IRC log for #android on 20080324

00:07.52*** join/#android rch850 (
00:16.10jastawow, just a simple logic error :)
00:27.34*** join/#android QuaintRcky (
00:29.05*** part/#android QuaintRcky (
00:29.32tmcnealman. it's a pain to get images to look right with a black background and white background
00:56.01jastai'm being really stupid today
00:56.06jastai should just quit and go do something else :)
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01:46.49tmcnealanyone found anyway to modify the TabWidget in such a way that it displays an icon only on the selected tab?
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01:49.29jastatmcneal: I'm actually doing that right now.
01:49.42jastaUsing a more custom view instead of their default label/icon thing.
01:49.50jastai'll post a simple demo when i'm done
01:50.19chomchomGood call. I'd appreciate that as well.
01:50.32tmcnealsa-weet. thanks jasta
03:03.48*** join/#android infobot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:03.49*** topic/#android is Planet Android seems pretty cool:
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04:45.39jastaFor anyone interested:
04:52.43*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
04:58.47*** join/#android rhett (
04:59.02rhetthey, does anyone know about possible business distribution models for android
04:59.22rhettlike, if I want to sell my app per install or per month usage?
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05:02.33B0janglesyou're getting the cart a bit ahead of the horse...there aren't any Android devices yet, let alone distribution channels...
05:03.41rhettWell, for one thing, it's really easy to decompile all java apps, from my understanding, so it would be hard for anyone to put lockdowns or even be able to trust a client
05:04.52B0janglesI think there will eventually be a way to write native binaries
05:05.55rhettit's pretty clear how to sell an iphone app, and like you're saying, there are no distribution channels for android.  That's fine with me if they just want to encourage open source software on their platform, but I just want to be aware about what kind of business model I should expect to embrace for my app
05:06.39B0janglesnobodyreally  knows yet...
05:12.05rhetthas anyone printed out the android docs?
05:12.11rhettit's hard to print html...
05:16.12*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
05:27.31raidfivedoes anyone know if you can customize the options menu? by default it has a gap above the text for an icon but I don't plan on displaying an icon so I am wanting to get rid of that gap
05:34.09jastayou should definitely display an icon.  even if it's sort of a stupid one :)
05:37.43rhettI want to be able to use their DatePicker, but make certain dates have static background colors, with a legend
05:39.15rhettout do I figure out if that's possible?  the DatePicker class has a lot of attributes and methods...
05:40.06*** join/#android rch850 (
05:40.33jastadunno, i've never looked at that particular widget
05:41.00rhetti guess I might have to make my own "calendar" with a table layout
05:42.36rhettoooh, I can set a background, from android.view.View, since the size of the datepicker doesn't change I could just make the background be one big file
05:46.49raidfivewhy the push for an icon in the options menu? :)
05:47.32raidfiveare they suppose to be 64x64 like the application icon?
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06:51.37raidfivehaha, is that a joke?
06:55.57raidfivewhat a useless example
06:56.06rhettthen don't use it raidfive ;)
06:56.30raidfivehow do I make some text a link to a website? :)
07:06.20rhettFeel free to create more lucid examples
07:07.16raidfivedoes google have a place to submit user created examples?
07:07.49raidfiveseems like making text a link would be easy but I can't find any docs on it
07:08.50rhettthat wiki example showed up on google code
07:13.10raidfivecool I'll read over that
07:15.28rhettit would be cool to see some open projects that were open even before the contest deadline like wiki-notes win a prize
07:25.57jastathe major issue is probably not the challenge itself, but the fact that good code takes a long time to author.
07:26.15jastamy project, for example, is not currently mature enough to release anyway.
07:26.37jastaand even after the first round, i suspect there will still be lots of problems barring it from widespread use.
07:29.18rhettyeah, that's another thing, there is a huge difference between a project that has been worked on for 6 months and 1 month, so a lot of people who started earlier will have a lot more mature projects
07:29.31rhettI suspect the round 2 will have much stiffer competition
07:29.41rhettalso, they don't even consider their sdk alpha yet
07:30.07jastai started just after christmas, and i still have a long, long way to go for a mature product.
07:30.16jastaand i have not been slacking, i just have a very large and sophisticated project.
07:30.19rhettdo you think you'll win, jasta ?
