IRC log for #android on 20080305

00:01.56kurzumhmm im wondering, is there a way to set the cursor position to be after the text in an EditText?
00:03.47davidwaapt package seems to fail if there is an android:icon that doesn't actually have a file
00:09.27davidwit fails silently though
00:11.10dueyi thought someone has already done it
00:11.15jastahave they?
00:11.18jerkface03binary xml -- an oxymoron
00:11.31dueysomeone pasted the site here yesterday
00:11.31jastaduey: Where?
00:11.36jastaThat wasn't reverse engineered
00:11.37davidwI just opted for the hack and generate fake ones then extract them
00:12.11jerkface03jasta: what exactly is the point of you reverse engineering opensource software?
00:12.28jastajerkface03: Because it isn't open source?
00:12.30davidwit's not open source as of right now?
00:12.51davidwit will be - but it's not, yet.
00:13.11jastaIt isn't open source, and it won't be open source by teh time the first round of the ADC has ended.
00:13.20jastaSo, there is a very important reason to reverse engineer it ;)
00:13.46jastaplus, so far it has only taken me an hour and a half to figure out the string table and header stuff
00:14.34dueywhy dont you just decompile the source
00:14.41dueyoh i guess its devoracked
00:14.42jastaduey: Because the XML parser is written in C.
00:15.00jastaSo decompiling the XML parser would be a nightmarish trek through ASM.
00:15.10dueyi thought it would be java
00:15.11jastaMuch more work than just guessing at it.
00:15.20davidwC++ it looks like, actually
00:15.22jastaduey: I thought so too, until I saw that it is C.
00:15.30davidwalthough I'm not positive
00:15.41jastaC++?  I sort of doubt that, but I haven't looked.
00:15.48dueywhy not
00:15.51dueyc++ > c!!! :D
00:16.03jastaC++ > C evaluates to false in both C and C++.
00:16.20davidwlinks to libstdc++
00:16.38jastadavidw: That might not mean that it is all in C.
00:16.44davidwthe givaway though: has lots of symbols like this: _ZTVN7android18BufferedTextOutputE
00:16.53jastaOh yeah, that's obvious ;)
00:17.49dueybetter than haskell
00:17.58jastathe only things that tripped me up reverse engineering the binary format was that the offsets in the string table aren't sorted in the file
00:19.13davidwduey, I don't think anyone actually *uses* that;-)
00:20.06jastaso you get like a list of offsets like 0x12 0xfe 0xdc 0x4c...
00:20.22romainguy_jasta: why do you bother? the tool that does it at runtime is not good enough?
00:20.25jastaand then, there are entries in the string table for a blank space and a NUL character.
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00:21.35kurzumis there a way to have text spans with different colors in a a TextView?
00:21.39jastaromainguy_: yeah, it would, although then i'd have to adapt it to try to figure out how to extract a list of installed system packages, and then a list of that packages resources (drawables, layout), ...
00:22.14jastai'd much rather just write a tool that takes in a binary xml file and spits out a text one.  that way i could extra the android image and plow through it :)
00:22.37romainguy_jasta: you really like to go against licenses don't you? :)
00:23.07jastano, not normally
00:24.05davidwromainguy, something that's cool, new, interesting, and will eventually be open source is *completely* "hacker" (in the good sense) bait
00:24.11jastafrankly, I think Google has violated license ;)
00:24.19davidwit says "look at me! see if you can figure out how I work!"
00:24.24jastafor example, Google has violated freetype's license, though not freetype's copyright.
00:24.55romainguy_you wouuld have to ask David Turner
00:25.00romainguy_he works on Android after all :)
00:25.17jastathat's what i meant.
00:25.25jastayou don't violate his copyright, because he has given it to you. :)
00:25.40jastabut you do violate his license, since you've not complied with his BSD license :)
00:25.50romainguy_how so?
00:26.42jastaWell I suppose not since Google does acknowledge it ;)
00:27.34jastaDamn ;)
00:27.49jastaI actually thought that Google wasn't acknowledging freetype for some reason, but here I find it on the what is page.
00:28.18davidwI think Google has enough OS people and lawyers to not screw up very easily
00:28.25davidwsleep time for me...later
00:28.44jastaBut anyway, davidw is right.  Hacker bait :)
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00:29.19jastaBut what does it matter with Android's source to be disclosed at some point?
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01:47.29zhobbshmmm, was that image update related to this article?
01:47.48zhobbssays that there are remote vulnerabilities with android's image handling
01:49.01zhobbsoh yeah, says it right in google's announcement
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02:40.23zhobbsHmmm....the TimePickerDialog doesn't work with touchscreen?
02:41.22romainguy_yes there's a bug
02:42.10zhobbsjust wonder if the judges apreciate that you're using a standard widget that will eventually work?
02:42.24zhobbsprolly not
02:42.28romainguy_don't worry about that
02:43.21romainguy_your app will not be penalized because of a known bug in our framework
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03:28.38zhobbswhy does Math.floor() return a double?
03:29.05dueybecause double numbers can be larger than ints
03:29.25zhobbscan a double be larger than a long?
03:32.44zhobbslong and double are both 64 bits...don't remember how floating point stuff works though
03:34.02dueyi think they might be the same
03:34.17dueycant remember
03:41.41jastaa double has a wider integral range than a long.
03:41.56jastamuch wider, actually
03:43.12jastaby virtue of the way that doubles are stored as specified by IEEE 754
03:43.24jastabbl, heading home
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03:55.36dueyyeah but if you floor it
03:56.54zhobbsromainguy: when using android:visibility="invisible" with a view it's visible for a split second when the activity first starts that normal?
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04:27.21zhobbswhen using android:visibility="invisible" with a view it's visible for a split second when the activity first starts that normal?
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05:17.28thedaniel`hey, what do you guys think is the most appropriate widget for a list that scrolls horizontally/ i've been looking through th docs and I think I just can't hit on the right phrase to search for
05:17.57thedaniel`i just want something with one row and many columns that will spill out of the side of the screen and can be scrolled left and right to reveal more items
05:18.18romainguy___thedaniel`: no standard widget supports horizontal scrolling
05:18.47thedaniel`romainguy___: in other words, i'm out of luck? or does your use of 'standard' as a modifier imply i could roll my own or otherwise dig deep?
05:18.59zhobbsthedaniel`: you could def make your own
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05:19.01romainguy___you can implement your own fairly easily
05:19.09romainguy___ScrollView for instance is not that complicated
05:19.15romainguy___View contains pretty much everything you need
05:19.57thedaniel`romainguy___: thanks, i'll have a go at it
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05:44.10thedaniel`romainguy___: i'm a little new to this, so forgive me if this is obvious, but do you think i should extend ScrollView and add things like computeHorizontalScrollRange and extend pageScroll to support left and right, or should i extend ScrollView's superclass, FrameLayout, and build it up from there?
05:52.00chaosvoyagerHmm, good question. I don't know about romainguy (or romainguy_, or romainguy__ :P), but as a rule of thumb, I try to extend from as close to the top of an object hierarchy as possible.
05:52.44chaosvoyagerTends to lead to a more adaptable set of classes, and a shallower hierarchy.
05:53.32romainguythedaniel`: if you want to support vertical and horizontal scroll, you might as well extend scrollview
05:53.36romainguyotherwise go with framelayout
06:00.36jastai'd caution against a horizontal scrolling design, as an aside.
06:00.56romainguy___jasta: why do you think there's no horizontal scrolling widget in Android? :)
06:01.08romainguy___but eh, if you want to do it, you can
06:01.21muthugallery kind of scroll might be more appropriate
06:01.43thedaniel`jasta: that's a good point
06:02.15thedaniel`jasta: i ran into my friend that's been wireframing the app at a bar today and he was all about a horizontal scroll pane, so i told him i'd look into it
06:02.16jastai didn't tell you not to do it, just think carefully about whether you need to.
06:02.36muthudaniel: what are you trying to scroll horizontal?
