IRC log for #UPHPU on 20090722

15:18.59_carmonyis listening to some Video Games Live music :P
15:47.48mindjujuis listening to the jet like roar of servers in xmission colo
15:52.15DexterTheDragondoesn't care for curry
16:05.00_psychic_spies DexterTheDragon in his follow list
16:06.33SunSparcwonders what he should listen to this morning...
16:27.32eggyknapwonders why the enthusiasm...
16:32.47SunSparcvows not to get sucked in
16:34.18herlois just in charge of making sure the conference manager does his job (undertakingyou) and doing anythign that doesn't have an owner
16:35.32eggyknapwonders if he should pretend not to have caught the hint :)
16:36.00herlohas started the bandwagon and invites eggyknap aboard
16:37.16eggyknapwill consider thoughtfully, and with an open mind :)
16:52.16herlocan get you an account
16:52.43eggyknapcan only suggest blanks to fill, not precisely what information should fill it.
16:55.25eggyknapwas in the know, but has, so far, utterly failed to communicate his sympathies to brasto.
16:57.06herlowishes he had seen that sooner, guess I'll send an email soon...
16:57.16SunSparclost a daughter, but cannot imagine losing his wife
17:09.08mindjujunotices that eggyknap has started speaking greek with his last comment
21:33.42thebigdogis rocking some pink floyd - blip style
22:16.54mindjujusets the sonicboom alarm clock under beandog 's bed -
22:53.36SunSparchas that day off
22:54.11mgearyis way to busy to take time off :/

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