IRC log for #android on 20080408

00:01.28zhobbshmm, I could setBackground() to a non LayerDrawable then setProgress then setBackground() back to my LayerDrawable :)
00:01.47zhobbswell, call super.setProgress in my setProgress()
00:02.39jastai might actually make mine animate too :)
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00:03.02jastaso it'll appear to smooth scroll even when it shouldn't really
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00:10.18zhobbsDrawable tmp_bg = getBackground();
00:10.52zhobbswonder if that helps
00:11.13romainguy_jasta: this is all hardcoded.  i will need to extend ProgressBar just to reverse this. << this is pending work to be done on ShapeDrawable
00:19.14jastaromainguy_: it's ok, at least i understand it now.  i know how to proceed.
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00:34.39jastaromainguy_: thanks anyway :)
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00:57.12chomchomso jasta anywhere near that demo?
01:05.49jastai havent even gotten off work yet, sheesh :)
01:08.32chomchomdearie me
01:09.03jastai'm gonna get this progress bar thing done first anyway.  i hate the buffering progress bar i have in there now :)
01:10.09chomchomIt's 8 minutes past 2 here so I don't think I'll be getting much more done tonight. Yeah, I was going to do screen shots tonight but I'll wait until I'm done with this UI stuff. Although I seem to have broken everything in my haste to beautify it.
01:10.29jastahehe, its 6pm here :)
01:10.32jastai have plenty of time tonight :)
01:12.22jastaromainguy_: hmm, a thought occurs.  Would it be possible to use a shader to draw the progress bar through the text of the song?
01:13.08jastathat is, not use a progress bar at all, but a Shader over the TextView
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01:13.59jastathat would be sweet :P
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01:33.54jastateehee, this will work :)
01:34.19chomchomyeah that will be cool
01:40.06jastaactually i wonder if this is practical.  in order to look good it would need to animate smoothly and i can't afford animations at the time this code will be running.
01:40.18jastathe processor is already squashed by the tremendous amount of work its been asked to do
01:41.30michaelnovakjri've never been a fan of extra animation.... i will admit it looks good, but from an optimization point of view, if the animation doesn't serve a concrete UI purpose it can really hinder the application
01:41.47michaelnovakjrbut i am sure there's a line of people who'd disagree
01:44.45jastawell, in this case the animation is to work around the fact that there really isn't that much data to use.
01:45.07jastathe buffer is usually full in 3 updates, and so it goes like 0%, 30%, 60%, done.
01:45.12jastait seems really jerky
01:45.25jastaand also, the progress is changing colors, so when its done the colors just reset and that seems awkward too
01:45.30michaelnovakjrits fairly large intervals
01:45.55jastabut i dont know that i can even afford an animation here truthfully
01:46.14michaelnovakjrwill it slow down your buffering?
01:46.43jastathe progress bar is indicating the buffer fill before a song can play.  for whatever reason, with all my service communication, TCP overhead, etc, it seems to destroy performance of the device for a few moments.
01:46.52jastathe few moments that are needed to display buffer update :)
01:47.08jastaso i really should be thinking of economical approaches :)
01:48.51michaelnovakjrtrue... its totally a great idea as an application... i would find myself using it very often
01:49.17jastayeah, i'm pleased with how it's coming together too.  i really think this thing is going to work.
01:49.46jastait's much more than a proof-of-concept right now too.  it does its basic job, but it looks good doing it :)
01:49.55jastait is, however, woefully inefficient.
01:50.07zhobbsjasta: you extending progressbar?
01:50.22michaelnovakjryou can always optimize it later
01:50.22jastazhobbs: No, I had a new idea ;)
01:50.39michaelnovakjrplus, once you get your hands on a handset you'll really get an idea on improvements
01:50.40jastamichaelnovakjr: Right, that was my plan.  Most of the opts are obvious, but are somewhat non-trivial or difficult to debug.
01:50.49jastaFor example, I don't use WbXML yet because I would find it difficult to troubleshoot.
01:51.35jastazhobbs: I'm using a Shader to adjust a TextView's paint so the "progress" is indicated in the text itself :)
01:51.40jastakind of bleeding in color
01:52.20zhobbsinteresting, look forward to seeing it :)
01:52.32jastayeah, it looks really nice i gotta admit.  i have it up already in a very crude wya.
01:52.52jastai'm just extending a TextView and fiddling with its paint ;)
01:53.09jastai think it'll look nice in my UI, since a progress bar would seem intrusive anyway
02:06.56jastait occurs to me now that actually the best place to put this shader is in the little play icon hehe
02:07.28jastathat way, i dont even need to animate to.  i can have it show up in like a gray color and "fill up" to the orange its supposed to be
02:08.40zhobbsjasta: are you fetching the album covers from amazon?
02:08.50jastano,, which sometimes includes references there's web services are awesome :P
02:09.11jastaand they don't require developer keys or any such nonsense
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02:14.17jastaok, time to head home...
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02:15.17chomchomand time for my bed
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02:34.52morrildlit's quiet here in the off-hours :)
02:35.11romainguy_yes :)
02:35.16jtoycan anyone help me with a stupid problem?  I have code that was working fine, and now all of a sudden when i run it on my machine, the app never starts, but if I run the exact code on another machine, it runs fine, I have also used -wipe-data on my emulator, so I don't know ow to fix this problem
02:39.20michaelnovakjrwhat's your log say
02:40.15michaelnovakjrjtoy, did you run adb logcat?
02:45.19michaelnovakjrany sample code of LinearGradients?
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02:47.38sudoeri got disconnected, does anyone know how I can debug my problem?
02:47.40sudoerabout the emulator issue?
02:47.57michaelnovakjrhave you looked at your log?
02:49.33sudoeryes, the error  Iget is    : unable to opt direct call 0x00bd at 0x34 in Lcom/sanbit/android/mystats/FileUpload;.createContactsFile,  access denied from Lcom/sanbit/android/mystats/FileUploadService$Stub$Proxy; to field Lcom/sanbit/android/mystats/FileUploadService;.record
02:49.56michaelnovakjryou are working with contacts?
02:50.05sudoerthe my phone displays "activity not responding"
02:50.18michaelnovakjrit looks like a permissions
02:51.09sudoerhmm, it was working fine the past couple of weeks, the permissions I have are :   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
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03:00.54sudoermichaelnovakjr:  even with blocking out all that code for the contacts, my app stil lwont run
03:01.33michaelnovakjrhmmm, did your log output change at all?
03:03.01sudoerit seems to be going crazy now,  I'm going to do some more testing
03:03.13morrildlsudoer: are you doing any network accesses?
03:03.43sudoeryes, there is some network access involved, but that is running in its own thread via services, so not sure why my app would get affected
03:04.16morrildlactivity not responding happens when the system adds an event to your app's event queue, and you don't clear it within 5 seconds
03:04.33sudoerI'm getting repeats of this error: W/ActivityManager(  859): Timeout of broadcast BroadcastRecord{401ae348 android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE}
03:04.33morrildlso, something is blocking for longer than 5 seconds
03:04.33sudoerW/ActivityManager(  859): Receiver during timeout: ResolveInfo{401ae1a0 p=0 o=0 m=10000}
03:04.57sudoerbut the only thing that intentreceiver does is run this line:       Log.d(LOG, "Starting app...");
03:05.26michaelnovakjrisn't it Log.d("LOG", "Starting app..."); ?
03:05.36michaelnovakjrunless that's a variable
03:05.48sudoeryes,  private static final String LOG = "callPopupIntentReceiver";
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03:12.34morrildlthat's an error from the Dalvik optimizer
03:12.54jtoydid I miss anything? my connection was lost again
03:13.28morrildljtoy: are you using third-party libraries?
03:13.32morrildllike, including a jar?
03:13.37jtoyI dont get any errors when i disable the network code, but my app still freezes
03:13.48jtoyno, all the code is in the android sdk
03:14.22morrildlwhat is the signature of the function you are calling?
03:14.27morrildlthe one that hangs
03:15.12jtoyumm, I don't se in the logs where is says the function, let me past it, hold on a sec
03:15.53morrildlsee if 'adb bugreport' gives you any additional info
03:17.03jtoywow, adb bugreport prints out a lot of stuff
03:17.16jtoyhere is the adb logcat:
03:18.31benleyiwpta "adb lolcat"
03:23.06Kujalogcat is log
03:23.59jtoythe logfile doesnt show me anything thing helpful :(
03:24.29zhobbswhat is the name of the default window background? (grey with lines)
03:26.12jtoyand my cpu goes to 100% when my app doesnt load
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03:29.05jastawhat the hell is a Matrix.  how flexible is this system for animations?
03:29.35morrildljtoy: was that adb logcat, or adb bugreport?
03:29.46jtoyadb logcat
03:30.08morrildland you say this happens only on one computer?
