IRC log for #android on 20080218

00:00.16plusminusHad a few emails with a guy from the "Google Communications Team" who passed my contact-data to "the person" from businessweek. He said "she" got an extended deadline and after that i never heard sth again from "her" :(
00:00.52plusminusi was a bit pissed of !
00:00.59zhobbsI talked to that lady from business week, she didn't quote me or anything though
00:01.06plusminusor.. let's say frustrated
00:01.39plusminusstayed up half night awaitign a call and nothing
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00:02.09plusminusGermany and USA are 7-10 hours difference
00:02.20plusminus1 am right now ^^
00:02.32acsiaI am in UK
00:02.51acsiaI went to the android meetup in london last week
00:02.59acsiaat google's quarters
00:03.04plusminusCodeDays ?
00:03.15acsiabut it wasn't
00:03.31acsiait was more of an introduction to the platform rather then looking into the code
00:03.47acsiamost people had just installed the sdk and never played with it
00:03.54acsiaso did not learn much
00:04.10acsiabut the interesting bits was that most people came from companies like siemens
00:04.45acsiathey porting their phones to android
00:04.49plusminuswasn't the London Code Days on 31 January ?
00:05.00acsiaor at least they are getting interested
00:05.28acsiayes it was
00:05.41plusminusjust though as you said "last week"
00:06.10acsiayou know I work from home
00:06.12acsiaand then I work some more on android from home
00:06.22acsiamy social life reached a new low lately
00:06.52acsiaforgetting the notion of time but yes it was the 31
00:07.13plusminushad to learn for exams whole january and beginning of February.(ok I had a few tutorials ^^)
00:07.27acsiait s carl btw nicked charroch on your forum
00:07.42acsiaI posted 1 or 2 notes
00:07.57plusminusI remember =)
00:08.04plusminushave you seen:
00:08.29acsialet me check
00:08.38acsiabtw they quoted anddev at the google meetup
00:08.57plusminusin London o_O
00:09.36acsiathat looks great!
00:09.50acsiaI have not played with the new sdk yet
00:10.20acsiaI noticed a lat/long to real address function
00:10.37plusminusdoesn't work :rolleyes:
00:10.42plusminus*feeling_a_bit_proud_being_mentioned_on_the_codedays* :D
00:11.28acsiawell you deserve it - you are helping out a lot of people including me
00:11.42plusminuswould love to do more ^^
00:11.47acsiaI wanted to create a very useless application
00:11.52plusminusbtw issue on the new geocoding:
00:13.41acsiathere are some very annoying bugs
00:13.51acsiahave you played with listviews a bit by any chance?
00:14.17plusminusnot since the new sdk
00:14.39plusminussome developers reported of a bug with the selector which si drawn to big
00:14.56acsiaI ve been trying in vain to add a separator to a cursor adapter depending on the 'goup by' statement given
00:15.02zhobbsDefault selector def draws too large
00:15.31acsiafor me is more of a customized listview with a separator
00:16.04acsiathere are a function on top of adapter which is isSeparator (int) but I can not add a separator
00:16.06*** part/#android cypromis (
00:16.31acsiaI tried getting the parent and played with it entire day but just gave up and came up with very ugly solution
00:17.19plusminusanyone knows if there is a problem with BOOT_COMPLETED action since new SDK (someone asked on anddev) and I'm too tired to change my old example to new sdk ;)
00:18.55acsiaone should build a site that regroups components imo
00:19.35acsiafor basic components like a camera, sms receiver etc... I have a couple of dialogs as well that could be used accross many applications
00:19.57acsiafor instance I have one called LocationDialog
00:20.21acsiathat let you choose your provider, check the return value is a correct location and return the location to a message
00:20.40acsiathe locationprovider returns 0.0 at first - not sure if you noticed - when you boot up your phone
00:20.42chomchomyeah, I intend to speak about android at the Glasgow web centric meetup on wednesday
00:20.49chomchomquite looking forward to it
00:21.00acsiathere is one tomorrow in london
00:21.05acsiaI will probably go
00:21.16acsianot 100% sure I can make it yet
00:21.20chomchomis it an actual Android group?
00:21.31acsialet me get the link
00:21.42plusminusacsiathe locationprovider returns 0.0 at first
00:21.45plusminusyes i recognized
00:21.53plusminus(strange behaviour9
00:22.01acsialondon android group on mettup
00:22.16plusminusthis is not an official thing, right ?
00:22.19acsiaI think it is because of the mockdata that begins with 0.0
00:22.20acsiano no
00:22.28acsiajust somebody who set it up
00:22.36chomchomsweet, wish I could attend
00:22.54acsiabut there is one guy from truphone on it so it could be interesting
00:23.57acsiaa month ago, I spent a weekend trying to make an ASCII camera
00:24.13plusminusLondon is just 1000km await, I'll take my private jet and visit you ;)
00:24.23chomchomI think I'll start one for Glasgow and then just tie it in with the other two loosley related meetups.