07:30.40jastai think that is a strong possibility
07:30.49rhettwow, that's awesome
07:31.46jastamy application is certainly non-trivial, does not currently exist in any known fashion, and is very practical.  my interpretation of the challenge rules is that my project is spot on to what google is looking for.
07:32.35rhettI'd like to be able to post sample apks for people download after I submit it, but I would want for those alpha apps to expire if I ever wanted to sell the final version
07:33.03rhetti don't know if apps will auto-update or what.  It sure would be annoying to turn on my phone and see it needs to update 5 apps
07:33.50jastahonestly, you should just ignore what you can't control.
07:33.56jastaand be willing to adapt as necessary
07:36.31rhettI don't get what google gets out of projects that they give the final awards to.  Like say, you have a pretty good music app, and it's in the top 10, and they give you $275k, according to what I see, you are under no obligation to improve it after that
07:37.28jastano, but that would be counter-intuitive.
07:37.48jastai mean, if you get $300K from google and want to develop a commercial app, you already have a strong starting point to make way, way more money.
07:38.13jastaif you get $300K from google and all you wanted was a simple open source app, you could release it and never work on it again
07:38.33rhettso, what would you do jasta ?
07:38.58jastai will be releasing my app open source after round 1 is over.
07:39.01rhettI don't see the business plan for making way more money at this point, with the iphone it's obvious
07:39.59jastai am wanting to enter the mobile industry in other ways, not through this app.
07:40.13jastai will probably take the resulting notoriety and use it to make some "adjustments" to my career.
07:40.33*** join/#android mypapit (n=mypapit@pdpc/supporter/active/mypapit)
07:40.58rhettsounds like you have more figured out than I do, jasta :)
07:45.28jastai will happily admit that my primary reason for developing my challenge app is because i personally want this app to exist.
07:45.33jastai personally want to use it, on my cell phone.
07:46.17jastait is merely a side-effect that it might be worth $300K to Google.
07:48.51rhettso, are people normally going to be using the touch screen or the arrow-pad?
07:49.04rhettare some android devices not going to have touch screens?
07:49.50rhettfor example, with the iphone, some apps come up with usable buttons instead of having to hit the menu button, which is nicer when you are using the touch screen primarily
07:50.16rhettbut the default android contact list, for example requires that you hit the menu button to add a contact
07:50.28rhetti would find that annoying compared to an iphone
07:53.56_avatarhmm, so I'm monitoring heap usage in my application, and routinely see it raise to about 70%... should i worry about it being so high? what happens when it reaches 100%?
07:57.34_avatarwill the process be killed? will i throw an out of memory exception?
07:57.49_avatari don't plan on reaching 100%, but it'd be nice to know what type of behavior to expect :)
08:13.09*** join/#android illustir (
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09:39.33rhettany idea what the best way to change a widget background dynamically is?
09:44.43rhetton neat .setBackgroundColor
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11:26.04rhettmorning cutmasta
11:27.06rhettsome ukranian company just bid on my elance android project and sent me a demo of a project they made, they said it took them 200 hours... I'm not that impressed
11:27.46rhettif anyone wants to see the demo though I could post it somewhere
11:38.53*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
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12:46.53rhetthey, I'm having trouble creating a custom component, mmm
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13:47.40muthutime for a new topic!
13:57.40rhetthow do I get that datepicker to show up with a white background?  I can make it white if I do dp.setBackgroundColor, but I want to customize my own class
13:59.19zhobbswhy don't you just call this.setBackgroundColor in the constructor for CustomDatePIcker
14:00.21rhetti did that too, that doesn't work
14:00.36rhetti tried a bunch of things, i just didn't paste all the failures
14:00.52zhobbsit works to set the background color in the Activity?
14:01.15rhettoh, in the constructor, or in the ondraw override?
14:01.32zhobbsI would think you could call it in the constructor
14:01.51rhettok that works
14:01.57rhettwhy not the ondraw override?
14:02.04rhettthanks zhobbs I suck at java
14:02.11rhettit must be something obvious I guess
14:02.33zhobbsondraw is for when you want to draw the whole thing yourself
14:03.00zhobbsbetter to just set the bg color in the constructor and then let the normal ondraw do it's stuff
14:03.43zhobbsor ondraw can be used to add some kind of overlay, or tint, etc
14:03.56rhettcool, thanks zhobbs
14:08.52jastazhobbs: hey, i wrote a pretty cool TabActivity demo if you're interested
14:09.13muthucool jasta
14:09.58jastait dawned on me that i actually had the necessary information to do this thanks to my earlier reverse engineering :)
14:10.16muthuhave you checked the tab lifecycle?
