IRC log for #android on 20080402

00:01.07*** join/#android tauren (
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00:28.39jastaromainguy_: have you guys thought about adding some padding short-hand like CSS does?
00:28.53jastaso you could specify padding="top right bottom left" or padding="top/bottom left/right"
00:33.41zhobbsor margin="t r b l"
00:34.33f00f-whatäs the differe
00:35.27zhobbsmargin is space between view1 and it's neighbors, padding is the padded space inside view1
00:35.38zhobbsyou can really see the different with a button
00:35.56jastai think he meant, isn't that obvious? :)
00:36.06f00f-so you want linearlayout's padding with relativelayout's left/right/bottm/up stuff
00:36.27jastaf00f-: no, he's just projecting that if padding had that, so should margin.
00:36.39jastawhich to me seems obvious
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00:48.42acsiais it possible to get the cursor from within a contentobserver?
00:49.40jastano, you'd need to extend it if you needed that for some reason.
00:52.09acsiawell I want to log my insert/update/delete method from my contentProvider
00:52.33acsiaso I am wondering the best way to do so
00:52.43jastauhm, the best way would be to log them.
00:53.00jastai would place that logging in the insert, update, and delete methods myself.
00:53.21acsiawell I am not sure about the ContentProvider itself
00:53.29acsiait will be dynamic
00:53.42acsiaI am writing some kind of pluggable system
00:53.59acsiaso I need to execute some code just before the insert - for instance - returns
00:55.50acsiaI could create my method and enforce the fact that each plugin needs to call my method within the interface but it is just a bit to intrusif...
00:56.08jastayou have no choice but to do it in the provider...
00:56.39acsiawell I could create byte code injection :) but at the same time just a bit less then 2 weeks...
00:58.06acsiahave you tried the SyncAdapter?
00:58.13acsiaIt might be a good choice here actually
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02:31.43michaelhey there
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02:34.14michaelnovakjrhey there
02:40.26michaelnovakjranyone work with xmlrpc services with android yet?
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03:22.56*** topic/#android by morrildl -> Google I/O and Android: I, for one, welcome our new robotic overlords.
03:23.18jtoyis it correct that you currently can't know what the incoming call phone number is when i call occurs?
03:23.57morrildljtoy: unfortunately, I believe that is the case
03:24.15jtoythat sucks
03:24.20morrildlTHat's on the feature request list, and that reminds me that I need to track that down
03:25.36jtoymorrildl: can yo usend me the ticket/link if you find it?
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03:25.54morrildljtoy yeah, will do
03:25.57michaelnovakjranyone working with xmlrpc services?
03:37.38jtoyis it possible to have a screen popup on incoming calls?
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04:40.48jtoymy friend is using a bundle as a hashtable, does that seem reasonable to you guys?
04:41.24jastait can be thought of an associative array that holds parcelable objects only.
04:45.33jtoyi told him it seems pretty wasteful to me, but i dont really know if thats true
04:46.07jastahow do you mean?  can you elaborate on how he is using it?
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04:48.28jtoyhe is using just like an associative array , as a lookup table as he is looping through contacts and phone numbers. why I thought it might be wasteful is because I thought bundle were jsut for passing data between activities/intents  and so probably uses a lot of extra memory/overhead as opposed to some simpler  associative array( which I dont know what one would use instead since we are both not very familiar with java)
04:49.09romainguyjtoy: HashMap is usually what's used for this
04:49.52jtoyromainguy:  so I should let him use a bundle or tell him he is crazy?
04:49.57jastaA Bundle would be unnecessarily restrictive for this purpose.  Best to use a HashMap as romain suggested.
04:50.15romainguyjtoy: Bundle just has a narrower API
04:50.21romainguyit's less flexible than HashMap
04:51.07jtoyok, we'll use hashmap then
04:51.20jastajtoy: It is also imprecise, which would confuse anyone reading your code.
04:54.49jtoyso far there are many different things i am liking/disliking between using android/iphone and ruby web backend
04:56.40jtoyhaha, great
04:57.47dueyi/o looks cool
04:58.09jastayeah, i registered to go.  my buddy lives down there so i figured it's a good excuse to go visit.
04:58.48dueypitty i live many miles away
04:59.12jastai live in Seattle, which is not very far relatively speaking.
04:59.31jastai was just in California last weekend too.  quick 2 hour flight.
