IRC log for #WoWUIDev on 20080901

00:53.02ScytheBlade1needs to fix autorejoin
01:36.41steevkicks cartographer
01:38.06steevpretends to run out to the store and buy it
03:02.10Dumanpunches himself in the throat
03:28.20Cairennclamps her words behind her teeth
03:30.37Cairennclamps her teeth into Sargeras's shoulder
03:43.32Syzgynhates Illidari council with the fiery passion of a thousand suns
03:55.24bleeteridly wonders who removed the formatting from the 'world server is down' message
05:02.45ScytheBlade1loves his embedded linux router
05:03.39ScytheBlade1stabs linksys
05:11.48Shirikruns an nmap scan on Tekkub
05:18.39Shiriklogs in remotely
05:19.14Shirikdoesn't remember his IP address T_T
05:19.22Shiriklogs into his server
05:23.38ScytheBlade1stabs NAT
05:37.00Thraejumps into the hole of obscurity made by his last statement.
05:41.43Shirikneeds to remember these things
05:52.58Corrodiasreads the document about enabling ipv6 in dd-wrt and his eyes glaze over again
05:54.06ScytheBlade1watches Shirik disconnect
05:55.25ScytheBlade1pats public IPs over DHCP and WPA authenticated with your school wide UID/password, over both wifi and wired LAN
06:42.23ScytheBlade1mutters something about crazy canuks and wanders off to bed
07:11.36Fisker-takes a shit on Tekkub
07:55.52Fisker-pushes bleeter off a bridge
07:59.50Fisker-wins etc.
09:27.45cladhairestabs idiots
14:45.28Lopeppeppypounce-huggles the stuffing out of |Jelly|. Hope he's awake....
14:50.23|Jelly|just got back ... and isn't awake.
14:50.28|Jelly|huggles Peppy!
15:33.54hasteadds Fisker to the filter list.
16:24.47Lopeppeppyroars a mighty dino-rawr.
16:50.02ScytheBlade1boots up the vista box
17:07.21ScytheBlade1sits confused for a bit
17:56.50ScytheBlade1was attuned before restrictions were removed
18:17.41Endthreatens Zootfizzle with cogs.
18:24.38cogwheelisn't going to bother this time
18:41.14Cairenn|afkuses it when she has to type a lot of caps, too
18:45.21Fisker-joins Shirik >:3
19:26.21Lopeppeppypokes Zoot
19:36.11Fisker-misses ingame netradio streaming :(
19:43.12Lopeppeppyhas a hating for Norton.
19:55.10Lopeppeppytook a shorthand class once, doesn't remember a thing.
20:20.47Shirikhugs kd3
20:20.54Fisker-sensually massages kd3
20:32.11foxlitspanks that cache
20:33.04kd3pokes wget...
20:37.28foxlittaunts the wowi approval process some more.
20:53.03Lopeppeppyoffers a screwdriver, hammer and crowbar.
21:32.30ScytheBlade1stabs Industrial
21:35.09Industrialgrabs popcorn
21:43.19Lopeppeppyrolls her eyes gently. Get a better GPS.
21:47.31Lopeppeppygives group hugs, you guys are great.
21:47.52Shirikwonders which category he fits into
21:48.09Shirikgoes back to random coding

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