IRC log for #android on 20080310

00:01.47jastaweird, my service disappeared?
00:02.59jastareinstalling the package that provided it fixed it.  hmm.
00:12.09skicso1hmnf.  what's an entrepreneur to iphone? blackberry?  this should be a very interesting year.
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00:21.19jastaI think MediaPlayer.create() is completely broken
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00:33.03f00f-skicso1: i smell a JVM for the iPhone coming :)
00:33.46chomchomphew, it'll make a quick converstion somewhat easier for us android app guys.
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00:40.53jastaok, i'm kind of pissed here
00:41.13jastathe MediaPlayer has so many problems.  i thought they were touting this as usable with M5?
00:41.51jastait doesn't seem that you can use it to play content accessed from a content provider even
00:42.13jastathey want us to use the openFile() method now instead of the old "_data" column hack, and yet it seems like that's all the MediaPlayer supports
00:43.00jastaand on top of that, if you use content.openFileDescriptor() manually and pass it as mp.setDataSource(pfd.getFileDescriptor(), ...); it throws an IO exception.
00:43.17jastaSo how the hell am I supposed to use this thing?
00:45.04jastait works perfectly fine if you call setDataSource() with a path, but that's not how ContentProvider's are supposed to work so what the hell?
00:46.30f00f-wtf there is no documentation on RequestQueue
00:48.08jastahehe, i may have led you astray :)
00:48.15jastaHttpClient 3.x does not support pipelining Z:)
00:48.16jastaerm :)
00:48.24jastai just looked it up for you
00:48.59f00f-well i'll probably just spawn a thread for each file and use URL
00:49.04jastaHttpClient 4.x is expected to have it, but Android is unlikely to use that.
00:49.04f00f-as i see there is zero docs
00:49.33jastai don't know what you mean by "zero docs".  i found this info in the first google result
00:50.18f00f-no docs in android
00:50.21skicso1f00f: that'd be nice - i saw one of the android bloggers reported that it currently uses objective -c
00:50.31jastaf00f-: why would you need Android docs for HttpClient?  Just use HttpClient's docs.
00:50.44f00f-yeah objective c sucks, some peculiar apple flavor
00:50.58f00f-so i'm really hoping for a JVM :)
00:51.15f00f-you can get one in 150KB so it shouldn't be a big issue
00:51.42jastaf00f-: I will say that you will never get good performance out of this strategy though.  Since HttpClient 3.x seems to lack pipelining support, perhaps you should explore alternatives.
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00:52.17jastaOpening many separate HTTP connections for small file downloads will be very slow.
00:52.28f00f-i can't believe this android platform
00:52.36f00f-so i have to bundle them as a big download
00:52.51jastaWouldn't that be more sensible anyway?
00:52.51f00f-maybe there is a zip decoder
00:53.17jastaThere is, but I would be careful about using compression.
00:53.23chomchomI'd imagine they will really be taking great pains to think about how they approach the windowing system. I can't quite see apple letting traditional clunky swing apps on an iphone.
00:53.33f00f-right, i'd just pack them
00:53.45f00f-chomchom: not swing, either eSWT or native Cocoa mobile widgets
00:53.57f00f-Swing is dead
00:54.05chomchomcertainly is.
00:54.05jastaSo what can't you believe about "this android platform"?
00:54.20f00f-jasta: well these little things,.
00:54.26f00f-it's probably my fault; i expected too much :)
00:54.42f00f-i wonder how iPhone development feels like!
00:54.42jastaIt's your fault because you don't understand what you expect.
00:55.13jastaThe URL class doesn't typically implement HTTP pipelining either.  In this case, shame on Apache for going through 3 major releases and still not supporting this feature.
00:55.17jastaAnd then shame on you for having a stupid design :)
00:55.43f00f-well a small detail
00:55.46f00f-URL is very convenient
00:56.11f00f-i'll just make one request total :D
00:56.23jastaYes, it is convenient because it is "dumb".  It also isn't very flexible, and has poor error reporting.
00:56.53f00f-it's dumb and cheap
00:56.56jastaHowever that is very frustrating that HttpClient would not support pipelining.
00:56.59jastaf00f-: Cheap?
00:57.05jastaHow is it cheap?
