irclog2html for #aegis on 20040703

00:05.04*** join/#aegis Hagar (
00:12.45brailsmti would really like to get menu rewritten and working with cairo tonight
00:15.20*** join/#aegis pmazer (
00:15.26hyriandcairo rocks..
00:18.13brailsmtyeah, but this xwidget programming stuff is new to me  :)
00:18.46hyriandhmm.. have you read my chat with mackstann?
00:19.22brailsmtthe one just a few hours ago?
00:20.13hyriandif you're willing to accept the fact that the code is all LGPL, I could send you what I have
00:20.14brailsmtmy problem is that when you map a window the first time you have to ignore to Expose events...
00:20.27brailsmtLGPL is fine
00:20.42brailsmtso long as that means that we can modify it and keep in a GPL project...
00:20.50brailsmtwhich is the whole point of LGPL, iirc
00:20.53hyriandI.. think so
00:21.12hyriandI might switch to GPL + linking exception
00:21.19hyriandwhich would be fine as well
00:21.33brailsmti am pretty sure that lgpl removes the 'viral' condition of the gpl
00:21.48brailsmtor something to that effect at least
00:22.01brailsmtaegis is gpl, anyway, so it doesn't matter  :)
00:22.44hyriandok.. I'm too drunk to do anything useful now.. I'll tar it up tomorrow, ok?
00:22.50pmazermackstann: im really liking mpd/mpc, thanks!
00:23.54brailsmthyriand: yeah, thats great
00:23.57pmazerwhats the difference between lgpl and gpl?
00:24.13brailsmtone of the downsides of new things like cairo, is the utter lack of documentation
00:24.14hyriandthe viral factor
00:24.21hyriandbrailsmt: hell yeah
00:25.51brailsmtwtf are all these BadMatch errors i keep getting?
00:36.25pmazerbash: /etc/conf.d/setiathome: Permission denied
00:36.30pmazerpeice of crap...
00:38.30brailsmti bet they renamed if setialittletoclosetoathome
00:41.26pmazerand my cpu immediately goes down 98% :-P
02:02.28brailsmti never thought I would be thankful for the day when I would ramen noodle soup and be so content as i am now...
02:02.34brailsmtbeing sick sucks
02:30.38*** mode/#aegis [+o pmazer] by brailsmt
02:43.47brailsmtmy wife just bought me a Tom Petty CD  :)
02:45.53*** join/#aegis marlborosmoker (~marlboro@
02:46.41*** part/#aegis marlborosmoker (~marlboro@
02:49.25*** join/#aegis mastergoon (
02:49.36mastergoonreformatting main comp
02:49.45mastergoonglibc went kabloowey
02:50.24brailsmtthat sucks
02:54.39mastergoonheh oh well
02:54.46mastergoonhadnt formatted in a long time
02:54.48mastergoonover a year
02:54.54mastergoonusing distcc to bootstrap right now
02:54.59mastergoonshouldnt take _too_ long
02:55.40mastergoonjust glad i managed to back up all my mp3s :D
02:58.55mastergoonyep this time
02:59.01mastergoongoing ~x86
02:59.03whatahdid you notice a difference?
02:59.05mastergoonmore fun that way
02:59.10whatahother than the frying of glibc?
02:59.12mastergoonum this box uses nptl
02:59.15mastergoonother one still compiling
02:59.18mastergoonno problem with it
02:59.21mastergoonbut no major advantages
02:59.23whatahdoes it run faster?
02:59.25mastergoonthought ps aux looks nicer
02:59.26whatahoh, ok
02:59.29mastergooni cant really tell
02:59.31whatahhow so?
02:59.35whatahwith ps
02:59.40mastergoonbecause all threads show as one process with nptl
02:59.47mastergoonso you dont get 50 java_vm procs lol
02:59.56whatahi wrote a bash script to go through ps aux
03:00.01whatahand get memory usage
03:00.03whatahlet me show
03:00.05mastergoonheh, cool
03:00.15mastergoonhmm, wondering if i set up distcc right
03:00.18mastergoonits never tried using it yet
03:00.34mastergoonmanual says most bootstrap packages ignore it tho
03:01.12whatahit works reasonably well
03:01.29whatahthere are problems, where it reports memory usage twice.. i.e. where the process has multiple threads that are split up
03:01.34whatahi should have it sort
03:01.42mastergoonnptl can solve that problem tho
03:01.44whatahoh, wait, i do have it sory
03:01.54whatahi am really stupid sometimes
03:01.57whatahok, try out my script
03:02.05whatahi do it like this to get total memusage: memusage .
