IRC log for #android on 20080120

00:27.18*** join/#android romainguy (
00:29.41*** join/#android romainguy_ (
00:45.11erus1 check otu mah raytracer :D
00:46.39jerkface03good, now port it to android?
00:56.12*** join/#android krau (n=cktakaha@
01:12.01*** join/#android tharris2975 (
01:33.43*** join/#android chowmeined (n=will@unaffiliated/chowmeined)
01:45.03*** join/#android ken_ (n=user@
01:52.01*** join/#android olivery2k (
02:04.37*** join/#android LunohoD_ (
02:15.56*** join/#android olivery2k (
03:32.41*** join/#android eton_ (
03:39.18*** join/#android Marv|LG (n=Marv|
04:27.05*** join/#android yosuke (
04:29.15*** join/#android ken_ (n=user@
05:13.00*** join/#android Marv|LG (n=Marv|
05:14.20*** join/#android Marv|LG (n=Marv|
05:45.06*** join/#android KernelPanic (n=ThePHPJe@
06:30.20*** join/#android romainguy (
07:35.39*** join/#android eton (
07:57.04jastayou guys have got to start releasing the SDK as a tarball for UNIX.
07:57.34jastaunzip is inconvenient to use.  it creates goofy permissions too.
08:07.45jastai may file an issue :)
08:13.24*** join/#android eton (
08:15.05*** join/#android eton_ (
08:29.55jastaalso, why can we only file "Defects"?  why not feature requests, etc?
08:30.14billmeltsner_A feature request is just a defect that hasn't happened yet
08:56.56*** join/#android eton (
09:13.48*** join/#android ersi ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:15.17*** join/#android octoberdan (n=user@pdpc/supporter/active/octoberdan)
09:16.30octoberdanI'm designing a maven plugin to work with android, but am having a bit trouble deciding what folders I should place where to conform to the Maven convention.
09:16.52*** join/#android Zoolooc (
09:17.21octoberdanAndroidManifest.xml is in src/main/config, res is in src/main/android/ since files are generated from it, and that leaves the "asset" directory
09:17.34octoberdanI'm not actually sure what is supposed t g in there
09:17.49octoberdanoh "Asset: A single blob of data associated with an application."
09:18.41octoberdanthen I can move that to src/main/resources and move the contents of res into src/main/android
09:20.19octoberdanThanks for the help ;-)
09:20.34billmeltsner_Uh, sure.
10:08.08*** join/#android Yeggstry (
10:42.18*** join/#android soulreaper (
10:52.59*** join/#android mypapit (n=mypapit@pdpc/supporter/active/mypapit)
11:30.22*** join/#android Al2O3 (
11:34.26*** join/#android eton (
11:50.10*** join/#android eton (
12:26.53*** join/#android erus` (n=noway@
12:28.19*** join/#android eton_ (
13:07.59*** join/#android eton (
13:22.00*** join/#android lindever__ (
13:32.34*** join/#android eton_ (
13:36.01*** join/#android yosuke (
14:00.02*** join/#android yosuke (
14:46.15*** join/#android octoberd` (
14:57.04*** join/#android mypapit (n=mypapit@pdpc/supporter/active/mypapit)
15:00.20*** join/#android BlackBsd (n=brian@
15:02.17*** join/#android BlackBsd (n=brian@
15:18.13*** join/#android vbabiy (
15:26.08*** join/#android soulreaper (
15:55.36*** join/#android trivex (
16:37.35*** join/#android ken_ (n=user@
17:36.21*** join/#android cypromis (
17:55.28*** join/#android cktakahasi (n=cktakaha@
18:00.25*** join/#android derka (
18:18.19*** join/#android soulreaper (
18:59.08*** join/#android pombreda (
19:03.18*** join/#android zhobbs (
19:15.08*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (n=ThePHPJe@
20:01.13*** join/#android cybereagle (i=CyberEag@unaffiliated/cybereagle)
20:13.06*** join/#android cypromis (
20:14.20*** join/#android cypromis (
20:29.30*** join/#android Al2O3 (
20:45.05*** join/#android parti (n=parti@
20:46.12*** join/#android chomchom (n=_bleeee@
20:47.54chomchomMaybe someone in here could help me with a database problem I've had just now
20:48.27chomchomI'm trying to create an SQLiteDatabase via ctx.createDatabase(...)
20:48.34chomchomwhere ctx is a Context
20:49.08chomchomup until now I've not had to worry about it but all of a sudden after I deleted the database from the data folder
20:49.15chomchomits been giving me jipp
20:49.30chomchomand throwing a FileNotFoundException
20:50.29chomchomwhich is surprising because the very reason I'm calling the method is because it doesn't exist
20:50.52chomchomMaybe someone could point me to some areas to look at for debugging the problem in light of experience
21:27.45*** join/#android MrITR (
21:34.31*** join/#android mike1o (
21:34.53mike1ocan I bind more than one service to an activity?
21:35.22*** join/#android duey (
21:43.02*** join/#android chomchom (n=bleeee@
21:54.05chomchomJust incase anyone is flicking through this later I managed to get around the problem with the emulator throwing a FileNotFoundException by starting the emulator with the argument -wipe-data that I saw others were doing when they were having file problems on the android groups
21:54.41chomchomI think it may be a bug or at least not an intentional feature the way I managed to botch its state
21:55.17chomchomactually come to think of it maybe not, but something definetly went screwy
21:56.45chomchomIf you are using eclipse and you choose window > new window and then observer the emulator running through the ddms perspective running in one window and then use the debug to step through the code in the other (on a dual monitor set up) then I think the meta data from the two workspaces goes a little bit wako trying to write to the same place
21:56.57chomchomcorrect me if you know itherwise
21:57.08chomchom*otherwise even
22:10.00*** join/#android d3ce1t (
22:36.25*** join/#android soulreaper (
22:53.48*** join/#android parti (n=parti@
23:37.28*** join/#android erus` (n=noway@
23:57.47*** join/#android rch850 (

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