IRC log for #android on 20080326

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01:46.59jastascratches his head and attempts to ponder a way to determine album uniqueness when various artists are involved
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02:57.21jastai bet Google is getting ready for another release.
02:57.33jastait's been real quiet in here from the google folks :)
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03:35.24dueynzwhens the compo finsih
03:35.27dueynzi should start
03:35.34jastaapr 14th is the round 1 deadline
03:35.52dueynzmeh probably won't enter
03:36.07jastai would be surprised if you could "throw together" an app in time.
03:36.10jasta...very surprised :)
03:36.35dueynzi would be able to
03:36.48dueynzjust to many assignments due on or around thatdate
03:37.19dueynzill release it in august
03:37.31dueynzi have to have it completed by then
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03:38.44jastaeven having no responsibilities whatsoever it would be difficult to put together a winning submission in this short a time frame.
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03:39.04dueynzdoubt it
03:39.08jastaif your app is really so miserably trivial, then why would it win?
03:39.23dueynzbecause i doubt they are looking for something fine tuned
03:39.53jastaI think you might be surprised by how many quality submissions are going to be available by Apr 14th.
03:40.04dueynzsoon see i guess :)
03:40.10jastasome developers, unlike yourself, do not wait until 2 weeks before the deadline to get started.
03:40.12dueynzprobably won't enter anyway
03:40.25dueynz2 weeks is my usual deadline time
03:40.28dueynzused to it
03:41.05jastayou have a scalability problem then, sir.
03:41.31dueynzill throw it together tonight and do the testing tomorrow
03:41.56jastawell, if you feel that gives you a fair chance at the prize, go for it.
03:42.21dueynzim not after the prize
03:42.27dueynzim after feedback
03:42.35jastaGoogle is unlikely to provide you with any feedback.
03:42.56jastaGiven the volume of submissions, I suspect the only feed back you will receive is a $25,000 check.
03:43.04jasta...or nothing.
03:43.30dueynzi am assuming round 2 involves implementation of suggestions considering the minimal timeframe in between
03:43.40dueynzor something along those lines
03:43.54jastaI think your assumptions are inconsistent with the reality of non-trivial software design.
03:44.10dueynzwell they want to use these apps to advertise the product right?
03:44.55jastaThat seems like a sensible goal, yes.  I, nor you, know precisely what they want however.
03:45.14dueynzok well if you read the TOS it says something along the lines of using the app to promote the platform
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03:45.43jastaIt says that you grant them the right to do so.  You can infer from that that they wish to use it for such purposes, but that is not a fact.
03:45.45dueynzso it would make sense to give people feedback, such as interface design specs such that all the apps are somewhat consistant
03:46.43jastaIt would not make sense to give feedback for every or even most projects, nor would it be fair to give feedback to winning submissions as they will then be in competition for the extra prizes.
03:47.18jastaOnly after the challenge is complete would it make sense for Google to intervene significantly.
03:47.29dueynzwell we don't know what the second compo is
03:47.41dueynzit might be best implementation of feedback :)
03:47.45jastaThis is not, as you assume, an episode of American Idol.
03:48.04dueynzwho said I am assuming that?
03:48.18jastadueynz: What second "compo"?  The first round is the qualifying round; if you do not win it, you are ineligible to win the next round.
03:48.36dueynzsecond round then
03:49.18jastaDo you mean the second ADC?
03:49.25jastaThere will be two, each with 2 rounds.
03:49.40dueynzi mean the second round of this competition
03:50.49dueynzjasta: I have to do this project for whether I am in the competition or not
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03:52.58dueynzthe problem is my project heavily relies on the camera
03:53.25dueynzand content in the photos that the camera takes
03:53.45dueynzso i can't do that part of the project until a working camera emulator is available
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03:56.22jasta_oops, lost connection to irc
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04:29.39jastaHmm, there apparently is a very low practical limit on the depth of our XML layouts.
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04:36.07muthuwhat's the depth?
04:38.48B0janglesdepth, as in, number of nested elements?
04:39.05muthui think that's what he means
04:39.11jastalooks like this is a known problem.
04:39.11B0jangleshow many?
04:39.22muthuhow many? how many?
04:39.50B0janglesDoes it only happen with ViewGroups?
04:39.57muthu6 - 9?
04:40.08B0janglesYeah, I guess 6-9
04:40.20B0janglesI haven't gotten more than 3 or 4 I think
04:40.41jastaViewGroups are the basis for every type of layout.
04:40.49muthumostly i stop at 3
04:40.55jastaand the only type that can have nested views.
