009 (
05:50.57AstainHellbringxlive looks impressive
05:59.51romainguyxlive uses one of my photos ^^
06:03.19dueycan the emulator do http over proxy
06:04.59dueylol someone added my app to the db
06:17.29KralnI seeded my chat network with fake users so it isn't empty when the judges connect
06:19.55dueyyou should get them hooked up to aiml
06:20.06Kralnits not an instant messanger network
06:21.00dueyaiml =
06:21.50Kralnoh, okay
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06:59.52*** join/#android muthu (n=muthu@
07:01.10jastaok.  when i said i was gonna take a week break from my project, i really meant i'll wait until Wed night ;)
07:01.39muthujasta: why wait?
07:02.02jastai was just going to wait out of sheer exhaustion ;)
07:02.18dueyyou need to be banned from this channel for a week
07:02.22jastai'm gonna try to pack it up in such a way that could be distributed to people to play with right now.
07:02.35jastaright now, it's kind of in demo mode for the judges
07:02.55jastai'd like to fix a few things, smooth out a few rough spots, and add a couple of extra niceties in the server and then release
07:03.15muthujasta: looks like a huge demand for five
07:03.22jastayes, it does :)
07:03.30jastai'm encouraged :)
07:04.05jastathere is much work to be done, however.  from now until commercial launch is going to be busy indeed.
07:04.15muthukeep at it
07:04.50Kralnjasta, you going to need servers for your commercial release?
07:05.16jastaKraln: Not hosted ones, no.  The user will install the software onto their PC.
07:05.27Kralnah, k
07:05.34dueyjasta, you could run private servers for $$$
07:06.05dueysubscription based pricing
07:06.10jastaI don't intend to.
07:06.27jastaBy commercial launch, I meant _of Android_.
07:06.29jastaNot of my system.
07:07.01muthuif we are talking about common servers, then its trouble
07:07.07muthucopyrights etc.,
07:07.15jastaWhich is why I don't want to go there.
07:07.29dueyyeah but you could host private content
07:07.34dueyrestrict to a single phone
07:07.58jastait still is dangerous territory
07:08.16dueyyeah probably
07:08.22dueybut no more danagerous than webhosting
07:08.35jastaanyway, it's not how i intend the system to work.  using a centralized design would be very difficult to do.  first of all, the storage and bandwidth requirements would be huge.
07:08.46dueyyeah thats why people pay!
07:09.00jastabut why would they want to pay for something like that when they can just put it on their home PC?
07:09.16dueylet them put it on there home pc
07:09.29muthuaccessing "your" music, anywhere - that's useful by itself
07:09.41dueywhy would you pay for web hosting when you could host it on your home pc?
07:10.20muthujasta: the music gets downloaded and cached, right?
07:10.21jastaduey: Because your resources don't scale with the demand for your content.
07:10.31dueyyeah good point
07:10.33jastaduey: This model is much different, since you are the only source of demand.
07:10.49jastaSo how could there conceivably be a mounting demand?
07:11.50jastaanyway, i'm gonna go tackle the feature i've wanted to get to for the past 2 weeks but never did
07:11.54jasta...WbXML support :)
07:12.05jastathis should be an enormous improvement in performance of the sync engine
07:18.26*** join/#android varjag (
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07:46.58c4softwareHi, wow its works first early boot on wizard.
07:47.36c4softwareAndroid boot up on wizard, with an smallest image. (Demo app removed)
07:48.43c4softwareacctually, i got black screen after, the first screen (ANDROID _ )
07:49.03c4softwarei take a video,
07:50.28swetlandI think the panel driver is running in horiz flip mode?
07:50.55c4softwareno no, its just more easy to take the video
07:51.43c4softwareAfter this, my screen gone black, and Wizard seems to be freeze
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09:00.56*** join/#android cutmasta (n=cutmasta@
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09:22.25acsiaI saw your app, nice UI
09:22.39acsiano dlls yet?
09:23.03jastano, i'm actually working on that this week
09:23.08acsiasame here
09:23.15acsiaI am working on a video/we page
09:23.15jastathe version i submitted to the judges is in a very particular mode.
09:23.29jastait wouldn't be suitable for publishing to the general public
09:23.35acsiaI understand
09:23.43jastaso i'm working on tucking away certain awkward features, specifically in the server.
09:23.54jastaand implemented some things more efficiently.
09:23.58acsiaI am looking forward to it
09:24.04jastai avoided certain optimizations that i knew would be unstable for the ADC submission
09:24.07jastanow i'm tackling them :)
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09:24.46acsiaI am doing the same, I had to "basterize" my code a bit before submitting to ADC.. I was still working on it until the last minute
09:24.49jastai'm working right now on transitioning my SyncML client library to using WbXML exclusively.
09:24.54acsiawhich meant 6 in the morning here
09:25.14jastame too.  i was writing code up until about 5pm the day of the submission.  submitted at 10pm that night after testing.
09:26.13jastaanyway, i am eager to publish this in a form that can be generally consumed.
09:26.19jastai think people will really enjoy my app
09:26.20acsiaI thought I would stay away from android for a couple of days... how wrong was I...
09:26.34jastaacsia: Yeah, I had the same idea.  Thought I'd take the next week off...
09:26.42jastabut nope, second day and here i am ripping apart my app already
09:26.53acsiawe meet again indeed
09:27.31acsiaI am on vacation next week so.. apart if i take my computer to sweden with me, I should manage to stay away for android
09:27.33jastaanyway, stay tuned for a demonstration video of my app and a released version :)
09:27.46acsiaI surely will :0
09:27.52jastarealistically, the video will come some this week, and the release the next week
09:27.59jastasome time*
09:28.17jastaare you going to Google I/O?
09:28.24acsiano, I can't really
09:28.27acsiahow about you?
09:28.40jastayeah, i have some friends in San Francisco I'd like to see, so it's kind of a vacation for me
09:29.03jastaI'm anxious to go, especially if I can introduce myself as one of the ADC winners ;)
09:29.15acsianice, Iwould like to go but a bit expensif and it is not related to my 'real' job so...
09:29.30jastayeah, i'm taking vacation from my job.  really, that's what it is for me.
09:29.34jastai'll be drunk both nights i'm there hehe
09:29.56jastai have friends that work for Loopt, one of which used to be my roommate.  so i'm gonna party with them.
09:30.10acsiaespecially if you win, a probably if you wont  as well... that will be my case at least
09:30.41acsiaI c
09:30.44jastagoogle it :)
09:30.52davidwit's a YC company
09:32.06raidfiveI'll be in SF for Google I/O ... most likely drunk as well :)
09:32.20jastapretty cool company actually.  they were gracious enough to rent a cabin at Lake Tahoe this winter, which I partook :)
09:32.55jastaraidfive: cool, maybe i'll see you there.
09:33.11ClassFoothe java.lang.Package.getPackages() failed in android, is there any other method that can get a list of the package that in the ClassLoader?
09:33.15acsiachomchom: you there?
09:33.27raidfiveyea that is a possibility ... do you think they will have the ADC winners list by then? or announce it there?
09:33.42jastaraidfive: yeah, they said in the judging doc that it should be on or near may 5th
09:33.45jastaand the conf is at the end of may
09:33.49jastaso i'd expect the list to be known
09:38.01raidfivejasta, where are you staying for Google I/O? at your buddies?
09:38.39jastai'm gonna get a 2 bedroom hotel nearby and probably just share it with my friends.
09:38.53jastawe'll be drunk enough that someone won't mind sleeping on the floor i'm sure :)
09:39.02jastathey're taking the time off work too, and staying in SF.
09:39.51jastalike i said, the conference is kind of a footnote on this trip :)
09:40.11raidfiveever been to SF before?
09:40.20jastayeah, a few times actually
09:40.27muthusounds like fun
09:40.45raidfiveawesome, it will be my first time in SF
09:40.53jastait's a fun city
09:40.55*** join/#android convivial (
09:41.14raidfiveyou live in Seattle right?
09:41.16davidwI lived there for a year
09:41.20jastayeah, which is a better city :)
09:41.24davidwit's ok while you're young or visiting
09:41.32raidfivehaha I dunno about that jasta
09:41.36raidfiverain rain and more rain
09:41.44muthuonly jasta loves seattle
09:41.45jastai wouldn't wish _living_ in SF on even my worst enemy :)
09:41.48davidwraidfive, it's worse than that: it's gray all the time
09:41.55jastathose are all myths
09:42.01jastaSeattle has beautiful weather in the summer.
09:42.09raidfiveyea for about 2 months :)
09:42.11jastaAnd Washington in general is gorgeous.
09:42.13davidwthat's true, summer is a really nice week there
09:42.15raidfiveI live 3 hours from Seattle :)
09:42.33muthuheard florida is the best city
09:42.43jastaif you like old people
09:42.44muthui mean miami
09:42.45davidwflorida's a state
09:42.55muthudavidw: i know you are coming at me
09:42.57raidfiveI'll give oyu that one ... Washington is gorgeous
09:43.18davidwtoo flat for me - my butt, sat in my chair here in Innsbruck, is higher than the entire state of florida
09:43.32jastathe pacific northwest is a very balanced region.  there's lots to do, and all seasons are enjoyable.
09:43.48davidwunless you can't stand the endless gray
09:43.49raidfivejasta, do you ski or snowboard?
09:43.50muthuwhich city is the best?
09:43.51jastawe have calm winters in the lowland areas, but lots of good skiing nearby.
09:44.03jastabeautiful fall seasons
09:44.15jastaand the summer is great, with perfect temperatures that are never too hot
09:44.21jastaplenty of camping/hiking
09:44.26jastai love this area :)
09:44.32raidfiveI can tell :)
09:44.32jastaraidfive: yeah, i'm an aggressive boarder.
09:44.49raidfivenice! I just picked it up again this year ... I have a season pass at Mt Hood Meadows
09:45.17davidwraidfive, you live near the gorge?
