IRC log for #WoWUIDev on 20080419

03:31.23Mikkalways used twist-apart-and-put-back-together-again
05:46.55Shirikpoints Guillotine to the door
05:53.19batrickwaits for shirik to come back
05:58.44Cairenndoesn't want to see it, with that url
05:59.14batrickhead -> desk
06:02.17Guillotinegoes off to break WoW
07:17.17MentalPower|ZzZzmakes a mental note to setup a DDoS on Cairenn's box so she goes to sleep :P
07:18.05Cairennsomehow isn't worried
07:18.39Cairennsmiles sweetly
08:34.41leethalgets on with it instead of whining
08:44.57Polarinahugs Zootfizzle.
08:49.14Shirikblocks his email for a day due to all the "reported addon" emails he's going to receive
09:10.43Polarinaupdates her addon to use the new chatfilter API
09:19.44Polarinais joking. :P
12:24.15Polarinatold her guild she knows of a cheat to increase your money. And convinced them by running the following command: /run local a = GetMoney function() return a() ^ 2 end
12:25.08Polarinawaits for a Game-master. xD
12:37.38nevcairielactually creates a LOD char now
12:39.57widgertickpokes cladhaire repeatedly
15:39.46Lopeppeppychecks under the hood.
15:40.09Lunessawhirs and clicks.
15:47.29Mikkhands Shirik an intergalactic gurgleblaster
15:54.25amrois still on the waiting list
17:24.40MentalPowerechoes cncfanatics
19:02.44cncfanaticswishes for range events and being able to register macros to trigger events
19:27.18leethalshivers at the session-based language settings on the forums
20:42.33Fisker-slaps cncfanatics around a bit with a large trout
20:42.49cncfanaticsknocks Fisker- KO so he can't anoy everyone
21:55.29Cairennlaughs at Dolby
21:57.27widgertickcomforts Dolby. There there.
22:00.57leethaltries to think of a way to validate that person x owns character y
22:04.40leethalhas no us account
22:15.52Lopeppeppyis suddenly extremely hungry. Thanks. No, really.
22:16.20Lopeppeppyhugs Cairenn
22:16.30Cairennhugs Lopeppeppy
23:30.24Corrodiaschecks Mike's taint...

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