04:41.06B0janglesAh, yes, I suppose that's correct
04:41.07muthuhaven't had any real need to go beyond 3
04:41.15jastaI'm thinking that my problem is coming from the fact that I use ViewInflate.inflate() a lot, which adds 1 extra layer each time totally unnecessarily
04:41.23muthuoh.. ok
04:41.36jastasince their API is kind of stupidly broken there.
04:42.03jastai guess they have addressed that in the next SDK, though.
04:42.05muthulately we are getting interesting replies in the group
04:42.26B0janglessuch as?
04:42.27muthuif you have a bug in the api, you can just mock it up
04:42.38muthubut let them know what the bug is
04:42.51muthuif you have real limitations with the sdk.. whatever it might be
04:42.55muthugps.. et al
04:44.47jastalooks for hackish ways to work around this
04:46.57poffyk guyz. Who wants to help me with some animation crap? :O
04:47.41muthui've been asked to do animation.. but have been kicked behind for my lack of skills
04:47.45muthugo on poffy
04:47.56poffylet me paste some stuff
04:48.10jastause a pastebin please :)
04:48.14poffyI am
04:48.22poffyI don't channel flood
04:48.44poffyThat's my drawable xml file
04:48.52poffyI'm using the new animation stuff
04:48.56muthuirc should be like twitter.. it must auto link to pastebin
04:49.24poffyThat's my custom view
04:50.59poffyWhat happens when I click on the screen, is it just displays the first frame
04:51.07poffyrather than the animation
04:51.56jastaI told you to search the Android issue list :)
04:52.02poffyI did
04:52.11poffyJust brought me back to the old stuff
04:52.12poffythat doesn't work
04:52.44muthupoffy did you try the build in view
04:52.45jastaI had this same problem as discussed here:
04:53.20muthuyeah.. very easy to animate
04:55.21jastaSee the most recent comment I just made discussing the work-around.
04:59.51poffyjasta, what class does setAnimatinoCacheEnabled belong to?
04:59.56jastaso, was that a vim joke, or just a keyboard locality joke?
05:00.16B0janglesuh, it was an alphabetical joke for me
05:00.20jastapoffy: If you look at the code, it should be obvious to you.
05:00.31_avatari have what appears to be unbounded memory growth in my application; i'm monitoring the heap size and object count in DDMS... is there any way to determine how many and what types of objects are alive in a running process?
05:00.32jastawell, mine was a vim joke.  therefore, better. :)
05:00.50jasta_avatar: you aren't using Base64Utils.decodeBase64() are you? :)
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05:01.13_avatarjasta: haha, no. i worked around that leak by using a 3rd party base64 decoder ;)
05:01.33jastaare you certain not to have any circular references in your code?
05:01.39jastaor lingering references?
05:01.56B0janglesdangling references?
05:02.05B0janglesdisaffected references?
05:02.43_avatari'm not certain, but i try to stay very careful about not creating circular references. i thought java's GC was smart enough to clean circular references?
05:02.46_avatarwhat are lingering references?
05:02.55jastayay, i worked around my depth problem by just adjusting one usage of ViewInflate.inflate to attach its children.
05:02.59_avatarsorry, I'm by no means a java expert
05:03.38B0janglesI hate zombies
05:03.39_avatari suppose google could answer my lingering reference question
05:04.07muthuavatar: are you doing any threads?
05:04.39_avatarmuthu: yes, i am
05:05.26muthuhmm.. threads if you are not careful will run amok
05:05.39B0janglesjust like zombies
05:05.40_avatarhrm, in what sense?
05:06.16muthuwhat do you do in your thread?
05:07.03_avatarvarious things, i have more than 1 worker thread somtimes. one example is a work queue. i post work items and they are processed in the background
05:08.04_avatarthat answer's probably to vague to be of any use, heh
05:08.55_avatari'm under an NDA so i need to be careful what i say
05:12.34_avatarbut there's no way to get a snapshot of the heap, and the number of and type of living objects?
05:12.56muthuthere are.. you need to use the ide
05:13.03muthuintellij offers some..
05:13.12_avatari'm using Eclipse
05:13.31muthui'll check the eclipse plugins, if any
05:20.12poffyjasta, I really apologize for how stupid my questions might seem, but I've been trying to mess with the code
05:20.24poffyIt's getting a View and casting as a ViewGroup, right?
05:20.53muthuthe layouts are all viewgroup
05:21.02muthuso they can contain other views
05:21.42muthuViewGroup extends View btw
05:21.49poffybut findViewbyId gets a view, right?
