IRC log for #WoWUIDev on 20080801

00:45.00Rabbitbunnyhas strong GoogleFu
02:33.20Lopeppeppyclaps for Lunessa.
02:36.41Gryphenjumps into purl_'s lap and huggles and *hugs* purl_
02:40.29Sargerashugs Cairenn
02:40.36Cairenn|afkhugs Sargeras
03:03.27Lopeppeppythinks Cairenn is awesome.
04:31.02kd3shudders at xkcd
07:03.30Cairenn|afkpokes abug
07:13.53Cairenn|afkpokes abug some more
07:43.35Rabbitbunnyexpects them to be there at 6 watching the reset.
09:50.44Rabbitbunnyis an addon noob
12:23.13cbreakhates farming
13:49.39Tem|Workstops caring and goes back to "real" work
14:26.39Lopeppeppydances casually with the raindrops.
14:59.21Lopeppeppyshakes her head sadly
14:59.56|Jelly|comforts Peppy.
15:00.27Lopeppeppycuddles up behind |Jelly| and hides from the packing she has left to do. Ugh.
15:53.24cbreakstarted programming with a pencil and a piece of paper.
16:36.18cbreakfeels successfull
17:26.04Daedalsis still waiting for his beta key
17:27.36devXero<3's his death knight
17:28.41Anaralis waiting ever not so patiently to have a death knight.
17:31.16Dashkalhammers on gmails refresh link
17:31.38Lopeppeppylooks around for where everyone stored their patience this week.
17:32.30Dashkalhammers some more
17:33.21Daedalshas his Thunderbird hammering refresh every five minutes, but he still hammers refresh on email
17:33.44devXerogoes to wowcompares
17:42.55malrethnibble on tuna sandwich and seafood chowder
17:43.05Fisker-slaps Shirik around a bit with a large trout
17:45.58Lopeppeppycuddles Lunessa.
17:46.22Lunessasnuggles Lopeppeppy
18:24.56Lopeppeppycuddles her first paycheck.
18:45.05Fisker-kisses Shirik
18:55.43Dashkalhammers on gmail refresh
19:15.12Daedalscant wait for the beta any longer
19:27.01Lunessawhips cladhaire with a wet noodle. MORE COBALT ORE! I MUST HAVE MORE!
19:27.59Lunessacackles and howls, "It's ALIVE!"
20:10.26Fisker-opens up a can of obvious trolling
20:21.39Lunessatakes the pebble from malreth's hand.
21:09.02kd3glances at fedora's setup
21:11.59malrethlaughs at the SpellStopCasting thread
21:16.23Ackiswinks at Lunessa
22:12.07p3limhas spent over 500 badges on his druid *sigh*
22:26.36hasteis norwegian.
23:47.40Dumanhas kd3 email!

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