IRC log for #android on 20080322

00:27.15*** join/#android Sundial (n=Sundial@unaffiliated/sundial)
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02:36.43*** join/#android chaosvoyager (
03:39.43thedaniel`callback invoked when user hits 'back button' == onPause() ?
03:53.49zhobbsthedaniel`: I think back will destroy, but onPause() will be called
03:54.27zhobbsyou can actually capture it in onKeyDown also
03:57.44*** join/#android o3u (
04:02.21thedaniel`zhobbs: xlnt, thanks
04:51.33*** part/#android racarter (
05:12.30*** join/#android rhett_ (
05:12.44rhett_hey, is there a calendar app out yet?
05:13.50zhobbsI havne't seen one
05:14.00zhobbsI kinda think Google is working on one
05:14.05rhett_I saw a picture of one that google is working on
05:14.11rhett_yeah, but I guess it's not out yet
05:14.23rhett_is it possible to just port existing java calendar code to android?
05:14.25zhobbswere you see the picture?
05:15.06zhobbsrhett_: maybe possible but not very useful, you'd want to build an android UI
05:17.54rhett_not sure where it was zhobbs try google ;)
05:43.49*** join/#android Tylor_really (
06:31.30*** join/#android SR71-Blackbird (n=nirvana@unaffiliated/sr71-blackbird)
06:32.01SR71-Blackbirdhas anyone here managed to use libjingle with an external server or any Gtalk/XMPP version from android?
06:32.27SR71-Blackbirdi want to connect to an external XMPP server and setup a database
06:54.13zhobbsSR71-Blackbird: you can use the Smack API jars
06:56.53SR71-Blackbirdzhobbs, and connect to a regular XMPP server?
06:57.31SR71-Blackbirdzhobbs, I was slightly more interested at using the optimized Google libraries.. isn't that possible..?
07:12.06zhobbsdon't know...not sure if you can specify the server for gtalk can you?
07:23.15*** join/#android eton (
07:31.25SR71-Blackbirdzhobbs, I think the libjingle ones do have that option
07:55.13*** join/#android yakischloba (
08:08.00rhettdoes anyone know an experienced android developer for contract?
08:08.25rhettfor a few days to help us get started
08:11.08jerkface03what a silly question
08:13.51raidfivedoes android have a way to detect if an sdcard is in the camera?
08:13.57raidfiveerr, phone :)
08:13.59jastaraidfive: is in the camera?
08:14.09jastaraidfive: Yes, it does.  A few ways, actually
08:14.35jastasee android.os.Environment for what seems to be the recommended way.
08:14.46jastaHowever you could also just see if /sdcard is present and mounted :)
08:15.05raidfive:) that did occur to me
08:15.33jastaThat actually doesn't seem to be especially unreliable, but android.os.Environment would be more appropriate :)
08:16.33raidfiveyea I'm sure getExternalStorageState() is probably the best way to go
08:16.45jastathen you can also use getBlaBlaDirectory
08:17.33raidfivedoesn't say what it returns if the external directory doesn't exist ... I'm assuming null
08:18.13jastait probably still returns /sdcard, my point is it would be better not to hardcode "/sdcard" in your program.
08:18.35jastaif (state() == WHAT_I_WANT) { path = getDirectory() + "/foobar" } whatever.
08:19.05raidfiveyea make sense
08:19.11jastarhett: That's somewhat unlikely.
08:19.22raidfivethanks again jasta
08:19.31rhettyeah, i guess everyone is in crunch time jasta
08:19.57jastarhett: it just wouldn't seem like a very reliable transaction mostly.
08:20.40jastaso, I'm more than pretty sure there's a memory leak in Base64Utils.decodeBase64().  Perhaps I should not use this function :)
08:21.07jastabuilds a simple demonstration program and submits a bug
08:54.18jastalol, wow.  Yup :)
08:54.31jastawhie loop using Base64Utils.decodeBase64() will sure enough crash your app ;)
08:54.40jastapackages this sample and posts a bug
09:00.08_avatarfwiw, i also had problems with Base64Utils. i'm using instead, in the mean time. it seems to work well
09:00.39jastathis same issue or others?  i have found tht base64utils works, it just leaks like crazy :)
09:00.49jastaand eventually the oom killer nukes my app
09:00.59_avatarif i remember correctly, it only decodes base64 data, but doesn't encode
09:01.10jastayeah, but that's all i needed.
09:01.50jasta -- check that out ;)
09:01.54jastait crashes the app in like 10 seconds
09:04.20jastaanyway, bed time.
09:04.22jastanight folks
09:05.33_avatar(the 'awesome' was in reference to the crash)
09:09.03rhetthow do i turn the emulator sideways?
09:13.14rhett./emulator -skin HVGA-L (duh)
09:30.29raidfivedoes anyone know how to create a new file on an sdcard? tried using the create file method in File ...
09:39.00_avatarraidfive: you can just use FileOutputStream
09:39.31raidfiveyea got it
10:00.26*** join/#android zmedico (n=zmedico@gentoo/developer/zmedico)
10:10.36etonDoes the android have a virtual keyboard?
10:16.23chaosvoyagerYou mean like the one on the iPhone?