09:45.20jastaraidfive: this season i went up probably 20 times, went to Whistler for 2 days, Tahoe for 3.
09:45.39raidfivenice, I've always wanted to go to those resorts
09:45.45jastaSteven's is my favorite mountain near to Seattle.
09:45.48raidfivedavidw, I live near Portland
09:45.49davidwjasta sounds like a tourist brochure
09:46.01davidwraidfive, oh right, you were the one advertising the lucky lab thing
09:46.18raidfiveactually I didn't post it ... just was seeing who was going
09:46.18jastaPortland is the suckiest place on Earth :)
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09:46.30jastaof course not really, but i hate it
09:46.43jastaPortland is Seattle without the grit.  And I hate that.
09:46.47raidfiveI think a lot of people from Seattle hate Portland :)
09:47.08raidfiveI'm not biased towards either ... both are great in my opinion
09:47.20jastait amazes me that portland hasn't passed the no smoking law.
09:47.33jastathey claim to be more progressive and greener than Seattle, and yet...
09:47.50muthuno smoking?
09:48.04jastamuthu: in Washington, smoking is prohibited in all public venues.
09:48.04muthuyou mean public places, right
09:48.11raidfivearen't those lawed based on the state, not city?!
09:48.18davidwwow I didn't realize that
09:48.24jastaraidfive: Yes, but it's obvious where the push comes from.
09:48.25davidwI f*&*&*& hate smoking indoors
09:48.35*** join/#android Lenny|Work (n=Lenny@unaffiliated/lennysh)
09:48.40jastadavidw: Then come to Washington :)
09:48.47davidwI think Austria is the last country in europe to prohibit it
09:48.59davidwjasta, too rainy and cold for me
09:49.08davidwportland was too rainy and cold for that matter
09:49.15jastaActually, it's not very cold here.
09:49.16muthusmoking ban in public places must be welcome
09:49.30jastaThe weather is subdued.  It never gets very warm (temperature in the 80s or 90s is pretty rare even in the summer)
09:49.35jastaBut it never gets that cold either.
09:49.37davidwjasta, my idea of "not cold" is 15C in winter, 10 if it's chilly.
09:49.47davidwwhich translate to.... 60F and 50f
09:49.51jastaIt drops below freezing probably 4 or 5 days during the winter.
09:49.53raidfivejasta, I've been meaning to ask you ... was your android application a port or did you start from scratch?
09:50.11jastaraidfive: from scratch.  the entire system began in mid December.
09:50.29jastathough it's an old idea of mine.  i just sat on it :)
09:50.31raidfivewere you the only dev?
09:50.48jastaand i have a full-time job during the day.  go me. :)
09:50.51raidfiveyou sure pushed out a shitload of code :)
09:51.00jastaraidfive: Yup.
09:51.12muthuon top of a real job is amazing
09:51.26muthujasta; you are a coding machine
09:51.35jastaraidfive: Don't be fooled though, there's still a *LOT* more work to be done.
09:51.42raidfivethere always is
09:51.48jastaThe server, for example, has a long way to go in order to nestle in comfortably for most users.
09:52.04*** join/#android convivial (
09:52.04jastaIt's highly functional, but little more than that.  Obviously Windows and OS X users will require a lot of hand-holding.
09:52.35muthuyou use sqlite on the server, right?
09:52.36jastaIdeally, I envision setting up and configuring the phone part to be part of the same software setup.  So maybe you could plug in your Android device and have it all autoconfigure itself.
09:52.39raidfivejasta, had you developed for other mobile platforms before?
09:52.40jastamuthu: yeah
09:52.59jastaraidfive: Sort of.  I am familiar with Symbian and I originally attempted the project on Windows Mobile about a year and a half ago.
09:53.08jastaBut I have not gone far with either platform.
09:53.23raidfiveI've looked into Symbian a bit and heard it is a bitch
09:53.29jastaIt is.  Miserable.
09:53.42jastaWindows Mobile is no different.  Especially when writing in C#, ironically.
09:54.05jastathe C API is basically the Win32 API, but the C# .NET Compact Framework API is the worst thing ever.
09:54.27jastaThey have literally no widgets.  It's like a button, textview, and image and some other crappy stuff.  Everything else you do yourself.  You have to custom draw fucking everything.
09:54.30raidfivehaha ... crappier than symbian?
09:54.36jastaYes, I would say so.
09:55.00jastaLike, even implementing a simple list that matches the rest of the phone UI would be a huge pain in the ass.
09:55.11jastaThe whole platform makes you feel like you stepped back in time to 1992.
09:55.30jastaPathetic.  Microsoft should be embarrassed.
09:55.44muthunot sure why those folks make it difficult to write mobile apps
09:55.59jastaAnyway, I was so turned off by the platform and vendor lock-in (uhm, i had to use Visual Studio from VMWare) that I abandoned the Five project early on.
09:56.01*** join/#android convivial (
09:56.26jastaWhen Android was announced, I knew that there would be a good fit here...
09:56.35muthujasta: why name it Five?
09:56.59jastaThe name came to me after thinking about how I talk up my Windows Mobile phone to regular folk.
09:57.10jastaExplaining that it can synchronize e-mail, contacts, calendar, and tasks, the big four that you'd need.
09:57.24jastaThe name came from the notion that there should now be a fifth thing a smartphone should be good at ;0
09:57.38jastaKind of stupid, I know.  Whatever.
09:57.44*** join/#android convivial (
09:57.44muthuahh.. you have everything thought out
09:57.53muthuman on a mission!
09:59.10convivialis android nice or is it just another bunch of bill gates billionaire wannabes trying to create 'windows os' market share for mobile devices?
09:59.43muthuthey are already billionaires!
10:00.01jastaconvivial: Do you suspect you will get an unbiased answer from #android?
10:00.15convivialwell, I looked at the os and i really didnt see anything to excite me... can you englighten men?
10:00.37muthui'm sure the goal would be to run in every phone possible
10:00.38raidfivehmm, considering the OS isn't finished ...
10:01.03jastaconvivial: I really couldn't be bothered.  You sound like a troll to me ;)
10:01.14raidfiveme too :)
10:01.18muthuconvivial: its open, its free
10:01.31convivialmuthu true, what j2me is free as well
10:01.35convivialso is windows mobile
10:01.41convivialwhat do they mean by free?
10:01.54jastaWindows Mobile isn't free stupid :)
10:01.55convivialall mobile sdks are free\
10:02.03muthuand your applications are first class citizens in a gphone
10:02.04jastaFirst of all, the manufacturer pays for a license to use it.
10:02.06convivialI downloaded windows sdk and use it all the time
10:02.19jastaSecond of all, the developer SDK requires Visual Studio which is certainly not free or cheap.
10:02.24convivialfree from a developer perspective
10:02.36muthuwindows mobile requires windows
10:02.46muthuiphone requires apple
10:02.49convivialmy vs was free, i attended ms seminar, which was also free
10:02.55muthuandroid runs on whatever i have
10:03.13muthuso i like android - that's the simplest explanation that i gave myself
10:04.07convivialandroid will not run on everything
10:04.27convivialandroid requires that the appliance has the android mda built in
10:04.54jastahe meant for the dev SDK, and he meant linux, windows, and os x, not "everything" :)
10:05.09muthuyeah from a developers perspective
10:05.17muthuthere's a whole other issues on the OEM's
10:05.25muthuand the providers
10:05.49jastaconvivial: Regardless, if Android doesn't excite you, then by all means ignore it.
10:06.04muthuconvivial: what you are interested at?
10:06.14muthuand why you don't like android?
10:06.54muthui love kopete btw, i type con: and it autocompletes correctly :)
10:07.30muthui saw an application, very close to my mobeegal thingy
10:07.52muthuwhich is good, because people seem to have the same ideas
10:08.36muthuconvivial: i would not be interested in android, if its not running in linux
10:10.10convivialmuthu, I love technology... and employment :)
10:10.34convivialcan you explain to me the potential for this with android?
10:10.46jastaCan't you go find that out for yourself?
10:11.09jastaThis is, afterall, a subjective topic.  How can you presume that we will tell you something that is meaningful to you?
10:11.26muthuconvivial: what you are looking for exactly?
10:12.53convivialmuthu: I just want to be part of a revolution but only if it's going to lead to somewhere... offering $10,000,000 in bribe money to get programmers waste time/money/effort writing software for hardware that does not exist scared me away :(
10:13.14muthuthe real hardware is coming soon
10:13.30muthuno need to be scared, since its from google & co and they have a pretty credible history
10:13.50jastamuthu: it would be unwise to assume success just based on google's notoriety.
10:14.08muthunot success, but the possibility of a real device
10:14.26jastainstead, i assume success based on the collaborative investment of the industry itself, realizing that change is necessary and inevitable in the underlying business models driving the mobile industry.
10:14.26muthuwhich is what convivial seems to be afraid of
10:14.35convivialwell, also i'm not very impressed with googles other technologies... for instance, google maps does work however, i have never had a problem with ms mappoint technology
10:15.08jastaconvivial: Again, if Android does not excite you, then you may happily ignore it.
10:15.14jastaNo one is going to cram it down your throat.
10:15.20muthuconvivial: google is not replacing anyone
10:15.27convivialcan anyone here site a truely revolutionary and successful google technology to date?
10:15.38convivialmuthu: i am just investigating that's all.
10:15.44jastaconvivial: If you're here to troll, then I would ask that you please leave.
10:15.48convivialjust a bit sceptical
10:16.00jastaThen be so, but be quiet.
10:16.18muthujasta: lets get another pov
10:16.40muthuconvivial: you don't like google search
10:16.44jastaIf you had approached this topic requesting a meaningful dialog you would have gotten one.  You didn't, and you won't.
10:16.46convivialjasta: no, i am here to look for evidence of google's abilities to create something that actually works... I have yet to fined anything except nice novelty stuff
10:16.59convivialwell, ok then.
