IRC log for ##kierra on 20120522

00:00.07spldartI've only memorized to 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993
00:15.51*** join/##kierra mrapple (~mrapple@unaffiliated/mrapple)
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01:30.03allejonow that's kinda sad, spldart
01:31.19allejoi dislike disorganized and unefficient programmers
01:34.56spldartI figure memorizing pi that far could pay off in a bar bet... Or perheps.. impress a nerd chick... ;)
01:35.46spldartI figure... I'm a hot nerd.... A hot nerd'ess.... pi.... yeah
01:47.13allejofair enough logic
01:51.00spldart\o/ Huzzah!
01:52.07spldartBoolean says when logic confirmed user must rejoice
01:52.37spldartand user always > program
01:53.08allejo[[ logic ]] && spldart rejoice || spldart sad
01:58.40spldarthah! :)
01:58.56spldarttwo | always make me :(
02:02.19allejowait what?
02:04.09spldartI'm a one | kinda guy... oh wait...that was just wrong :(
02:04.18spldartruns to bed
02:07.58allejoi am utterly confused behind the logic behind one |
02:08.40short_circuitlinux. pipe. ?
02:09.06short_circuitI know you were like C on me right??
02:09.17short_circuitI was command line
02:09.38short_circuitor am I a nerd totally lost in the forest of glass tree's
02:10.03short_circuitsci fi joke
02:10.46short_circuitgod I need to take my contacts out soon or I'll fall asleep with them in... But I must resist sleep....
02:11.07short_circuitmmMMm this apple is good
02:11.48short_circuitHow cum noone plays rc anymore?
02:14.19short_circuitUgh! My thrice washed hands are imparting a bearing grease flavor to my fruit rich dinner :(
02:22.37allejoohhhhhhh derp i forgot about the linux pipe :O
02:59.33short_circuitrabbit chase has left me in a heavenly state! Wheeeeeeeeee! Beep!
03:16.02allejo~seen ahs3~
03:16.09purlallejo: i haven't seen 'ahs3~'
03:16.16allejo~seen ahs3-
03:16.16purlahs3- <> was last seen on IRC in channel ##kierra, 47d 4h 29m 59s ago, saying: 'kierra: ok'.
03:17.25allejoanyone know what happened to ahs3 or bzbg?
03:51.18short_circuitOk... fight against zleep = fail... nighty night all you Kierra partisans... <3 @ u all.
03:59.32BulletCatcherahs3 is starting up a business, and took down bzbg so he could focus on that.
04:00.10BulletCatcherWe wish him swift success so he can afford to hire someone to run a BZFlag server. :-)
04:25.51*** join/##kierra mrapple (~mrapple@
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04:43.42allejowoah!!! that's awesome!!! :D
04:44.45allejowishs ahs3 success
04:44.49allejogets on fb
05:54.30*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
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07:31.12*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
07:45.00Constitutionanyone think purl would accept a ~no pi is tasty?
07:45.17Constitution~factinfo pi
07:45.17purlerror: you do not have enough flags for that. (o required)
07:45.17purlpi -- last modified at Tue Nov 23 04:32:11 2004 by TimRiker!; it has been requested 67 times, last by allejo, 8h 33m 32s ago; it has been locked by TimRiker.
08:00.14*** join/##kierra short_circuit (
08:27.45*** join/##kierra short_circuit (
10:50.05purlextra, extra, read all about it, pi is 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091
12:52.07scotti like pie
13:12.01kierra_awayallejo, pm me about ahs3
13:12.27kierra_awayoops, i should read down first. BC answered u
13:19.16Quolscott: was that the one where there was an issue right at liftoff?
13:20.17scottfaulty valve
13:20.27scottfixed it and it launched flawlessly this am
13:20.40QuolI bet ducttape was involved
13:20.55scottwhatever it takes :)
13:34.50Quolscott: while we are on the space topic...wingcommander saga is reallygreat (although really hard)
13:35.52scotti remember it as being hard
13:35.55Quolplayed the first 3 missions in the game, got stuck, so figured I would do the prolugue (which doubles as a tutorial), and now I am stuck on the prologue mission
13:35.59Quolkeep dying
13:36.58Quoland the script/voice overs are done pretty well..I find myself laughing at the dialog at times
13:43.04TheRedBaronwhile we are the topic of space,  Eve is a pretty good game, confirm/deny?