03:30.33jtoyyes, but i have ran a wipe data
03:30.54jtoyso i dont know how to fix this at all since  I need to code and test on my own computer
03:33.32jtoyit just started happening all of a sudden yesterday, so i've been writing code, but am not able to test it
03:37.09morrildlso the same code runs on a different computer?
03:37.35morrildlare you loading classes explicitly?
03:37.39mickrobkjasta, a matrix (from linear algebra) is a linear mapping of a function. you can use it in graphics to map one point to another, for the entire coordinate space. Ex. I could use a matrix to move an image left, or to rotate it
03:38.03jastamickrobk: uhm.
03:38.06jastaseriously? :)
03:38.09jtoymorrildl:  what do you mean? i import classes, and I also do startService(this,ClassName);
03:38.26morrildljtoy: I mean loading a class by name via Class
03:38.33morrildlreflection basically
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03:38.43jtoyno, I am currently not using any reflection
03:39.07morrildlfire up 'adb shell' and then 'cd /data/app'
03:39.12zhobbsjasta: how's the scrolling performance on that album listview?
03:39.13morrildland do 'ls' and see what's in there
03:39.29jastazhobbs: not great.
03:39.37zhobbssame here
03:39.45jastayou have a music player also?
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03:40.03mickrobkjasta: before u draw on a canvas, try doing canvas.translate(50,50), that changes the matrix of the canvas so that everything u draw on it will be moved down and right 50px
03:40.29zhobbsjasta: yeah..for
03:40.36jastamickrobk: that's not at all what i was asking about :)
03:40.43jtoymorrildl:  ApiDemos.apk and mystats.apk
03:41.12morrildltry doing 'rm mystats.apk' and then reinstalling
03:41.33jastaspecifically, how would I change colors in the matrix?  what is the structure here?
03:41.45morrildl(not that I think that will help since you already did a -wipe-data)
03:41.55jtoywtf, that fixed it
03:42.14morrildler, neat
03:42.15jtoydoesn't -wipe-data clean out the emulator?
03:42.21morrildlIt is supposed to :)
03:42.27morrildlwhich SDK version?
03:42.29jtoymorrildl:  rthanks
03:42.33jtoym5, the latest one
03:42.42morrildldamn, now I wish I'd had you keep that .apk
03:42.54morrildlthat error was basically saying you had a corrupt apk
03:42.58jtoymorrildl: I'm sure its happen again :) thanks though!
03:43.08morrildlbut in some insidious way that I've never seen before
03:43.13morrildlha ha, np
03:43.16morrildlhappy hacking
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03:44.39romainguyjasta: what the hell is a Matrix.  how flexible is this system for animations? << ?
03:45.08michaelnovakjri thought animations relied on a Matrix
03:45.16romainguyThey do
03:45.21romainguyActually they rely on a Transformation
03:45.27romainguywhich is a Matrix + stuff
03:45.27jastaromainguy: how do I interact with this?  how could i, say, animation with a shader?
03:45.37morrildlromainguy: just one?
03:45.48romainguymorrildl: as a matter of fact, yes :)
03:45.55romainguyjust create an AlphaAnimation that will give you a number between 0 and 1
03:46.02romainguythen use that to modify your shader
03:46.09romainguythat's what progress bar does in indeterminate mode
03:46.42morrildlromainguy: how's that work?  obviously you can merge say a rotation and a translation into a single matrix, but if you apply that one matrix over and over again you aren't necessarily going to converge your animation to a useful end state
03:46.43jastaso I don't need to futz with the Matrix at all for that?
03:46.59romainguyjasta: not at all
03:47.05jastaahh, ok then :)
03:47.07romainguythe Matrix is just for 2d and 3d transformations
03:47.18jastawhy an AlphaAnimation though?
03:47.27romainguymorrildl: the matrix is supposed to be clobbered on every frame of every animated child
03:47.39romainguyjasta: becase it simply interpolate a number between X and Y
03:47.41morrildlromainguy: oh
03:47.44romainguyand that's the basis of all animations
03:47.48jastaromainguy: oh, ok.
03:47.56morrildlromainguy: you meant one matrix allocation in memory
03:47.58romainguyyou could create your own custom animation
03:48.03romainguybut alphaanimation is there so...
03:48.11romainguymorrildl: yes, just teasing you back :)
03:48.18morrildlromainguy: ahh :)
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03:51.16muthu@thattalldude glad to follow you. happy tweeting!
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04:01.16muthuoh oh
04:01.23muthumy bad!
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04:02.20zhobbsR isn't generating.......
04:02.33zhobbsI deleted it to force it to regen and it's not happening
04:02.44jastaproject -> clean
04:03.17zhobbsnot working
04:03.31jastaPress F5 on the project.
04:03.52jastaIf it still isn't working: check the problems list for a resource error.
04:04.49morrildlyeah I did that the other day
04:04.58morrildlI started harassing Xav about it
04:05.11morrildlturned out I had another stupid error earlier in y project that was canceling the build before it even ran aapt
04:05.34zhobbsdoh, was an error in the manifest :(
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04:24.25jastaneat, my animation works.
04:24.39jastazhobbs: i think youre gonna like this effect i've just accomplished :)
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04:27.16zhobbsjasta: lemme see
04:27.28jastanot in a position to show it just yet.  soon :)
04:27.40jastai'm finishing up another part of my app so i can record a video of the whole thing :)
04:28.15zhobbssoon is right...we have 1 week + 2 1/2 hours
04:28.20jastahehe ;)
04:28.44jastai am seriously going to be working like 6 hours every night until then :)
04:28.49jastaand i didnt even procrastinate!
04:29.25zhobbsthere was a thread on the mailing list about how many hours everyone put into their projects, was pretty surprised
04:29.33zhobbslots of people claiming 300-500
04:29.40morrildlSometimes trolls are too easy to predict
04:29.51jastai would suppose i put in about 2 hours avg per day for 3 months.
04:30.49morrildlyeah that's a lot of hours
04:30.58jastaso i guess my number would be about 180.
04:30.59zhobbsI couldn't even estimate...2 ADC projects +
04:31.09zhobbsbut this was my full time job
04:31.15morrildlI wonder at which point the man-hours spent by people developing apps *for* android surpasses the man-hours spent developing Android itself
04:31.16jastareally?  not me.
04:31.33jastamorrildl: With any luck, soon.
04:31.37morrildljasta: indeed :)
04:31.42morrildlone of those unknowable statistics tho
04:31.47zhobbsprobably already happened
04:32.04jastazhobbs: check this out
04:32.18morrildlzhobbs: hmmm.... it's possible that it has.  Hard to tell though
04:32.35jasta$ perl -lwe 'my $c = 0; while (<>) { s/\S//g; $c += length; }; print $c;' $(find libsyncml-java/ five-music/ five-client/ five-server/ -name "*.[ch]" -or -name "*.java" -or -name "*.xml" | grep -v
04:33.05jastanumber of non-space characters in my source :)
04:33.24zhobbswhat's the thrown in there?
04:33.31jastazhobbs: I didn't write ;)
04:33.42zhobbshahaa....that's great
04:33.47zhobbsyou could have taken credit :)
04:33.51morrildloh goodness
04:33.52jastathat would be unfair :)
04:34.22jastathat, btw, was run after mvn clean, so there should be no autogenerated crud :)
04:34.40jasta15927 lines, but I [heart] whitespace.
04:35.03zhobbsyou exclude and aidl generate java files? :)
04:35.05jastamy project is absolutely huge, anyway.  i suspect by the time it releases to handsets it will be 3 times this since.
04:35.13jastazhobbs: my clean targets delete them, so yes.
04:35.46jastathis size*, i meant.
04:35.52morrildlhad been expecting a "Google App Engine + Android == Crazy Delicious" post by now
04:36.27jastai am going to start a new campaign to murder anyone using pseudomathematic gibberish.
04:36.33jastaglares at morrildl
04:37.01morrildlwow, I thought you just had it in for using pseudocode to mark up real life
04:37.17jastano, in fact, that is less annoying by contrast :)
04:37.20morrildl<avoid scope="code">jasta</avoid>
04:37.59jastathe this + that = whatever bugs me because the verb "to be" is fundamentally incompatible with "equals", and in fact differs from langauge to language.
04:38.06f00f-sounds good jasta :P
04:38.15f00f-i just discovered Google App Engine myself
04:38.18f00f-jaiku is moving to it first
04:39.14morrildlcool, I didn't know that
04:40.01morrildlAs a former GE-er, I do have to say that the GAE logo looks like a GE-90
04:40.21f00f-you're not talking about GE Aerospace engines are you?