10:17.07convivialI guess no help here. then
10:17.29jastamuthu: Let's not.  There's no value here :)
10:18.10muthuconvivial: android is good, don't give up on it
10:18.24jastamuthu: He's come here to incorrectly validate his predisposition.  Nothing more :)
10:18.42muthujasta: may be, we'll find out
10:18.51jastaWe already did in how he approached the topic :)
10:19.10duey<convivial> can anyone here site a truely revolutionary and successful google technology to date?
10:19.19dueydo you have any idea?
10:19.31jastagets out his constructions materials
10:19.44jastaposts a sign in the grass that clearly reads "PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS"
10:19.57dueyreads the sign and agrees
10:20.07jastaalso, don't walk on the grass.  or damage the sign.
10:20.17jastathanks, - management.
10:22.56edcbayou don't care about revolutionnary as long as it just works
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10:43.09varjagconvivial, no but if you google for "successful google technology" am sure you'd find something
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10:43.56convivialedcba I am looking for economically viability... google-search was a happenstance
10:44.00convivialgoogling :)
10:44.12varjagyou didn't use altavista much, did you
10:44.49varjaggoogle was so much better, it took off like forest fire
10:45.14jastanot an easy problem to solve, either :)
10:45.23edcbaaltavista was just like google but you had 80% of spam sites :)
10:46.19varjagaltavista was dictionary search, google used graph search
10:46.28varjagthat was a huge qualitative difference
10:46.28edcbaso unless using -buy -warez -mp3... it was unusable :)
10:47.00convivialedcba ok.. i'm not into search-engines, do they use AI in conjunction with search algorithms ?
10:47.14edcbai'm not working at google :)
10:47.21edcbanor av
10:48.05varjagAI *is* search algorithms
10:48.05edcbaand it is not the subject of the channel
10:48.33jastavarjag: this guy is hopeless ;)
10:48.41convivialonly think that comes up is google's search engine ... know that is successful, but it's not very useful because the 85+ percent of HTML on the web is porn/spam/stupidity anyways
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10:49.12convivialso, i disqualified google search from successful
10:49.31jastai'm detecting 85+ percent stupidity right now.
10:50.26convivialjasta: sorry dude, but I may be ignorant but not stupid... if you can enlighten me rather than call me names I'd be very obliged.
10:51.20convivialjasta: in am not here to spam and argue just learn about a potential new technology and shake away some of my fears but investing time in learning it.
10:51.33jastayour thinking is just embarrassing narrow.  i'm sorry, it would take energy i don't have to adjust that.
10:51.41varjagall docs are on their website
10:51.42convivial doesn't offer much info except for campainging for it
10:52.08varjagget through their exercises, you'll know most things about android quick
10:52.17jastaconvivial: Except that it offers all the information we ultimately used to build functional applications.  So, perhaps you haven't opened your eyes wide enough.
10:52.26convivialok, i'll go thourhg it then...
10:52.28jastaOr at all.
10:52.56varjagit is the best telephony toolkit i've seen yet, by far
10:53.14jastaa wide, wide margin indeed.
10:53.22conviviali'll shall take a day or two and play with it... I hope that I have not discouraged you guys from helping me if I get any questions.
10:53.35varjagif you think it's bad, write hello world in symbian
10:54.00convivialvarjag, I luv hello world on symbian os, it's job security dude!
10:55.03varjagis happy he's not doing symbian for living
10:55.10varjagsome of my friends at nokia do though
10:56.19convivialvarjag: but yes, something symbian can be difficult beast to tame.
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10:58.50convivialI see they don't list vs2005 as a possible IDE for android, looks like eclipse is standard ide to use.
10:59.26varjagthere are command line tools, you can integrate them with many development environments, but probably not visual studio
11:00.24convivialvarjag: hmmm, eclipse ran slow on my old computer, maybe with this one it'll be fine.
11:00.43varjagyeah, it ain't no speed champion
11:00.45jastaEclipse is not necessary, either.  Even the engineers working on Android don't all use Eclipse.
11:00.58jastaRomain, for example, uses IntelliJ I think.
11:01.05varjagi'd use emacs, but had no time to learn how to integrate it
11:01.21jastaI use Vim, but haven't gotten Eclim to work quite right yet.  I'll try to make it work soon :)
11:01.32jastainstead, I basically switched back and forth between using vim and eclipse
11:01.43jastavim for heavy lifting, Eclipse for tinkering/debugging/deploying
11:01.55jastamy built environment is also in maven
11:02.10convivialI use to be a gvim user but been spoiled by vs ide
11:02.32jastaGood for you
11:03.14varjaghaven't used msvs since 1999, hope it has improved since then :)
11:03.36convivialoh yes, it has!
11:03.41convivialI also like netbeans
11:03.51jastaYou could use NetBeans with Android too, of course.
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11:04.02convivialquite sure there is nb support
11:04.19convivialis intellij any gooed?
11:04.22jastaThe team included some magic in Eclipse through a plugin that is familiar with Android.  That plugin is entirely unnecessary, however.
11:04.37jastaAll the tools that it uses are included separately, and can be used as such.
11:04.52jastaconvivial: Why don't you try it for yourself?
11:05.36convivialjasta I am. :)
11:05.46jastaThen tehre's no need to ask me.
11:07.08varjagjasta, the magic sometimes felt odd though :)
11:07.20varjaglike, when it knew nothing about phone state change intents
11:07.29varjagbut maybe just a glitch
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11:12.29convivialis it just a rumor that android will have C# programming too?
11:12.42jastait is a rumor.
11:20.49convivialwhich version of eclipse are you guys running? 3.3.2 or that europa version?
11:21.19convivialdecided to use same ide in examples first.
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11:25.00convivialgeez, download mirrors are slow for eclipse ... took almost 2 minutes to download 79.3MB geez
11:25.18convivialthey need some faster lines or something!
11:27.14Stephmwthe intartubes, they be clogged up with all the porn
11:28.19convivialyes, I know... porn what a waste of bandwidth ... I feel so sorry for the men tryng to get satisfaction from porn..
11:28.49convivialStephmw: porne to should e banned on all of Inet and WWW!
11:29.26Stephmwconvivial: oh I dunno, porn's gotta be useful for something. I'm sure it keeps marriages from breaking up ;)
11:29.45Stephmwanyway, all the innovation on the internet is sex related, including HD content
11:29.56convivialdoubt it... sex is just a maens of reproduction.... love is what keep mariage
11:30.38Stephmwlove by itself isn't sufficient, you need a bit of everything for a good marriage
11:30.43Stephmwspeaks from experience
11:31.31convivialhmmmm, true, but sex is the least weighted parameter for a happpy marriage
11:33.40muthuthere's no internet, without porn
11:34.07muthuand am sure someone is working on that for android
11:34.56Stephmwthe most PC-incorrect (and SFW) J2ME app I've come across is this one,
11:35.09Stephmwthe mere fact that someone would use it speaks volumes
11:35.22muthuwhat's that?
11:35.42Stephmwit's a multi-woman menstruation tracker
11:35.47muthuah ah
11:36.06muthulove the small print, saying can handle multiple women!
11:36.35Stephmwand somewhere there's also a S60 app for customising the vibration alert on a handset... "for your pleasure"
11:36.42Stephmw100k downloads too
11:36.52muthuyou see, that's innovation
11:37.16muthuwho needs LBS and always on social networking.. when you custom set your vibration!!
11:37.33Stephmwfor some reason, I could only see that being used in Japan
11:37.36muthuwow, combine it with LBS
11:37.51muthuStephmw: you never know
11:39.34varjagpah Stephmw, you're everywhere :p
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11:39.57Stephmwvarjag: yeah, I swear you stalk me
11:40.14Stephmwvarjag: when your channel list matches mine, I'm calling the police
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11:52.05muthuzhobbs: you there?
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13:12.06ligihi there - just anounced my submission in the forum:
13:12.34mihoshitraceview keep tuntiming: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Method exit (java/lang/ClassLoader.findLoaded
13:12.34mihoshiClass (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;) does not match current method (android/os/Debug.startCl
13:12.34mihoshiassPrep ()V)
13:12.52mihoshiWhat can be the problem?
13:19.58mihoshiIt seems to act at random - first it fails, then when I relaunch everything, everything is alright. somethomes. And sometimes still broken...
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15:07.04zhobbsnice writeup muthu :)
15:07.16muthuzhobbs: thanks
15:07.20muthuglad you liked it
15:07.24muthuhope the androids likey
15:09.41michaelnovakjr_i'm surprised there wasn't any press coverage
15:09.55muthuyeah michael, google remains silent
15:10.06zhobbsyeah, there aren't a lot of articles about it
15:10.11michaelnovakjr_i didn't even see the usual tech bloggers mentioning the end of the challenge
15:10.25michaelnovakjr_i had a feeling google would be silent
15:10.28muthuguess they are holding it for later, grand prizes
15:10.33muthumichaelnovakjr_: why?
15:11.06michaelnovakjr_its like dan morril said,  they don't want people comparing android to platforms like win mobile that have been around for a lot longer
15:11.26muthuyeah, but i don't agree
15:11.39muthucomparisons are likely
15:11.46ligimichaelnovakjr_: i have blogged the end of challenge: ;-)
15:11.58michaelnovakjr_of course
15:12.37michaelnovakjr_i wanted to know how many submissions came in :)
15:13.03ligi~ 1000 - i think
15:13.40muthuligi: nice rant ;)
15:13.40muthumichaelnovakjr_: the number of submissions must be disclosed
15:13.56muthumore than 1000
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15:15.31zhobbsjasta: still not awake?
15:15.39jastanot really ;)
15:16.40Ledewhat is there are only 38 submissions
15:16.43jastaworked on my project last night :)
15:16.45jastacouldnt help myself
15:17.20Ledewhat if they extend the deadline again?
15:17.31jastathey won't ;)
15:17.39zhobbshaha, I'd be pissed
15:17.55muthuLede: what?
