IRC log for #UPHPU on 20081229

14:08.12mindjujulooks around with his good eye
15:47.24wpseagerly awaits the opening of his credit union in fifteen minutes so that he can lock in the current rate
16:20.46wpsrubs his sore snow-shovelling back
16:29.57carmonylooks at his driveway full of snow :(
16:40.25mindjujulooks at his snow blower and gives it a pat
18:53.40mindjujuhad to fend off the entire mutliemdia studio from a power hungry director
18:56.48mindjujuruns off into the nearly soundproof NOC to grouse about it outloud
20:48.17mindjujulaughs off the atempt
20:49.37unumtakes his drugs
20:51.29herlobeats unum, takes his drugs and runs off
21:04.09mindjujuuses a slight of hand trick to substitute unum 's drugs with m&ms for herlo
21:24.33Utah_Davelooks at his M&M jar that is filled to the brim with Peanut M&M's

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