IRC log for #android on 20080317

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02:44.42chomchomI've got a feature request that might not have been considered. but has bugged me quite a few times
02:44.48chomchomIn the error log of the DDMS
02:45.09chomchomit stretches to the end of the window that holds it
02:46.06*** join/#android romainguy_ (
02:46.27chomchomif the log is any wider you have to drag it a little by the top of the column and then move the slider at the bottom and then drag it at the top of the column header and then drag the slider
02:46.47chomchomThis may only be a mac thing as I haven't been using windows
02:48.02*** join/#android romainguy__ (
02:48.17chomchomBut with SQL queries this is a real nuisance. I don't know if there is anything the google developers could do about it as it may be down to eclipse RCP nuances but I thought it was worth pointing out
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05:55.20bruno_____Hi, anybody here know how change the MapView position?
05:55.40bruno_____I am using     addContentView(myMapView, new LayoutParams(50,50,100,100))
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05:56.25bruno_____it just set the heigth and width, but the X and Y are not changed
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06:07.10bruno_____does one here know abou MapView?
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06:13.01bruno_____is there one awake?
06:13.30jerkface03i am, but i don't have an answer for you
06:15.27bruno_____I guess that problem can be a android bug
06:15.30Gambit-hm, have you guys used the eclipse plugin to load programs into the emulator?
06:15.45bruno_____cause I am using the right method
06:15.46Gambit-without rebooting the emulator each time?
06:16.03jerkface03just keep the emulator running and hit the run button button in eclipse again
06:16.11jerkface03it took me a while to figure that out
06:16.16Gambit-How about debugging and stepping through the code?
06:16.20jerkface03same step
06:16.23jerkface03keep it running
06:16.26jerkface03hit the debug run button
06:16.29Gambit-yeah, half my problem is that I'm totally unfamiliar with eclipse as an editor.
06:16.30Gambit-okay, then I must be doing something wrong.  I'll have to investigate it later.
06:17.00Gambit-just as long as I know it's possible :)
06:17.06Gambit-what kind of project are you working on, jerkface03?
06:17.17jerkface03networked twitch gaming stuff
06:17.28Gambit-security and crypto stuff.
06:17.49Gambit-mostly just exploratory meddling at the moment, naturally.
06:19.24Gambit-what kind of network protocols are you using?
06:19.34Gambit-I assume there's a full tcp/udp stack available?
06:19.51jerkface03mostly udp
06:19.57jerkface03it's for a class project
06:20.11Gambit-ahh homework, how fun
06:20.40Gambit-how are you planning on finding other people to play with?
06:21.15jerkface03well, im planning on having a central server somewhere
06:21.25jerkface03just like you, right now im just doing some exploratory meddling
06:21.45Gambit-how far in have you gotten?
06:22.22jerkface03pretty far, all the core modules have been written up and tested somewhat
06:27.32Gambit-and how has the android api stood up to actual use?
06:27.50jerkface03it's pretty alright
06:27.58Gambit-not too many major problems/
06:28.00jerkface03there are still a few things that haven't been implemented
06:28.05jerkface03like the bluetooth stuff
06:28.21Gambit-are you able to emulate sms messages and stuff?
06:28.28jerkface03but no, no major problems. i've only noticed one major bug so far, which will probably be fixed in the next release
06:28.35Gambit-what was ti?
06:28.49jerkface03and if you bug romainguy enough he'll implement missing features for the next release
06:28.54jerkface03as in my case with nio
06:29.01jerkface03Gambit-: mediaplayer problems
06:29.18jerkface03Gambit-: haven't played much with sms on android yet, so i wouldn't know
06:29.38Gambit-hm, ok
06:29.58Gambit-I seem to remember seeing that there wasn't any way of faking phone calls or other connectivity related stuff in the emulator yet.
06:30.19Gambit-does it bridge the emulator internal interface to your external network interface?
06:31.28jerkface03check out the telephony emulation section
06:32.01Gambit-what, third and forth paragraphs?
06:32.38jerkface03you can simulate sms/calling
06:32.43jerkface03it tells you how
06:32.50Gambit-ooh, missed that section when I was skimming.
06:33.20Gambit-haha that's funny
06:33.46jerkface03what's so funny about it?
06:34.02Gambit-my screen was exactly the right size to not see all the text below the main screen.
06:37.53Gambit-well that should be enough to get me started...
06:38.14jerkface03you better get busy if you're hoping to make something in time for the challenge
06:38.20jerkface03i think the cut off date is april 14th
06:39.13Gambit-I doubt anything I'm thinking about would be sufficiently compelling to compete against anyone elses entry.
