IRC log for #WoWUIDev on 20080426

00:06.59Cideis a priest
00:07.25Cideis a priest
04:09.46Atriacestarts to fizzle.
04:14.50Atriacestarts to boogie
04:15.48Temlooks sideways at Atriace
05:58.50Cairennwonders if anyone is actually here
05:59.06Sixenwonders the same.
06:37.56Fisker-lieks the european forums, they has sense
07:14.46MentalPowerkisses Shirik profusely
08:57.28Cairennrolls her eyes
16:19.49cogwheelseconds VS express
16:20.01cncfanaticsdoesn't like microsoft products at all
16:20.19Fisker-cackles manically
16:22.18Shirikdies at the thought of eclipse
16:22.25cogwheeldoes too
16:22.32Fisker-does too
16:28.46cncfanaticsopens gvim
16:29.06cogwheelruns a linux server at home for the record
16:30.27Shirikfalls into cogwheel's category
16:30.43Shirikensures not to tell anyone his server's IP in fear of bad lockdowns :P
17:19.26Shirikgoes off to cry
17:22.56cncfanaticsdownloads VS
17:26.46cncfanaticsis new to c
17:28.33cncfanaticsis happy with his little cube app
17:30.06cogwheelpoints out the blatant prejudice again
17:52.45Fisker-slaps cncfanatics around a bit with a large trout
17:53.09cogwheeldoes too...
18:19.16cncfanaticsshoots his ISP for limiting his monthly bandwidth
18:19.30cncfanaticslaughs at ScytheBlade1
21:50.35Zootfizzlesounds like an HTC advertisement
22:26.42kd3tries to imagine the acoustics of such a thing
22:55.13Xinhuanstabs nevcairiel with a pillow
23:41.29Zootfizzleis glad the community has guys like Iriel and Xinhuan around to solve these problems =P

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