IRC log for #android on 20080224

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00:21.21dragor43anyone here using GmmGeocoder and figure out how to get the business name for results returned by query() method?
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05:25.05jastaromainguy: I do not have two animations running at the same time.
05:25.36jastaThe animation to fade the progress bar in and out is tied to a button click, well after the viewswitcher has animated.  The user could click sync over and over to fade in and out the progressbar.
05:30.01zhobbsmay not be relavent but that title bar progress bar is pretty nice
05:31.31zhobbsare you delaying the fade in animation?
05:32.07zhobbscause you were talking about simultaneous animations...fade in and fade out start at the same time
05:32.16jastano, romain was talking about that.
05:32.29zhobbsyou can set the delay on fadein to be after fadeout is complete
05:32.43jastathat is not relevant to my problem, i assure you.
05:33.00jastathere is a bug with nested layouts and the view cache.
05:33.06jastabut he's just too stubborn to admit it :)
05:33.39zhobbsAhh, you're cacheing the view...I haven't gotten into that yet...though maybe I should..
05:33.58jastaif you wrap your layout in a viewswitcher that has fade in/out animations then you will be unable to perform any other fade in/out animations at any other time, on any other widgets.
05:34.46jastai believe it is because of the animation cache.  there is a way to disable it, but it has no effect.
05:35.08zhobbswith ViewSwitcher you can have it automatically cache views?
05:36.57jastain this case, i think it is the animation cache which is a separate thing from the drawing cache.
05:37.08zhobbsoh ok
05:37.11jastaor at least, not synonymous.
05:37.15jastaand i believe it is default enabled.
05:37.35zhobbsyou could try a ViewAnimator just to see if the bug is present there also
05:38.10jastaahh, i see, the animation cache automatically enables the drawing cache of children.
05:43.22zhobbsanyone know if there is a way to set nextFocusDown via code?
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05:53.40jastalol, in introduced a race condition and i think i just plain don't care to fix ti right now
05:53.44jastai knew it when i added it too hehe
06:08.45romainguyjasta: in this case, i think it is the animation cache which is a separate thing from the drawing cache. << the animation cache is the drawing cache
06:09.07romainguyenabling the animation cache just means that prior to an animation, the ViewGroup will force its children to enable their drawing cache
06:09.35romainguyjasta: you can also check whether your animations are in mode fillBefore=true
06:10.03romainguybecause if you set an alpha animation from 0 to 1 on your ProgressBar ahead of time with fillBefore=true, then the ProgressBar will be invisible
06:11.10jastathe animation is set and run while the progress is invisible, hooking into the animation listener to decide when the animation is done to set the view VISIBLE.
06:11.24jastawhich i suppose i could do differently, now that i think about it.
06:12.16romainguywell, if you can send me an executable sample that reproduces the problem I'll be happy to take a look at it and see what's happening
06:12.24romainguyespecially if it's a bug
06:13.00jastasure, i'd be happy to.  let me finish up what i'm working on and i will create a test case.
06:14.17zhobbsromainguy: is this a bug or something I'm doing:
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06:15.24zhobbsromainguy: is this a bug or something I'm doing: (in case you missed this message)
06:15.35romainguy_I saw it
06:15.45romainguy_I just switched to the other laptop to look at the source code
06:24.34romainguy_zhobbs: somehow you set a null background on your ProgressBar
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06:25.14zhobbshmm, maybe because of a theme?
06:25.53romainguy_could be
06:25.56zhobbswhat background should I use?
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06:27.53zhobbsworks now, want me to submit a bug or anything?
06:28.05zhobbsthanks for taking a look btw
06:28.37romainguy__what Theme is your application using?
06:28.39romainguy__the default one?
06:28.55zhobbsno, a custom one that doesn't inherit any other
06:29.15romainguy__then the bug's on your side I guess :)
06:30.16zhobbsMy reason was that the textColor wouldn't override...saw that there is a new way to set that though or something
06:30.52romainguy__yeah we now use textAppearance
06:31.10romainguy__which is basically a bunch of colors for the various text's states
06:33.16zhobbssounds good, thanks
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09:13.10jastaromainguy: I am writing up the animation cache bug demo now...will you be around in the next 30 minutes or so?