05:12.39romainguyLightroom 2.0
05:15.36jastaponders the efficiency of local services
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05:16.44jastaare parcelables written/read in a local service instance or is memory shared in that case?
05:19.22jtoyis it possible to use a Toast in an IntentReceiver?
05:20.42jastaunlikely; but, should you?
05:21.17jtoyIntentReceiver doesn't inherit from Context, so I cant seem to figure out how to use a Toast here
05:22.00jtoyjasta, I am trying to display a popup everytime a call comes in, how I have it setup is the intenetreceiver gets the notification then sends a popup
05:23.44jastawhy would you want to do that?
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05:24.04jastaa toast would be very annoying to happen when a call comes in
05:25.14jtoythere are many valid uses, for example, a quick check to a spam db that says  "the incoming number is associated with spam/call marketers" or something like that
05:26.00jastathat information would be much better used to either block the call, or to add to contact information on the incoming call view itself.
05:26.04dueymarketers call cell phones now?
05:26.14jtoythey do here
05:27.30jtoyhow about something like "the user is currently calling from NY" or something like that, there are some pieces of info someone would want to know about a  live incoming call
05:27.58jastaagain, should *not* be displayed in a toast.
05:28.10jtoyanyway, how is the proper way for me to be able to display something from an intentreceiver?
05:28.16jastayou would replace (or extend) the view being shown.
05:28.28jastathe incoming call screen.
05:28.47jastathat may be difficult using the current SDK, but that does not make using a Toast the right approach.
05:28.59jtoyok, replacing/extending is fine, i didnt know you could extend though
05:30.49jtoywell, if its not really possible now, then temporarily for the contest, i think a toast is better than nothing
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07:33.31niketHi Andorid gurus !!!, does anyone know about any profiler or any API call to detect memory allocation, like total live objects, heap size, free size etc
07:33.46niketfor android apps
07:34.18niketI want to monitor memory when my app runs
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07:44.14niketis anybody there to help me out?
07:52.07davidwniket, I think there might be something in the docs....
07:52.12davidwI don't recall offhand though
07:52.38niketthanks david....which docs I can look into
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08:16.15niketHi Andorid gurus !!!, does anyone know about any profiler or any API call to detect memory allocation, like total live objects, heap size, free size etc
08:16.23niketI want to monitor memory when my app runs
08:16.28niketis anybody there to help me out?
08:16.56davidwniket, try googling for it...
08:17.08davidwlook at the archives of the android dev mailing list too
08:17.20niketI tried but didn't get any...
08:19.20davidwno idea then...
08:19.26davidwdamn I wish the sources were available:-(
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11:44.08sandeshhey can anyone tell me about tagging on maps in android
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11:52.25sandeshanyone in layers here
11:53.27acsiasandesh what do you need
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12:16.25sandeshu there
12:16.51sandeshi want to tag my track
12:17.09sandeshadd some tag to track
12:18.25acsiawhat do you mean tag?
12:18.31acsiaoverlay you mean?
12:18.41sandeshalso want to mark a track it is just moving its not drawing a track
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12:19.51acsiayou need to create an overlay, there is a lot of exemple out there
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12:23.42sandeshtag means layering text on map
12:24.00zhobbssandesh: you use the Overlay class to create text/image overlays
12:24.13sandeshany examples
12:24.23zhobbsI think acsia just linked to one
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13:47.11davidwany idea why an imageview gets 'overwritten' by a textview that follows it?
13:51.24AhtiKI guess it's pretty likely that m5-rc15 is the latest SDK we see before the April14 deadline, right?
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14:04.09acsiain a ContentProvider, I don't see update working
14:04.26acsiaany ideas? I put a log in the update function but never seems to be callsed
14:04.51acsiaI am not going crazy by saying that a commitUpdate will call the update function in contentProvider?
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14:34.54acsiawhen is update called within a ContentProvider?
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14:55.50acsiaCan anybody help? I am really struggling on this... willl commitUpdates call update in the content provider?
14:56.03jastaacsia: when a cursor's updates are committed, or mContent.update is called.
14:56.41jastaactually, commitUpdates may not call update.  In fact, it probably doesn't.
14:56.47acsiathen I think I am going mental
14:56.49jastaYou could easily test, however.
14:56.52acsiait does not look like it
14:57.18acsiawell I put  Log.i("MyLog", "update"); first line of updae in contentProvider and it is never called
14:57.39acsiabut then I don t see the usage of update in ContentProvider
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14:57.56acsiaand the doc seems to point that it should be used to update the Cursor
14:58.19acsiahow would I then access the data just before it is being saved back to the db?
