IRC log for #android on 20080301

00:33.09RavenWhere did all the samples go in the SDK?
00:35.32jastathey're still present.  in fact, there are more.
00:35.45Ravenhow do I get to them on the emulator?
00:35.58jastaThey are accessible as applications just like any other.
00:36.17f00f-ApiDemos buddy
00:36.39jastaThere is a button on the m5 home screen that shows you your applications.  Did you push it?
00:36.41Ravenyeah that where they were before, but I don't see that now
00:36.59jastacall emulator -wipe-data then.
00:37.06jastaand verify your installation
00:37.49Ravenk, I'll try that
00:38.05f00f-rm -rf /
00:38.13Ravennow that I think about it I don't think I updated my path
00:38.59kurzumdo what f00f says it helped me :)
00:44.17Ravenahhh, much better :)  thx
00:49.17jastafucking off-by-one.
00:53.06romainguyjasta: at least in Visual Basic you can choose to use 1-based indices :))
00:54.37kurzumin MATLAB too :D
00:54.41jastathe romans had similar thinking.
00:55.08kurzumin fact in MATLAB you HAVE to use one based indices
00:56.47jastaromainguy: do you suppose i should implement my alphabet bar by extending a listview or by wrapping it?
00:57.09jastai'm not sure that it would be appropriate to extend it
00:57.11romainguywrapping is probably easier
00:58.06jastayeah, probably.
00:58.17jastathe tricky part is that i want it to feel overlayed onto the list itself
00:58.28jastanot just next to it
00:58.52romainguyhow is that tricky?
00:58.55jastaalthough i want touch events to go to it, and not to the list item below
00:59.21jastaromainguy: Well, it's not, i just like that word
01:00.27jastai'm gonna take a crack at this implementation now...
01:00.58jastai think i will go with extending the listview, since all the drawing and layout should be exactly the same
01:01.11jastai only want to catch touch events and draw something special
01:01.44romainguywhy don't you just create an alphabet bar widget that you overlay on top of the listview with a relativelayout?
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01:02.19jastathat would be more flexible i suppose.
01:02.33jastabut then how would the alphabet bar logically associate with the listview?
01:02.55romainguythat would be the role of the relativelayout
01:03.04romainguybasically MyFancyList extends RelativeLayout
01:03.11romainguyand MyFancyList nows about ListView and the bar
01:03.27jastaoh, right
01:03.28romainguythe advantage of this approach is that you don't have to worry about intercepting events
01:04.14jastayou are right, that does sound best.
01:04.59jastai don't know how to use relativelayout at all, that is perhaps why i didn't think to use it :)
01:07.58jastaalignParentRight, will that invoke the sort of "float" behaviour i'm after?
01:22.36*** join/#android chaosvoyager (
01:23.07jastai'm totally going to publish this widget when i'm done
01:26.20romainguyit's probably patented by Apple though
01:27.05jastaoh fuck apple
01:27.26romainguybut it's still probably patented :)
01:28.48jastai'm sure you can find prior art to destroy that
01:30.03kurzumis it gonna react to drag events as well? so you can just slide your finger/mouse across it?
01:30.18f00f-down with eye candy
01:30.28f00f-i want something funtional and simple
01:30.33f00f-aesthetically pleasing as it should be
01:30.53kurzuman alphabet bar is functional
01:30.59kurzumsimple too :)
01:31.05f00f-abcd ?
01:31.08f00f-like OSK?
01:31.35f00f-on-screen keyboard
01:32.05kurzumi guess its gonna be like iphones bar, so not quite
01:32.55f00f-good luck with it
01:34.03kurzumwhy is it bad?
01:34.22kurzumbetter than a edit text and a search button imo
01:34.49jastayeah, but i actually have a plan to make a better alphabet bar ;)
01:35.16kurzummake it transparent :)
01:35.27jastawhen you touch a letter, it will expand itself to show more granular choices within that section
01:35.31jastaso if tehre are a lot of S's, for example
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01:35.41jastait will pop up a few more choices to narrow it down
01:36.10kurzumis it gonna be in the same row as the normal characters or on the side?
01:36.26jastaoff to the side more, but i intend to have it only show up when there is a reason for it
01:36.33jastaas in, more entries than fit on the screen by some factor
01:36.42kurzumyeah thats cool
01:37.13jastasome people have a *LOT* of music ;P
01:37.17kurzumit makes me wish i had an use for it :)
01:39.06jastai also have a little alphabet separator thing in place for it
01:39.16jastaand the advantage is that it has already scanned for the positions of each separator
01:39.25jastaso clicking the item on the bar should be very fast
01:40.37kurzumis it gonna consist of many different buttons or is it just gonna be a single big control?