06:02.38thedaniel`jasta: so maybe tomorrow, when he's not drinking, he'll reconsider
06:02.43zhobbsromainguy___: to create a custom dialog look do I just create a nine patch background and set that as the background?  I guess I can't use the dialog theme if I do that right?
06:02.54thedaniel`muthu: something like a row of tabs
06:03.05thedaniel`muthu: to drill down into multidimensional data
06:03.19jastai'd caution against that program entirely :)
06:03.24muthuhmmm... tabs
06:03.31romainguy___zhobbs: I don't see why you couldn't use a theme?
06:03.40romainguy___but yes, you can just style it
06:03.46romainguy___er, just set the background
06:04.19romainguy___it's funny... when I was working on Swing people wanted one thing: their apps to look like the system; now on Android, everybody just want to not look like the system
06:04.23muthusetting the background manually mess ups the default scheme
06:04.23romainguy___you guys are weird :p
06:04.33romainguy___muthu: how so?
06:04.38zhobbsromainguy___: so I can use the dialog theme and just override the background?
06:04.42muthulike selection
06:04.53romainguy___muthu: selection? in a dialog?
06:05.00muthuin general
06:05.07romainguy___what are you talking about?
06:05.20muthuin a list
06:05.27romainguy___zhobbs: that should work yes
06:05.40romainguy___muthu: if you change the background of the list?
06:05.51muthuset alternating colors for rows
06:06.15romainguy___muthu: there's an API to do striping
06:06.26muthuyeah.. i saw it in the notepad example
06:07.11muthumay be themes is the preferred way.. to style your components
06:07.41muthuromainguy: why the zoomslider cannot be horizontal?
06:08.07romainguy___because it was designed to be vertical
06:08.25muthuah.. such a short sightedness :(
06:09.01romainguy___the framework cannot, unfortunately, offer all of the possible widgets and/or features that everybody needs :)
06:09.14muthucomeon.. this is orientation
06:09.28muthuevery widget seems to support this, except zoomslider
06:09.44romainguy___feel free to file a bug
06:09.51chaosvoyagerromainguy: GUI 'consistency' on the platform is highly overrated, but WOW do people like to bitch about it. Like whitespace in Pythin.
06:09.52jastaand he'll feel free to ignore it
06:10.02romainguy___chaosvoyager: I totally agree
06:10.14romainguy___chaosvoyager: it's even funnier when you see how different "native" apps actually are
06:10.31romainguy___jasta: ZoomSlider's not my area :)
06:10.54zhobbschaosvoyager: I bitch about whitespace in python a lot :)
06:11.20zhobbsif gui consistancy is important to the judges I'm in trouble
06:11.47chaosvoyagerPersonally, I believe applications should look as different as possible. That way you can recognize them when they're zoomed out.
06:11.59romainguy___zhobbs: stop worrying about that kind of stuff
06:12.17zhobbsromainguy___: the judges?
06:12.30romainguy___just make an app that rocks :)
06:12.41muthuromainguy is the chief judge :)
06:12.46thedaniel`zhobbs: yeah, are you entering an app competition or a prediction judge psychology competition
06:12.53muthuhe has a list of winners already ;)
06:13.28chaosvoyagerUm, it's ALWAYS a prediction judge psychology competition.
06:14.34chaosvoyagerHmm, why the heck is there a specific zoomslider to begin with?
06:14.38jastamy only hope is that the judges don't pick crud that doesn't catch on.  that would be very disappointing.
06:14.58jastai doubt that will happen though.
06:15.03zhobbs50 location based social networking apps :)
06:15.12jastazhobbs: lol, yeah ;)
06:15.52jastai wish my friend wasn't barred from competition.  he did some really cool location-based projects at intel as far back as 5 years ago.
06:16.46jastabut they couldn't launch because it was a major hack to get at the radio data back then.  it only worked on 2 phones in the market at the time.
06:17.09jastait still is, actually.  i'm still mystified how Google has access it with "My Location BETA"
06:17.53jastathey don't support that many handsets, so perhaps they have just expanded upon the same old hack Intel did years ago
06:18.40chaosvoyagerI hate to say, but location based social networking apps are about the only thing I've found Android to be any good at.
06:18.53chaosvoyagerBTW, who runs Hello Android again?
06:19.22jastachaosvoyager: That's not fair.  Android is certainly good at making headlines ;)
06:19.47romainguy___hey I can read you p
06:19.48chaosvoyagerYour PhoneFinder should win. Simple and useful. It should be a standard feature oon every cellphone.
06:20.18zhobbs:)  just don't let your girlfriend know your password
06:20.22jastaMy attraction to Android is largely motivated by its open source promise, corporate sponsorship, and what i would call a well-designed software stack and API.
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06:20.51jastazhobbs: Speaking of...
06:21.06zhobbsI just happened to having nothing to do when the announcement was I made Hello Android
06:21.07jastaI have a project I wanted to start working on after Android handsets are out in the wild and things have settled a bit...
06:21.16jastaBut I can't even tell my girlfriend *THAT* I'm working on it :)
06:21.19jastalet alone give her the password :)
06:21.33chaosvoyager*shudder* well...designed...
06:21.33zhobbshaha, sounds interesting
06:21.50jastaI had this idea a while ago to write an app that lets you place certain contacts in your phone in "stealth mode", so any phone calls, text messages, call logs, etc would not even show up under normal usage of the phone.
06:22.01jastaAn incoming call would be immediately ignored so that you wouldn't even know the call came in
06:22.04jastathings like that
06:22.21jastaand then have a special gesture on the home screen that would open an activity showing you a sort of 'private dashboard'
06:22.22zhobbsgood idea...would just log the call to your secret log
06:22.33jastaso you could put all your ex-girlfriends in the list
06:22.40jastaand occassionally, if you're up to no good, pull up the dashboard :)
06:22.48jastathen lock it back down again
06:23.10jastait is so sketchy, and my girlfriend would think the worst if she knew i was writing it
06:23.23chaosvoyagerBut what if your ex keeps calling from different phones?
06:23.24zhobbsyeah, that's a hard sell
06:23.38jastabut the reality is, i have at least 2 people i need to put in there who go years without calling me then randomly i get a drunk dial
06:23.43jastaand i don't recognize the number so i answer
06:24.09chaosvoyagerThat's one way to do it.
06:24.31jastaand occassionally i don't mind the humor, so i actually talk
06:24.36zhobbs"Security Holes in Google's Android SDK" is the newest story on /.
06:24.37jastabut then i quickly delete the call log and everything
06:24.53zhobbstalking about the already patched security hole
06:25.07chaosvoyagerThere's actually some guy who created a drunk dialing prevention application, but it needs to be installed on the drunk end to work.
06:25.10jastazhobbs: that's just because google probably got wind of the vulnerability from the same source :)
06:25.34jastazhobbs: anyway, i may actually implement that app when phones are available.
06:25.41jastait's one of those programs you NEED to test with real phones :)
06:25.51jastabecause it really can't have any "bugs" in it.  that would be catastrophic :)
06:26.27chaosvoyagerThe first application I had in mind for Android was a voice recognition app that blocked calls from specific callers, no matter where they came from.
06:26.38chaosvoyagerBut Android can't do that.
06:27.04romainguy___because you cannot intercept the call's audio
06:27.12chaosvoyagerNo way to access the audio streams.
06:27.24jastabtw, let's all hope that android isn't locked down to hell by the manufacturers.
06:27.40jastaif it remains open and hackable, the project could be easily extended to do anything Google did not intend.
06:27.51jastaor even that Google wanted to actively prevent, such as this.
06:27.58romainguy___chaosvoyager: I will speak for myself here, but I'm kinda glad to know that apps cannot grab the audio :)
06:28.08zhobbsI'm interesting in how the permissions is going to work, I assume lots of permissions dialogs when running apps
06:28.09romainguy___that said I have no idea why it is so
06:28.13romainguy___and what the plans are for this feature
06:28.40jastaromainguy___: I'm pretty sure there is a legal issue here.  Something about recording someone's voice without their consent.