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09:42.33jastaromainguy: I think I may have figured out the problem.  Not a bug, in fact, but counter-intuitive still.
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10:19.29[AD]Turbohi all
10:33.25jastaromainguy: the animation problem here definitely has to do with the layout of the widget i'm animating.  i created a second progress bar somewhere else in the layout and gave it the id of the animated that widget as i'd expect.
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10:50.58jastaromainguy: got it isolated to a test case.  should i e-mail it to you?  privmsg me when you get this.
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13:08.42tolaHi, I'm trying to run the Android Hello World example using Eclipse under Ubuntu. I've created the project and edited the source code but Eclipse is telling me that TextView cannot be resolved to a type. and android.os.Bundle are included as per the example, what am I missing?
13:10.22muthutola: make sure you have the android eclipse plugin installed
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13:10.39tolamuthu: I do
13:15.30tolaI fixed it by adding the following include:
13:15.40tolainclude android.widget.TextView
13:16.24tolaI find it odd that the hello world example given on the web site didn't work, it suggests my system may be somehow set up incorrectly?
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17:11.18SR71-Blackbirdhey has anyone here managed to communicate with mysql server via android
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17:47.22jastaSR71-Blackbird: hmm, as in a remote mysql server over the network?
17:48.05SR71-Blackbirdjasta, yeah
17:48.29jastathere is no technical reason why that would not work, however it sounds like a very silly plan.
17:49.37SR71-Blackbirdjasta, why?
17:50.00jastait will be very slow.
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17:50.58SR71-Blackbirdjasta, maybe it's better to stick with rpcs
17:51.38jastaalmost certainly.
17:52.23jastaalso, to the best of my knowledge, MySQL authentication does not permit digest passwords, so the phone would need to contain the raw password.  Someone stealing your phone could be a big problem if the data is not public.
17:52.48jastaLikewise, the password would need to be trivial for that reason
17:53.17SR71-Blackbirdjasta, oh yeah.. thanks for pointing that out
17:53.29jastaThese problems could be avoided with special care, of course, but the reality is: why bother?
17:53.57jastaPlus, the MySQL client library would add overhead to your package size when alternatives exist to just use a RESTful service or something.
17:54.17SR71-Blackbirdjasta, yeah.. RESTful is more robust and portable at that too
17:54.29jastaCode that is already part of Android, to make development quicker and pacakge sizes smaller.
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17:55.40jastaThe advantage of a REST service is also that the data can be more thoughtfully organized by the server without requiring SQL logic at the client level.
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17:58.17SR71-Blackbirdjasta, yeah.. I'll just implement some php over at the server and connect to it then
18:00.48jastaIt might be worth mentioning that XML might not be the best response :)
18:01.06jastaXML is quite difficult to parse.
18:05.37jastaJSON would not be bad, and is supported by Android.  My application has elected to use WBXML though for a variety of reasons.
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19:12.06davidwjasta +1 - comunicating directly with the db would be kind of insane
19:12.37zhobbsyeah, xmlrpc or something is needed
19:14.19davidweven that kind of thing is overblown in a lot of cases... IMO
19:14.45zhobbswell, jasta mention xml is slow..but I've had pretty good results with sax in my project
19:15.06SR71-Blackbirdzhobbs, what do u think of json rpc though?
19:15.19zhobbssorry, don't know anything about
19:15.25jastait has a sort of overlayed alphabetical list on the right-hand side of the list of artists, that when you press it tries to jump to that area in the list
19:16.18jastazhobbs: JSON is just a simple object serialization format for JavaScript, it doesn't have the potential to be as well formed as XML, but is sufficient if the data can be reasonably mapped to a primitive object.
19:16.32jastaand is much smaller and easier to parse.
