IRC log for #android on 20080405

00:37.36romainguy_jasta: you should post that link on the newsgroups
00:48.04dueybtw is chinese not supported?
00:48.25dueyit displayed all bung when i use my translation to convert to chinese
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01:08.39jastaromainguy_: that's where i found it.
01:08.55romainguy_ah cool
01:10.11jastai had the idea to try this a while ago but was convinced it would not work well
01:10.18jastaand didn't want to spend the energy to research it
01:10.25jastai'm glad it does seem to work ok, and that someone has done it for me :)
01:10.48jastahis implementation has quite a few obvious problems, but fortunately those can be ignored since it's just a short-term hack anyway
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02:26.36michaelnovakjranyone developing on os x?
02:28.55michaelnovakjrdo you have any issues with the emulator
02:30.00michaelnovakjrlately its been crashing my machine
02:33.04dueyeclipse and the emulator break all the time
02:33.35michaelnovakjreclipse usually holds up for me, but when i throw the emulator in the mix my machine gets cranky
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03:41.13f00f-how can i disable/hide the Set button in a TimePicker?
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03:57.54michaelnovakjrnothing annoys me more than a java nullpointer exception
03:58.06michaelnovakjrits the kind of thing that makes you want to throw the computer out the window
03:58.48f00f-agreed michaelnovakjr
03:59.00f00f-E/AndroidRuntime( 2306): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Binary XML file line #125: You must supply a layout_width attribute.
03:59.03f00f-wtf, i specified it!
03:59.55michaelnovakjrif java knows something returned null then why not just say so and so is returning null when it isn't supposed to
04:02.04f00f-this is bullshit
04:02.09f00f-can't nest layouts
04:02.42f00f-well LinearLayout
04:03.01michaelnovakjrisn't there an absolute layout?
04:03.12michaelnovakjri am using linear because my UI is pretty simple
04:03.24f00f-you shoudl never use absolute layouts
04:03.36f00f-linearlayouts ar egood for linear stuff
04:03.41f00f-i have one in a relativelayout
04:03.49michaelnovakjri guess it works out for me then
04:08.37michaelnovakjrhow can i write debugging messages when running my app?
04:09.03f00f-Log.d("facility or shit", "my dumb message");
04:09.08f00f-adb logcat
04:09.54f00f-so i got 3 buttons
04:10.06f00f-have you used RelativeLayout ?
04:10.11f00f-if not, i wont ask.
04:10.46f00f-i'll just use 2 then
04:10.57michaelnovakjrwhat's happening when you have three buttons?
04:11.18f00f-[ Prev ]     [ Next ]     [ Finish ]
04:11.20f00f-is what i wanted
04:11.27f00f-but Next wasnt working out
04:11.33f00f-anyway i only need 2 :)
04:11.43michaelnovakjrworks out :)
04:12.14f00f-man, this is going to be abitch to use without a touchscreen
04:12.23f00f-cause the joystick stucks
04:12.33f00f-as far as widget order is concerned
04:12.36michaelnovakjryea... phone UI's are getting that way
04:12.47michaelnovakjror atleast since i started using a touchscreen
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04:16.41michaelnovakjri found it!
04:16.46michaelnovakjrha eat that nullpointer
04:18.58zhobbsmichaelnovakjr: you know how to add an exception breakpoint?
04:19.47michaelnovakjrnope, never had an issue with exceptions before like this one
04:20.09zhobbsmichaelnovakjr: in the breakpoint view click the little J! button (if using eclipse)
04:20.12f00f-i don't even use a debugger. maybe it would improve productivity.
04:20.23michaelnovakjrah interesting
04:20.37zhobbsthen you can add an exception to the list and it will automatically break when/where that exception happens
04:20.49michaelnovakjrthanks for the tip
04:20.54zhobbsmakes finding something like an NPE really easy
04:21.03michaelnovakjri bet
04:21.07michaelnovakjrthat's awesome
04:23.02romainguyI also really like using field breakpoints
04:23.11romainguyto break whenever a field is read/written
04:23.12romainguyvery handy too
04:23.27zhobbsahh, didn't know about that
04:23.32michaelnovakjryea, i have to start using debugging tools more
04:25.43f00f-ok i just fired up the debug perspective
04:27.09f00f-ok this is way too slow to use
04:27.25michaelnovakjrwhat kind of machine are you on?