05:22.23poffyso, in my case, I should get my view and cast as a ViewGroup to turn off the AnimationCache?
05:22.35muthuViewGroup EXTENDS View
05:22.55muthuto get a clear picture.. look at the class hierarchy
05:23.00muthuin the docs.. very useful
05:24.45poffyI try and copy the code with ((ViewGroup)sView).setAnimationCacheEnabled(false);
05:25.40poffybut I get "Cannot cast from StickView to ViewGroup"
05:25.53poffyI apoligize for these newb questions
05:26.09poffyI haven't felt like this since I started C/C++ a few years ago
05:26.22muthuStickView is a view
05:26.33muthucast it to a View
05:26.53muthuView sits at the top..
05:29.21hoopladoes anyone know how input will be handled? will it be keyboard or exclusively touch screen?
05:32.11dueythe red eye is looking at me for a long time
05:32.44dueyyay exceptions
05:33.26poffymuthu, when I do ((ViewGroup)(View)sView).setAnimationCacheEnabled(false); I get a error when I try to run it, "Unable to start Activity ... ". Some exception stuff in StickView
05:33.36jastadude ;)
05:33.38poffyI'll try and why the exception
05:33.49jastayou need to take a step back and just learn Java first :)
05:34.09_avatarhoopla: i think it just depends on the phone. if you watch the video here they mention using a trackpad instead of a touchscreen
05:39.46muthupoffy: do me a favor.. take some time off and check the class hierarchy docs for View.. it would help you a lot
05:40.10muthucongrats duey
05:40.25dueyugh its locked my workspace
05:41.14poffymuthu java.lang.Object -> android.view.View -> android.view.ViewGroup
05:41.18poffyIs that what you mean?
05:42.55_avatarah, interesting. i'm running adb outside of eclipse and i no longer see unbounded memory growth. hmm
06:06.36muthupoffy: yes, if you need View cast em as View, or if you need ViewGroup cast it as ViewGroup
06:09.18poffymuthu, ok. I'm sorry if the answer is obvious, but why is giving me an exception error when I do ((ViewGroup)(View)sView).setAnimationCacheEnabled(false);
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06:10.05muthubecause view is not a viewgroup
06:10.11poffyok, I understand that.
06:10.20poffySo, I would need to create a ViewGroup
06:10.26poffyand add the view to it?
06:10.35muthuyeah..that's what layout does
06:10.53muthudo it from an xml
06:10.57muthuset your layout however you want
06:11.01poffyeh, xml
06:11.10muthuor you can do it from code
06:11.11poffyI'll have to screw with that in the morning
06:11.17poffyI did do it in code
06:11.18muthubut follow the same semantics
06:11.51muthuif you need animation.. you can use ViewFlipper
06:11.53poffyI just did that quickly
06:12.50muthuyou can create a linearlayout and add all your views to it
06:13.11poffyI'm just still expericing the animation not working
06:13.24poffyI'll try and figure out ViewFlipper in the morning, I guess..
06:13.33muthuadd a viewflipper
06:14.07muthuthere's an AnimationUtils class
06:14.21poffyViewFlipper can store how many views?
06:14.30poffyI thought I read in docs that it could only have two
06:14.48muthuany number of images
06:14.52poffyOh ok
06:15.05muthuonly to is the viewswitcher
06:15.16muthuflipper can load many
06:16.01poffyI'll figure out ViewFlipper in the morning then
06:16.09poffyThanks for your patience
06:16.25muthuits all in the docs
06:16.32muthulook at animation section
06:16.41poffyI haven't felt like this since I started learning C when I was doing DS homebrew :D
06:16.50muthuit happens.. np
06:17.09muthui only do light stuff anyways
06:18.19muthupoffy: where you from?
06:18.41poffyHouston, Texas, US
06:18.51muthugreat.. i lived there long time back
06:18.55poffyoh cool
06:18.57muthuactually spring, texas
06:19.07poffyI live around the Cypress area
06:19.12muthuoh cool
06:19.26muthutexas is great
06:19.32poffyoh yeah
06:19.37poffyI love it
06:19.42poffyI want to go to college here
06:19.47jastatexas is great?  lol, what? :)
06:19.54muthuyo jasta
06:21.14muthumemories are always great
06:21.14muthuso i remember only the good stuff
06:21.14muthui used to work for worldcom, spring, texas
06:21.14muthuthere's something called research forest
06:21.15muthupretty nice place
06:21.36poffyI haven't heard of it
06:21.58muthureally.. its in spring
06:22.01muthuyou know spring?
