IRC log for ##pxe on 20100505

02:30.51*** join/##pxe micols (
04:23.04*** join/##pxe Zombie (
04:48.01*** join/##pxe Zombie (
14:12.18*** join/##pxe aiux (~aiux@
14:49.58*** join/##pxe Haraken (ryuk@unaffiliated/haraken)
15:40.13*** join/##pxe xelister (
15:40.16xelisterhi guys
15:43.04xelisterwith PXE can I do following, a workstation with no HDD and no CDROM will startup, network boot itself from a server in LAN, will get the kernel and /root and /usr from the server, it will boot a linux that will be running on the webstation but that will use all files, and will also have the /home files stored on the servers?
15:43.20xelisterit should be secure. The access to /home and stuff should be protected with password and encrytped ssh-like
15:43.59xelistercurrently I just live-cd boot the workstation and then ssh -X user@server but then 1) I do NOT want all programs to run on the server  2) I would like to not have the cdrom
17:26.16Zombiexelister: I'm trying to do the same thing, what you are looking for is ATA over Ethernet or iSCSI
18:05.42xelisterZombie: and how it goes?
18:06.03xelisterdoes grub2/grub at all support ATAoE?
18:06.15xelisterbecause this is needed at GRUB level right? (or PXE)
18:06.47xelisterbooting a staging live cd that would just start the PPPoE and then chainload the real kernel somehow (by kerneljump thingy?) is also ok. or any other way
18:17.48xelisterZombie: Im als otrying #grub and #etherboot
18:23.50xelisterZombie: guys at etherboot have the solution we need.
18:24.09xelisterZombie: do you have jabber/xmpp/gtalk/email? give the address, we can stay in touch while trying to solve this :)
19:39.13ZombieI do, I am on Jabber.
19:39.36xelisterZombie: address?
21:58.57*** join/##pxe Nirkus (
21:58.57*** join/##pxe Nirkus (rmf2mlh@about/pxe/Nirkus)

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