IRC log for #android on 20080205

00:00.21*** join/#android rch850_ (
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11:43.04davidwis it just me or does setEnabled false not really work for buttons?
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12:12.09skicsondavidw:yeah it doesn't seem to work - i think i've seen it written up as a bug somewheres
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14:18.14davidwskicson, well bug romainguy when he comes on line
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16:22.37davidweven if you kill it, it comes back
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16:41.19*** join/#android zhobbs (
16:49.39zhobbsHow can I "delete" parts of the canvas in a view's onDraw() function?
16:49.55zhobbsI'm trying to do something like "canvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR)", but that makes that part black
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16:50.08zhobbsI want to make it transparent
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17:03.52zelipi feel there should be 2 versions of android, touch screen and non-touch.  Is this like that?
17:04.36zelipi have a non-touch screen phone, since i HATE how wm6 works..
17:05.17zelipbut with a nice interface it would be a my passion.  and with a not as ugly looking phone as the iphone.
17:05.43zhobbsit's up to the developers to support both
17:06.24zelipbut there's a world of difference between the two.  One same OS idea will not work with both..
17:06.48zelipat least not in a good way.. (wm6 is the live example)
17:12.16*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (n=ThePHPJe@
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17:37.32*** join/#android mike1o (
17:37.47morrildlhome again, home again
17:37.50morrildljiggety jig
17:37.52mike1owhat is the screen size of the phone in pixels?
17:38.38morrildlmike1o: it can vary
17:38.52mike1ooh ok
17:39.03morrildlThe most common resolutions will be HVGA (480x320) and QVGA (320x240)
17:39.12morrildlsome will be landscape, some will portrait
17:40.35zhobbsmorrildl, you just get back from all those days of code?
17:40.55morrildlzhobbs: yup
17:41.04morrildlwell, technically I was back Saturday
17:41.10morrildlbut I caught the flu in Tel Aviv :P
17:41.51mike1ois there any practical advantage in submitting the project earlier than the expiration date?
17:42.02morrildlmike1o: not really
17:42.22morrildljudging won't begin until the deadline
17:42.33morrildl...and you can resubmit if you want or need to
17:42.36zhobbsmorrildl, you going to barcelona?
17:42.39mike1ook :)
17:44.02mike1oI assume functionality is going to be considered more in important than looks right?
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17:44.26morrildlmike1o: yup
17:44.31morrildlfor the most part, at least
17:44.36mike1othough so :)
17:44.49morrildlobviously if it comes down to the judges deciding between two apps, the prettier one will probably win
17:45.11morrildlbut in general we will be favoring neat ideas over flashy UIs and so on
17:45.26mike1oit's really an interesting project to be part of even if I don't actually win anything
17:47.04mike1othe judges will be testing apps for harsh situations too?
17:48.22mike1oI mean like traffic intensive cases...
17:52.11mike1omorrildl, what about documentation and code readability? will you be considering this also?
17:52.51zhobbsmike1o, you don't send the code
17:52.52morrildlmike1o: you aren't required to submit source code, so readibility there doesn't matter :)
17:53.02mike1ooh yeah... oops
17:53.04morrildlwell, unless you care about it yourself anyway :)
17:53.19morrildlfor documentation, your "README" file just needs to be "Adequate"
17:53.27zhobbsmorrildl, I see on the form the only upload is the package and documentation...what if I want to provide mock location providers, etc?
17:53.29mike1osorry Ill stop bugging you guys with all these questions :)
17:53.56morrildlmike1o: no problem, that's what we're here for!
17:54.06morrildlzhobbs: hmm
17:54.09mike1oso it's not really opensource is it?
17:54.58morrildlzhobbs: you can't include it in a single large .apk?
17:55.06morrildlmike1o: what are you referring to?
17:55.35zhobbsyeah, but then the judges would have to extract the apk and then move the kml/properties files to /data/misc/location
17:55.38mike1omorrildl, I mean if we don't submit the source code... thus the source is not open
17:55.51zhobbshmm...unless /data/misc/location is writable by the apps...I'd have to check on that
17:56.01morrildlmike1o: correct, your apps don't have to be open source
17:56.05zhobbsmike1o, submissions don't have to be open source
17:56.42zhobbsI have a feeling apps can't write to /data/misc/location
17:56.46morrildlzhobbs: how big are these files?