06:22.37muthuthe research forest is where all the r&d companies are present.. mostly telecom
06:22.45poffyOh cool
06:22.53poffyI'll try and look that up, some time
06:23.04dueywhen i click run in eclipse it doesnt run in the debugger
06:23.18poffyAnyway, I got to hit the sack
06:23.21poffyThanks for the help
06:23.25muthuok cool
06:24.59dueydoes anyone else have a problem where after running your app two times from eclipse it no longer runs?
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06:54.35jastaduey: yeah, check adb logcat for a permission mismatch or something.  the uid somehow changes and you need to chown all your files
06:54.48jastaor remove the app and data files and install again
06:55.15jastapretty stupid but, meh, i'm sure they've already fixed it in the next SDK or whatever
06:55.34dueyits definately quiet
06:55.50dueyromanguy isn't even here!
06:55.55dueymind you easter weekend
06:56.54jastai told you, they're getting ready for release i bet :)
06:57.05jastait's a dead giveaway, and it has happened every time right before a release :)
06:57.41dueythis is how google does it
06:57.43dueygives everyone laptops
06:57.48dueyfree food
06:57.51dueyfree coffee
06:57.55dueythey never stop working
06:58.01dueyits all part of the master plan
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07:49.35muthuok.. back from lunch
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14:31.26muthuhi, the next release date?
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15:13.02jastamuthu: have i started a rumor? :)
15:13.06jastai think really soon anyway :)
15:15.24muthui am waiting on it jasta
15:15.35jastawell, i wouldn't wait on it.
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15:15.53jastamy only basis for speculation is that romain and morrildl have been AWOL for about a week.
15:16.06jastaand that previously has indicated the rush before a release :)
15:16.09muthui guess the release will be only after 14
15:16.28jastai don't know that to be true.  morrildl actually suggested a while ago that they "hope" to get a release out before then
15:17.04muthunow that people are focussed, they wouldn't disrupt
15:17.47morrildlyeah, the window is closing pretty quickly
15:18.07morrildlit would be totally wrong to release a major SDK update 2 weeks before the deadline :)
15:18.24muthuthere you have it
15:18.30jastawell, fine :)
15:18.45morrildlhowever, we are still looking to do an update to M5
15:18.56morrildlWe are trying to figure out what fixes we can get into it
15:18.57jastasee :)
15:19.09jastaplease, *PLEASE*, fix the MediaPlaye r:(
15:19.20jastamy app will be so crippled without it
15:19.23morrildljasta: heh
15:19.34morrildlwe think we have workarounds for most of the bigger issues
15:19.52morrildlfor example, a lot of people have had problems streaming MP3s, but that appears to be an issue with how they were authored
15:20.24morrildljasta: unfortunately for M5 it looks like we aren't going to be able to do the play-and-save-at-the-same-time thing
15:20.37morrildlhowever, the good news is that I was told that WILL be supported in 1.0
15:20.38jastawhat about an InputStream?
15:21.16muthui gave up on streaming.. bundling the video for now
15:21.26muthuworks ok for the POC
15:21.32morrildlplay-while-downloading should be in the next milestone drop, as should many, many bug fixes for streaming
15:21.58jastasigh, you guys are gonna get a lot of streaming media player submissions that don't do anything :)
15:22.03jastamine included :\
15:22.06morrildljasta: yeah I know :(
15:22.17muthuvideo view is a bummer
15:22.33muthuit doesn't support the buffering event
15:23.37muthuok.. time to go home.. i'll catch up on the other side of the dinner
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15:24.51morrildljasta: re: inputstreams, the underlying libraries aren't really built for that.  The best we can do (for 1.0) would be a PCM player that can accept bytes via an inputstream or similar
15:25.33morrildlthat might be cute for people who want to generate a square wave and play it or something, but it's probably not so hot for you, since you'd have to decode your MP3s in Dalvik
15:25.42jastasigh, you're killing me.
15:25.59morrildlbut, like I said, play-and-save should be in the next milestone drop
15:26.08morrildlso at least that is coming
15:26.14morrildlYeah I am bummed too
15:26.59morrildlhmm, firefox is being stupid
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17:37.37muthu_just heard the next release is exactly 1 week away
17:37.40muthu_great news!
17:37.54zhobbswhere'd you hear that?
17:38.03muthu_from one of the google folks
17:38.48muthu_packed with some crazy functionality
17:39.18muthu_there's 1 new killer feature they added
17:39.38mike1oa rolling machine?
17:39.48muthu_unbelievable email.. let me read it fully
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17:46.06lenni_-_if i run my activity with a method call i get a null pointer exception, but if i take the method call out it runs fine?