06:28.55jastaThat's why everytime you call tech support or customer service they tell you that the call is logged.  It's the law.
06:29.16zhobbsjasta: yeah, think it depends on the state in the US
06:29.44zhobbssome states only require 1 party to know about audio recording
06:29.44jastabut still, if the platform is hackable, who cares what Google left out ;)
06:29.56chaosvoyagerromainguy: It's that old Security vs. Safety issue.
06:30.07zhobbsyeah, we're just waiting for the source so we can fork the crap out of it
06:30.55jastazhobbs: Amen brother.
06:31.12chaosvoyagerDidn't even need to hack some phones, they dialed me themselves accidentally when the user had an itch or something. Locking phones should be mandatory :)
06:31.50zhobbsthat's why I've always bought flip phones
06:32.52jasta400 lines of perl later, i have reverse engineered the binary XML format
06:32.57chaosvoyagerI prefer flip phones.
06:33.04romainguy___jasta: isn't it just WbXML?
06:33.06zhobbsyou the man jasta
06:33.10jastaromainguy___: no, it's not.
06:33.36jastazhobbs: i'll post my results when i get home.  i just got the very first successful test run, so we'll see how it does when i mow it over all of the xml files in the system image :)
06:33.50zhobbsgreat, lemme know
06:34.00jastaromainguy___: In fact, it seems to be quite, quite different.
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06:34.14jastaThere is a bunch of extra information I ignored because it seems not relevant to the output XML.
06:34.47jastaAlso I get some free assumptions because of its usage in Android.
06:35.02jastalike that the only namespace is android
06:35.03chaosvoyagerI want a flip phone with an iPod like scroll wheel.
06:35.29romainguy___jasta: that's not true in Home for instance :))
06:35.48jastadamnit, really?  well, Home will be my first target then
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06:36.00jastai should be able to undo that assumption easily.  i only didn't understand how a "list" of namespaces formed given the format.
06:36.00romainguy___yeah Home contains a custom layout class
06:36.03jastabecause it seemed quite static
06:36.08romainguy___and this class adds its own XML attributes
06:36.12romainguy___with a different namespace
06:36.48jastait doesn't seem to be even approximately WbXML.  if it was supposed to be like WbXML, it is VERY badly formed :)
06:37.41jastaand there's redundancy everywhere, i doubt that would have made it into WbXML since it is trying to be space-efficient.
06:38.32jastafor example, the size of the binary XML file is in the file itself.  also, the string table is indexed very strangely, such that the size is repeated twice *AND* every string is NUL terminated.
06:38.56jastaalthough the NUL termination was almost certainly done for parser efficiency, as the parser was written in C/C++ afterall :)
06:39.04zhobbshow do I go about creating an activity that has a receiver so that for a certain intent broadcast it will launch the activity?
06:39.28muthujasta: was it not some sort of a db?
06:39.57jastamuthu: no.
06:40.04jastaat least, it didn't look to be.
06:40.26jastathere is a large bit of header info that i ignored, which could be some sort of index.
06:40.39jastaalso, each tag seems to have 2 extra fields that look to maybe be indices as well.
06:40.44muthuit says DBase 3 data file ??
06:40.52jastamuthu: file is just confused by the magic in the file.
06:41.08jastafile uses a very crude scheme to look at the file, usually based on reading just some small header data.
06:41.20jastait sometimes happens that two file formats look similar in their headers
06:41.33jastait's definitely not a dbase file :)
06:41.43muthuyeah who uses dbase??
06:41.55chaosvoyagerI was told that the format was specifically chosen for performance reasons.
06:42.08jastachaosvoyager: I'm certain that it was, which is why there's so much information I can happily ignore :)
06:43.50muthuod -c is hard to read
06:45.08muthui can read some permissions that way
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06:46.45chaosvoyagerThe activities and services in an application are alive for the lifetime of the application, right?
06:47.10zhobbsnot guarenteed
06:48.01chaosvoyagerEven in the same app, where they have access to the same application object, and can share globals?
06:48.04jastanot even likely, depending on how you mean "alive".
06:50.32zhobbschaosvoyager: if you hit "home" and get side tracked running other apps and stuff it will kill your app for it's resources
06:50.41zhobbsand it's your job to recover nicely
06:51.56chaosvoyagerYes, but it will kill all the processes in that app together. I can count on the processes being alive as long as the app is alive, right?
06:52.21chaosvoyagerThe processes in that app.
06:59.42jastaalright, heading home
06:59.45jastafor real this time
07:01.43chaosvoyagernight then.
07:01.57zhobbsso the 9-patch images get "compiled" so that in the jar they don't have the 1 pixel border right?
07:04.40romainguy___thedaniel`: use jython
07:04.52chaosvoyagerFunny you should mention that :D
07:05.50chaosvoyagerNo, the Python mention, not Jython.
07:06.01romainguy___Still, why? :
07:06.49thedaniel`romainguy___: will that work, even with the different VM?
07:07.14romainguy___thedaniel`: I haven't tried so I cannot answer that question :)
07:07.30romainguy___I would, however, say that I wouldn't expect the apps to run fast :p
07:07.51thedaniel`romainguy___: well then, i'll wait a year for some 800mhz xscale android phones and then go jython crazy ;)
07:08.29romainguy___now, if Jython comes with a compiler, that's a different story
07:09.04thedaniel`romainguy___: yeah
07:09.09thedaniel`jythonc generates Java
07:09.14thedaniel`and then you can send that through javac
07:09.15romainguy___that's what I thought
07:09.33romainguy___I used Jython a lot in one of my Java apps but that was 8 years ago :)
07:12.26chaosvoyagerWell, <_< I'm working on a Stackless Python + OpenKODE based mobile platform, partly inspired by my frustration with Android.
07:12.54chaosvoyagerMostly inspired though, with all the OTHER mobile platforms.
07:13.09chaosvoyagerfrustration with that is.
07:13.15chaosvoyagerExcept the iPhone.
07:13.42thedaniel`chaosvoyager: well, you'll get your SDK roadmap on thursday
07:13.51thedaniel`and then you can fire up XCode and be happy.
07:14.05chaosvoyagerNow all I need is a Mac...
07:14.09thedaniel`And then you can even maybe run your apps if apple will let you
07:14.21thedaniel`chaosvoyager: last week i saw refurb mac minis for like 479
07:14.37thedaniel`chaosvoyager: if you really want one you could probably save some pennies and get one
07:14.42chaosvoyagerEuwww, Mac Mini.
07:14.58chaosvoyagerI'm honestly not sure it's a good dev platform.
07:15.40chaosvoyagerI'll probably bite the bullet and get a MacBook, even though they don't have the latest nVidia HW.
07:16.02romainguy___which doesn't matter that much if you don't do games :)
07:16.39thedaniel`chaosvoyager: macbook is fine but the keyboard blows
07:16.49chaosvoyagerYeah, that too -_-
07:17.13thedaniel`chaosvoyager: work computers i've used this year: macbook, macbook pro, thinkpad x series
07:17.21thedaniel`after the last 2 i don't think i can ever go back to the macbook
07:17.21romainguy___I actually really like the MacBook's keyboard
07:17.28romainguy___not as good as the MacBook Pro's though
07:17.36thedaniel`romainguy___: some people really get into the light tough and short throw
07:17.46chaosvoyagerer, I meant MacBook Pro.
07:17.46thedaniel`chaosvoyager: yeah, you know, the best laptops ever ;)
07:17.53thedaniel`*light touch
07:18.09thedaniel`romainguy___: i must hit the keys too ahrd or something tho, they made the backs of my hands hurt
07:18.42romainguy___thedaniel`: The thing is I never used a desktop machine before I started at Google
07:18.42romainguy___so after 15 years of laptop keyboards, I'm immune :))
07:18.44thedaniel`romainguy___: nice
07:19.02thedaniel`romainguy___: i still use laptops for my main machines but i stay off the default kbs as much as possible
07:19.20thedaniel`i have a msft natural at work and a happy hacking for my linux machine at home, very happy with both
07:19.57chaosvoyagerromainguy: GPUs can be treated as a general DSPs. They're downright critical to running audio, video, and pattern recognition at a useful speeds.