01:41.01kurzumi made something similar, a zoom bar for the map before the new SDK came out
01:42.59jastawell, a single big control from the appearance of it
01:43.06jastabut of course each letter will be a separately clickable entity
01:43.37kurzumok so that makes sliding impossible i guess
01:44.04kurzumyou could hava a single control and react on onMotionEvents
01:44.08jastawell, sliding would be awkward anyway.  the size of each lable is the same, and yet each label might represent a variable range of rows
01:44.26jastaso even though you were sliding through with constant pressure, the list would rapidly jitter around
01:45.13jastathe whole concept just doesn't really work.  you'd have to calculate all sorts of crap
01:45.18kurzumyou mean when you narrow down the choices?
01:45.46jastano, if you tried to make it a slider
01:47.36kurzumwell i dont see the problem, you just have to transform a mouse position into a character, which wouldnt be a problem if each char occupies the same amount of space
01:48.05kurzumthen highlight that character somehow
01:48.23jastawell then how would you slide smoothly?
01:48.41jastathere would be a sudden jerk when you move into the boundary of the next letter
01:49.16kurzumwell you wouldnt have a slider in the traditional sense, just selected characters
01:49.29jastai think that would be weird personally
01:49.43jastai'll let you experiment with my widget when i'm done :)
01:50.16kurzumcool :)
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02:38.32jastaromainguy: you guys should really implement android:paddingTopBottom and android:paddingLeftRight as a convenience
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02:59.01chaosvoyagerjasta, can't you add your own convenience attributes to a resource, such as jasta:paddingTopBottom?
03:10.04*** part/#android kurzum (
03:11.03jastachaosvoyager: possibly, but that would not affect any existing layouts, which it should.
03:14.12jastatime for dinner and a little mythbusters.  tired of coding for now :)
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04:24.27muthugood morning
04:58.08jastaback to coding
05:22.13jastahmm, there is definitely a bug in stopSelf() somewhere.
05:22.20jastaor at least, the documentated behaviour is not correct.
05:26.28jastai just submitted a bug:
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05:44.38muthuwhat the...
05:44.57muthu#androids are wierd
05:46.33chaosvoyagerMass exodus/unexodus?
05:47.28muthueveryone kicked out
05:48.14muthuquickly what's that theme syntax
05:48.35muthui know its there somewhere in docs
05:49.49chaosvoyagerNo idea. Theming is the last thing on my list, sorry.
05:57.27chaosvoyagerNot quick, but is this what you were asking about"
06:00.35muthuchaos: thx
06:00.46muthui was looking for that built in stuff
06:00.51muthuyou know the default is dark
06:00.56muthui wanted to try the lighter one
06:02.23jastathe dark one will look the best on a real handset
06:02.34jastasharpest contrast and less bright
06:03.27muthujasta: what's the light one name?
06:03.38muthutheme-light or something
06:11.29muthujasta: were you able to look into AndroidManifest.xml that ships with android.jar
06:23.13jastano, never got around to exploring the xml files
06:23.41muthuis it available somewhere in readable format?
06:24.00jastathe xml files in android.jar?  no.
06:25.15jastagrr, sqlite always trips me up.
06:26.06jastasqlite3_column_origin_name returns the column name but doesn't seem to care that i've placed an alias on it.
06:44.24jastasigh its documented to behave that way :(
06:48.37jastaalright, smashed those bugs
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06:57.24muthuThe second one is "android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dark"
06:57.56muthui'm having these moments now
06:58.04muthusometimes the docs are very good
06:58.12muthusometimes the docs sucks
06:58.22muthusometimes the samples are great
06:58.37muthusometimes the samples are not enough
06:58.55muthuthank you plusminus
06:59.05muthuwe salute you again and again!
06:59.22muthui vote for as the best community site for androids
06:59.38muthuif the android judges are here
06:59.47muthugive him the 10 million ;)
07:01.05jastaandroid's documentation is more useful than the community sites :)
07:01.16jastai agree with you about the docs and samples though.
