IRC log for #android on 20080403

00:05.20*** join/#android rch850 (
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01:11.26*** join/#android Kraln (
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01:19.51tmcnealsoo... anyone know how to programatically set the layout_span of a View inside a TableRow? :)
01:23.31romainguy_just use the TableRow.LayoutParams
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01:25.29tmcnealgreat, thanks romain
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03:20.12michaelnovakjrhowdy, anyone out there?
03:20.28michaelnovakjrits quiet for being so close to the deadline
03:22.15jasta_i'm coding :)
03:31.51jerkface03im gonna put in my submission tmrw
03:32.10michaelnovakjri'm still working on mine
03:32.43michaelnovakjri figured the channel would be buzzing with those last minute... how can i write a full program in three days
03:33.01jerkface03what are you making?
03:33.42jasta_michaelnovakjr: there are quite a few people doing that, it seems.
03:33.59jerkface03doing what? trying to stick something together in 5 mins?
03:34.02michaelnovakjri noticed this afternoon
03:34.09michaelnovakjrpretty much
03:34.17jasta_jerkface03: yeah, several people have been in here in the last week saying "well, i guess i should get started now."
03:34.56michaelnovakjranyone gone the full mile and has a feature full app yet?
03:35.13jastaNot me, though I have been trying to do so.
03:35.21michaelnovakjri have a few features that won't make it in the first round
03:35.25jerkface03not me either. i'm making more of a library/framework
03:35.30jastaI never intended to produce a half-assed prototype, because I'm not just trying to win money.
03:35.32michaelnovakjri would expect that to be the norm though
03:36.02jastaBut yeah, a lot of things I wanted won't make it because there's just no time.
03:36.40jastaThe three big things I'm trying to focus on is passive synchronization, content delivery/caching, and integration.
03:36.55michaelnovakjryea, the big thing for me was working around not using SOAP
03:36.58jastaAnd I'm sort of half-assing the last two, in part because of lack of time and also because the MediaPlayer is crap.
03:37.02michaelnovakjrwhich i am glad works out well
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03:37.49michaelnovakjri was reading the kSOAP stuff, and thought to myself ... why?
03:37.56jastaAlso, I'm leaving a *LOT* of room for optimization and visual improvements.
03:38.08jastaNot because I'm lazy, but just because I wouldn't have time to focus there and still compete.
03:38.31michaelnovakjryea, i think functionality is a bit more important... the point is to have a working idea
03:38.50michaelnovakjrUI tune ups are to be expected, i would think
03:38.57jastaI am not relying on them forgiving incomplete apps though, I'm still planning to produce something quite usable and otherwise well done.
03:39.09jastaBut that has some obvious opportunities for improvement.
03:39.24michaelnovakjrof course, but the primary reason for the application should be completed
03:39.50jastaI'm still even trying to figure out exactly how I want to do playlist management.
03:40.11jastai've designed my playlist service, but I feel like I may have to go through at least one major overhaul before I get it right.
03:40.34jastaplaylist management is so tricky.  it always seems so simple, but then you are bogged down by all the complexities involved in predicting human behaviour :)
03:40.51michaelnovakjrtotally, and making sure it is optimized
03:41.08michaelnovakjri have been focusing on making the application very light weight
03:41.22michaelnovakjrpower consumption is huge for my app
03:41.36michaelnovakjrmy goal is to make it very very light
03:41.38jastathe two most deserving places for opt in my project are at the SyncML layer and in the UI displaying artist and album artwork.
03:42.07jastaFor example, to do a "fresh" sync of my entire music collection, it took the emulator 18 minutes to download all the content.
03:42.18jastaAnd that's 18 minutes at 100% CPU usage building the database :)
03:42.27michaelnovakjri can't wait to be able to debug on an actual device
03:42.44michaelnovakjrthat is the one thing I like about the windows mobile development
03:42.46jastaThough there is one pretty huge optimization I'm thinking about doing.  It's totally a hack, but I had thought about having the server generate a database for "first-time sync" and simply send it to the client.