07:20.38romainguy___chaosvoyager: I know and I have a MacBook Pro because I wanted a good GPU for all the graphics works I do
07:20.51romainguy___but for that kind of work, MacBook is still pretty good
07:21.09chaosvoyagerNow if I could find a TABLET with discrete graphics.
07:21.15romainguy___but I'm thinking of finally moving to a desktop
07:21.24dueyi prefer desktop
07:21.29dueyi have a macbook
07:21.32dueybut i hardly ever use it
07:21.33chaosvoyagerI prefer big screens.
07:21.38romainguy___my MacBook Pros are struggling with my 30" monitor and Photoshop/Lightroom
07:21.44dueyi bet
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07:21.56dueyid get a macpro
07:21.59dueybut no deskspace left
07:22.37chaosvoyagerI'm waiting until the Geforce 9 series is supported.
07:22.54dueyis the geforce 8 supported yet?
07:23.21thedaniel`i'd get a macpro but i need to pay my rent and eat
07:25.21duey lolsigh
07:25.27chaosvoyagerWell, the great Werner Herzog stole a camera from his film school because he believed he had an artistic right to it. And Peter Jackson had to actually break into the studio he was using to finish a film he said was already complete.
07:25.33dueywhat a stupid article
07:26.16chaosvoyagerAnd I have ALL sorts of stories about Steve Jobs :)
07:27.24dueyyeah most involving lsd right?
07:27.25romainguy___jasta: you there?
07:27.28thedaniel`chaosvoyager: there's the classic tale of the Graphing Calculator team letting themselves into apple after layoffs to finish their products
07:28.01chaosvoyagerWhere the hell is that kind of passion today?
07:28.12dueyi have that passion
07:28.33dueyunfortinately i wish it would leave for a year so i can finish uni :)
07:30.18chaosvoyagerHeh. I just read a series of articles on 'why not to become a scientist'. Academia sounds horrible as a career choice.
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07:31.22zhobbsI have a friend working on his Chemistry PhD, he loves it though
07:31.59chaosvoyagerI'm sure it's the chemistry and not the pay or politics he loves however.
07:32.04dueyuni is a drag
07:32.21dueyacademic process is the oppisite of real world
07:32.25zhobbsyeah, I never liked school
07:32.28dueyits all perfect scenario
07:32.35dueythe world is a perfect circle stuff
07:33.49chaosvoyagerProgrammers should actually study more chemistry for the way molecules communiucate without explicit synchronization and yet create consistent results.
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07:34.12jastafinally home
07:35.41jastaduey: i disagree, i have a great deal of respect for what universities are trying to do.
07:35.55chaosvoyagerWhat frustrates me is that professional IT is a lot like academic IT, only without the rigorous discipline.
07:36.01dueyi don't
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07:36.55dueybubble wrap if you ask me
07:36.56jastaduey: the idea is to create more precise thinking, so as to harden your ideas from contemporary limits.
07:37.31jastaand that is very useful, but yes not well aligned with the "real world" as you called it.  but to be fair, your definition of the "real world" is certain to be constantly in motion.
07:38.16chaosvoyagerBut that's exactly the opposite of what universities seem to do, especially in computer science.
07:38.27jastachaosvoyager: perhaps it is, but it is not the opposite of what they're trying to do :)
07:38.27jastamaybe it's you who missed the point? :)
07:38.48zhobbsuniversity is what you make of it...I didn't make enough of it, some people do
07:39.07jastato be fair, i should confess that i have never attended a university.
07:39.40jastabut i have certainly been a part of the collegiate circle.
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07:40.03chaosvoyagerWell, I can say for certain what their intents are, but they could certainly pay their professors more :)
07:40.20jastai am certain their professors make plenty :)
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07:40.35dueyyeah most profressors have outside interests
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07:44.20davidwhehe, my wife has a PhD, but I didn't get a degree at all
07:46.05jastamy girlfriend is pursuing hers ;)
07:47.08chaosvoyagerI was just frustrated with the whole system. I couldn't explore concepts in any way I found useful. People would ask me if I was studying to become a chemist or a programmer, and I'd answer "Both!".
07:48.29chaosvoyagerComputers and music was another 'cross discipline' (I HATE that term) subject I persued.
07:48.43chaosvoyagerer, 'were'.
07:49.43zhobbsI just hated manditory homework assignments...that's for high school not college
07:49.53jerkface03a chemist programmer? that's just crazy.
07:50.09jerkface03that's like being a dogwalking accountant
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07:50.32jerkface03dogwalker even
07:50.55chaosvoyagerWell, at the very least, you need to know both if you want to write chemical simulation software.
07:51.21chaosvoyagerAnd that usually requires quite a bit of quantum physics too.
07:51.40davidwdamn, it's really snowing now
07:53.02chaosvoyagerMany medical applications are written by doctors, not programmers, and their design often suffers for it.
07:53.42chaosvoyagerAnd they usually use VB.
07:54.57zhobbschaosvoyager: so do you write chem simulations?
07:55.23chaosvoyagerUse to.
07:55.47chaosvoyagerI mostly apply what I learned in chemistry to computing.
07:55.55dueyi was consideirng going that route
07:55.59dueygone ai instead
07:56.26chaosvoyagerTurns out its a little difficult to do with the way CPUs are currently designed.
07:57.26muthudavidw: matt raible will be happy
07:57.46davidwwho's that?
07:57.57muthuhe is a java blogger
07:58.01davidwhah, this slashdot article:
07:58.03chaosvoyagerOH, here's another one that sucks. A perfect use of dual processing would be to seperate the applications on one CPU, and the JIT/GC on the other. But modern implementations make this all but impossible to do.
07:58.12davidw"Google's Android software development kit is using several outdated and vulnerable open-source image processing libraries, some of which can be exploited to take complete control of mobile devices running the Android platform
07:58.33dueydavidw, yeah
07:58.39davidwgee, I guess I'll have to get my devices updated....
07:58.39dueyits stupid
07:59.16zhobbsI karma whored a link to the android-developers blog in the comments
08:00.36chaosvoyager(* looks at /. *) So truly fucking useless.
08:00.43dueydid another sdk get released
08:01.01muthur15 is the latest
08:01.18chaosvoyagerHmm, '/.' is used as the 'lambda' symbol in some forms of LISP.
08:02.15romainguy__duey: m5-r15 was released yesterday
08:03.44chaosvoyagerHeh, never realized how much it sounds like a real 'droid' designation :)
08:04.18jastayeah, or milestone and release.
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08:12.12jastagah, the string table is aligned ;)
08:12.16jastadidn't realize that before
08:17.49romainguy__jasta: pv
08:18.03jastai'm not getting any?
08:18.10romainguy__send me one?
08:18.12jastaare you registered?
08:18.30romainguy__yes I think so
08:18.37jastai just messaged you
08:18.39romainguy__or maybe not on this computer
08:18.42romainguy__hmm I replied
08:18.46jastadidn't get it :)
08:19.01romainguy__hwo do you register again?
08:19.05romainguy__stupid freenode
08:19.14jastai dunno, i have it automated.  /msg nickserv help register maybe?
08:19.22zhobbsromainguy__: you probably registered "romainguy"
08:19.56romainguy__ok done
08:22.46davidwslashdot at least seems to have the dubious merit of having hit bottom and bounced back a bit, and is not actively on a downward trajectory
08:24.41jastaslashdot's just like the mainstream media.  you can't detect the obvious errors and omissions unless the post is regarding something you know a lot about, then it sounds like total gibberish.