10:18.01chaosvoyagerWow, wonderful. Google Groups page edit doesn't work on Firefox -_-
10:20.04chaosvoyagerWow, do3.uble wonderful, Firefox CRASHED when I tried to DL Firefox 3b4 >_<
10:27.44*** join/#android davidw (n=davidw@apache/committer/davidw)
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10:34.01chaosvoyagerHey, how does everyone feel about Java compared to Python?
10:35.29davidwwould choose Python for most things
10:35.41davidwactually I kind of prefer Ruby to Python, but Python's fine too
10:36.01davidwchaosvoyager, why?
10:38.06chaosvoyagerWell, that and I need to pick a well established language for a platform.
10:39.27chaosvoyagerTo be honest I was thinking Javascript run under Tamarin (Why do they name all these things after Monkeys?!?!), but there may yet be too much work to do on it before it's prime time ready.
10:43.06chaosvoyagerI wish Ruby was more effecient (and looked more like Smalltalk :) ).
10:43.35*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
10:44.52chaosvoyagerOH, and I do have one MAJOR requirement: It must be possible to send the state of a process across to another server to be run there in as transparent a way as possible.
10:45.19chaosvoyagerAnd I've found that this capability is superisingly hard to find.
10:50.01chaosvoyagerWell, technically, Java can do it, but WOW the strings you have to pull.
10:52.53davidwchaosvoyager, sounds kind of like erlang
10:54.42chaosvoyagerHeh, yeah, I know. I'm certainly using features from it if not the language itself.
10:57.23*** join/#android Dralspire (
10:57.45chaosvoyagerQNX had this great demo back in the day. They ran a bunch of processes on a server, and then pulled the plug, literally. All the processes had replicated and were running on backup servers, and no special application code was required to utilize this feature.
10:59.22*** join/#android _ken____ (n=user@
11:00.31davidwthey had that floppy disk thing too
11:00.42chaosvoyagerI think they still do.
11:02.01chaosvoyageruC/OS-II is also really good. The code is not open for commercial exploitation w/o a license, but the source is available. Well worth a look.
11:02.30rwhitbyyou can still get the floppy images from
11:03.07chaosvoyagerReally, if I had ONE Christmas wish, it would be that they'd buy uC/OS-II and release it under a more open license.
11:03.36chaosvoyagerI'd have used my St Patrick's Day wish, but apparently I used that for something stupid.
11:07.22*** join/#android mypapit (n=mypapit@pdpc/supporter/active/mypapit)
11:08.46chaosvoyagerAnyway, in a nutshell, I want to be able to move any non-GUI process from my phone to a remote server and back again, at any time (barring errors), in whole or in part (by say chaching data or running the more latency sensitive parts locally). And I don't want to have to explicitly write code in the application to do it. I know it's possible. I've seen it done.
11:10.01chaosvoyagerI'm just not sure Java is right as it tends to use 10x more memory to run the equivalent speed of C.
11:10.08chaosvoyagerAs a rule of thumb.
11:12.14chaosvoyager...and the Google Group page editor doesn't work under Firefox 3b4 either. -_- I'm having to use IE! WTF!
11:13.29chaosvoyagerOh goodie, file Explorer crashed again.
11:14.42chaosvoyagerWell, I'm off to get breakfast before I kill something.
11:14.47*** part/#android chaosvoyager (
11:17.01*** join/#android SR71-Blackbird (n=nirvana@unaffiliated/sr71-blackbird)
11:17.30mypapitanti khairy !!
11:26.52*** join/#android aksyn (
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12:34.14*** join/#android haavi (
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13:09.44assimdis android participating in GSOC this year? I have an idea regarding it and i wish to discuss it ? is this the right place i am asking for help?
13:13.23*** join/#android BlackBsd (n=brian@
13:26.12assimdcan anyone answer my query?
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13:42.54*** join/#android davidw (n=davidw@
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14:34.27*** join/#android chaosvoyager (
14:35.26chaosvoyager(* yawn/stretch *)
14:41.18davidwwatching Milano Sanremo...
14:43.54davidwchaosvoyager, you could probably migrate hecl interpreters, with a bit of effort, from place to place
14:44.06davidwthe problem is... what do you do with resources like GUI things or file handles?
14:45.10chaosvoyagerHeh, I'm keeping an eye on Hecl too :)
14:45.36chaosvoyagerI don't care about GUIs, because they by their very design should stay on the client.
14:46.12chaosvoyagerFile handles on the other hand will probably be abstracted into some kind of URL.
14:46.44davidwwhy do you want to migrate processes around?
14:53.49chaosvoyagerIt allows the work to be moved to where it is most effeciently accomplished, provides a way to increase uptime, and it makes certain applications MUCH easier to design.
14:56.11chaosvoyagerTake translation services. If you have a wireless connection, it is almost always most efferctive to do the translation on a server, but it is even more effective to do certain known common biots on the local device, and if you don't have a connection at all, you need to run the entire service on your local device anyway.
14:57.23chaosvoyagerMoving where the logic is handled often requires an entire rewrite of a program, and it shouldn't.
14:57.33chaosvoyagerThere's a video....hold on....
