IRC log for ##kierra on 20111124

01:22.43*** part/##kierra kierra (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
01:22.43*** join/##kierra kierra (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
01:22.43*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
01:45.53*** join/##kierra allejo (
09:19.04*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
10:07.10*** join/##kierra anteater (~Backup@about/essy/TheAardvark/anteater)
10:07.10*** mode/##kierra [+v anteater] by ChanServ
12:00.53*** topic/##kierra by kierra -> Welcome: || "Friends are helpful not only because they will listen to us, but because they will laugh at us; Through them we learn a little objectivity, a little modesty, a little courtesy; We learn the rules of life and become better players of the game" || "Fame and riches are fleeting. Stupidity is eternal" || Happy Thanksgiving!
12:47.43ndim~coffee kierra
12:47.44purlACTION steals some of ahs3-'s special coffee and gives it to kierra on a silver platter.
12:48.19ndimTo whom it may concern: Happy Thanksgiving!
12:48.35kierrayay, ty ty ndim
12:52.53bradis it true canadian thanksgiving was last month?
13:07.38ndimbrad: Wikipedia claims CA thanksgiving is on the second monday in october.
13:22.02*** join/##kierra anteater (~Backup@about/essy/TheAardvark/anteater)
13:22.03*** mode/##kierra [+v anteater] by ChanServ
13:25.28ndimthrows anteater into an ant heap
13:25.49ndimthrows anteater into an ant hill
13:38.05kierra~tea ndim
13:38.05purlACTION realizes it's time for high tea and gets busy in the kitchen.  He brings out tea, crumpets, scones and an assortment of delectable goodies and serves them properly to ndim and others
13:38.19kierrandimmo, you need to plan a trip to Florida!
13:38.25kierraval says so!
13:50.34ndimNeed to plan a uni degree, a job and my own place first, though.
13:51.52ndimSo... no FL before 2013.
14:22.05scotttoo bad the world is ending next year
14:24.58kierralol, scott
14:47.49*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
14:47.49*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
15:37.45*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
15:55.03ndimscott: In 2012, I graduate from university, and the world ends. Coincidence?
15:59.55ndimI THINK NOT!
16:54.33scottomg... you'll be in the workforce! :)
17:19.23*** join/##kierra allejo (
17:53.27*** join/##kierra mdskpr (6c19837a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:13.57*** join/##kierra kierra (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
19:13.57*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
19:48.12*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
20:21.04*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
20:21.04*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
23:16.28*** join/##kierra catay (
23:16.28*** join/##kierra mrapple (~mrapple@bzflag/player/MrAppleComputer)
23:16.28*** join/##kierra brad (
23:16.28*** join/##kierra allejo (
23:16.28*** join/##kierra ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
23:16.28*** join/##kierra Gilly (~btw@about/essy/ilkimys/gilly)
23:16.28*** mode/##kierra [+ovov catay mrapple ChanServ Gilly] by
23:16.28*** join/##kierra Gabe_G23 (u557@bzflag/player/GabrielG)
23:16.28*** join/##kierra ndim (
23:16.28*** join/##kierra joevano (~joevano@bzflag/developer/JoeVano)
23:16.28*** join/##kierra Quol (~Quol@
23:16.28*** mode/##kierra [+vvvo Gabe_G23 ndim joevano Quol] by
23:16.28*** join/##kierra BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
23:16.28*** join/##kierra Constitution (~const@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
23:16.28*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
23:16.28*** join/##kierra sirquine (
23:16.28*** join/##kierra ahs3- (
23:16.28*** mode/##kierra [+vvov BulletCatcher Constitution Pimpinella ahs3-] by
23:16.28*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (
23:16.28*** join/##kierra KTL (
23:16.28*** join/##kierra scott (~scott@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe96:c8c7)
23:16.28*** join/##kierra orange (~mdw@about/essy/gummy/orange)
23:16.28*** join/##kierra Admirarch (
23:16.29*** mode/##kierra [+ovo TheRedBaron scott orange] by
23:33.42*** join/##kierra kierra (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
23:33.42*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
23:45.57ahs3-brad, plugins loaded 5157 5158 took me long enough :)
23:59.24allejokierra: plugin is just about done btw. i just need brad to get a php script set up server side for ol :)

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