08:25.11jastai still read it, though, just like i still read the news :)
08:26.31zhobbsit's still more "valuable" than digg or reddit most of the time
08:26.37chaosvoyagerThe thing I find interesting is how slashdot uses its readers to moderate.
08:27.15zhobbsdigg and reddit are good to glance over rss feeds, but slashdot is actually worth going to a lot of days
08:30.31chaosvoyagerAnyone familiar with Erlang?
08:32.22davidwchaosvoyager, a bit, why?
08:32.29davidwthere's an #erlang that's pretty good...
08:32.54davidwreddit started out pretty good and then took a nose dive
08:33.10davidwwisdom of crowds indeed... more like the ignorance of mobs
08:33.40chaosvoyagerJust asking. I think it's useful to know for things like Android. Not necessarily to program in, but the philosophy behind it.
08:34.10davidwchaosvoyager, ah, it's a cool language, definitely give it a look
08:34.20davidwI don't know how much it really relates to android though
08:34.45davidwto do concurrency like erlang, you pretty much have to set the whole system up that way, all the way down
08:35.25chaosvoyagerHas a lot to say about safe asynchronous processes communicating reliably.
08:36.50chaosvoyagerHeh, filtering group stupidity is THE problem in internet indexing today.
08:37.30chaosvoyagerThe entity that solves that problem (if it can be solved sufficiently in the first place) is the next Google.
08:43.46muthumay be its not indexing at all
08:43.52muthuits something else
08:44.45muthuchaos: i understand what you are saying though
08:45.08muthunext Google is always an interesting and challenging thought :)
08:46.30f00f-how can i execute multiple SQL statements at once... separated by ; ?
08:46.52f00f-i thought it was possible with execSQL but i see it's not
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08:58.59jastaromainguy: i thought about what you said and realized that most of this data i don't understand is probably not data at all.  might just be the result of writing a packed structure.  *tsk tsk* :)
08:59.30chaosvoyagerJunk DNA :P
08:59.58jastaromainguy: i'm noticing that what i thought was a sentinel before might not actually be.
09:00.06jastajust seems that way entirely by accident
09:02.40romainguybecause you don't understand it doesn't mean it's useless :p
09:03.13jastaromainguy: No, I think that it is actually junk being put here by a packed C or C++ struct.
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09:04.17jastaspecifically because it's not predictably set.  the same flags can be found on a row and sometimes the field i thought was a sentinel will be ~0, or 0, or something entirely different.
09:04.26jastarecently i've noticed it can be feff ffff
09:05.24chaosvoyagerDamnit, I have to select a OS license (but which one) >_<
09:05.32chaosvoyagerI hate the political shit.
09:05.41jastathis makes sense now seeing that so much of this data format depends on alignment.
09:06.16jastachaosvoyager: you could choose to waive all copyright, if you want.
09:06.16romainguyjasta: "So most things are padded to integer boundaries"
09:07.18jastaright, that's what i meant.  the more i think about what you said the more i realize that this could just be a dirty memcpy trick that puts a bunch of irrelevant crud into the file
09:10.24davidwlicense war!
09:10.41jastaohh actually, i think i have figured out how to use the flags to determine the length of each record
09:10.44davidwchaosvoyager, depends on your goals
09:11.28chaosvoyagersadly that's not an option on Google code (though fits my style rater well).
09:11.58chaosvoyagerit also lacks a warranty clause :p
09:12.39chaosvoyagerMy goal is fast adoption.
09:13.14romainguychaosvoyager: BSD ?
09:14.01chaosvoyagerIf you think that will lead to the fastest rate of adoption, then yes.
09:14.17davidwyeah, bsd or apache means companies will use it as well
09:14.17romainguyit's also the closest to the WTFPL :)
09:14.30romainguydavidw: yes, that's why I'm quite fond of BSD
09:14.44davidwdepends on what kind of code it is too
09:14.52jastathat is why i'm fond of the GPL :)
09:14.52f00f-choose Apache license
09:14.55f00f-makes it usable by all
09:14.57chaosvoyagerI thought MIT was.
09:14.57davidwmore or less self contained apps can be GPL and companies will still use them
09:15.17romainguyjasta: I dislike GPL very much
09:15.17chaosvoyagerthe link clause.
09:15.18davidwlibraries that are GPL will be avoided by companies
09:15.31romainguyjasta: mostly because I got screwed by it on my own project a few years ago :))
09:15.41romainguydavidw: so true... even LGPL ones :(
09:15.41jastaromainguy: how can your own project screw you?
09:15.46f00f-companies will avoid stuff labeled 'public domain' and prefer Apache-style licenses even
09:16.14romainguyjasta: get contributions under GPL, contributors refuse license change or exemption and you lose a lot of flexibility :))
09:16.27romainguyjasta: which is exactly what GPL is made for
09:16.33davidwOTOH, with BSD stuff, there is always something of a risk that one company could hire up most of the developers and esentially take new development private
09:16.34romainguyit's just not what I want
09:16.58davidwwhich is what happened with a lot of BSD stuff under Sun 20 something years ago
09:17.10davidwit's probably less likely today, but it depends on the project
09:17.16romainguyI guess
09:17.40romainguyI just release my stuff under BSD :)
09:17.40davidwthe way to keep that from happening is to get a good, diverse community
09:18.02chaosvoyagerThe only thing I like about the GPL is that it can keep a platform consistent. There's no forking just to make things incompatible.
09:18.22romainguychaosvoyager: and it's great in the regard
09:18.24jastaromainguy: I'm not following I guess.  If contributors don't like your license choice, how is that the GPL's fault?  I mean, if they don't want you switching away from the GPL, how is that idfferent than you never having chose it?
09:18.31romainguychaosvoyager: that's also why Sun chose GPL for the JDK
09:18.38chaosvoyagerBut you're better off doing that through trademarks like Sun did with Java.
09:19.29romainguyjasta: in this case it was to switch to LGPL to let companies use the stuff more easily, as per numerous requests
09:19.55jastaand so your contributors protested?
09:20.03romainguyjasta: no, I just asked and they refused
09:20.12jastawho did you attribute copyright to?
09:20.12romainguywhich is fine and understandable
09:20.32romainguycopyright was per contributor basis
09:20.47jastathe copyright holder always has the right to change the licensing terms, without anyone's consent.
09:21.06jastaof course it does not cover previous works.
09:21.40romainguyand if you have copyrighted GPL bits from other contributors, you quickly get a mess :)
09:21.56davidwsounds like they were kind of lame to not go along with you if it was your project
09:21.59jastaBut I guess my real point is that if the contributors refused to switch to LGPL, what do you think would have been the case if it was LGPL from the start?  Maybe those contributors would have never even been there for you? :)
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09:22.21davidwheh, that's part of the calculation as well...
09:22.33jastaAnd so you rproject would have lost value in other ways.
09:22.34romainguyjasta: Maybe, maybe not. There's no way to know.
09:22.38davidwsome people get paranoid that they're doing free work for a commercial shop
09:22.47jastaThe real bottom line is that the GPL does not prevent business application, it merely forces them to Do The Right Thing.
09:23.07romainguyjasta: depends on what Do The Right Thing is
09:23.22jastaThe GPL is a guarantee that the project will remain in the author's original spirit.  And that is especially important to me.
09:23.57romainguyjasta: and to me I find it a restriction; I feel that if I decide to release my code, it should be available and usable no matter (basically) what you want to do the hell do I find my Google Code projects?!?!
09:24.12romainguyand I'm perfectly fine with companies using the code, working on it and not contributing back
09:24.18jastaI have personally had to defend my works from scummy malware spreading companies; I am glad to have the GPL to help me.
09:24.31romainguyand that's why I like the BSD
09:24.44davidwchaosvoyager, perhaps you could...uh...Google them?:-)
09:24.52chaosvoyagerPeanut butter////Chocolate!
09:24.57chaosvoyagerI DID!
09:25.18davidwwow... maybe you should try or something;-)
09:25.28chaosvoyagerrather...I DID google them, and got NOTHING.