14:10.25jastai found layout-finger/tab_indicator.xml, color-finger/tab_indicator_text.xml, ... ;)
14:10.35jastamuthu: what do you mean?
14:10.46muthui was having trouble with the lifecycle
14:11.01jastahmm, didn't seem to be an issue for me, though my demo is very small
14:11.04muthuwas trying to use an "intent" as the tab content
14:11.11jastathat is what i did.
14:11.25muthucool..i'll feedback after checking it out
14:13.13*** join/#android tlockney (
14:14.50jastabtw, the graphics i made are kind of terrible.  if anyone would like to improve, i'd very much so appreciate it.  i'm intending to use this code in the way that i have demonstrated :)
14:15.00jasta(hehe, i am ripping off the iphone left and right *grin*)
14:15.34muthui'm terrible at graphics
14:23.37muthujasta: neat!
14:23.59zhobbsjasta: nice demo, we need to keep copying the iPhone
14:24.27jastai am not very creative, so i have little choice but to steal from things that i know people like.
14:24.39zhobbsI'm the same way
14:24.44muthutab_indicator.xml - impressive
14:25.15jastawhich one?  there is a drawable and layout
14:26.12muthudrawable - of course
14:26.20muthujasta: you've covered the basics well - great job
14:27.55jastai'm actually using this in my main app now
14:28.17zhobbsit's a good demo because the docs lack so much
14:31.36*** join/#android Mathiasdm2 (
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14:31.56rhettnice demo jasta
14:32.09rhetthey, can someone explain to me what this 8 hex character color thing is?
14:32.29zhobbsAlpha Red Green Blue
14:32.29rhettfor transparancy?
14:32.46zhobbsyeah, FF is solid, 00 means transparent
14:34.28muthui'll test the lifecycle now
14:34.32muthujasta: btw your xml dump is still in binary :(
14:38.19zhobbsmuthu: what's binary?
14:39.34muthuzhobss: jasta reverse engineered the xml files
14:39.44zhobbsyeah, I saw that
14:40.01muthui thought it was in xml format
14:40.31muthumay be a few of them did not get converted
14:40.57zhobbsOh, I think he said a couple don't convert maybe..but all the ones I've looked at have converted to xml
14:41.37muthuok.. i was checking out the expandable list items..
14:42.32muthutime for dinner :)
14:44.03jastathose convert.  check out my dump of all of them tho.
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15:00.42jastahi morrildl
15:01.57morrildlmorning, jasta
15:03.14jastai discovered a quite serious bug over the weekend.  i was wondering if maybe you could have an engineer spy it for me? :)
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15:17.29morrildljasta: interesting, a crash in JDWP on the device side
15:17.42morrildljasta: thx for the report
15:18.28jastayeah, it's very reproducible for me.
15:18.40jastain one particular function in a jar exported from a library i wrote.
15:18.52jastaif i hide the local variables view in Eclipse, it won't crash.
15:18.56jastaas soon as I show it, kaboom :)
15:19.08zhobbsthat's crazy
15:19.24morrildlzhobbs: not as crazy as you might think
15:19.51jastait was especially irritating because i wasn't debugging that function for my health, ya know? :)
15:19.55morrildlthe jdb integration works via an implemention JDWP of on both sides of the device
15:20.10morrildllike any code, the JDWP implementation can have bugs :)
15:20.29morrildlsince it isn't running Java on the "inside" there's a certain amount of grey-area translation going on
15:21.12jastaalso, there's a nasty memory leak in Base64Utils.decodeBase64
15:21.15jastai posted another bug about that :)
15:21.24morrildlyeah we know that one, I believe
15:21.38morrildlthe current source tree has 3 different implementations of base64
15:21.43jastai noticed that.
15:21.46morrildlone of the things we are doing is tidying that up :)
15:21.49jastaso, i added my own
15:53.33*** join/#android johnstonian (
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16:06.44zhobbsmy PhoneFinder app idea was stolen (and improved upon a LOT):
16:06.59zhobbslooks like a nice web interface
16:08.46*** join/#android davidw (n=davidw@
16:11.14muthugreat app
16:11.43zhobbsprivacy concerns...but cool
16:11.57muthuphone finder..friend finder.. finders!!