03:43.08michaelnovakjrthat would save the device from having to do the computing for that
03:43.11jastaSo at least CPU utilization would be low.
03:43.19michaelnovakjryea, which means less power
03:43.25michaelnovakjrless cycles
03:43.29jastaIt would still be a 14MB download in my case, but that shouldn't take very long really.
03:43.52michaelnovakjrmy app is constantly checking with a server for updates
03:43.59jastaFortunately, that task is the worst case for the app.  One-time sync is rough, but after that, everything goes smoothly.
03:44.01michaelnovakjrso keeping the calls short and sweet is important
03:44.12jastaEven if you are downloading several albums per day, it will sync that in less than 30 seconds.
03:45.00michaelnovakjreliminating SOAP from my equation was a big relief
03:45.12jastawhy did you eliminate SOAP?
03:45.18michaelnovakjrthe overhead
03:45.22jastaHow did you replace it>
03:45.31michaelnovakjri am running Axis on the webserver
03:45.48jastaI chose SyncML for my application protocol in large part because SyncML supports WbXML, which is enormously superior.
03:45.51michaelnovakjrso i can make calls via http to pull an xml doc with what i need
03:46.05michaelnovakjrits a rather small xml doc
03:46.15jastaThough I currently do not even support it.  I had to write my own SyncML client library in Java, which currently only does XML.
03:46.23jastaBut I actually plan to opt that part before the challenge deadline.
03:46.39michaelnovakjryea, my focus is on xml and db optimizations
03:46.41jastaThat's part of the reason it takes 18 minutes to sync :)
03:47.11jastaAnd, lol, I am base64 encoding album and artist artwork during the sync
03:47.24Kraln18 minutes to sync?
03:47.26jastaSo it's no wonder that part is so slow
03:47.32michaelnovakjrah, i am sure that is a decent amount of the time
03:47.38Kralnis that because of the bigint mod being so slow?
03:47.51jastaI plan to migrate to WbXML and remove the Base64 encoding hack all in the same step.
03:47.53michaelnovakjrbase64 encoding is known to be slow
03:48.05michaelnovakjreven on a webserver
03:48.16michaelnovakjrso imagine working with it in a mobile device
03:48.26jastait's not like i really designed it to use base64, it was just a stupid hack because WbXML wasn't supported yet.
03:48.34jastaand without WbXML, i couldn't inline a binary document as I want to.
03:48.41michaelnovakjrmy application will be running pretty much all the time so the power consumption is my biggest worry
03:48.52jastai wanted to avoid having extra HTTP request overhead to download the images.  They are small and should be carried with the sync data.
03:49.12michaelnovakjrbe back in a few
03:49.18jastai have the server optimize them down to about 3K JPG images.
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03:56.06Kralnwhy not use something like
03:56.24jastabecause i don't even need to use Base64 permanently.
03:56.37jastaalso, i am using that right now.
03:57.24jastadidn't you listen to what i said? :)
03:59.58Kralnguess not :-(
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04:06.07michaelnovakjrthe more i program with android the more i don't mind that it is completely java
04:06.28jastai never did mind.
04:06.49michaelnovakjri have a very love hate relationship with java
04:06.52jastai have evolved beyond language affinity :)
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04:32.16jastalistening to Rogue Wave - California... o/~ screw california... o/~
04:34.22*** join/#android muthu (n=sara@
04:34.58muthuT joining the party.. woohooo!
04:35.25michaelnovakjrthere's a new episode of the google developer podcast
04:35.35michaelnovakjri must say i am surprised
04:35.57jastamuthu: read between the lines: that may be bad news.
04:36.04muthuwhy is bad, jasta?
04:36.30jastaread carefully: there is a strong possibility they are saying "Oh, you mean we *can* cripple it?  Great, we're in!"
04:37.20michaelnovakjror... wait, we can actually touch the software on a phone.... hmmm does apple know this?