00:57.05skicso1foof: i watched the video of the Apple SDK announcement where they showed the dev environment. - the "hello world" example reminded me of Motif.  They pasted in a chunk of code, hit the build/deploy button and said "see how easy that was"?
00:57.17f00f-i'm building/submitting a prototype, not a product so i can afford to cut corners as long it works
00:57.40jastaIf that is how you define your deliverables then sure.
00:57.49f00f-skicso1: so overall, were you impressed by it?
00:58.06skicso1still, one idea that I think google should stea^H^H^H^H borrow is the the AppStore delivery/fulfillment package.
00:59.04skicso1foof: dunno if I was impressed - I've never developed on a mac so I was bummed they didn't have an eclipse plug in :-P
00:59.43chomchomI haven't tried it out yet, but I have a friend who is a mobile developer who is very impressed by it. Says it comes with a lot of helpful tools to get you running.
01:00.05skicso1yeah, they have a nice set of instrumentation tools
01:00.25jastaof course, you have to develop in ObjC on a Mac, so ... ;)
01:00.51skicso1yeah, having to buy a mac just to get started is a bit of a downer
01:01.04chomchomYeah, thats awful. No platform support what so ever.
01:01.11jastalol, i can't even watch the stupid introduction videos because apparently they dont support linux
01:01.13f00f-i'm sure they will make it simpler, otherwise it will be a complete failure
01:01.32jastaf00f-: Why do you assume that developers are retarded?
01:01.58f00f-jasta: i don't. i just assume not every developer does their work on apple platforms.
01:02.11jastaWriting non-trivial, production quality software is never an easy task.  Not for any firm.  Nothing has to be "easy".
01:02.29f00f-i never said it should be easy.
01:02.45jastaThen how did you mean "simpler"?
01:02.53chomchomJasta, I think you're out for fight!
01:02.54f00f-multi-platform support and tools
01:03.11f00f-ie. not have to go out and buy a mac to write an app for the iphone
01:03.11jastaf00f-: Apple will not release multi-platform tools, that is almost certain.
01:03.15chomchompoor guy, hes been developing 24/7
01:03.22skicso1i don't think they'll port it.  i think they are banking that the iphone target is attractive enough that a non-mac developer will suck it up.
01:03.40f00f-they're becoming more like MS nowadays
01:03.44jastaskicso1: Precisely, and frankly I think that bet will pay off commercially which is what they're hoping for.
01:04.04jastaskicso1: It won't, however, attract much attention from the open source community.
01:04.11jastaBut Apple doesn't care about them :)
01:04.18jastaat least not for this product
01:04.33chomchomI don't think they'll really have to, it looks like they are aiming at quite a high end market. As opposed to google who could technically see themselves deployed on anything.
01:04.50jastaexactly, which is why I think f00f- is completely wrong here.
01:07.05jastaI think frankly Apple will see a lot of success with the iPhone SDK too.
01:07.32skicso1I think the success will largely be a product of the AppStore.  Icon for the AppStore will be on every iphone starting in June
01:07.36jastaIt just won't be the same type of success Android is likely to see.  Android will probably have a much more robust set of niche applications.
01:09.26skicso1I think the main downside for iphone is (currently) just one carrier
01:10.00skicso1OHA is cool if the partner companies actually support/push android
01:10.47chomchomIt's really good that we've got two such widely diverse platforms. I can't see every poor kid in India owning an Iphone and I can't see apple striving to get them one. But I imagine that google will aim to branch to as many providers as possible. Meanwhile apple can afford to innovate in the luxury sector and put out new models that will benefit the sector at large.
01:11.27chomchomluxury/high end
01:13.07*** part/#android kurzum (
01:14.20skicso1chomchom: mighty late/early in scotland isn't it?
01:14.46chomchomit's not that bad yet, 1:14am
01:15.25chomchombed for 4 methinks. Prime hacking hours.
01:21.41skicso1i usually regret the code i write at 1 am :-P
01:22.26chomchomme too sadly it's the only time I really get :).
01:23.12jastaHmm, can we observe progress of a playing media file?
01:23.19jastato show or change the position in the file?
01:26.01jastaAndroidPlayBackEngine?  Hmm....
