IRC log for #android on 20080308

00:13.09jastaactually i take that back, it looks sort of like ActivityGroup is well abstracted from this problem
00:13.27jastait seems you can use the localactivitymanager to start activity's just like you would through the applicationcontext of a normal activity
00:13.50jastai might code up a quick sample
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00:52.37zhobbsjasta: cool, let me know if you ever want an account to post stuff in the tutorials section of helloandroid :)
01:15.32jastai wonder how the localactivitymanager works with the activity stack?
01:16.43jastai dont see how it could?
01:17.20jastathis is starting to seem very deficient ;)
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01:23.01kurzumshould videoview playback be done in a new thread? it kind of makes the UI unresponsive...
01:25.17jerkface03Can my APK have more than one runnable in it?
01:25.40jerkface03like how a jad/jar combo can have multiple midlets?
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01:31.30zhobbsjerkface03: what do you mean runnable?
01:33.15jerkface03showing up on the main menu for selection
01:33.46zhobbsjust add this intent filter to any activity:
01:34.19jerkface03you got a link that better describes it?
01:35.04zhobbsno...just replicate the intent filter that your current main activity in your AndroidManifest.xml
01:36.33jerkface03aye. thanks.
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04:17.37jastaany google folks around?
04:18.09jastai have a question about how the concurrency of openbinder communication as implemented by Android
04:19.10jastaspecifically, if i have a remotely called method with a callback, will i have a guarantee that the return will reach the caller before the callback will even if the callback is invoked before the return even happens?
04:19.26jastai would assume that the loop would handle this as a side-effect
04:19.39jastabut iw ant to confirm so as not to design a race condition into this :)
04:23.54jastanevermind, i'll just specifically schedule it with a handler to be sure
04:38.36*** join/#android muthu (n=sara@
04:39.25muthuinteresting topic
04:39.34jastahi muthu
04:39.40muthuhi jasta.. morning
04:39.50muthudid you check out iphone sdk?
04:39.51jastait's 20:30 here :)
04:40.03jastait was released afterall?  i thought they had delayed it
04:40.17muthuno its been released.. early preview
04:42.53muthuthere are atleast 6-7 major player for mobile O/S
04:43.16jastawhy do they ask so much personal info to download the SDK?
04:43.21jastait needs my phone number and address?
04:43.38muthui registered like twice
04:43.56muthuand gave up downloading..
04:43.59jastahaha, Android is an option for a platform you develop on
04:44.18muthuyes.. the great thing about android is..
04:44.28muthuit lets me build things where i am, how i want to
04:44.36jastai'm pretty sure this SDK will require OS X?
04:44.37dueyjasta, you have to pay for the iphone sim
04:44.51jastathat's stupid, not interested
04:44.56muthuthat's when i gave up downloading
04:45.22muthumicrosoft & apple - they have their own way
04:45.36jastaThey're both so arrogant
04:45.39muthui hope these guys don't win on mobile
04:45.43jastaJeez, Apple even more so if you can believe it.
04:46.38muthumicrosoft vs apple vs google vs nokia vs rim vs palm
04:46.45muthuanything i left out?
04:46.49jastaPalm is not a competitor, don't be ridiculous ;)
04:47.02jastaAlso, Nokia is untouchable :)
04:47.03muthuthey are the popular o/s on mobile
04:47.25muthuthe beauty is android is taking a great stance here
04:47.34jastaNo they aren't.  Palm is struggling.
04:47.39muthuby focusing on the 0/s rather than device
04:47.46muthuyes agreed.. strike of palm
04:47.57muthubut palm can run android ;)
04:48.14jastaPalmOS can't, Palm devices can.  Windows Mobile devices can run Android too.
04:48.28muthutrue that's what i like about android
04:48.36jastaAny device with sufficient Linux support and the right chipsets will run Android.
04:49.21muthupersonally given a choice.. i'll take android for now
04:49.37muthua lot more freedom on android
04:49.57muthuso for all you confused folks.. stay with android :-D
04:50.55jastaI'm writing Javadoc for my service .aidl files hehe.  Wonder if there is any way to actually incorporate this documentation somewhere meaningful :)
04:51.06muthuiphone is good for android development.. it will keep the google guys innovating a lot more
04:51.26muthuput it on googlecode
04:51.40jastaNo, I mean, what will scan this and generate documentation? :)
04:51.53jastaThe normal javadoc path certainly won't understand this?
04:52.20muthueclipse don't do it?
04:52.28jastaI don't know, does it?
04:52.32muthuit should
04:52.40jastaare you sure, for .aidl files?
04:52.41muthui know openintents did that
04:52.58muthuits an interface right?
04:53.26jastayeah, it's loosely an IDL file
04:53.30jastabut not strictly
04:54.29muthuits surprising how long it take people to find things
04:54.41muthui had some tutorials published last year
04:55.02muthuafter almost a year.. people now seem to find it and like it
04:55.35muthuso patience my friend!