15:18.04muthuits already closed
15:18.12Ledeyeah i know
15:18.17zhobbsI was pissed the first time they extended it
15:18.27muthuI'm glad they did
15:18.59zhobbsI was looking forward to a poor turnout :)
15:19.19Ledeyeah, i was a bit angry because i used my one week off trying to get by the deadline and then they announced they would extend it
15:19.33Ledei was like "Noooooooo!"
15:19.57muthuagree, it would be terrible for people who were ready
15:20.17zhobbsI was pretty close
15:20.52zhobbsbut M5 fixed a lot of stuff, and changed the UI for the touchscreen which is good
15:21.20zhobbsso I def. understand why they would delay it
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15:27.06michaelnovakjr_i am looking forward to the next sdk :)
15:27.27ligime too - need bluetooth
15:31.56michaelnovakjr_i wish mobile technology in america was a bit more like other places in the world.
15:32.29ligimichaelnovakjr_: whats the problem?
15:33.38michaelnovakjr_its not integrated enough
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16:22.32jastamichaelnovakjr_: the US actually has a very good cellular network in terms of its scope and cost.
16:22.46jastamore impressive, i'd say, than most of Europe.
16:23.25jastaespecially in terms of data, which is where Android is pushing.
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16:43.52michaelnovakjr_wireless data networks should be made free, jasta
16:44.13michaelnovakjr_you should be able to access a data network from anywhere :) government service :)
16:44.23michaelnovakjr_::wishful thinking::
16:45.24muthuit will get there
16:45.38poffy_Shouldn't be a goverment service
16:45.48poffy_But hopefully, a private orginization should do it
16:46.15muthuGoogle gives everything for free, so it should be google
16:46.58Ledewell free with advertisement
16:47.15michaelnovakjr_as long as its free :)
16:47.15muthuyeah with ads
16:47.20poffy_I'm fine with that as long as it isn't annoying
16:47.48Ledegoogle doesnt only serve text ads ..
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16:48.17Ledebesides, they may also look at it from another point
16:48.29Ledemore people on internet means more google users
16:48.46Ledemuthu: what!
16:48.53muthuyou mean from mobile?
16:49.01poffy_which in turn means world domination? :O
16:49.19Ledemuthu: mobile aswell
16:50.05muthulede: thats something to think about
16:51.27Ledenotices the mailinglist grinding to halt
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16:53.31muthusomeone wrote a nice article
16:55.05jastayou guys must be new to the mobile industry :)
16:55.12jastajust wait a year, you'll be sufficiently disenchanted :)
16:57.18muthuchange would come
16:57.18Stephmwgoes to read this idealistic article
16:57.25jastait's a long road ahead to make things different.
16:57.32jastaand steps guys.
16:57.44muthujasta: its not happening overnight
16:57.55muthubut has to happen
16:57.57jastahow about just getting carriers to all agree that unlimited data is the only sensible pricing plan?
16:58.07Lede"I wouldn't know how it feels hitting the submit button, because I never did. But I'm sure I would have felt the same way you did."
16:58.38muthulede: feedback?
16:58.41Ledewhat i felt was "oh shit, did i just hit submit without double checking everything"
16:59.35jastai had this "oh god" feeling in my stomach that there would be some catastrophic failure in one small, non-essential part of the code
16:59.43jastaoh *SHIT* btw
16:59.51jastathe judges just opened my app!
16:59.55jastajust in the last minute
17:00.11poffy_logs on
17:00.21Ledejasta: is your program using a webservice?
17:00.25muthutrue, if something breaks we are toast
17:00.27Stephmwjasta: you've first got to make them agree to a public and definitive definition of 'unlimited', 'data', 'sensible', 'plan' and 'agree'
17:00.59michaelnovakjr__that is interesting
17:01.11jastaoh my god, my heart is pounding :)
17:01.12michaelnovakjr__jasta sucks now you have to wait so long to know ;)
17:01.41muthujasts: for real?
17:01.44jastayes, for real.
17:01.46jastanew session: id=a1bd1f37-9136-4e5f-abc3-55aea7501268 (uri=
17:01.50jastaalert for remote db music: type=210, last=0, next=1208364126
17:01.55jastathat means someone is on it ;)
17:02.07muthucool.. check the time
17:02.08michaelnovakjr__locate the ip :)
17:02.12jastai will, hang on
17:02.20zhobbsthey going in alpha  order?
17:02.22jastabtw, please no one fuck with that url :\
17:02.30jastai doubt it'll work, but just uhh, dont.
17:02.33Stephmwjasta: bit late now, it's already slashdotted
17:02.38ligihere a small video of my submission:
17:02.43jastazhobbs: it was posted as Five.
17:03.10muthuthis is getting interesting by the minute
17:03.12jastai am *freaking out* :)
17:03.27muthuthe duration would be very interesting
17:03.34muthuhow long the judges are using your app
17:03.42poffy_Are they just doing the "see if app opens" test?
17:03.56jastaoh god... =
17:04.26muthureally happening!!
17:04.48poffy_I have my androidIRC Client up and running so I can see when someone gets on
17:04.57Ledemaybe it's just a script opening the packages and trying to run them :o)
17:05.05poffy_Lede, that's what I was thinking
17:05.14muthuno, it must be real
17:05.19poffy_Cause they said apps would be tested before distrubed to all the judges
17:06.39Ledeligi: that looks pretty awesome
17:06.56ligiLede: thanx
17:07.47muthumikcrokopter.. it rocks
17:08.14ligifull ack
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17:09.10Stephmwligi: next vid, from a cam on the flying beast?
17:09.35ligiStephmw: flying android phone ^^
17:09.43ligiwith cam
17:09.46Stephmwkinda hard to control though, no?
17:10.07Kralnhas anyone else posted apks? =)
17:10.08ligiwith gyros / acc / gps
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17:11.03poffy_Hey Kraln
17:17.43jastathey finished syncing :)
17:19.01jastahey, what gives.  they finished syncing like a few minutes ago but haven't continued to use it.
17:19.10Kralnthey probably put it down
17:19.10jastamaybe they just didn't notice yet
17:19.34Kralnhow long does sync take again? 45 minutes?
17:19.36jastathey didn't cancel it, because the server is reporting success
17:19.50poffy_jasta, this is your chance, activate the backdoor!
17:20.08jastaKraln: about 35m, but it mentions why.
17:20.39Kralnjasta: so they probably started it and walked away for coffee or something
17:20.44jastait's super inefficient right now, but stable.
17:21.29jastathe program itself even tells you why.  basically, i didn't want to start tearing up the critical first step to my app just before i submitted it :)
17:21.47Kralnno no, I'm not denegrating your submission
17:21.47jastaand that i originally designed it using plain text XML and with the sync system normalized so that i could debug and test more easily
17:21.58Kralnjust positing a possibility why they didn't immediately start using it after sync was done
17:22.08Kralneven I'm not pedantic enough to watch a progress bar for a half hour (usually...)
17:22.10jastayeah, you're probably right.
17:22.25jastawell, at least it synced successfully ;)
17:22.26Kralnis your progress bar indefinite? or does it show an eta?
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17:22.50jastait shows an ETA
17:23.11jastabut the ETA makes you feel very depressed because it really will take 35 minutes ;)
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17:24.05jastathough maybe this was just the first wave of testing to make sure it actually works
17:24.35Kralnperhaps they decompiled it and analyzed it to make sure you weren't haxxoring them
17:24.54jastathis was such an incredible feeling to see:
17:24.55jastaend session: id=a1bd1f37-9136-4e5f-abc3-55aea7501268
17:24.55jasta** Message: updating anchors in server db
17:25.15jastathat's what it does when it worked perfectly hehe
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17:25.39jastathough they still haven't used it yet.  agghh!  this is driving me mad ;0
17:25.39Kralnit's always a great feeling to see your complex rube goldberg unravel perfectly
17:25.53jastagod i hope nothing went wrong :\
17:26.29Kralnwhat!? java doesn't have pointers! what does this mean!?
17:26.41jastaif the content service failed for any reason, it wouldnt show any more logging :(
17:26.50Kralnoh noo
17:26.51jastaKraln: Yes, Java has exclusively pointers and primitives.
17:27.14Kralnjasta: I know exactly what java has, m8. I'm just being foolish
17:27.16poffy_oh shi-
17:27.16jastaAnd everything is pass-by-value.
17:27.23poffy_You call tell I've started C++ again
17:27.27poffy_pointers on the brain
17:27.50jastaactually, NPE is an exception you would see in Java.
17:27.55poffy_oh ok
17:27.59poffy_I'm not going crazy, then
17:28.00jastaand in fact, it would be the exception they'd see if the content service failed :)
17:28.15Kralnyou think you're confused? imagine if you had never seen C
17:28.27Kralnjava doesn't have 'pointers' per se because you don't get memory access
17:28.45Kralnnpe = reference to null
17:28.54poffy_Yeah, that's what I thought
17:29.47poffy_After working with Java, on this project, I still think I like C++ better
17:30.08jastaActually, though Java describes itself as having eliminated pointers, they have done nothing of the sort.
17:30.28muthujasta: where's the pointers?
17:30.31jastaWhat they have done is remove certain operators, such as increment and decrement.
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17:31.19jastaThough assignment is still permitted, of course.
17:31.55jastamuthu: As I said, the language has only two basic types, pointers and primitives, despite the specification incorrectly claiming that there are no pointers.
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17:32.22jastaIf you consider what a pointer means in the context of the language that canonized it (C), how does Java differ?  What semantics has Java fundamentally altered to the concept?
17:32.54jastaAs I said, they have reduced the set of operators that can act on a pointer, but have changed nothing else.
17:34.08jastaThey also introduced a layer of strong and weak references, as well, though that is not especially particular to the language but more to its designated VM.
17:35.39jastaInstead I presume they would want to call their new variation a reference, however according to C's original definition of reference that is not valid either.