04:40.57f00f-GE-90 is a commodity engine for widebody aircraft
04:40.58morrildlNo, that's Lockheed Martin now
04:41.22morrildlthe logo for Google App Engine looks like a GE-90 in nacelle with fins welded on
04:42.19f00f-i totally love the logo!
04:42.46jastathat's a very exciting project, actually
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04:47.39morrildljasta: what, the GE-90?
04:47.48jastauhh, no
04:47.52jastaGoogle App Engine
04:48.06morrildloh, right :)
04:52.57muthuwoah Google App Engine
04:53.10muthutotally missed it.. my day starts late anyways
04:54.09muthuwas looking at amazon for hosting my mobile search engine
04:54.17muthunow may be google app engine.. lets see
04:58.01muthupython, what??
04:58.09morrildlmuthu: It only launched less than an hour ago, so you aren't late :)
04:58.24romainguyhmmm python :)
04:58.39muthumorrildl: yeah techcrunch was breaking news yesterday
04:58.55morrildlmmmmmmmmmm, pyyyyyyyyython
04:59.09muthuwhen you support java?
04:59.24zhobbsdoh! python...
04:59.27romainguypeople complain that Android is in Java
04:59.35romainguyand now people will complain that GAE is in Python
04:59.40morrildlSorry sorry -- for Jasta's benefit:  <inflection origin="Home Simpson">mmmmmmmmmmmmm pyyyyyyyyython</inflection>
04:59.40zhobbsyou can't please everyone
04:59.44muthuok, when PHP?
04:59.45romainguypeople should start just learning stuff :))
04:59.59morrildlyes, sometimes I think that is our greatest contribution: we force developers to learn new stuff to use our crap ;)
05:00.18muthui was all for learning new languages
05:00.31muthubut lately i'm wise enough to stick with what i know already
05:01.39morrildlwhenever I start to get cranky about kids these days and their fancypants new toys, I know it's time to learn a new language
05:01.55morrildlnext up is Scala once I have some time :P
05:02.02romainguymorrildl: Guido must be happy about GAE :)
05:02.07morrildlI know
05:02.19jtoyscala on android would be awesome
05:02.25muthui'm going to wait until you support PHP
05:02.28romainguyjtoy: it works already
05:02.44muthuand Java on GAE
05:02.46morrildljtoy: yeah, we've been working with....... ugh, I can never remember his name
05:02.47jtoyright, but i wouldnt want to build my app for the contest in it quite yet
05:03.07romainguymorrildl: Martin Odersky?
05:03.14morrildlromainguy: yes
05:03.26morrildlI should just call him Mr. O, that's all I can ever remember
05:03.38jtoycool, i wonder if anyone will actually submit an app built wth scala, the binaries are huge
05:03.41romainguymorrildl: I jut remember the name from Dick's podcast :)
05:03.53morrildljtoy: we would have no way of knowing :)
05:14.49morrildlwell, bedtime
05:14.50morrildlnight all
05:19.10muthugood night morrildl is creating quite a stir
05:42.55muthudonomo: how so?
05:44.07donomomuthu: because its packed with awesomeness
05:44.42muthudonomo: :)
05:44.56muthunice name
05:45.45f00f-nothing special imho
05:45.45f00f-just a python-based hosting platform
05:45.45f00f-every high school kid runs one of these out of his basement
05:45.45f00f-with clustering and all that
05:45.46f00f-that's it
05:46.03donomoa document-style (not relation) data store
05:49.05f00f-nothing revolutionary about that
05:49.05f00f-it's more like being able to use google's distributed acrhitecture
05:49.06f00f-which i fancy not a lot of people do
05:49.06f00f-at least fly by the night .com operations
05:49.06f00f-not even small businesses
05:49.24f00f-but realistically, who has compute farms lying around? :)
05:49.29f00f-google, and a few others
05:49.51romainguyand the architecture has proven to be quite scalable :)
05:51.06f00f-yeah i love the KISS commodity (free) stuff concept
05:51.06f00f-"throw hardware/resources at the problem to make it go away"
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05:57.45muthuPredict your winners here:
05:57.57muthuhave some fun, will ya ;)
05:58.33muthujasta: you've been named!
05:59.28jastai like your prediction :)
05:59.39muthui know, you'll love it ;)
05:59.39f00f-45 to go muthu :)
05:59.49muthuhope others will fill in
06:00.05muthuf00f: go ahead and list yours
06:00.10muthuwill be interesting to watch
06:01.25f00f-you make it sound as if jasta will win, regardless of the app he submits :P
06:01.25f00f-you're only working on the media player right? :)
06:01.39muthuyeah its a biased list
06:02.04f00f-tbh, i only focus on mine, i haven't kept up much with others
06:02.28muthui had too much of free time, lol
06:03.09f00f-you know what's funny
06:03.09f00f-only a few of us in here talk
06:03.09f00f-lots of lurkers
06:03.09f00f-i wouldn't be surprised if more lurkers win than us active users
06:03.29muthulurkers are actually coding instead of talking
06:03.44muthuso yup, will not be surprising if they win
06:04.15muthui can confirm that i had spend more than 50% of time, chatting, tweeting etc., than coding
06:06.12f00f-i have relatively few commits in SVN but lots of code changes
06:06.48muthuyou don't commit atleast once a day?
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06:07.50muthusize should not matter, i guess
06:08.03muthui'll be very interested in the winners
06:08.13muthusee who wins, and how google is judging
06:09.00michaelnovakjri think commits are important
06:09.07michaelnovakjrit makes reverting changes easier
06:09.25f00f-no, i commit every few days
06:09.25f00f-i try to do every day
06:09.25f00f-but sometimes i have not finished
06:09.25f00f-and i have a tester
06:09.25f00f-so i dont want to give incomplete code
06:09.47muthumichael: agree commits are important
06:10.01michaelnovakjri commit when i have something working
06:10.03muthuf00f: you have a tester? wow!
06:10.17f00f-i can say i have 50 revisions in SVN
06:10.34michaelnovakjrhow long have you been working on it?
06:11.25f00f-50 diff version of the app :D
06:11.37f00f-no not me
06:11.38f00f-i code
06:12.01f00f-but i make it easy for others to test live SVN code
06:12.01muthui know you are not a tester, but you have a tester for your app?
06:12.20f00f-yeah, nothing official
06:12.28muthuf00f: is it open?
06:13.09f00f-just people that are part of the team, reviewing the app, and doing content
06:13.09f00f-reading this android-challenge forum is so exciting
06:13.09f00f-to find out what people are worried/concerned about
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06:13.21f00f-muthu: closed-source unfortunately
06:13.44f00f-you could say it's half of google maps with a twist
06:13.58muthuwhat's the twist?
06:14.19muthueveryone doing LBS.. that i know
06:15.42f00f-let's just say...
06:15.42f00f-we are using GTFS :)
06:16.04muthugive me a rough idea
06:16.41muthuok.. got it
06:17.05muthulooks like i need to list your name :))
06:17.26f00f-there i've said too much already
06:17.41muthulol, don't worry
06:17.51muthuyou've said nothing
06:18.15f00f-my app is more of a showcase of what we can do
06:18.21muthuoops, made 800dip instead of 80.. and my button is sooooo wide!
06:18.40muthui'm getting an idea
06:18.47muthuso you are taking the feeds, and mapping it
06:19.43f00f-as in, one example of LBS
06:19.43f00f-not just a google maps/navigator clone
06:19.43f00f-since i figured
06:19.43f00f-there is already a Maps application bundled with Android
06:19.44f00f-that does directions, etc.
06:19.46f00f-no need to duplicate
06:19.48f00f-i've also got some GTalk functionality, but i wonder if the judges will even have GTalk accounts to test with
06:19.50f00f-plus it makes everything sluggish
06:19.52f00f-eg. sharing your location with your contacts
06:20.10f00f-muthu: i'd love to elaborate once we are closer to next week :)
06:20.17muthuthe judges will not create GTalk accounts
06:20.31muthuf00f: yeah i would love to hear
06:21.07muthuor may be they will.. i remember dan explaining the judges can create gtalk accounts if they need to
06:21.39f00f-i know, i'm secretive :X
06:22.08f00f-well regardless, it's a small part of my app.. just sharing your location and seeing others' locations on the map
06:22.24muthuits like elimatta
06:22.28muthulocation based blogging
06:22.51muthuf00f: yes, LBS is a good place to be
06:23.06f00f-nothing special really
06:23.26f00f-muthu: yeah, but a LOT of players in this arena right now
06:23.55muthuelimatta, rummble, myloki, friendfinder, routefinder, taxifinder... ;)
06:24.17muthucellfinder, dogfinder.. wifefinder.. lol
06:24.24f00f-among the public ones :)
06:24.43muthuthere's a huge demand
06:25.01muthuwho ever fills in first, will be the lucky one
06:25.55f00f-well i think there can be different types of LBS apps
06:25.58f00f-some generic, some specialized
06:26.34muthuyes, most of them would be specialized
06:26.48muthubased on location, you want to do specific things
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06:28.33muthumorning davidw
06:29.44f00f-ok time to start coding again
06:31.17f00f-top of the mornin' to ya
06:31.59muthudavid how's your app humming?
