IRC log for #android on 20080309

00:22.34*** join/#android romainguy_ (
00:23.13*** join/#android romainguy__ (n=gfx@
00:37.36chaosvoyagerIsn't Google adding OCR to its image indexing?
00:48.17duey<jasta> davidw: that translator thing would be really great if you paired it with a powerful OCR tool
00:48.17duey<jasta> so you could snap a picture of something you can't read and have it translate for you
00:48.20duey^ thats my project
00:49.36duey"Photo Based Optical Character Recognition and Translation on Mobile\ Devices"
00:50.22*** join/#android morrildl (
00:50.47morrildlWhat's up, folk?
00:51.06chomchomnought but the rent
00:51.14morrildlchomchom: Hmm, indeed.
00:52.18chomchommorrildl: I was saying earlier maybe the admins could set the IRC topic to be an Android blog post by someone in the community every day. That would be a bit more interesting, or even an interesting forum post.
00:52.35morrildlchomchom: Hmm, very interesting idea
00:52.38chomchomIt would also give people who might not be crawling blogs and rss feeds everyday some exposure to new sources of android info.
00:53.07morrildlAs it happens, I was just reading my blog subscriptions
00:53.37morrildlLet's start with...
00:53.47*** mode/#android [+o morrildl] by ChanServ
00:54.05*** topic/#android by morrildl -> Planet Android seems pretty cool:
00:54.40morrildlWe'll start off "light" :)
00:54.51dueyfirst 3 posts on that are iphone
00:54.56morrildland I'll add some interesting specific posts in the future
00:55.07morrildlduey: indeed.  But it's news, and it's relevant
00:55.12morrildlwe got nothing to hide :)
00:55.27morrildlIf iPhone kicks our ass, we have no one to blame but ourselves ;)
00:55.45chomchomyeah, that will be pretty good. We've had the address of the SDK for months now.
00:56.12morrildlchomchom: heh, yeah I'm guessing you guys can probably recite it by memory now
00:56.43morrildlduey: I do have to ask:  latex?
00:56.55dueyhonours proposals
00:57.12dueytrying to perform the basic task of centering text
00:57.21dueyyet it creates a new page
00:57.23morrildlTHAT latex
00:57.29morrildlYou have my condolences
00:57.51morrildllatex is one of those things that is at once delightful and infuriating
00:58.54dueytotoally awesome and totally awful at the same time
00:59.00dueyvery unique!
01:03.53morrildloh, there it is.  Yay! Now I get to be internet-famous for the next 170 nanoseconds
01:12.18chaosvoyagerI've heard there are people who won't take you seriously if you don't use TeX.
01:12.31dueywe can use word/tex
01:12.47dueybut they said word slows down at 50 pages
01:13.00dueytitlepage is done :D
01:13.02chaosvoyagerI'm talking about other academics.
01:13.16chaosvoyagerGeesh, slows down at fifty :P
01:13.44dueytex does a good job at formatting nicely
01:17.12chaosvoyagerduey: I think you should do the OCR and translation on a server if possible. It would be faster, have better libraries available, and wouldn't kill the battery as quickly. Not only that, but you'd have a service other devices besides Android could use.
01:17.27dueydoing both
01:18.09dueythere are a few technical issues to sort out
01:18.15dueyinitial versions are server based
01:18.27dueythere is also an issue with camera quality
01:19.14dueyits my honours project - so ultimately I have to create my own ocr lib
01:19.21dueywhich works better on photos
01:19.33dueytesseract for example doesn't work on photos
01:19.47dueyand requires high dpi images (200+)
01:20.22dueyso you have to take a more generalised feature based approach
01:20.56dueyand of cource pre processing on the images
01:21.01dueyto remove crap
01:21.08morrildlare you saying that you are OCR-ing images and translating them to TeX?
01:21.28dueyPhoto Based Optical Character Recognition and Translation on Mobile Devices
01:21.39morrildlstill, very cool :)
01:21.49morrildlI want your library, then we could use it with WikiNotes
01:22.04dueywe will see
01:22.07morrildlI'm serious though
01:22.10morrildlOCR in a doc
01:22.13morrildlstore it
01:22.17chaosvoyagerThere's no reason it COULDN'T be applied to TeX eventually.
01:22.18morrildllink to it
01:22.35morrildlwiki is like the retarded inbred fourth cousin of TeX
01:23.00morrildlat least, as publication standards go
01:23.14chaosvoyagerI envision a day when computers will replace TAs as our main source of college grading :P
01:23.23dueyim doing a course at uni where we have to write wiki articles
01:24.13dueymorrildl, depending on how good it is i will open source it
01:31.04morrildlduey: very cool
01:31.28dueygot awhile to go
01:31.41dueyworking project required in august so..
01:31.45dueybusy few months!
