IRC log for ##kierra on 20120723

04:09.36*** join/##kierra Flash (~jwmelto@bzflag/developer/Flash)
04:09.36*** mode/##kierra [+v Flash] by ChanServ
05:48.44I_Died_OnceHappy Birthday, joevano
06:17.51allejohappy anniversary of escaping the womb, joevano
07:34.44mdskpr~hapbir ahs3-
07:34.44purlACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to ahs3-
07:39.43*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
10:10.52*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
10:10.52*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
12:10.07*** join/##kierra Flash (~jwmelto@bzflag/developer/Flash)
12:10.08*** mode/##kierra [+v Flash] by
12:22.27*** join/##kierra Flash (~jwmelto@bzflag/developer/Flash)
12:22.27*** mode/##kierra [+v Flash] by
12:46.52ahs3-mdskpr, thx thx, Happy Birthday joevano
12:59.37*** join/##kierra brad (
13:20.51*** join/##kierra spldart (
13:20.52*** join/##kierra spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
13:26.15*** topic/##kierra by kierra -> Welcome: || "Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth" || "Nothing baffles the schemes of evil people so much as the calm composure of great souls." ||" In order for you to be insulted, you must first value their opinion."|| HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ahs3 and joevano!
13:26.54kierra~hapbir joevano
13:26.55purlACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to joevano
13:31.06*** join/##kierra I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
13:45.47spldartYay! happy birthday happenings and stuff :~D
13:45.56*** join/##kierra ahs3- (
13:45.57*** mode/##kierra [+v ahs3-] by ChanServ
14:03.00*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
14:20.01allejohappy anniversary of escaping the womb, ahs3- :D
14:20.23jujiboHappy Birthday joevano :)
14:20.36jujiboand ahs3- :)
14:21.26ahs3-haha @ allejo, thx thx
14:22.11ahs3-allejo, I was actually hatched :)
14:23.52allejoescaping the shell* :P
14:24.42ndimthrows a congratulatory corn kernel in front of ahs3-'s beak
14:24.55ndimHappy birthday to whoever it may concern!
14:25.08scottthank you ndim!
14:25.17ndim~lart scott
14:25.17purlwhips out a sword and chops scott in half
14:25.25ndim~blame scott
14:25.25purlACTION blames scott (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
14:28.02ndimHalf past four.
14:28.08ndimgives up for the day and goes home.
14:28.20scottenjoy ndim!
14:28.26ndimI was here already at half past eleven, after all :)
14:28.37scottlong day!
15:34.54*** join/##kierra Constitution (~josh@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
15:34.54*** mode/##kierra [+v Constitution] by ChanServ
16:03.01Constitution~hapbir joevano
16:03.01purlACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to joevano
16:03.43I_Died_Oncesings Happy Birthday and refuses to pay royalty fees.
16:46.27*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
17:01.51kierraConstitution: ping
17:10.35jujibo~hug kierra
17:10.35purlACTION jumps into kierra's lap and huggles and *hugs* kierra
17:21.15kierrayou dear, sweet man!
19:33.02*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
20:18.02*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
21:07.02*** join/##kierra mdskpr (~mdskpr@

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