IRC log for #WoWUIDev on 20081026

00:53.50Cairennhugs Shirik
00:55.06Cairennpouncehugs Lopeppeppy
00:55.39Lopeppeppygleefully rolls around tickling Cairenn.
01:09.14Cairennis trusting you that it is actually safe :p
01:11.56Cairennalmost wishes she had some acid right about now
01:13.56Cairennafk's (sorta) to watch
01:22.03Cairenntries to get her eyes to focus again and is very very glad she touch-types
01:23.48Cairennshould remember NOT to have this channel with focus when she's watching hockey :p
01:24.25Cairennthrows things at her TV
01:25.21Cairennis SO a Canuck, gets very caught up in her hockey
01:28.21Cairennsmacks herself, duh, completely forgot you were European
01:37.48Cairennswitches channels to go watch her real team, at least that game is still tied
01:55.19kd3looks at his shellscript again
03:54.39Lukianblows Tekkub's horn
07:48.28batrickpokes Shirik
08:00.31Shirikhas officially voted :)
08:12.05Endsneakes in and takes out the exit out of Shirik's login script
09:48.22cladhairesighs at not being able to get to his trainer =/.
11:05.07AbsoRayneattempts to fix Tem
12:55.35hastegoes back to playing quake.
18:27.57Lopeppeppywaits for the punchline from Cogwheel
18:28.32cogwheelawaits being punched
19:08.59Dashkalwhistles innocently
19:27.33Lopeppeppyhugs cladhaire and agrees.
19:30.08zenzelezzexposes Lopeppeppy to exciting things
19:33.23Lopeppeppynods at cladhaire
19:39.32Castigosits and wait for somone to day that their mom is dead to see nighthawk reaction
19:45.52Dashkalcheers for the zombies
19:46.03Dashkalalso hates his own faction with a passion
19:51.05Lopeppeppysettles down for some shared confuzle time. Always better with a friend who has the roadmap.
20:02.09Castigointervene cladhaire
20:09.26Shirikforces Freenode to ping Shirik_
21:14.23Shirikdeclares Shirik a ghost!
21:44.03Lopeppeppyknows what to buy AnduinLothar for Halloween now. :)
22:25.11zenzelezzhuggles Lopeppeppy
23:50.01Lopeppeppytaps her tail.

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