01:29.54jastaoh, duh, getCurrentPosition is available from MediaPlayer
01:30.03jastai'm sort of confused though.  do i have to just poll it every second?
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03:58.18chomchomthats it hitting the magic number of 4.00am. Night all.
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05:18.48jastathis piece of shit is so fucking BROKEN
05:21.28zhobbsjasta: what problems you having?
05:21.43jastatrying to get it to play from a content URI
05:21.49jastait's so fucking screwed up you can't even believe it.
05:22.03jastafirst of all, it doesn't use ContentProvider#openFile(), it uses that lame old _data hack.
05:22.08jastaSo now I have provided it that
05:22.11jastaand it still doesn't work.
05:22.22jastawho knows why
05:22.32zhobbsprobably because no one has ever tried it before
05:22.47jastait's so broken though
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05:22.54jastaMediaPlayer.create(..., resId) doesn't work either.
05:23.15jastathe same files pulled out of the resource package and placed on disk and loaded using setDataSource() works fine though
05:23.24jastaalso, setDataSource(fd, ...) doesn't work correctly either.
05:23.33jastathe whole thing is just so fuckin broken
05:23.35zhobbsglad I haven't gotten fancy with providers and such...I've just been scanning /sdcard and directly refering to the files :)
05:25.09jastait's clearly not my usage; this class is just really broken.
05:25.29zhobbsyeah, I believe it
05:25.44zhobbshas a ways to go
05:26.12jastayup sure enough
05:26.28jastaif i break it out into new MediaPlayer() and do my own query on _data, then setDataSource with that path it works fine
05:26.56jastai am so pissed.  yesterday was highly productive and now i've wasted almost an entire day deciphering these horrible bugs
05:27.04jastaMediaPlayer sucks ;P
05:28.17jastaalso, the streaming support is all fucked up
05:30.08zhobbsyeah, that sucks also
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05:32.45muthuagreed, MediaPlayer is in a very bad shape
05:33.13muthuand also the videoview
05:33.34muthuno controls in videoview..
05:33.44jerkface03lol yes i noticed problems with media player when m5 got dropped
05:34.06jerkface03problems aka hardcrashes
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05:37.58muthui am yet to see the value add that videoview provides over mediaplayer
05:45.54jastaW/AudioTrack( 1327): *** SERIOUS WARNING *** obtainBuffer() timed out but didn't need to be locked. We recovered, but this shouldn't happen (user=00000100, server=00000001)
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06:26.22niketHi, I am new to android app....I would like to know how to draw arrow in particular degree/direction. Mainly I want to display arrow in google map showing direction of my movement or anything like that
06:26.32niketcan anyone help me?
06:27.01zhobbsyou can just create an arrow, stick in in res/drawable and then rotate/draw it on screen
06:27.18nikethow to create arrow
06:27.27zhobbsin photoshop or gimp, etc
06:27.32niketis it like any png image
06:28.21niketoh good..what is api to rotate the image based on degree? any clue
06:28.35jerkface03can't you just use ogl to do that?
06:29.34romainguythat's a bit overkill
06:29.41zhobbsI would just use Canvas.rotate()
06:29.46romainguyor even simpler
06:29.51romainguyyou can use a RotateDrawable
06:29.58romainguyyou can even define the rotate drawable from XML
06:30.04niketthanks again zhobbs for helping me
06:30.12romainguy(the spinning progress indicator is just a rotate drawable for instance)
06:30.14niketI will try that
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06:37.20chaosvoyagerOly crap, Meziu was pulled from CeBIT not because they have a product that works like the iPhone, but because they didn't have an MP3 license!
06:41.00romainguy__that's pretty silly of them
06:41.17chaosvoyagerThank Ted that wasn't me, because it would be bad enough I'd call them them Nazis, but CeBIT is in Germany this year too. It wouldn't go over well.
06:42.15chaosvoyagerOh, and 'they' want 2% of any revenue I generate from music I distribute in the format.
06:43.11chaosvoyagerSo, encoders, decoders, and even using the format to distribute work is taxed.
06:43.55chaosvoyagerTHIS (media formats) is what's going to kill open source solutions for Joe Average.
06:44.08chaosvoyager...baah, I'm better now, back to coding.