00:25.28acsiawell, I have a laptop, a mobile phone with 3g payed by my company and a webcam
00:25.46chomchomIf anyone in here is in Scotland there will be a meeting on Wednesday that some android developers will be at. You would be very welcome to drop by.
00:25.52acsiajust broadcast from the pub
00:26.15plusminusyou could. yes! that would be awesome
00:26.30chomchomCould do, tried it once before
00:26.48chomchomits pretty cool for most people but some people are too shy
00:26.57chomchomand its not really fair to impose on them
00:27.29plusminusyou have at least one visitor ^^
00:27.32acsiasure but after a couple of beers...
00:28.10acsiaanyway I need some rest, nice to see some european activity on this channel...
00:28.43plusminus:P just didn't know of this place until I received that mail today ^^
00:29.58jerkface03Anyone try passing their code thru a bytecode optimizer before converting it to dalvikvm runnable bytecode?
00:30.30chomchomplusminus: It's a good thing you found out then. It's good for morale when you see loads of others developing away everyday on the platform you take so much interest in.
00:31.11chomchomjerkface03: do you mean using jode or jad?
00:31.35plusminusyes, but it is 1:30 am now I'll get some sleep and contiue writing tomorrow.
00:31.43plusminusDefinitely will be back here!
00:31.48plusminuscu guys
00:32.01jerkface03chomchom: i'm talking about using proguard?
00:32.51chomchominteresting, never seen that before
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01:10.00zhobbswith the touchscreen there is no way to really "select" an item in a ListView but not click it is there?
01:10.35chomchomno, it doesn't seem so.
01:10.42chomchomThere is a long hold option though
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02:23.06zhobbswhy do interfaces always auto-import as$interface in there a setting?
02:24.39chomchomnot sure preferences > then type 'template' into the search
02:30.07chomchomtheres a special null check syntax in java 6, does anyone know it?
02:31.56chomchommaybe I'm thinking of ruby
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02:44.11zhobbsit's pretty weak that AlertDialog.Builder.addItems() only works with static arrays
02:44.43zhobbscause the list dialog is kinda handy, but would like to use dynamic strings
02:51.12zhobbsthere's no way to create a resource that could be used be a resource id right?
02:58.42romainguyer what?
02:59.05romainguywhat do you call dynamic strings?
02:59.56zhobbsone that is not predefined in res/values or something
03:00.16romainguywhat prevents you from doing that in AlertDialog.Builder?
03:00.52romainguyI see a setItems()
03:00.53romainguypublic Builder setItems(CharSequence[] items, final OnClickListener listener) {
03:01.07zhobbsM6? :)
03:01.12romainguyah possibly
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03:02.06zhobbsin case you missed it:
03:02.11romainguy_I guess you'll have to wait for the next SDK :)
03:02.13romainguy_Yeah I saw it
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03:02.22romainguy_Well, so the answer is: "it's fixed in the next SDK"
03:03.59zhobbsok, already reported it at #293
03:04.05romainguy_let me close it them
03:04.26chomchomheh. Sneaky.
03:05.40zhobbswonder if a bugfix sdk will be coming out in the next couple weeks...
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03:06.28jerkface03romainguy_: you got any thoughts on my question about the obfuscator/optimizers?
03:07.10romainguy_jerkface03: what question?
03:10.51zhobbsromainguy_: is it possible to make the selected item show in touch mode for a list view?
03:11.56jerkface03romainguy_: would using proguard or another bytecode obfuscator/optimizer prevent conversion of javabytecode to dalvikvm bytecode?
03:12.25romainguy_jerkface03: I don't think so
03:12.26jerkface03and all the optimizations be beneficial in dalvik (inlining, peep-hole optimizations, stack operation optimization, etc..)
03:12.39romainguy_but you would have to prevent obfuscation of Activity, Views, etc.
03:12.43jerkface03and would rather
03:12.52romainguy_as for the optimizations I doubt you would gain much
03:13.00jerkface03romainguy_: whys that?
03:13.11romainguy_Dalvik is not a stack-based VM so it basically rewrite the code when it compiles to .dex
03:13.28jerkface03well thats just 1 optimization technique out of many
03:13.50romainguy_You can always try
03:14.04jerkface03yep gonna give it a go when i get home tonight
03:14.12jerkface03hopefuly i'll see some performance improvements in my project
03:14.15romainguy_but there's no guarantee that the optimizations will survive the dex conversion, that's all
03:14.45romainguy_I'd rather optimize my code than try to rely on such a tool
03:14.50romainguy_but that's my personal take on it :)
03:15.52jerkface03romainguy_: well, theres only so much i can do AND keep the code semi-readable at the same time
03:15.57jerkface03you know what i mean?
03:16.20jerkface03if i tried to manually inline everythign i could then i'd just end up with a bunch of spagetti code
03:16.32romainguy_yes I do know what you mean :)
03:16.49romainguy_I spent lots of time these past three months optimizing the layout/drawing/invalidate code paths in the UI toolkit
03:16.58romainguy_and the code looks more like C code than Java code now ^^
03:17.10romainguy_but it was worth it
03:17.31romainguy_unfortunately, we're coding for small devices with limited capacities and we have to sacrifice niceties on the code side
03:17.47jerkface03i know i know ;)
03:17.54jerkface03ok, back to work i go
03:18.03chomchomWe'll let you away with it since its a platform.