06:39.31Gambit-plus, I can't commit to the time it'd take to get it to polish level.
06:39.41jerkface03*shrug* you never know
06:40.16Gambit-s'true :)
06:43.11Gambit-anyways, off to bed, ta
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07:08.17raidfivedoes anyone know if sqlite is the preferred way to store application settings such as a username/password?
07:08.52raidfiveseems to be a bit much to use a database when I'm only storing this information
07:17.20muthuraidfive: what about shared preferences?
07:19.58raidfiveI glanced at that but wasn't sure exactly how it worked or if that was what I was looking for
07:20.04raidfiveknow of a code example using it?
07:21.11muthuyeah sure
07:21.25raidfiveah found the google api demo
07:24.07raidfivethis is persistant?
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07:31.41jastasigh, i'm getting sick now ;)
07:32.53raidfivethanks ... I just got over a cold :/
07:33.28jastathanks?  do you think irc channels are a sufficient medium to transmit viruses and bacteria?
07:34.43raidfivethanks for the code example! :)
07:34.58raidfiveand you never know
07:35.13jastayes, in this case you do know.
07:38.47muthuhey jasta, any luck with media?
07:40.30jastano, there's no luck to be had.
07:40.41jastait's simply an incomplete design, and cannot be made to work right.
07:43.52muthujasta: how to create an mpeg4 video? what's the best tool?
07:44.10muthumy adc partner is hounding me, and i have no idea
07:44.23jastamencoder, of course.
07:44.34jastaor transcode
07:45.07muthucan you do it from quicktime?
07:47.23jastawho knows / doubt it.
07:48.21jastai'm sure you can find some commercial tools to do this as well, if you're looking to avoid a small bit of reading.
07:49.22muthuyup got an encouraging mail from my partner.. doing the exact same thing
07:49.51muthuhope it works.. i'm getting distracted on this whole video thing and not able to make any real progress with code
07:50.02jastai have avoided the problem for now.
07:50.09jastaonto more interesting things :)
07:50.18muthurock on :)
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07:55.06muthuOSGi on Android? woah -
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08:31.58muthuyo yo
08:32.11muthuwhats up romain?
08:33.05romainguylate night hacking for the past three days
08:33.23muthuha.. that's what weekends do to you
08:33.35jastawhat?  no drinking this weekend at all?
08:33.36romainguyexcept it's for work :)
08:33.51muthuthanks for clarifying ;)
08:34.07muthui drank too much :)
08:34.13romainguyjasta: I did, yesterday afternoon; there was a St Patrick's parade in the street where I live
08:34.21romainguybut hey, deadlines...
08:34.28jastahave you seen the celebration they do in Chicago?
08:34.50jastathey dye the chicago river green
08:35.06jastahang on, ill find a photo
08:35.38muthui thought the US rules were pretty strict in terms of polluting
08:36.06jastamuthu: they may well (and probably do) use a non-toxic dye.
08:38.05muthui like any celebration that encourages you to drink from 8am
08:45.18jastamuthu: i just looked it up, they use a vegetable dye that only works for a few hours.
08:45.52muthuoh great
08:50.44jastawell anyway
08:50.51jastai had a hell of a weekend, but didn't do a bit of work :)
08:51.21jastaditched and went snowboarding all day Friday, then went out with my buddy who just got back in town from NY.
08:51.33jastathen threw a st patty's day party at my house last night
08:52.03jastaand sat around all day today drinking loads of water and watching mythbusters
08:52.11jastagreat time :)
08:53.03*** join/#android cutmasta (n=cutmasta@
08:53.08muthuman.. wonderful!
08:54.28muthuyesterday there was a family get together.. so it went well for me
08:54.35jastai'm doing family stuff tomorrow
08:54.40muthuand the delicious chicken biriyan!!
08:54.47jastawe're Irish, so probably corn beef and cabbage at my brother's house or something
08:55.19muthuwhy the chicken biriyani turned out well was we hired a professional cook
08:55.54muthuas for as biriyani.. chennai & hyderabad is the place to be
08:56.04muthujasta: have you tried biryani?
08:56.40jastanope, never even heard of it
08:57.09muthuits a spicy mix of rice and chicken
08:57.21muthuor lamb or beef
08:57.52muthutry it next time
08:58.02jastanext time what?