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09:02.58zhobbsromainguy_: is there any significant performance improvement by not using ViewInflate in an adapter vs creating the view in code?
09:04.02romainguyit is certainly faster not using ViewInflate
09:04.19romainguyif you use the convert view correctly you should be using ViewInflate only a few times total
09:04.26romainguyso I wouldn't bother about this
09:05.23chaosvoyagerHow muck faster?
09:05.34zhobbsis this using it correctly?  TextView txt = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;;
09:07.16romainguychaosvoyager: No XML parsing and no reflection
09:07.31romainguyzhobbs: yes, if you first check that convertView is not null :))
09:07.47romainguythe pattern is usually:
09:07.47jerkface03romainguy: ?? reflection apis are not built yet in android?
09:07.57romainguyif (convertView != null) {
09:08.12romainguyreturn convertView
09:08.14zhobbsromainguy: yeah I check not null
09:08.18romainguyjerkface03: they certainly are...
09:08.25jerkface03romainguy: do you ever sleep?
09:08.33romainguyjerkface03: the XML layout files are loaded through reflection
09:09.16jerkface03romainguy: aye.
09:10.36chaosvoyagerWhich means, in 'theory', that code could also be SAVED to XML layout files.
09:10.56romainguychaosvoyager: that you could dump a View hierarchy to XML files?
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09:11.06romainguysure, why couldn't you?
09:11.23romainguyI don't quite see the point of doing such a thing though :)
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09:19.28chaosvoyagerromainguy: Really? Reflection allows any programatic change in the scene graph to be reflected in the layout XML, and visa versa. This is the core of every successful layout editor I know of, from WinForms to HTML. I can't think of one that doesn't have a code/view split.
09:22.43romainguy_chaosvoyager: It can perfectly be achieved without reflection
09:23.13romainguy_chaosvoyager: But makes it easier sure :)
09:23.41romainguy_But if you are talking about a UI designer, the fact that the Android runtime supports reflection or not is irrelevant
09:23.51romainguy_Since such a UI designer would run outside of the said runtime
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09:26.39romainguy_time for bed
09:26.46zhobbsgood night
09:27.35chaosvoyagerBlah! I wasn't done with my reply 0_0 (nor did I have time to say goodnight).
09:28.43chaosvoyagerHe's the vbisual interface guy for this project, right?
09:29.09zhobbsyeah, coding not graphical design though
09:33.57chaosvoyager*sigh* well, I guess enabling the user to configure the layout of an application (or Mr Potato Head game) is not in the Android plan.
09:34.18chaosvoyagerHowever, that bed suggestion sounds peachy.
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10:17.09muthuelimatta is cool!
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10:34.28lenni_-_can some give me a tip on how to open the manifest editor?
10:34.50lenni_-_If i click on my manifest file i just opens the raw xml data.
10:35.56lenni_-_in eclipse that is.
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14:25.32plusminus_They arrived !!!!!!11111eleven
14:25.47cutmasta_plusminus_, wtf?
14:26.09plusminus_^^ tshirts
14:26.24cutmasta_android shirts or what?
14:26.28plusminus_from MountainView
14:26.45cutmasta_how did you get them? paypal paid?
14:27.06plusminus_no payment :)
14:29.22cutmastaplusminus_, did you get my query?
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14:37.59cutmastamorrildl, just emailed you ;)
14:38.21AetmosHi All...If I have a SubActivity, how do I close it and return to my primary Activity?
14:38.35AetmosI can setResult(RESULT_OK); but it doesn't actually return to my main Activity
14:38.41morrildlcutmasta: O RLY
14:38.48AetmosI can call System.exit(0), but I don't think that's what I want...
14:39.05morrildlcutmasta: got it
14:39.07morrildllooking into it
14:39.10Aetmosplusminus_: Ah, thanks
14:39.14cutmastamorrildl, ok,
14:39.55AetmosAh, awesome. Thanks plusminus_!
14:41.40AetmosGreat, that works perfectly ;-)
14:42.33cutmastamorrildl, i mailed, because i did not find the bug in the issue tracker, perhaps its in your internal bugzilla
14:42.54morrildlcutmasta: well, when I asked the guy who owns it, he said it was already fixed :)
14:42.58morrildlapparently he was wrong
14:44.34cutmastamorrildl, yes, it seems so :)
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15:08.06davidwI've been getting weird spam like this comment,lately...anyone else see stuff like it?