19:16.38zhobbsahh, makes sense
19:16.50jastathe format is sort of like { foo: "bar", baz: 10 };
19:17.07zhobbsjasta: does android have support built in or does it require extra jar?
19:17.14SR71-Blackbirdjasta, i wonder how much difference it makes on android.. after all, json makes packet sizes smaller... useful for comm..
19:17.15jastazhobbs: it has support.
19:17.20SR71-Blackbirdzhobbs, no there is org.json
19:17.36jastathat said, for small data sets, XML isn't going to be much of a problem either.
19:17.48jastaYou have to consider XML non-scalable though.  And in that sense, neither is JSON.
19:22.41zhobbshmm, I'll have to look in to json for another project of mine...I'm stuck with xml for the current one
19:22.58davidwI bet json is a bit easier/faster to parse too
19:24.04jastahmm, just realized that i should not include "The" in the sort order ;)
19:25.11zhobbsjasta: hmmm, how you going to do that?
19:25.57jastaseparate the name field into prefix and significant sections, sort on significant, display with them concatenated.
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19:27.48jastathen just define a list of prefixes to parse out (The, probably)
19:27.55jastacan't think of any others
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19:43.11Ledetalking about vector graphigs
19:43.24Ledewill android support .svg?
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19:46.23mikedtykethough mozilla have a project to inttegrate and i know there's a couple of their developers keen to get mozilla onto android
19:46.59mikedtykethough i doubt svg is anywhere near top of their todo list
19:49.59Ledeit's not that important though
19:54.22zhobbssvg would be nice
19:55.45romainguy_writing an SVG implementation atop of our graphics API would not be difficult
19:56.13Lede..but? :o)
19:56.58romainguy_but nothing
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20:02.46mikedtykei think he means its relatively easy but as there's limited amount of svg material, it's not top of the agenda. if you want it so bad then roll up your sleeves and give it a go. plenty of open source implementations if you need a starter.
20:03.07romainguy_it's not hard to implement it
20:03.10romainguy_but it's a lot of work
20:03.16romainguy_and SVG has its drawbacks
20:03.35romainguy_like slow rendering
20:03.44romainguy_being very hard to read and write without tools
20:04.02romainguy_so yes, it's not a priority :)
20:04.06mikedtykethat is a point. the sort of hardware avail to android is not really going to do much with svg
20:04.28romainguy_when I was at Sun I've seen a team try to push SVG on mobile phones
20:04.34romainguy_they had some nice examples of SVG based UIs
20:04.40romainguy_but it never took off
20:04.53mikedtykelike a lot of things at sun ;-0
20:05.08romainguy_I disagree :)
20:06.09mikedtykeSun do come up with a lot of great technology, they're just not very good at getting the rest of the world to adopt. with the exception of java in certain circumstances
20:12.03jastaromainguy_: *poke*
20:12.35jastathat is an example of the bug i've been trying to explore.  it is a very simple test case that demonstrates it clearly.
20:14.22romainguy_yeah I saw that
20:15.08jastaany thoughts?
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20:40.34jastaromainguy_: It's fine to say you don't care right now :)
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21:13.24romainguy_jasta: it's Sunday :)
21:16.50jastai know ;)
21:17.05zhobbsI'm not working next sunday!
21:29.31jastai've finally started on my music player hehe
21:29.45jastai've beaten the sync logic and ui to death, it works perfect now ;)
21:34.12romainguyjasta: I got a workaround for your animation problem
21:36.36romainguygiven an android:id to the LinearLayout that contains notbuggy
21:36.45romainguyand then ((ViewGroup) findViewById(;
21:36.50romainguychild2 is the id I have this linearlayout
21:36.57romainguyI don't know why this works but it does
21:37.22romainguyI did made changes to this code path after M5 so I need to test it on our source tree and see if the bug still happen
21:38.50romainguywhat's weird is that the animation cache should have no effect in this situation
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21:59.08marvinaloneI want to make a UI that looks kind of like a console window without input capabilities - It's a stub for an actual UI I'd like to put in later. In m3 I used a TextView that I added text to later. That seemed to work. Now in m5, I get a null pointer from my findViewById() call that is supposed to give me the TextView, and everything falls apart. How do I fix it?