16:12.24muthui need a laptop finder
16:12.45davidwneeds a money finder
16:13.27muthufinders on your mobile will be the next google
16:13.55jastazhobbs: have i told you about my idea for a "secret" contacts app?
16:14.08zhobbsyeah you did
16:14.23zhobbsit's a great idea, just don't let your better half know :)
16:14.27muthueveryone is anticipation jasta
16:14.37muthuorders are filling up ;)
16:15.46jastai thought about selling that type of app at first actually.  i was originally going to write it for Windows Mobile and I figured the sorts of people who would want it are duncey salesmen who would pay BIG for something like that :)
16:16.13jastabut then i realized i'd have to come up with creative billing like Playboy and Penthouse so as not to put a line on their credit card statement saying "SECRET CHEAT ON YOUR WIFE CONTACT APP PRO!" :)
16:16.14muthuanything "secret" is a great business idea
16:16.47muthuif you can guarantee privacy, it would sell
16:16.59zhobbsyeah there are probably some business men out there that will pay big bucks to keep their secrets
16:17.07jastaand then Android came along, and my philanthropic side took over.  I'll release it for free for the good, or perhaps detriment of, mankind.
16:17.25muthuit would be a great hit
16:17.34muthubut you need to hide your app
16:17.42muthuit should be in stealth mode
16:17.53jastaof course, i had thought i would have it password protected by a gesture on the home screen
16:18.06zhobbsdon't let oprah hear about it, she'll give the details on how to check a phone for it
16:18.17jastasomething slightly awkward even, like maybe start by holding down two awkward buttons, pressing in an area of the screen etc.
16:18.32muthuit would be really hard to do keep your app a secret
16:18.32jastaand i'll have the sequence randomly generated uniquely for each app install
16:18.39zhobbsdisguise it as a calculator
16:18.55zhobbsput in a certain combination of calculations to access :)
16:19.00jastaspeaking of which
16:19.14muthuzhobbs: good idea
16:19.21muthuintegrate with the existing apps
16:19.24zhobbsset your password as 3+3*pi/4 or whatever
16:19.25jastamy high school girlfriend sent me a text message yesterday to say "Happy Easter".  "Happy Easter"?  Wtf, yeah right.
16:19.55muthujasta: she likes you
16:20.12jastawell i know, she's the reason i thought of this stupid app :)
16:20.29muthuha ha
16:21.13jastashe's crazy though, i'm not down.
16:21.35jastathe problem is, though, i can't really bring myself to block her number, but i won't put her number in my phone because my gf will see it
16:21.49jastaso she just occassionally sends me messages or calls, and i have no good policy to deal with it
16:22.00muthuthat's a real problem
16:22.20jastaand it's not frequent enough that i'm really pissed about it or anything
16:22.32jastabut i feel like i should have come up with some bullet-proof scheme for handling these events.
16:22.37jastathat's where the idea came from
16:22.51muthunice.. real solutions for real problems
16:22.57jastabeing able to actively ignore them, while still being able to track the events is perfect :)
16:23.10jastait satisfies my curiousity, while simultaneously keeping me out of trouble.  perfect.
16:23.48muthuperfect indeed.
16:24.20muthuyou know what.. its a global problem.
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16:27.38zhobbsmuthu: space bar stuck?
16:28.06muthumy daughter broke it yesterday
16:28.20davidwyour girlfriend looks through your contacts?
16:28.29muthunow its stuck
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17:44.42jastachomchom: *poke*
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17:57.53rhettwhy do I have to specify the type for dp?
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18:01.07jastarhett: Because findViewById returns a View.  Java has strong type safety, and as such will require an explicit cast when you are attempting to break it down.
18:02.14rhetti see jasta , thanks I should really investigate these things more myself
18:04.32mihoshiWhat is most simple method of reading XML in android?
18:05.38jastarhett: The cast has the useful side-effect of throwing a runtime exception if the type is not what you expect it to be.
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18:26.33d3dhi #android
18:29.02d3dhow's trix
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18:32.09jastarhett: i strongly recommend taht you at least gather a basic appreciation for Java before you start trying to write Android code.
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18:32.52jastathere are enough gotchas in Android specifically that you will likely be unable to write correct code by just "faking it"
18:33.42d3di realize many entries will come at the last minute, but is there any indication of how many entries there will be for the android contest ?