17:56.56zhobbsnot very large at all
17:57.08davidwmorrildl, welcome back
17:57.12morrildldavidw: thanks :)
17:57.25zhobbsone I'm looking at is 100k
17:58.14morrildlzhobbs: okay, I will bring this up and find out how we want to handle it.  It may be that you just create a .zip file with whatever files you want, including your .apk
17:58.22morrildland attach that instead of a single .apk
17:58.43zhobbsmorrildl, thanks
17:59.38zhobbsmorrildl, I want to make it as easy as possible for the judges...and for location based services you might need to provide specific paths to follow for the app to do anything
18:00.07morrildlzhobbs: yeah, gotcha
18:00.31morrildlI definitely hear what you're saying, and I bet you're not the only one in that situation
18:00.39morrildlWe'll figure out what we want folks to do
18:00.49morrildl"easy for the judges" is indeed quite important :)
18:02.03zhobbsyeah, wonder if judges can "adb push ..."
18:04.58mike1oare the judges google only people? or are there gonna be delegates from the openhandsetalliance? when are the results coming out for the contest? who holds the legal ownership of the apps?
18:05.23mike1oI know that's way too many questions... :)
18:05.48davidwmike1o, IIRC, people from Italy can't participate:-/
18:05.59mike1ono :(
18:06.12davidwmike1o, they said there would be judges from the other companies
18:08.17mike1odavidw, hey it's gonna be like italian soccer league :-)
18:09.22mike1oor even worse... like italian politics :-(
18:11.18davidwI don't think it'll be quite that bad;-)
18:11.56davidwBerlusconi would have already declared himself the winner
18:12.29mike1ocan't get worse than that...
18:15.17mike1ohe would have made an app to watch TV eheh
18:16.19zhobbsthat would save me so much time
18:16.24zhobbsj/k :)
18:24.30*** join/#android pandora-- (
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19:59.01davidwdamn, I can't make it give me the caller's number
19:59.19zhobbsyeah, I've heard that you can get it after the call is over :)
19:59.23*** join/#android arikf4 (
20:01.46davidwI've been digging and digging to see if I can find another way
20:02.50davidwit's been fun, but as far as I can tell, PhoneUtils is the only thing that is able to give you that information
20:02.57davidwgive you/access
20:08.07*** part/#android Essington (n=Essingto@unaffiliated/essington)
20:39.17*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
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22:21.09*** join/#android chomchom (n=bleeee@
22:27.32chomchomIf anyone from Google is reading
22:28.21chomchomComing from a web design background I've experienced a lot of old problems that I've experienced making web pages
22:29.48chomchomCSS and HTML tables are a nightmare to debug without the webdesign tool bar or firebug plugin for firefox. Or alternatively applying borders to all your page elements (DIVS & Table Cells /rows )
22:29.56chomchomA really
22:30.03chomchomreally helpful option
22:30.43chomchomwould be to include a debug option in the emulator that would outline all the page elements with a coloured border to quickly get an idea of the DOM
22:31.03chomchomlike -layout-borders
22:35.50chomchomis there any official place to post suggestions for future emulator enhancements?
22:37.00davidwchomchom, maybe there's something for webkit out there already?
22:37.06davidwthere's an issue tracker
22:37.35zhobbschomchom, you're not talking about web development right, just xml layout development?
22:39.14chomchomyeah I'm talking about laying out the UI elements for androids LinearLayout/TableLayout, etc. Using the res/ etc.
22:39.49chomchomDo you know what I mean though?
22:40.21chomchomremember how much more efficient web designers became all of a sudden the minute we could see the bounds of our DIVs in the DOM?
22:41.28chomchomeven like an emulator feature that would place an overlay over the screen that you could hover over the individually drawn objects on the screen.
22:41.37chomchomlike the accessability toolbar for ie
22:57.49*** join/#android duey (n=dueynz@
23:04.40*** join/#android HalfShell (
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23:10.08HalfShellIs there a way to access a USB port on a phone (the one many use for charging) through the Android SDK?
23:13.13zhobbsHalfShell, yeah, but I don't think it's implemented
23:13.46HalfShellIm intereted in having Android interact with other electronics and use the cell phone as a base. So you're saying that its a possible feature or a known feature for a future release?
23:13.58HalfShellAnd I guess the next question is whether bluetooth would be a viable option.
23:14.36zhobbsLooks like you can have the phone be a mass storage device:
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23:15.31HalfShellmmmm i Found that before zhobbs. My ultimae hope is they institute some kind of Serial class that uses the USB like a COM port.
23:16.41zhobbsHmm, I would think bluetooth would be better for something like that
23:18.08HalfShell:-D well, not for my purposes. Long story short I'm thinking of using Android as a platform to turn cell phones into extremely capable robot controllers. I need to get the Android SDK to talk to a miro controller... I'll have to look into bluetooth if USB is not an option though
23:20.19HalfShellIt also raises a good question - does the Eclipse plugin and virtual phone emulator allow me to access USB ports and bluetooth on my computer as the phone's?
