IRC log for #UPHPU on 20090708

00:50.07jnbekwonders why he has shrapnel embedded in his body.....
00:50.23jnbeklooks at DexterTheDragon and mindjuju
00:50.52DexterTheDragonpoints at mindjuju
03:01.13influxhears the faint sound of a stalling motor.
03:01.30influxhears a *ka-thunk ka-thunk ka-thunk*
06:45.40herlohas it working and is going to bed :)
06:46.11PoeticIntensityis trying his best to wrap his head around proper OOP principles in PHP.
06:52.36herlomocks subversion, but then again, it's not the worst rcs
07:26.00PoeticIntensitycan't believe he's still awake.
15:49.26beandogcoughs on Utah_Dave on the way out
15:54.01herlodoesn't believe beandog will do it
16:18.50mgearywonders why on earth Apple would enable Spotlight by default on Xserves
16:47.26utahconthinks just to piss off mgeary
17:00.11wpsdoesn't understand why you would be an MS fanboy
19:55.47thebigdogis listening to 5To Know My Enemy by 3Hans Zimmer from 10The Last Samurai (✮✮✮✮✮)
20:14.03carmonyis amazed by how many people take the time to make 100% FAKE profiles on dating sites...
21:04.04thebigdogis listening to 5Rescue Mission by 3Tyler Bates from 10Watchmen (✮✮✮✮✮)
21:28.24wpsneeds a side gig that pays 30K and will only take one night to complete
21:29.31beandogneeds to install dishwasher
21:29.40jsmithneeds to finish his basement
21:43.21mindjujuquits being silly and gets back to work
21:51.25beandogflips mgeary off
21:51.50beandogflips mgeary back on
21:52.58mgearyspeaks from experience
21:53.47beandogspeaks as a back seat driver
22:21.32wpshugs jquery
22:38.39mgearywhispers to Touk and wps, "pythonnnnnnnn". Named parameters, mmmmmmm
22:41.24stderrdances romantically with Python
22:43.14mgearyprobably sucks at memory management, but has never actually gotten that far in a compiled language
22:54.29mindjujuwonders Ruby > Python or Python > Ruby?
22:55.34mindjujufinds this page

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