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07:22.36davidwmuthu, ok
07:22.47davidwHecl works well enough that I'm actually doing a second app, for a client, with it
07:23.52muthuwow, cool.
07:24.17muthuwhat's your thought on python for GAE?
07:28.14jtoysucks that its only python
07:34.05SR71-Blackbirdi was wondering how you would save an image to database...
07:35.03SR71-BlackbirdI am trying to make a simple photo taking application, that takes pictures, shows in a gallery right in the bottom.. kinda confused
07:38.52muthujtoy: python only is a big constraint.. hope they become language neutral real soon.
07:39.23muthublackbird: look in the content provider docs
07:39.47jtoyit almost gives me an excuse to program in python again
07:41.37f00f-i am assuming the worst case scenario during juding
07:41.37f00f--- that my server is down
07:41.37f00f-so going to great pains to pre-load data
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07:43.58muthuf00f: preloading the data is the smart choice
07:44.47f00f-you think i should do it as a failover, or just use it as default?
07:45.18SR71-Blackbirdmuthu, i tried saving to the default MediaStore.Images.Media file, the problem is that it tries by default to save at /data/images/ which doesn't exist
07:45.38muthublackbird: haven't tried saving images myself
07:46.32SR71-Blackbirdmuthu, I hadn't done it in a while, forgot that I had made the folder in my old installation, wasted considerable time
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08:06.27jtoywhere are the docs that go over building a gui programatically?
08:06.48jtoyi cant find the official docs that talk about this, I only need this for one part of the app
08:11.21davidwpython's a nice language
08:11.28davidwbut I use ruby these days
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08:38.44Hai-Faiis it possible to "reverse" progressbars, like they went from right to left?
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09:07.11raidfivecan we use third party packages that use in android?
09:14.16jastaHai-Fai: yes, but due to ProgressBar having certain things being hardcoded it would take a bit of work.
09:16.00raidfiveso android supports the full java jdk/jre?
09:16.33jastano, but a very large portion of it.
09:16.53jastaAndroid uses Harmony, and its limitations are closedly related to it.
09:18.31raidfiveis there a list of supported packages? or do we just have to try it? :P
09:18.38jastayes, there is.
09:19.03jastasee Android's documentation; if you find documentation for the class you're looking for, Android supports it.
09:24.29raidfiveokay I wasn't sure if all supported packages were listed
09:25.05Hai-Faijasta: is color also hardcoded into progressbar? would be nice feature to change it..
09:25.32jastaHai-Fai: no.  the progress bar is made up of a stretching, tileable bitmaps.
09:25.37jastathe horizontal one anyway.
09:25.48jastayou could change it easily
09:27.19Hai-Faioh okay, just haven't found it, but thanks
09:28.21jastado you know where you're looking?
09:28.36jastait won't be readily apparent in the docs ;)
09:29.58Hai-Faiwell I've tried through methods, but haven't seen any "setColor" or whatever
09:30.57jastayou won't, either.
09:31.03jastasince as i said, they are bitmaps.
09:31.25jtoycan you override CursorAdaptor's  getView like you can di with ArrayAdaptor? the docs dont say so
09:31.36jastaHai-Fai: -- download the tarball
09:31.49jastalook in framework-res/res/drawable/progress*
09:32.14jastajtoy: Yes, though you should probably use SimpleCursorAdapter and a ViewBinder.
09:32.17davidwdamn am I tired
09:33.25jtoyok, I have not use ViewBinder before
09:34.23jastathen that is almost certainly what you are looking for
09:35.49jtoydo you guys know of any example code for ViewBinder, I cant find any
09:35.52Hai-Faihm okay, have to spend some time on that
09:35.56Hai-Faithank jasta
09:36.45jastajtoy: It's very simple.  Just read the API changes from M3 to M5 for a brief description
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09:42.06jtoyblah,  I guess im retarted, I'm still not sure how to use it
09:44.27Hai-Faihm about those bitmaps, I'm not sure, but it's possible to use android's xy thing to change color or whatever? maybe with paint?
09:45.02jastayour heads in the wrong area; the only way you're gonna get it to work is with a bitmap.
09:45.21jastaI'm telling you: the progressbar is hardcoded to use a layer list drawable.  anything else will require you re-invent everything :)
09:45.43jastathe layout files i pointed you to will help you replace those bitmaps
09:45.49Hai-Faiso I have to draw with "paint program xy [photoshop]" a new bitmap?
09:46.02Hai-FaiI think I'm a retard also :D
09:46.05jastaif you want
09:46.20Hai-Faiso there's another way?
09:46.28jastai'm sorry, i'm tired.
09:46.33Hai-Faino problem
09:46.43jastajust trust me; you don't want to mess with this unless you really know what you're doing.
09:47.17jastai have discovered all this by reverse engineering the layout XML files and studying them, and also decompiling ProgressBar.class itself.
09:47.30jastaunless you want to go through that much trouble, i suggest you just drop it :)
09:48.01jastathat said, i do understand how it works now, and would be capable of replacing its visuals.
09:48.59muthuhai-fai: if you need to replace the bar image, create a drawable
09:49.15muthuand then follow the progress bar example that jasta had shown you
09:49.23jastano, not just a drawable; use a layer list background with bitmaps only.  if you don't, you will be surprised.
09:49.53muthuok, yes use a layer list background with bitmaps only!! :)
09:49.56Hai-Faiwell have to focus on that later, thanks to pointing me to right direction
09:50.12jastatrust me; it is hardcoded to work well only with a layer list background with bitmaps.
09:50.13Hai-Faig2g now, bye
09:50.29jastaanything else will require you entirely re-implement the way it draws.
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09:50.59muthuyou can override the draw() if you want
09:51.26jastayeah, but that is kind of what i meant by reimplemting it yourself :)
09:51.39jastayou could use a level list drawable as well, but it would be painful.
09:52.12muthuyeah i'm just going with the defaults wherever possible
09:52.23muthuno point in tinkering with a changing sdk
09:53.11jastayou know, the more i learn about androids UI toolkit, the more i am amazed.  it's more sophisticated than most toolkits i've encountered even for the desktop.
09:53.34jastai started looking at designing my own progress bar visuals until i realized i could do something even cooler with less work
09:54.10muthui like the way you customize with xml
09:54.19muthuif only its open and documented..
09:54.21jastai basically made a ProgressTextView, that paints the text in a TextView like it was transparent through to a progress bar
09:54.36jastamuthu: well, i did my part to make it more open :P
09:54.47muthujasta that helped :)
09:55.05jtoyhuh, jasta could you show me a small sample?
09:55.29jastajtoy: of what?
09:56.51jastai'll spoon feed you :)
09:57.36jastaSimpleCursorAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(..., new String[] { "title" }, new int[] { });
09:57.47jastaadpater.setViewBinder(new SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder() {
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09:59.50muthuMay 6.. woah
10:00.04jastataht is a practical example demonstrating both why and how to use a viewbinder
10:00.10jastamuthu: i'm skeptical...
10:00.19muthuit will happen
10:00.28muthuGoogle is pushing hard
10:00.33muthuthey have a lot to prove
10:00.55jastaright, but this is just a rumor
10:01.23jastaalthough, do note that the date May 6th is significant because it is 1 day after the ADC specifies qualifying prize winners.
10:01.41muthuits happening.. i'm so excited
10:02.16muthui would love to see a device before june
10:02.36jastai really don't think you're gonna see a commercially available device so soon.  that would not make any sense.
10:02.51jastathe rumor is just about the unveiling of details about the device that will eventually hit
10:02.56muthunot commerical, but a developers device at the least
10:03.05jastaperhaps we will see that, y es.
10:03.14muthuphase 2 requires a device
10:03.26jastai actually suspect that Google is or has considered offering all of the winners a prototype handset
10:03.38jastathat just makes sense, really
10:03.41muthuyeah, why not
10:03.44muthuthey will for sure
10:03.52jastadon't get your hopes up :)
10:04.16muthuyou are the insider, so i'll blindly believe you :-D
10:04.27jastai am?
10:04.32muthu(jasta, secretly works for google)
10:04.58jastaif i worked for Google, i wouldn't be pouring all my time into a contest i was ineligible to win :)
10:05.15muthuthat's the trick you are playing
10:05.20muthuso we can't find out
10:10.34jastayay, got my streaming hack working.
10:12.56mike1oundercover google agent
10:14.01jastahehe, i wanted to make sure the judges knew why my app stutters twice every time you play a song:
10:14.05jastaD/PlaylistService(  843): Engaging streaming hack (THIS IS NECESSARY DUE TO ANDROID BUGS!)