17:46.29lenni_-_eclipse didn't complain about unresolved calls.
17:46.50zhobbswhat do you mean?
17:46.54Dan_UWhat do you mean run your activity with a method call?
17:47.05mike1omuthu_, can we read it too? :)
17:47.18muthu_oh man.. i can't believe it
17:47.30muthu_ok.. here it is
17:47.32zhobbsmuthu_: yeah, share :)
17:47.33lenni_-_soory, i meant i call a certain method in my onCreate
17:47.44mike1oif it's too long
17:47.49mike1opaste it somewhere
17:47.49muthu_flash IS supported!!!!!!!
17:48.01muthu_is this real?
17:48.02Dan_Ulenni_-_: you probably are trying to access something that is null in your method
17:48.03mike1omuthu_, in the browser?
17:48.21zhobbslenni_-_: we need more info...
17:48.22muthu_it says supported.. but not how
17:48.53lenni_-_is a nopaste okay?
17:48.56lenni_-_hang on
17:49.32muthu_i can't wait now.. the game guys are going to be really excited
17:49.57zhobbsis skeptical
17:50.11lenni_-_this it it:
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17:50.19muthu_i would not believe it myself, but this is from someone i know very well
17:51.07zhobbslenni_-_: where does the NPE happen?
17:51.34muthu_android wants to knock out RIM and iphone straight away
17:51.37lenni_-_this is the 2nd activity in my package. it happens when i start it
17:51.50zhobbsdo you know what line?
17:52.46muthu_romainguy: can you confirm this please?
17:52.47poffymuthu_: I'm anxious to read it now that you mentioned games
17:52.57lenni_-_i only have the debug info that android gives and that doesn't give me a line
17:53.17lenni_-_i'll try to get it from eclipse debug
17:53.20zhobbsmuthu_: romain's not in here
17:53.24muthu_poffy: me too
17:53.55zhobbslenni_-_: in the breakpoint view there is a little "J!", click that and add NullPointerException and it will automatically break for NPE's
17:54.01muthu_zhobbs: i'm waiting for him now o_0
17:54.51Dan_Ulenni_-_: I think it's when you do is.close() in the finally
17:55.01Dan_Uyour is is probably null
17:55.01poffymuthu_: If they come out with tons of new features, won't that give developers who are entering the compo a small amount of time to update to the current release and than make nifty additions?
17:55.29lenni_-_so. i'll have to catch it, right?
17:55.41Dan_Ucheck if it's null
17:55.47muthu_i really don't understand why they are doing a release in the first place
17:55.57zhobbsI don't think they will
17:56.07zhobbsunless not a lot really changes
17:56.13zhobbsjust bug fixes or something
17:57.17Dan_Udoes anyone know if the adc submit page only sends you one email if you submit multiple projects?
17:57.28Dan_UBecause I only got one email for the first project
17:57.54lenni_-_okay, thanks guys, is really was null
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19:14.10lenni_-_is there a maximum number of characters for textviews?
19:15.35lenni_-_i mean a maximum number of characters it can display.
19:16.07mihoshiWhat us the URL of files in res/raw directory?
19:24.36zhobbsmihoshi: you can get their id's via R.raw, but can't directly refer to them with a Uri
19:25.52mihoshiThanks. But then how can I make a files in project, that I'll be able to read by URL?
19:26.19B0jangleswhy do you want to access them by URL?
19:27.26mihoshiBecause there will be also another files, made in runtime, that I will read in same manner.
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19:28.55mihoshiDownloaded from net or created by user...
19:30.07mihoshiOf cause, I can read this files by id and save by URL, or inject it into android some other counterintuitive way but this seems lame...
19:33.24mihoshiSo, no way?
19:34.24B0janglesLook Here:
19:34.36B0jangles"         Access via Uri to an application resource      "
19:37.28mihoshiYes, I see...
19:38.31mihoshiTrying to make it working.
19:39.18mihoshiAnother catch is that I'm supposed to have references to this files in my XML files and databases O_o
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19:52.38taurenI just installed android and the eclipse plugin.  Following the Hello, Android tutorial.  The emulator starts up, says "ANDROID", then I get a red bar going back and forth for a while.  Then an error "Application Not Responding".  I've followed the Hello instructions to the letter.  What am I doing wrong?
19:53.09taurenthis is my very first time using the platform ever, so I'm sure i'm doing something silly.
19:54.07taurendoes this channel pertain to google android, or something else?
19:55.15taurenok, cool.
19:55.23taurenany ideas what i'm doing wrong?
19:58.37zhobbstauren: what application is not responding?