13:44.43scottnever heard of it
13:52.52*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
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14:01.56*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
14:41.19QuolTheRedBaron: if you think that sitting for hours on end watching lasers pulsate into space to rocks is fun - then ya, eve was great!! :)
14:41.35*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (~Grumpfy@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
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14:42.00kierrahi Grumpfy
14:42.13GrumpfyHey kierra :)
14:42.24Quoloh - and waiting months and months to do something cool, just to figure out that you trained the wrong thing, and now have to train another couple of months to do something cool...but then you changed your mind, and you want to do this, so that's another couple months of training :)
14:43.39kierraand it took months and months to figure out the waste of time????
14:43.45kierra<3 Quol
14:44.16Quolwell, it took me about 6 months to figure out that you are paying to wait to do something cool, which is why I left - ya :)
14:44.30Quolbut I prepaid for a kept thinking "but it's got to get better"
14:47.08scottwatching toki lead everyone to their doom was worth it :D
14:53.34QuolI thknk that sums out why I left eve pretty well :)
15:00.24Quolthis one too:
15:55.33*** join/##kierra Gabe_G23 (u557@bzflag/player/GabrielG)
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16:12.23kierra~lart brad
16:12.23purlburns brad to a crisp with a laser
16:16.16kierraburnt to a crisp!
16:16.31kierrahe asked for a gu fm and then left
16:41.31mdskpr~lart brad
16:41.31purlwhacks brad with a giant beaver's tail
16:57.27kierra~spank brad
16:57.28purlACTION bends brad over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on brad's pasty white buttocks.
16:57.39kierraand i got atg to come
17:23.20kierrai would ask what it would take to get you on bz again, scott....but afraid of the answer
17:23.29kierraas for quol.....sigh
17:23.34kierrai miss shooting his tank
17:24.22TheRedBaron~pants scott
17:24.22purlACTION steals scott's pants
17:27.42scottwhy trb, why?!
17:28.17TheRedBaronI'm a pants kleptomaniac
17:28.29TheRedBaroncept I outsource my work to purl
17:38.32Quolkierra: I think you mean you miss *trying* to shoot my tank :)
17:42.32purlACTION mooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass
17:42.39ndimis about to call it a day.
17:42.39QuolTheRedBaron: how was team fortress? saw you playing it the other day
17:42.43kierrahehe, quol!
17:42.49kierrasometimes I got you good
17:42.57Quolyes you did :)
17:43.02TheRedBaronQuol: Not bad, I still knew how to aim the rocket launcher
17:43.15Quolhas never played it
17:43.24TheRedBaronoh, and now that it's gone free to play, the amount of newbs is refreshing :D
17:44.58QuolI was thinking of trying it out
17:54.08TheRedBaronQuol:  you've never tried it?
17:54.43Quolscott: that's a cute little board
17:55.07Quoltrying to think of uses for it...the only thing that comes to mind is a media PC or something along those liens
17:55.32TheRedBaronQuol: its good fun!
17:55.43TheRedBaronI've hosted many a "lan" party that lasted until wee hours in the morning
17:55.54TheRedBaronHaven't done any recently (due to the little one)
17:56.03TheRedBaronbut you can join a server, play for 30 minutes and go
17:56.20Quolcool..will try it out then I guess (at some point)
17:59.49*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (~Grumpfy@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
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18:40.54*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
20:43.57TheRedBaron~lart scott
20:43.57purlputs on some milking gloves. "All right, now, scott, this won't hurt a bit...."
20:50.00scottlays back and enjoys
20:57.39Quolya - that sounds like something scott would, if only purl looked like:
20:59.42Quolbut I think purl looks more like this scott:
21:01.53Quolbut maybe you like that sort-of thing?
21:02.14scottonly from toki
21:29.08short_circuitMY EYES D-8 I'm scarred for life!
21:29.59short_circuitI could have gone my hole life not knowing what a 'mankini' is
21:44.54*** join/##kierra mrapple (~mrapple@unaffiliated/mrapple)
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23:00.55kierramrapple: play bz some!

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