10:15.05jtoyjasta: one question about your code, why do you create a second SimpleCuroAdapter  shouldnt you bind to the one you already created?
10:15.17jastajtoy: what?
10:15.27jastawhen did i create a second cursor adapter?
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10:16.03jtoySimpleCursorAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(..., new String[] { "title" }, new int[] { });
10:16.12jtoyadpater.setViewBinder(new SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder() {
10:16.18jtoyoh I see, duh, sorry
10:16.24jtoysorry,i've been coding all day
10:16.24jastayes, i see that i'm creating 1.
10:17.04jtoyyes, I see, thank you for spoon feeding :)
10:17.30jastayou only get one :)
10:20.02jastai'm practically going to have to throw this entire PlaylistService out once they fix all these MediaPlayer issues
10:20.10jastait's 600 lines and i bet 300 of that is wokring around bugs
10:24.54muthupainful indeed
10:27.30davidwjasta, I would hope that handsets would go to more than winners as a sort of consolation prize, at some point in the future
10:27.49davidwI doubt that anyone will get one before actual phones ship though
10:28.02jastadavidw: honestly, i doubt that as well
10:28.10jastajust wouldn't be good for publicity
11:01.33davidwcan't set progress bar style programmatically
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12:00.04jtoyanyone here ever use iterm and screen?
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13:12.29acsiais it possible to have a type of onClick on a linear layout? would you use onTouchEvent?
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13:15.41acsiaI guess setOnClickListener... my bad
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13:49.50invaini know new fact about andoird architecutre..
13:51.09benleyit's made of cheese?
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13:54.04davidwbenley, bamboo, actually
13:54.08muthuinvain what's it?
13:58.06acsiaI have a colleague whom went on site at a customer for load testing purposes and had to sign an assumption that their software did not have any bugs...
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14:07.30B0jangleswhy would they do that?
14:07.59michaelnovakjri'd cut my finger off before doing that
14:09.01B0janglesthat's hardcore
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14:39.30benleywow, it's an old-fashioned irc spamming
14:39.35muthuha come on..
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14:41.10muthuguess 8 had a point to prove
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14:53.29acsiathat he is german?
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17:00.52jastamorning ;)
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17:20.26muthu# testing..
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17:26.55bilboed_Hi all. Anyone knows which libc is used on android ? it's missing quite a few symbols compared to glibc, like stdin/stderr/stdout/signal/...
17:30.12davidwbilboed, their own hacked thing
17:31.02bilboedok, my question should have been "which libc the one in android is based on"
17:32.40davidwmaybe a *bsd one/
17:33.02davidwyeah, I think so
17:33.27bilboedlooks so indeed
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17:43.15michaelnovakjrany google dudes know?
17:44.29bilboeddefinitely *bsd
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17:44.43bilboedstderr is defined as such in the includes : #define stderr        (&__sF[2])
17:44.58michaelnovakjrdo you know exactly which one?
17:44.59bilboedand the shipped has the __sF symbol
17:45.05bilboedno, that's the tricky part :)
17:45.20michaelnovakjri'd be curious to know
17:45.23bilboedbut there's many other symbols one can look for
17:48.25bilboedit's openbsd
17:48.44bilboedin freebsd stderr is defined as such : #definestderr__stderrp
17:50.49bilboedhmm...could be netbsd though
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17:52.05bilboedyeah, could be netbsd
17:52.07michaelnovakjrmorrildl do you know that answer?
17:52.31bilboedcould also be ulibc :)
17:52.37morrildlyes it's BSD
17:52.40morrildlit's not ulibc
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17:53.29morrildlI'm told it's a bit of a hybrid of OpenBSD and FreeBSD
17:53.34morrildl...and then extensively modified
17:54.10morrildlalthough not even the maintainers can actually remember where it originally came from :)
17:54.11michaelnovakjrwill that be released with android as source?
17:54.25morrildlI think they were looking around to see what there was and picked up bits and pieces
17:54.46morrildlprobably under New BSD rather than Apache 2.0 though, b/c it seems lame to re-license it
17:54.54morrildlbut that final decision hasn't been made yet
17:55.15zhobbsmorrildl: any idea if any of the source for the official framework will remain closed? (I understand OEMs can modify and keep closed)
17:55.22michaelnovakjri am dying to know what install policies will be
17:55.34michaelnovakjrif you can get it direct from google to work on your phone
17:55.42morrildloh goodness
17:55.53morrildlnobody believes me :)
17:56.08michaelnovakjri would hate to have to get a new phone
17:56.10morrildlzhobbs: no source above the kernel layer will be kept closed
17:56.21zhobbsmorrildl: great
17:56.24morrildlat the kernel layer, there are a couple corner cases where we can't open source stuff
17:56.33morrildllike the firmware for teh radio baseband, that kind of thing
17:56.40morrildldrivers I think we hope to have open source
17:56.47morrildlbut in some cases along the 802.11 lines
17:56.59morrildle.g. how Intel has open source drivers, but the firmware is closed
17:57.20morrildlmichaelnovakjr: that's a good question
17:57.37morrildlthe source will be available, and we intend that it be buildable by hobbyists
17:57.40michaelnovakjri have an htc touch and really like it, and would like to run it on that
17:57.48morrildlso you will be able to build a custom system image
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17:58.05michaelnovakjri mean if the phone can run windows mobile, its gotta be able to run anything ;)
17:58.08morrildlwhether you will be able to get all the drivers you need, we hope so, but there might be a few cases where you can't
17:58.23morrildlthe big problem is being able to physically reflash the device
17:58.26morrildlHTC is really good about that
17:58.43michaelnovakjrthen OEM's should allow you to upgrade your device
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17:58.50morrildlone possible issue is the bootloader stuff
17:59.02michaelnovakjrotherwise if you ask me it defeats the purpose of Open Handset Alliance
17:59.04morrildlthe bootloader on a device has to be friendly with the OS, in some ways
17:59.06zhobbslots of these should work right:
18:03.05michaelnovakjri am curious to see how android does with battery compared to win mobile.... my phone's battery life is terrible
18:03.49zhobbswe'll see....probably more up to the developers for the apps you use than android itself
18:04.18michaelnovakjrbut when running zero apps the battery still sucks :)
18:04.38zhobbslots of apps might have the mindset since I always have internet,gps, etc why not always use it
18:04.39michaelnovakjrjust messaging and whatever runs by default
18:04.58michaelnovakjrand use it often :)
18:06.51michaelnovakjri think open source in the cellphone industry would be huge
18:07.12michaelnovakjrproviders still get money from usage charges.... and they get contributions from the community
18:07.36michaelnovakjrand users get the satisfaction of getting phone software that works for them :)
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18:30.37acsiawhat type of shell is used by android?
18:30.41acsiadoes anybody know?
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18:39.48benleyyou mean the default unix shell in the os image?
18:40.00benleyyou can find out by doing 'adb shell' with the emulator running
18:43.42acsiayes but what type of shell
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18:43.57acsiaI keep getting the weird characters with left, right etc,,, keys
18:45.22benleyrun ps and see what it says
18:45.34benleyit's more likely termcap problems than anything to do with the shell
18:46.56acsiayes most probably
18:47.01acsiaon windows it is fine
18:47.18acsianot sure how to change that
18:58.23muthuAndroid Dream set to unveil on May 6? -
18:59.43michaelnovakjryou developers on the IRC are famous!
19:01.18zhobbsI never made the connection with May 5th winners announced and May 6 mysterious HTC press conference
19:02.07muthuthe credit goes to jasta
19:02.21muthuhe told me that today morning
19:02.25chomchomevening all
19:02.28michaelnovakjrjasta get ready for 60 minutes....
19:02.53muthuthats when i started joking about jasta being the google undercover agent :)
19:03.50muthubut the dates are all aligned well now
19:04.09muthuand a real device is a MUST for phase 2
19:04.26chomchomI saw the thread making guesses that the winners will be all the android household names
19:04.43chomchomI would like that to be true
19:04.47muthuoh yeah, that's for fun
19:04.53zhobbsyeah, I don't know if that'll be the case though
19:05.01michaelnovakjrwell, wait... those of us in the IRC are now going to be the cool dudes
19:05.02chomchomIt would be a nice testament to hard work but we'll see
19:05.19zhobbshopefully #android has a good showing
19:05.30muthuhope so
19:05.39michaelnovakjrseems like a good possibility
19:06.20chomchomYeah, there must be loads of hardcore developers out there who have been slogging away in the darkness, knowing that the other android developers were out there, somewhere
19:06.22muthui'm 100% sure of 1 winner out of the 5 i predicted
19:06.54muthuthe chance of winning is pretty high
19:06.59zhobbsmuthu: who?