08:58.22muthuif you ever go to a indian restaurant that is
08:58.48jastaahh, you know i have to be honest
08:58.56muthutell me
08:59.04jastaindian food is quite delicious, but i have a really hard time detecting much difference between the various dishes and types of curry
08:59.26jastai mean really.  there are like 30 things on the menu or so.  of them, i'd say i could distinctly detect 5 or 6 :)
08:59.29muthutrue.. there's a lot of varieties
09:00.00muthuyup.. there's many styles south, north, kashmiri, punjabi, hyderabadi
09:00.02muthuso on and on
09:00.26jastait seems to break down into just three general categories: spicy curry, sweet curry, or something cooked in the tandoor oven :)
09:00.50muthubasically down south is rice, north is nan, roti etc.,
09:01.02muthuthe kebabs would be great
09:01.55jastamost restuarants in america i've experienced push both rice and naan on you.
09:02.38jastawhich is fine, because they are delicious, and we are civil and eat with forks :)
09:03.15muthui'll say try two things.. biriyani & kebabs
09:03.36muthuidly, dosa are the south indian delicacies
09:05.37jastai've had kebabs before of course, but those are not strongly associated with indian cuisine in the US.
09:06.00muthuindian cusine is diverse just like the people
09:06.01jastalots of cultures have a similar concept, and even many others have similar combinations.
09:06.56muthuevery state has its own thing
09:07.05jastamuthu: Is it?  Not that I have studied it much, but I wouldn't say that Indian food is especially diverse :)
09:07.11jastaIn fact, it seems kind of narrow to me :)
09:07.39jastaFrench cuisine, for example, I'd more generally regard as diverse.
09:08.11muthujust take south indian food as an example
09:08.47muthui wouldn't argue about indian restaurants in US because.. they tend to stock only the select few items
09:09.12muthuthat's the problem
09:10.38jastalamb rogan josh, btw, is my favorite :)
09:10.53muthuyeah.. good
09:11.16muthui try to imagine the indian restaurants in US and i can see your point about diversity
09:11.27muthuits the same old boring stuff all over
09:11.44jastai will try biryani though.  i do eat at indian restaurants quite often.
09:12.07muthutell me what irish food is good?
09:12.37jastaIrish food is very simple, typically.  You find a lot of things like just quality, simple stews, flavorful breads, etc.
09:14.20jastaNot much to write home about, and that's obviously why it hasn't penetrated many other parts of the world.  But, it's a food very well paired with a pint of Guiness :)
09:17.16jastanow, the Irish have a weird take on breakfast I will say that.
09:17.36romainguyjasta: it's because they live too close to the brits
09:18.19jastaShit like blood pudding is very popular there, which even my traditional Irish catholic father can't stand :)
09:19.25muthuwow blood pudding.. man that must be tasty ;)
09:19.42jastaIrish soda bread is very good though, and it's served everywhere for everything
09:20.52muthuok.. i'll try soda bread then
09:21.28jastaThe analogy would be Indian naan, so, it wouldn't make much sense to eat it on its own.
09:22.06muthuwhat would be the side dish?
09:22.16muthui mean the accompaniments
09:22.18jasta*everything* :)
09:22.36jastanearly every meal in Ireland has soda bread with it; breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
09:23.24muthuand you think indian foods are not diverse.. come on!
09:23.43jastaI don't think Irish food is diverse either.  It's sort of backwards to me, really :)
09:24.15muthuchinese/japanese i guess they are the diverse ones
09:25.22jastaMy typical died includes a lot more Thai food than anything else hehe.  But I'm from Seattle, so that's not hard to imagine.
09:25.36muthuwow thai food - delicious
09:25.53jastaYes, their cuisine is much more deserving of praise :)
09:26.03muthutrue.. i love it
09:26.17muthuoh.. sorry mistaken it with vietnamese
09:26.31muthuthe one i remembered was vietnamese in atlanta
09:26.37raidfivedoes anyone know how I can find a files size?
09:27.05jastaraidfive: You can use
09:27.12raidfiveI noticed we have to use ApplicationContext.openFileInput(filename) to open the file
09:27.55jastaraidfive: you can also just get the path to that full pathname on disk.
09:28.10jastaerr, something like that.  that sentence was jumbled :)
09:28.46raidfiveok thanks
09:29.09jastanot that this is a recommended approach.
09:30.06jastamuthu: oh boy, 2:30, bed time :)
09:30.47muthugood night
09:30.48romainguyI should do the same
09:30.58romainguySTUPID ALPHA CHANNEL @!#
09:31.24muthusunday nights are hard to sleep early
09:33.50dueyblames the alpha channel too
09:35.06romainguythanks :)
09:36.14dueyRGB was jelous of CMYK because CMYK had 4 colours, so RGB created an imaginary colour and called it alpha
09:37.02romainguyand both RGB and CMYK are jealous of Lab's camel case
09:37.20dueyso they turned on caps lock in protest?