04:37.37muthuoh yes, that's always a possibility.. but that's what opensource gives you
04:37.52muthugives everyone the freedom to do whatever
04:38.13jastamichaelnovakjr: what?
04:38.21jasta...about the podcast, i mean
04:38.39jastamuthu: Generally, no, open source has never met the likes of wireless carriers.
04:38.52michaelnovakjrah, the google developer podcast is new for the first time since the android episode on december 5th
04:39.03jastaThe GPL was designed to save us from such evils, but Android is released under the Apache license so who knows.
04:39.04muthujasta: wide adoption is good
04:39.16jastamichaelnovakjr: where?
04:39.43muthujasta: from an application perspective, it must run fine
04:39.58muthuno vendor would cripple it so much that it becomes useless for an app to run
04:40.06michaelnovakjri get it from iTunes....but the link is here .....
04:40.13michaelnovakjrthere is a subscribe link to it there
04:40.15jastaNot necessarily.  Also, AT&T might now be in a position to still cram all their usual shit down your throat.
04:42.56muthuyes, ineveitable
04:43.32muthuexpect to see tdroid, rimdroid, nokdroid, windroid etc., :)
04:43.47zhobbsluckily we are all geeky enough that we can undo any damage AT&T does to android with it's preinstalled crap
04:44.08jastawe'll see.
04:44.17michaelnovakjrare we going to be able to install android on current handsets out now?
04:44.22muthui'll take it any day, as long as droid is the common factor. this is a BIG plus for mobile developers.
04:44.25michaelnovakjrlike for example my HTC Touch?
04:44.32jastano, of course not
04:45.12michaelnovakjrwishful thinking
04:46.08muthuHTC is coming out with android phone soon
04:46.09muthui had an interesting conversation yesterday with a mobile device company
04:46.21muthuthey said they are coming up with android phones and want to talk to me (i'm not sure if its an AF joke)
04:47.01michaelnovakjri just got the touch a few weeks ago, insanely cheap price for it... sucks that you can't install the software on existing phones
04:47.36michaelnovakjrit bluetooth tethers the modem to my mac :).... shocking for a win mobile device
04:47.56michaelnovakjrwin mobile is terrible with battery life though
04:49.01muthubattery and broadband.. that seems to be the challenge now
04:49.23michaelnovakjryea... i must say the blackberry 8703 i had was amazing on battery life
04:50.23muthuthe mobile oem's will figure it soon
04:51.07muthui'm just closing my eyes, when people talk about battery and mobile broadband (in 5yrs, it would be a non issue)
04:51.15muthuanyone agree?
04:51.31zhobbsI hope so
04:51.35michaelnovakjri'm sure
04:51.42zhobbsbattery tech is getting much better every year
04:51.55michaelnovakjrits come quite a way so far when you think back to the phone you had 5 years ago
04:52.16muthucool.. so now i can go back to my battery sucking broadband hungry mobile app development :)
04:53.23jastamy phone 5 years ago had superior battery life to my phone now, actually.
04:53.26muthuwe're working on a mobile search engine -
04:53.45muthuanyone have any ideas?
04:54.04jastayou'd call that broadband hungry?  i doubt that ;)
04:54.26muthujasta: give me some suggestions for a mobile search engine
04:54.29jastamy application will be battery sucking and broadband hungry, to the point that i expect many users will want to use my app in conjunction with a charger :)
04:54.37jastamuthu: Google seems to have it down just fine.
04:54.58zhobbsyeah, for some apps you are better off just using plugged in
04:54.59muthugoogle is for desktop not for mobile
04:55.01jastaWhere does Google fail?  Whatever your answer is to that question should give you a pretty good place to start.
04:55.22zhobbsgood advice
04:55.29muthujasta: google is not mobile
04:55.53muthugoogle is an internet search engine
04:56.03muthunot a mobile search engine
04:56.10jastaWell, if you can't answer that question concretely, then it's no wonder you need help finding direction.