03:19.02romainguy_chomchom: ?
03:20.26chomchomI'm not a fan of obfuscated java code in open source projects. I really don't enjoy working with people who right unreadable fast java code.
03:20.43romainguy_I agree
03:20.51romainguy_unfortunately rules are different for Android
03:21.06romainguy_that said, we try to keep our code clean and readable (we have peer reviews for every change)
03:21.28chomchomThe human factor contributes ten fold to the productivity where otherwise the processing may be sacrificed
03:21.47chomchomI understand the need with such a project definetly
03:22.06romainguy_and note that I'm talking about only performance critical code paths :)
03:22.17chomchomI just hope those who create their projects on the platform choose where they make the same choices wisely.
03:22.18romainguy_and they represent a tiny fraction of the whole source code
03:23.12romainguy_but yeah, you probably don't want to have to fix a bug in ViewGroup.dispatchDraw() :))
03:23.40chomchomProjects may be open, but the term 'open' should entail that it is easily interpreted.
03:24.03romainguy_well, overall I find the source base rather easy to navigate through
03:24.14romainguy_but the framework does do some complicated things and try to do them fast
03:24.34romainguy_for instance, ListView and GridView do a lot of work for the applications
03:24.43romainguy_it's not the easiest classes to understand
03:24.47romainguy_even though the code is pretty readable
03:25.37chomchomI hope we'll be seeing a few more interfaces in the future. There are an awful lot of methods exposed to subclasses. Makes it quite scary.
03:26.35romainguy_we agree
03:26.42romainguy_unfortunately interfaces are expensive :(
03:27.02chomchomAh is that why?
03:27.10chomchomnever knew that.
03:27.19romainguy_calling an interface method is a lot more expensive than calling a regular method
03:27.28romainguy_because there are extra checks involved
03:27.50zhobbsI can't figure out how to set the text color in a ProgressDialog, it's black for some reason...(Activity that launches it has black text)
03:28.01romainguy_and while it's fine in most cases, it adds up pretty quickly in the critical code paths of the UI framework where we call some methods thousands and thousands of times
03:28.41*** part/#android skicson (
03:29.03romainguy_chomchom: I can give you an example of an optimization I did not so long ago
03:29.13romainguy_ViewGroup used to keep its children in a ArrayList<View>
03:29.18romainguy_which makes perfect sense right?
03:29.45romainguy_well using ArrayList<View> implied two things:
03:29.49romainguy_- lots of method calls to get()
03:29.58romainguy_- lots of casts due to the generics usage
03:30.08romainguy_Now ViewGroup uses a simple View[] array
03:30.20romainguy_that means ViewGroup has to handle the growing of the array itself
03:30.44romainguy_*but* this changed removed thousands of methods calls in the UI toolkit
03:30.45chomchomAh, that will be why there is quite a lot of vanilla Array data available.
03:30.59romainguy_which resulted, in the case of an animated list scrolling, in a few more frames per second on real hardware
03:31.29romainguy_so we are constantly struggling between having clean APIs and implementations and going fast
03:31.31romainguy_and it
03:31.37romainguy_and it's not that easy :)
03:31.55romainguy_(it's also why Animation is now a class and not an interface, it made it just a tad faster but it paid off)
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04:08.17chomchomHooray my project has came on leaps and bounds, its now 4am  and I'm working in at 9. The 'zone' is an unforgiving place.
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06:59.41jastaDon't worry about people stealing an idea. If it's original, you will have to ram it down their throats. - Howard Aiken
07:00.07jastaapplicable to all those idiots pretending trying to hide their ADC projects from the world ;)
07:00.15jastas/pretending //
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07:58.49jerkface03don't call me an idiot :(
07:59.18romainguy___jerkface03: jasta likes to think highly of himself ;-)
08:18.44muthuhere's an idea:
08:18.56muthudating on your mobile
08:19.11jerkface03i use to work for a company that did that ;x
08:19.36jerkface03they're very profitable
08:20.09muthuyeah.. agree
08:20.44muthuhope google likes it
08:21.04muthuand i'm sure there will be like a million submissions on this one
08:21.37muthushopping, dating and trading
08:21.47muthuthis is what i keep hearing in the androidsphere
08:24.54muthuthat's my word
08:25.04muthufor everything related to android
08:26.04muthujerk: is that company still exists?
08:27.56muthuthx..i'll check it out
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08:39.45davidweverything is a sphere these days... I guess it started with 'blogosphere', which is a wretched word
08:40.23jerkface03wasn't that a word conjured up by cnn?
08:46.31muthuhow about 'planetandroid' ?