18:34.08*** join/#android BenO (
18:34.11B0janglessomething tells me they're not sharing that information...
18:34.32d3di guess there are no friendly googlers here then ;)
18:34.46B0janglesplenty of friendly googlers
18:34.54*** part/#android BenO (
18:35.02B0janglesdoesn't mean they can share private company info
18:35.08d3di understand.
18:35.14Leded3d: on the blog there was a poll and about 400 or something was the result
18:36.01d3dLede, i did see that, though i remember it being lower..
18:36.09Ledeor lower
18:36.22Ledei have the memory of a car tire
18:37.04d3das usual for me i've decided to jump in with an entry at the last second.. working with a doctor - researcher friend in the health area, something strongly wiki-oriented
18:37.09B0janglesdammit, my app stores data in a car tire!
18:38.00B0janglesso much for
18:39.31d3di hope you aren't one of the googlers ;)
18:39.40B0janglesme? no
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18:40.05Ledewhen i get older i will work at google as toilet cleaner
18:40.20B0jangleslike the little blue bricks you drop into the tank?
18:40.37d3doh no, he's been automated out of a job already
18:40.39Ledestuff like that
18:41.09B0janglesd3d: lol
18:41.24B0janglesI have a friend who coded a coworker out of a job
18:41.28d3dwell, it's probably more environmently friendly to use a person
18:41.29B0janglesthey didn't get along
18:41.37B0janglesd3d: probably
18:41.45Ledei'm organic
18:41.56Ledeflexes arms
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18:47.41jastai've coded two people out of jobs, actually.
18:47.51jastawith direction from management to do so
18:48.23B0janglesI don't think I've ever done it...
18:48.28B0janglesnot directly, anyway
18:48.40jastaactually, the tool that did it was sold to other reps in the US as well, so it may have lost a much larger number of people their jobs
18:49.46jastapeople here used to manually go through these huge lists of engineering drawings and diagrams and simply mark them, highlighting the fixture information and putting a little box in the corner stating job information and stuff.
18:50.17jastaso the first version of my tool did that job, causing one perosn to get let go.
18:50.36B0janglesIt's always amazing how many things companies do manually that could easily be replaced with code
18:50.47jastathen the second version went out to the Internet and actually collected the drawings, which let the other person go.
18:51.19jastamost of our manufacturers have very well written public web sites which worked great with google search for their part numbers and
18:51.22jastaand filetype:pdf
18:51.49jastamost jobs we do have 600+ drawings, and the tool automatically downloads at least 80%.
18:51.58d3ddoes anyone know if it's practical to embed a local http server in an android vm
18:52.19B0jangleswhat for?
18:52.27jastamy job here is basically automation monkey.  i turn stupid jobs into easy jobs, thus allowing departments to handle inreased work loads without hiring extra bodies.
18:52.32d3deveryone asks that.. so the app can be web based as much as possible
18:53.19B0janglesSo you want to write a webserver in Java?
18:53.23jastad3d: that is sort of ridiculous, don't you think?
18:53.49d3dsure, but i like the explore the ridiculous. i know you can set up a "webserver" in very few lines of code in jdk 1.6
18:53.50jastaif you really want that arrangement, however, Google Gears is what you're looking for.
18:54.21jastathough it currently doesn't work on Android, i think you'd be crazy to think it's not coming.
18:54.37jastaconsidering google released gears fro windows mobile
18:55.03d3di'm thinking partially of offline work, balancing redeveloping an app layer vs carrying over the web layer (using html as an interface)
18:56.01d3dbut probably google would prefer any project to use their widgets
18:56.17B0janglesi would imagine
18:56.56haavior perhaps their SDK
18:57.12jastawell that is precisely what gears is for.  your app can be entirely web-based and abstract, but at the same time not stupid and slow :)
18:57.35jastathough i still think web-based apps are absolutely the wrong approach for mobile devices.
18:57.53d3djasta, i agree, except what i have in mind should be web accessible as well
18:58.00jastathey satisfy 1 goal, portability, but unfortunately none others.
18:58.27jastad3d: then it would be appropriate to design an abstract framework which you can attach to from multiple types of clients.
18:58.45d3djasta, yes, that's my plan
18:59.05jastarather than using a framework which is inherently that, but unfortunately also inherently very inefficient.