01:32.56chaosvoyager(* throws some Salvador Dali paintings into a facial recognition engine *)
01:33.55dueysomeone should make a "Smile" app whichs takes a pic when someone smiles
01:33.59dueylike those cameras
01:53.22morrildlthere are a lot of peeps on this challen who never seem to say anything :)
01:53.55jastathat's not unlike other irc channels
01:54.04morrildlIndeed not
01:54.14morrildlBut I do wonder what they are up to
01:54.14chaosvoyagerThey're busy coding :)
01:54.26morrildlchaosvoyager: haha, they must be
01:54.36jastawhois some of them.  i bet theyre in LOTS of channels ;)
01:54.40morrildlThey are probably absorbing info like a sponge, judging the rest of us ;)
01:56.36chaosvoyagerIt's like a submarine.
01:56.59morrildlO RLY
01:57.05jastamorrildl: is there some way to combine multiple apks into a single distributable package?
01:57.27morrildljasta: you may certainly have as many Services/Activities/ContentProviders/etc. in a single apk as you like
01:57.37jastamorrildl: Yes, but I still want multiple apks.
01:57.46morrildlif you are asking if there is a tool to physically merge 2 .apk files, I don't believe there is currently
01:58.02jastaI am more interested in a way to install multiple in a series.
01:58.34morrildlthe package manager does not currently have a notion of dependencies, because we think it's too early to presume we know how that should work
01:58.36jastaI have split my project into multiple apks because I intend to have an engine and user interface components that utilize the engine.  The relationship is such that the engine is generalized and can serve lots of different sorts of applications.
01:58.41jastaNot unlike, for example, your gtalkservice apk.
01:58.48morrildlfair enough
01:59.11morrildlso, you can install 2 apks into the same user ID
01:59.22jastaso the engine, for example, is just a simple Activity to manage stuff, and a robust ContentProvider and set of services.
01:59.33jastathey don't need to be the same user ID, in fact, I don't want them to be.
01:59.49jastai just want them to not have to be installed separately by the user for my distribution.
01:59.58morrildlinteresting point
02:00.08morrildlanyway no, I don't think that's currently possible
02:00.16morrildlthat would make a great feature request tho
02:00.31jastaThis is not unlike the way Google manages their own stuff.  It is clear that you split logical services and content providers from the things that might use them.
02:00.46morrildlour advantage is that so far we can just include them all in the system image :)
02:00.58morrildlI actually really like this idea
02:01.01jastaThe idea here is that someone might make a type of application using my engine that I have not.  In fact, I plan on it.  I am implementing only the music portion myself.
02:01.10morrildlthe lack of dependencies in the package manager has been bugging me
02:01.35morrildlmakes perfect sense
02:01.37jastaHowever, for my music portion, I want to be able to optionally distribute it *with* the engine.  Since I wrote both.
02:01.45morrildlthat's exactly how we want people to use the system
02:02.39jastayes, i assumed as much and this is why i split them up early on.
02:03.34jastaalso, i wanted to enforce this strong separation in my code.  I can't "cheat" and use functionality not available to other developers using my engine.
02:03.48jastasince they are two separate apks, with different user ids.
02:04.04chaosvoyagerThat's the thing that bugs me the most about Android's current state: You can't seem to use it in the way it was intended.
02:04.27jastachaosvoyager: How so?  I have demonstrated precisely that.
02:04.47jastaThe only thing that is lacking is a sufficiently clever package manager to understand how to install this stuff and potentially resolve dependencies.
02:04.49chaosvoyagerYou demonstrated that it wasn't possible and the feature is missing.
02:04.55jastachaosvoyager: No I didn't.
02:05.11jastaI demonstrated that it requires adb install to run twice, not once.  That's a pretty small deficiency in the grand scheme of this design.
02:05.12morrildlwell, there's a lack of dependencies, to be sure
02:05.37morrildlyou can still ship 2 apks, you just have to tell your users to install them both, which is a slight increase in your support burden
02:06.07jastamorrildl: btw, this is how i will be doing it for the ADC.  so hopefully judges will not scoff at my correct utilization of the platform :)
02:07.06jastahmm is right ;)
02:07.13chaosvoyagerI cannot see how that can be considered a small deficiency.
02:07.30jastachaosvoyager: Because it is not built into the design.  It is simply a missing feature.
02:07.50jastaIf the deficiency were fundamental to the way Android is expected to work, then I would call it significant.
02:08.04morrildlfor the ADC you may want to merge them.  I'm not yet sure you want to
02:08.04morrildldoh, sorry
02:08.06jastaInstead of a small oversight that can be easily remedied with some careful consideration.
02:08.18jastamorrildl: What?
02:08.19morrildlI'm not yet sure that they will be able to "grok" a dependency in APKs
02:08.47jastaI think my application sort of destroys a lot of simple assumptions the judges want to make.
02:08.54morrildlSo in other words:  in your supporting doc, explain what it is you've provided.  But for the apk itself, it's probably best to merge them
02:09.02jastaBecause it is not trivial, like Google assumed ;)
02:09.04morrildljasta: yeah -- so also email me directly about it once you have submitted it
02:09.39morrildland I will make sure we ourselves do what we can to make sure it gets reviewed correctly
02:09.46morrildl(which, BTW, goes for anyone else listening to ;))
02:09.55morrildlchaosvoyager: What specifically are you referring to?