04:56.13michaelnovakjri cant say i actually use a search engine on my phone at the moment
04:56.48muthudueynz: a lot of websites have mobile versions
04:56.55jastaSo if you can't say precisely what you dislike about Google on a mobile phone, then what makes you think you can do better?
04:57.15dueynzyou might be able to change the interface of google
04:57.17muthujasta: if i know the answer, i would not be looking for help here
04:57.23dueynzbut creating your own search db
04:57.27dueynzbit of a mission
04:57.57jastato the point that i'd say muthu will fail in this endeavour :)
04:58.09jastano offense, but you don't even have an idea at all.
04:58.22muthuno offence will ever be taken, don't worry
04:58.33dueynzhow do you fund the thousands of servers required?
04:58.34muthucriticism helps a lot
04:58.37dueynz(or millions?)
04:58.37jastait reminds me of the underpants gnomes episode of South Park.  Step 1, collect underpants, Step 2, ???, Step 3, profit.
04:58.46michaelnovakjri thought of a search engine idea that would not track your every move
04:58.55michaelnovakjrits very tough to accomplish
04:59.18muthumichael: what's your search engine idea about?
04:59.19dueynzhow do you expect to achieve give good results to a user without user data?
04:59.35muthuduey: yeah lot of questions for me too
04:59.44muthuduey: user data need to be collected and stored
04:59.49dueynzim fine with google logging it all, only becomes a problem if they start giving it away which im sure they will never do
04:59.56michaelnovakjrnot to the extent that google does it
05:00.08dueynzhow do you know the extent?
05:00.15dueynzwhat if they have user_id,keyword
05:00.20dueynzis that bad?
05:00.21michaelnovakjri get an email from my uncle at marriott and then i get ads for rooms at the hotel
05:00.32dueynzthats ad targeting
05:00.45muthugoogle is just be beginning of the search solution phenomena.. there's more to come
05:00.46michaelnovakjri understand that is the core busines
05:01.14michaelnovakjrbut it can be scary especially when people can get there hands on your search data
05:01.15dueynzmichaelnovakjr, they provide gmail, which is awesome and you expect them not to have advertising?
05:01.25michaelnovakjrit is expected
05:01.38dueynzi know you can view your search history
05:01.41michaelnovakjrhow else do you make money off a free product like that
05:01.41muthuads must be welcome
05:01.42dueynzbut you can turn that off
05:02.03muthufor exchange of a great service, you must welcome ads
05:02.09dueynzif i was going to click on an ad (which i never do) i would be more inclined to click on something im interested in
05:02.19muthueveryone needs to make money afterall
05:02.23michaelnovakjri dont mind ads.... but from the content of emails...
05:02.37dueynzyou are the only one seeing it
05:02.41dueynzyou and a computer program
05:03.00muthuanything which is not in your system is public
05:03.27dueynzi can't go get your search terms
05:03.29muthupeople are using facebook, twitter etc., to search more than google
05:03.44michaelnovakjri don't think it is a big deal, i mean i use the services and find them great... its just when in the wrong hands can be a headache
05:03.49michaelnovakjrhackers .... and the such
05:04.10dueynzim sure google have more security in place than the DoD
05:04.41muthuyeah.. and hopefully you don't store sensitive information in email
05:04.50michaelnovakjrhaha.... that'll make you feel a whole lot better
05:04.55michaelnovakjrof course
05:05.11muthuoh.. wait ( ** runs to delete all his sensitive emails **)
05:05.26dueynzgmail doesn't really delete them ;)
05:05.27michaelnovakjruuuhhh..... pgp??
05:05.35muthuoh shit
05:05.45muthugmail trash it.. i mean REALLY trash it!!
05:05.51dueynzmichaelnovakjr, what about googles many thounsands of computers?
05:05.59dueynzthey could break your pgp in what, a year?