03:02.11whatahand it returns a number very close to free -m
03:02.11mastergoonk 1 sec
03:02.19mastergoonim in a screwy wm situation
03:02.24whatahhehe, nice
03:02.24mastergoongotta leave X and open some more terms lol brb
03:02.50whatahoooh, ok
03:03.26mastergooni got a ton of errors
03:03.33whatahwhat type?
03:03.34mastergoonbecause i dont have a /proc/status
03:05.11mastergoonohh, DUH
03:05.32mastergoondistcc is useless because im compiling with -march=pentium4 and the other machine is an athlon-xp, right
03:05.50mastergoonso much for that plan :p
03:07.14whatah <--- me desktop
03:07.20whatahit is kicking ass with the pink
03:09.58mastergoonmm gcc compiles
03:10.25whatahgod fucking damnit
03:10.38whatahtrying to get japanese input through im-ja, but it segfaults on configure
03:10.41whatahstupid gconf
03:10.54whatahfucking windows registry all over again, whoever the fuck decided to implement gconf should be shot
03:12.34pmazerwhatah: what wm is that?
03:13.49pmazerheh, my desktop's not cluttered enough for a decent screenshot
03:14.10whatahoh, that was an uncluttered screenshot, i started using multi-aterm despite it's lil bugs
03:14.19mastergoonim in waimea and i dont have a menu and etc lol
03:14.21whatahi normally have 4 - 5 open terminals, mail client, and other crap
03:14.29whatahew, mastergoon, switch out! switch out! mayday!
03:14.40whatahok, i am going to read, had enough computer aggravation with im-ja for a day
03:14.43pmazermastergoon: you don't have a menu... how do you function? lol
03:14.46mastergooni usually use kahakai
03:14.51whatahpmazer: no one uses menus
03:14.54mastergoonpmazer, i keep dropping out of X to open more terms
03:14.56whatahpmazer: all in the terminal
03:15.22pmazerwhatah: ehh, i don't like having terms open where things like firefox are
03:15.49mastergooni usually have 2 things in my menu
03:15.49pmazerim quite happy with my menu setup right now
03:15.52mastergoonand gmrun
03:16.03mastergoonor i just set hotkeys to open those
03:17.09pmazerehh, i only use 3 nonterminal apps on a normal basis, and those just stay open.. gaim, firefox, and thunderbird
03:17.39pmazerthunderbird because im too lazy to learn a terminal based e-mail app
03:18.07mastergooni use big bulky evolution
03:18.41mastergoonso hard to type on this computer
03:18.51mastergoonim used to my ms natural keyboard on the other box
03:18.55pmazerouch.. i used to use evolution until i realized thunderbird did all the things i wanted without the bloat
03:19.06mastergoonive never tried thunderbird
03:19.13mastergoonill give it a go when i finish installing the system i guess
03:19.23mastergooni dont really feel like installing half of gnome anyhow
03:19.28pmazerif you just use the mail and newsgroups features on evolution, thunderbird is better
03:19.39mastergoonjust the mail even lol
03:19.48mastergoonthunderbird have good vfolder thingers?
03:19.59mastergooni use imap so i dont want to actually move the messages
03:20.00mastergoonjust sort them
03:21.11pmazeri dunno, never used imap..
03:21.14pmazeri know thunderbird supports imap, though
03:21.40mastergoonill check it out anyhow
03:21.50mastergoondo you use a smtp server or sendmail?
03:23.28pmazerhaha, i just use my isp's smtp server
03:23.38mastergooni dont have an smtp server
03:23.45mastergooni think i tried thunderbird at like 0.3
03:23.47pmazeri don't get fancy with email
03:23.50mastergoonand it didnt support sendmail
03:23.52mastergoonmaybe does now
03:25.41pmazeri think from what i see on account setup it only supports smtp
03:25.51mastergoonah :/
03:26.09mastergooni guess i can setup an smtp server lol
03:26.50pmazeralright, im off to bed, g'night
04:14.12*** join/#aegis StuLTissimus (
04:15.05*** mode/#aegis [+o StuLTissimus] by ChanServ
04:15.14StuLTissimusHey ya'll.
04:28.14*** join/#aegis StuLTissimus (
05:09.43*** join/#aegis whatah (
05:57.37*** join/#aegis HeatHawk (
05:59.23*** part/#aegis HeatHawk (
07:43.42*** join/#aegis Finn (