IRC log for #android on 20080119

00:02.01aaroncampbellTimRiker: Wow, I assumed companies would have moved faster than that... Ok
00:02.20aaroncampbellWhat exactly is the point of writing software for something that has nothing to run on then?
00:02.55TimRikeraaroncampbell: a very good question indeed.
00:03.37rwhitbyaaroncampbell: cause there's big prize money that's tempting lots of people, and making them all keep their source code closed.
00:03.55TimRikeraaroncampbell: perhaps it's just nice to work on an open source mobile platform? oh. wait, that's not it, Android is not open source. ah well.
00:04.26Stephmwtbh, I think any hw company who flat out said 'yeah, we're pretty much done' would be shooting itself in the foot
00:05.12aaroncampbellI guess then the reward is to generate programs, so that Google can say "you should make devices that use this, because it has lots of cool stuff" It seems like they should offer a similar reward for the best mobile device...
00:06.09TimRikeraaroncampbell: interesting. where as I think they should actually release the source so that it can get ported to Linux devices that already exist.
00:06.47aaroncampbellTimRiker: is that supposed to happen in the future?  Or is that just you wishing?
00:07.32TimRikercourse I also think that android should use a proper linux library set and not reinvent the world as closed source advertised as open source. but perhaps that's just me.
00:08.41TimRikeraaroncampbell: the press releases say android "is open source" but it's not. the press releases also say "it" will all be released under an apache license. (which does NOT require releasing the source).
00:09.37TimRikerthere are some email messages and comments in this channel indicating that in some bright day in the future all the source will be set free. but then I suppose Microsoft could go open source too. so here we sit holding our breath.
00:11.19TimRikerI suppose they are waiting till the closed source complete library and user space replacements are so dependent on the bugs in the current implementation that the bugs won't be fixable. then they will release the source and laugh about it.
00:11.53TimRikercause clearly large closed source development projects are the path to stable software.
00:12.51TimRikerafter all, look how well Vista is doing! ... ok, /me stops ranting for now.
00:13.39romainguy__TimRiker: There are plenty of perfectly stable closed-source software, and plenty of very buggy Open Source software
00:13.50romainguy__It's dangerous and hard to make general assumptions like this :)
00:14.00TimRikerromainguy_: obviously. google is counting on that.
00:14.58romainguy__Remember, the current SDK is only an early look (it's in bold on the web site) and it is still undergoing heavy development
00:15.29TimRikerromainguy_: obviously. so is Vista or whatever the next big closed-source os release will be called.
00:16.01romainguy__What is the relationship with Vista here?
00:16.35TimRikercause the open source mantra is: release never, or only when forced to. those developers in the community no nothing about stability or testing. what's testing?
00:16.47TimRikereep. s/no/know/
00:17.15TimRikerromainguy_: just another great example of a stable timely released closed source project.
00:19.18TimRikerwhat I don't understand is why android uses the Linux kernel in the first place? that piece of crud could easily be replaced with a *bsd kernel and then no source would need to be released. why did they pick up some lame piece of GPL software if they hate the GPL so much? I'll be someone paid them.
00:20.03TimRikerooh! even better, just use the M$ Windows Mobile kernel and build on that! that would be sweet.
00:20.33TimRikerhehe. is it working? :)
00:20.35rwhitbythe simple fact is that there are companies investing millions of dollars in this alliance, and they will want a return on that investment based on the source not being released until they have released their first products.
00:21.04rwhitbyit's nothing to do with open source motives, it's all pure dollars.
00:21.13StephmwTimRiker: only a bit
00:21.34TimRikerrwhitby: then why choose some crappy GPL software?
00:21.47rwhitbyTimRiker: all part of the marketing plan
00:22.06TimRikerah. the old bait and switch. yeah, I suppose they have that part down.
00:22.55rwhitbyI believe they will release all the source, but not until the OHA hardware companies have released their products.
00:24.48TimRikerrwhitby: unfortunately that's precisely when releasing the source will do the least good. after all the existing bugs are effectively carved in stone.