02:10.14jastamorrildl: I appreciate that attention.  I am making a note of it in my calendar ;)
02:10.16morrildlchaosvoyager: is the deficiency that you can't merge APKs, or that there is no dependency-trakcing?
02:12.33morrildljasta: np
02:15.49chaosvoyagerWhatever allows you to deploy a complete application in the simplest manner possible. I don't know if merging APKs, traditional dependency checking, or even just an install script, are the right solutions, but some kind of whole application management is needed.
02:16.13morrildlchaosvoyager: well, you can always just include everything in a single apk, too
02:16.33*** join/#android romainguy_ (
02:16.35morrildlalso, we don't know which is the right solution either, yet :)
02:16.43jastahey romain
02:16.49chaosvoyagerUnless you don't have rights to distribute one of the dependents.
02:17.01morrildlwhich is why we've chosen to start modestly, and figure out what the right thing is later once we see how people are using it
02:17.07chaosvoyagermorrildl: fair enough.
02:17.18morrildlIt's definitely a missing feature
02:17.28morrildlwe just aren't sure what the right solution is yet
02:17.51morrildlwhat's up, romainguy_?
02:19.09chaosvoyagerBut it would be far less frustrating if these portions of Android were open so these feature experiments could be tested as opposed to just proposed.
02:19.36chaosvoyagerThats all.
02:21.38chaosvoyagerHey, does anyone know if Android is in any way related to Hiker beyond them both being the results of Palm imploding?
02:22.12morrildlwhat is Hiker?
02:23.13chaosvoyagerHappened upon it while searching for info on OpenBind.
02:23.28morrildlnever seen that before
02:23.44dueypoor palm :o(
02:23.55jastapalm is useless :)
02:24.28morrildlThey refer to ACCESS, so I'd say your hypothesis about the relationship to Palm is a reasonable one
02:24.30chaosvoyagerSchrew Palm, they mismanaged themselves inot oblivion, taking a lot of good code with them.
02:24.55chaosvoyagerIt's the framework similarities that intrigue me.
02:27.11morrildlA lot of proprietary blue in their layer cake though
02:27.34morrildlheh, though I suppose right now all of the Android layer cake would be in that blue :)
02:30.11chaosvoyagerEh, mostly application things so I.... (* squint *) WTF...HotSync is a trademark?!?
02:30.32chaosvoyagerThat doesn't surprise me, but it makes talking about it a lot more difficult now.
02:30.55morrildluse a hyphen, I guess? :)
02:31.07morrildl"I hot-synced this and that using HotSync(TM) Technology"
02:35.38*** join/#android soulreaper (
02:35.38*** join/#android dragor43 (
02:35.46chaosvoyagerTrademarks are powerful little glyphs. It was a trademark suit that prevented MS from extending Java and netting Sun 2bil in damages. That's why I'm using trademarks to protect my code, not copyright. I'd use patents, but they're just too damn expensive, and I'm really just concerned about maintaining compatibility.
02:36.18morrildlchaosvoyager: interesting
02:37.06chaosvoyagerRegrettably, I had to study this shit to safely develop software.
02:38.51morrildlGNU General Public License: ALL YOUR SOURCE ARE BELONG TO EVERYONE
02:38.52chaosvoyagerWhat REALLY pisses me off is that you have to remain ignorant of certain source and patents if you're developing similar tech, because if you DO know of them, then the court can find you doubly liable, and even of willfully infringment. >_<
02:38.58jastaSo, when is the Seattle code day?
02:39.02jastaI'm feeling left out :)
02:39.04chaosvoyagermorrildl: heh.
02:39.15morrildlGNU Lesser General Public License:  ALL OUR SOURCE ARE BELONG TO EVERYONE
02:39.27morrildlMozilla PL: ALL OUR SOURCE ARE BELONG TO US
02:39.54morrildlMicrosoft End User License Agreement (EULA): YOU HAVE NO CHANCE TO DECIDE MAKE YOUR PAYMENT
02:40.10morrildlAT&T/SCO Unix license: ALL YOUR SOURCE ARE BELONG TO US
02:40.45jastamy only question is: who set us up the bomb?
02:40.50morrildljasta: yeah I am sad we coudln't do Seattle in the last round :(
02:41.01jastamorrildl: the "round" is already over?
02:41.05morrildlSeattle is my third-favorite city after San Francisco and Boston
02:41.09chaosvoyagerElua needs to be made a video game heroine or villianess :P
02:41.14morrildlwell, since we haven't done anything in a while, I'd say so :)
02:41.22jastamorrildl: San Francisco is stupid.  Boston is stupid.  Come to Seattle :)
02:41.48chaosvoyagerCome to Seattle, we're closer to Canada.
02:41.52dueyseattle is stupid too
02:41.54dueycome to new zealand
02:41.57morrildlI used to like the Seattle track in Gran Turismo
02:42.00dueyhave a holiday
02:42.03morrildlthen I went there
02:42.16chaosvoyagerduey: Hell yes!