18:59.52mihoshiWhere can I download up-to date documentation for Android? One with last SDK has huge holes
18:59.57d3di think modern web apps can be quite responsive with sophisticated controls, but trying to do all that in an android app would be asking too much
19:00.22B0janglesI just use the documentation online
19:00.33B0janglesnot that it's hole-free, though
19:00.35d3dhowever my app would require using an html renderer, which i hope is straightforward.. it doesn't really make sense to redevelop a rich text display
19:02.51Ledei think about 500
19:03.27B0janglesI'd been thinking of writing a personal wiki...Im glad I decided not to.
19:03.38B0janglessince they wrote one already ;-)
19:03.50d3dusing WikiWords ... ugh
19:04.08B0janglesYeah, CamelCaseIsAStupidWayToMakeAWiki
19:04.15d3dthough since it's just regexes, i suppose it could use [[What ever]]
19:04.17jastayou people are thinking too small :)
19:04.24mihoshiI need an html renderer and script engine for my app badly :/
19:04.38B0janglesjasta: why do you say that
19:04.46d3ddoes android support rhino or another js engine
19:05.51mihoshiIt has some js inside WebKit, but doesn;t show it to anyone
19:06.08d3dthat's too bad :( this really is ground floor
19:06.20jastamihoshi: doesn't show it?
19:06.42mihoshiYes, doesn't provide any real java interface to it
19:06.52jastaB0jangles: well, i mean for the ADC.  a gimmicky program you could whip up in a week is extremely unlikely to win.
19:07.06jastamihoshi: Oh, yes.
19:07.17B0janglesjasta: well, I did say I decided *not* to do that...
19:07.26jastabut even if you had, it wouldn't win :)
19:07.30d3dthat's pretty much my idea, with some twists ;)
19:08.01B0janglesjasta: well, yeah, especially since Google already wrote one. Regardless, my entry has nothing to do with wikis...
19:08.18d3dhowever, i plan to use the phrase "web 2.0" a lot
19:08.24B0janglesd3d: ugh
19:08.28mihoshiWell, everything what I have seen so far is not that much creative...
19:08.32B0janglesjasta: though, I do love personal wikis
19:09.15jastamihoshi: My guess is most people are not sharing publicly their ideas, and certainly not their implementations.
19:09.57d3dgoogle should use more of a collaborative building blocks approach
19:10.12jastai have not been safe-guarding my idea, mostly because i think it's "devil in the details".
19:10.30jastabut im sure that's a bit uncommon among participants.
19:10.45B0janglesI've just been copying all of jasta's code...
19:10.52d3djasta, so where's your project description ...
19:11.20jastastill, my project is currently at 13K loc, several separate components, and i'd say i'm half done with my final goal.
19:11.32jastad3d: nowhere, i merely explain it freely.
19:12.09B0janglesAm I the only one who's found that development is taking way longer than expected?
19:12.24B0janglesmaybe I'm just slow
19:12.34jastaB0jangles: I knew going into it that my project was going to be an enormous amount of work, so I can't say that I feel like I'm behind schedule.
19:12.46jastaI started late Dec, and have been working about 2 - 3 hours per day on average.
19:13.03d3dwow, that is a lot of work
19:13.06jastaand like i said, about half way done with my core set of goals.  there will be much work to be done after that, of course.
19:13.31jastatuning, bug fixes, optimizations, etc.  also, i plan to develop a component entirely separate from Android after the challenge.
19:14.02jastamy project is a system which sensibly lets you access your home media collection (music is my primary focus, though it can be extended).
19:14.07mihoshiWhat are you going to submit at April 14th?
19:15.10d3dbased on standard protocols that could be a shoe in
19:15.14jastamore of a prototype, which works, but doesn't have many of my secondary, optional goals.
19:15.25jastad3d: it is based on standard protocols, i use SyncML and HTTP.
19:15.37jastaand while you believe it is a shoe-in, you are thinking much, much too small.
19:16.30jastaalso, i have to implement the server component of course (which i have done)
19:16.45jastaand the android piece has to be really well optimized just to make it work at all (this is a lot of data we're talking about here)
19:17.27jastafor example, the server-side database for my personal collection is currently 28MB, that includes a small bit of meta data, artwork, etc.
19:17.27mihoshiI think, there is no much sense in heavy optimization until we get a eal devices
19:17.49jastawell, let's not call these optimizations: we'll call it sensible, efficient design from the start.
19:17.59jasta"hacking" it together would simply not work with this much data involved.