00:25.49morrildlTimRiker: open-source is not magic
00:25.55TimRikerso we end up with yet another buggy mobile platform. this one claiming to be open source (as opposed to Microsoft's "available source")
00:25.58morrildlBugs don't get magically fixed because source is available
00:26.37TimRikermorrildl: quite the reverse. bugs don't get fixed at all when the source is not available.
00:26.53morrildlTimRiker: now that's just silly
00:27.06morrildlThere are millions of developers out there who will disagree with that
00:27.30TimRikerso if the goal is to fix as few bugs as possible. they best way to get there is to have as few eyes look at the code as you can.
00:28.06TimRikeroh, I'm sure M$ agrees with the approach completely. and palm and symbian for that matter.
00:28.13morrildlIf you choose not to believe that we will open source Android, then indeed that is your right
00:28.18TimRikeroh, and we can include Apple's iPhone in the mix too.
00:28.26TimRikerit's the best way to run.
00:28.32morrildlIf you do, you are not our target audience, and I invite you to move on to another platform
00:28.58TimRikermorrildl: Oh, I fully believe that after the bugs are set in stone, the source will be released. I really have no doubts about that.
00:29.31romainguy__TimRiker: Why are you so convinced we don't want to fix bugs?
00:29.34TimRikerI'm here on the vain hope that someone will get a clue. not seeing it happen, but hoping.
00:29.54morrildlTimRiker: you are correct, you will be ineffective in that goal, here
00:30.05TimRikerromainguy_: I'm just reflecting the current actions. as opposed to the current market speak.
00:30.51*** mode/#android [+o morrildl] by ChanServ
00:31.17*** topic/#android by morrildl -> "Welcome to Android! As we move closer to launch, an Issue Tracker is now available:"
00:31.59*** topic/#android by morrildl -> Welcome to Android! As we move closer to launch, an Issue Tracker is now available:
00:32.04morrildlI always assume the quotes are required
00:32.05TimRikerromainguy_: certainly not. the more employed folks that have access to the source, the better the code can get.
00:32.11morrildlI guess I think of IRC as a shell
00:32.33morrildlTimRiker: unemployed developers are incapable of writing good code...?
00:32.34TimRikerit's just unfortunate that none of the community members will be able to help until it's too late.
00:32.47Stephmwmorrildl: will there be an explanatory blog entry somewhere about the tracker?
00:33.01Stephmwmorrildl: how is it synched with the internal one?
00:33.03morrildlStephmw: already is:
00:33.07morrildlCurrently, by me :)
00:33.27TimRikerwould be nice to get CIA* in here connected to the kernel repository.
00:33.46TimRikerkind of ironic that the piece nobody can test is the piece that has source available.
00:33.47morrildlWhich is to say, the full automated 2-way sync is taking longer than expected, so we have a semi-automated 1-way sync working
00:33.59romainguy__morrildl: Thanks, now I can cancel all my weekend projects :)
00:34.08morrildlromainguy__: heh :)
00:34.24Stephmwmorrildl: cheers
00:34.29*** join/#android romainguy (
00:35.28dueyi have a question
00:35.35dueymy project involves using the camera
00:35.44dueybecause the camera is not properly emulated
00:35.52dueyi dont want to include it in the submission
00:35.59duey(because i cant test it)
00:36.20dueyshould we just fake it up
00:39.05morrildlduey: that seems reasonable.  You'll want to document it in your README file that you submit with the application though
00:39.36TimRikermorrildl: are there any plans to add camera pass through support to the emulator? That would be useful.
00:40.03morrildlTimRiker: yes, definitely.  The state of hardware emulation in general needs to be improved -- not just the camera, but Bluetooth, SMS, and so on
00:40.10TimRikerThat would allow the Google camera app to be included and give folks a feeling for how that integrates.
00:40.27morrildlTimRiker: a lot of that has been fixed and will be in the next SDK release we are working on, although I don't have a specific inventory handy
00:41.01TimRikerpresumably the real hardware has a camera, cause what sources are out talk about it.
00:41.09morrildlTimRiker: correct
00:41.18TimRikerwill real hardware be shows at the get together?
00:41.27morrildlAnd even if the initial launch model doesn't have a camera, the platform would need to support it for ones that do
00:41.28TimRikerer  shown...