15:00.00jastawell, have you tested for sure that update is not invoked?
15:00.53jastait would be a simple thing to test, I'd think.
15:01.15acsiathe update and delete don't work as it seems
15:01.34jastathen i suppose your only option would be to extend a cursor and return that from query.
15:01.43acsiaas you said, I put a log in both the update and delete and none is called whenever I update or delete a row
15:02.06acsiaI want to cry
15:02.47jastawhy?  is extending a cursor hard for you?
15:03.35B0janglesare you sure the log is working?
15:03.47B0jangleshave you tried just setting a breakpoint?
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15:04.08jastayeah, I am actually suspicious that your technique is flawed as well.  I think that commitUpdates calls update on the ContentProvider.
15:04.13jastabut I have not confirmed it.
15:04.31mike1owasn't the new sdk supposed to come out today?
15:04.55jastatoday, April 2nd? ;)
15:07.04acsiaa breakpoint crashed my app...
15:08.02acsialet me try again
15:08.12jastaIf you are using Eclipse, close the variables view in the debug perspective.
15:08.23jastaThere is a bug in JWDP that can cause that to happen.
15:09.22acsia3rd try then thx
15:10.07B0janglesit crashes?
15:10.10jastahow so does it crash your app?  what does adb logcat say?
15:10.46jasta(btw, i'm not sure i believe that you closed the variables view)
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15:11.13acsiahaha I did yes but the log seems to indicate some issues with ParcelFileDescriptor
15:11.18acsiaI am using it so save files
15:11.29acsialet me try with a very simple app
15:11.41jastaagain, how does it crash your app?
15:12.24jastado you understand my question?
15:12.54acsiait closes my application
15:13.01acsiain the log I have APP DEATH
15:13.15jastaany fatal signal?
15:13.18acsiaWIN DEATH
15:13.39jastause adb logcat on the command-line.  do you see your app receiving SIGSEGV?
15:13.41acsiaINFO/DEBUG(494): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr deadd00d
15:13.53jastayes, then are you *sure* you disabled the variables view?
15:14.09acsiawell I closed the window for sure
15:14.31jastathen i cannot say.
15:14.51sandeshhey can anyone answer me this java.lang.reflect.constructor eroor
15:15.11jastaacsia: -- that's why i ask.
15:15.15acsiabut it seems not related, I mean the crash seems to come from the parcel creator
15:16.23jastawhy do you say that?
15:16.23B0janglesUPS man keeps unplugging the computer
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15:16.24B0janglessorry, couldn't resist
15:16.32mike1ojasta, could it be friday then?
15:18.11acsiaERROR/dalvikvm(1379): HeapWorker is wedged: 16561ms spent inside Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor$AutoCloseInputStream;.finalize()V
15:18.23acsiathat is the last error before the fault
15:18.39jastaahh yes, that does seem unrelated.
15:18.47acsiabut I did a tr
15:19.03jastamike1o: I'm saying, what evidence do you have to suggest that a release was going to be made the day after April Fools? :)
15:19.17acsiay on a edit which does not involve the file descriptor and update does not seem to be called
15:19.23mike1ojasta, maybe this is the April Fool
15:19.33jastaBest I can tell, there have been only rumors that a release was coming before the challenge, none confirmed by Android engineers or developer advocates.
15:20.03mike1ojasta, I just heard a week ago that a new release was coming out in a week :) totally unofficial though
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15:20.15jastaRight, and where did they hear it? :)
15:20.32B0janglesthinks jasta made it up
15:20.45jastaSort of :)
15:20.57KralnI've heard this too
15:21.01Kralnmaybe they meant m15?
15:21.09zhobbsthinks next release will be after the 14th...but who knows
15:21.58jastaI had thought a release was coming, but Dan Morril has explained that even if one was coming, it would contain only bug fixes and such.
15:22.50zhobbsyeah, I could see that...just a bug fix release to make the ADC judging/testing go smoother
15:23.03mike1osimilar to what I heard
15:23.07zhobbsexcept that we already wrote our apps to work around the bugs
15:23.30B0janglesheh, yeah, I have comments pointing to a bunch of bug reports
15:24.02mike1owe have?
15:24.17jastaI personally have just ignored a lot of the bugs; not worked around them.