09:17.33*** join/#android chomchom (n=chomchom@ Database at /mismatched_uid/settings_10006/fs_10007/databases/webview.db could not be created
09:28.41davidwthat's odd
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13:25.46mykhalhi, I wonder if the previous (and much nicer) UI is included in the new SDK release and where are settings to restore it
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14:24.01plusminushey guys, can on start the Maps-Activity with >Driving Directions< from A to B just with an Intent ?
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15:35.29cybereaglezomg, an update!
15:35.57cybereaglefigures they'd release it while i was busy at a conference
15:36.16plusminussdk ?
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15:37.53mykhalyou mean that 5 days old update ?
15:38.44cybereagleyeah, i been away though so i only just caught it
15:38.57mykhalso expect tne new and ugly gui :)
15:39.07mykhalI want the old one back !
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15:49.49plusminuschanges were made for touch reasons ....
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16:31.35jastasigh, work
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17:12.33davidwoh this is interesting
17:12.40davidwwhat's with the j2me stuff in the .jar
17:12.52Stephmwwhich jar?
17:16.49davidwandroid.jar wait
17:19.07Stephmw(the secret is out... all along, the Android VM, the kernel image and drivers were all written in MIDP1.0)
17:19.11davidwoh duh
17:19.16davidwit's all the opengl stuff
17:19.23davidwit just drags along a few things it needs
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17:42.41chadkousezhobbs: How's it going ?
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20:02.49f00f-ah we saw plusminus here :)
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20:57.13jastaf00f-: is he special?
20:59.42davidwjasta, he's like an electron at rest in that he equals 0
21:02.09jastai genuinely don't know how to interpret that analogy.
21:02.24jastadoes that mean he's not special, because he has equal mass to all others? :)
21:05.47davidwI have no idea
21:07.28jastayou said it.
21:07.47f00f-jasta: he's the guy
21:07.49f00f-so yeah
21:08.08jastaoh hehe, that thing?  oh jeez.
21:08.15f00f-very helpful forums
21:08.17f00f-for newbs and clewbs alike
21:08.21f00f-and myself :)
21:08.48jastai hate that drop shadow effect
21:11.03davidwwhy not just use the google group?
21:12.26jastaf00f-: i don't generally regard those tutorials as special, but i suppose it is nice that they exist for everyone else.
21:13.27jastathe bits of android I like to see discussed are the things that are particularly non-trivial.  things like the XML layouts and drawables, since they really are so poorly documented by Google.
21:16.52zhobbsxml drawables are not documented at all :(
21:25.48f00f-yeha their documentations absolutely sucks
21:26.20f00f-because the google group isn't a community feeling
21:26.50davidwI think the docs are ok myself
21:27.20davidwI think there is a big disconnect between people coming into Android expecting a polished commercial product, and those of us used to open source stuff, which usually has way less in terms of docs
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21:29.20f00f-but expectations++ when it comes from google
21:29.25f00f-we want it to be pre-polished
21:29.29Stephmwdavidw: up to a point I'd agree
21:29.29donomoin the emulator's browser im going to http://localhost with 'netcat -l -p 80' running locally but the browser says no connection. any ideas?
21:29.31f00f-but as we all know it's not there yet
21:29.56zhobbsdonomo: you trying to connect to your PC or to emulator?
21:29.57f00f-donomo: what is the EXACT ERROR given by the browser
21:30.07davidwI think it's far likelier to get to a 'there' that more people like by having it at least semi-open as it is now
21:30.08donomozhobbs: yes, curl http://localhost works fine
21:30.13davidwnot even google is omniscient
21:30.17zhobbsdonomo: on your pc?
21:30.35donomof00f-: 'Network error Failed to connect to server'
21:30.38donomozhobbs: ?
21:30.45f00f-so you can telnet to localhost on 80
21:30.50zhobbsdonomo: localhost on the emulator refers to the emulator's system, not the need to use your PC's IP address
21:30.53f00f-might be thinking ipv6 (::1)
21:30.57donomof00f-: donomo> zhobbs: yes, curl http://localhost works fine
21:31.02f00f-in the browser
21:31.14donomozhobbs: oh i think i see
21:31.38zhobbsyeah, use 192.168.1.x or however your network is setup
21:32.01f00f-netcat should listen on all interfaces
21:32.08f00f-so it shoulnd't matter
21:32.10donomozhobbs: that did it, thx.
21:32.12davidwno google guys today....hrm.  Maybe there off watching the bike race
21:32.21f00f-they got the day off
21:32.23f00f-unlike the rest of us
21:32.38donomoim using my day off to play with android
21:33.12f00f-rubbing it in real good :)
21:33.22zhobbsfor the next couple months playing with android is my job
21:33.32donomozhobbs: nice
21:33.41donomoim loving the new UI
21:33.44donomopretty buttons
21:33.51davidwoh... it's president's day
21:34.00f00f-yeah, although all the widgets are too big now imho
21:37.42romainguy___f00f-: they got the day off << yep no work for us ^^
21:37.51romainguy___f00f-: they're not too big on a real device, trust me
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21:39.11f00f-haha, no cafeteria food for you guys then :)
21:40.39romainguy___unfortunately :)
21:45.37davidwromainguy, looked a the gtakl stuff at all? E/Notification(  539): This constructor doesn't work correctly anymore
21:45.45davidwE/Notification(  539):  at<init>(
21:46.06davidwbtw, nice picture for the m5 screen:-)
21:50.43romainguy___thanks :)
21:50.53romainguy___As for Gtalk I never used the API
21:51.05romainguy___but has nothing to do with Gtalk?!