02:42.21morrildland I was like, "holy cow I can actually kind of find my way around the city from the Gran Turismo track"
02:42.51chaosvoyagerduey: I have a friend I lost touch with who was trying to gain citizenship there. It's really a pretty awesome place.
02:42.52jastaSeattle is great.  We've got grit.
02:43.19dueychaosvoyager, it has its downsides
02:43.30dueylike being in the middle of no where
02:44.07dueythe sheep are gooood
02:46.01chaosvoyager...hey, how is Google going to prevent a non-Android phone from using the Android logo? I can forsee some rather nasty companies doing just that.
02:46.05romainguy_hey morrildl :)
02:46.34morrildlchaosvoyager: well, Android is a trademark.  I haven't asked the lawyers about it but I assume we'll want to protect it
02:46.36dueychaosvoyager, they would have to attribute the logo
02:46.50morrildlthe green bug droid is creative-commons-ed though
02:47.40*** join/#android romainguy__ (n=gfx@
02:47.43morrildlthe official Android logo is the word "android" in the futuristic font
02:47.55morrildl...and that is not CC-licensed
02:48.08morrildlduey: ?
02:48.10jastathat logo sucks too ;)
02:48.16jastait's all about the little green guy
02:48.26dueythe logo is awesome
02:48.31morrildlthe little green guy is definitely more fun than the text logo :)
02:48.36morrildlthat's why he's CC-ed
02:49.17chaosvoyagerHmm, CC is copyright, which is treated very differently than trademarks. I'm not actually sure if you can release the art CC while protecting its value as a trademark.
02:49.46dueychaosvoyager, they could just wipe said company of the internets
02:50.11chaosvoyagerand off the Google maps :P
02:51.04dueyand then any phone calls on gphones to said company gets "disconnected"
02:51.21dueywho needs lawyers?
02:52.44chaosvoyagerHeh, on a more seriousness note though, I don't see how there's any way to avoid patent infringement when developing software. The only thing keeping me safe is that I'm not a big enough target.
02:54.08chaosvoyagerAnd that won't even matter if there's a larger company thats infringing as well, and the patent holder wants to target me first to set a precident.
02:56.18morrildlchaosvoyager: yeah, the software patent situation is messy
02:56.55chaosvoyagermorrildl: beautifully understated.
02:57.35morrildlin that case then... my work here is finished :)
02:57.38morrildl...for today
02:57.43morrildlsee you guys later
02:59.07dragor43yea speaking of patents, i noticed some Android app that can recognize and interpret bar codes using the phone's camera.  Did a search for patents and there's already one filed for that idea. sucks
03:01.07chaosvoyagerThere's probably one for the general pattern matching algorithm used for it, along with other forms of optical recognition, but I'll be damned if I search for that and open myself up to more liability.
03:01.44dueywell i guess it really depends on if the company that holds the patent is a patent troll
03:02.25chaosvoyagerThank Ted SCO didn't have any applicable patents.
03:04.40chaosvoyagerYou can't embed Flash objects in HTML anymore because there is a patent. That's why you have to use Javascript or click once to activate.
03:06.59chaosvoyagerYou can do it if you don't call it HTML though. (* twitch *)
03:07.21chaosvoyagerSome shithead made 500mil from that.
03:08.33chaosvoyagerThat's why I just ignore the laws and politics, damn the torpedos, and just code. I'd go mad if I didn't.
03:15.40jastadoesn't seem to me that you ignore these things at all.
03:16.00jastaseems like you read up on them diligently :)
03:26.12pyronikpatent laws are getting a bit ridiculous
03:26.35pyronikim surprised i don't have to pay a royalty for my use of my legs to walk
03:26.43pyronikim sure somebody would of patented that idea
03:26.45chaosvoyagerYeah, I only started ignoring these things after I snapped.
03:58.48*** join/#android infobot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:58.48*** topic/#android is Planet Android seems pretty cool:
03:58.55jastazhobbs: no, i gave up when i realized you'd have to manage your own activity history, which is super lame.
03:59.42pyronikhey im just starting to read all the documentation on the android sdk
04:00.03pyroniki had a quick question, is the android going to support built in gps
04:00.13zhobbspyronik: yeah
04:00.14pyronikor should i say any of the phones coming out are they going to have it
04:00.19pyronikok awesome
04:00.23zhobbsoh, no not all phones will have it
04:00.52pyronikim thinking about making some kind of lojack service that would run as a background thing
04:00.52zhobbsyou'll be able to get a location either way, just not as accurate without gps
04:01.00jastazhobbs: I suspect every Android phone will support at least Google's My Location system.
04:01.21jastaAll that is required is that the manufacturers cooperate and produce chips that allow Android to read radio metrics.
