IRC log for #aegis on 20190905

00:22.24*** join/#aegis infobot (
00:22.24*** topic/#aegis is join #aegiswm for the AegisWM IRC channel
04:42.50*** join/#aegis infobot (
04:42.50*** mode/#aegis [+ns] by
04:42.50*** mode/#aegis [-o infobot] by services.
04:42.50*** mode/#aegis [+t-s] by services.
04:42.50*** join/#aegis ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
04:42.50*** mode/#aegis [+o ChanServ] by services.
04:42.50*** topic/#aegis by ChanServ -> join #aegiswm for the AegisWM IRC channel

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.