00:41.35morrildlwhich get-together?
00:41.41morrildlOh, the one on the 23rd?
00:42.24morrildlUnfortunately no
00:42.43StephmwTimRiker: surely any such demo would need a PR fanfare anyway ;)
00:42.52TimRikerdo any of the dev platforms have forward facing cameras? ie: pointed at the user?
00:42.58morrildlTimRiker: good question
00:43.03morrildlI don't know the answer
00:43.12morrildlI will attempt to find out
00:44.43TimRikermorrildl: thx! I know some of the HTC phone have them, though the released US versions don't.
00:45.21TimRikerthe HTC Kaiser for example which seems similar to the HTC google platform from looking at the source.
00:45.48morrildlis that the successor to the Apache?
00:46.31morrildloh cool, it's got a..... bendy... thing
00:47.01TimRikermorrildl: sort of. the apache is cdma. the kaiser is gsm/hsdpa
00:47.46TimRikerat&t sells the kaiser as the at&t "tilt" but they ripped off the front facing camera.
00:48.57TimRikerlong url:
00:50.27jastammm, delicious news about the bug tracker :)
00:53.21morrildlTimRiker: that's lame
00:53.22TimRiker - says registration is closed. is it full now? /me was pointing someone else at the page.
00:53.35TimRikermorrildl: yes! like many other lame things. :)
00:53.38morrildlTimRiker: it is probably full
00:53.51morrildlTimRiker: feel free to have the person email me about it, and I will see if there are any open slots
00:54.24TimRikerk. though this time it was my boss who I was asking to cover air fare. :)
00:54.32morrildlTimRiker: doh :)
00:54.49morrildlTimRiker: if s/he wants to attend let me know and I will see what I can do
00:57.15TimRikermorrildl: k. will do. better head out at the moment. cya all! don't take my ranting to seriously, unless of course you are in a position to make changes. :)
00:57.25morrildlTimRiker: see ya!
00:58.37morrildlWhat?  Only 1 new bug so far?
00:58.57Stephmwcheeky of you to release it friday evening ;)
00:59.02Stephmweveryone's down the bar/pub
00:59.04morrildlStephmw: lol
00:59.08morrildlIs it Friday?
00:59.10morrildlso it is
00:59.21morrildlyeah actually that was probably suboptimal
00:59.32morrildlnow I worry people won't see the announcement
00:59.43morrildlI'd better go make that post stick on the Group at least
01:00.07romainguy__morrildl: No, that was a good idea, at least we will enjoy our weekend :)
01:00.07Stephmwmaybe have someone else blog about it on monday, saying how great it is it's finally here
01:00.22*** join/#android matt_c (
01:00.43jastai am excited, but i don't know that i have any new bugs to report that haven't already been addressed or are at least known.
01:01.03jastamaybe i will copy over that bug about listselector drawables invoking implicit padding.  that is still really annoying :)
01:01.18morrildlStephmw: see ya!
01:01.28jastaoh yeah, and i get SIGBUS all the time when i launch my application from Eclipse
01:02.02jastawhich sometimes seems to cause the entire emulated OS to restart.
01:02.27morrildljasta: nice, SIGBUS is no good
01:02.34jastayeah, it happens all the time actually.
01:02.51morrildlWhen it happens do 'adb bugreport' and attach the output to an Issue
01:02.52jastait is in dalvik (of course).
01:03.11jastai've got some time, let me see if i can go trigger it
01:03.25jastathe problem, of course, is that you goobers just restart everything on failure.
01:03.32morrildlheh :)
01:03.48jastaso it is hard to capture it as a fatal problem, it just "takes longer" to start.  but in adb logcat, it's clearly going bonkers.
01:04.27morrildlyeah 'adb bugreport' is like adb logcat plus some native stack stuff
01:04.45romainguy__jasta: I fixed the bug about padding yesterday
01:04.49romainguy__jasta: No need to report it :)
01:04.56jastagood :)
01:09.25*** join/#android aku99 (
01:09.47aku99hi what this channel about..?
