IRC log for ##pxe on 20070914

00:03.27*** join/##pxe namit (
08:21.15*** join/##pxe Norky (
15:37.42*** join/##pxe imMute^ (n=immute@unaffiliated/immute)
20:25.23tanelornhey again.. does anyone know if acronis disk-imager can be booted via pxe(linux)?
20:33.29ScytheBlade1Never used it, no
21:02.00tanelorni just grabbed the bootable cd.... piece of cake
21:02.08tanelornthere's a file called kernel.dat
21:02.12tanelornfile says
21:02.14tanelornkernel.dat: Linux x86 kernel root=0x100-ro vga=normal, bzImage, version 2.4.33-rc3-acronis#1 SMP Mon Se
21:06.16ScytheBlade1Well there you go :)
22:00.13tanelornis there a common place for sharing all the experiences i've made the last days?
22:00.48tanelornthe initrd is a romfs which my archlinux stock kernel does not know. :-\

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