15:24.29acsiaI just close my eyes
15:24.32B0janglesI've had to work around a lot of GPS bugs
15:24.42KralnB0jangles: gps bugs such as?
15:25.16B0janglesfor instance, one of the GPS functions throws an exception every time you call it
15:25.16B0janglesI forget which one offhand
15:25.18mike1ogotta work around my bugs :)
15:25.27B0janglesso I still call it, but it's in a try/catch block
15:25.31B0jangleswith my workaround in the catch
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15:26.15B0janglesI figure that way, if they fix it, it'll work
15:26.21B0janglesif they don't fix it, it'll work
15:26.47Kralnwhich one? I'm curious because I'm hitting walls on gps
15:27.09B0jangleshang on, I'll look
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15:28.28Kralnbah, seriously? :|
15:28.31Kralnfixes code
15:37.09acsiaI might try another approach, how about contentObserver. that seems to work on updates but then I don t have the Uri...
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15:40.00jastacontent observers primarily exist to facilitate refreshing the UI.  it would not be a good place to track granular changes.
15:40.14jastaan extended cursor would be more than capable, i am not sure why you avoid that approach.
15:40.42jastaalso, i still think update() is fired when commitUpdates is called.
15:41.03jastaI would demonstrate that to be true, but I can't be bothered right now :)
15:42.19michaelnovakjrhey jasta are you working with web services?
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15:43.55jastaacsia: Looking at, however, I suspect that extending a cursor would be your only way.  But it should be very easy.
15:44.32jastayou could easily just override deleteRow and commitUpdates.
15:44.57acsiathe problem is that I want to create a pluggable framework so I am creating an interface to ContentProvider
15:45.19acsiaCreating a cursor will be more intrusif
15:45.34jastaright but, i'm looking at the code right now, it won't call the content provider.
15:45.44jastaperhaps your only option then is to file a feature request and wait.
15:45.45acsiabut I ll find a way I guess, there are a couple of ways but the update method seemed the obvious one
15:46.05acsiaI dont  really understand the role of update then on ContentProvider
15:46.23jastafor updates performed without a cursor.
15:47.34acsiaI ll grab a tea and attach the idea differently then
15:47.42acsiait s a bit of pain thought
15:47.55acsiafor instance the delete does not 'work' either
15:48.13acsiaand I save files so I would like to delete all files corresponding to a uri
15:48.28acsiainstead of doing it each time I get a cursor and I delete it...
15:48.31acsiaoh well
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16:19.14acsiajasta: I ll create my own cursor...
16:19.22acsiathe tea is speaking
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16:23.50jastaall you'd have to do is extend and override 2 functions.  should be very simple.
16:35.58acsiaa well I don t have access to the uri within a cursor...
16:36.11acsiaso ContentResolver.update(uri....)
16:36.15acsiacan not be used
16:36.43jastauhm, what is wrong with your brain today? :)
16:37.16jastaclass MyCursor extends Cursor { public MyCursor(Uri uri, ...) { super(...); mUri = uri; } ...
16:38.04acsiaI think I need to stop for a bit :)
16:38.09jastayeah, me too.
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16:45.57bilboed-tpshooting himself in the foot while trying to teach autotools how to use the arm-linux-gnueabi toolchain
16:50.12davidwit's snowing....
16:50.51davidwusing autotools is as painful as shooting yourself in numerous body parts
16:51.18bilboed-tptrying to teach it this retarded android no-it-is-not-open framework is painful
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17:15.30Smoke_ScreenHi all, have a few questions:
17:16.12Smoke_Screen1. Are there any Unit Testing Frameworks that can be used with Android and its development
17:17.21Smoke_Screen2. Can Javadoc or similar app be used with Android development (I am assuming yes as it's still Java thats being programmed in)
17:18.53Smoke_Screen3. Are there any documents with technical specs for Android yet along the lines of number of simultaneous TCP connections etc
17:23.44muthuSmoke: have you looked at instrumentation?
17:25.29acsianot sure if it works all the way as I heard people having issues
17:25.38acsiasecondly javadoc yes, annotation no
17:26.00acsiafor the third question well not really as it will probably be more hardware related then software (limitation that is)
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17:30.59Smoke_Screenthanks sorry for the irritating but its in the documentation questions but still working my way through it all but have a project proposal deadline coming up so needed the Cliff Notes
17:32.09Smoke_ScreenSo for 3 does that mean the emulator should be able to do most things a PC does
17:32.35Smoke_Screenfor the network connection at least
17:32.53Smoke_Screenand whatever speed like 3G you choose
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17:34.18Smoke_Screenmuthu: Sorry not too sure where instrumentation is in the documentation
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17:57.22acsiasmoke: more or less yes
17:57.47acsiasearch instrumentation in the google code page and there is a bit of information
17:59.05Kujais it normal for socket to return null if you feed it a dotted ip address?