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01:14.21winksavilleThat is great news about the issue tracker
01:14.48morrildlStill only 1 new bug
01:14.52jastaromainguy__: are there plans to include a traditional progress bar widget?
01:14.54morrildlI am torn
01:14.58morrildlPart of me wants to throw down
01:15.05morrildlAnother part of me is terrified of that ;)
01:15.35jastai think that everyone has already been reporting theyre issues
01:15.46jastaso its nice you have a central repository, but give us time to find more brokenness :)
01:15.57jastadon't worry, i'm certain more brokenness exists to be found.
01:16.14morrildlheh heh
01:16.22morrildloh, I know that all too well :)
01:18.09*** join/#android LunohoD_ (
01:18.51jastahmm, can't reproduce the sigbus problem now.
01:19.05jastai mean, if you really want to catch it, you should disable the automatic restart of processes.
01:19.14winksavilleI just posted a bug today as well as few others, should we post them, I'd rather wait if a new release is eminent?
01:19.14jastanow is the time to have shit like that off.
01:19.51winksavilleer (a few others earlier)
01:20.35morrildljasta: enter it as a feature request :)
01:20.42*** part/#android aku99 (
01:22.22romainguy__jasta: romainguy__: are there plans to include a traditional progress bar widget? < it already exists
01:22.31romainguy__the "circular" look is just a drawable
01:22.50jastaromainguy__: really?  that is a cute design.
01:22.53romainguy__you can use android.R.progress_horizontal as the background to get a "traditional" progress bar
01:23.08romainguy__or you can make your own
01:23.17romainguy__ProgressBar is very versatile :))
01:23.33jastahow does the horizontal progress bar look? :)
01:23.37jastai don't really want to try it right now hehe
01:24.04romainguy__it looks like a blue bar with rounded corners
01:24.07romainguy__nothing surprising
01:24.13jastahmm, cute.
01:24.27romainguy__but basically ProgressBar simply sets the level of the background drawable
01:24.36romainguy__so your progress indicator can be pretty much anything
01:25.19romainguy__it could be an animated icon, a picture that turns from gray to colors, an elephant shape that fills progressively...
01:25.42jastathat is very nice.
01:26.00romainguy__Yeah, we have bugs but we also have cool features ;-)
01:26.29*** join/#android soulreaper (
01:26.44jastaand that would be supported with an indeterminate progress bar too?  say you wanted a picture to pulsate from grayscale to color? :)
01:26.50morrildlI think the progress dialog should show a log
01:27.04jastaa log?
01:27.04morrildland animate fire on the log that gets increasingly brilliant, until at 100% the log is reduced to ash
01:27.39jastanah, i think the dialog itself should slowly flutter away like dust in the wind :)
01:28.23jastaor, dinosaurs should rush onto the screen and devour it, and then charge the "camera" and eat it.  now that would be one hell of a shocking easter egg.
01:29.45jastai'm kidding, of course
01:30.03jastaromainguy__: you guys should definitely extend the current ApiSamples to include some of these goodies.
01:30.15jastaFor example, you don't even have a decent example of a custom layout or view.
01:30.31winksavillemorrildl: In your blog regarding issue tracking you state:
01:30.33winksaville"..we invite developers to file an issue to let us know about any problems you find with the SDK."
01:30.34winksavilleDoes "an issue" mean we're allowed to only post a single issue for all of the problems?
01:31.00romainguy__jasta: Indeterminate is also based on levels, so yes, that would work
01:31.20romainguy__jasta: As for the samples, you'll see in the next SDK what's new :p
01:31.30morrildlwinksaville: nope, go nuts :)
01:31.34morrildlone issue per Issue
01:32.16romainguy__jasta: i'm kidding, of course << I'm sure you could write an OpenGL drawable with dinosaurs
01:33.10jastasure you could, but you'd have to be a complete loony.
01:33.28winksavillemorrildl: Makes sense, you might update the wording.
01:33.38romainguy__Well, nothing surprises me anymore since I've seen a Swing look and feel offer the ability to use Rhino-shaped buttons
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10:59.23Lederomainguy: romainguy_ do people need to re-submit all the bug reports they send to the discsussion group?
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