19:58.47zhobbsHelloAndroid or Home, etc?
19:58.58taurenits a google app, not mine
19:59.03taurenlet me restart it.
20:01.09taurenit seems to take about 1 - 2 minutes to start the emulator.  Is that normal?  Do I have to start it every time I make a change in my app and want to test?  Or can eclipse deploy to a running emulator?
20:02.15B0janglesyes no no
20:02.21B0janglesyes no yes
20:02.31taurenok, good to know...
20:02.57taureni got the home screen up, but HelloAndroid isn't starting
20:03.04B0janglesSend it again
20:03.12B0janglessometimes it gets lost while the emulator is starting
20:03.37taurenwhen I Run in eclipse, it always starts a new copy of the emulator
20:03.46taureni now have two running.
20:03.51B0janglesyeah, sometimes it does that
20:04.00B0janglesclose the old one
20:04.07B0janglesand hope the new one works ;-)
20:04.29B0janglesit doesn't always do that, but yeah, sometimes Eclipse has a hard time finding the emulator
20:04.45B0janglesand it keeps opening new ones
20:05.03taurenis there something you do when that happens?  restart eclipse?
20:05.14B0janglesget another cup of coffee
20:05.15taurenor just restart the app until it works?
20:05.22B0janglesI just restart the app until it works
20:05.28B0janglesit'll eventually work
20:05.34B0janglesand then it'll probably keep working
20:05.40taurenok, this time eclipse log shows more promising output
20:05.50taurenYes, it worked this time!
20:06.10taurenThe tutorial lead me to think it would JUST WORK.
20:06.20B0janglessometimes it does ;-)
20:06.35B0janglessometimes it doesn't...
20:06.35taurenThey shuold add something to the faq or somewhere about the possible issues like this.
20:07.05taurenSo, to make changes to my app, I just leave the emulator running, and hit Run or Debug again?
20:07.14taurendo i have to exit the running app?
20:07.27taurenso it will start multiple copies of my app at any time?
20:07.43B0janglesI think Android kills the old ones in the background
20:08.16taurenjust did it and i saw the home screen again for a second.  then the app started again.  so i think you are probably right.
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20:08.32taurenis there some sort of task list in android, so i can see what is running?
20:08.59B0janglesI forget...DDMS might tell you
20:09.14B0janglesdoesn't have Eclipse open at the moment
20:09.21taurenok, np
20:09.25taureni appreciate your help.
20:10.03taurenat least i'm going now.  i had tried it like 4 times and it never once ran for me.
20:10.43B0janglesyeah, it can be pretty annoying
20:11.11taurennow i have a better idea of what to expect...
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20:54.15lenni_-_i only have 500mb of ram on a macbook and android emulator + eclipse is excruciatingly slow. what is your experience? will upgrading to 1gb make a noticable difference or will i need 2gb?
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21:00.29zhobbslenni_-_: I have 2 gig and it's not all that fast :)
21:04.58jastathe android emulator runs a bit slow on my computer actually.
21:05.01jastaand mine is very powerful
21:05.10jastait runs faster on my work computer, which i would not generally say is a faster machine.
21:05.15jastaso who knows ;)
21:07.38lenni_-_at least i'm not the only one
21:11.16zhobbswoohoo...just got a job
21:11.47zhobbsdoing control systems for a local engineering more web development!
21:12.29zhobbsnow it just sucks that I have to work 8-5
21:12.38jastaweb development is stupid
21:12.45zhobbsyeah, it sucks
21:13.16lenni_-_i'm curious, being a student, why web development sucks
21:13.17zhobbsbut it paid for college
21:13.56zhobbslenni_-_: I don't like it because you spend way too much time on UI
21:14.41zhobbslenni_-_: and most of the programmers you work with are not very skilled (at least in my experience)
21:14.56zhobbsI'm sure there are some really good ones out there...just not were I've worked
21:15.04lenni_-_you mean, they are webdesigners really?
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21:16.47zhobbsa lot of the people I work with just keep writing code until it works...not a lot of thought put in (especially in ASP land)
21:17.45f00f-hack 'n slash
21:17.48f00f-tried and true method :P
21:18.02lenni_-_i have to admit, that is the way i do things too. but I'm hoping to change that with starting CompSci in the summer.