15:08.55davidwthe comment is nonsense, but the page it links to isn't like 'viagra', porn or the usual suspects
15:10.06davidwat least I think it's spam... it's just bizarre
15:17.14Aetmoslooks like spam
15:17.35Aetmospolite spam, but spam nonetheless
15:19.26davidwit's weird though, I mean wtf is it promoting?
15:19.38AetmosProbably just that person's lame-ass blog
15:19.42davidwthe thing it links to has no ads
15:20.01davidwand no links to porn/viagra/whatever
15:20.30AetmosYeah, it is an odd page to link to ;-)
15:20.56AetmosDoes anybody have a particularly good way to layer one view on top of another...I just want to display a logged-in username in the upper-right corner of screen...
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15:23.33plusminus_RelativeLayout ?
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15:24.56AetmosHmm...I'll give it a try
15:25.19plusminus_Following shows how to place buttons over a MapView: (Code: )
15:25.48plusminus_Result: (see the upper corners für  +   and   -  )
15:25.52AetmosAh, I feel like an idiot. I swear I searched your site, but didn't turn anything up ;-)
15:26.21AetmosMany thanks for the great site
15:27.12plusminus_yu're right, its not that easy to find stuff
15:27.29plusminus_just if you know what you have to type as keywords
15:27.50plusminus_but if you know them you usually have no problem :D
15:27.59Aetmosheh, yeah ;-)
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16:03.18pyronikhey im having problems setting up the windows environmental variables
16:03.55pyronikthats not doing it for me
16:04.10pyronikthat and without the last backslash
16:06.51AetmosWell, is that where the SDK is located?
16:09.13jastai spent so much time hassling with MediaPlayer last night and now i'm pissed :)
16:10.13jastain light of it's many, many bugs, i think they need to show us how the streaming code *really* works so that we can implement it ourselves if need be.
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16:18.57Aetmosjasta: can't you just look at the code in the jar?
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16:31.25plusminus_if you like decompiled classed ;)
16:32.38Gizmopyronik, the PATH is  C:\SDK\android-sdk_m5-rc15_windows\tools; .. you forgot the \tools
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16:46.39plusminus_Gizmo: imo not. As the  Android.jar  is not located in \tools.
16:49.05davidwjasta, "its" - don't make us pull out bob the angry flower
16:49.15davidwjasta, joking aside - you found more bugs in the mediaplayer stuff?
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17:03.47jastadavidw: yes, ugh.
17:04.11jastaAetmos: it's mostly written natively in C.
17:05.59jastadavidw: I'm so frustrated.  I don't think I will be able to implement my app as I have intended because of its severe brokenness.
17:06.32jastabasically, the only use case that works with the MediaPlayer is an audio file on disk in its entirety.
17:09.57muthujasta: does streaming work?
17:13.26jastamuthu: I'm sure their stupid intent-based streaming works just fine, but therein lies the problem: what the hell is that code doing and how can we replicate it on our own?
17:13.43jastaMy application needs to download and cache files it streams from the web.
17:14.11plusminus_that works fine, right?
17:14.42jastawhat?  i haven't tested but i'm sure they did.
17:15.17jastabut that's not the point.  i need to know how their streaming code actually works
17:15.33plusminus_downloading and playing,instead of streaming *rolleyes*
17:16.54jastano, it doesn't.  because playback of an incomplete file on disk causes the mediaplayer to treat the file as a snapshot in time
17:17.10jastaas in, if it's 10% done and you start playing, it will stop at 10% of the file, despite it being 50% done or whatever at that time.
17:17.38plusminus_downloading completely ;)
17:18.17plusminus_great if you want to have just a short look into ^^ and so fast
17:20.11jastaplusminus_: well of course downloading completely works because as i said, the use case that works is a file on disk.
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17:25.29jastamorrildl: *poke*
17:26.07muthujasta: did you look in the source?
17:26.39muthui haven't looked into streaming yet, playing the files from the disk for now
17:27.09muthubut soon enough need to stream from the web
17:28.46jastamuthu: you can't, most of it is natively written.
