IRC log for #WoWUIDev on 20080724

00:11.51NightHawkAtWorkasks Lunessa for a macro to kill the stupid.
00:12.26Lunessawrite a macro that nukes all the stupids, and find the world population reduced to less that 2,000 people.
00:13.53bleeterwonders if the ASCII trogdor is still in the pidgin source
00:17.42Shirikhugs Cairenn
00:17.50Cairennhugs Shirik
00:18.32malrethchecks Cairenn's hip
00:18.37kd3draws a blank on cairenn hip-checking someone into a wall
00:21.53bleeterlicks Cairenn
00:23.39Lopeppeppyis in some other movie, sorry!
00:28.38Thunder_Childmutters @ purl
01:47.19malrethfinally understands the moral behind "The boy who cried wolf" after all these years
01:48.30kd3is brain dead atm
02:08.20Xuerianpeers up at the airshow steadily cruising over his head and shrugs, deciding they're better left alone
03:16.18Kasotries to remeber lbrs
05:08.07Cairenn|afkthinks she needs some sleep, she read that as "OnEdible"
05:08.22Seerahthinks Cairenn|afk is just hungry
05:41.43Cairennhugs Adys
07:45.49Cairennpokes Fisker- and Thunder_Child, "Don't make me turn this car around!"
08:28.52bleeterslaps WoW forums around a li'l
09:26.59Cairennpoints at |Jelly|
14:19.55malrethis lovin' it
15:02.13pb_ee1should sleep a bit more.
15:06.03Lopeppeppyoffers |Jelly| a pillow.
15:44.00Atriacerolls with laughter
15:50.32Diskmasteris batshit insane and uses this as his DESKTOP box
16:26.59TecnoBratlooks up
17:52.38kd3falls out of his chair
17:52.58Lopeppeppythinks she shouldn't have given her pillow away so quickly.
17:53.25kd3looks for some beer
19:40.01malrethtries to unsee what has been seen
19:55.11NightHawkAtWorkgoes to lunch.
20:38.27malrethgoes to sleep
21:00.11soufronat oscon
21:45.15malrethgives amro a promotion over cogwheel despite his seniority at the corporation
21:46.07cogwheelgives malreth a swift thwap on the noggin
22:58.04JoshBorkehugs Cairenn
22:58.56Cairennhugs JoshBorke
23:41.40Thunder_Childdrools over the thought of some warm crunchy rosmary sourdough bread
23:45.43kamdiswaves goodbye and heads home.
23:47.33Kirovmunches on some fritos

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