19:07.03davidwwhich ones did you predict?
19:07.08michaelnovakjri hope they consider a public service weather app is something special :)
19:07.13chomchomMe for one, I sure hope that plusminus gets a look in
19:07.29muthuthe usual suspects
19:07.34davidwmichaelnovakjr, maybe if it lets you control the weather
19:07.52michaelnovakjrnot control.... but prepare :)
19:07.58muthuthat would be a killer app ;)
19:08.01jerkface03you think they'll showcase any of the winning apps? or will they just tell the winners that they won and keep it on the downlow?
19:08.13muthushowcase, definitely
19:08.23muthuneeds to make noise
19:08.24zhobbsjerkface03: I was wondering...are they alowed to distribute the apks of the winners
19:08.33jerkface03i would assume that they'd need to be permission first?
19:08.39jerkface03well, apks is one thing
19:08.41michaelnovakjrwhats it say in the ADC paperwork?
19:08.42chomchomits at their discretion surely
19:08.43jerkface03descriptions and screenshots are another
19:09.16jerkface03i just want to see what everyone was working on
19:09.39chomchomYeah, I can't wait to see what everyone is working
19:09.46muthuthe winners will definitely come forward
19:10.18zhobbsI think they'll demo the apps on the prototype if they announce a phone May 6
19:10.19muthubecause you get tons of marketing, and the investors
19:10.54muthuthe demo is on
19:11.06michaelnovakjri am going to have to keep busy after next week to keep the suspense and excitement from getting to me ;)
19:12.03muthuactually i'm more psyched about the search engine that we're building
19:12.10chomchomI've really enjoyed it for one, it was a great introduction to the android platform. I hope that more software platforms try the same thing.
19:12.27muthuyeah, android brought a lot of excitement
19:12.34michaelnovakjrchomchom, i agree
19:12.38muthuGoogle, thank you.
19:12.42davidwI like this a lot more than the KP 'venture fund' for iPhone apps
19:12.53chomchomI don't think I would l have spent just as much time on it otherwise.
19:12.55davidwI have a shot at building an app on my own...
19:13.01muthudid anyone get a reply for the iFund??
19:13.17michaelnovakjrhaven't even attempted to look at it
19:13.19davidwmuthu, yeah, iThinkWellPass
19:13.33davidwno, kidding, not interested in it at all
19:13.36michaelnovakjronce they fix that background process crap maybe i'll look at it
19:13.36chomchomI certainly wouldn't have as much fodder to defend it taking up time away from my girlfriend!
19:13.39muthuthey said, they reply in 2 weeks
19:14.03chomchomI sent a few mails to enquire about the ifund
19:14.06muthui was put off when i heard you need apple, WTH?
19:14.18muthuchom any replies?
19:14.39chomchomAs I'm interested in making a C sharp app anyway so I'm thinking about a port
19:14.50michaelnovakjrc sharp is pretty cool
19:14.51chomchomyeah they sent a pdf with a basic summary
19:14.59B0janglesI like C#
19:15.12B0janglesI'm working on a 2D puzzle game in XNA (in my spare time)(
19:15.19chomchomThe ifund is a lot more traditional strategy
19:15.35chomchomwhere the google competition is a competition
19:15.38muthui did a 3 line business plan, and did not get a reply
19:15.50chomchomthe ifund is a bunch of investors getting together to take stakes in a claim
19:15.58jerkface03muthu: 1. Make game    2. ??????     3. Profit!
19:16.04B0janglesYeah, with the iFund, you're giving up at least a portion of your proifits
19:16.05muthuha ha
19:16.12B0janglesand ownership
19:16.26muthutoo many questions
19:16.29chomchomB0jangles: not that that is a bad thing
19:16.37B0jangleschomchom: not at all
19:16.40davidwdid not have a good experience with KP at Linuxcare
19:16.45B0janglesjust different
19:16.56davidwthey installed some really shitty management (hi Fernand)
19:17.10chomchomI am just aware there would be a more traditional developement and business plan involved
19:17.56B0janglesyes, it's basically the same as any business where you're trying to get people to invest
19:18.04B0janglesit's just a bunch of people have been kind of aggrigated
19:18.51muthuhmm.. now i need to learn python
19:18.51chomchomSmart though, just to grab the headlines, topping googles figure but not actually making any added investment
19:19.07davidwmuthu, I'll wait till they work out the bugs and add Ruby
19:19.12davidwalthough Python's pretty good
19:19.20muthume too.. not interested in GAE for now
19:19.29chomchomto the world who will pay attention for 2mins it will detract away from the android appeal and add to the iphone majesty
19:19.33muthui'll wait atleast for PHP if not java
19:19.56muthuchom agree, good marketing scam
19:20.07f00f-GAE is a security nightmare waiting to happen imho
19:20.13davidwyeah, it's "up to 543543 zillion dollars"
19:20.17davidwwhich might be $10
19:20.39muthuf00f how?
19:21.00f00f-it just doesn't feel right
19:21.20f00f-so many unknown variables
19:21.22f00f-regarding the backend
19:21.37f00f-but then again, i doubt many will use it for high-security apps anyway
19:22.10f00f-it's another example of "googlify your business/life/etc."
19:22.14f00f-host * on their platform
19:22.18f00f-which is good to a certain extent imho
19:22.32muthuyeah, if only we can use it
19:23.26muthuguess for now i'll use amazon
19:23.52f00f-GQL is a SQL-like language for retrieving data entities from the App Engine scalable datastore.
19:24.19f00f-what would be really cool is if google would release their platform
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19:24.24f00f-instead of offering it as a service
19:24.41f00f-but i guess that's what makes them google :)
19:25.34muthui really don't understand the reasoning behind python
19:25.55romainguy_Python is as good of as language as Java, PHP, Ruby or whatever
19:26.00muthuits not the merits i'm talking about romain
19:26.02romainguy_it also happens to be widely used at Google :)
19:26.18romainguy_And it's also the *first* language to be supported on GAE
19:26.20romainguy_not *the*
19:26.30muthutrue, i can understand
19:27.32muthui would have expected PHP, or Java or even Perl
19:27.33davidwPerl?! yeah right
19:27.33muthujust for the adoption sake
19:27.33muthuhaha perl
19:27.33f00f-<3 perl
19:27.33davidwthey employ python widely internally, and... employ Guido too
19:27.41f00f-i do production-quality hacks in perl, php for everything web
19:27.48muthuthat's a reasoning which concerns me a bit
19:27.53davidwJava or python were the only candidates, from everything I know about Google
19:28.05romainguy_it's just a language
19:28.08romainguy_and pretty easy to learn with that
19:28.09davidwmuthu, they'll support other languages
19:28.10michaelnovakjri am just not a scripting language fan when you throw html in the pages
19:28.18f00f-ideally you just put in a Parrot VM or equivalent
19:28.21michaelnovakjri think it should all be separate
19:28.26f00f-and allow folks to give their binaries
19:28.38f00f-a la Mono or .NET
19:28.46davidwf00f-, yes, but that's science fiction
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19:29.11michaelnovakjri like symfony for web-based php work
19:29.31f00f-heh, so much framework love here
19:29.37michaelnovakjrits very similar to rails
19:29.49B0janglesI've never been much of a "framework" guy
19:29.49michaelnovakjrits keeps things nice and neat
19:29.55michaelnovakjri love neat code
19:30.13B0janglesone can write perfectly neat code without a framework
19:30.21muthui feel like the rails noise have come down a bit
19:30.21f00f-B0jangles: same here
19:30.25davidwlikes rails a lot. They got a lot of stuff right
19:30.35f00f-i have my own XML/XSL system that's been stable since 2002
19:30.37f00f-and i reuse it a lot
19:31.03f00f-really the most challenging part is getting the damn XSL to look nice :)
19:31.17michaelnovakjrB0jangles that is true but when you throw HTML into the mix its a pain
19:31.20f00f-i don't have much patience/interest in web layouts
19:31.27michaelnovakjrsame here
19:31.39michaelnovakjri'd rather write software :)
19:31.40zhobbsme either
19:31.44f00f-but i just love defining my own data in XML
19:31.52f00f-and let the web folks plug that stuff into the stylesheet
19:32.16muthuhi loic
19:32.34davidwwishes there were a web graphics dude working on my current efforts:-/
19:33.00f00f-we bought some stock photos
19:33.15f00f-and used inkscape/gimp to cut stuff out and resize
19:33.22muthume too, i need a designer
19:33.29muthudesigners are hard to find
19:33.58chomchomNo, I don't think they are, just peruse some forums and post some threads
19:34.35chomchomIt will be easy enough to get someone once you have an app
19:35.30muthuyeah chom
19:35.44muthui already have one through the forums
19:35.50muthugood idea
19:47.32B0janglesHad to step away for a minute...but I'm curious why anybody would be under the impression that a framework lets you write neater code?