17:28.55muthuoh sh
17:29.05jastamuthu: if you want to stream from the web, fully handing control over to MediaPlayer, then you're fine.
17:29.13muthui understand
17:29.16jastaif you need any kind of control or meaningful interaction, you're hosed.
17:29.25muthutrue, you need to cache
17:29.52jastaMediaPlayer was clearly designe dfor this
17:29.57jastasetDataSource() lets you pass a file descriptor
17:30.04jastabut it doesn't *work* to do so :)
17:30.15muthuyeah probably a bug
17:33.01jastathis is a very serious problem for me right now.  i have no idea how i can implement what i need with the current SDK
17:33.39muthusetDataSource (String) works
17:34.16muthuhaven't tested that method
17:34.58jastamy only thought is to try to use the audio hardware directly, without the broken MediaPlayer.
17:36.09BonkersI don't really know too much about android development, but I can tell you that you're not hte only one annoyed with the broken file streaming, so I'm guessing it will be fixed once the android devs get some time
17:36.10davidw/dev/audio ?
17:36.24davidwor whatever?
17:38.49muthuguess the native method has not been implemented yet
17:39.18jastaBonkers: you're probably right, but my app is a streaming music player sooooo, what choice do i have? :)
17:39.28jastait's not like this is a small part ;)
17:40.04muthujasta: you need to mock it up
17:40.44romainguyjasta: Have you tried the setDataSource(String) version?
17:40.48romainguythe javadoc says it accepts a URL
17:41.24romainguyor you just want to play a file that's partially downloaded locally?
17:41.49muthuromainguy: the string version works only for the filepath
17:41.49jastaromainguy: I don't have to, but that is the most logical design.
17:42.57jastaromainguy: My curiousity is leading me to wonder if MediaPlayer's setDataSource(FileDescriptor, ...) method is not implemented correctly, how the hell does the startActivity() approach to streaming from the web work?
17:43.19jastaHow has Google implemented that streaming if the underlying system doesn't support it at all?
17:43.37muthujasta: where's the streaming example?
17:44.10muthui haven't seen anything for streaming yet
17:44.28jastahang on ill find it
17:44.53jastasee 'playing media via url'
17:45.03muthuhave you seen it in action?
17:45.07jastathis approach is using a content uri and an activity
17:45.17jastano, but many times morrildl has asserted that it works.
17:45.23muthuha come on
17:45.25jastai will try it tonight, of course, but can't now.
17:45.46muthuok.. the word is streaming is broken
17:46.17jastareally?  well, i suppose that would be consistent with MediaPlayer.setDataSource(FileDescriptor, ...) being broken :)
17:47.35muthutry also the string version as romainguy suggests
17:47.39jastacan someone whip up a quick test and see that the activity approach works?
17:47.45jastamuthu: The string version doesn't stream
17:47.56jastathat is plainly obvious, i have my code using that right now
17:48.08muthuok.. let me test the intent version now
17:48.16jastasetDataSource("/sdcard/tmp-streaming-file"); will play up to the duration computed at the time it was played.
17:49.05muthuits the full duration of the file
17:49.23jastano, it's not.  it computes the duration at the time of prepare()
17:49.58jastawhich is correct behaviour for that method, i'd say.  however, in the absence of a working setDataSource(FileDescriptor, ...) implementation, it's not very useful behaviour :)
17:50.22jastamy assumption is that the FileDescriptor version is for streaming.
17:50.29jastaalthough i might be wrong even still :)
17:51.35jastamuthu: can you test the intent version for me?
17:53.46muthulet me check it out
17:54.00jastathanks :)
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18:07.45muthujasta: give me an http link for mp3
18:07.54jastawell, uhh
18:08.03jastahang on :)
18:11.13muthui copied pasted the example code
18:11.27jastaand? :)
18:11.32muthuNo Activity found to handle Intent
18:11.38jastathat's what i thought
18:11.57plusminus_Running DRM-check.... 33%
18:12.02plusminus_Running DRM-check.... 66%
18:12.05plusminus_Running DRM-check.... 100%
18:12.07plusminus_failure !!
18:12.13jastaplusminus_: what?