05:06.06michaelnovakjrof course
05:06.19michaelnovakjrhence why i don't waste my time with it
05:06.38dueynzi would much rather trust google with my emails than m$
05:06.48dueynzthey probably sell the emails to marketing companies
05:06.49michaelnovakjrin a heartbeat
05:08.36muthucheck out (people powered mobile search)
05:08.47muthuthat's a mobile search engine, not google
05:10.10muthuyou ask, people answer
05:10.59dueynzwhat if i answer with cra
05:11.37muthuah come on.. that's already proven
05:11.51muthucrap doesn't work.. look at wikipedia
05:12.01muthuopensystems have a way to beat crap
05:18.48dueynzonly way to beat crap is to have dual answering
05:19.49muthuyeah, many people would answer your question
05:19.58muthuyou pick what you like
05:26.23*** join/#android rhett (
05:26.56rhetthey, does anyone know how to change the focus back to the tabs in a TabHost from a datepicker using only the dpad?
05:27.24rhettI've been using the select callback to change focus
05:27.36zhobbsdatepicker is in bad shape
05:27.42rhettbut I don't see how to set the focus back to a Tab
05:27.49rhettwhat's wrong with datepicker?
05:28.07zhobbsit's ugly (alignment all messed up) and doesn't work with touchscreen
05:28.11rhettit works fine for me, it's just a little annoying that you can't easilly get out of it
05:28.32rhetthmm, well I modified mine quite a bit, and getting it to work with touchscreen is not so hard, except it's a little small
05:29.08rhetteither way, from any activity that is contained in a Tab, is there a way to get back to the tabs without touching them?
05:29.23rhettI know jasta made a tab demo
05:30.29jastai don't think so, no.
05:30.42jastabut that is likely to change in future releases.
05:31.09rhettok, so, I should just meantion in my docs that that's a known current issue?
05:31.10rhettthanks jasta
05:31.52rhettyou think the only way I have to set the focus of the tabs is to touch them?  I can't hook it fromt the center dpad onkey somehow?
05:32.30rhettjasta, thanks for that demo by the way, it really spruced up my app
05:33.27jastano problem, i dont suppose youre interested in sharing any artwork you created for it?
05:33.36jastai have been struggling to come up with something that looks like i want :)
05:33.43muthurhett: can't you use the dpak right key to shift focus?
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05:36.32rhettmuthu, in a datepicker, dpad right, left, up, down moves around the date selector
05:36.58rhettjasta, I just used your little 3d thing, it looks great
05:37.07muthurhett: i was talking about the tabs
05:37.10rhettsorry, my artwork will come at the last possible second
05:38.18rhettmuthu, when the tabs are selected, I can use right and left, but when I have a datepicker selected, that is in one of the tabs, I can't jump from the datepicker back to the tabs without touching them
05:38.31muthuoh o
05:42.19jastarhett: looked like hell i thought.
05:43.20muthujasta: i gave up on the tab customization.. went with the default look
05:43.41jastathe default look was very bad for my application.  very bad :)
05:44.19muthuyeah but the design work is too much for me
05:44.58jastame too i guess.  i actually created a second version that looks a bit nicer than the first one i posted
05:45.03jastabut it doesn't look that much better :\
05:45.15jastai tried so hard to copy the iPhone :)
05:45.16rhettjasta, I thought your tab demo looked pretty classy
05:45.17jastabut i suck
05:45.53jastarhett: you're crazy :)
05:46.03jastabut thanks i guess ;)
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06:26.23thedaniel`wow, onclick events aren't supported in LinearLayout
06:26.30thedaniel`for TextViews and whatnot
06:26.44jastayes they are, TextViews just aren't clickable.
06:27.05thedaniel`jasta: TextViews are never clickable, or just in the context of LinearLayout?
06:27.16jastaset the TextView both clickable and focusable, then your onClick listener will fire.
06:27.48thedaniel`I think I must not have set focusable, i know I set clickable
06:27.59jastaset it focusable, and it will work.  i have done this before.
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06:28.11thedaniel`jasta: i believe you
06:38.36jastabut i'm going to bed :)
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09:52.35Hai-Faican buttons be "dual active", like when you click it first time it sets button "enabled" and next time it's "disabled"?