21:18.15f00f-languages that intermix layout and business logic suck
21:18.21f00f-or encourage it, such as ASP and PHP
21:18.40f00f-i still use PHP, but correctly
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21:19.22lenni_-_i have just toyed with django (python based)and i think it's really neat
21:19.59f00f-i don't know, all these frameworks are just overhyped
21:20.14f00f-i just churn out XML in my code
21:20.22f00f-and let XSLT take care of the rest
21:20.36f00f-designers can muck with the XSL and CSS
21:24.34morrildlf00f-: oh dear god
21:24.42morrildlworked on a system like that
21:24.47morrildl50,000 line XSLT file
21:24.51morrildlNever again.
21:25.00f00f-morrildl: that's just bad design
21:25.02morrildlXSLT works well in concept, but it's hard to customize
21:25.10f00f-you have to split it up into modules
21:25.12morrildlf00f-: I grant you that, the design predated me :)
21:25.15f00f-take advantage of functions, etc.
21:25.16morrildlactually that didn't work
21:25.18f00f-ah okay
21:25.25morrildllibxslt's performance was too low
21:25.51f00f-depends on the site, too
21:25.52morrildlanyway, django is not bad
21:26.02morrildlI like django b/c it's not trying to be a revolutionary thing
21:26.26morrildlFor example, Rails sometimes make me think of "Extreme Programming" and similar fads
21:26.42morrildlducks the XP afficionados on the channel.........
21:27.45jastai don't like any web frameworks, because web development is terrible :)
21:27.53jastabut, i have had extensive experience with HTML::Mason
21:28.04jastai didn't like it, but i didn't hate it.
21:29.23f00f-i love mason
21:29.34f00f-but absence of logic/presentation sucked
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21:30.13f00f-actually i looked at django before, and just the fact that they quite tim berner lee's "cool uri's don't change" doc make me want to try it out
21:30.39f00f-rather *link to
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21:33.05ksiomelo`hi there
21:33.16ksiomelo`I have a dumb question..
21:33.33ksiomelo`I want to show a imageview in a new activity
21:33.41ksiomelo`startActivity(new Intent(this,ImageViewActivity.class));
21:34.06ksiomelo`but I have to pass the image data (byte []) to it
21:34.33f00f-pointer anyone? :P
21:35.02jastaksiomelo`: Bitmaps are serializable, so construct one first.
21:35.09jastaor rather, they are parcelable.
21:35.26ksiomelo`I see
21:36.55ksiomelo`thanks =)
21:39.38Dan_Umorrildl: If we submit multiple applications to the adc, are we only supposed to get a confirmation e-mail for the first one?
21:42.45morrildlDan_U: Hmm, I assume that's what happened to you? :)
21:42.49morrildllet me check into it
21:42.54Dan_Uyep, 5 apps, 1 email
21:43.03Dan_Uand other people have asked in the groups
21:43.20Dan_Uso it's not just me
21:46.39morrildlDan_U: yeah, looks like that was the way it was configured
21:46.51morrildlDavid says he changed the option to send one response per submission now
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21:48.18Dan_Uok, so is there any way I can verify the ones I already submitted are actually there?
21:48.30morrildlDan_U: I will check manually
21:48.37Dan_Uok, thank you
21:48.41morrildlWhat email address did you submit under? (feel free to private msg me)
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22:16.38jjt001ayo to all
22:16.43jjt001quick question
22:17.00jjt001i put a ListView node within a relative layout
22:17.03jjt001is this legal?
22:17.34jjt001i'm got some NP exceptions after adding the ListView into my app
22:17.51jjt001anyone here?
22:18.25chomchomheh zhobbs, your being called on by name now!
22:18.41jjt001chomchom: i call you by name to assist me
22:19.16jjt001chomchom: want me to post logcat?
22:19.28jjt001chomchom: i will reward you greatly for this
22:19.55chomchomno I'm sorry I can't help you I have limited experience with listview
22:20.18jjt001chomchom: fine
22:20.24chomchomI've just used the BaseAdapters
22:20.26jjt001chomchom: you shall receive no reward
22:21.11chomchomshirks into the background.
22:21.22Dan_Ujjt001: the problem sounds vaguely familiar. Have you searched google groups?
22:21.42jjt001i'll do that now
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22:22.33jjt001thanks dan
22:22.49Dan_Uyou're welcome
22:23.58Kujapoffy: around?
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22:27.26jjt001Dan_U: wait
22:27.36jjt001Dan_U: the problem wasn't resolved
22:28.23jjt001Dan_U: shall i post my layout file on pastebin?
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23:08.35jastaDan_U: what 5 apps did you submit?
23:09.20chomchomYeah can we get some hints of names or anything to whet our pallets?
23:11.01Dan_Umy apps aren't that interesting
23:11.01chomchomcome on man they are interesting to us guys developing for two months!