18:12.23muthuany permission, jasta?
18:12.30muthui'm in more copy/paste mood
18:12.34muthuso debug for me ;)
18:12.54jastahuh?  what's to debug?
18:12.58muthuE/AndroidRuntime(  933): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { action=android.intent.action.VIEW type=audio/* }
18:12.59muthuE/AndroidRuntime(  933):        at
18:13.19jastanothing to debug, that very probably just means what they claim to be implemented isn't.
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18:13.59jastaunless you have to setType to something more meaningful?
18:14.20jastatry setting it to audio/mpeg?
18:14.21muthuits not a permission issue right?
18:14.29jastamuthu: Doesn't seem to be?
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18:14.35jastathey don't mention that you need any permissions
18:14.51muthuthat's the code FYI
18:15.25jastastill doesn't work with audio/mpeg?
18:15.43muthuE/AndroidRuntime( 1002): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { action=android.intent.action.VIEW type=audio/mpeg }
18:15.51jastayeah that's what i thought.
18:16.08jastai really want to talk to someone in the know about this
18:16.14muthulet me check the permission
18:16.18jastacan't seem to track down any google folks though
18:16.32jastamuthu: what permissions?  on my web server?  those are fine.
18:16.42muthuno for intents
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18:29.41mike1ois gtalk supposed to be realistic in the last sdk?
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18:32.12f00f-not really
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18:35.04davidwjasta, it's probably not really allowed, but have you tried to decompile that stuff, for your own edification?
18:36.37muthujasta: how big is the file?
18:38.40mike1ohow are we supposed to test out a gtalk app?
18:39.49plusminus_are incoming SMS already stored by Android itself ?
18:40.45davidwmike1o, what do you mean?
18:41.46mike1odavidw, is gtalk supposed to be realistic in the last sdk?
18:42.25plusminus_accessing the inbox is not possible, so I am assuming the SMS do not get stored at all
18:43.18mike1odavidw, in this sdk Ive been having some presence detection problems... whereas with the previous one this didn't occur
18:44.08jastadavidw: i have, but like i said, the mediaplayer is mostly implemeneted in C/C++.  decompiling that would be agonizing.
18:44.17AetmosIs there a way to keep whitespace from being trimmed at the end of a string in strings.xml?
18:44.44jastamuthu: about 7M
18:47.58muthujasta: so i tried setting the uri
18:48.07muthuthat did not throw an error
18:49.03davidwjasta, oh, didn't catch that bit
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18:49.54plusminus_Oh my gosh !!! someone tried to do the following:
18:50.00plusminus_.... [img]http://E:\untitled.JPG[/img]
18:50.44plusminus_I'm sorry for that guy!
18:54.19plusminus_anyone knows how to get he currently selected View ?
18:55.15plusminus_... the focused one
18:59.16jastaplusminus_: keep in mind that touch mode won't really have a focused item.
19:03.02jastaromainguy: the URL form for setDataSource doesn't work either.
19:03.07jastathrows IOException
19:04.00jastait does seem to hit the server, tho.
19:04.44jastaUser-Agent: PVPLAYER  wth? :)
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19:06.11jastawhoa wait a minute.  this thing is doing something entirely more strange.
19:06.21jastaerr, much more strange :P
19:06.26jastamuch stranger, maybe
19:07.30jastait throws IOException, but keeps the connection open.
19:08.31jastathen it proceeds to download the entire file
19:08.40jasta(all after mp.prepare() has thrown IOException)
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19:11.25davidwdinner time
19:13.28jastai guess it's just time to submit a bug
19:20.08jastai am really stuck here
19:20.18jastareading through all the bug reports and it looks like these things are just being ignored
19:20.33jastai dont know what options i have for the ADC here :\
19:20.47jastai can't just leave it broken, even though it is clearly Android's fault.
19:26.08Aetmosjasta: post something in the Developer group, and see if you get a response from a Google dev
19:27.29jastamaybe i'll post a bug then post to android-challenge and just ask wtf i'm supposed to do :)
19:28.09AetmosI've had more luck getting responses in the various groups than the bug report form, but yeah, I'd post a bug too
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19:29.44BonkersI can tell you that you're not going to get much of a response about the streaming bug right now
20:01.56jastai'm more hoping for a sensible work-around
20:06.37BonkersI haven't seen one
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20:10.32davidwjasta, fake it somehow?