07:01.29jastait seems so deep and robust, but there are corners that are just totally empty
07:02.03jastafortunately it's all somewhat intuitive so you can figure a lot of it out by just understanding the overall design
07:03.16muthucorrect jasta
07:04.15muthubut community sites are the best :)
07:04.30jastai generally disagree ;)
07:04.35muthui know
07:04.46muthuyou are a lonely warrior :)
07:05.10jastacommunity sites like seem to focus on demonstrations and samples rather than enhancing the real deficiencies of incomplete documentation.
07:05.25muthuah come on jasta..
07:05.25jastai would find it more useful there was simply a wiki that attempted to better explain dimly lit parts of android
07:05.36jastalike the layout XML, drawables, etc.
07:05.45jastamore complex service arrangements, things of that nature
07:06.01muthui'm sure
07:06.07muthuwill get bigger and better
07:06.14jastai'm sure it will get bigger
07:06.18chaosvoyagergood point, why ISN'T there a wiki?
07:06.36muthucreate one chaos
07:06.48jastachaosvoyager: probably is one somewhere, developers just aren't being drawn to it.
07:07.07muthuwait a minute.. there's a wiki
07:07.08jastait's a chicken and the egg problem.  all of us capable of filling it out with lessons we've learned are too busy writing more code :)
07:07.17muthui guess
07:07.59jastamuthu: if you look around just a little bit you'll notice there's hardly any content
07:08.04muthuhere's some sites i know
07:08.05jastalike i said, it's a chicken and the egg problem.
07:08.08muthu http://www.anddev.orghttp://helloandroid.comhttp://openandroids.com 
07:08.16muthusorry for the mess
07:08.37jastathere aren't many people in the community today that even know enough about android to fill such a thing out
07:08.40chaosvoyagerYeah. He bought that domain to talk about actual robots though, and then repurposed it when Android came out.
07:08.41muthujasta: that's why i rate the community sites higher
07:08.56jastamuthu: Well, I don't because I'm actually interested in learning Android :)
07:08.57muthuchaos: really?
07:10.13jastamuthu: the situation is sure to improve as google's documentation improves.
07:10.23muthujasta: agreed
07:10.27chaosvoyagerTo be honest, I'm not sure how involved I'll remain with Android. Creating a Wiki just for my own reference is one of the first things I do when I start on a new project.
07:10.38jastabut if i stay my current course, i will personally absorb more information than is likely to be available on community sites :)
07:10.59muthujasta: then contribute.. i know its hard, but
07:11.09jastai prefer not to contribute in that way
07:11.15muthujasta: you can be the android thoughtleader!
07:11.25jastai prefer to just dump a large quantity of well-designed code on the table ;)
07:11.45muthuand make it public :)
07:12.04jastayes, all my work not directly sponsored through a company will be open sourced for android.
07:12.11chaosvoyagerIt's not the sharing, it's the indexing...
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07:12.24muthutrue.. indexing seems to be like it
07:13.08muthuwe need just a couple of site
07:13.37muthuanother interesting one in the same league
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07:14.13muthuzhoss and plusminus
07:14.18muthugreat guys
07:14.40chaosvoyagerThe problem I think is that many people are still rapidly absorbing info about Android and have yet to even put it in their own mental index.
07:14.49chaosvoyagerAt least that's the case for me.
07:14.56*** join/#android jtoy (n=jtoy@
07:15.08muthuthat's why the early adopters win
07:15.18jastago me :)
07:15.27muthuha ha
07:15.37jastai have a widget i'm trying to complete and release on my blog
07:15.45jastahopefully next weekend i'll have time to finish it
07:15.45muthuwhat's your blog?
07:15.57muthuchecking out..
07:16.52muthuyou are josh then
07:17.14jastawell, yes.
07:17.26jastawho's josh to you though? :)
07:17.37muthujasta = josh
07:17.50muthugood to know the real name
07:17.52jastawe seem to be going in a circle :)
07:17.55muthunow you can't hide :)
07:18.07jastai thought perhaps you were referring to one of my google groups posts or something.
07:18.38muthuthe blog is good.. wonder why it did not show up in google search
07:18.54jastawell, it's somewhat new.  i opened it when i started developing for android
07:19.10muthuok.. its the volume
07:19.14muthuonly a few articles
07:19.14jastaand i only post when i have something interesting to note :)
07:19.37muthudims had a lot of code snippets
07:19.41jastai hate those blogs that have posts like "so, i haven't posted in a while, sorry about that.  no news though."
07:19.42muthuthen he went quiet
07:19.58muthuthat's for the A list
07:20.07muthuso you're not in the league then ;)
07:20.13jastai kind of throttled back my public work when i started my ADC project in january.