09:25.32davidwor yahoo, for old time's sakes before it gets bought and
09:26.29davidwjasta, in some cases, people in commercial settings want to use an open source library.  There's no way that they can open source their whole app, but if they're smart, they'll contribute back to the one lib, because it's not really something that is a differentiator for their business
09:26.49davidwbut if it's GPL, they can't use it, and there is no possibility of getting anything back
09:27.05jastathe GPL is not as poisonous as you believe.
09:27.13romainguyno it's not
09:27.21romainguybut scary enough to scare companies away
09:27.27davidwif it's a library as in my example, it is
09:27.29romainguyunfortunately so
09:27.31chaosvoyagerBut the FUD is enough, yes.
09:27.39davidwif it's a standalone app, then of course  it isn't
09:27.42chaosvoyagerWow, found it.
09:28.02chaosvoyagerThat's just bizzare.
09:28.38davidw(Debian and Apache)
09:28.58romainguyI'm happy Google chose Apache 2.0 for Android :)
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09:52.30jastayay, my XML parser finally satisfies all the XML files I have personally created :)
09:52.46jastatomorrow I will write a script to use it on all of Google's :)
09:54.08jastathere is so much in that format i have just ignored hehe
09:54.35zhobbsdoesn't matter as long as output is complete
09:54.41jastai'm certain my parser is broken though.  i need to further scrutinize what the tag flags mean so that i know how many bytes to read from the file.
09:55.14jastaright now i just scan until i hit this ffff ffff block, but i am starting to see that this block is not really a sentinel at all :)
09:55.31jastabut the length of each element is not constant.  it varies based on the flags somehow.
09:55.34jastabut there are a lot of flags ;)
09:56.17jastaanyway, i will finish this tomorrow and post my results.
09:56.36chaosvoyagerYou know what's going to happen, don't you? You'll finish your app right when Google releases the specification.
09:57.02jastai'm betting that google never really releases a specification, they will probably just dump the source code to the parser and writer.
09:57.16jastabut that would still invalidate my code ;)
09:57.26zhobbsand that's months away I bet
09:57.29jastato be honest, i just did it because i was looking for a little break from Java ;)
09:57.48jastaand i got sick of hearing myself say "the format has got to be so easy to reverse."
09:58.03chaosvoyagerThere should be another category of open source called lazy source -_-.
09:58.07jastait was more difficult than i expected, though.  lots of voodoo :P
09:58.58jastad'oh, all the strings are in UTF-16.  i'd better convert it to UTF-6 for printing.
09:59.02chaosvoyagerYou should try embedded programmimg. That's ALL black magic.
09:59.26jastaUTF-8, i mean
09:59.28jastaof course
09:59.55davidwjeez...this poor bird outside is getting covered with snow
10:00.14jastai love the snow, i wish it would snow here more often
10:00.39davidwit's pretty ridiculous - it hasn't snowed this much the whole winter
10:00.57davidwI went for a bike ride on Monday and it was warmer than 15C
10:01.41jastasnow camping is so much fun :)
10:02.32zhobbsand it was barely snowing
10:02.34romainguysnow snow... hmmm
10:02.41romainguydamn California
10:02.50davidwI've decided I don't mind it... it's the gray that I can't stand
10:02.51jastaromainguy: i'm headed to Tahoe at the end of this month.
10:03.09romainguyI really need to bring my ski gear back from France
10:03.16romainguyI didn't go skiing this year @!#
10:03.26jastai've been up 12 times this season
10:03.31jastaand i'm looking forward to great spring skiing ;)
10:04.00chaosvoyagerI need to go skiing before global warming makes it impossible.
10:06.13chaosvoyagerI haven't been able to make a snowman here on Long Island for two years.
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10:09.46acsiaGlobal warming makes the artic an attractive holiday resort
10:10.16chaosvoyagerYeah, what's left of it.
10:10.37mikelolet's skiing in greenland
10:10.47mikelolet's *go
10:11.17chaosvoyagerGoogle should sponser a trip :)
10:11.35acsiaor invest in desert skiing
10:11.49davidw...yes, let's all burn up massive amounts of carbon to go elsewhere for skiiing....
10:12.02acsiaI second that
10:12.05chaosvoyagerWell, water skiing at least.
10:12.06mikeloprogrammers are far more productive after an extended holiday
10:12.26chaosvoyagerAre they?
10:14.13acsiaI thought they were more productive with 16 hours of work, fast food, coke, coffee, low pay and the beleif that they are doing something useful
10:14.45acsiaI am suppose to go on holiday tonight and don t want to
10:14.51acsiahaha damn you android!
10:15.12chaosvoyagerOK, now I need to name my project, but should I use just [name], or [name]-xseed-us so it's consistent with the way I've named all my other projects on Google code?
10:15.15romainguyI wish I could go on holiday tonight :)
10:16.10davidwchaosvoyager, how about 'Bob' ?
10:16.16acsiaconsistency I recommend and Paris I will go to
10:16.32zhobbsI'll be gone all next week, guess that's why I'm working this late...
10:16.32acsiayea Bob is good, I changed my mind
10:17.27jastaholy crap, it's past 2am
10:17.49acsiahave anyone used the sharedUserId?
10:17.52zhobbswhich means it's past 5 here ...
10:17.55chaosvoyagerI'd love to but 'Bob' appears to be.....(*search returns*)..damnit, it's available -_-
10:18.09mikelo11 am here and the sun is out :)
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10:18.27acsia10 here and no  sun in sight
10:18.28jastanight folks, it's definitely my bed time
10:18.35zhobbscya jasta
10:18.50acsiasweet droid dreams
10:19.04mikelomay the droid be with you
10:19.23chaosvoyagerFunny, I don't remember owning a Droid....
10:19.55zhobbsAndroids Dream of Electric Sheep
10:20.08chaosvoyagerDo they?
10:20.16zhobbsgood question
10:21.21zhobbshaven't read the book, so don't know
10:21.30davidwI guess you can figure it out when you get the source code
10:22.29chaosvoyagerSo, the Source controls my actions, but it also obeys my commands.....
10:22.38mikeloit's all in the source code
10:24.11acsiadoes anybody know how the shareUserID works? willl it set the group permission of the application to the same group as the sharedUserId?
10:26.22chaosvoyagerI have no idea.
10:27.16davidwoh this is odd...
10:27.19mikelonever even heard of this stuff
10:28.31davidwfiddling with the apk makes me lose the reference to the icon....ARGH
10:28.52chaosvoyager(*pat pat*)
10:31.14chaosvoyagerOK, it is lat....early. I better get going.
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10:33.09mikelocya all gotta go work a bit
10:36.17davidwso... is there a way to do an update on a zip file and have the new entry added in the same slot it was before?
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11:35.56davidwanyone have an example of the extended version of this? "@[+][package:]type:name"
11:51.24acsiais there no more default LocationProvider?
11:51.30acsiagps that is?
11:52.01plusminus_LocationProvider provider = this.myLocationManager.getProvider("gps"); // ???
11:52.22acsiadoes it work?
11:52.35acsiaLocationManager lm =(LocationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
11:52.35acsiaLog.i("MyLog", lm.getProviders().toString());
11:52.43acsiareturns an empty array
11:53.24plusminus_yes it works
11:54.21plusminus_latest sdk
11:54.39acsiayes I have the latest sdk...
11:55.57acsiado you use android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION?
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12:07.34davidwor better ... does anyone know where in the docs the different bits of "@[+][package:]type:name" are explained?
12:09.49acsiaI must say I am confused as well about the notation
12:11.47muthuit should be in the resources section
12:12.54muthuor may be the theme
12:13.53acsiaok bug in documentation, android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION should be android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION
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12:55.57plusminus_ascia: no its probably no documentation bug
12:56.09plusminus_the constant is named "android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION"
12:56.21plusminus_but "the value behind" is: "android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION"
12:56.32plusminus_but yes, its confusing ;)
13:00.10muthuany tried above?