04:27.51f00f-pentium m iirc
04:28.00f00f-running it about 1.33 GHz righ tnow
04:28.09michaelnovakjrhow about ram
04:28.10f00f-non-debug works better
04:28.13f00f-2 GB
04:28.44michaelnovakjrah, i am running an athalon x2 2.8 with 4gb of ram
04:29.07zhobbsmichaelnovakjr: does the emulator run pretty quick for you?
04:29.41f00f-and i am running with -noaudio -nojni options
04:30.31michaelnovakjryea, the emulator is responsive when it doesn't crash
04:31.00zhobbsI've been happy with the performance of this box until android came out
04:31.21zhobbsthe emulator takes a lot of resources
04:31.23michaelnovakjri am waiting to read reviews on the new AMD quad core
04:32.06romainguyzhobbs: well, the emulator is running a Linux OS basically
04:33.21zhobbsyeah, and an ARM processor to run that linux OS
04:33.39romainguybut it runs really well on a MacPro ^^
04:33.59michaelnovakjrromainguy... using a MacPro?
04:34.10romainguya MacPro and a MacBook Pro at work
04:34.12zhobbsI would love to have a MacPro
04:34.28michaelnovakjri have a macpro at work.... great machines.... just sweat alot sitting next to one :)
04:34.29romainguyand a MacPro at home
04:35.09zhobbseverytime I build one on they come out to like 4k :)
04:36.03michaelnovakjryea, gotta do the dual display
04:36.16michaelnovakjrit just makes using it that much better
04:36.25romainguyI prefer using a single 30"
04:36.33michaelnovakjror one of those :)
04:36.36romainguy(except at work where I use a 30" and a 24")
04:36.50romainguythe 24" just shows the build status and various dashboards, it's pretty cool
04:37.09michaelnovakjryea... its great to have log windows visible when working
04:37.21f00f-no more alt-tab :)
04:37.41romainguysurprisingly, I still use exposé a lot on 30+24
04:37.59romainguymaking the IDE almost fullscreen is nice but it's still not enough /o\
04:39.24f00f-romainguy: can i run the emulator on a remote machine and connect to it?
04:39.30f00f-that is, i want to slave it off to another machine
04:39.33f00f-while developing on another
04:39.46romainguyI'm pretty sure you can with adb
04:39.53romainguyand the emulator has an option to open a VNC display
04:41.22f00f-hmm i dont see that option
04:41.36f00f-well i have two machines here, so i could just 'look'
04:42.04romainguytry emu -qemu help
04:42.11romainguyor -qemu -h
04:43.18f00f-ok found the vnc option
04:57.35michaelnovakjranyone know why the Node class doesn't have a getTextContent method?
05:00.43jtoyhow can I debug why my service arent being run form the AlarmService?
05:01.03michaelnovakjri am using org.w3c.dom in two places... android and another java class outside of android... getTextContent is a method in org.w3c.dom, but not in android??
05:01.13jtoyI can run my Service by calling it explicitly, but when I set it to run every via the alarm system, it never seems to run
05:01.23romainguymichaelnovakjr: probably a different version of the W3D DOM APi
05:01.31michaelnovakjrthat sucks
05:01.57romainguyit's not very difficult to get the node's content as text
05:02.32michaelnovakjrgetNodeValue returns null when there is definitely a value
05:03.03romainguyis the Node an Element?
05:03.14romainguyif so, I seem to recall that you need to get the first child and *then* call getNodeValue
05:03.24romainguyI've always used the W3C DOM API that way in Java
05:03.34romainguythe text is a node by itself
05:03.47michaelnovakjrin my other java class getTextContent took care of that i guess
05:04.18romainguyin every Java program I wrote using XML I would always start by creating a few utility methods for XML :)
05:04.29romainguylike getAttributeValue(node, attributeName)
05:04.36romainguyor getNodeText(node)
05:04.56michaelnovakjri was spoiled :)
05:05.09michaelnovakjrexcellent, that took care of it!
05:05.38michaelnovakjrwhat's odd was if i run the getChildNodes it gets cranky because it says there aren't any
05:05.50michaelnovakjrbut getFirstChild returned the value
05:07.50dueyoff topic: anyone here do machine learning ?
05:15.12jastaromainguy: expose, bah.  i have it but rarely use it since multiple desktops is clearly superior :)
05:15.59romainguyI prefer exposé
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05:22.20romainguyenough of Lightroom for tonight
05:22.50niketHi All, I am new to android, I have been generating .apk file using eclipse....can u tell me cmd line syntax to generate proper .apk file...