17:59.17Kujait doesn't throw an exception - just returns null
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18:08.34zhobbsmorrildl: will the judges have mp3 files to test media players?
18:22.04acsiain a content observer what is the role of the handler?
18:22.07acsiaanybody knows?
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21:43.09jastai just had an interesting idea
21:43.16jastait would be really great if the emulator could simulate power draw / battery life
21:43.37jastadalvik could actually do this reasonably well, by simply observing instructions
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21:44.04jastabut it would be much cooler to implement it at the kernel layer.
21:45.11acsiawell you potentially could
21:45.26acsiasomebody managed a native helloworld
21:45.36B0janglesfor using GPS, are there any other relevant permissions than ACCESS_LOCATION, ACCESS_GPS, ACCESS_ASSISTED_GPS, and ACCESS_CELL_ID?
21:45.37jastayes, many people.
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21:46.24B0janglesgetFromLocation always throws an IOException for me...I just want to make sure it's not my fault
21:46.32B0janglesI think I have all of the necessary permissions set
21:47.28acsiaIOException is probably not related to permissions
21:47.37acsiawell you would see it in the log
21:47.48B0janglesoh, does it log it/
21:47.53B0janglesi'll look
21:56.00raidfiveB0jangles, it almost seems like the mock file the Geocoder class is looking for doesn't exist for some reason
21:56.21B0janglesraidfive: maybe we're supposed to create it?
21:56.41B0janglesraidfive: I think you're probably right
21:57.23raidfivethat is the default file
21:57.46raidfiveif the emulator can't find it, it will toss that IOException
21:58.17B0jangleshow do you load it into the emulator?
21:58.42raidfivedo you not have that file in the os file system?
21:58.58raidfivedo you know how to check?
21:59.03B0janglesI've no idea
21:59.13raidfiveare you using the eclipse plugin?
21:59.27raidfiveswitch to the DDMS perspective
21:59.53B0janglesheh ;-)
21:59.58raidfiveFile Explorer :)
22:00.15B0janglesI do have a geodb file
22:00.33B0jangleshow do I see what's in it?
22:00.51B0janglesI don't seem to be able to open the file or anything
22:00.58raidfivein the upper right hand corner there is an icon to pull the selected file from the os
22:01.05raidfiveas well as push a file
22:01.13B0janglesah hah!
22:01.39raidfiveI edited that file with my own locations and pushed it back to the file system recently
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22:01.42raidfiveworks fine
22:01.59raidfivebut I'm still not sure about the IOException you are getting
22:02.05raidfivelatest sdk?
22:02.10B0janglesyes, latest sdk
22:02.51B0janglesyou're using getFromLocation?
22:03.22raidfivegetFromLocationName() actually
22:03.37B0janglesI wonder if getFromLocationName works, but getFromLocation doesn't...
22:04.15raidfiveit is possible ... checked the issue list lately?
22:05.21B0janglesWell, there's a bug report, but I'm the one that made it ;-)
22:05.21B0jangleshasn't been approved yet, though
22:06.53raidfivehmm yea, I see another bug listed for getFromLocation() also
22:07.02raidfivebut that is a different situation
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22:07.48raidfivenot the same issue though
22:08.01raidfivebut it does look like that method is borked :)
22:08.02B0jangleshuh. but apparently it's not throwing an exception
22:08.43B0janglesI wonder if it's because I've put it in a clas
22:09.02B0janglesdo I need to pass it a context somehow or something?
22:09.31raidfivewant to link your code via pastie or something for me?
22:09.58B0jangleswhat's the site people use for that?
22:10.17B0janglesoh pastebin
22:10.19B0jangleshang on
22:10.47raidfivethere are multiple ones
22:11.33B0jangleshere you go:
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22:18.27raidfivenothing is standing out
22:18.33B0janglesyeah ;-)
22:18.38B0janglestx for looking, though
22:19.08raidfivehopefully someone responds to your bug report soon
22:19.15B0janglesI hope so
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23:51.34acsiaB0jangles: check

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