21:55.32davidwromainguy, well...
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22:21.35jastaromainguy___: Speaking of GTalk, I am lost at what Google's masterplan is with this protocol.
22:21.53jastaAre tehy intending to use GTalk/XMPP to replace the need for SMS for service implementations / device alerts?
22:22.09jastaSo that we can say a big "fuck you" to wireless carriers?
22:22.38romainguy___I have no idea
22:22.40jastaOr is this just a simple novelty to implement boring games?
22:22.54romainguy___but I don't see why both couldn't coexist
22:23.05Stephmwoperators aren't keen on IM-style services
22:23.10Stephmwsome actively block them
22:23.35Stephmwnot to mention that if you're paying by the kb... any IM is going to cost more than SMS
22:23.44jastaI'm not talking about IM-style service.s
22:24.17Stephmwyeah, I know but it uses the same infrastructure really
22:24.29jastaromainguy___: The former is only possible if Google organizes it as such.
22:24.49jastaFor example, GTalk would need to be built-in to the handset UI as a central feature for all applications to depend upon.
22:24.55jastaCentral configuration, "always-on" connection, etc.
22:25.06romainguy___well right now GTalk is not in the android.* packages
22:25.38jastaRight, I understand that.  But it seems to be that Google might be sitting on a great idea here that will go nowhere if someone doesn't realize a greater vision.
22:26.56jastaGTalk can be a stupid gimmick to implements games, or it can be a way to derail SMS as a means of machine-to-machine communication.
22:28.00davidwjasta, even if that's their 'Cunning Plan' - they're not going to announce it on IRC
22:28.16jastaSMS has a few technical hurdles, of course, but the biggest hurdle is the insane premiums imposed by the carriers.
22:28.16davidwSMS == big bucks
22:29.01davidwStephmw, IM costs more than SMS? hrm.... actually the rise of IM services seems to indicate that in many cases that's not entirely true
22:29.58Stephmwdavidw: regionally? until recently O2 in the uk charged £0.20/100KB
22:30.14davidwand how much did it charge per SMS?
22:30.29jastadavidw: Perhaps I can influence their "cunning plan" by asking about it? :)
22:30.47Stephmwless, obviously - the issue with IM is that most IM services carry a hefty overhead in traffic
22:30.49davidwjasta, I think that one's obvious enough that they've already made their decisions
22:31.02StephmwI'm not saying that 1xIM > 1xSMS ;)
22:31.44jastaStephmw: Android clearly isn't interested in markets that have outrageous data tariffs ;)
22:34.35jastaMy ADC project would literally cost you a fortune to use at even 5c/100KB.
22:35.21jastaThis reminds me of the time I was snowed in at my girlfriend's house with my brand new laptop and no Internet connection.
22:35.35jerkface035c/100kb? sounds like a dream
22:35.39jerkface03its 5c/kb here
22:35.42jastaI hooked up my mobile and did a Debian netinstall with it.  My usage that month was over a 1GB.
22:35.55romainguy___jerkface03: no unlimited plans?
22:36.14jerkface03romainguy___: well, they just started them at the end of last year
22:36.18jerkface03but even those are a bit too expensive for me
22:36.23jerkface03i think it runs at $500/month
22:36.28jerkface03500 or 300
22:36.29jerkface03i forget
22:36.31jastain the US, unlimited plans are $25/mo usually.  it's great.
22:36.47jasta$40/mo if you're a sucker ;)
22:36.57romainguy___I love my unlimited plan ^^
22:37.06jerkface03jasta: with who? cingular at&t?
22:37.11jastajerkface03: AT&T, yes.
22:37.20jastaVerizon is the same, Sprint is even better ($20/mo, I think).
22:37.55jastaT-Mobile may be even cheaper still.
22:37.55jastaThe US is much more progressive on cellular data access than Europe.
22:38.11Hiistyi have 384kbit 3g unlimited for 9e/month
22:38.14jastaWhich is surprising, considering our relative population densities.
22:38.23romainguy___jasta: er...
22:38.29romainguy___jasta: I wouldn't go as far as that
22:38.37romainguy___jasta: I had much cheaper voice/sms plans in Europe
22:38.42romainguy___jasta: with much better coverage
22:38.48jastaThat's not cellular data access, is it?
22:39.02romainguy___didn't read the data part ^^
22:39.10romainguy___on that I agree
22:39.14romainguy___data plans are better here
22:39.26romainguy___although I don't know what they are now with the iPhone
22:39.30romainguy___it's probably the same prices
22:39.39jastaAnd I submit that Android is targetting regions with sane data plans.  Android is certain to be very data heavy.