17:35.59jastaInstead, in the context of C, it is a pointer with reduced operators and a system of reference tracking.
17:36.11jastaBut, I will concede that defining one language in terms of another is foolish ;)
17:38.16jastai'm just trying to keep my brain busy...  i'm pretty sure that my app bombed out on them and that's why they have not proceeded :(
17:38.49jastathey haven't actually downloaded any music though! :(
17:39.05muthuthey would have got the concept and the idea
17:39.31jastasigh, i guess
17:40.05Kralnmaybe they're creeped out that you're watching them
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17:40.26muthuhey judges, run!
17:43.20jastait just makes me nervous that they ran into that race condition the first time they try to play music :(
17:43.28jastait's totally possible to hit just tinkering around, sigh
17:43.32jastaat least i mentioned it in my README
17:43.41muthuis there a workaround?
17:43.55jastayeah, you just hit force quit and click on the song again :)
17:44.13Kralnjasta: It would suck if you got boned by a race condition
17:44.17jastaand then it will continue working for the duration of thesession
17:44.21jastaoh shit, there it goes!!!!
17:44.44jastawhat a bunch of lame asses, they clicked the first entry in the list and the first song
17:44.57Kralnyou should feed them hypnotic music
17:45.02Kraln"you will pick my entry, it is the best"
17:45.10jastasending /home/jguilfoyle/music.five.copyright-free/A/Alexi Murdoch/Time Without Consequence/01 - All My Days.mp3...
17:45.11Kralnoverlaid on all the tracks
17:45.31Kralnjasta: creative commons licensed? brilliant
17:45.54ligimy app is totaly useless without a mikrokopter device - wonder what they will do
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17:46.08ligiKraln: mine iss cc too
17:46.27ligiKraln: with non military addition
17:46.27muthuthis is great jasta
17:48.18muthunow we know the judges are in action
17:48.35morrildlis not a judge
17:48.44morrildlat least, not right now
17:48.54Kralnall you know is that someone at google is poking with stuff
17:48.59Kralnyou don't know if they're a judge or not
17:49.18Kralnmorrildl: did you see my entry? It's open source / posted on google code =)
17:49.43morrildlKraln: I saw your site, although I have not encountered it in the actual submission list
17:49.55morrildllooks pretty cool :)
17:50.03Kralncool =)
17:50.25Kralnthat was the one criteria I wasn't certain we nailed. =)
17:50.32morrildlheh heh
17:50.53morrildlis currently tweaking the administration process to handle submissions with multiple apks
17:51.33zhobbsmorrildl: is it all automated for the judges?
17:51.34Kralndidn't expect that, didja! =)
17:51.46morrildlzhobbs: yep
17:51.59zhobbsmorrildl: you'd have to automate it, esp with all those many was it again?
17:52.12morrildlwe are shipping laptops to the judges to do judging on, so that each judge has an identical experience
17:52.20jastamorrildl: hehe, like mine? :)
17:52.30morrildlwe don't want some judges scoring people down for being "slow" when their virus scanner is going nuts or something
17:52.32jastamorrildl: is that you that's connected btw? :)
17:52.37morrildljasta: yes :)
17:52.50romainguy_so I can't resist to quote jasta
17:52.51jasta....wellllll? :)
17:52.52romainguy_"jasta: what a bunch of lame asses, they clicked the first entry in the list and the first song"
17:52.52morrildlDr. Sbaitso all over again
17:53.15jastamorrildl: i am enjoying watching the system pre-empt you :)
17:53.27morrildlwell, I tried clicking on the Strokes and Arcade Fire while it was syncing but there was no content yet
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17:53.40jastamorrildl: Yeah, don't do that.  It will hate you.
17:53.53morrildl...or at least mildly disapprove
17:53.53jastaWhat I plan tod o moving forward is make the sync process atomic completely.
17:54.05jastaSo that while it's syncing, none of the new data will be visible in the UI
17:54.17jastabut Android's goofy ContentProvider schema made that hard to figure a good way to do it.
17:54.33morrildlzhobbs: we had $LOTS submissions
17:54.34jastaI don't want to make a dummy content URI query that does begin transaction and stuff.  Plus, it doesn't seem like it would work.
17:54.59morrildlzhobbs: unfortunately I don't know how to get a shell macro expansion to work in my IRC client ;)
17:55.06jastamorrildl: the festival output sure is annoying, huh? :)
17:55.11Kralnmorrildl: /exec
17:56.14zhobbsmorrildl: there's 145 on HelloAndroid, is that less than 1/4? :)
17:56.32morrildlThat is bigger than a breadbox.
17:56.49Kralnmorrildl: you're failing the turing test -.-
17:57.42morrildlKraln: Am I?    Or are YOU?????
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17:58.22muthumorrildl: when does the judging start?\
17:58.26LedeDUN DUN DUN DUN!!
17:59.53muthuthe laptop loaded with all apk's?
18:01.06muthumorrildl: any change a cooking app will win? ;)
18:02.02Ledewhat does your cooking application do
18:02.09muthucook ;)
18:02.13Stephmwmuthu: only if it cooks the food for the judges
18:02.27muthuyeah that's what it does :)
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18:02.34Kralndoes it get them a pillow?
18:02.45muthuif it wins i take the credit
18:03.03muthuif it loses my friend takes the blame
18:03.18Ledeplaying it safe
18:03.29muthulede: basically cooking show delivered
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18:03.54Ledelike "what could i eat today tips" and stuff?
18:04.04muthuyes.. with shop list, recipes
18:04.27Ledethat could be useful i guess
18:04.28f00f-dude your app better cook for me
18:04.29muthuyou can share, find market
18:04.33morrildlmuthu: suree
18:04.50muthumake it win, i want to come for Google I/O
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18:06.17Ledemorrildl: why are there no events in the netherlands :/
18:07.24muthuall events happen only in the valley.. i've come to terms with it
18:07.46muthu*bleeding edge events
18:09.29jastamorrildl: so, are all the judges in the US?  would it be reasonable to think that our apps won't be judged well outside of normal business hours PST?
18:09.51muthuwhere are the judges? are they worldwide?
18:09.53jastanot that i'd do anything to rely on this, i'm just curious ;)
18:10.08Ledethe judges live outside of the matrix
18:10.13Lededun dun dun!
18:14.39mihoshiI have afeeling that Android SDK updates itself from the net... It's behaviour change slightly over time without obvious reasons
18:14.52mihoshiOr may be I'm just paranoid...
18:15.06muthuno way
18:15.11benleyI think you're just paranoid
18:15.16muthuthe sdk will not update itself
18:18.02morrildljasta: judges are worldwide
18:18.36morrildlif you have a server component you will almost certainly see accesses from all hours
18:18.48Kralnmorrildl: do they all speak at minimum english?
18:19.01morrildlKraln: yes
18:19.11muthuwow, worldwide
18:19.18Kralngood. I didn't have time to write multiple string.xml files for i18n
18:19.19B0janglesHeh: J2ME
18:19.24B0janglesJudge 2 Minimum English
18:19.36Ledeoh wow
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18:24.36jastawell, that was exciting today seeing my server spit stuff out :)
18:25.11f00f-judging has started?
18:25.21B0janglesjasta: what do you mean?
18:26.01jastaf00f-: no, it was just morrildl tinkering.  perhaps they're doing a pre-round to test the apps that work and tidy up the submissions for the judges
18:26.28jastamorrildl mentioned that he's tweaking stuff to make multiple apks work, which my app uses.  so that's probably why he was testing.
18:26.35jastai don't know, just speculating.
18:26.49f00f-okay, seems to make sense
18:27.09muthujasta: you had multiple apk's?
18:27.48muthuis that allowed?
18:28.01jastaapparently, if morrildl is adjusting their system to support it :)
18:28.02muthuwas under the impression that only a single apk must be submitted
18:28.05jastamaybe he's doing it just for me, muwhahah
18:28.27muthunow its confirmed
18:28.28morrildlmuthu: technically yes, single APKs
18:28.46morrildlhowever waaaaaaaaaaaay early on I told people multiple APKs was okay and then forgot about it
18:28.54muthuoh ok
18:29.04muthuand jasta took advantage of it ;)
18:29.10morrildland it would be deeply lame to screw those people, so I bit the bullet and added support :)
18:29.15morrildljasta got lucky ;)
18:29.16jastai maintain that google would be wrong to not accept multiple apks, since that's how they are distributing and building their own projects anyway.
18:29.29morrildlyeah, it was an administrative thing anyway
18:29.40muthumorrildl: you did the right thing
18:29.45morrildland in the absence of detailed instructions on that score, I just added the support
18:29.49jastaexactly, not a technical perspective.  but thank you either way morrildl :)
18:30.27jastafor example if i was to have written some sort of game library or whats-it, i would have also distributed my app this way.  one demos package, one core package.
18:30.29muthui know a few, who merged their multiple apk's into one
18:30.33muthuthe last day
18:30.34jastaebcause no one would ever combine them for release.
18:31.48davidwI totally would have sent in two apk's for my client's submission, but I had to add in support for stashing external Java .class files into the Hecl package generation process
18:31.51Ledemorrildl: so does $LOTS means thousands or hundreds :o)
18:31.55morrildlWe had exactly 2 submissions that provided custom geodb files
18:32.09morrildlI spent a significant amount of time on support for that
18:32.25davidwand it's already an ugly process
18:32.28muthui thought people would do that - providing custom geodb
18:32.36muthubecause it makes sense
18:34.17muthumorrildl: how's thewinners announced? website? email?
18:34.30morrildlmuthu: no idea, not my department :)
18:34.33morrildlprobably all of the above
18:34.36morrildlplus a press release or something
18:34.47benleyed mcmahon shows up at your door to inform you
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18:35.28rhetthey guys
18:35.35Ledewaves his hand infront of morrildl
18:35.43rhettwell I got my app in, thank goodness
18:36.01Ledeso are there like thousands or hundreds applications?
