IRC log for ##pxe on 20071115

09:30.34*** join/##pxe Norky (
14:38.29*** join/##pxe Norky (
14:51.16*** join/##pxe toyotafosgate (n=toyotafo@
14:51.36toyotafosgateanyone there?
15:03.23jboti heard logs is apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
15:04.49toyotafosgatedo u remeember talking to me yesterday?
15:09.21jbeezlets see
15:10.25toyotafosgateyeah so we established that i had my dhcp set up correctly now what's the next step?
15:11.05jbeezso how far does it get?
15:13.24toyotafosgatei can hook up the server to be created and have it boot off dhcp...then go to the image server, bring up my prompt, i select the image i want and then it gets the kernel and image, it goes at this for a while until it gets to a point where it says start_network
15:14.08toyotafosgatethen it can't find pre-boot settings
15:14.16toyotafosgateit then trys to boot off dhcp and fails
15:14.29toyotafosgateit is using sit0 instead of eth0 too
15:14.44jbeezwhat os are you trying to install?
15:17.13toyotafosgateubuntu server edition
15:20.48toyotafosgatei am using system imager to copy an image from one server to another with an os on it
15:21.13jbeezim trying to read this to find you some answers,    im not normally in here, just trying to learn some things
15:23.52toyotafosgateyeah well thats cool
15:24.12toyotafosgatei appreciate your help
15:28.33toyotafosgatei just need to figure out a way to gibe the server a static ip after the initial setup finishes.. i think appending the kernel parameters would work but i don;t know how to do that
15:28.35jbeezare you reading through that? its a nice little primer, I might try to do it too
15:28.49jbeezhow about a static dhcpd reservation?
15:29.17toyotafosgateyeah that might work
15:29.39jbeezI do static reservations for several of my things
15:29.52toyotafosgatei also think that the image is not installing the right ethernet interface though
15:30.04jbeezthe ubuntu image?
15:30.10toyotafosgatebecause it sends out DHCP offers and doesn't get a response
15:30.26toyotafosgatei'm sorry the kernel
15:30.26jbeezwhat kind of network card is it?
15:31.13toyotafosgateits a intel pro/1000 MT
15:31.35jbeezah very nice, i use those at home
15:31.43jbeezi have some dual port versions, they work great
15:31.51toyotafosgateyeah they are nice
15:36.08toyotafosgatewith system imager i am copying the image and kernel from a different server, they are not same server, but shouldn'e the kernel still have most of the drivers?
15:37.14jbeezwell, what if its a kernel module?
15:37.34jbeezthe kernel might work with it, but if that driver isn't compiled into the kernel, how is it going to load that network device?
15:39.50toyotafosgateso how do i add that driver to it?
15:40.03toyotafosgatei don't know to much about linux or unix
15:40.18toyotafosgatei just started really working with it indepth
15:47.00jbeezI haven't used linux in a while, im a bsd guy myself, but i started on redhat 4.2 about 8 years ago
15:47.28jbeezyou're gonna have to google on recompiling your kernel, I used to do it from command line, but im sure theres some fancy gui for it
15:53.22toyotafosgateok i'll check that out
15:54.01toyotafosgatei think i know how to set static dhcp so that shouldn't be too bad
15:54.34toyotafosgatenow if i figure out how to recompile the kernel where do i find the driver for unix
15:54.54toyotafosgateand can i just add it or do i need to remove the other driver?
15:57.33jbeezthe driver for unix?
15:57.38jbeezintel is a well supported card
15:57.55jbeezwhen I did kernel configs, it was available as part of the kernel source files
15:58.06jbeezI just selected it in a text based menu
15:58.40jbeezmake menuconfig
15:59.31jbeezfind the driver, choose y to put it in the kernel, m to make it as a module
16:04.03toyotafosgatedo you know anything about Sit0?
16:04.19jbeezno, what is that the driver for?
16:04.20toyotafosgateits supposed to be IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling drivers....
16:04.33jbeezare you on an ipv6 network>?
16:04.40toyotafosgateno thats the weird part
16:07.31toyotafosgatecan i edit the kernel after its already been compiled though?
16:08.03jbeezwell you can alter the existing config
16:08.24jbeezI would think the intel driver was built by default as a  module
16:08.40toyotafosgatethats what i would think
16:08.43jbeezyou probably just need to move the module over somehow? I donno how that works, is this a special install kernel or a running system kernel
16:09.28toyotafosgatethe kernel was creates from an existing server yes
16:10.32jbeeztry using a kernel from a ubuntu install disk
16:11.15toyotafosgatebut i want to copy the config of the other server....
16:11.20toyotafosgatei want to replace it.
16:11.32toyotafosgatewill the image take care of that by itself
16:11.46toyotafosgatei don't want to have to reconfigure everything
16:11.50toyotafosgatecause its a mail server
16:13.24jbeeznot sure, you should install freebsd :D
16:14.22toyotafosgatehow does that work?
16:16.00jbeezit works well as a server
16:16.05jbeezyou need a mail server?
16:16.43toyotafosgateyeah but i work for a company that does mail hosting and web hosting and its already completely configured
16:16.50toyotafosgatewith thousands of accounts
16:17.16jbeezhow were the other servers installed?
16:31.45toyotafosgatefrom scratch
16:31.57toyotafosgatethats why i'm trying to get an imaging system setup
16:32.11*** join/##pxe famousjs (
16:35.15jbeezare all the servers teh same hardware?
16:41.16toyotafosgateno unfortunately
16:41.35toyotafosgatedo you think i should just install off the disk and then reimage
16:41.43toyotafosgatethat would copy all the config files right?
16:48.06jbeezpxe is just the way to install
16:48.21jbeezit sounds like you have some customizations you need to the install media to make it all configured at first bootup
16:55.48famousjshey...does anyone know a good site for a step by step instruction of how to put Ghost on top of PXE? if you typed rdhatimg at the pxe boot promt, it would load up ghost and start imaging with red hat.
16:56.00famousjstoo early haha
17:03.07jbeezthat'd be nice to have setup
18:45.53famousjsyeah...i need to be able to do that within three weeks for my new job
21:59.43*** join/##pxe Xires ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:00.45*** join/##pxe rcy (n=rcy@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:00.45*** join/##pxe Nirkus (i=rmf2mlh@about/pxe/Nirkus) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]

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