07:20.40jastai plan to work on it privately until i submit it for judging.
07:20.45jastathen i will release it under the GPL
07:21.00muthuif you win, will you work on it fulltime
07:21.15jastano, i will work on it in my spare time until i believe it is mature.
07:21.23muthuok.. makes sense
07:21.47jastathe grand prize is a very generous gift, certainly, but is insufficient for any rational person to quit their job
07:21.55jastaafter taxes, it will be around $200K.
07:22.00muthuha ha
07:22.10jastawhich for many full time software engineers is only 2 - 3 years salary.
07:22.35muthuthe recognition
07:22.43muthuthat might be huge
07:22.51jastaif i win, even if only the qualifying prize, i will use it toward a down payment for my first house.
07:23.08muthuhope you win
07:23.14jastaeven if i win $200K, i want to live in seattle so that's like 40% down :)
07:23.24muthumore than the prize
07:23.30muthuthe vc's might be interested
07:23.43jastai try to ignore their influence
07:23.58muthuyeah.. think about it
07:24.01muthuyou get the money
07:24.07muthuthen you work on what you like, fulltime
07:24.17jastai prefer not to fantasize about this, honestly.
07:24.25jastait's not healthy :)
07:24.46jastai just humbly write my code and live my life :)
07:25.27jastai humbly write my code, i doubt i'm humble :)
07:25.36muthubut i know, you are trying to help
07:25.44muthuin your own *humble* way ;)
07:26.48jastai have simply adopted the role of the pedagogue ;)
07:27.07jastathat was a positive influence for me when i learned
07:27.51muthuwhere's your student?
07:28.17jastayou know, i have a life beyond #android :)
07:28.32jastaamazingly, yes.
07:29.17muthui need to visit SF this year
07:29.22jastai have at the very least a full time job, friends, and a steady girlfriend :)
07:29.32muthujasta: you the man!
07:29.34muthurock on!
07:29.53muthui have a boring married life :(
07:30.02jastaoh yeah, boo :)
07:30.25jastai'm approaching marriage pretty quick, i think
07:31.10muthui don't know why things change after marriage
07:31.14muthuits mostly fun.. go for it
07:31.19muthukids are great fun
07:31.26jastabecause one of you has an unnatural attachment to eccentric traditions.
07:32.02jastathat's probably my girlfriend too, though
07:32.08dueystudent loan
07:32.24muthuwelcome duey
07:32.24dueyif i win first round prize
07:32.29dueystudent loan gets paid
07:32.34dueyand none left
07:32.42jastayou have that much student loans, really?
07:32.49dueynot quite that much
07:32.57jastai have been debt free since i was 20.
07:33.07dueyits the only debt i have
07:33.11dueydont do any hp shit
07:33.14jastawell it sounds like a really big one :)
07:33.16dueyor creditcards etc
07:33.22dueyyeah but its for a carrer
07:33.34chaosvoyagerhmm, you can probably aviod the tax hit if you use it to pay student loans too.
07:33.42dueypay it off in a year with a job
07:33.44jastachaosvoyager: very unlikely in the US.
07:34.00jastaduey: $200K of debt paid off in 1 year?  what profession are you getting into buddy? :)
07:34.08dueynot 200k
07:34.14jastaoh, i thought you meant the grand prize
07:34.26jastaeven still
07:34.32jasta$25K would be very hard to pay off in a year
07:34.35muthuduey: what's your project?
07:34.47muthui know you said already
07:34.50muthuok.. remember
07:34.52dueymuthu, ocr pictures taken with phone and translate them
07:34.55jastaduey: if you're going to be a programmer, your entry-level salary is probably not going to exceed $70K.
07:34.59muthuright.. got it
07:35.14dueyjasta, ok so that leaves 50k for me to spend on...?
07:35.22dueyand food
07:35.26jasta$70K will give you about $58K after taxes.
07:35.29dueyand a severe coffee addiction
07:35.38dueyoh right
07:35.41dueyeven then
07:35.59dueymy student loan is actually only 15k
07:36.02dueyand thats NZD
07:36.03muthumy app broke, when i changed the theme
07:36.09jastaless $25K, that's a very low salary for a year.
