IRC log for ##pxe on 20100209

09:39.32*** join/##pxe zivi (
09:47.21*** join/##pxe rhodan (
13:59.41*** join/##pxe rhodan_ (
15:23.22*** join/##pxe GGD (
16:01.25GGDcan you PXE Bart?
17:20.10*** join/##pxe GGD_ (
20:36.59GGD_can you PXE bart?
20:43.00*** join/##pxe Mick27 (
20:43.28Mick27my question was can I boot an iso with pxe, I guess I have my answer now
20:44.04Mick27but if someone happen to have an idea on how to install from the pxe server and not a net install
20:44.16Mick27I'd be happy yo hear it
22:25.27GGDhey Mick27
22:39.41NirkusMick27: ???
22:43.52NirkusGGD: i havent head about BartPE being able to boot as a PXE Network Boot Program/Loader
22:44.24NirkusGGD: maybe, it would be possible to load an BartPE image into RAM and bootstrap it using pxelinux
22:45.04GGDoh?  i have seen it under booting from USB..
22:45.06NirkusGGD: you should try the Bart PE team about that and feel free to inform us afterwards :)
22:45.20GGDcould that be hybrided to do PXE?
22:45.34GGDis there a Bart PE team or channel?
22:45.40NirkusGGD: what boot loader does ist use on USB?
22:45.51GGDi think
22:46.06NirkusGGD: there should be a team as the software wont write itself :)
22:46.15GGDLOL :) true
22:46.26GGDquestion for you
22:46.30NirkusGGD: if its bootable using syslinux it may be possible to boot it using pxelinux
22:46.35GGDwhate exactly can be PXE booted?
22:46.50GGDyea you can boot it to syslinux
22:47.02GGDas its jsut a different medium
22:47.29NirkusGGD: PXE ist nothing but some minimalistic boot code on top of a network interface card, which gets initiated by the (PC) BIOS, gets its configuration from DHCP, and..
22:48.07Nirkusit receives an IP address and path to download a bootloader (pxelinux) via TFTP from
22:48.27Nirkuswhat happens after that is dependant on the bootloader only
22:48.45GGDIE pxelinx?
22:48.59Nirkusyap. and pxelinux is not linux
22:49.16Nirkusit's just a PXE capable version of syslinux
22:50.04GGDi am sorta versed on it but not exactly up to spead
22:50.11GGDthe questions
22:50.18Nirkusshoot :)
22:50.20GGDwhat exactly can be PXE booted?
22:50.37GGDi know
22:50.53Nirkusany PXE network boot program compatible code :>
22:50.54GGDhirens boot cd
22:51.17GGDwhat do you mean?  i am sorta curious
22:51.36GGDi want to build a PX server and i want to make sure that i can get what i can get etc
22:51.45NirkusGGD: when you boot from your hard disk, there is a boot loader which will load your OS code
22:52.00Nirkusfor Windows it's ntloader foo stuff something
22:52.10Nirkusfor linux its grub, mostly
22:53.02NirkusGGD: basically, the problem of booting something via PXE is the problem of finding some PXE boot loader that can download and boot that something
22:53.29GGDoh why is that?
22:54.15Nirkusbecause no OS (meaning not Linux, not Windows, not Windows PE, ..) is able to boot directly on top of a PXE boot ROM of some network card
22:55.22GGDoh i see
22:55.25Nirkusso you need some pxe boot loader which gets booted by the PXE ROM of your card, so that boot loader can display some user menu and download the OS and a ramdisk or something like that into ram and then boot it
22:55.32GGDso i couldnt pxe boot windows?
22:55.44NirkusGGD: in theory, it is possible
22:56.23NirkusGGD: there would need to be some form of image which could be downloaded and booted by for example pxelinux
22:56.34GGDis there a "list" that shows what you can PXE boot?
22:56.54GGDbut not to much as it has to be lite enough to go on teh RAM?
22:57.32NirkusGGD: as your PXE boot loader will not supported writing to disk or some usb stick, it will have to fit into RAM
22:57.47GGDahh ok
22:57.51GGDi think LD
22:58.26NirkusGGD: the alternative would be to access the filesystem needed for any OS via a network file system like NFS or SMB/CIFS. but windows does not support booting from a network drive AFAIK
22:59.05GGDit doesnt?
23:01.06NirkusGGD: maybe thatll help
23:01.12Nirkus..somewhat :)
23:04.02GGDperhaps put the 911 on the PXE wiki?
23:04.34GGDis there a "template" to use to create the cfg file?
23:06.51NirkusGGD: have to go back to idling right now :)
23:06.57Nirkuscya & good luck
23:07.03GGDfor the info
23:07.15Nirkusthere were a lot more google hits than those two links btw ;)
23:10.31GGDthank you

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