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11:07.47davidwHai-Fai, sounds like a bad idea
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11:40.16Hai-Faiwell, for me, it doesn't, and would be very useful from time to time.. but I think I'll organize it some other way
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11:45.04kennyyuhi there, if i'm doing a research on mobible browsers, i don't know whther it's possible to get the source code for android system?
11:45.37kennyyubecause i know that android has not released all its source so far...
11:49.08B0janglesyou can decompile the .jar. other than that, no
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12:08.03davidwkennyyu, android uses webkit
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15:34.35kennyyudavidw: ya I know... but I aren't sure if it is possible to edit the source code for compiling on Android? That is, actually, if I just have the API of Android then I think it's already sufficient..
15:35.19davidwsource code hasn't been released yet
15:35.48kennyyudavidw: Hmm... not even the API?
15:36.09davidwkennyyu, the API is described in the docs
15:37.30kennyyudavidw: Oops.. sorry. I must have missed some point before.  I thought that to build a Webkit on Android is impossible at this stage. So is it really possible?
15:37.44davidwno, it isn't
15:38.24kennyyudavidw: I see. Thanks. ;)
15:38.38kennyyuI'll want for the source... ;)
15:38.49kennyyunice of you to have solved my puzzle
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16:25.46jastadavidw: the webkit source is avaialble
16:26.40davidwI know, but not android's version
16:26.50davidwor is it?
16:27.33jastaIt is.
16:37.44jastaYou just lied to that guy :)
16:37.51jasta*tsk tsk*
16:50.24jastaGoogle Gears is really interesting.  I'm excited to learn more about this at the I/O conference
16:50.36zhobbshow can I flip or mirror a canvas/drawable?
16:50.49zhobbsjasta: you going to the IO thing?
16:51.28zhobbsI would like to go....just don't want to put up the money for the airfare/hotel
16:52.37jastai'm staying with my friend, and airfare from seattle is cheap.
16:52.45zhobbsthat's cool
16:53.03jastai'm mostly going just to hang out, though :)
16:53.19jastai don't get to see my friend much
16:53.26zhobbsyeah, I've never been to san fran (or CA at all)
16:53.37jastai was in CA last week hehe
16:53.47jastabut other than that, i've only been to San Francisco twice.
16:55.47davidwjasta, when is that conference?
16:55.55davidwlived there for a while
16:57.24jastamay 28-29 i think
16:58.51romainguy_zhobbs: how can I flip or mirror a canvas/drawable? << just scale by -1 on the Y axis
17:03.59jastaromainguy_: will you guys be involved in the ADC judging process at all?  will you have access to any of the apps or anything?
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17:05.24zhobbsromainguy_: thanks
17:07.17romainguy_jasta: I have no idea, but considering how busy we are, I don't think it'd be a good diea
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17:10.50jastahow busy are you? :)
17:11.43romainguy_too busy
17:14.03jastame too.  full time job with the ADC pressure on top of it is rough :)
17:14.48jastai actually took next Friday off work to spend the entire weekend doing last minute code review, bug fixes, etc :)
17:15.12romainguy_that's dedication
17:19.43jastawell it's not like you guys are handing out $15 gift certificates to Red Robin.
17:22.32jastathough i must admit that i'm actually just excited to have this app.  lately i've been getting frustrated that i can't actually use my app when i drive to work in the morning :)
17:23.49jastai was listening to all this really great music that reminded me of 2 summers ago and as I was driving to work i was pondering a cool way to automatically access that playlist using's "most recent tracks"
17:27.00jastai thought about burning a cd, but the playlist was too long and i didn't have time to sit down and deal with sorting it.
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18:48.09zhobbsromainguy_: is there a way to do an alpha gradient effect on a canvas?
18:57.56zhobbsahh, found shader and LinearGradient
19:13.20romainguy_zhobbs: yes, since that's how we do the faded edgets in lists and scroll views for instance
19:16.54f00f-my app just uses the regular theme
19:17.06f00f-should i make my own theme
19:17.11f00f-it's mainly black and white right now
19:17.14f00f-not too much color
19:17.25zhobbsthat's up to you :)
19:18.47jastai am choosing to keep much of the default theme, but will likely not continue to do so for long
19:18.47jastai think the default theme will not mesh well for my app.