23:22.09chomchomHalfShell: thats  a sweet idea
23:22.35chomchomYou know that that lego that you build robots out of?
23:22.47chomchomthey have rather complicated controllers
23:23.01chomchomAnd already have a huge fanbase;
23:23.07chomchomall of them geeks
23:23.44chomchomI bet they'd be really greatful if you made a project that could control their robots
23:24.07chomchomtheir the ones most likely to have an alpha geek phone like the gphone when it first comes out
23:24.16HalfShellWell im planning a general use one
23:24.17HalfShellbut in theory
23:24.20HalfShellyeah you could use it with that
23:25.09HalfShellbut the challenge is getting android to talk to a micro controller
23:25.09chomchomHow would you implement a general interface to robots?
23:25.13HalfShellso i can control motors
23:25.36HalfShellMost micro controllers can listen and talk via a serial port, be it an actual serial port or a USB to serial port interface
23:26.02HalfShellif the micro controller and a general Android application for robotics talks to eachother changing messages that convey information back and forth
23:26.12HalfShellAndroid could in theory take sensor input and then command the motors.
23:26.31chomchomwhat I'm thinking of is the API implementation and interface must already be there and fleshed out for the lego robots.
23:26.35HalfShellWhich is good cause cell phones have bluetooth, wifi, GPS, and cellular conncetions and webcams in a cheap package
23:27.44HalfShellreally as soon as I can figure out how to create some kind of serial interface between the phone and a micro controller 90% of the work is done - ive done similar programs on laptops and PCs before :-p
23:28.04HalfShellso hence the tackling of the USB/bluetooth questions now
23:28.20chomchomthats really good, look forward to seeing something ilke that.
23:28.35morrildlThe main question is whether actual devices will have USB host controllers
23:28.41morrildlthat's still pretty uncommon
23:28.58morrildlBluetooth is probably more likely to be enabled on a handset
23:29.02HalfShellor if i Could pull it off through blue tooth
23:29.12HalfShellI was under the impression that USB was becoming common place on cell phones
23:29.20HalfShellmotorolas are coming out with them more and mroe
23:29.24morrildlmaybe, I don't follow cell phones quite that closely :)
23:29.24chomchomone really far out option is...
23:29.42morrildlnot ALL devices will have them, certainly
23:29.49HalfShellthis is true
23:30.24HalfShellIve never written a program that uses bluetooth before... this should be... interesting.
23:30.43chomchomthat if you implemented both an interface and a controller on the Android platform then you could have one phone talk to another. The result being that you would have one android phone as a host. That phone would sit in the belly of the robot (since its running linux anyway).
23:30.46morrildlassuming you're willing to make that compromise (your app will only work on devices that have a host controller) then it comes down to the APIs for it
23:30.59morrildlI doubt we'll bother to expose an API for USB-serial
23:31.06chomchomthis way you could test it without an actual physical implementation
23:31.25HalfShellso morrildl youre suggesting find a way to go through bluetooth
23:31.32HalfShellsince nearly all phones will have it
23:31.44morrildlwell, certainly far more than will have a USB host controller
23:32.01morrildlI'm saying that would be the route for maximum compatibility :)
23:32.02chomchomthat way you could even phone your robot or communicate with it via xmpp
23:32.30morrildlsomeone hacking on robots is likely to be something of an enthusiast anyway, so it may be just fine for you to limit yourself to USB-only
23:32.46HalfShellwell for the USB problem
23:32.56HalfShellmy original idea was to fine one android compatible cheap phone with the USB and use that as a base
23:33.01HalfShellbut bluetooth could also be a good option.
23:33.09morrildlI'd say go with BT
23:33.14morrildlif nothing else, then no wires :)
23:33.46HalfShellis there a way to treat a bluetooth connection like a serial connection? the easiest way to do this is to just have hte micro controller and the phone send strings back and forth
23:37.55HalfShellbbl, thank you for the help
23:43.23chomchomJust found a work around for that render bug with the referenced style values on strings being copied to their neighbours
23:44.06chomchomSee if for instance you have a string <string name="me">text</string
23:44.55chomchomin order to properly apply bold to it just wrap it in the bold tag twice like <string name="me"><b><b>text</b></b></string>
23:48.33*** join/#android zelipe (n=zelip@nat/hp/x-0a77f7c923bd5b3e)

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