19:47.56B0janglesI mean, the framework is written in code
19:48.01B0janglesIt's not like it's magic or something
19:48.05chomchomBecause frameworks by their definition reduce redundancy
19:48.19B0janglesso do good coding practices
19:48.34chomchomThey do as well
19:49.26dpinoI think frameworks are a good idea when they help to be more productive
19:49.32davidwB0jangles, in some cases, the dudes writing the framework are better than the random dudes using it
19:49.43B0janglesI suppose
19:49.47chomchomUsing a framework forces a user to build in a certain way from the outset. Some do not approach software with defined patterns and to them it just seems better.
19:50.32B0janglestoo constraining...
19:50.58f00f-good frameworks follow great patterns
19:51.01f00f-i see few of such
19:51.11chomchomI don't think so, like you said it's not magic
19:51.21chomchomThey don't stop you from programming around them
19:51.34michaelnovakjrthey help you if you know how to use them
19:51.51michaelnovakjrit saves you time from having to write boilerplate code
19:52.52B0janglesI can see where there are benefits...
19:52.54dpinothe point is when they do not provide a solution for something, then you are constraint within the framework
19:53.00dpinoand thats the worse
19:53.06B0janglesI just don't see where it would help to make my code neater
19:53.22f00f-it depends really if you have a lot of homegrown code already
19:53.29f00f-if you do, sometimes it's just best to DIY
19:53.32B0janglesWhat's the difference if I write a class or somebody else writes the class
19:53.39B0janglesyeah, time savings is a definite benefit
19:53.43B0janglescan't argue wtih that
19:53.47davidwB0jangles, ever tried rails?
19:53.51f00f-the only thing boilerplate i have is database abstraction and session management
19:53.53davidwit really does get a lot of things right
19:53.58f00f-that's all i'd want from a framework tbh
19:53.58davidwdjango probably qualifies as well
19:54.07michaelnovakjrsession management classes are very helpful in saving time
19:54.26B0janglesdavidw: I looked at it a bit, but then I thought to myself, "I can already do all of this in PHP, ColdFusion, and Perl...why would I want to learn yet another language"
19:54.32B0janglesoh, Java too
19:54.39michaelnovakjrew jsp
19:54.46B0janglesnever said I liked JSP
19:54.49B0janglesbut it exists
19:54.55chomchomI like rails, it's done a lot for spreading a method of programming.
19:55.06davidwstuff like is handy, IMO
19:55.06f00f-lots of misconceptions
19:55.13f00f-JSP and ASP are not now what PHP used to be
19:55.18f00f-mixed HTML and code shit
19:55.28f00f-you can still do it, but lots of templating systems involved
19:55.33f00f-so no intermixing of markup and code
19:55.51michaelnovakjrmarkup and code should never be mixed
19:55.56michaelnovakjrthat should be a mortal sin
19:56.02B0janglesmichaelnovakjr: that's what I hate about ColdFusion
19:56.03michaelnovakjrexcommunication for that crap
19:56.13michaelnovakjrthat is what i hate
19:56.24michaelnovakjrmarkup should be entirely separate from logic
19:56.43michaelnovakjrthat way designers work with markup and programmers work with logic
19:56.57michaelnovakjrand everyone is happy in the utopia of web development :)
19:57.05B0janglesWell, I don't know many designers that write good HTML
19:57.17zhobbsASP.NET 2.0 is actually pretty nice for templating/logic layout separation (don't get confused, 1 sucks)
19:57.19michaelnovakjrhtml specific coders
19:57.22B0janglesMostly, I prefer to get Illustrator or Photoshop files
19:57.33B0janglesUgh, ASP...
19:57.38michaelnovakjrugh iis
19:58.01B0janglesI used ASP once about 7 or 8 years ago
19:58.09zhobbshas been forced to use it many times
19:58.19B0janglesMost of the examples and documentation I could find use VBScript
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19:59.01zhobbsNo, you can use C#
19:59.10B0janglesI know you can use C#
19:59.28B0janglesBut when you're working on a project, and you have tight deadlines, and all of the documentation (at that time) uses VBScript... go with VBScript
19:59.57B0janglesAnd you hate it ;-)
20:00.38zhobbsC# is much better and docs are complete
20:00.44B0janglesHopefully they've embraced C# a bit more since I last worked with ASP
20:00.47B0janglesIt sounds like they have
20:01.58zhobbsI wouldn't want to run a windows server wouldn't ever use any of that crap unless I was forced to
20:02.29B0janglesI thought you could run some version of ASP on Apache?
20:02.31michaelnovakjri am not a fan of windows server
20:13.53f00f-yeah you can
20:13.57f00f-but let's not go there
20:14.02f00f-i've personally done it
20:14.04f00f-mod_asp or something
20:14.07f00f-way back in the day
20:15.45B0janglesI've yet to see anything that I think is any better than PHP.
20:16.02michaelnovakjras far as scripting... i agree
20:16.36B0janglesWell, yeah, not comparing it to C++ or anything
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20:23.58muthuPHP rocks
20:24.05muthuand i bid goodnight
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21:02.35jastayou people are idiots.  PHP is a pathetic mess.
21:04.01jastaIt seemed to have just congealed together, avoiding entirely the need for a thoughtful design.
21:06.53jerkface03ok. don't use it then
21:10.26f00f-sup jerkface03, i didn't know you were in #j2me too!
21:10.31f00f-what app are you working on for AD?C
21:11.01jerkface03i submitted it 2 days ago
21:11.08f00f-for gaming?
21:11.15f00f-ah that is you then
21:11.19f00f-you think it'll win?
21:11.38jerkface03?? that is me then?
21:11.51jerkface03probably not, it lacks alot of samples
21:11.58jerkface03there's one main demo and thats it
21:12.05f00f-i'd improve it
21:12.15f00f-judges need samples
21:12.36jerkface03they'll have to make due with what's there, i got too much shit coming up
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21:27.23acsiais selectionArgs working on sql queries?
21:27.27acsiaI am a bit confused
21:27.45acsiaYou may include ?s in selection, which will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs, in order that they appear in the selection. The values will be bound as Strings.
21:27.57acsiahow does that work?
21:29.16jastaby escaping the args and then by substitution into the selection.
21:29.20jastait's just WHERE foo=bar magic.
21:29.57acsiaI have a raw query, so would I use select * from mytable where _id='?s'
21:30.01acsiais this correct?
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21:30.36acsiawithout the quote it does not work btw and with I am not sure
21:30.57chomchomoh thats quite a good way to do it actually.
21:31.34chomchomI've been using functions which serve the query appended with the parameters, but thats neater
21:32.03jastachomchom: this is pretty common in DB frameworks that are not braindead.
21:32.14jastasince it trivially prevents injection attacks
21:32.17acsiaI have the same query in my shell and it works, if I use in my code, it returns an empty cursor
21:32.26jastaperl's DBI, for example, does this.
21:32.38jastaacsia: check adb logcat.  it will show you the query that failed and it will be obvious to you why it failed
21:32.42jastaor it should be.  just pay attention :)(
21:32.44jastaerm :)
21:33.00chomchomThats a good point actually, I haven't been cleaning strings
21:33.17acsiawell it does not fail, it returns an empty cursor
21:33.29acsiaAFAIK it does not print all queries
21:33.34chomchomused to dbhelpers doing it for me :/
21:34.51chomchomBet you got a good confidence boost injection today jasta with the thread about predictions! Certainly a nice complement
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21:36.12lenni_-_hi, how do i pass  a variable from one view to the next?
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21:37.18jastachomchom: Yes, actually I have been feeling very good about my submission this past week.
21:37.20chomchomlenni_-_: it's generally not a good idea to keep too much logic in a view
21:37.26jastaI think I will have a strong showing for the judges.
21:37.35chomchomYou should have a controller do the work for you as an intermedite
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21:37.49jastaHello Jason.  What brings you here? :)
21:38.14chomchompass the controller to the view and then call it to do something from within the vie on onclick
21:38.32lenni_-_how do i pass something to a view? via an intent?
21:38.47chomchomAn intent is passed between activities
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21:39.00chomchoma view is a gui concept
21:39.14jasta...and Romain.  I think they just got out of a meeting or something ;)
21:39.22chomchomso if you want to pass it between activities you putExtras in an intent
21:39.42chomchomand then getExtras on the other side of the activity
21:40.55jastalenni_-_: what he's saying is that you should organize your logic such that you interact with a controller, which then determines what to do with UI components.  this is a general design pattern, not anything particular to Android.
21:41.00davidw"sorry guys, we cancelled android, better luck next time"
21:41.36lenni_-_i start my intent by myIntent = new Intent(HelloAndroid.this, ResultList.class)
21:41.57lenni_-_can i just pass another argument to myIntent.