19:18.49michaelnovakjrsame here, but i am focused on making sure the application works great first
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19:18.54michaelnovakjrthen i'll fine tune my UI
19:19.26jastayeah, agreed.  my app still has functional problems, so the UI is not a high priority yet.
19:19.31jastathat is, the look of it.
19:20.32michaelnovakjrleave something to be desired :)
19:23.10f00f-my app is still being written
19:23.25f00f-how many hours are you dedicated to last-minute prep (post freeze) ?
19:23.51michaelnovakjrfew days
19:24.06f00f-hmm ok
19:24.06zhobbsI'm going to start coding my app this weekend
19:24.16f00f-you said that 2 weeks ago zhobbs
19:24.45f00f-well i'm hoping to freeze by sunday, and test/document until the end
19:24.46zhobbsI like the people posting "great ideas" in the lists a week ago
19:26.16f00f-lots of ideas
19:26.25f00f-some one better come up with a decent SMS app
19:26.36f00f-and it better chown iPhone's interface
19:26.51f00f-i'd say that's a 2 week project
19:27.08f00f-with a good chance to win
19:27.15f00f-maybe even add GTalk support
19:27.21f00f-then you're guaranteed to win
19:27.27f00f-a generic Messaging app
19:33.39muthuf00f: good idea
19:34.42michaelnovakjri am starting to take that idea now and WIN!!
19:34.56f00f-ok go run with it and just give me $20 when you win KTHX
19:34.57michaelnovakjrits a good idea though
19:35.14michaelnovakjrmessaging should be seamless
19:35.22michaelnovakjrmight take longer than two weeks
19:35.25f00f-i mean seriously, it's such an obvious one that i hope someone does it, so we don't get stuck with some garbage messaging app
19:35.53muthuf00f: people miss the obvious ones
19:35.59muthui'm sure no one is working on it
19:36.31f00f-there is still time
19:36.32michaelnovakjrwell, i'm sure we'll have plenty of work once the first round results are released
19:36.46michaelnovakjrto develop a decent messaging app might not make the deadline
19:36.57f00f-i'd say the GUI is the toughest
19:37.03f00f-backend can be done in 8 hours tops
19:37.17michaelnovakjrthe GUI is a big part of making it seamless
19:37.47f00f-all you really need is the SMS message store, GTalk message store, and and archiving system. expose a couple of content providers, etc.
19:40.00f00f-ok so now actually one of you guys is going to do it
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19:54.20michaelnovakjrguess not?....
20:01.42Hai-Faiguessed right I think =P
20:01.52Hai-Faithat's just a way to get others do your job
20:02.12Hai-Fai"I'm lazy, let others do my idea what I want for my phone some day"
20:02.36jastathat's a pretty common attitude in the open source community, actually.
20:02.52jastalots of folks assume there is an army of developers just waiting to do their bidding :)
20:03.15Hai-Faithere is plenty of coders out there, but they just don't have big ideas =)
20:03.31michaelnovakjror the brains for a big idea
20:03.39zhobbsyeah, I feel bad adding feature requests to OSS projects
20:03.47Hai-Faiwell, most of them just don't get any ideas, even if they had those "big" brains
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20:04.29michaelnovakjri try and do as much as i can.... not enough hours in the day
20:04.37Hai-Faisame here..
20:04.56Hai-Faiand somewhat of lazyness tries to get in to my body although..
20:05.33michaelnovakjrwhen i finish my current project i certainly will pick up another
20:06.11Hai-FaiI think this current project is enough to get to second round, so I'll just wait for one month and start doing some "detailing" to it
20:09.33Hai-Fai11 days and counting.. yikes..
20:09.59michaelnovakjrits approaching very fast
20:11.20Hai-Faiyep, been doing last few weeks about 12hour days if nothing else to do..