20:16.44jastawell it seems that prepareAsync has something to do with this.
20:16.56jastaperhaps i'm getting somewhere here...
20:18.11jastai can get it to download like 7% of the file then it stops? :)
20:18.21jastaOnBufferingUpdateListener seems to work correctly
20:18.29jastabut then just mysteriously stops after 7%
20:18.35jastaand mp.start() doesn't seem to work in any of that.
20:19.46f00f-problem starting to play it
20:20.57plusminus_jasta: Sry I was afk
20:21.06plusminus_(related to the focus question)
20:21.29plusminus_EditText can have focus (or is it called selection then ?)
20:23.47jastawhat focus question?
20:24.15plusminus_mom = "moment"
20:24.22plusminus_"anyone knows how to get he currently selected/focused View ?"
20:24.30jastai did not ask that question
20:24.37plusminus_I did ;)
20:24.43jastak? :)
20:25.33plusminus_may question is, how to determine the View that is currently selected/focused
20:25.58jastaoh, i remember, i just told you that you need to be aware that touch mode doesn't have a focused item.
20:26.08jastaso you may be walking yourself into a design that won't work.
20:26.23jastabut otherwise, i dont know how to get the focus.
20:26.37plusminus_^^ but if I (actually not me) had a lot of EditTexts (which can get focused)..
20:27.51jastalol, my onErrorListener is called on this MediaPlayer test, and I get MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN :)
20:28.26jastai'm beginning to think i should just avoid the MediaPlayer entirely and figure out how to interact with the audio system directly
20:28.43plusminus_or wait.......................
20:30.42davidwthis thing is really going to be good when we get to start hacking on it:-)
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20:38.27jastaplusminus_: wait for what?  my application is a stremaing music player!
20:43.36davidw... or not ...
20:44.17davidwwhat's it use in terms of the underlying audio system?
20:45.28jastadavidw: looks like goldfish audio, which would be their own driver :)
20:45.35jastaso maybe that's not an option
20:45.42jastai was hoping it'd be like ALSA or something hehe
20:45.56davidwyou could give it a wav to play and see what it sends out
20:46.11jastawell i really dont want to go that route ;)
20:46.25jastain the change overview i see:
20:46.26davidwsomething constant... a nice sine wave
20:46.30jastaAdded support for http streaming of MP4 media.
20:46.40jastawhich kind of tells me they added streaming of only 1 particular format?  why?
20:47.10jastathat makes no sense at all.  ogg, for example, lends itself perfectly to streaming.  there would be no extr awork to support that.
20:47.20jastamp3 not so much, but it can work of course.
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20:48.43f00f-why don't you use what they recommend? instead of trying to prove a point and use Ogg :)
20:53.10jastaf00f-: I'm not, MP3 doesn't work either.
20:53.22jastaIt seems nothing does, but judging from that comment on the changes overview, MP4 probably does.
20:54.20jastaBut that probalby doesn't work etiher ;)
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21:01.48jastaand even still, MP4 still wouldn't do what i want it seems.
21:01.58jastathey seem to define streaming *VERY* narrowly, such that it can not work in any useful case.
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21:31.14chomchomevening all
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21:43.53chomchomgonna have a nap and then do this android biz.
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22:42.44jastascrew it, i'll work on other parts of my code tonight :)
22:42.53jastai'll just leave the MediaPlayer bits unfinished for now
22:43.06jastahopefully it will be permissible to submit with it not working because it's so freaking screwed right now
22:46.21romainguyjasta: can't you just make it play a dummy local mp3 file?
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23:10.13jastaromainguy: sure, but what does that do for me?
23:10.27jastaso my entire music player can only play 1 dummy mp3?  great, how cool.
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23:11.43jastaat least i can have it download to cache completely, then play.  so you'll have to wait a long time to play a song for the first time.
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23:19.19jastathat is so freaking stupid though
23:22.22romainguyjasta: I meant for the contest
23:43.17dueypoor jasta
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23:51.45jerkface03what are you whining about? mediaplayer?
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