22:39.47Hiistyand 2M/2M for 29,80e
22:40.25jastaI think Android is certainly focused on the US market, yes.
22:40.40jastaBut only because Japan is impenetrable :)
22:41.03jastaAnd Europe is insane.
22:41.45jastaHiisty: How would you benchmark that?
22:42.06Hiistyjasta: well iphone is the best bechmark
22:42.18romainguy___jasta: And Europe is insane. << how so?
22:42.18StephmwI think if we were to average all mobile innovation US/EU we'd come out somewhere around 1990
22:42.29jastaHiisty: In what sense?
22:42.37jastaromainguy___: Their data tariffs, as I said before.
22:43.04jastaCanada also has per KB download rates I believe.
22:43.26davidwcan you get unlocked phones in the US?
22:43.29jastaBut really, I think all of this is changing rapidly.  Android may make its mark here as well.
22:43.34Hiistyjasta: well, we (ppl in EU) think that iphone is so old technology that nobody who isn't fanboy will buy it
22:43.49jastadavidw: Sort of.  It's not very institutionalized, but you can get them on eBay.
22:43.59davidwhey, he's from Nokialand, no wonder:-)
22:44.15davidwHiisty, I think that, to be fair, the iPhone is innovative in some ways
22:44.28jastaHiisty: So you have visual voicemail? ;)
22:44.55Hiistydavidw: innovative, yes. but it does have old technology
22:44.56romainguy___davidw: buying a phone without a plan is annoying here :)
22:45.16Hiistyjasta: no i dont;)
22:45.19davidwjasta, it's pretty easy to buy them in europe.  Also, caller pays is the rule, which is one more reason that lots of people have phones compared to the US (although maybe that's finally evening out?)
22:46.02jastaromainguy___: What phone sits in your pocket currently, BTW?
22:46.07romainguy___jasta: an iPhone
22:46.12jastaOf course ;)
22:46.14jastawhat about before that? :)
22:46.14Hiistyi have nokia e90
22:46.24romainguy___jasta: a Sony Ericsson W810i
22:46.25romainguy___loved that one
22:47.02jastai am a bit disenchanted because i can't really use an iPhone, and so might not even be able to use the first Android phones released :)
22:47.15romainguy___jasta: why is that?
22:47.40romainguy___(the only thing is miss on my iPhone compared to my old Sony is the ability to install Salling Clicker)
22:48.00jastaromainguy___: It's personal, I have medical problems :)
22:48.01Hiistyromainguy___: and MMS, and video?
22:48.34romainguy___Hiisty: I couldn't care less
22:48.48Hiistyme neither
22:49.11Hiistybut i must confess, that i hate everything with apple logo
22:49.16Hiistyand fanboys
22:49.26romainguy___Hiisty: you can use an iPhone without being a fanboy :)
22:49.41Hiistyyes, but i have better phone in my pocket
22:49.48romainguy___in your opinion sure :)
22:49.55romainguy___I like my devices and apps to look good and be simple
22:49.55Hiistyand i always will have
22:49.58jerkface03apple is synonymous with douchebags and bums
22:50.00jastaBut you're also a Nokia fanboy, so.
22:50.06romainguy___I don't care about features
22:50.11romainguy___I'm a graphics whore ;-)
22:50.26Hiistyjasta: true
22:50.35jastaromainguy___: You're just not being very abstract is all, you care about features: the exact set of them you want.
22:50.45davidwI think people get kicked out of .fi if they don't like Nokia
22:51.05romainguy___jasta: you know what I mean
22:51.08Hiistybut compare e90 and iphone and u will understand why i have this
22:51.28jastaromainguy___: *grin*
22:51.29Stephmwdavidw: if they kicked too many out, there;d be nobody left
22:51.29davidwHiisty, well, first of all because you can't buy an iphone there, right?
22:51.32Hiistydavidw: that is true :)
22:51.47jastaromainguy___: I was being practical though, for example, Exchange synchronization is important to me, and the iphone doesn't offer it anyhow.
22:51.58romainguy___jasta: that I understand
22:51.59jastaSo I don't really "care about features", but I'm pissed it doesn't have that one.
22:52.04Hiistydavidw: well not at the moment, but u can buy one from germany and unlock it
22:52.13jastaSo it's quite obtuse to say something like that.
22:53.07jastaI understand that Android will probably ship without Exchange support, but I'm hoping that it will come.  If not, maybe I'll do it :)
22:53.09romainguy___jasta: sure, but I won't be pissed because it doesn't have *insert something*
22:53.24romainguy___jasta: as I said, phone and email is all I need and pretty much all phones do that now
22:55.59jastaromainguy___: I need only freecell, rss news, and Exchange synchronization.