04:01.53zhobbsjasta: yeah, I assume there will be a location provider for the My Location thing
04:02.25pyronikohh ok thanks zhobbs
04:02.52pyronikhow big is it of a leap from a php devoloper to learn java and work with this SDK
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04:03.23zhobbspyronik: probably not too bad if you understand OO principles
04:03.35pyronikfor the most part
04:03.39dragor43Hmm, anyone use AlarmManager to launch an intent, and get it to pass values correctly in the Extras bundle?
04:03.48pyroniki dont understand the concept of extending a class yet
04:03.49jastaIt depends on how competent you are as a developer in general.  pyronik, would you say you are a competent developer?
04:04.11pyronikive tried to develope 1 actual project, it worked so i guess so
04:04.20zhobbspyronik: yeah, you'll need to understand the concept of extending classes
04:04.20jastaThe answer is no.
04:04.31zhobbspick up a java book
04:04.44pyronikwill do
04:05.01pyronikextending classes does that just add more functions to a class
04:05.13jastapyronik: Pick up a Java book.
04:06.06pyronikthanks guys
04:06.06zhobbsbut actually, java is pretty easy to program in...
04:06.18dragor43pyronik: here's a nice link to get you started
04:06.47jastaYes actually, Sun's online Java tutorial is quite good.
04:08.03pyronik~[ dragor43 ]~ thanks
04:08.25jastapyronik: I recommend reading instead of skimming.
04:09.29zhobbsjasta: not sure how much you looked at activity group, but how do I know when a child activity is destroyed?
04:09.42jastazhobbs: as with finish()?
04:10.53zhobbsI see LocalActivityManager.dispatchDestroy()
04:11.03jastathat's for you to destroy your activities though
04:11.55jastahonestly i don't know.  the only handle you'd have to find that out is the Window?
04:12.21zhobbsok, I'll keep looking
04:14.46romainguy[damn ListView @!#
04:14.53dragor43yeah.. crap.. the data in the extras bundle must get lost when AlarmManager launches an intent
04:17.22jastaromainguy[: why is this thing so damn complex? :)
04:17.34romainguy[because it does a lot of things for you guys
04:17.51romainguy[most importantly because it's efficient with very large sets of data
04:22.47jastawell i certainly have noticed that
04:23.48romainguy[and it gives you (almost) total freedom over what it contains
04:23.57romainguy[so it makes no assumption about the nature and dimension of the items
04:24.24jastait makes some assumptions ;)
04:24.30romainguy[like what?
04:25.05jastahow does it calculate the position and size of the scroll bar without scanning every item in the list?
04:25.14romainguy[well it does not scan the list
04:25.17jastai know.
04:25.38jastainstead, it assumes that each item is approximately related to the size of items previously observed, right?
04:25.50romainguy[depends on how you see it
04:26.02jastaif you had 2 huge items and one very small one, the scroll bar would draw very strangely.
04:26.10romainguy[yeah it changes size
04:26.12jastaso, listview must be assuming something ;P
04:26.19romainguy[no it does not
04:26.31romainguy[it just reports scroll values based solely on the number of items
04:26.48romainguy[contrary to scrollview for instance which bases these values on pixels
04:27.34romainguy[for a ListView: scrollExtent=number of children on screen, scrollOffset=firstVisiblePosition, scrollRange=number of items in adapter
04:27.47romainguy[it's the first value that causes the scrollbars to act like a "snake" and change size from time to time
04:27.58romainguy[it sucks but I hadn't have time to find a better solution y et
04:29.13jastai really enjoy working with android services :)
04:29.17jastathis stuff is great
04:29.32romainguy[glad to hear that :)
04:29.50jastathe UI is pleasant too.
04:29.59jastathe component that i despise is content providers.
04:30.18romainguy[how come?
04:30.27romainguy[(I never wrote one so I don't know how it is to use them)
04:30.34jastai can't say that it's a bad design, it's just lame to code for.  hard to gracefully factor your code, seems very redundant.
04:31.16zhobbswhat do I do to display a Window object?
04:31.32jastaalso, it's a strange model to have to create a separate content uri and handle it in 3 separate places for each type of adaptation your data can have.
04:31.46jastazhobbs: You just access it's view with getDecorView or something, and you display that View with a FrameLayout.
04:31.59zhobbsOh, I see
04:32.16romainguy[zhobbs: what are you trying to do?
04:32.36zhobbsromainguy[: use ActivityGroup as a hack to enable animations between activities
04:32.58romainguy[you're being impatient :)
04:33.02jastahackbod suggested it, actually
04:33.06romainguy[I know
04:33.20zhobbsshe said activity animations will be supported though
04:33.23jastashe said that they "hope" to get this done by 1.0.  that doesn't inspire me with confidence ;)
04:33.33jastai assume 1.0 means phone release.
04:37.54zhobbshmmm...this seems like it might be a bad idea...I gotta manage all the menu and key stuff for the activities
04:39.06jastasee :P
04:39.29jastait would be a tremendous task to implement generically
04:39.36jastai gave up to save my sanity :)
04:39.42zhobbsyes it would
04:40.17zhobbsespecially with eclipse freezing everytime a code completion pops up...