07:36.17muthui pat myself for my excellent coding skills
07:36.26dueyjasta, sure but im a student
07:36.33dueyhave minimal expenses
07:36.37jastaperhaps i just never got used to that lifestyle :)
07:36.49dueyyeah i wouldnt do that anyway
07:36.57dueyfor student loan
07:37.02jastai sort of live it now though.  i pay $450/mo rent and own my car outright.  my monthly expenses are very low ;)
07:37.03dueyrest for coffee
07:37.27muthu6 packs??
07:37.35jastamy gf takes a lot of my money :)
07:37.40chaosvoyagerHow far are you along in your project duey?
07:37.49dueyno comment
07:38.01jastashe's going to school, and had tons of debt, so she has absolutely no money ever
07:38.27jastai basically have to pay for everything to keep her afloat.
07:38.29dueychaosvoyager, its my honours project
07:38.35romainguy_"i pay $450/mo rent " << oh god I wish the rent was the same here
07:38.49jastaromainguy_: the rent is not normally $450/mo in seattle :)
07:39.09romainguy_what's the usual rent?
07:39.12jastaI live in a house with 3 other guys, and it was an absolute steal.  the landlord has no idea...she could charge another $1K/mo for the place.
07:39.17dueywait for the housing market to crash jasta
07:39.23dueycrash further*
07:39.28romainguy_jasta: still, I wish my rent was $750 :))
07:39.28dueyget some houses cheap
07:39.33jastaromainguy_: a 1 bedroom apartment in north seattle (where I live) is usually about $900/mo.
07:39.42dueyromainguy_, surely you can sleep in your office?!
07:39.54jastabut you can find deals on houses if you live with people, or are willing to put up with unusual things
07:40.06jastaromainguy_: If you move into the city further, it goes way, way up :)
07:40.13romainguy_jasta: I actually just left a house were I was living with  my g/f and 3 other persons
07:40.24romainguy_cheaper rent but eh, living with 3 other people :))
07:40.31jastamy friend shared a 1500 sq ft house with someone on queen anne and it cost each of them $1300/mo.
07:40.39muthuwhen you are single, better to live with friends
07:40.48jastaromainguy_: The kicker is that my house is *HUGE*, so living with roommates is not a struggle.
07:40.58muthuthe money saved, can be huge.. will help you later
07:41.05romainguy_jasta: it wasn't either, but still doesn't really feel like home :)
07:41.26jastaand the roommate closes to me i get along with really well
07:41.44jastabut yeah, i will probably be moving out when i can afford to buy a place
07:42.07jastai'm having a little anxiety about it though.  not sure i am ready to give up this bachelor pad lifestyle :)
07:42.17jastawe have a pool table and wet bar upstairs in our living room
07:42.23muthujasta: enjoy while it lasts
07:42.24jastai love it :)
07:42.30romainguy_jasta: see I don't have this issue, living on a work visa, it would be kinda hard to buy a house :)
07:42.48muthuromainguy_: it doesn't matter
07:43.04muthuanyone can buy a house
07:44.08jastaromainguy_: so are you a part of these little code days that google has been hosting?
07:44.14jastai'd love the opportunity to meet you in person
07:44.22muthuandroid.content.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource is not a ColorStateList (color or path): TypedValue{t=0x2/d=0x1010050 a=1}
07:44.23dueyromainguy_, say no!
07:44.34jastayou've been extraordinarily helpful.
07:45.04muthujasta: the exception occurs when i change the theme
07:45.26jastai dunno man, i haven't played with that stuff :)
07:45.32jastathe dark theme is so nice, why change it?
07:45.53chaosvoyagerBranding :)
07:46.00jastaduey: i think he dodged my question :)
07:46.08muthuha ha
07:46.17muthuhe answered it indirectly
07:47.07muthuromain logged out.. not coming back for a week ;)
07:47.57muthuromainguy_: how can android crash my app if change the theme?
07:48.12muthuTheme.Dark to Theme.Light
07:48.25muthuand it gives me some funny color not in list exception
07:50.05chaosvoyagerThe Dark Theme is not stronger. No. Quicker, easier, more seductive. ...
08:09.03romainguy_jasta: romainguy_: so are you a part of these little code days that google has been hosting? << no, sorry :) You can come see me speak at JavaOne though :))
08:10.12jastawhat's your topic?
08:10.29romainguy_Filthy Rich Clients and Extreme GUI Makeover
08:10.38romainguy_or how to pimp your apps :)
08:10.42jastai may read your book
08:11.41romainguy_it's a good read :)
08:11.42chaosvoyagerSounds familiar.
08:11.46romainguy_anway, going to bed now
08:11.49romainguy_good night guys
08:13.22chaosvoyagerHuh, wish some more of that Filth would be present in Android.