22:56.00f00f-forget exchange
22:56.03f00f-you'll live better
22:56.20romainguy___jasta: I'm glad I don't need Exchange :)
22:56.29jastaThe Exchange protocol has been discovered by the Evolution folks, so perhaps I will make it work with Android some day :)
22:56.40jastaI have an enormous amount of ambition in the mobile market hehe
22:56.50romainguy___jasta: if it's half as bad as the outloook express file format, good luck
22:57.02romainguy___I once wrote a phython library to extract emails from outlook express storage files
22:57.09jastaromainguy___: I'm sure it is, but all of Microsoft's protocols are.
22:57.16romainguy___I will never ever get close to a Microsoft format again
22:57.48jastaI wrote a tool to create .lnk files once.  Oh boy.
23:00.22f00f-i remember the days when .lnk concept was visionary
23:00.25f00f-in the MS world at least
23:04.36jastaMicrosoft is so annoying hehe
23:05.46romainguy___they have some good stuff though ^^
23:06.50chomchomI've just stepped in, I'd just like to show some support for apple in amongst the haters. :)
23:07.05chomchomSorry for catching up on that a bit late
23:07.33jastaI like Apple as well, it's just not for me.  I happily recommend their products to others, though.
23:07.33chomchomThe iphone is a top notch device bar none.
23:08.41jastaI doubt I'll ever be swayed away from primarily running open source code.
23:09.28romainguy___it's funny, every single line of code I ever wrote was released under an open source/free software license
23:09.29jastaI hope history doesn't turn me into a crotchety weirdo as a result.
23:09.38romainguy___and yet I don't care about running proprietary software
23:09.44chomchomHiisty: I'm sure you hang in some l33t phone circles where people communicate through amazing UI experiences I as a newb could never imagine, but for my money I would wager that there has never been a device so well formed for the purpose of common mobile communication as the iphone.
23:10.08davidwchomchom, the star trek things are pretty handy
23:10.16davidwalthough they don't do MMS either
23:10.30jastaromainguy___: I care because it is how I have learned to do anything at all.
23:11.27romainguy___jasta: me too and that's why I write only open source code, but as a user, I just want the best apps/environments for my need and very often OSS is just not what I want
23:11.31davidwyeah... I just love the feeling of being able to take stuff apart
23:11.33chomchomsorry david! Star trek?
23:11.49davidwchomchom, yeah, the communicators
23:11.50jastaI am certain that open source and the associated community is the only way I got away with not going to college, while still enjoying a successful career writing software.
23:12.11chomchomah yeah
23:12.23f00f-a lot of proprietary stuff is rock solid: WinAMP, Visual Basic, PowerBASIC, Opera, etc. to name a few
23:12.28jastaSo, I feel indebted, but in a positive way that I wish to give back.
23:12.49romainguy___jasta: sure, and again that's why I write open source code; but that does not mean to me that I should force myself to use only OSS :)
23:12.51f00f-jasta: a lot of people have that same feeling, but they give back total crap so it clutters the FOSS landscape :X
23:13.02romainguy___(I would be really pained without Photoshop and Lightroom when it comes to photograph :))
23:13.11f00f-<3 lightroom
23:13.19chomchomGod...don't get me started on the gimp
23:13.27jastaromainguy___: I wouldn't say I force myself.  It just happens to be right for me in every case ;)
23:13.32romainguy___chomchom: I'm not pointing fingers :)
23:13.34chomchomthere is an oper source effort in need of some guidance
23:13.44romainguy___jasta: which is nice
23:13.59jastaOS X, for example, is for 8 year old children :)
23:14.04romainguy___lol thanks :)
23:14.17jastaI'm just joking.  OS X is a fine product for ages 8 - 14.
23:14.47chomchomHow so jasta?
23:14.54jastaNot so, I'm still just joking.
23:14.59romainguy___chomchom: he means you don't have to fight X to use a big screen :)
23:15.10romainguy___my first two weeks at Google I had a Linux box
23:15.16romainguy___I really wanted to use Linux at work
23:15.31romainguy___but it insisted on displaying X at 1280x900 on my 30" monitor
23:15.57romainguy___at least I was able to see the pixels clearly
23:15.59jastaromainguy___: I would recommend you replace "it" with "you" :)
23:16.05jastaOEO, PEBKAC, yadda yadda...
23:16.17romainguy___jasta: oh I would gladly think so
23:16.40romainguy___jasta: except having used linux for years on laptop since 95, I had my share of fights with X and screens
23:16.50jastaI mean, plenty of people misuse or fail to understand any device, of any degree of complexity.  Some folks use toasters wrong.
23:16.57romainguy___jasta: agreed
23:17.01davidwromainguy, I was just wondering that today... if a company like Google would have a 'standard linux setup' (or 2 or 3) known to work perfectly with standard issue company hardware
23:17.12romainguy___jasta: but as I just said, I had plenty of experience dealing with X and weird screen configurations before
23:17.37romainguy___davidw: we do actually, but it was one of the first batches of 30" screens
23:17.46jastaMy grandma's microwave has this default button on it that will nuke anything for 15 seconds on high.  She microwaves everything using this button, despite their being a timer inside the door.
23:17.58jastaShe will re-heat steak and potatoes by standing there for 3 minutes pressing that button every 15 seocnds.