21:43.12chomchomBundle bundle = new Bundle(GO);
21:43.12chomchombundle.putInt("key", value);
21:50.54acsiajasta: have you managed to use selectionArgs? I have the raw query with selectionArgs null and it works, as soon as i use id='?s', it fails with bailing out of select
21:51.11jastayes, i ahve used it
21:51.30acsiaon an int?
21:51.32jasta"id=?", new String[] { "1" };
21:53.10acsiajasta: arf, my bad, I misinterpreted the plurial
21:53.20acsiaI used ?s instead of ?
21:53.55jastadon't use quotes either.
21:54.13jastafoo=? is what you want.  the placeholder code will determine if quotes are necessary.
21:54.26acsiano I have it now, with quote the query did not fail because sqlite took it as a string
22:04.57chomchomGuys I have a query about the emulator. Is there a way I can easily package up location data to add it to the emulator without asking people to use the adb console? Because I have some stubbed out location cases that I would like to provide instead of the default gps mock location provider. Is there any way to do that?
22:11.38acsiaI would be interested to know that actually
22:11.50acsiabut I guess an adb push is not that hard...
22:11.59davidwI'm faking it
22:12.11chomchomYou mean hardcoding it?
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22:15.38davidwfor certain kinds of apps, you have to invest a lot of effort in mocking things up so they look nice
22:20.04chomchomGot a white board today, it's funny how cool I think having a white board to work with is, and how uncool all my friends think it is :)
22:21.57jastait's uncool
22:22.35chomchomIt's way cool man.
22:23.29acsiawhat kind of white board?
22:23.34Bonkersmy friend stole a full-sized black board and put it in his dorm room, he even built a custom blackboard stand
22:23.35Bonkersit was awesome
22:23.38acsiathe one with paper
22:23.38davidwthe more you smell the pens, the cooler it gets
22:24.08acsiathe one erasable? or behold the wii one?
22:24.30chomchomHa yeah totally
22:24.40chomchomI'm totally going to do the wii sensor thing
22:25.40acsiaI played around with it at one point
22:25.42acsiait s very cool
22:25.45chomchomMucho respect to that guy for recognizing that VR like potential.
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23:09.36jastasigh, i don't think i score very high on "effective use of the android platform" from the user perspective, though i do make extensive use of the IPC and service architecture :\
23:10.46michaelnovakjreffective use is not the same as over use
23:11.16jastathat's true :)
23:11.42jastai would say i have made effective use of the platform, but only from the perspective of my software design
23:12.31michaelnovakjrwhich should be good enough, think of it this way... why would you implement stuff that doesn't enhance your app
23:12.50michaelnovakjreffective use implies good design and usage of resources available to you
23:12.58michaelnovakjror atleast that is what it should mean
23:13.41jastaright but i dont know how they'll design that.
23:13.44jastaerr, decide that*
23:17.38chomchomHmm, don't know how I fair from a platform perspective. But I hope that the platform will give people access to useful applications who before may not necessarily use a computer too often. I think I fall in that category.
23:20.13morrildlIt's enough
23:20.21morrildleach axis is just an axis of measurement
23:20.25morrildlyou don't have to excel at them all
23:20.47morrildlThe point is just to make sure we are transparent in the things we are looking for, it doesn't mean that we're looking for them all to be embodied in a single app
23:23.16chomchomI wonder if google will have more code days after the hand in. That would be cool. It would be nice to go to one now with a lot more experience. Never got the opportunity before.
23:23.35michaelnovakjri agree chomchom
23:24.38chomchomIt would give us a chance to mingle/drink at pub with the bloggers as well.
23:25.21michaelnovakjrits a good idea
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23:32.17morrildlchomchom: after the Challenge ends, the next big thing is Google I/O at the end of May
23:32.33morrildlI cannot WAIT until freakin' handsets launch
23:32.44chomchomyeah that will be a big hype
23:33.08morrildlbecause then we will finally get to do our job of talking to developers and stuff instead of being the official random jobbers :)
23:34.11chomchomheh, yes it must be quite frustrating. Hold it back morrildl, we're nearly there. Then you can run outside and shout to the skies.
23:34.15acsiaGoogle I/O sounds cool
23:34.25morrildlchomchom: :)
23:34.52acsiaI wish I could go
23:35.00morrildlafter the Challenge dust settles we are immediately going to turn our attention to working on the Google I/O content
23:36.00chomchomshame it's in blinkin san fran blinkin cisco
23:37.10acsiait is a shame indeed... would cost a bit much on my savings... and not really sure how to announce it to my manager
23:37.55acsiahum,,, I ve been very bored recently so I took up the google android challenge and would like to go to SF for the I/O conference...
23:38.31acsiaif I win anything, I will definitely quit my job
23:38.44acsiaand if I don t probably as well :)
23:38.50chomchomdearie me acsia thats a sweeping statement
23:39.25chomchomWell hopefully it's given you some new (to be) much saught after skills
23:39.44acsiaI am pretty sure it has
23:39.58acsiaI was at the london android meetup and got some contacts
23:40.10chomchomare you in the UK acsia?
23:40.25chomchomI'm in GLasgow
23:40.55acsianice, so you 'work' on android when the night falls I take it
23:41.25chomchomI really wanted there to be something like an after submission get together but suprisingly enough no one has said anything
23:41.35chomchomthe android meeting is on the monday
23:41.48acsiain Glasgow?
23:41.50chomchomWhich is not ideal when you are in scotland
23:41.55acsiaa ok
23:41.55chomchomno, in london
23:42.07acsiayes indeed I ll probably go to the next on
23:42.42acsiathere were not that many people last time which was a shame
23:42.50acsiado you know truphone?
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23:43.27chomchomWas he there sweet
23:43.29acsiathey were at the meeting
23:43.40acsiaand the guy had like 50 different phones
23:43.51acsiaand he saw the android prototype as well
23:44.27acsiaI am quite impressed by the number of companies that are moving towards android
23:45.09chomchomYes, it's no secret that analysts have recommended the mobile platform for enterprise growth.
23:45.23acsianow s the big question... should I go to bed and wake up early or should I grab a coffee and work a couple of more hours
23:45.41chomchomcoffee my friend, I have an esspresso right here
23:45.42donomoacsia: early to bed and early to rise
23:45.50chomchomnow you know I'm up you have to match me.
23:46.06chomchomAnd I'll be in for 9..ish
23:46.18acsiaolala ok, I go get some coffee
23:46.28chomchomWhere do you work acsia?
23:46.32donomothe forces of evil have won this round.
23:47.19acsiaanybody from HP here?
23:47.35chomchomfar from evil, chomchom is the mighty driving force or your will power
23:47.40acsiajust ensuring my annonimity
23:47.51chomchomah right
23:47.58acsiaas I express my wish to quit my job
23:48.09acsiaI used to work for another company that has been taken over by HP
23:48.17chomchomThis is a public IRC, I wouldn't mention it again myself :)
23:48.25chomchomah right
23:48.27acsiaif something like that happen, you should run
23:48.55chomchomI really doubt my company is going to get taken over any time soon, they are currently eating others.
23:49.21michaelnovakjrwhat company chomchom
23:49.35chomchomJPMorgan Chase
23:49.42michaelnovakjrah yes
23:49.54acsiaaha! well now is the time isnt it
23:49.59morrildlchomchom: an opportunistic feeder, in this economic client ;)
23:50.00chomchomor JPMorgan bear chase
23:50.11morrildlclimate even
23:50.16michaelnovakjror JPMorgan bear chase sterns
23:50.25acsiaare you working on a android project for JPMorgan?
23:50.33chomchomabsolutely not
23:50.42acsiaI could have assumed that
23:50.47chomchomjust to make that quite clear :)
23:51.12acsiayou know the beauty with my current position is that I can work from home...
23:51.24acsianow they did not define work :)
23:51.26chomchomthat is a great luxury
23:51.29michaelnovakjryea, working from home is quite nice
23:51.46chomchomvery productive too
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23:52.41morrildlworked from home for two years
23:52.55morrildlI learned that it works just fine, if everyone is on board and is doing it themselves
23:53.05morrildl(it was a virtual company, everyone worked from home)
23:53.19chomchomI used to have a company, of which the office was in my home. That rocked
23:53.36michaelnovakjri was thinking of starting a second life company.... ;)
23:53.49chomchomSitting on the patio in the nice garden with a laptop is a luxury on a summers day
23:55.45chomchomAcsia maybe we could arrange an adhoc android meeting in london sometime in a month or two on a summers day.
23:57.22acsiathat would be very cool
23:57.52acsiaI can sense a nice summer, last year was terrible
23:59.06acsiachomchom: we could look into joining forces after the challenge

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