20:11.30Hai-Faifrom monday to monday =)
20:12.03michaelnovakjri am putting in all the time that i can
20:13.14Hai-Faiyep, success in that project, and no need to worry about advertising
20:13.34jasta12 hour days?  you must not work.
20:13.51jastai have been steadily doing about 2 hours per day on avg since late Dec.
20:14.16jastabut now I've ramped that up to about 4 per day on week nights and probably 8 for the next 2 weekends.
20:14.19jastai have lots left to do :)
20:14.28jastaHai-Fai: what is your project?
20:14.33Hai-Faiandroid =P
20:14.39jastabut what specifically?
20:15.14Hai-Faihah, just kiddin'.. well it's kinda secret, but it has something to do with maps and something else classified =)
20:15.14jastaAt this point is there really any reason protecting the idea?  Surely no one would be able to implement it in the next 11 days?
20:15.46Hai-Faiwell, I know for sure, there is ppl out there who could do almost anything in those 11 days, so it stays as a secret to the last day, and even further =)
20:16.05jastaThat doesn't make much sense to me.
20:16.45michaelnovakjri am developing a top secret advertising program.... it displays ads based on your sms messages and emails
20:17.16Hai-Faiwell nonetheless I'm not going to tell, no matter what, it's kinda new idea in that area anyways, so it stays as a secret, we'll see what it leads to
20:17.19jastaWhy would anyone want to install that?
20:17.33Hai-FaiI think that's just a teaser..
20:17.36michaelnovakjrhaha, i was only kidding
20:17.43jastaHai-Fai: My idea is quite new, to my knowledge only one company has even attempted it before, and their implementation is bad.
20:18.09Hai-Faiyep, my idea isn't my idea, it's a team program
20:18.18Hai-Faiwell, 30% or so of it is mine
20:18.19jastaAnd it's not even novel in the area of mobile software, it just doesn't exist anywhere.
20:19.19jastaThe real challenge with my app is whether it's even practical.  It is pressing the edge of a lot of current limitations :)
20:19.53muthualmost went to sleep
20:20.05Hai-Faithere is few ideas left on mobile industry which doesn't exist yet, and this adc just got one of those ideas.. after this competition is over, we are starting one bigger project which will lead to big markets if this first program goes to (semi)finals
20:20.08muthuHai-fai is pulling me into the discussion
20:20.42muthuhai-fai what do you mean? ideas doesn't exist yet?
20:20.45jastaHai-Fai: why does it matter if your program wins the ADC?  Will that affect its marketability?
20:21.16muthuhai-fai have you looked at
20:21.26Hai-Faidoesn't have to win, it counts only if you get to top 50, then your name is on everyone's coffeetable discussions, might be anyways, but I count on that
20:21.56jastaHai-Fai: So you're hoping to use the ADC solely for publicity?  That is absurd.
20:21.57Hai-Faihaven't, should I?
20:22.08muthuyeah let me know your feedback
20:22.17muthualso look at
20:22.26muthuand if you have time,
20:22.36muthuone more..
20:23.39Hai-Faiwell, I just hope adc will be a big start for new corporations in that area, 'cause there isn't "any" yet, and if they succeed in adc, that's easy way to start building up company
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20:24.16michaelnovakjrwhen you think about it only the hardcore guys know remotely anything about android
20:24.26michaelnovakjrso i doubt you'll get a call from 60 minutes
20:24.41Hai-FaiI've no use for "60 minutes" things
20:25.21muthugood night folks
20:26.50Hai-Faiand, anyways most relevant things in that sdk is still out of usage as far as I've been discovering it, dunno if it's because lack of time, or are they keeping somethings on their own, so they may release the "best software"..
20:27.04Hai-Faior maybe not most relevant, but some of them..
20:28.32Hai-Faienough of whiskey and beer for this evening [1 + 1], so time for bed.. nn folks
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23:42.37zhobbsmorrildl: will the judges have music to test media players?
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