23:11.01Dan_Uand I'd say more of a proof of concept than a production app
23:11.36chomchomyeah, we're all in that zone (speaks for self)
23:11.51Dan_Uthat is the link to the one I spent the most time on. It has links to the others
23:12.10Dan_UThere's screenshots in the help page for a few of them
23:12.20Dan_Uand all of them have descriptions in the help page
23:13.07Dan_Uand they are not tested extensively either. Don't be surprised to see bugs
23:13.12Dan_UI am just one person you know :-)
23:14.29jerkface03mobile social networking is pretty much dominated by one company
23:14.42Dan_Uwhich one would that be?
23:15.20Dan_Uinteresting. I've never heard of them though
23:15.29Dan_Ubut that's probably because I'm not a heavy mobile phone user
23:15.43jerkface03i worked there for a while
23:15.45jerkface03it was alright
23:16.09chomchomthis is Excellent stuff Dan_U, well done
23:16.20Dan_UI doubt I'll win anything
23:16.27Dan_Ubut I learned quite a bit by writing them
23:18.54jastasorry i had to do work for a second :)
23:21.15ksiomelo`hey guys..
23:21.16ksiomelo`is there a way to setup the layout of the option menu?
23:21.30chomchomyeah man athena is well sweet
23:21.38ksiomelo`I would like to make a linear vertical menu, not that large buttons
23:21.44Dan_Uchomchom: thanks
23:21.49Dan_UI spent the most time on that one
23:22.03chomchomI like your flair approach to the UI
23:22.16Dan_UThat was about the third UI I came up with
23:22.36chomchomthe UI is a bit confusing mind you but of course this is a prototype
23:22.38Dan_UI thought the earlier ones I did looked too primitive
23:22.50Dan_Uyeah, I'm sure I could do a bit better with it
23:23.40Dan_UI know of some areas that are not very good, but I couldn't visualize a better way at the time
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23:30.53Dan_Uchomchom: I see you created an account :-) Has anything broken yet?
23:31.22chomchomnope, I'm just explaining it to my lady
23:31.46chomchomthe password field revealed the last character when I was signing up
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23:31.54jastai'm really hoping to produce a set of screenshots or maybe even a walk through video fro my project some time when it gets much closer to the deadline...
23:32.13Dan_Uhmm, the signup page is just a password text field
23:32.24Dan_Uso it's whatever your browser does I suppose
23:32.39Dan_Uare you sure it was the sign up or was it the login on the client?
23:33.33Dan_Ubecause the password edittext does that in Android
23:37.34chomchomSorry I meant the sign in on the phone emu
23:37.49Dan_Uok, then that's expected
23:37.55Dan_Uit confused me too when I saw it do that
23:38.00chomchomtried to download the taxi one and got a 404
23:38.06Dan_Ubut then I think I came into the chatroom here and asked about it
23:38.13Dan_Uok, I'll look at taht
23:38.21Dan_UI thought I verified them all, but maybe I didn't
23:38.37chomchom404 for traveloid
23:38.47chomchomand datelocate
23:38.57Dan_Uworks fine for me
23:39.26chomchomthey direct me to
23:39.41Dan_UI must have something really screwed up
23:40.53Dan_UWas that when you tried to download the clients?
23:41.54Dan_UI can't seem to reproduce it. I recognize the url. It's from a long time ago and doesn't even exist in my source any more
23:42.15Dan_UMy hosting provider moved their servers. I wonder if they have some kind of load balancer and are balancing between a server with the updated code and one without
23:42.24ksiomelo`Dan_U: really amazing apps, congrats
23:42.46ksiomelo`Dan_U: are you using web services?
23:43.13lenni_-_i have a list of elements i would like to display with bullet points. would edit the xml element a text view or can I use html-is tags like <li>?
23:44.24Dan_Uksiomelo`: Kinda/sorta :-)
23:44.55Dan_UI didn't try to jump into doing web services in a proper way because it looked like there was poor support for them.
23:45.22Dan_Uand because I'm lazy
23:46.35ksiomelo`Dan_U: yes, indeed. I am using an xml-rpc version for android
23:47.39Dan_Uwell, I guess regardless of whether the download links are incorrect, I did upload the apk files on the submission page
23:47.49Dan_UBut, that means only the judges can get access to them
23:49.52Dan_Uchomchom: can you tell me what page you went to that had a link to athena.dynalias?
23:50.20chomchomsure I'll go through them
23:52.11Dan_USo the dynalias link is when you click the Downloads button in the header?
23:53.40Dan_Uoh, I see
23:54.20Dan_Uchomchom: Thanks for finding that

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