05:23.12niketI tried to call
05:23.13niket<exec executable="${aapt}" failonerror="true">
05:23.16jastause to generate a build.xml file and then examine it.
05:24.28niketwhere is that file
05:25.01jastain the SDK
05:25.29niketok there is .bat file
05:25.58jastathe bat file is just for the handicapped.
05:30.53michaelnovakjrhave a goodnight
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05:44.38rhetthey androiders
05:48.48rhetthas anyone found any good app preview screenshots yet?
05:49.41rhettI'm thinking of using the everaldo crystal icons
05:49.59rhettdoes anyone have a good icon set recommendation?
05:50.05dueyi made my own icon
05:50.21rhettfor the main app?
05:50.32rhetti could probably use some icons inside the app
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05:58.06jtoycan someone help me with a problem I have with the alarmservice?
05:59.24jtoyif I run this manually, it works fine: startService(new Intent(this,FileUploadService.class), null);    but if I use an alarm service, my code never runs:  Intent intent = new Intent(this, FileUploadService.class);  long firstTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();  AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager)getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE); Integer interval = 15*1000; am.setRepeating(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP,firstTime, interval, intent);
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06:41.41jerkface03deadlines closing in
06:41.59jerkface03i'm almost about to submit my app
06:42.08jerkface03just have to run and test these 2 classes and im good to go
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07:20.26Ledejerkface03: what did you write if i may ask?
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07:23.25jerkface03Lede: networked twitch gaming framework
07:24.09jerkface03quake, bomberman, etc..
07:24.22jerkface03subspace would probably be the best workable port
07:26.00Ledegreat, netherlands is going nuts
07:26.33Ledeit seems that 42 percent wants the dead penalty back into our system
07:26.51jerkface03what happend?
07:26.57jerkface03gruesome murder?
07:29.13Ledeafter the movie fitna people think the muslims in this country are going to attack them, behead them, eat their babies and implement a rule of law like taliban
07:29.56Ledeit's called mass hysteria
07:30.19Ledelittle do they know muslims have been living in this country since the sixties and they didnt even notice or something
07:30.44Ledegoes away
07:30.47jerkface03were those cartoons from the netherlands?
07:31.16Ledeno, denmark
07:51.18davidwhave you guys ever attached the debugger to your apps?
07:51.44muthudavidw: yeah sometimes
07:51.55davidwyou use the eclipse one?
07:52.12muthutried it once
07:52.22muthualso used it with intellij
07:52.47muthusometimes its buggy.. need to restart emulator
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08:32.30davidwok, I remember why I f(*&(&) loathe eclipse
08:32.51jerkface03welcome to the club
08:42.32davidwI just want to debug the wretched thing
08:45.43*** part/#android muthu (n=sara@
08:48.35zhobbswe've all been there...trying to figure out if you should just go ahead and uninstall eclipse for good
08:52.42davidw"we need to take off and nuke it from orbit - it's the only way to be sure"
08:53.22davidwI just need to debug this damn android app:-/
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09:01.09davidwI mean how the f(&()&()*& do you even import an existing project
09:03.36davidwugh... it sort of imported it
09:03.38davidwwhat a POS
09:03.53zhobbsan eclipse project?
09:04.02zhobbsfor an eclipse project file -> import
09:04.24zhobbsnon-eclipse project file -> new -> android project -> (o) from existing
09:04.44jastait's pretty obvious really
09:08.21davidwno it isn't
09:08.30davidwobvious would be 'import'
09:08.35davidwbut zhobbs is correct
09:08.50jastayes, i know he is, and as a first-time Eclipse user, I would say that it was pretty obvious.
09:09.09jastaalso, it's documented in the Android getting started section.
09:09.17zhobbsimport should be a flyout: Eclipse Project, Java Project, etc
09:10.11davidwobvious means you can figure it out be looking at it... apple products are generally obvious, for instance
09:11.02jastawell like i said, as a first-time eclipse user, i was able to figure it out.
09:17.06davidwI don't know, it still screws lots of stuff up... it can't find my manifest xml file
09:17.59jastait can't "find it"?