23:18.16zhobbsI use the +minute button for everything
23:18.17jastaI'm not joking.  I tried showering her, but she just didn't want to hear it.
23:18.26chomchomheh, the one button does most affect.
23:18.38zhobbs3 mins, easier to press +1 3 times than 300start
23:18.40davidwshowering her?
23:18.49jastawith knowledge.
23:18.50romainguy___davidw: smelly story
23:18.57jastaI meant show her obviously.  I hate you.
23:19.01davidwsomething fishy about it
23:20.05davidwI have been informed that it is time to shut the computer down..later:-)
23:20.10jastaAnyway, romainguy___, I have had my fair share of quarrels with Linux myself.
23:20.39Hiistychomchom: well iphone has nice features (touchpad) but iphone doesent have any of the qualities what i want from a phone, (qwerty, hsdpa, gps, memorycard and full support to 3rd party software) :)
23:21.06jastaromainguy___: it reminds me of a great Einstein quote, however :)
23:21.29romainguy___jasta: I used to love tinkering with my OS and Linux made me happy for a while because of that, but now I just want to boot up my machine and get some work done; and wasting two weeks on a screen was fun at first but quite annoying in the end :)
23:21.33chomchomHiisty: ah right, you're more of an open moko suited guy
23:21.57chomchomromainguy: amen
23:22.10zhobbsthat's what OS X is for
23:22.13chomchomI've used quite a few flavors of linux now and will continue to do so server side but mac osx is by far and away the most productive, usable operating system. Otherwise I'd use something else.
23:22.47romainguy___chomchom: I guess it depends on your usage
23:22.51zhobbsI just would never shell out the cash for mac hardware to even give it a try
23:22.57romainguy___I know quite a few persons who would disagree heartily :)
23:23.27romainguy___zhobbs: that's my problem being a graphics guy and all, I also like my machines to look nice ^^
23:23.43jastaromainguy___: I will say that I personally am impressed with Ubuntu.  It's much easier to use than my usual preference of Debian.
23:23.51romainguy___jasta: oh I just love Ubuntu
23:24.12romainguy___jasta: and I would gladly do development on an Ubuntu box
23:24.21romainguy___jasta: but I need graphics tools :))
23:24.21jastaI do :)
23:24.36jastaI use GIMP for simple stuff all the time, but I'm by no means a graphics guy :)
23:24.50jastaI find GIMP and Photoshop both equally confusing and strange, so it matters not which one I use :)
23:24.56romainguy___oh Photoshop is a PAIN to learn
23:24.58chomchomI WISH the gimp cut it, I really do.
23:25.03romainguy___one of the worst UI ever
23:25.15chomchomromainguy: totally disagree
23:25.19romainguy___it's very powerful and once you learn it it's freakin' productive
23:25.41romainguy___chomchom: oh come on, the Cancel button which becomes a Reset button when you press the Alt key ?!
23:25.55romainguy___the UI is full of crap like this
23:26.12romainguy___in Adobe Camera Raw the Open button has 3 different modes depending on what keys you hold on
23:26.18chomchomthat is one of the few bad points yes
23:26.26zhobbsromainguy___: how many buttons are on your mouse/trackball/etc?
23:26.36romainguy___zhobbs: 8
23:26.59chomchombut for just pick up and play value everyone can make their fave gradient drop shadowed text much faster and more intuitively than in the GIMP
23:27.00zhobbsok...just wondering if people use those mac mouses
23:27.09chomchomno, mac mouses suck
23:27.12romainguy___zhobbs: some do I guess, I don't :)
23:27.26romainguy___chomchom: sure but I didn't say The GIMP was better :)
23:27.27chomchommicrosof thardware is usually very good
23:27.47romainguy___I wish Paint.NET was available on Linux or even Mac OS X
23:29.55jastaactually, i think the simple stuff in GIMP is pretty easy.  i have no graphics background at all and i can figure out basic stuff.
23:30.10romainguy___at least the UI in The GIMP 2 is usable
23:30.13jastai am not even being stubborn, i genuinely believe that.  perhaps my brain hasn't been poisoned by Photoshop :)
23:30.19romainguy___their old right click based UI was such a pain
23:30.28jastayeah, i'm referring only to recent versin of GIMP.  I have only started using it much in the last 8 months.
23:30.39jastarecent versions*
23:30.45zhobbsthe old right click style was weird...
23:31.09zhobbsthere's always gimpshop
23:31.11chomchomOut the box configuration is an obstacle course.
23:32.08chomchomNew ninja users have to use shrunken stars and agility to fight off new floating windows that attack you with every click.
23:33.12jastaIn GIMP?
23:33.41jastaI don't remember configuring it at all, nor do I remember any popups?
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23:34.49chomchomyeah, and the horrible rasterizing of your images on resizing without plugins. The non intuitive interactions of layers and such.
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23:58.54jastachomchom: Well, it seems pretty easy for me.
23:59.04jastaAnd like I said, I'm no artist.

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