IRC log for #android on 20080316

01:05.32*** join/#android _ken_ (n=user@
01:14.46jasta_romainguy: i want a monkey ball game so bad ;)
01:15.05romainguyI will not interpret that sentence the wrong way, promise
01:15.11*** join/#android chomchom (n=chomchom@
01:15.29jasta_super monkey ball, that is
01:15.42romainguyI got it :)
01:24.31kristian-mjasta_ try neverball
01:32.03Aetmosneverball is fun
01:32.10Aetmosnot as good as Super Monkey Ball
01:32.11Aetmosbut fun
03:28.39*** join/#android TimRiker (
03:35.17*** join/#android infobot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:35.17*** topic/#android is Planet Android seems pretty cool:
03:38.26f00f-i thoght jasta was going skiing
04:03.10*** join/#android pandora-- (
04:05.08*** join/#android muthu (n=sara@
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04:20.24o3uhey, im starting development on android, is there a simple way to output text to screen? Rather than doing it like the helloworld example
04:20.35o3ui just want to see a string for debugging purposes
04:20.47f00f-Log.d("MyApp", "sup world"); // debug style
04:20.52f00f-Log.e("MyApp", "sup world"); // error style
04:21.05f00f-fire up 'adb logcat' in a box
04:21.07f00f-to see it
04:21.15f00f-won't be displayed in the emulator UI
04:40.42*** part/#android muthu (n=sara@
04:44.22*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (
04:44.57*** join/#android chumphries (
05:05.52*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (
05:44.28*** join/#android umdk1d4 (
05:46.54umdk1d4is this a good place to ask dev questions?
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05:47.32f00f-we bite
05:49.22umdk1d4so i have a listadapter similar to the approach twolinelistitem takes (a list item expands when selected).  scrolling using the keypad works great, but when i "clikc" on items the view seems to lag by one step, almost as if it the screen isnt being re-laid-out
05:49.30*** join/#android eton (
05:49.38umdk1d4in m3, there was forcelayout() that worked perfect as a solution to this
05:49.45umdk1d4but its gone in m5  :/
05:50.09f00f-you need to click the emulator once
05:50.12f00f-if it is out of focus
05:50.34umdk1d4im postinvalidate()'ing and requestlayout()'ing both parent and the root view element
05:50.55umdk1d4hmm ive noticed that out-of-focus problem, but this happens even after multiple clicks
05:53.05umdk1d4and when i go back to using the keypad, it shows that the clicking did work, because it moves the selection based on the last clicked element
05:53.23umdk1d4its just that somehow the view doesnt think it needs to re-layout itself
05:54.21romainguyclicking an item with the touch screen in a listview does not select it
05:54.42romainguythere is no concept of selection in touch mode
05:55.01umdk1d4hmm should there be?
05:55.08romainguyumdk1d4: forceLayout() is back in the next SDK, but you should never use it :)
05:55.11romainguyumdk1d4: no
05:55.46umdk1d4okay :/
05:56.19romainguyumdk1d4: keeping a selection or a focus in touch mode causes numerous design and interaction problems
05:57.41umdk1d4well even without the touch-selection, the keypad still isnt working the way i expected
05:57.49umdk1d4my expanding list elements have buttons
05:58.01umdk1d4in m3, i could up/down the list, then left/right through the shown buttons
05:58.05umdk1d4for that list item
05:58.29umdk1d4in m5, left/right jumps across my tabs, meaning the user needs to tab on the shown buttons
05:58.55umdk1d4it seems weird to make them use the keypad selecting the item, then touch for the buttons
05:59.29romainguywhen you use tabs you should avoid that kind of UI
06:03.26*** join/#android raidfive (
06:27.58*** join/#android matt_c (n=mcroydon@conference/pycon/x-91434734b34f455f)
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09:21.07*** join/#android Zoolooc (
09:28.35*** join/#android crib (
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10:27.58*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
10:48.20*** join/#android romainguy_ (
10:51.59*** join/#android romainguy__ (
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11:35.52*** join/#android Yeggstry (
13:01.54*** join/#android Tylor_really (
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15:33.10*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
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15:42.03*** join/#android cutmasta (
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15:54.20o3uMorning, Where can i find the file to configure the GPS for the emulator?
16:00.41*** join/#android matt_c (n=mcroydon@conference/pycon/x-a1f3b9ea4841610d)
16:08.46*** join/#android Tylor_really (
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16:19.42*** part/#android chaosvoyager (
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17:35.26o3uis there no more notes field in m5 ?
17:35.31o3uin the contacts
17:43.13*** join/#android snaud (
17:51.45*** join/#android mhilmi2 (
18:25.12*** join/#android eton (
18:27.13*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
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18:55.59*** part/#android muthu (n=sara@
19:10.18*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (
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19:39.33*** join/#android romainguy (
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20:02.18*** join/#android Gambit- (n=god@unaffiliated/gambit-)
20:02.20Gambit-hey chaps
20:02.41Gambit-does the eclipse plugin support loading things into the emulator via adb somewhere?
20:20.25*** join/#android romainguy (
20:22.45*** join/#android davidw (n=davidw@
20:23.08*** join/#android matt_c (n=mcroydon@conference/pycon/x-76ab0e247fe7ad0a)
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20:32.40*** join/#android AhtiK (
20:45.38*** join/#android matt_c (n=mcroydon@conference/pycon/x-63b2f826e6803cdb)
20:50.42*** join/#android duey (
20:51.32*** join/#android matt_c (n=mcroydon@conference/pycon/x-0e78be992e415895)
21:07.48*** join/#android Dralspire (
21:31.13*** join/#android diego (
21:32.13*** join/#android _ken__ (n=user@
21:37.54*** join/#android jasta (
21:38.02jastawow ;)
22:04.54*** join/#android matt_c (n=mcroydon@conference/pycon/x-506d847b8d78869b)
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22:52.32jerkface03anyone awake?
22:53.31jerkface03romainguy: are the devices going to have FPUs?
22:53.47jerkface03or is fp math going to be done thru the software?
22:57.39romainguyit will depend on the manufacturers
22:57.49romainguybut you should avoid fp maths as much as you can
22:58.06jerkface03i am ;P
22:58.15jerkface03most of my stuff is written using fixed point
22:58.42romainguywhat are you writing?
22:59.45jerkface03well i've written fixedpoint squarerooting + fixedpoint sinewave generator to aide in things like collision
23:00.01romainguyI mean, what application are you writing
23:00.27jerkface03multiplayer twitch game to be played over the internet
23:00.46jerkface03a bomberman-style game
23:17.22*** join/#android matt_c (n=mcroydon@conference/pycon/x-63e765765852d573)
23:19.53*** join/#android aksyn (
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23:31.05*** join/#android SuperID (
23:33.08SuperIDI've downloaded the SDK, successfully written a couple of small apps and I'm kinda hooked.  I'd like to get into this more.   Is there any way to actually get gphone/openhandset hardware?
23:33.21SuperIDor is pretty much everyone just using the emulator ?
23:34.04romainguyThere's no hardware available yet
23:36.43SuperIDthx, I'll stop wasting my time looking then :)
23:49.16*** join/#android matt_c (n=mcroydon@conference/pycon/x-56ba74b42177a4ad)

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