IRC log for ##lds on 20190511

02:30.50*** join/##lds BillyHW (~BillyHW@
02:43.02*** join/##lds BillyHW (~BillyHW@
05:52.26*** join/##lds copec (
06:21.16*** join/##lds Jantz (
07:47.13*** join/##lds BillyHW (~BillyHW@
12:21.55*** join/##lds justanotheruser (~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser)
13:59.48*** join/##lds BillyHW (~BillyHW@
14:26.04*** join/##lds BillyHW (~BillyHW@
15:26.07*** join/##lds BillyHW (~BillyHW@
15:50.34*** join/##lds silverballz (~hidden@
17:34.29*** join/##lds BillyHW (~BillyHW@
22:10.23*** join/##lds BillyHW (~BillyHW@
22:56.31*** join/##lds justanotheruser (~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.