IRC log for ##pxe on 20110210

05:46.41*** join/##pxe Nirkus (~linus@about/pxe/Nirkus)
06:43.45*** join/##pxe Nirkus (
06:43.46*** join/##pxe Nirkus (~linus@about/pxe/Nirkus)
13:41.32*** join/##pxe archangelpetro (
13:41.50archangelpetrolo, ~Am i right in thinking that PXE will 'write' stuff to the eeprom on a ~NIC?
15:26.00*** join/##pxe archangelpetro (
16:20.05*** join/##pxe archangelpetro (
16:33.39Nirkusarchangelpetro: PXE itself will not write stuff to any device or EEPROM
16:34.09Nirkusarchangelpetro: there are some PXE implementations thar are not shipped with a NIC and therefore need to be written to a NICs EEPROM
16:34.39Nirkusarchangelpetro: AFAIK there is at least one implementation which boots off an usb stick or similar media, too
16:35.20Nirkusarchangelpetro: it will need support for at least one NIC plugged into the computer, though :)
22:11.45*** join/##pxe digr1 (~lreed@
22:12.05*** part/##pxe digr1 (~lreed@
23:46.55*** join/##pxe mqueiros (

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