18:36.14muthuthousands for sure
18:36.24rhettI wish we got back some kind of md5 sum to be sure they recieved it
18:36.32rhettwow, really thousands?
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18:36.44rhettthere are 9000 people subscribed to the google group
18:36.44michaelnovakjr_1they should just give everyone here an award for being champs :)
18:36.45Ledei don't know, he wont speak
18:37.19rhettare there a lot more public apps now?
18:37.25davidwmichaelnovakjr, I think they should give everyone a free phone:-)
18:37.37muthua phone would be nice
18:37.48morrildlwho now?
18:37.58morrildlwhat's that Lede?
18:38.05morrildlCan't say right now :)
18:38.29muthui guessed 10000
18:38.34muthuis that way off?
18:38.36michaelnovakjr_1morridl, and this is the anticipation two days after :)
18:38.41Ledemorrildl: over 9000
18:38.47Ledeoops wrong tab complete
18:38.56Ledemeant to say that to muthu
18:38.58davidwis it bigger than a breadbox?
18:39.17morrildldavidw: Yes.
18:39.34davidwwow, sounds clunky... guess I'll stick with nokia;-)
18:39.48muthui am yet to figure out why keeping the submission number a secret makes sense
18:40.06davidwmuthu, they're worried about their competitors getting information
18:40.32rhettmuthu, because google is a billion dollar company with a board and marketing department
18:40.34muthudavidw: how's the numbers helping the competition?
18:40.43rhettamazon won't even say how many kindle's sold
18:40.52Kralndo no evil huh
18:41.17muthurhett: so somethings ought to be secret, huh
18:41.19davidwmuthu, I'm Sun, and I can say "only 10,000 submissions?  we have 10 times that number of applications shipping right now from" or something like that
18:41.48Lededavidw has a point
18:41.49muthuyeah, but android can always say its only alpha
18:42.06davidwhey, don't ask me to delve that deep into the minds of the marketers
18:42.33muthuthe new age marketing is transparency
18:42.40muthuword of mouth
18:42.47muthui heard seth godin is big in google
18:42.52muthuhaven't they read him?
18:44.24michaelnovakjr_1has anyone put their apk online yet?
18:45.28Ledei havnt
18:45.30davidwmichaelnovakjr, sure, along with all the source code
18:47.05ligimichaelnovakjr_1: only the sources
18:48.24michaelnovakjr_1cool, i'm going to post my 0.2 update very soon
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18:56.52pawalls_Kraln, Actually the quote is "Don't be evil", contrary to popular belief :-P
18:58.34Kralnah, yes. written on the wall by an engineer before a business meeting
19:01.56pawalls_I think it's possible that some peoples' perception of "evil" is a bit skewed. I personally don't see how not releasing a count of submissions the day after submissions have ceased is particularly evil in the grand scheme of things. :-P
19:02.29zhobbsmaybe the number is 666?
19:03.18zhobbsI agree though, they're pretty much hooking us up with $5 million for this time cant complain too much
19:03.25poffy_Probably just around 9,000
19:07.50poffy_Has there been any announcement about the next release of the SDK?
19:08.18zhobbsprobably never will be announcements about new SDK's...they'll just release them
19:08.25poffy_oh ok
19:08.37zhobbsthey're sneaky
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19:08.57morrildlwell, there are pre-announcements and then there is just basic roadmap info
19:09.28morrildlthe real answer is:  c'mon, let me finish this judging thing first :)
19:10.34poffy_May 5th is when winners are announced, right?
19:11.55zhobbsI think so
19:12.14zhobbsthat might have been tentative though
19:12.25morrildlIt's not tentative
19:12.41morrildlOn the other hand, it was chosen before we knew how many submissions we would get :)
19:14.00muthuwe trust in google response time
19:14.10muthuso the results will be out on may 5 for sure
19:15.04rhettmorrildl, i'm interested in the larger prize phase.  Will there be pressure on the top 50 to improve their apps for a month to compete for the larger awards?
19:15.15davidw*we've* been working nights and weekends.  Your turn:->
19:15.18rhettor maybe require that they submit with a new sdk
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19:16.16rhetti suspose google is probably thinking about that now
19:16.30poffy_I want frame-by-frame animations fixed :)
19:16.33poffy_Then I can do a game
19:16.35rhettit makes a big difference though, if I should be working on my app now to get a head start for the next phase
19:16.45muthurhett: you mean some of the winners might not continue?
19:17.06KralnI'm interested if google is thinking of absorbing some of the winners
19:17.12Kralnto know if*
19:17.22zhobbsrhett: the apps will be rejudged, so I would recommend improved the app between I and II...because others will improve theirs I'm sure
19:17.26romainguy_poffy_: it is fixed :p
19:17.44muthuah that's another interesting angle.. how many are going to google?
19:17.45rhettI mean, after the 50 winners are announced, the real prize is competing for the $100k-$225k
19:17.46romainguy_just not in M5 :)
19:17.51poffy_yeah, that's what I thought
19:18.14poffy_I was just starting to learn Java and Android and I wanted to do a simple animation
19:18.20poffy_God, frame-by-frame was making me mad
19:18.30poffy_Until I read on the groups that it was buggy
19:18.53romainguy_that said it's pretty simple to do your own
19:19.34poffy_Using viewflipper?
19:20.04romainguy_no, just writing your own drawing code
19:20.07romainguy_or your own drawable
19:20.21davidw"easy for leonardo"
19:20.23poffy_Hm, yeah
19:20.36poffy_I suppose that's why I wanna know when the next SDK is coming
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19:20.54poffy_to decide whether or not I want to put time into creating a drawable that will be worthless once the new SDK hits
19:21.04romainguy_ask morrildl :)
19:24.27muthugood night droids
19:24.35jastahey romain
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19:30.15zhobbsmorrildl: are the judges going to test the same apps at the same time and discuss?  Or do you just send the laptops and all the judges work at their own pace?
19:30.26morrildlzhobbs: the latter
19:32.27poffy_morrildl, can I please have a list of the judges and their addresses? I'm baking some cupcakes and cookies.
19:32.46poffy_with the word "AndroidChat" on them
19:32.49AstainHellbringno xlax cookies allowed
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19:41.44poffy_AstainHellbring, why would I send xlax cookies with "AndroidChat" on them?
19:42.52AstainHellbringI dunno...
19:42.52AstainHellbringI was just being silly
19:42.52poffy_oh ok
19:42.52poffy_What's the name of your entry?
19:42.52Kralncan we try it?
19:42.52poffy_Cause I could send xlax cookies with your entry's name on them
19:43.17AstainHellbringlol I have no entry not a programmer
19:43.35poffy_oh ok
19:45.38AstainHellbringmostly just a network guy
19:46.22poffy_Someone should make a shirt that says that, with the fighter
19:46.26poffy_from FFIII
19:47.28Ledefinal fantasy
19:47.42Ledeis playing ffxii atm
19:48.04AstainHellbringme too games nice
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20:16.31michaelnovakjr__i must say ubuntu 8.04 is graphically really awesome
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20:45.10michaelnovakjr__excellent davidw
20:45.22michaelnovakjr__especially if you have accelerated graphics :)
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20:48.11Stephmwmichaelnovakjr__: is it out of beta already?
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20:49.46tmccraryDoes anyone know approximately when the first android hardware will be out? Are there going to be any early release developer kits w/ hardware available for purchase?
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20:51.44zhobbsjasta: you seen this:
20:53.21tmccraryThe reason I ask is that the emulated version in the SDK just isn't powerful enough to do anything beyond a cube in 3d
20:53.38edcbaand ?
20:54.17tmccraryedcba: You powers of comprehension astound me, edcba
20:54.34f00f-michaelnovakjr__: what's so special with 8.04?
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20:55.20edcbamaybe ubuntu 1.0 was not
20:55.44romainguy_tmccrary: it depends on your host machine
20:56.13tmccraryromainguy_: Wow, are you Romain Guy the Filthy Rich Clients guy?
20:56.35tmccraryromainguy_: Cool, I read your blog once in while ;)
20:57.51edcbabut what is the problem with having a slow emulator ?
20:58.01f00f-nothing special there
20:58.10Dougie187depends what your looking for.
20:58.15Dougie187some people see a lot.
20:58.34tmccraryjust being slow isn't as big of a deal,  but the crashing part is what gets me
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20:58.56f00f-i run xorg with AIGLX here and compiz fusion
20:59.00f00f-on 7.x
20:59.02tmccraryalthough maybe I should reinstall the sdk, just to make sure it isn't a local problem
20:59.36Dougie187KVM is a big deal to some people.
20:59.46Dougie187and the windows stuff would make it easier to let windows users test it out
20:59.46f00f-oh didnt see KVM
20:59.54f00f-kernel thing though
21:00.09Dougie187and the memory protection
21:00.29Dougie187wubi seems cool, but i doubt i will use it ever
21:00.38f00f-memory protection like PaX ?
21:00.45f00f-heh, i love kernels
21:00.49f00f-i run 2.6.10 in production
21:00.53f00f-and it's immune from security threats
21:00.59f00f-intorudced in 2.6.20 range
21:01.05f00f-grsecurity/PaX own
21:01.16Dougie187I dont think its PaX.
21:01.19Dougie187but i may be wrong.
21:01.31Dougie187either way.
21:01.38Dougie187most of the benefits you can install seperatly.
21:01.48Dougie187oh, one other thing could be policy kit, for administrators.
21:02.20Dougie187though i have never tried to administer ubuntu
21:03.27Dougie187like inkscape, or ufw
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21:04.07Dougie187either way.
21:04.10Dougie187im out.
21:04.12Dougie187see ya
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21:14.12jastazhobbs: I did see that, but I don't quite get it.
21:14.22jastaI mean, there's nothing concrete here.
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21:15.04jastaAlso, it's unclear if they've tackled the correct problem.  Just simply connecting your phone to your PC is insufficient.