08:26.44muthuhave a great weekend folks
08:26.57muthui'm done.. off to the bar now ;)
08:27.19*** part/#android muthu (n=sara@
08:28.17jastai passed up a party tonight to write android code ;)
08:29.58chaosvoyagerat least  it shows you're driven to succeed.
08:30.10chaosvoyagerOr that the party sucked.
08:30.27jastaparty probably would have sucked ;)
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09:30.38jastabed time
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12:15.29[AD]Turbociao davidw
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13:00.15jtoyanyone around?
13:00.33davidwcan you test something out for me? send email to
13:02.57davidwit bounce?
13:05.22davidwaha... got it
13:05.24davidwlunch time
13:05.27jtoyi have a general design question, I haven't worked with small devices before,  I need to upload a generated file from android over http to a webserver using POST, can I generate the file in real time and send it, or do i need to generate, then save it to disk, then send it, or are tehre other methods?
13:05.45jtoydo you know what I mean?
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14:38.52davidwjtoy, you can send it as a stream
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14:41.38jtoyso do it in real? arent there lots of problems with that method?
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14:45.38lenni_-_I'm having trouble opening the Android tutorial in eclipse
14:46.38lenni_-_i downloaded the zip from google but eclipse doesn't seem to find the package name
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16:33.07kurzumgot the sdk? :)
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20:04.02dragor43Anyone have an idea on how to do get an Activity to send data back to it's calling Activity?
20:05.16dragor43The Maps application must be doing this... when you do a search on the map a transparent list pops up, and when you select items from the list it moves the map location to the lat/long of the entry you selected.
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20:19.32zhobbsdragor43: you can use setResult() and pass in a bundle, etc
20:21.06jastadragor43: startSubActivity
20:21.33zhobbsyeah, startSubActivity(), onActivityResult(), setResult(), etc
20:21.44dragor43yeah i know that, but the weird thing is that the activity doesn't end
20:21.57dragor43it's sending information back to the parent without closing the child activity
20:22.04jastafinish ends an activity, otherwise it won't
20:22.14jastasetResult doesn't finish
20:22.26zhobbsdragor43: you're talking on the google maps app right?
20:22.36dragor43aha. wow and here i thought it was this elaborate hack. haha
20:22.37dragor43yes i am
20:22.38zhobbsnot sure how they do all those dialogs....
20:22.54dragor43yeah, those dialogs are bit buggy too :)
20:23.06zhobbsthey're pretty cool though
20:28.49jastalet's see, what to work on this morning
20:32.48jastajust did a line count on my project, 8174 so far :)
20:32.58jastaand still so much more left to do
20:32.59zhobbsyou been busy
20:33.13jastathe first 5K came quick :)
20:33.14zhobbswhat's an easy command to do a linecount?
20:33.19jastai did:
20:33.25jasta$ wc -l $(find -name "*.java" -or -name "*.[ch]") | tail -1 8174 total
20:34.38jastai suppose it would be more accurate to exclude the auto-generated aidl interfaces and include the original aidl files, but that won't account for much
20:34.42jastalike 500 lines at best
20:35.19jastaIf I include *.xml, it jumps to 8821 ;)
20:36.07jastasome of my older modules have SVN revisions well into the 200s ;)
20:36.47zhobbsI only get 5600 including xml :(
20:37.06jastamy project is very elaborate :)
20:37.16jastai had to include *.[ch] because I wrote quite a lot of C code as well
20:37.31zhobbsmine is actually very simple
20:37.40zhobbsplus no server component
20:37.41jasta2600 lines of C
20:37.44jastajust counted
20:39.03jastai have 4 separate modules, a SyncML client library written in Java, the server using libsyncml in C, my synchronization engine and associated activities, and finally the music player which utilizes the engine's provider and services.
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20:39.43jastathe music player itself is only a week old.  i spent most of my initial time making sure the synchronization pieces were working well.
20:40.03jastawhich probably wasn't good for the challenge, since judging seems to be so narrow
20:40.08jastabut it's better for the project itself :)
20:41.43jastathe provider and service engine could easily be dropped into any type of application too.  i'm really proud of how i have designed this.
20:41.44zhobbsthe pretiest player wins :)
20:42.10jastamy player's going to still be pretty :)
20:42.26jastamy gf is helping me.  she's very artistic :)
20:43.02jastai'm heavily integrating with as well.