13:00.31muthusetting a tab content to an intent, instead of a view
13:00.59plusminus_nope just done with resID
13:01.30muthuyeah that works
13:01.44muthutried to clean up code
13:01.59muthubut throwing NPE
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13:02.18muthumy idea is to have a separate activity per tab
13:02.39plusminus_dunno, sorry
13:03.27muthuok.. i'm going back to the hacky but working code
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13:27.52plusminus_JUnit works no more since m5-rc15 :(
13:27.54plusminus_Error occurred during initialization of VM
13:28.00plusminus_java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/ref/FinalReference
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14:06.42muthugood evening
14:14.11acsiaI try to get my UID with android.os.Process.myPid() but it gives me a null pointer... Any ideas?
14:16.34muthucan you get the process from the context?
14:17.58acsiahow would you do so?
14:18.16acsiaI am trying to get the User ID of the running application
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14:23.02muthumay be only your process available with a context..not sure
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15:16.20davidwYES!  I got worked
15:16.25davidwthis icon stuff is psychotic
15:19.04notjohnanyone trying to port android to the iphone?
15:22.20Lededavidw: what did you do? :-O
15:22.47davidwnotjohn, sounds kind of backwards to me
15:22.57notjohndavidw: i understand... just curious
15:22.59davidwLede, replaced the application icon with zip
15:23.08davidwnotjohn, you'd want to get linux running first
15:23.17Lededavidw: with zip?
15:23.39davidwbut it's really weird how it works
15:24.01Ledei have no idea what you mean with "replaced with zip"
15:24.14notjohni just like the form factor of the iphone
15:25.53davidwlede zip Foo.apk res/drawable/icon.png
15:26.09davidweasy ... right?  apparently not.
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15:40.11Lededavidw: oh ok you mean that
15:40.20Lededavidw: sorry, was afk for a sec
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16:40.16notjohnare there any specs on android phones coming to market?
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16:55.12zhobbsnotjohn: no
17:08.36muthuanyone tried adding Intents as a tab content?
17:09.35muthutabhost tabspec works ok with views as contents, but not for intents
17:09.43muthuNPE is thrown
17:11.17muthuTabHost.TabSpec#public TabSpec  setContent(Intent intent)
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17:12.51JuliaJCastawaydi casa?
17:13.08JuliaJCastawayis there anyone?
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17:22.23plusminus_Can the screen orientation be already toggled ?
17:22.34romainguy__try ctrl-pagedown
17:25.03plusminus_huh nice, I only remember that  adb-command :) thx
17:29.25plusminus_if there are several resources identifying LandScape or Protrait mode, which will be used after toggling?
17:29.36plusminus_the same as before?
17:29.59zhobbsthere's no to have a resource that switches is there?
17:30.04zhobbsno way to*
17:30.13plusminus_argh... g2g
17:30.16romainguy__when you toggle, your activity is restarted
17:30.26romainguy__and it wil pick up the resources for the new orientation
17:30.54zhobbsI guess that's an easy way to test activity lifecycle
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17:42.45jastaoh shit
17:42.52jastai went to bed at 2:30am last nighta nd forgot to set an alarm ;)
17:43.03jastai am so lucky i woke up when i did :)
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17:59.10nkbreauHi all, i installed the eclipse plugin, specified the SDK location in eclipse prefs but when i create a project i get an error "nature does not exist" ... any ideas ? I have no idea where to go from here....
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18:02.34nkbreauthe exact error i get is "Problems encountered while setting project description.
18:02.42nkbreauanyone know what that means ?
18:04.00zhobbsdo you have the latest version of plugin?
18:04.11nkbreauyes i just installed it
18:04.20nkbreauusing he update wizard in eclipse
18:04.24nkbreauor the update installer i should say
18:04.42zhobbsyou have to uninstall/reinstall for update
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18:04.52zhobbsdon't think you can just use the normal update feature
18:05.24nkbreaui used this link - in the eclipse plugin manager
18:05.41nkbreauso your saying uninstall and reinstall manually ?
18:05.51zhobbsdid you install both plugins?
18:06.24nkbreauboth plugins ? i follwed this instruction set -
18:06.55nkbreauit looks like it installed 3 things
18:06.59zhobbshmm, not sure
18:07.02nkbreauddms, common and adt
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18:17.08jastaohhh, what is this new apps for android thing?
18:18.15jasonchenjasta: we wanted to publish some projects that were more complex than what's bundled in the SDK
18:18.45nkbreaudoes android have any charting packages for graphing sometime like a timeseries graph ?
18:18.49jastathat's great
18:18.56jasonchenjasta: so we decided to create a single project on google code project hosting
18:19.37jasonchenjasta: we'll be adding additional apps soon, hopefully
18:20.27jastavery nice.  i've been eager to find out some of the "best practices" for Android, and this seems like a great way
18:21.25jasonchencool; that's exactly the sort of thing we were hoping to convey
18:22.28jastaalthough sadly i feel like i've learned a lot of this the hard way already :)
18:23.08jasonchenwell, i think we might be looking for contributors to the project as well :-)
18:23.30jastajasonchen: One small comment, I think it would be good to distribute an Ant build environment with these apps.
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18:25.28jastai don't have time to dig into the rest, but i like what i see anyway :)
18:26.32jasonchenjasta: the activityCreator utility can do that for you
18:26.55jasonchenbut good to hear that you like it so far
18:27.33muthudoes it install and run?
18:27.50jasonchenmuthu: you mean the WikiNotes for Android app?
18:27.56muthuyes jason
18:28.19jasonchenit's a fully functioning and somewhat useful app
18:28.33muthuhmm.. i'm not seeing it in the emulator
18:28.41jasonchenare you on m5?
18:28.53muthuyes r15
18:29.55nkbreauwhat is the best way for a developer to get started with android developement (i have 5 years java and adobe flex dev experience) ? I'm looking for some kind of newbie doc itherwise I'll resort to reading the api...
18:30.02muthuadb install is fine
18:30.07muthubut not showing up in emulator
18:30.32jastankbreau: looking at the samples is a good way to quickly familiarize yourself.  they are distributed with the SDK.
18:30.44muthunkbreau: APIDemos samples will help
18:30.50muthuyup that's the best way
18:31.02nkbreauok, I'll open that up, thanks.
18:31.14muthuNotepad is good for content providers
18:31.45plusminus_my I suggest ? oops ;)
18:31.54muthuoh yeah !!
18:32.04muthuanddev definitely :)
18:32.24muthugreat job +-
18:32.38plusminus_you're welcome :)
18:33.42jasonchenmuthu: what happens if you restart the emulator?
18:34.02muthulet me try
18:35.38muthunow it shows up
18:35.59muthurestarting the emulator did it
18:36.43jasonchenmuthu: cool; let me know if you continue to see a problem like that with apps not showing up in the emulator when they're first installed
18:36.44zhobbsjasonchen: is that WikiNotes application available?
18:37.18jasonchenzhobbs: it sure is; you can check it out from the svn repo for the apps-for-android project on Google Code
18:38.00zhobbshmm, this page is empty for me so I thought there wasn't anything in svn:
18:38.47zhobbsohh...just doesn't work with opera
18:38.47jasonchenthere's a directory in trunk called WikiNotes
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18:39.32zhobbsdamn, where can I report the bug with that page and opera?
18:39.32jasonchenzhobbs: you don't want to do a full checkout? :-)
18:39.45jasonchenwhat version of opera are you running?
18:39.54muthujasonchen: deletepage throws CursorIndexOutOfBounds
18:40.04zhobbsjasonchen: no, I will...just initially hit browse svn to see if anything was in there and it looked empty so I thought it wasn't up yet
18:40.16zhobbsjasonchen: 9.50
18:40.37jasonchenmuthu: feel free to file a bug in the Issue Tracker for the project
18:40.58muthuok.. not functional
18:42.01jasonchenmuthu: i'll let dickwall know; he wrote this initial version
18:42.07muthusure, thx
18:42.16jasonchenbut best thing is to file it as an issue so we capture and track it
18:46.46jasonchenmuthu: thanks
18:47.53muthunow that i'm in the mood, entered a couple of issues
18:48.05muthugood night folks
18:48.14*** part/#android muthu (n=sara@
18:48.17chomchomgood evening!