21:15.22jastaAlso, they seem to require an account so they must have some intermediate service somewhere?  That seems questionable...
21:16.07jastabut i'm intrigued none-the-less.
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21:20.56dpinowere you talking about miControl?
21:22.47dpinothis app
21:23.26dpinoI just catch up your conversation in the middle, dunno were you guys talking about
21:23.45dpinobut it sounded like this, connecting remotely from android to a computer
21:25.43edcbawhy not just hosting a website on computer ?
21:26.58edcbaexcept for bluetooth part maybe
21:30.31jastadpino: no, we were talking about my app
21:30.40jastathough i like that thing miControl thing :)
21:30.41f00f-love your screenshots
21:30.48zhobbsjasta: agreed, not sure why you would need an account when you run the server on your own computer?
21:30.51jastathanks :)
21:31.03jastazhobbs: Right, something doesn't seem right about the way they have designed this.
21:31.16jastazhobbs: And it's unclear if it even exists :)
21:31.30jastaf00f-: I still want to produce a video some time soon
21:31.42jastaAnd possibly even release the thing for folks to play with
21:32.19jastathough in order to do that i will need another week or so of development to make things a little less clunky and debug-like :)
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21:32.36zhobbsjasta: found out about it at
21:32.43jastamostly, improving the sync performance and making the server interact with freedesktop and put configuration up and stuff.
21:32.57dpinojasta: love your controls, finally you made the bitmap reflection
21:33.02zhobbsI like the answer for "Did you run into any competition with your application? Anybody else doing something like this from what you’ve seen?"
21:33.08jastazhobbs: I don't know about you, but I find annoying.  I wish it wasn't part of
21:33.32jastadpino: Yeah, that was somewhat tricky.
21:33.41zhobbswell they aren't technical
21:33.45jastaAnd it doesn't look spectacular for all album artwork.
21:34.10jastazhobbs: At some point once Android starts maturing, I will remove myself from just because the content is too wordy and political for me :)
21:34.46dpinoI read about it yesterday in the channel , you couldnt make it as romainguy told you in the beginning...
21:34.53zhobbsI never really go to planet android...just have a bunch of android RSS feeds
21:35.11zhobbsI like headlines
21:36.36jastadpino: No, because he was wrong about it being possible to use a shader while drawing a bitmap.
21:37.07dpinoI see, so how you make the gradient?
21:37.08jastaInstead, he suggested I use a ComposeShader made up of a BitmapShader and my original LinearGradient shader
21:37.15jastaand then, instead of drawing a bitmap, draw a simple rectangle.
21:37.43jastathe paint's ComposeShader then handles drawing the image and the LinearGradient applied
21:37.58jastathen on top of that, I have another white to black LinearGradient behind the controls bar.
21:38.07jastaSo what you're seeing is complex: there are two types of shaders being seen.
21:38.24jastaone which is giving it a sort of water-look and another which is adding texture to the controls bar
21:39.23jastait's a pretty effect ;)
21:39.33jastaand, remarkably, it is not slow.
21:39.41dpinoyeah, its cool indeed
21:40.10jastazhobbs: It certainly seems like his head is in the same area as mine, though I guess we'll see about the devil in the details.
21:40.36jastaI'm still willing to bet that he tackles the problem all wrong.  Synchronizing meta data passively is very critical to providing a responsive UI.
21:40.51jastaIf any of the main UI screens require an active download, users will be pissed.
21:41.37zhobbsjasta: does your app poll the server for updates?
21:41.48jastaCurrently, yes.  Eventually, no. :)
21:42.06jastaI plan to have the server alert the phone via GTalk when updates are ready.  Then, the phone will connect and sync.
21:43.00jastazhobbs: Also, regarding his app, I think he may have taken a much too ambitious approach for the ADC, assuming he submitted.
21:43.02zhobbsyou use AlarmManager to spawn the update check or an always on service?
21:43.25jastai thought it best to focus on one instance, the music player, and make that work and look great.  expanding the system when it is ready.
21:43.39jastazhobbs: AlarmManager, though that code is disabled for the version I sent to the ADC
21:43.48jastasince their server is unchanging, and a subsequent sync would do nothing.
21:44.38jastanone of my services are persistent.  The playlist is the most persistent and it is scheduled to die after 15 minutes of inactivity.
21:44.50jastathe others die immediately when they are done
21:45.04jasta(assuming they're not connected to anything)
21:45.06zhobbsdoes the playlist play the music?
21:45.19jastayeah, i suppose i should have called it a play queue service or something.
21:45.40jastabut yes, it hosts the MediaPlayer, manages the play queue, abstracts through to the ContentService (which abstracts between network and cache)
21:46.03jastaso when you click on a song to play, all that happens is mPlaylistService.enqueueAndPlay(songId);
21:46.32jastaand there are various listeners on the playlist service to watch it fill the playback buffer, jump/advance tracks, stop, pause, etc.
21:46.40jastaso various parts of the UI can hook in and figure out whats happening
21:46.47jastait's a very rich architecture.
21:48.31jastais your design similar?
21:50.09zhobbswell, service doesn't really edit the playlist though
21:50.20jastareally?  how do you persist it then?
21:50.44zhobbsthe Library browser generates a playlist and then passes it to the service and the service just reads the playlist
21:51.10jastahmm.  that is one of the major design points of my app because it frustrates me so much about the iPod
21:51.17zhobbsthen there is a controls screen and it just makes simple "skipForward()", "puase()", "stop()" calls to the service
21:51.21jastathat is, that the only way to manipulate playback is through predeterined playlists.
21:51.38zhobbsjasta: not predetermined
21:51.56jastafor example, if you long click a song in my UI, you are presented with the options "Play Now", "Play Next", "Enqueue"
21:51.59jastaEnqueue being play last
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21:52.37zhobbsI see, long click on song/artist/album results in a "Add to existing playlist" or "Create new playlist"
21:52.57zhobbsI see what you mean though
21:52.59jastathis UI is much trickier than people think
21:53.23jastai mean, even mine i'm not confident just yet.  i want to take a more serious look at analyzing this UI and figuring out a good flow diagram for how it should work
21:53.45jastai know that i dislike things about the iPod's play queue, but i don't want to over-engineer my replacement for it.
21:54.07jastaotherwise it will be too foreign and uncomfortable for most users
21:54.14zhobbsyou got me thinking, because with my setup if the user starts to play a playlist...and then goes and adds more song to the playlist while tracks are playing the list doesn't get invalidated in the service
21:54.30zhobbsthat'll be something I'll have to fix
21:54.52jastado you use a listener to update your UI?
21:55.15jastawhat about for position advancement in the playing track?
21:55.31jastai don't display that information currently.  i just didn't get time to design my own slider widget that would look nice and everything
21:55.31zhobbsdon't have a listener for that...just poll it here and there
21:55.46jastai intended to have a listener, but never made one because i never needed it :)
21:56.09jastathat orange progresstextview paint effect is only found on my song selection screen right now
21:56.14jastaeventually i'll put that in the album cover view
21:56.20zhobbsI poll it every 4 secs and assume nothing happened unless the status changed listener fired
21:56.21jastai really love that effect :)
21:56.36zhobbsroom for improvement there
21:57.04jastai meant i like my ProgressTextView
21:57.06zhobbsI like the slider we're using...not sure if they plan to release any screenshots/press/apks/etc
21:57.32zhobbsjasta: room for improvement in my loop that updates the progress/duration
21:57.36jastaoh, right.
21:57.45jastamy player falls short on certain basic functionality
21:57.59jastai mention it in my README just because i had to spend so much time building the sync framework
21:58.16jastathe first month or more of development was exclusively stuck there
21:58.23zhobbsseeking in yours is tricker, because you have to figure out if you have that part of the song
21:58.43jastayeah, and implement a graceful way to choke the playback if you don't.
21:58.49jastabut still want to seek
21:58.55zhobbsI can just seek to anywhere and it'll work
21:59.11jastai'm very anxious to see what the next SDK has to offer.
21:59.19jastai bet it's gonna really shake up my app
22:00.30jerkface03it's going to feature a bunch of api changes, thereby breaking everyones source code ;)
22:00.40zhobbsI'd like to do something interesting with bluetooth...haven't come up with any ideas though
22:01.12jastai don't plan to touch that with my app.  internet or bust. :)
22:01.16jerkface03was bt support added into m5? i thought they haven't implemented it yet
22:01.26f00f-i cant wait to get my hands on BT
22:01.50f00f-hopefully they support L2CAP
22:01.56zhobbsI'm not even talking peer to peer bt, but would like to talk to a microcontroller to do something cool
22:02.23f00f-ah you want to talk HCI
22:02.42zhobbsX10 automation or something
22:03.00f00f-yeah i got a module that did BT, but talked to it using an ericsson/infineon protocol
22:03.05f00f-not quite as low level as i had liked
22:03.18jastazhobbs: I did think about that with my app.  Since I already go through the effort to relate the content on the phone to that on the PC
22:03.24jastait would make sense to let my app function as a remote control :)
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22:03.48jastaso it would do all its usual business but instead of playing on the handset, play on real speakers :)
22:03.54jastaIt would be a hit for parties, I think :)
22:04.12jastabut that is a sort of off-the-wall idea i will almost certaily never have time for ;)
22:04.31zhobbsyeah, exactly
22:04.35jastaone practical feature i did want to get at though was a playlist ghosting mode, where you can "ghost" someone listening to music scrobbled to  whatever they hear, you hear.
22:04.48jastaso if you find someone's music you really like, you can turn them into your radio station
22:04.54zhobbsas long as you have it in your library?
22:05.03jastaor it's available on
22:05.09jastabut yes
22:05.37jastamy gf and i would use this feature a lot.  our collections are forked from each other
22:05.40jastaso the similarities are great.
22:05.58jastabut she has different tastes than i do, and occassionally i like to listen to her stuff :)
22:06.12jastaand we both listen to music constantly at work
22:07.22zhobbsI need to be working on this for challenge II:
22:08.00zhobbsahh, plus you can control your stuff from anywhere...