20:43.02romainguy_jasta: If I include *.xml, it jumps to 8821 << ah! it's not even the number of lines of code used by Listview :))
20:44.11zhobbsromainguy_: what's the android line count?
20:44.11jastai disassembled ListView.class and it's only 1800.  you sure about that? :)
20:44.32romainguy_jasta: disassemble AbsListview and AdapterView too :)
20:44.34dragor43must be 6000 lines of comments!
20:44.45romainguy_zhobbs: can't say :)
20:44.54romainguy_but last time I checked it was a lot :)
20:45.12jastagetting closer, 4000 :)
20:45.44zhobbsjasta: what decompiler you use, I haven't tried that yet
20:46.00romainguy_zhobbs: note hat according to the rules you're not supposed to decompile the code ;-)
20:46.05jastai use JAD.  it's very helpful because these folks won't give us source :)
20:46.29zhobbsromainguy_: the license or ADC?
20:46.39romainguy_the license
20:46.53jastai am not concerned ;)
20:46.56zhobbsoh yeah, I remember reading that just before I hit "Accept" :)
20:47.16jastayou guys have a lot of black magic in here.
20:47.39romainguy_not really
20:48.01jastathought i must admit that the more i develop against Android, the less need i have to even look back at the documentation, let alone source.
20:48.17romainguy_I think it's called "learning" :)
20:48.18zhobbsjasta: hmm, don't seen jad in ubuntu repo
20:48.23jastazhobbs: no, and it's not.
20:48.42jastaromainguy_: No, surely that's not it :)
20:48.56dragor43if you use eclipse there's a plugin that will automatically decompile .class files that you open. JADclipse
20:49.30jastaromainguy_: I did post a really annoying discrepency I found yesterday though.  A Service's stopSelf() is said to not actually stop or destroy the service until all connected clients have disconnected.
20:49.34zhobbshmmm, wonder if that will work when debugging and get exception in android.jar
20:49.39jastaHowever, stopSelf() seems to immediately severe active connections and destroy itself
20:49.45romainguy_yeah I saw your bug
20:50.28jastawhat is the deal with that?  the docs aren't precisely clear, but they do imply that the behaviour i observed is not right.
20:51.14jastabrb, breakfast
20:51.15zhobbsromainguy_ probably has never looked at the service stuff
20:51.57jastaprobably not
20:52.11jastabut he might be able to go knock someone around who has :)
20:52.30romainguy_jasta: "the docs aren't precisely clear, but they do imply that the behaviour i observed is not right.""
20:52.36romainguy_Android is under heavy development
20:52.44romainguy_and it's not surprising that kind of stuff happens
20:53.02jastai know, which is why i approached it that way
20:53.10jastait's hard to tell if it's a bug in source, or a bug in documentation.
20:53.54jastai think it's a bug in the source, though, because if this doesn't work then how the hell are you supposed to let your service die when it's done doing work?
20:56.49jastai suppose i could just watch on my service's unregisterObserver method and when the last listener is gone, stopSelf().
20:57.16jastabut that seems like a race condition.
21:04.29zhobbshmmmm...eclipse isn't finding JADclipse
21:05.37zhobbsahh..wrong folder
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21:12.59davidwso... this gtalk message + intent thing...
21:13.03davidwanyone cracked that one?
21:14.22dragor43are you asking if someone figured out how to capture an incoming gtalk message?
21:15.40davidwwell, apparently you can if you use an intentreceiver
21:15.52davidwand the gtalk sender adds some extra bits to the message
21:16.28dragor43there's example code out there showing the intentreceiver used to capture the message
21:16.55dragor43it's for m37 but it works for m5 too, you just need to change the package names from XMPP to GTalk
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21:18.49jastam37? :)  have we regressed? :)
21:31.33davidwhrm... not finding it
21:31.42davidwI need to generate the XML though
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22:20.27f00f-hi. it seems like the ContentProvider for Im.Contacts returns 15 columns
22:21.18f00f-specifically, it's like it implicitly does a join on between the contacts and presence
22:21.28jastait probably does
22:21.39f00f-so less work for me :D
22:21.51jastathats the point of content providers
22:22.07f00f-i wasn't expecting it to be joined
22:22.14f00f-as per our previous discussion
22:22.36jastai told you that if you found a content uri which had a join in the provider, it would do exactly as you need.
22:22.50f00f-oh you did?
22:22.53jastayes, i did.
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22:23.07jastabut that if you did not, you would not have any option but to try to merge the data yourself.