19:18.34d3dactually i was thinking more of mcx, wmc, etc
19:18.43jastaplus my system is not simply engineered to be a silly proof-of-concept.  i have designed it with the intention of releasing as a usable framework, with the intention of extending it thoroughly.
19:19.10d3ddlna type stuffs
19:19.10jastad3d: lol, are you serious?
19:19.55d3dmy n95 supports UPnP, why shouldn't a gphone
19:20.18jastanot only would that be extruciatingly limited, it would also be horribly slow and non-portable.
19:20.37jastathat design would be unworkably bad.
19:21.10d3dbut if your highest level is syncml and http, it seems like you'd eventually end up reimplementing an existing standard
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19:22.41jastayes, very probably, because no generalized protocol exists to do what i need, and you'd be insane to pick a Microsoft protocol as your basis to extend.
19:23.28d3dbut upnp &c is not a microsoft protocol any more than usb is, it is adopted by sony, nokia, and open source projects like mytht
19:24.04jastaUPnP does nothing to solve this problem.
19:24.16Bonkerswhich makes it quite intersting when all my mythtv recordings show up as audio tracks on my xbox 360 and of course none paly
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19:25.20d3dBonkers, that's not surprising, it's in its infancy, though it'd be great if jasta's software would provide a solution ;)
19:25.42jastaPerhaps you grossly misunderstand the intention of my software.
19:25.53jastaUPnP is an entirely irrelevant technology.
19:25.56d3dquite likely ;)
19:27.00jastaUPnP is simply an abstraction of devices on a network, it does not help you provide a lot of meaningful dialog between those devices.  That is the job of another technology.
19:27.23d3dso you wouldn't build your solution on top of upnp ?
19:27.26jastaAnd UPnP's definition of a network is generally limited to private networks, nothing like the public Internet, whcih my technology operates on.
19:28.03jastaTo break it down to its basic components, you would run a server on your home computer, configure your phone to connect through your home Internet connection, and synchronize everything OTA.
19:28.09d3dit does seem to support NAT traversal.. but it's your thing, sounds like you have a handle on it
19:28.21jastaSpecifically, separating meta data and structure from content so that certain data can transmit passively while the rest of it streams.
19:29.04jastathe server, in this case, would use UPnP only to poke a hole in your local firewall, if your router supports that.
19:29.30d3dwell, i'm referring to upnp av, but it's just a buzzword i heard in passing that sounded similar to what you're talking about
19:29.53jastaWell it was quite inappropriate to suggest, trust me.
19:30.07jastaSo to was your WMX/WMC suggestion.  In fact, that was downright absurd.
19:30.54jastaStill, this is why I have no reservation sharing my idea publicly.  The devil is in the details.  It is hard to implement effectively with such limited resources.
19:32.08jastaOne of the reasons that there's so little innovation in the mobile industry is because, quite frankly, it's hard work to write mobile apps well.  They seem simpler because their feature set is well bound and the UI is small, but that actually makes things much, much harder.
19:32.22d3dno kidding.. well good luck, i hope it works out for everyone. i gotta run
19:32.27davidwgood advice
19:33.01jastaadvice? :)
19:33.13jastawas my advice "don't write mobile apps, it sucks?" :)
19:33.55davidwadvice == what you wrote above... it makes sense.
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19:53.13chomchomjasta: *poke back*
19:54.43chomchomthats me just in, I lurk on irc while I'm at work in the hope to absorb all knowledge that may have flowed through the room in my absence.
19:55.03chomchomIs there anyone from the UK in here?
19:56.12chomchomIf anyone from the UK is in here and would like to get together after the android submissions, I'd be up for it
19:56.54chomchomI'm going to put a note out on the mailing list. For the weekend after the submission date.
19:58.07B0janglesI'd go to a Chicago get-together, if anybody else is around here...
19:58.23chomchomYeah, Hey google guys
19:58.57chomchomwhy not put out a some sort of note encouraging developers to come out from under their development rocks
19:59.18chomchomand show off their apps to the only people in the world who will actually appreciate them!
19:59.55chomchomI'd be willing to travel to London for a nice big get together.