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04:42.01zhobbsgreat, now I get an error everytime I type a "."
04:42.20zhobbsnot just one error, 6 error windows
04:55.44zhobbshmm...I could just animate the views when the activity first starts...didn't think about that
04:56.07romainguy_zhobbs: you can use a LayoutAnimation to do that easily
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04:58.22zhobbskinda wanted to do that 3d animation in the apidemos, but couldn't really do that I guess
05:01.48romainguy___zhobbs: why couldn't you?
05:02.25zhobbsthe new activity wouldn't know what the old activity looks like to use in the transition
05:03.37romainguy___ah between activities
05:03.41romainguy___sorry, tired tonight :))
05:32.23jastaman i am just plowing through code tonight :)
05:32.37jastathe girlfriend is visiting her dad ;)
05:35.43dueyim writing stupid proposal
05:48.23jastai am unfortunately writing way too much code without testing :)
05:48.47jastahaven't done a test run in hours and hours :)
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06:06.38jastawell...i suppose it's ready to test now ;P
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06:08.47jastaoh jeez
06:08.53jastasvn diff | wc -l reports 1100 :)
06:09.25zhobbsjust tonight?
06:09.40jastabut svn diff is in unidiff mode of course
06:13.36jastai fully implemented the second major service that my engine provides
06:13.49jastathe content delivery and cache management service
06:14.47jastait was all dummy code before
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06:16.55jastamy project broke 10K loc this weekend :)
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07:16.32zhobbsromainguy: where's the left padding come from when you're using android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1?  The TextView itself doesn't have any padding left
07:16.59romainguyit does
07:17.04romainguyfrom the XML file:
07:18.08zhobbshmmm, the one in the jar doesn't seem to have that
07:18.16romainguywell it does
07:18.45zhobbswhat's the paddingTop/Bottom?
07:20.33zhobbsk, thanks...
07:21.26zhobbsguess we're looking at the wrong xml files with this axml2xml
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07:24.50zhobbsIf I use a simple built in adapter and say to use android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 the list items look like they do in the api demos, etc
07:25.15zhobbsbut if I create a custom adapter to do "TextView txt = (TextView) vi.inflate(android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, null, null);" I don't get the top/bottom padding
07:29.19thedaniel`lol! i just looked around for the growl-notification and the class is called Toast!
07:29.22thedaniel`because it pops up!
07:29.34thedaniel`oh google, as long as you make silly jokes you'll have my heart
07:29.44zhobbsthedaniel`: that's why they call it toast....I never realized
07:31.10thedaniel`zhobbs: maybe you have a toaster oven instead of a pop up toaster
07:31.23zhobbsahhh, that's it
07:34.30zhobbsromainguy: hmm...looks like that android.R.simple_list_item_1 will only render correctly when stuck in a ViewGroup (linearlayout in mine)
07:36.45romainguy____how could it be in something else than a ViewGroup>
07:37.00romainguy____I see your problem
07:37.01zhobbswell, I was just returning the TextView itself
07:37.14romainguy____vi.inflate(android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, null, null); << you should pass the parent and false
07:37.21romainguy____otherwise it won't create the layout params
07:37.38romainguy____in particular the custom height
07:38.26zhobbsAhh, I see
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08:29.39chaosvoyagerromainguy: I know you probably don't have a lot of spare dev time, but have you looked at the iPhone SDK at all?
08:33.22romainguychaosvoyager: I'd rather not try it until I know for sure I can
08:33.41romainguy(be back in 1 minute)
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08:35.54zhobbsromainguy____: you mean you're not sure if apple allows you to or if google allows you to?
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08:36.54romainguy_____zhobbs: it's not a question of being allowed
08:36.56romainguy_____zhobbs: it's about patents, etc.
08:38.08davidwwhat's that... the two finger interface stuff?
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08:38.54niketHi, I am new to android...
08:39.21niketCan anyone help me in finding the way to get the boundary  (latitude min/max, longitude min/max) on google map running in android application?
08:39.39romainguy_____davidw: or anything else they can have patents on :)
08:40.49zhobbsniket: I think MapView.getLatitudeSpan()
08:41.06niketok...let me check that
08:42.39niketso it returns int value....what would be value of max and min long/lat of map display area
08:42.59niketI am looking for 4 values
08:43.28zhobbsthat is probably the whole span accross the screen, so mapCenter + span/2 would give you an edge of the screen right?
08:51.44niketyeah I think so what would be the exact call...min longitude= mapview.getCenterPoint()-mapview.getlongitudeSpan()/2, max longitude= mapview.getCenterPoint()+mapview.getlongitudeSpan()/2
08:51.49niketcan u conirm me?
08:52.34niketmin latitude= mapview.getCenterPoint()-mapview.getlatitudeSpan()/2, max latitude= mapview.getCenterPoint()+mapview.getlatitudeSpan()/2
08:52.53niketzhobbs,can u confirm me this also?