22:02.17marvinaloneah, found it
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22:02.24marvinaloneit's android:id now
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22:11.16jastaromainguy_: hmm, so, a bug then for sure?
22:11.33romainguy_jasta: in M5 yes
22:11.39romainguy_in our current tree, maybe not
22:14.10jastathat's weird that you need to disable the animation cache in the outer layout, and not the inner one that causes the problem.
22:15.21romainguy_that's what I said it's probably not the animation cache itself
22:15.24romainguy_but a side effect
22:15.49jastai was going mad last night trying to figure out why i couldn't reproduce it in a smaller test
22:16.10jastai would have never figured that the extra child layout would have caused it.
22:17.13romainguy_when an animation runs there's some magic going on inside to optimize invalidates coming from the children
22:17.37romainguy_the issue you are running into is because of an extra piece of code that was added just before M5 was released
22:17.50romainguy_when I saw it after the M5 released I noticed a problem
22:17.55romainguy_which I fixed since then
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22:20.19zhobbsis M6 next or are we skipping again?
22:20.26romainguy_cannot say
22:20.31Lederomainguy_: you guys develop using eclipse internally aswell?
22:20.41romainguy_Lede: some do, some don't
22:20.42romainguy_I don't
22:20.45plusminusromainguy_ you know,whether the Bundle.putExtras(...) Bug is fixed ?
22:20.53romainguy_I have no idea
22:20.59romainguy_I don't even know what bug you are talking about :)
22:21.09plusminusoh wait a moment
22:21.20zhobbsromainguy_: can you use a debug mode without eclipse?
22:21.22romainguy_and I work on the UI anyway :)
22:21.39romainguy_zhobbs: why couldn't you? Eclipse just uses the standard java debugger bridge
22:22.11zhobbsok, don't know anything about it...just noticed that the JIdea plugin for android doesn't suport debugging
22:22.27romainguy_there's no need to support it in the plugin
22:22.30romainguy_I use IntelliJ myself
22:22.32romainguy_without any plugin
22:22.36romainguy_and debugging works just fine :)
22:22.56zhobbseclipse is starting to drive me crazy...
22:26.01jastaromainguy_: do you use IntelliJ's debugger?
22:27.24plusminusromainguy_ the third-last post summarizes the problem:
22:31.45zhobbsplusminus: did you report it?
22:32.06plusminusI think so ^^... give me a second...
22:33.03plusminusyes i did ^^
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22:33.59plusminusI just see that Issue up to 204 were reviewed
22:41.06marvinalonei'm not sure you guys care about this, but search over the online documentation is broken in konqueror
22:41.49romainguy_marvinalone: you'll have to file a bug but against, not Android
22:42.06marvinaloneromainguy_: ah, thanks
22:42.26zhobbsthat search kinda sucks...sometimes I get better results searching google like "search_term"
22:46.30zhobbsgoogle groups finally works with opera...that sucked not being able to use google groups with opera
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23:10.52zhobbsromainguy_: is defined in xml somewhere? can't find it in the jar...
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23:37.26zhobbsis there a way to define the background for all of my ImageButtons for my theme?
23:41.10zhobbshmmm...and I have a button that will not throw it's onClick unless my theme inherits "Theme"...but that theme breaks the rest of my layout because I can't figure out how to customize the theme enough
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23:44.10romainguy_zhobbs: it's defined in XML but the XML is probably not in android.jar
23:44.22romainguy_zhobbs: make your button be cilckable="true"
23:44.35romainguy_in your theme
23:45.51zhobbsromainguy_: I added android:clickable="true" to the <Button />, but still won't click, how do I add it to the theme?
23:58.47plusminuswhat the...
23:59.13plusminusfloat k = Point.length(1, 0); // Throws ERROR/AndroidRuntime(595): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: length

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