09:37.31dueyzzz time
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13:50.13littleballhello, anyone knows WAP?
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16:05.16Zer0Her0have there been any android vs iphone sdk comparisons yet?
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16:13.16davidwZer0Her0, mmmm... nothing good, afaik
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16:14.54Zer0Her0yea i've seen some overview type blog posts
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16:15.54Zer0Her0but nothing really substantial, and i definately don't have the knowledge/background to know what to look for/how to compare.
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17:17.17muthuglad,  my monday is over.. phew!
17:17.36romainguymine is just starting :p
17:22.09muthuhave fun romain
17:22.47muthuactually i did some work today.. since the #android was very quiet
17:40.40muthuwebtide port jetty to android - iJetty here i come..
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17:45.35muthuhow cool is that.. now you can write web applications to run on android
17:51.19inZane-_does someone have an idea how to perform a sql join against the android contacts table?!
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18:30.10jastainZane-_: It doesn't really work that way.  Since your only means of interaction comes from a content uri and query parameters, you'll need to find a content uri that matches the type of query you're after.
18:30.29jastaIf one doesn't exist, then it represents an omission on Google's part, and should be filed as an issue/feature request.
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18:31.14jastaThat said, you can of course 'join' the data yourself.  For example, you could implement an adapter which can wrap multiple cursors and logically combine the data contained.
18:31.29jastaCertainly a very tedious solution, but this is of course a work-around for an incomplete content provider design.
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18:32.04jastaContent providers are very difficult to design well.  You must expose a great deal of functionality from an inherently inflexible design pattern.  Hopefully the concept will evolve a bit from what it is today.
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18:47.35inZane-_jasta: i considered implementing an adapter. the way i do it now is to perform a query for every row. im not sure if an adapter will bring any performance improvements...
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20:05.00jastainZane-_: like i said, there is likely a content uri that you can use which joins the things you are interested in.
20:05.43jastaif not, yes, use an adapter.  performing a query per row is very inefficient.
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20:07.57jastahey romain
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22:39.37davidwhrm... it would be super handy to be able to set properties via the command line
22:42.59romainguywhat properties?
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23:36.32MrKeunerare there android capable phones already?
23:36.45MrKeunerwill openmoko be one?
23:39.42f00f-not really
23:39.52f00f-if they choose to, sure
23:39.54davidwromainguy, stuff like gsm.sim.line1.number
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23:43.42o3uHi, how can i access the "address" field of contacts ?
23:44.21o3ui've read on a forum that it's automatically converted into a location, is that the case?
23:45.42MrKeunerf00f-: any phone device in development?
23:48.38davidwsleep time for me
23:48.52davidwMrKeuner, no, just tin cans and string
23:51.43tmcnealo3u: you can access the contact data through a ContentProvider
23:52.59f00f-MrKeuner: yep, deifnitely, can't really disclose publicly yet. sorry.
23:53.08tmcnealCan I associate a 'value' to each row in a ListAdapter?
23:53.43jastatmcneal: you can extend an adapter and implement something like that.
23:54.07tmcnealLike say I have a sqlite table that has two columns, 'name', and 'id'. And I want to display the 'name' of each row, but when the user clicks it I want it to return the 'id' of that row.
23:54.11tmcnealhmm, ok.
23:54.14jastaor, more efficiently but also more awkward, you could extend the cursor and add that data.
23:54.42jastatmcneal: Uhm, for that you would not do either, instead you'd just use a SimpleCursorAdapter.
23:55.17jastaSimpleCursorAdapter has a gotcha, though.  It works very well for nearly all cases, but not all cases ;)
23:55.18tmcneali knew there'd be a simple way of doing it, just didn't know what it was :)
23:55.25tmcnealhaha oh boy.
23:55.43tmcnealwell my case is simple, it's nothing more than the name and id example i gave. so hopefully it works fine :)
23:56.28jastaSimpleCursorAdapter (actually, CursorAdapter) automatically binds the list id to the Cursor's "_id" column.  So, what you are after is actually very conveniently handed to you.
23:56.47MrKeunerf00f-: I guess you cannot disclose any time frame either?
23:56.59jastathe _id column will be handed to you by value in the OnListItemClickListener
23:57.05f00f-only within the next 4 quarters :)
23:57.22f00f-btw, _id column hacks are horrible.
23:58.48jastaf00f-: I can't say that I agree.  It is simply a nicety consistently utilized in the system.  There is no reason to depend on it.
23:58.58jastaOr rather, no need to.

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