IRC log for ##pxe on 20111203

08:06.15*** join/##pxe ScytheBlade1 (
08:06.15*** join/##pxe ScytheBlade1 (~Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
14:37.30*** join/##pxe Vinaduro (
14:38.04VinaduroHi there guys.
14:41.12VinaduroLet me preface this by saying, I'm very new tp PXE. So if my questions seem stupid, please forgive me.
14:41.45VinaduroI just wanted to find out how easy it is to set up a PXE server for multiple OSs.
14:43.20VinaduroIt seems simple enough to set up for 1 OS, but what I would like to do, is set up with a couple of Linux distros, as well as a couple of windows versions.
15:12.53specingpxelinux gives you a grub-like menu
15:44.23VinaduroOoh cool.
15:44.30VinaduroThanks for that specing.
19:26.05*** join/##pxe ScytheBlade1 (
19:26.05*** join/##pxe ScytheBlade1 (~Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
20:06.16*** join/##pxe mqueiros_ (
22:45.12*** join/##pxe pog (

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