22:08.11zhobbsover the net
22:09.06zhobbslooks like it's open source
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22:11.29zhobbsthat would be ultra geeky...your front door locks/unlocks for you when you walk up, lights on/off
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22:13.50zhobbsthey probably made an Android project...they're all about open source and mobiles devices
22:17.10jastathat stuff is cool to me
22:17.12jastareally cool
22:17.39jastai would love to use my mobile to control my computer for playing music and videos :)
22:17.45jastaand lights
22:18.25zhobbsyeah, especially if you're going to build a new house or's not that much more expensive to install the X10 lights/fans/locks
22:20.02jastalocks...i'm not sure that's wise :)
22:20.35zhobbshehe, maybe not...but sometimes old fashioned forced entry is just as easy
22:20.42zhobbsor actually easier
22:20.49zhobbsthan hacking a fancy lock
22:21.19jastawindows are always easy to break ;)
22:21.37jastathough, fancy hacking could get you into a house with much bigger loot and a much better alarm system ;)
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22:21.43jastanice and quiet too :)
22:22.18zhobbsbut if you have an electronic lock you can be notified when it's been opened from the inside when no one was home
22:24.07zhobbshaha, if your phone got stolen all of the sudden your lights and AC would start going crazy
22:24.38jastai cant believe i'm still obsessively hacking on my android app
22:24.47jastathis is retarded :)
22:24.59jastacurses Google
22:25.58zhobbsthey hooked you in
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22:28.07jastathey sure did
22:30.07davidwhow much is the contest worth? 1,000,000 ?
22:32.20jastatotal $5mil for this one
22:37.58davidw$5000 per submission
22:38.40davidwI know I would have billed a lot more for the time I spent on mine (and did bill a lot more for the time I spent on one for a client)
22:38.41ligidavidw: good point ,-)
22:38.45davidwso they're getting a good deal
22:39.11davidweven if not all the submissions are really *that* good
22:39.13Bonkersexcept google doesn't own the code
22:39.15davidwplus all the publicity and stuff
22:39.33davidwBonkers, no, but they've grown themselves an ... "ecosystem", if you pardon the buzzword
22:39.52Bonkersright, I'm just pointing out why the cost may seem low
22:40.10Bonkersbilling rates include the future profit potential based off the work from sales and the ilke
22:40.31Bonkersthe biller gives up sale rights in exchange for more money
22:40.51zhobbsdoes google sell any software?
22:41.04zhobbsthey sell the search stuff, but that includes hardware
22:41.46BonkersI never considered until just now that sketchup is one letter away from ketchup
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22:45.38davidwwell... the point is only that for a relatively low amount of money, they get a bunch of people creating apps for their platform
22:46.19Bonkersright, I agree
22:46.22Bonkersjust discussing
22:47.39davidwI'm pretty happy just to get an open source phone thing that's backed by some money and clout
22:48.34Dougie187hell yeah
22:48.44Dougie187i wanna be able to dump it on another phone though
22:49.00Dougie187because im dying to get a new phone, and i want android on it, but i dont know how long i would have to wait to get it.
22:49.08Dougie187though i hear the dream might be coming out in may
22:49.26jastaDougie187: That is absurd; no phone will come before the ADC is complete for sure.
22:49.27zhobbsI don't want to be stuck with T-Mobile
22:49.43Dougie187Yeah i dont know if its true or not.
22:49.47Dougie187purely rumors.
22:49.50jastaand that is some time in what, July?  I'd say a safe bet would be at least a few months after that even.
22:50.10jastaDougie187: It's not even a sensible rumor.  It makes literally no sense.
22:50.10zhobbsI see phones coming out October maybe
22:50.16Dougie187I also heard that Samsung has two models that are supposed to come out in September and December
22:50.22jastazhobbs: Me too, Oct/Nov
22:50.41zhobbsin time for Christmas I guess
22:50.48jastabut honestly, i would not be surprised if the platform was pushed back further, maybe even into 2009.
22:51.06jastalook at it this way
22:51.07Dougie187Is it resonable to hope to dump Android onto another set of hardware?
22:51.16zhobbshopefully it makes a LOT of progress in the next couple months
22:51.23jastatrust that Google will not want to shoot themselves in the foot.  they won't release when it's not ready.
22:51.36zhobbsI don't think there's anyway that the Challenge II deadline will be in 2008
22:51.36Dougie187google knows whats up.
22:51.37jastazhobbs: Well, Romain said something interesting yesterday
22:52.07jastazhobbs: Discussing a bug he fixed, he clarified that the bug was fixed in *a* release, not necessarily the next one.
22:52.24jastaWhich tells me Google has a large repository of code we are not seeing.
22:52.29zhobbsI see him make that distinction a lot
22:52.30jastaAnd I believe it.
22:53.03jastaGoogle's given us just enough to do what we need.  But I bet they've got a platform brewing that is much more aggressive than we realize now.
22:53.10jastaOr have seen, I should see.  I realize it ;)
22:53.21Dougie187Do you guys think it will be feasible to put android on hardware that doesn't come with android out of the box?
22:54.03jastaDougie187: Presumably, but unless you are willing to suppor tthat work yourself I'd say you should ignore it.
22:54.07davidwIT projects being delivered on time is not something I'd bet a ton of money on, Android included;-)
22:54.27davidwespecially as concerned as they have to be about quality... can't just upgrade the server on a phone
22:54.49davidwsleep time in any case
22:54.57jastawell actually, i'd be surprised if android did not come with tools to update the firmware easily.
22:55.12jastai'd bet they would even package them as utilities in the handset itself.
22:55.22jastahell, even Windows Mobile does that now
22:56.12jastaand it's not like it's hard to do :)
22:56.17Dougie187well.. heres to hoping it wont be terrible to port android to a different phone.
22:56.50jastaDougie187: I'm just frustrated by your question.  Would you be willing to explore that effort?
22:57.01jastaOr are you just hoping someone will hand you a robust port to some device of your choice?
22:57.03Dougie187Which question?
22:57.08Dougie187No. I would try to get it done.
22:57.22jastaThen yes, if you have the necessary expertise it should be very easy to do when Android is released.
22:57.47Dougie187I guess it would have to be worth the effort, which, if android ends up being what I hope it is then it should be.
22:58.03BonkersI don't think you'll ever be able to just port it ot an arbitrary phone though
22:58.10Bonkersthe limitation will be the hardware, not the software
22:58.24Bonkersphone makers don't release specs on hardware
22:58.25jastaThe only challenge is making sure the chipset is well supported on Linux
22:58.46Dougie187Im just trying to make up my mind if its going to be worth waiting to get a new phone.
22:58.51jastaso if the chipset is some unusual thing that Android has never worked on before, then you will have a hard task at hand.
22:59.14jastaDougie187: If you want to use Android, yes, it is absolutely worth getting a new phone.  Don't be ridiculous.
22:59.29Dougie187well i meant waiting.
22:59.33Dougie187I want to get a new phone.
22:59.42Dougie187its just if i want to wait until it comes with android on it.
23:00.02jastaAs Bonkers said, porting it to some arbitrary handset is not something you want to explore right now.
23:01.22jastaEspecially since the SDK source isn't available.
23:01.38Dougie187Though I wasnt thinking about now.
23:01.46Dougie187I was thinking about after a phone with android gets release.
23:01.55jastaBut don't be silly.  Wait until it is commercially launched, explore it, and then make up your mind what value it has and what effort you want to put into projects like that.
23:02.00Dougie187to dump it on a phone that came out before android was released
23:02.03jastaNo point speculating now
23:04.48Dougie187i take it all of you participated in the ADC?
23:05.01Dougie187or a lot of you at least...
23:06.42jastayeah, a lot of us did.
23:06.47jastamy project is at
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23:09.40Dougie187Thats pretty sweet
23:09.46Dougie187How many people worked on it with you?
23:09.51jastazhobbs: btw, it's only called android-five because google won't let me take  The system is to be called Five generically.
23:09.54jastaDougie187: None
23:10.36Dougie187thats pretty cool.
23:10.42Dougie187Good luck with the competition.
23:10.43jastai think so :)
23:10.47Dougie187i think its a good idea.
23:10.58Dougie187it seems sort of like the whole slingbox idea just for digital media
23:10.59jastai have an 85GB music collection, so it makes sense for me :)
23:11.12Dougie187does it stream?
23:11.15jastaof course
23:11.27jastacurrently there is no search support, though i am adding it for the next round of the challenge
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23:11.36Dougie187thats awesome
23:12.03zhobbsjasta: 10-4 on the naming there a google code project named "five"
23:12.14jastazhobbs: no, but there is a sourceforge one with that name
23:12.20jastaand so googlecode won't release five to me :\
23:12.30jastathe author would have to authorize, but he's AWOL so i don't know what to do
23:12.31zhobbsreally?  it checks sf?
23:12.39zhobbswow, that's smart
23:12.54jastamaybe if i win the challenge i can ask google to kindly give me the name :)
23:12.54zhobbswill encourage people to transfer over
23:13.52jastayeah, it's a great feature, but it has one huge problem
23:13.58jastathey don't check their e-mail. :)
23:14.17jastai've e-mailed the address it tells me to use several times to request that my project is sufficiently distinct to this dead one that i can use the name
23:14.19Dougie187that is an issue
23:14.20zhobbsFive is a java Go game?
23:14.24Dougie187Good luck with everything.
23:14.29Dougie187Ill be back later.
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23:15.58zhobbsor is Five a jabber IM client? weird
23:16.57jastazhobbs: yeah, you noticed that too eh?
23:17.09jastathere seems to be 3 projects here
23:17.27jastathe java game, and then some project with a different name that has space as "five"
23:17.35jasta2 projects, i meant :)
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23:48.07Dougie187i am back
23:49.18Dougie187jasta: how come you didn't have anyone else work with you on the project?

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