irclog2html for ##pxe on 20070118

02:41.11*** join/##pxe ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
02:51.33*** join/##pxe ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
09:28.30*** join/##pxe Norky (
11:11.39*** part/##pxe Norky (
17:42.33*** join/##pxe bmunger (n=Brandon@
17:43.08bmungercan anyone tell me how big an NBP can be
17:43.14bmungerlike maximum size
17:44.57bmungerwhat i am trying to do is create a pxe server for a local network so I can boot and do hard drive ghosting, so I tried to do a floppy 2.88MB image with 95/98 bootsector and boot files but it says its too big and nowhere I can find a maximum size so I dont know if 1.44mb will work
17:51.56*** join/##pxe jcaceres (n=jcaceres@
18:02.02jcacereshello i have a doubt i seen i google that it's posible to install a distro using pxe, i initially followed  a tutorial,  and i could get a terminal running memtest, but know i wonder if its posible to load an small linux distro in a diskless terminal through PXE
18:02.19jcaceresdoes any body know where can i get that information
18:09.36jcacereswhere can i get other images to replace memtest
18:10.49jcaceresor how can i make some image of linux
18:39.36bmungeractually i figured it out
18:39.48bmungerpxelinux + memlinux + boot floppy image
18:42.25bmungerbut its searching for linux image and errors, then i have to type memdisk command manually
18:58.36jcaceresbmunger, that was for me?
19:26.38bmungernah i was stating a solutioni found for my own problem
19:26.47bmungeryou will want to use pxelinux
19:26.48bmungeras well
20:20.57ScytheBlade1bmunger, there isn't any real known max that I know of

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.