09:21.44davidwfile /Hecl/android/AndroidManifest.xml file doesn't exist, it says
09:25.31davidwit seems to have figured out things in any case, but it's just weird
09:27.08davidwI just miss gdb... gdb filename is all there is to it
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10:23.20zhobbsI want to put an EditText under a can I tell the ListView to expand as much as possible without pushing the edittext below the bottom of the screen?
10:23.35zhobbsI have a feeling something to do with weight
10:25.27jota-set the LiestView's weight to 1?
10:26.14jota-and its height to 0dip
10:36.22zhobbshmm...that kills the scrollbars when I do that
10:36.28zhobbswonder if that's a bug
10:39.31jota-probably not
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12:12.22davidwARGHHHHH, stupid f*&*)(&*(*& eclipse
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12:12.37davidwM-x die-eclipse-die
12:13.08Ix-Xitandavidw what about android ? web sciernce APIs are not compatible and not even near to portable
12:13.13Ix-Xitanso android must die i guess
12:13.46davidwAndroid is cool
12:14.21Ix-Xitanok find me an RFF api for android ;)
12:14.52Ix-Xitanandroid is pure BS
12:15.48davidwwell, fine, don't use it then
12:15.52Ix-Xitananyway googlke is becoming careless like microsoft no wonder
12:16.10Ix-Xitandavidw have you replied me to sustain your statement ?
12:16.20davidwI'm just hoping you'll go away really
12:16.50Ix-Xitandavidw haha ur funny you wish ppl with different opinions to leave ?
12:17.07Ix-Xitanbleh am talking to a kid over here
12:17.14davidwwell, let's see - this channel is about Android.  You don't like Android.  So what's your point in being here?
12:17.40davidwseems counterproductive to me
12:17.42Ix-Xitancause i have some work to do on android
12:18.07Ix-Xitandavidw work is work
12:18.41davidwhave fun then:-)
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14:01.33Hai-Faianyone know if there's a intent or some other way to detect when something is loading data, i.e when (re)loading mapview?
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14:43.37davidwtriumphs against the evil thread bug
14:50.07davidwis basically a true believer in the actor model at this point
14:50.27davidwerlang +1
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15:01.04Hai-Faican one add text to imageview? like, create a new "tab bar" where is user's Log in name and stuff like that?
15:09.43tmcnealyou mean have an image with text overlayed on top of it?
15:10.25tmcnealif you want to do stuff with tabs you might want to check out TabActivity
15:28.50Hai-FaiI'm not sure if TabActivity is the thing I mean..
15:31.38tmcnealcould you describe in more detail what you want to do?
15:31.58Hai-Faiadd a transparent "tab" under my label
15:32.19Hai-Failabel tab contains name of currently running app/class
15:32.48Hai-Faior if it's possible to use that "label tab" to add info, would be great
15:32.53tmcnealto do that, use TextView and set the 'background' element to the drawable resource that represents your 'tab' image
15:33.04Hai-Faioh okay, g2 try thanks
15:34.20Hai-Faiis it possible to add some alpha to textview?
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15:59.32tmcneali'm not sure if it's possible to set the alpha of the background image
15:59.47tmcnealdoes the .png format allow you to set an alpha channel of the image itself?
16:00.21tmcnealif it does, might want setting alpha in the png and see if you can get transparency that way
16:17.45Hai-Faiyep, thatwise I did it, but just wondered if it's possible
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16:47.10tmcnealyou can set the alpha channel if you're just setting a background color, but i don't believe you can do it if you're setting an image
16:48.24Stephmware we talking PNGs in general, or just those as applied to the Android platform?
16:50.54tmcnealwell my question to Hai-Fai was about PNGs in general, and judging by his response it looks like the PNG format does allow you to set the alpha channel
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18:05.08Ix-Xitananyone knows how to play videos on android ?
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19:28.45AhtiKhmm.. looks like it's pretty much impossible to write any junit tests for code that is using android sqlite.. or has anyone succeeded?
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21:18.52michaelnovakjrmy sqlite database is not showing up in the sqlite3 tool... any reason?
21:18.58michaelnovakjris it not supposed to?
21:33.36zhobbsit should
21:33.44zhobbsdid you pass the database file into the sqlite3 command?
21:34.09michaelnovakjrwhere does the emulator put those?
21:34.13zhobbsthe database file is in /data/data/<package>/databases
21:37.18michaelnovakjrdoesn't seem to be working
21:37.53zhobbsyou're in the databases folder for your app?
21:40.01michaelnovakjri can't find it
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21:40.18zhobbscan you find the folder for your package in /data/data?