18:49.06nkbreauanyone know where i can find an exmaple that uses android.util.xml ? i want to make a servlet request and parse some xml
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18:56.43plusminus_"$DecorView@40071b58 must be attached to a window." happens when runOnUIThread() is called and Activity is not yet/no more visible, right?
18:58.03zhobbsthat's when I've gotten it
18:58.18plusminus_k thx.
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19:04.14nkbreaushould log.d be outputing to the console in eclipse if verbose is specified in the plugin settings ?
19:04.40plusminus_verbose shows everything
19:04.45zhobbsnkbreau: should log to logcat
19:05.01plusminus_to logcat ;)
19:05.03nkbreaulogcat ? never heard of logcat before...
19:05.17zhobbsyeah, it's a view built into the adt
19:05.29nkbreauok, so how do i see the contents of it ?
19:05.33plusminus_pretty useful but a bit buggy(crashes from time to time).
19:05.41zhobbswindow -> add view -> other
19:05.46zhobbsandroid -> logcat
19:05.48nkbreauah, duh
19:06.23plusminus_if A isnÄt visible, do it the B way
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19:06.42plusminus_here you see the LogCat in the very bottom.
19:07.19nkbreauvery nice.
19:07.51plusminus_and useful :)
19:11.21nkbreaufun stuff :)
19:13.56nkbreausorry for the newb questoins... but can an imageView be directed to a url image or would you have to write the code to download the image then point it to the image locally ?
19:14.21zhobbsgotta save it I think
19:14.46nkbreauso if you were writting a twitter client you would have to download and save the images for each profile locally ?
19:14.49zhobbsor use BitmapFactory
19:15.22zhobbsyou can pass an input stream into BitmapFactory to get the bitmap in memory and then set the image for the ImageView using that bitmap
19:16.00nkbreauok I"ll see if i can figure that out :P  I'm use to adobe flex/flash which i guess is more web oriented
19:17.14jastankbreau: keep in mind that phone's have very slow internet connections
19:17.27jastaso you would want to save persistent data instead of download it on demand every time
19:17.50zhobbsso use a separate thread and keep the user in the loop on the progress
19:17.54jastathat's the main advantage of native applications versus mobile-friendly web sites.
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19:25.43plusminus_nkbreau: Gallery with remote images:
19:25.55plusminus_might help you
19:26.17nkbreauawesome, thanks.
19:39.48nkbreausorry, another newb Q but do you have to stop and restart the emulator after every code change, or is there a quick way to refresh the emulator with the latest sourecode in eclipse ?
19:41.41zhobbsdon't close the emulator
19:41.50zhobbseclipse will reuse it
19:42.05nkbreauok, how do i tell the emul;ator to reload my application ?
19:42.29plusminus_just run your app it will get overridden
19:43.29nkbreauhmmm not sure i follow... when i launch the emulator the app is loaded, if i click on a button like the phone or home button my app goes away and I cant seem to get it back without closing the emulator and starting it again
19:43.46zhobbsjust hit run in eclipse
19:44.04plusminus_it is also listed on the home screen
19:44.26plusminus_clicking the arrow-icon in the lower right corner should show all installed apps
19:44.41nkbreauah there we go
19:44.44nkbreauhad to click all first
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19:59.14nkbreauwill all android phones have gps positioning enabled so that you always know what the coordinates of the phone are ?
19:59.37nkbreauafaik current cell phones all have the ability but it's usually locked by the provider, correct ?
20:10.39zhobbsall phones should have some way to get the position, there will be different accuracies (gps, triangulation)
20:18.38_avatari'm looking to decode some base64 data in my application. mentions base64 encoders and decoders, but I can't find them to save my life. maybe I'm just blind... can anyone point me in the right direction? :)
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20:33.44jastaOf all the XML files to break my parser, it's gtalkservice's xmpp_settings_screen.xml?
20:36.10davidwof all the xml files in all the programs in the world, she walks into my parser
20:37.33jastanice ;)
20:40.39_avatarzhobbs: thanks, looks like its LGPL though. i can't use it :/
20:40.57zhobbs_avatar: why? LGPL means you can use it and not open your stuff
20:42.28_avataryeah, I know. last time I tried to use LGPL the legal department threw a fit, though. i was hoping to use part of the android platform or the JDK.
20:42.56_avatarmaybe its time to try my luck again. thanks:)
20:42.56zhobbsoh departments suck the life out of everything
20:43.06_avataryeah, really
20:43.16_avatarI guess I could just reimplement the RFC, blah
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21:22.45kurzumnot really android related but does anyone know a method to remove characters from the beginning/end of a string... like trim() but for arbitary characters?
21:27.06f00f-kurzum: look at in JDK source
21:29.15kurzumi can reimplement it myself, just wanted to make sure i really have to :)
21:29.32kurzumcharAt kinda makes me feel like in the old C days :P
21:29.33plusminus_substring ?
21:29.50plusminus_indexOf, lastIndexOf
21:30.00plusminus_cya all
21:30.25kurzum*indexOf is not really gonna work
21:36.34kurzumreplace would replace all characters in the string i guess
21:37.10romainguy_not if you use the String version
21:37.22romainguy_which takes a regular expression
21:37.45romainguy_so you can do something like replaceFirst("^lalalal", "")
21:39.50kurzumah thats a good idea
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22:15.43jastaromainguy_: when will we get to see the soft keyboard? :)
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23:00.25jastaromainguy_: found your xmlns:home reference :) :)
23:25.58romainguy_jasta: yes
23:26.07romainguy_jasta: romainguy_: when will we get to see the soft keyboard? << what soft keyboard?
23:28.32jastathe first device to market is expected to be a touch screen phone with no physical keyboard, right?
23:28.52jastaas the hvga skin suggests.
23:33.45romainguy_it's just a skin for the emulator
23:34.39*** join/#android Azalar (n=Azalar@unaffiliated/azalar)
23:34.45jastaso the Dream isn't a rumor? :)
23:34.57romainguy_uh ?
23:35.34jastathe rumored HTC Dream was said to have a large touch screen like the iPhone but also a full qwerty keyboard that flips out
23:36.07jastaif there are no plans to make a soft keyboard, we could reasonably assume that the device is not a rumor, but will exist ;)
23:36.23romainguy_I didn't say there are no plans :)
23:36.33jastathen when do we get to see it!? :)
23:36.45romainguy_I didn't say there are plans either
23:36.52romainguy_I don't know anything about such a thing
23:36.53jastaahhh ;)
23:36.55romainguy_hence my question
23:37.09jastawell in other news...
23:37.34jastait works
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23:38.01jastai'm drafting up a blog entry as we speak :)
23:38.34romainguy_gotos \o/
23:46.24jastathere's *ONE*, and i just added that  :)
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23:46.49jastaand it only exists because you guys have a very bizarre handling of xmlns that i didn't feel like supporting correctly
23:47.21Raven_codaanyone using ?
23:49.20jastaromainguy_: did you see my notes scattered around? :)
23:50.43jastai'm certain i didn't handle xmlns correctly, but it seems to work still
23:51.07jastain all the files in /system/*.apk, i found only 5 that failed to parse.
23:51.12jastaand i ignored them for now :)
23:52.28romainguy_jasta: there's *ONE*, and i just added that << I do like goto
23:52.45romainguy_after all break and continue are just disguised gotos :)
23:52.52romainguy_(not so disguised when you do a break label though)
23:55.46Raven_codanevermind, known issue
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23:59.50eightyerrr... ApiDemo for GTalk is kind of buggy. f00t, have you been experimenting?

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