IRC log for #android on 20080202

00:12.32*** join/#android pombreda (n=pombreda@
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00:52.55*** join/#android skicson (
01:38.43*** join/#android diego (
02:58.09*** join/#android romainguy (n=gfx@
03:31.03*** join/#android Garett (
03:31.53Garettis there a simple way to determine a user's XMPP username?
03:45.37*** join/#android romainguy (
03:47.00*** join/#android Dan_U (
03:54.39Garettis there a unique identifier that can be used to identify a phone?
04:06.38*** join/#android dueynz (n=dueynz@
04:14.28*** join/#android cypromis_ (
04:18.28*** join/#android dims ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:18.28*** join/#android nslu2-log (n=nslu2-lo@nslu2-linux/dyoung)
04:22.26*** join/#android Kriyasurfer (
04:22.45*** join/#android nullwork ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:23.19*** join/#android erik_ (
04:23.23*** join/#android rightondev ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:03.28*** join/#android Garett (
05:05.06Garettanyone here familiar with the xmpp functionality?
05:15.17*** join/#android lindever__ (
05:38.31*** join/#android romainguy_ (n=gfx@
05:44.40nsfxany google employees present?
05:45.22*** join/#android jasonlee (
06:42.30*** join/#android jerkface03 (
06:58.30*** join/#android illustir (
07:10.57*** join/#android michaelnovakjr (
07:31.51*** join/#android romainguy (
08:02.51*** join/#android rch850 (
08:07.05romainguynsfx: yes?
08:13.38*** join/#android davidw (n=davidw@
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08:29.45*** join/#android duey (n=dueynz@
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10:24.03*** join/#android romainguy_ (
10:33.27*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
10:40.32*** join/#android diego (
10:40.45*** join/#android Yeggstry (
12:11.18*** join/#android mypapit (n=mypapit@pdpc/supporter/active/mypapit)
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14:11.27*** join/#android dims (
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15:54.23*** join/#android d3ce1t (
16:01.06*** join/#android matt_c (
16:18.58*** join/#android davidw (n=davidw@
16:32.07*** join/#android Yeggstry (
16:42.44*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (
16:55.35*** join/#android matt_c (
16:58.21*** join/#android laminao (n=manolo@
17:00.25*** part/#android laminao (n=manolo@
17:03.39*** join/#android ArteK_ (i=ArteK@
17:08.06*** join/#android tmarble (
17:10.04*** join/#android soulreaper (
17:11.03*** join/#android matt_c (
17:11.06*** join/#android skicson (
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17:59.55*** join/#android pombreda (
18:01.02*** part/#android rorist (
18:41.09*** join/#android unumm (n=elpresid@
18:44.46*** join/#android ken (n=user@
18:45.44*** join/#android cypromis (
18:49.34*** join/#android Telidon (
18:52.44*** join/#android olivery2k (
18:54.16*** part/#android Telidon (
19:05.05*** join/#android monster- (
19:24.21*** join/#android romainguy__ (n=gfx@
19:33.45*** join/#android mr__daniel (
19:39.06*** join/#android der_maddis (
19:41.26*** part/#android skicson (
19:47.07*** join/#android matt_c (
19:48.14*** join/#android Yeggstry (
20:56.48*** join/#android der_maddi1 (
21:12.56*** part/#android der_maddi1 (
21:13.28*** join/#android ken (n=user@
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22:38.41*** join/#android duey (n=dueynz@
22:58.07*** join/#android soulreaper (
23:10.03*** join/#android Garett (
23:11.25Garettdoes anybody know of any sort of identifier can be used to uniquely identify a user or phone?
23:23.45meusGarett: well you always got IMEI, but that follows the phone not the user.
23:24.36meusnot sure if every type of  phone has it either. wikipedia says it is GSM and UMTS.
23:25.42Garettwhat about a unique application id?
23:26.34Garetti see you can do a getUniqueId as seen here:
23:26.50Garettbut woudl that be unique for the application, but common for all instances of that application?
23:27.03Garettit would be ok if it was always different for every instance of an app
23:31.17meushmm, it could mean both I guess
23:31.17Garettdoesn't look like we have access to information on the SIM
23:31.27Garettso the IMEI idea is out
23:31.46Stephmwgenerally the IMEI is exposed in other ways
23:31.56Stephmwin J2ME it's via system properties
23:32.20Stephmwthe emulator probably doesn't have anything like that atm
23:32.59Garettthe bets way to identify a user i guess is by their XMPP username, but that is only available if they specify it... it doesn't help for users who havent' set that up yet
23:33.46Garettit would be really nice to identify them too if possible
23:33.51Stephmwgonna have to wait for dna scanning ;)
23:34.53Stephmwdo you have a basis for thinking that the phone's user will change?
23:35.45Garettya... that's definitely a possiblity -- and that's hwy the XMPP thing is the best solution
23:35.59davidwanything like what?
23:36.06Garettand an IMEI thing would work well too in those situations
23:36.16Garettbecause that's on the SIM card that usually follows the owner
23:36.30davidwisn't it a phone thing, not a sim thing?
23:36.46Garetti thought it was stored on the sim?
23:36.47davidwso that they can still talk to the phone even if it gets stolen/the sim swapped out
23:37.19Garetti guess i should do some more research
23:38.38Garettcan we get the users phone number?
23:39.12Stephmwthat's a network service
23:39.15Stephmwso... sometimes
23:40.25davidwset number [sysprops get [telprops -field PROPERTY_LINE1_NUMBER]]
23:40.42davidwsleep time
23:41.53Garettok.. this might work ok for users who haven't set up their
23:41.56Garettxmpp address
23:45.21*** join/#android guerby (
23:50.24*** join/#android dohtem (

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