22:23.31f00f-yeah i'm glad i did a bit of dissecting here
22:24.08jastaromainguy_: you around?
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22:44.43f00f-what does getResources return ?
22:45.08jastaa reference to your applications resource collection, i believe.
22:45.12jastai would have to confirm
22:45.25f00f-do you know what type it is?
22:45.31f00f-i'm trying to avoid calling getResources() all over the place
22:45.40jastathe docs will tell you that
22:46.07f00f-i hate the sdk
22:46.15f00f-it eats up some much ram in firefox :/
22:46.21jastause the local copy stupid
22:46.45f00f-i am stupid
22:46.58jastawith the SDK is an offline copy of all the documentation
22:46.59f00f-even with the local copy it's slow
22:47.07jastait doesn't do all that stupid searching crap
22:47.22f00f-it seems that there's something up with the page itself
22:47.30jastathe online version is very slow for me, but the local copy is fine.
22:47.42jastai leave it open for days
22:48.34jastaeither way, i will not serve as your portal to the docs.
22:49.06f00f-you already did :)
22:49.46jastaromainguy_: there is definitely magic in this compound control technique you suggested.  how on earth does TwoLineListItem specify it's two children?  It looks to be defined in XML, but where?  how?
22:50.31jastait seems that as a lowly mortal, the best i could do is extend a LinearLayout and ViewInflate something taht is a RelativeLayout.  So my extended view would contain only 1 child, a RelativeLayout.
22:56.51romainguy_jasta: it just uses a ViewInflate
22:57.52jastabut how could that work?  If I extend a RelativeLayout, won't I have a RelativeLayout also specified in the view XML?
22:58.03jastaSo I'd have my extended RelativeLayout containing another RelativelyLayout containing my widgets?
22:58.50f00f-that's one way of doing it
22:59.11jastaIt sounds silly to me, and I doubt very much that TwoLineListItem, for example, does that.
22:59.24f00f-twolinelistitem seems like a hack
22:59.37f00f-its contents are defined in an xml file that's in some jar
22:59.46jastaThat doesn't make it a hack.
23:00.02f00f-you're right, you should try it.
23:00.11jastaThat's precisely how I intend to implement my compound control, defining it in an XML file entirely.
23:00.32jastaHowever I doubt very much that the structure that comes out into TwoLineListItem is a RelativeLayout containing anohter RelativeLayout.
23:00.58romainguy_TwoLineListItem is a RelativeLayout
23:01.04romainguy_and it inflates an XML that contains a LinearLayout
23:01.10romainguy_and in that LinearLayout there are two textView
23:01.36jastaromainguy_: Then why would TwoLineListItem be a RelativeLayout?  Why does that make sense?
23:01.45romainguy_it could be a FrameLayout
23:01.55romainguy_just any sort of layout
23:02.07jastaSo for my compound widget, I think it would make the most sense to be a LinearLayout that wraps a RelativeLayout.  Hmm, this seems goofy.
23:02.11jastaBut sure :)
23:02.54romainguy_if only XML let you have more than one root tag :))
23:03.06romainguy_maybe we should have a fake root tag
23:03.14jastaright, i was thinking i was going to have to wrap it in a relativelayout and gut it and insert it at the root.
23:03.18romainguy_so that you could inflate the content of an XML as your direct children
23:03.24jastaso i'd basically inflate a view, then walk the children and attach them manually.
23:03.29romainguy_why bother?
23:03.49jastaright, i don't want to.  i just thought that's what i had to do not realizing that the recommended approach was to just hav ea dummy wrapper.
23:04.00romainguy_ideally this wrapper wouldn't be here
23:04.05romainguy_but right now it has to be here
23:04.16jastai'm fine with that for now, really.
23:04.23romainguy_as I said, we should make a special version of ViewInflate.inflate() that would skip the root tag
23:05.21jastai think i'm rolling now then
23:05.33jastai just call inflate from my constructor and build up there
23:23.28jastawow, that was sure easy
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23:49.08jastashoot, i just realized i can't avoid handling onLayout and onMeasure because I have to adjust the sizes and positions of the labels based on the size of the widget
23:49.11jastabummer ;)
23:54.38f00f-what's the best way to add imageview's dynamically to a RelativeLayout at run-time?
23:54.53f00f-i have 3 combinations of ImageViews that could be added, so don't think i can define those combinations in the XML ?
23:58.23jastait would be more efficient to add them all and play with their visibility

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