14:58.09davidwwouldn't faking it just be easier?
14:58.24davidwdo the translation logic, put it in both places, put some glue to decide where to send it
14:59.24chaosvoyagerWould it? It seems like more work to me.
14:59.33chaosvoyagerOS X has proxy objects.
15:00.14chaosvoyagerThey appear local but delegate all their calls to the actual object on a remote server.
15:00.46chaosvoyagerBut it's not as effecient as it could be. I want to send calls in a transactional batch, but I digress.
15:04.41chaosvoyagerIf you have the same class on both the client and server, and you can initialize both in the same way, then you can effectively send processes between them. It's all technically 'initialization' in a way.
15:21.30chaosvoyagerdavidw: How would you compare Android to the other mobile dev platforms you've worked with?
15:31.59*** join/#android lindever__ (
15:35.21*** join/#android chomchom (n=chomchom@
15:39.28chomchomHi everybody!
15:39.55chomchomThink we could do with a new chatroom subject line
15:42.55chomchomHow about we make it today's team goal to find the most interesting recent android story/article/tutorial then we'll ask morrildl to change it.
15:43.04*** join/#android eton_ (
15:43.23chomchomWe might even have all weekend since he's probably out on the wednesday.
15:43.30chomchomMonday even
15:45.42*** part/#android chaosvoyager (
15:46.44chomchomchaosvoyager ran away, faced with the daunting prospect of finding a new subject line!
15:47.15chomchomIt's ok guys, we can do this.
15:54.09chomchomI'm excited about this project:
15:54.20chomchomI think those guys will come up with something really good.
15:58.27*** join/#android EQU (
15:58.51EQUhello e :)
15:58.58EQUi have a problem :)
15:59.34EQUi'm writing a irc client for android, but emulator connection seems to be working wrong
16:00.12EQUor i'm doing smoething wrong
16:00.16EQUanybody here ?
16:01.04chomchomtheres 70 peeps here man, but no one can guarantee they'll know an answer.
16:01.18chomchomjust ask, don't ask to ask
16:01.40EQUok, that was introduction :)
16:01.52EQUhere is a screen
16:02.25EQUmy app connect to irc server properly
16:02.42EQUbut servers has a IDENT checking
16:03.03EQUif my app doesn't care about itd
16:03.22EQUirc server should sebd "no ident" and go next
16:04.16EQU( socket connection works fine, i have teste it on local server )
16:04.55EQUany idea what is wrong :) ?
16:06.53inZane-maybe check out some other android irc projects
16:09.23chomchomyeah I think that would be your best bet since it's a pretty irc orientated problem
16:16.14mr_danielthis is weird: i am building a layout xml file which includes a EditView
16:16.24mr_danieli definitely know that a EditView has a android:layout_width and android:layout_height attribute
16:16.36mr_danielbut why i cannot find the attributes in the reference of EditView ???
16:17.13mr_danieli want to know which values are posible for android:layout_width, but i cannot the attribute in the reference
16:17.27mr_daniel..cannot find the attribute ...
16:23.37inZane-the attribute is called mLayoutParams
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22:14.12jastaman, jdb really sucks :)
22:16.14haaviwhy do you use that?
22:16.37jastai just had a simple test i was experimenting with
22:16.42jastadidn't want to fire up anything heavy weight
22:18.15*** join/#android Dan_U (
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22:18.34poffyQuick question
22:18.36jastai can't seem to even make the print expression work correctly . just keeps barking "name unknown" at me.
22:19.08poffyIs anyone else experiencing any anomalies with the MapView system? Like, coordinates being off?
22:20.03poffyI used tried to use the coords of the Eiffel Tower and the MapView displayed a place somewhere closer to Oreleans rather than Paris
22:20.13jastaoh, duh, didn't build with any debugging symbols
22:28.38*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
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22:42.01zhobbsdunno about that cpu though
22:43.25zhobbsit needs a body
23:11.04poffySo, does can anyone confirm that MapView is displaying weird points on the map?
23:12.17zhobbsI've gotten it to work pretty well
23:19.31poffyWhen I use Eiffel Tower coords, it doesn't get it right...
23:20.08poffyI'll try again
23:21.37*** join/#android _ken____ (n=user@
23:37.26poffyThere's my code
23:37.44poffyRight now, using the GPS coords you had, zhobbs, it should put me at the Grand Canyon, I think
23:37.51poffyhowever, It puts me in Antartica
23:38.16poffysorry for the weird parsing
23:41.54jastasigh, fucking phone rebooted
23:41.58jastaSIGILL in system_server
23:42.17zhobbspoffy: switch your lat / lon
23:45.52poffyLooks a lot better
23:45.58poffylet me try Eifell Tower again
23:48.12*** join/#android poffy (
23:48.23poffyWrong button
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23:49.35poffySwitching the coords for the Eiffel tower didn't work (I guess it worked with your coords since you had them lon,lat
23:50.38poffytry those coords and see if you get something in Paris
23:50.47poffyI get something sw of Paris
23:52.42*** join/#android illustir (
23:56.44zhobbsYou can download the source for that TourGuide app and mess with that if you want

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