IRC log for ##kierra on 20130712

01:50.33*** join/##kierra tw1sted (~tw1sted@unaffiliated/tw1sted)
02:30.31*** join/##kierra brad` (
02:40.15*** join/##kierra tw1sted_ (
02:41.23*** join/##kierra tw1sted (~tw1sted@unaffiliated/tw1sted)
07:39.08*** join/##kierra short_circuit (
08:44.47*** join/##kierra brad (~brad@
10:18.00*** join/##kierra brad`_ (
12:43.16*** join/##kierra Pimpi (
12:43.17*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
14:09.34*** join/##kierra BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
14:09.34*** mode/##kierra [+v BulletCatcher] by ChanServ
14:38.32*** join/##kierra short_circuit (
16:08.41*** join/##kierra unclelightning (
16:13.46*** join/##kierra short_circuit (
17:02.00*** join/##kierra brad` (~brad@
18:13.04*** join/##kierra brad (~brad@
18:52.08*** join/##kierra short_circuit (
19:41.04*** join/##kierra short_circuit (
20:06.40*** join/##kierra ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
20:06.40*** mode/##kierra [+o ChanServ] by
20:17.15ndimitrijInteresting question.
22:09.54kierraBulletCatcher: ping :)
22:12.04*** join/##kierra ashvala (~ashvala@unaffiliated/ashvala)
22:12.04*** mode/##kierra [+v ashvala] by ChanServ
22:46.03joevanohaving a pacemaker "installed" on Monday 8AM
22:50.29BulletCatcherHope the procedure is uneventful.
23:07.21ndimitrijHope the upgraded joevano works better than the presumably derated current one.
23:17.23joevanoi'm told it is a 25 minute precedure and I can go home a few hours after it is done

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.