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20:03.47chomchomIf anyone is up for meeting this place would probably be a really good bet:
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20:44.56donomoI organize a Portland, Or meeting
20:45.02donomothats a long ways from the UK though
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20:46.27davidwabout as wet, though
20:47.16jastaPortland sucks :)
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20:49.31davidwcool, I've been to that bar
20:50.22davidwI used to live on Locust Ave, in Ladd's addition
20:51.16davidwpersonally, Portland is too far north and too gray for me.  I have always taken a scientific interest in the ability of people to survive, and indeed thrive, in points north of there
20:52.33jastayayyy, minus the bear is coming to Seattle afterall :)
20:52.43jastathey scared me by announcing their Sprint tour, excluding Seattle dates :)
20:58.34davidwwtf is minus the bear?
20:58.54davidwoh, it's a band
21:03.16jastaa Seattle band :)
21:03.32jastaalso, my favorite band.
21:03.49davidwwish I could go see the CPD.... Europe sucks for music
21:03.58jastabut i've seen them only once in concert, primariy because i didn't discover them until well into their musical career.
21:04.22jastadavidw: who's CPD?
21:04.35davidwCherry Poppin' Daddies
21:05.19zhobbsare they still around?
21:05.25jastalol, wow
21:05.36davidwnew album is coming out:
21:06.06jastaa lot of my friends seem not to have outgrown their lame techno phase.
21:06.53jastait's intolerable to ride in the car with them :)
21:07.07davidwnever really been into techno, but ... de gustibus non est disputandum...
21:09.02jastai used to like it, when i was 15 and tone-deaf.
21:09.17benleyuntz untz untz untz
21:09.46jastai think actually just because i associated it with being a geek or something silly like that.
21:10.16benleyha, I saw the cherry poppin daddies play in Middle Of Nowhere, Illinois
21:10.32B0janglesOoh! i used to live in MON, Illinoios
21:10.38B0janglesBloomington, to be exact
21:10.40jastayou're kidding?
21:10.59B0janglesI did my undergrad at ISU
21:11.03benleyB0jangles: hot damn.  I saw them in Bloomington.  Or maybe it was Normal.
21:11.09benley(it was on the illinois wesleyan campus)
21:11.18B0janglesbenley: I think that's Normal
21:11.33B0janglesbenley: same difference, though
21:11.43B0janglesbenley: do you live in Illinois?
21:11.50benleynope, Boston
21:11.54jastawow, that place really is the middle of nowhere
21:12.01benleywent to schol in champaign-urbana though
21:12.05B0janglesbenley: Ah, I was in Boston a few months ago
21:12.16B0janglesbenley: UofI?
21:12.36B0janglesjasta: yeah, it's in the middle of a bunch of corn and soy fields
21:12.47jastai looked it up on google maps and zoomed out, and out, and out, and out...
21:12.50jastaand then you see something :)
21:12.54B0jangles2.5 hours from Chicago...
21:13.10B0janglesI live a bit North of Chicago now
21:13.16B0janglesIt's much nicer
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21:21.51jerkface03the gc is running nonstop in some portions of my applications
21:22.08jerkface03to the point where it seemingly freezes up cause the gc is continually going
21:23.45jastawhat are you doing in that portion of your application?
21:23.56jastaalso is the heap growing?
21:24.31jerkface03it's most likely my fault, i'm allocating/deallocating a lot of memory, so it might be getting excessivly fragmented
21:24.41jerkface03jasta: how can i check the heapsize?
21:24.48jerkface03err occupied heapsize
21:25.51_avatarjerkface03: if you're using eclipse you can use the DDMS view
21:26.32jerkface03ya but what am i looking for specifically?
21:27.02jerkface03k nm i see it
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21:27.37jerkface03amount of heap used seems ot be generally staying at the same level
21:32.11jastaadb logcat will show you
21:32.35jastahow many objects are being collected by the gc?
21:33.06jerkface0319000? but theres no where in my code that i'm created THAT many objects every 4 seconds
21:33.25jerkface03i avoid creating objects where i can
21:33.36jerkface03this thing is running every 4 seconds
21:35.35_avatar0.8-0.85B sounds awfully low for a heap size, my empty application appears to be taking ~1.5mb... do you have some other application/activity/service running that may be eating up a lot of memory?
21:36.16jerkface03_avatar: negative. only this one app
21:36.50jerkface03_avatar: INFO/dalvikvm-heap(786): GC old usage 50.0%; now 0.805MB used / 1.611MB soft max (2.062MB real max)
21:36.54jerkface030.805 used
21:37.53jastajerkface03: use ddms to be sure you are looking at the right process.
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