08:53.13zhobbsit makes sense to me, you'd just have to try it
08:56.06*** part/#android chaosvoyager (
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09:23.29jastaDoes anyone know if INSERT OR REPLACE in SQLite3 will re-use the same PRIMARY KEY when the REPLACE occurs?
09:24.02jastaThe documentation simply says that it invokes a DELETE then INSERT on conflict, not that it tries to re-use the same value for the PRIMARY KEY.
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10:01.31jastadamn, just lost an hour
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10:30.28jastaromainguy: you can't still be up?
10:30.59romainguy_I am actually
10:31.03jastawow :)
10:31.05jastajust like me hehe
10:31.06romainguy_I forgot about this @!# daylight saving
10:31.14romainguy_just noticed it's 3:30
10:31.39jastai'm so tired but i just can't stop coding
10:31.47jastai feel like an f'n machine right now
10:31.59jastai've churned out almost 2000 lines today alone (Saturday)
10:32.10romainguy_writing tons of code is pretty easy :)
10:32.27jastait's not that easy, i've been doing it all day :)
10:32.39romainguy_it's still pretty easy to just crank out tons of code :p
10:32.45jastai fully implemented my content delivery and caching service both in Android and on the C server
10:32.52jastaand implemented a robust test activity in the music player
10:33.11romainguy_yeah well, tonight it took me several hours to write a few dozen lines of code
10:33.19romainguy_but that saved 5 frames per second on several animations
10:33.42jastaoptimization is very unlike what i'm doing :)
10:34.09jastain fact, i will need to go back through at least two major parts of this system and partially redesign them at some point
10:34.20jastaI'm still using XML for communication even, not WbXML yet :)
10:34.29romainguy_also I now know how much time it takes for our view hierarchy between a call to invalidate() and the execution of onDraw()
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10:35.09romainguy_(on a specific piece of hardware)
10:35.11jastai am so flippin tired :\
10:35.19romainguy_yeah me too
10:35.24romainguy_that's why I'm going to bed
10:35.30jastanot me yet :)
10:35.46jastai am waiting until i encounter one of those cases that makes me just sit back and say "Fuck." ;)
10:36.08jastayou know, the type of gotcha that causes you to just give up for the night
10:36.46romainguy_I had one of those tonight
10:37.05romainguy_but it made me work on this optimization instead of giving up totally ^^
10:37.20romainguy_I haven't done what I was set to do though :))
10:37.31jastai have barely tested large portions of this code i just wrote so i'm thinking i'll hit it soon :)
10:38.27jastahopefully this will help me test that my system degrades gracefully hehe
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10:46.27jastaromainguy: hmm, found something kind of weird
10:46.46jastaif you specify a <Button> in XML, but do not set android:text, it doesn't draw at all.
10:47.25jastanot a lot of helpful information about why it's not drawn either.  might be worth treating specially to show a blank button?
10:47.33jastajust so folks aren't confused
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10:48.05romainguywhat are your layoutparams?
10:48.07jastaactually wait, i think something else might be problematic in my layout :)
10:48.21romainguybecause I'm pretty sure you can have an empty button on screen
10:48.31jastahehe osrry, i'm just tired :)
10:48.39jastamy outer linearlayout had the wrong orientation
10:49.18jastai'm quite pleased that i have this layout thing down finally.  it's easy for me to create layouts exactly as I imagine them first try.
10:49.50romainguythey're not very hard once you get used to them
10:49.56jastano, not at all
10:50.12jastabut it did take a bit of time to get accustomed.
10:55.04romainguylike pretty much every UI toolkit
10:55.17jastaof course, yes.
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11:03.55romainguy__some bug reports...
11:04.31romainguy__somebody is complaining that our drawText API does not behave's like .NET C#'s
11:05.01romainguy__apparently in C# the y coordinate in drawText is the upper left pixel of the text being drawn
11:05.02jastaif that's the most ridiculous one you could find, consider yourself lucky.
11:05.16romainguy__whereas in pretty much every 2D API I've ever used, it's the position of the text's baseline
11:05.49romainguy__no it's not the most ridiculous
11:14.58jastai can't believe i'm still going man!
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11:18.12jastadamn, service doesn't work, but at least it reports errors correctly :)
11:28.49jastaalright, i'm done.
11:28.55jastai'm satisfied the client works, but the server has issues ;)
11:28.58jastai'll work on it in the morning
11:29.06jastanight romain if you're still up :)
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16:44.47chomchomare there any linux commands to just basically view a file in the adb shell? Like more ,vi or nano?
16:45.12muthuchomchom: is 'cat' working?
16:46.55chomchomare there any edit tools?
16:48.10muthudoes busybox have any tools?
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16:51.56muthucheck system/bin
16:52.11muthui see a monkey and a dog :)
16:52.18chomchomyeah I looked in there but don't see anything
16:52.24chomchomwhat are they?
16:52.29muthuno idea
16:53.01muthui read something about installing busybox.. google it
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17:02.02chaosvoyager[rhetorical] why is hell my project starting with 'G' under 'P' in Google Code?!? >_<
17:05.47chaosvoyagerHmm, seems they're all under 'P', but what the hell does 'P' mean?!?!