21:40.36michaelnovakjrwhen you say /data/data you mean the system root?
21:40.51zhobbsadb shell; cd /data/data;
21:41.08zhobbs/ = system root
21:41.24mickrobkddms also has a file system explorer, you might find that easier to use if your not familiar with the linux file system layout
21:41.49mickrobku'll still have to use the shell to use sqlite3 though
21:41.52michaelnovakjrin the adb shell you can open sqllite?
21:42.24michaelnovakjri was going into sqlite3 from my OS shell
21:42.27michaelnovakjrthat was my problem
21:42.53zhobbsyeah, you can run it in adb shell
21:43.02zhobbsjust pass in the database file as an argument
21:43.31michaelnovakjrawesome thanks, i got into the database
21:44.40michaelnovakjrthey have an impressive set of tools for android
21:44.53michaelnovakjri like using the shell when possilbe
21:45.58zhobbsyeah, being able to query the data is handy
21:47.33michaelnovakjrif you application is not visible on the screen it is still able to run correct?
21:47.50zhobbswhat do you mean?
21:49.39michaelnovakjrif someone has your app running and they click to go back to the your app still running?
21:50.05zhobbsbut it can be killed if the system needs the resources
21:50.36zhobbsthat's why you need to think about activity lifecycle, because if the system kills it then you need to design your app to resume like it wasn't killed
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21:50.52zhobbsgotta go..hungry!
21:53.42michaelnovakjrthanks.... some research for later
22:03.04jerkface03anyone awake? what format does the documentation have to be in for the submission? zipped? pdf?
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22:08.28jasta_jerkface03: i'm sure it doesn't much matter.
22:08.58jasta_any format that would be typical for such a project to distribute would be acceptable i'd bet.
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22:09.50jerkface03I probably should package up the source with the documentation package
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23:16.35morrildl_jerkface03: why?
23:31.38jerkface03morrildl_: because its opensource
23:31.52morrildl_jerkface03: *nod*
23:31.56jerkface03morrildl_: is pdf fine for the documentation?
23:32.00morrildl_that's fine, just note that you don't HAVE to do that
23:32.12morrildl_...and in fact, it's 99% likely no one will look at it if you do :)
23:32.34morrildl_of course, feel free to mention that it's open source in your documentation
23:32.37jerkface03i would rather it be there incase someone did decide to have a look ;)
23:32.46morrildl_Perfectly fair.
23:32.54morrildl_Just wanted to make sure you knew you didn't have to go to hte trouble :)
23:33.05morrildl_PDF is fine
23:46.21jastamorrildl_: you guys should consider easing the code requirements for an activity that is tethered to a service.
23:46.57jastafor example, providing a convenient facility in that case to defer layout and drawing until the activity is connected to the service.
23:47.12morrildl_can you provide an example use case?
23:47.22jastaand have the activity managing lifecycle so that if the service unexpectedly dies, so does the activity.
23:48.24jastamorrildl_: For example, I have a background music playback management service.  It handles playlists, enqueueing songs, retrieving content, etc.
23:48.43jastaNearly every activity in my music player will require a connection to this service in order to enqueue songs, display playlist information, pause, etc.
23:48.58jastaAnd it is tricky to manage the state of an activity that critically depends on its connection to a service.
23:49.35jastaAlso, I have a synchronization activity that connects to a service to control the meta data synchronization process.
23:49.38morrildl_and yeah I see what you mean
23:49.39jastaNot unlike ActiveSync on Windows Mobile.
23:50.06jastaI have to use a ViewSwitcher so that when the activity opens, it doesn't display a UI, but when the connection is established, and the state of the service determined, the UI is presented.
23:50.18jastaAnd if the service disconnects, the activity has no choice but to die.
23:50.37jastabecause the activity is little more than a visualization of the service.
23:50.57morrildl_how would this API work?
23:51.06morrildl_meaning, how would you declare it, etc?
23:51.15morrildl_would you subclass Activity?
23:51.34jastaThat I'm unsure of, and unfortunately cannot discuss it now.  If you think there would be some interest in exploring this, I'd be happy to write something up and submit it as an issue or something.
23:52.29jastaAnyway, gotta run, we can talk later.
23:55.08morrildl_feel free to submit it as an issue
23:55.15morrildl_or email it to me if you'd like to discuss more or whatever
23:55.32morrildl_it's an interesting idea

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