IRC log for #WoWUIDev on 20090218

00:22.22hastegives up.
00:36.27Lopeppeppywhispers End with a price.
00:36.37Endaccepts Lopeppeppy's price.
01:07.08Endstabs Shirik.
01:39.14hastevoets for 3.
03:40.51Nom-ponders BlizzCon this year
04:23.17Shiriktackles Seerah
04:23.28Seerahtickles Shirik
04:32.33Seerahtickles Thunder_Child
05:12.23Nechcknoffers popcorn to others
05:35.32kd3cowers in fear
05:42.53Legorolends off-topic distracting remarks
05:44.15kd3is busy with faerlina atm
05:49.38kd3rolls his eyes
08:25.10Endrenames his addon to APetLeash
08:25.29Endis burnt out.
14:10.40Lopeppeppyputs on a tinfoil hat
15:21.16Anaralknows she's right. ;)
15:36.07Shiriktackles Lopeppeppy
15:57.16|Jelly|tickles Shirik.
15:58.26Lopeppeppyplans to bring Sominex to BlizzCon.
16:04.58Seerahhuggles Shirik
16:07.14Seerahalmost signed an email with Seerah :P
16:54.46|Jelly|tackles kamdis to the ground and starts the epic pillow fight!
16:55.39cog|workgrumbles at gimp loading separate instances when you click "edit with GIMP" with multiple files selected
17:48.54Lopeppeppyshowers Lunessa with flower petals.
17:48.55Shiriktackles Lopeppeppy
17:49.18Lunessashowers in flower petals, emerging clean and with a fresh scent.
17:52.33foxlitbadgers Shirik
17:52.40Shirikbeavers foxlit
17:58.31Lopeppeppylurvs Shirik
18:25.08Lopeppeppystalks Ackis. Ha!
18:34.06AckisWorkspends hte next half hour sending you all game invites kekekeke
18:40.03Cairenncries at Lopeppeppy
18:40.46Cairennhides Tian Moshu
19:38.40Esamynnagrees with ccox
19:41.57ccoxcan't stop cringing
19:47.19kd3quickly adds that to his page on the wiki
20:52.16Cairennreally doesn't envision cog|lunch changing it to that
20:52.26Cairennscritches her head in confusion
21:23.10Shirikpulls up his log files'
21:40.43cog|workhides from Fisker-
21:40.52Shirikhuggles Cairenn
21:40.59Cairennhuggles Shirik
21:41.01zenzelezzpoints at cog|work
21:41.20cog|worklooks around innocently
21:45.49cog|workpoints out all the info's still there
21:51.40Endrages only a little though.
22:20.50cog|worklaces Fisker-'s water supply with valium
22:20.56Shirikhuggles Cairenn, again
22:21.08Cairennhuggles Shirik some more
22:21.51cog|workwonders why his palm just spontaneously rebooted
22:24.09cog|worksohuld remember to capitalize the P
22:27.58kd3pokes his filesystem
22:50.12Lunessaships Lopeppeppy some rock salt and a giant space heater.
23:02.01Lopeppeppypokes Cogwheel.
23:04.25cog|workgoes to a hole
23:04.36Lopeppeppyloves cogwheel anyway.
23:18.17Lopeppeppyshakes her head, cog is NOT that naive?
23:24.05cog|workis confused why he's wrong...
23:24.55AckisWorkgrammar policies Thunder_Child
23:26.22Lukianstabs Thunder_Child for free

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