04:56.01jastaObviously, that's the whole reasons search engines are useful :)
04:56.19jastaand why you will be shot if you publish URLs on the web that are not permanent :)
04:57.00muthumy point is, it take a lof of time for the world to catch up
04:58.26muthujasta: re - URL's being permanent, thank goodness for the free storage services
05:03.53muthujasta: if you have an idea, you can apply for iFund
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05:36.55muthu#android is boring because
05:37.10muthuonly developers come in here :(
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05:52.56Aetmosand androids, but they don't talk much
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07:43.25thedaniel`sb end
07:53.28thedaniel`hey guys and gals, this class MyLocationOverlay (extends Overlay) doesn't have a public constructor, and I can't seem to find a method that returns it anywhere
07:53.33thedaniel`sb end
07:54.01thedaniel`sticky / key
07:54.09thedaniel`i was wondering why /sb end wasn't doing anything
08:00.04thedaniel`nvm about the MyLocationOverlay, the trusty debugger shows it is already there when i create a new OverlayControlelr
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16:18.02chomchomWoo yeah! Go Android! Hi Everybody!
16:20.44chomchomI bet the Iphone SDK has featured in conversation quite a bit in the past few days. It's really good news! We're going to see a whole lot of attention on mobile apps in the next year or two. Pretty exciting stuff.
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16:43.10davidwhi chomchom
16:45.21chomchomhello, Maybe the admins could set the IRC topic to be an Android blog post by someone in the community every day. That would be a bit more interesting, or even an interesting forum post.
16:56.58kurzumdiscuss :D
16:59.28chomchomIt would also give people who might not be crawling blogs and rss feeds everyday some exposure to new sources of android info.
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17:16.09davidwchomchom, talk with morrildl about it
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19:14.57chomchomI'm trying to run the vanilla junit tests in m5, I see there is a bug listed in the tracker but is there a workaround?
19:15.47chomchomvia eclipse
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20:06.39chaosvoyagerGaa...why even open that door?
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20:59.29chaosvoyagerSo... anyone play around with the iPhone SDK?
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21:03.42*** topic/#android is Why are our IRC channel topics so boring, anyway? Discuss.
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21:06.52Garettany word on when the reverse geocoder will actually work?
21:27.26davidwhrm hrm hrm hrm hrm hrm hrm
21:27.55chaosvoyager(* ponder *)
21:35.22davidwI miss getResourceAsStream
21:36.39chaosvoyagerAndroid seems to want to keep Resource access to itsefl.
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21:45.24davidwyes... that's annoying
21:55.48chaosvoyagerMaybe they want to isolate access to it because they're not sure what the final format will be.
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22:10.53davidwZipFile works with the apk file itself
22:11.04davidwnow... I need a way to be sure of the name
22:11.54chaosvoyagerWhy are you delving into the apk file so intently?
22:13.35davidwI want to be able to update it dynamically, without all the BS of going through compiling the resources
22:16.00chaosvoyagerSame here, but I don't think it's in the 'Android Plan'.
22:16.30chaosvoyagerI suspect you'll get lots of 'not recommend' comments.
22:16.50davidwwhy do you need that?
22:17.13romainguychaosvoyager: Well, the implications of applications being able to modify .apk can be scary
22:17.14chaosvoyagerEh, you mean for dynamically updating the resources and layout?
22:17.40davidwromainguy, not modify, just read
22:17.50romainguyah ok
22:17.57romainguyI suppose ZipFile should be enough then
22:18.01davidwI can understand not modifying them just fine
22:18.02romainguyan .apk is just a zip
22:18.28chomchomis it?! like a jar. I never even knew that.
22:18.29davidwromainguy, know how to get, say, /data/Foo.apk out of the Context or Activity or whatever?  argv[0] as it were...
22:18.34davidwchomchom, yeah
22:18.41romainguydavidw: ah ok I see
22:18.49romainguydavidw: I guess you don't for know :))
22:18.57chaosvoyagerdavidw: What did you mean by 'update it dynamically' then?
22:19.26davidwI just mean that the user, on their computer, can add stuff to the .apk as if it were a .zip file without also doing the compile step
22:20.10davidwI could put a .zip in the .zip and play with that, but that's ugly
22:20.17davidwImean a .zip in /res/raw
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22:23.50chaosvoyagerI hate to be a party pooper, but you still need to compile the actual resources into a binary format, don't you?
22:25.45davidwit doesn't touch the stuff in raw
22:28.53chaosvoyagerAre you doing this to speed up development, or to provide a runtime feature to the end user?
22:31.56davidwease of development for the end user
22:31.58davidwit's for Hecl
22:32.13davidwI already have a java thing that generates a new .apk more or less automatically
22:32.34chaosvoyagerHecl? ROCK!
22:37.04chomchomSo have you aiming to have the equivalent of a CI android build?
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22:41.36chomchomdavidw: Sorry maybe I didn't get you but if you have a script written in Hecl updating your deployed package you'll get instant feedback, I guess it will just be for raw stuff though.
22:42.28davidwit can't updated the deployed package
22:42.28chomchomI've never saw a Hecl app before, just wonder what you are up to with it.
22:42.44davidwwell, making it possible to write Android apps with it
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22:43.48chomchomWhat advantages would Hecl offer? Apart from a little independence from the android platform?