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18:26.55Garettanyone here?
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18:36.54Garetthas anyone had any luck trying to install an apk file over the air through the default browser?
18:38.34davidwdon't think it's possible
18:38.55Garettdamn... do you know if it's in the master plan at least?
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18:42.00inZane-does someone know what they mean with normalized phone number?
18:42.18inZane-NUMBER_KEY   The normalized phone number
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20:43.57jastayawnnn :)
20:54.28jastaanyone familiar with Eclipse here?  I having a hard time understanding how I can have project A create a jar that project B depends on to build.  I have configured project A to export a jar, and "linked to external jar" from project B, but this seems not like the Eclipse authors intended.
20:54.46jastasorry, I'm new to Eclipse :)
20:55.03romainguy_instead of linking to an external jar you can just make a project depend on another project
20:55.11romainguy_and it will automatically get the exported jar
20:55.14romainguy_stupid Eclipse
20:56.03jastaso if i just make a dependency then it will automatically get the jar i "exported" from project A?  and have it automatically built if it doesn't exist?
20:57.01jastai added a dep in the build path for project B, but the "native library location" parameter confused me.  why would i need to tell it where the jar file exports to?
20:57.07jastashouldn't it know?
20:57.23romainguy_native library file has nothing to do with jars
20:57.24chaosvoyagerHmm, suddenly I'm curious to try the Netbeans plugin...
20:57.34romainguy_it's for .so or .dll
20:58.17jastaromainguy_: Excellent, thanks.  It's building now.
20:58.34romainguy_chaosvoyager: I'd like to try it to, I really like NetBeans 6
20:58.58jastai needed project A to export it's provider constants and AIDL service stubs.
21:01.49jastaI am hoping to switch to Eclim soon, unfortunately it looks like the latest versions require Eclipse 3.3 for some reason
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21:04.56jastathat was weird.  i just launched my application from eclipse
21:05.35jastaand the activity manager called onCreate, onResume, then onPause all before the UI appeared on scren
21:05.51jastaE/AndroidRuntime(  991): ERROR: thread attach failed
21:05.54jastathen i got that after onPause
21:10.46davidwtime to reboot your phone
21:11.03jastai intentionally leave android running on my desktop for weeks at a time
21:16.36f00fwhy are downloads so slow on android?
21:16.44f00fi'm using url.openStream();
21:16.50f00fwith a BufferedReader 8K
21:17.04f00ftakes like 5 seconds to download a 3 kb file
21:17.32f00fnetwork is set to UMTS
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21:26.52jastaf00f: what's netdelay set to?
21:27.51jastabtw, that is somewhat consistent with how cell phone radios typically work.  from personal experience, it seems to take a few seconds to "get going" when i haven't used the data connection in a while.
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21:50.26f00fjasta: how do i check netdelay?
21:50.43f00fjasta: i know, but it's doing 5 second wait for almost every single request. i do a bunch at a time.
21:50.44jastayou can set it in the eclipse plugin or by passing -netdelay to the emulator
21:50.58f00fah Network Latency is set to none
21:51.19jastamany small connections are very inefficient f00f.  TCP has a lot of handshake overhead.
21:51.48jastaif you are using a protocol like HTTP, consider enabling pipelining.
21:51.53f00fso you're telling me they have a stupid implementation and don't do persistent HTTP connections?
21:52.01f00fi'm just using URL :)
21:52.23jastawell, they might :)
21:52.45jastai would recommend using HttpClient to ensure that the behaviour is sensible and also so that you can have more robust error management.
21:53.17f00fhmm, ok makes sense, let me look into it
21:53.41romainguy_f00f: so you're telling me they have a stupid implementation and don't do persistent HTTP connections? << persistent connections on a cellphone is not necessarily the best idea :)
21:54.11f00fromainguy_: well i mean if i make X number of requests within a Y-time window, it should be smart enough to pipeline it automatically? :D
21:54.33f00fi'm using the most basic form of connectivity (URL)
21:54.39romainguy_I doubt that's what the spec says for the URL class
21:54.41f00fbut i guess HttpClient might be better
21:55.01jastait will be
21:55.04f00fyeah URL is probably the wrong thing to use in the first place
21:55.08romainguy_URL being one of the low level access point to the network it would seem logical to me that it doesn't do taht kind of things
21:55.16romainguy_as jasta said, it's more HttpClient's job
21:59.50f00fi guess it'll take a few more lines of code
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22:23.04chomchomGuys, I've been using the gps dummy location Provider by just pushing new mock data to the adb shell every runtime, I'd really like to just make my own bespoke ones like testroute1, etc. The problem is although I technically now how to do, it where to put it etc and the permissions you need I still have had no luck at runtime collecting the new mock provider. every request to locationManager.getProviders() returns one the "gps"
22:34.55chomchomscub that, I had wipe-data as an argument to the emulator.
22:40.20f00fjasta: if i want to download 5 files at aonce, should i just use RequestQueue ?
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