22:46.46davidwquicker and easier to develop with compared to Java
22:46.52davidwit's dynamic, too
22:47.06davidwmeaning you can download scripts or create new ones on the fly
22:47.52davidwsort of the same reason people use ruby or python or php or whatever instead of Java
22:49.04zhobbshecl will be cool, write up little scripts on your phone
22:49.27davidwwell, or beforehand... actually writing them on the phone might be painful
22:49.34jastai bet someone will port Perl and Python :)
22:49.45jastaand write robust bindings for them
22:49.50davidwyeah, when the source comes out, all that stuff will too
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22:56.01davidwhe shoots, he scores:-)
22:56.30chaosvoyagerHow do I specify which intent listener takes precedence in responding to a broadcast?
22:56.51zhobbschaosvoyager: I think with broadcasted ones they all get it
22:57.25zhobbschaosvoyager: with startActivity(Intent) I think the user will be prompted if there are mutliple actions avalable
22:58.19jastai sort of doubt that
22:58.29jastaperhaps prompted at the time of install
22:58.44davidwthat would make sense
22:59.35zhobbsjasta: I've seen the "Multiple actions available" dialog in a google demo video
22:59.55jastareally? where?
23:00.20zhobbsat that show in barcelona I think
23:00.23zhobbslemme look
23:01.48davidwso... it's not possible to install new apps via the web yet is it
23:01.55davidwhrm hrm hrm
23:01.56jastanot yet
23:02.16zhobbsyeah, webkit doesn't seem to want to handle any filetypes
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23:06.15zhobbsjasta: 3rd video about 30 secs there is a dialog "Intent availability..", can't tell if that's part of the app or standard:
23:06.34davidwhow about PackageManager installPackage ?
23:06.37davidwtried that guys?
23:06.45zhobbsI did with M3, doesn't work very well
23:06.59zhobbsdoesn't work at all unless you install the app into /system/app
23:07.07davidwoh... well that's useless
23:07.24jastanew packages are installed by simply placing them in /data/app.  they're using inotify on that directory.
23:08.04davidwI'm curious about doing it programmatically, giving, of course, the user the chance to say yes or no
23:08.12davidwnot really a necessity at this point... just curious
23:09.52zhobbsI'm planning on creating a PackageManager app after the challenge
23:10.20zhobbsone that will interface with hello android's applications section (going to have to totally rework that also)
23:11.02zhobbsor maybe someone will make a good one for the challenge and I'll just use that
23:11.18jastai have that goal as well
23:11.36jastaperhaps we should do it jointly?
23:11.45chaosvoyagerGoogle should have had that goal to begin with.
23:11.49zhobbsyeah, definitely
23:12.06zhobbsjasta: yeah we should collaborate
23:12.27davidwthe apple store thing for iphone apps isn't a bad thing
23:12.56davidwfor the end user, something like that is a lot less stressful than looking at some shoddy junky site for shoddy junky apps
23:13.14zhobbsdavidw: is that on the computer or on the phone?
23:13.53jastasolves Android's security problem nicely as well.  if most folks get all their apps from a single set of mirrored repositories, there is no need to consider if you trust each app.
23:13.57jastayou need only trust the repository.
23:15.55chaosvoyagerIs there a simple Android GTalk example somewhere?
23:16.05jastaother than in the apidemos?
23:17.13dragor43i think there's a gtalk program on davanum's blog
23:17.49dragor43it's for M3 so you're need to change some stuff
23:18.02davidwHecl has some gtalk stuff too:->
23:18.03chaosvoyagerYeah, it was the first thing up on a search.
23:18.15chaosvoyagerer, the blog that is.
23:19.24davidwyou could play with updating that if you feel like playing with the code:-)
23:19.45zhobbsdavidw: do you have a site with the hecl stuff? - the code is all in subversion
23:21.15davidwsleep time for me...later
23:33.02jastadavidw: that translator thing would be really great if you paired it with a powerful OCR tool
23:33.14jastaso you could snap a picture of something you can't read and have it translate for you
23:41.21zhobbsyeah, we need OCR for the camera
23:42.42zhobbslooks like all the ocr java libs are commercial
23:42.56jastathere's a GNU OCR tool but i do not know how good it is.
23:43.24jastait would be easy to use in Android
23:43.42jastazhobbs: Remember, we are not actually limited to native Java code :)
23:43.54zhobbsthat's true
23:44.00zhobbsafter april 14
23:44.36zhobbsI'm tired of the emulator...I need a phone!
23:45.06jastaand then you'll just get tired of your phone
23:45.08jastaand want a real android
23:45.28zhobbsthat would be nice because I'm hungry
23:45.43zhobbsit could whip something up in the kitchen
23:46.25jastai thought you wanted to eat it
23:48.32zhobbslooks like tesseract is a pretty good open source ocr
23:49.07zhobbsgoogle looks like they contribute to it a lot
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23:56.26jastazhobbs: that would really be a very useful project.
23:56.33jastaespecially for folks traveling around Europ
23:56.47jastacombine it with babelfish

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